Alt-Hero #1: Crackdown (Alt★hero)

ByVox Day

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Captain Europa recruits a reluctant French model to join an EU sponsored super-hero team. Their first mission? Aiding the police in a crackdown on internet "hate posters" that proves more challenging than anticipated. Great drama, strong, characters, and excellent world-building. Can't wait for the next issue!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scott munro
This is a good first step. Solid story, adequate art, but if I’ve learned anything from Castalia House and Vox Day, this is only going to get better. These people learn and put everything they know into making better books. This is a good first step, but in a year’s time it will pale in comparison because everything will have gotten that much better. Get in on the ground floor! You will not regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal smith
This is the beginning of something interesting. In Alt*Hero, superheroes are known by many governments and registered for the safety of all. If you're thinking "Mutant Registration Act" it's because it feels about the same way. So far we have characters choosing sides to "play nice" with the governments or being encouraged to play nice at the end of a weapon.

Either way, the threads of something intriguing are being laid here and I'm looking forward to where it goes and how we get there.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book made my comic-hating husband laugh out loud. I was a backer of the campaign to launch Alt-Hero, and I’ve already gotten my money’s worth. While I agree with others that the art could be better, I love the style and coloring. The writing is of course excellent. A lot of content for a first issue. Excited for the rest!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caitlin brase sulak
Promising start, good, believable story. Art, and to a lesser degree color work have the occasional rough patch (Dynamique on the cover for instance), so dropping it a star, overall though, worth it. Not regretting backing it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janette espinoza
I actually haven’t purchased a comic book for many years. I had a rather large, old and valuable collection stolen from me some years ago and haven’t bothered since. I happened to come upon the fact that these folks were being attacked for no reason except that they weren’t liked politically, I don’t know. I was able to read one and decided to support them, since I didn’t see them as hateful, whatsoever. There’s so much Actual craziness going on in the world right now, that I see Zero logic in hurting someone trying to succeed. I enjoyed shutting out the world for a bit and reading a comic book again. I wish them luck! Thank you!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
karin tazel
Honestly, it sounds like his hugo award nominations were mostly rigged by him, which should maybe be an issue for the store's marketing team to consider cause it's basically fraud. On top of that he sounds like a terrible person who of course works his ideology into is work. Thus his work is riddled with terrible ideology. He shouldn't profit off of people reading his garbage, that validates his personal mission.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Coming from a drawing background, I think the art is not the best. Not really great at all, but I like the story. 3 for the art, 5 for the story (i will meet in the middle of those 2 ratings) = 4 stars!

I will buy more issues, though. I like it enough to do that :)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicholas buzanski
Hate generally is pretty dull, but this guy brings punching down to whole new level. Writing is awful, art is pretty good. HUGO finalist LOL...anyone can be nominated for a HUGO. The author is a true winner.
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