SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

ByVox Day

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hugh centerville
Vox Day's SJWAL accurately explains the method and intent of SJW targeting. For this reason the book would be very valuable to anyone trying to understand, avoid or mitigate the consequences of such an attack. He also provides examples of such attacks that have occurred to both prominent individuals and even himself. Some of these people were actually SJWs themselves which highlights the fact that no one is fully immune to their targeting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay johnston
Besides an excellent call to arms against the nanny-totalitarians of our time, reading this book opened my eyes about a phenomenon that has plagued me my whole life. The number of times I have laid out a perfectly logical argument, only to have the other person sweep it aside and respond with "But what about my feeeeeeeelings?" is simply unknowable. Now I know- those people are rhetorically limited. It is unnecessary to try to talk to them logically because they no more understand reason than they do Aramaic, and they are no more capable of doing so than they are flapping their arms to get to the Moon.

That's really the most important lesson for dealing with SJWs. Don't bother to reason with them, just find their emotional weaknesses and twist the knife as hard as you can. It's all they know and all they deserve.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
azalea hidayat
Say what you want about Day: He absolutely NAILS the current political zeitgeist. Whether or not you disagree with his conclusions, his analysis is worth reading.

And even better than being a diagnoser of a problem, Day offers practical solutions. This book is worth it for his breakdown of dialectic vs. rhetoric (and when and how to effectively use them) alone. It's a good thing the rest is also insanely useful and instructive.

I don't care if you're right-wing, left-wing, or no-wing, or an SJW yourself: You will learn from SJWs Always Lie. I'm eagerly looking forward to reading the second book in this series.
The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon :: Good Morning, Midnight :: A Princess of Mars / The Gods of Mars / The Warlord of Mars (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) :: Dumplin' by Julie Murphy (2015-09-15) :: A Magic Broken
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ami shah
As one would expect, Vox Day rarely pulls his punches, once he decides to throw one. This book is no exeption.

For a long time, decades in fact, the right has been engaging in a painful fighting withdrawal. Now many see that there is no escape from the social justice onslaught. Justice has always been rightly ascribed on an individual basis - receiving one's rightful due for one's actions. No more, no less. The SJWs have been riding the wave of racial and identity politics, and have infiltrated organizations, corporations and offices around the country, spreading their twisted version of justice.

"SJWs always lie" provides examples of this, but, more importantly, outlines the tactics of the new thought police, and provides a shockingly simple formula for resisting them. The counterattack theme will ring familiar to anyone who has followed the Duck Dynasty and Chick-fil-et tempests. Or for any one who has noticed Donald Trump's surging popularity.

Never apologize, never back down, and never resign when the SJW onslaught begins. The later recommendation to ostracize and repel SJWs from our own organizations in the future is the only option available. This book is a must-buy for anyone who sees the noxious social environment around and simply thinks - "enough."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william burleson
Unlike some reviewers, who apparently haven't read the book, I got ripped off! There was only one chapter 5 in my copy.

In all seriousness is, this is a simple and clear guidebook to the strange phenomenon of the Internet mob attack. Day could have used many other examples, like the scientist who was crucified for wearing the wrong shirt by various journalists and other marginal characters who have never accomplished anything but bitching about their betters; and that hapless scientist could have benefited greatly from this book whilst he was under attack.

With the examples that he uses make it clear that he is dealing with a general phenomenon, and so it's easy for the reader to apply Day's templates to other cases of SJW meltdown, whether the subject is gun control or the climate hockey stick.

With this book, Day has created an instructional classic, a counterweight to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Its biggest advantage over Alinsky's work (which can be used as easily by people opposed to Alinsky's politics as those in support) is the block of instruction on the uses of rhetoric vs. dialectic (Aristotle's, not Hegel's). Rules for Radicals never breaks through the rhetoric barrier.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda sartori
The mad march of "progress" has been proclaimed to be inevitable no matter the consequences and logical contortions required. This book by Vox Day serves as a simple guide book for those who have had difficulty in the past logically defending a world that is built on absolute truth from those who view truth as relative. By clearly identifying and providing examples of how to defend against the madness, Vox inspires and stiffens the spines of those who concluded that another more confrontational approach is required to reclaim absolute truth but worry that what can appear to be inevitable martyrdom may strategically serve the interest of their foe. Simply put the darkness of progress can not bear the shocking illumination of Godly Absolute Truth. In an ambush -- attack!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah menken
Vox Day provides an excellent overview of how the Social Justice bullies operate, nicely illustrated by many examples of his own interactions with them. Vox's three laws (1. SJWs always lie. 2. SJWs always double down. 3. SJWs always project.) are behaviors I've noticed in many dishonest rhetoriticians, and it's good to have them systematically explained. His outline of the standard SJW attack is excellent and thorough, and his rules for countering attacks is something you NEED TO KNOW.

Altogether, an outstanding work of resistance to the totalitarians amongst us. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adam m
This book is about how the gaming community fought off challenges to freedom of thought and free speech, supposedly guaranteed by the US Constitution and Western values.This is an important subject for those Americans who remember when this really WAS a Free Country, and therefore the greatest country on Earth. If we are to win our country back, we need to study what works for that.

I found interesting Day's description of how SWJ's infiltrate major corporations. They get in, work hard, do all the dirty work and make friends with the leaders until they are in a position of power. Then they are in a position to sink the careers of anyone who disagrees with some part of their agenda. That is exactly how Cold War era communists treated churches. And of course, the book describes what you have to do about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A practical guide to the nature of SJWs (people who feed off political correctness) , their threat, their methods, and how to counter them. You can view SJW as a performance, an act that lets the performer gain status by destroying another. Make no mistake the goal is to destroy, not build. Specious pretexts are the stock in trade of the point-and-shriek crowd. This is a book that is worth re-reading for the insights that can be applied in the field. And if you or a loved one fall afoul of the PC thought police and their internet mobs, this book might save you job, reputation, and self-respect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather smith
Third copy bought. First got the ebook, then the paperback, then another paperback. (Loaned my first one. {sigh}) Brilliant! I was not particularly familiar with GamerGate, so it was a bit of difficult going early on, because I didn't know the circumstances. However, Vox Day's explanations kept me following what he meant. Because I see so much entryism, and so much destruction wrought by SJWs (social justice warriors) in a variety of fields, having this great guide to how they attack, and how to live through it is extremely worth reading and preparing yourself to use if you need it!

And you'll need it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda midcap
Great Read. Even though I knew nothing about gaming or sci-fi groups his illumination of SJW's modus operandi and ways to deal with them was spot-on and invaluable. I'm glad to see there are some younger people willing to fight back against the woosification and consequently dumbing down of our society. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john laah
Excellent education on how to understand and deal with SJW's. The last chapter, #10, tells exactly why Donald Trump is doing so well when he breaks all the rules. I was amazed at Day's clarity of thought and example. He is very pugnacious in this book. And being the winner is what this book is about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book might just be the most dangerous book in America.

It begins with a primer on the forces of intolerance and thought control that are currently active in today's society, and provides a revealing look at the hearts and minds of those at the forefront of shutting down open and honest debate. It uses the on-going saga of GamerGate to provide an in-depth analysis of one front in the culture war, and to illustrate the standard playbook of those who prosecute the modern day Salem Witch Trials. The book then segues into effective counter-strategies that can be used against them. Generally the counter-strategies are defensive in nature, but if practiced on a wide-spread scale by individuals and small groups, they result in a powerful offensive strategy capable of pushing back against the totalitarians in our midst.

While the background and tactical studies portions of the book are worth the cover price, the real value of this book lies in its clarion call to like-minded individuals who have long been silenced by the insidious tactics of those who would outlaw dissent. The seemingly endless string of successes by those who support destructive public policies can often lead to feelings of resignation and cynicism among those who oppose the modern day tyranny of censorship, but this book underlain by an energizing message of hope and optimism meant to inspire the reader to fight the good fight, and by that measure it is a wild success.

It may not directly inspire an earth-shaking demonstration that single-handedly changes the world, but it is easy to imagine "SJWs Always Lie" inspiring countless acts of quiet resistance that together add up to a powerful and undeniable pushback against the entire culture of thought-crimes. In that way, this book helps serve as a bellows heating up the spark of freedom that still lurks in the hearts of all men, which - if we are lucky - will fan the flames of an honest debate between those who hold a defense of truth, real justice, and the American way against those who believe the spread of lies, false justice, and slavery are virtues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gwendolyn brooks
This book has described precisely, every experience I have had with liberal sjw types. What I had never considered before now, was an objective set of tactics for dealing with them, exposing them, and ultimately driving them back to their moldy burrows.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very practical resource. At first I thought it was coming off as an overly detailed description of an in house debate in two sub cultures that the majority of regular people out there don't know or care about (the worlds of gaming and science fiction), but then the author did a solid job of making it clear that the particular sub culture is beside the point. Also, he was able to poke fun at both of the sub cultures he is part of (I think he referred to them as 'strange' or something like that). It was nice to get the good, tactical information, without seeing him take himself too seriously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An indispensable guide to SJWs and their methods of attack. The chapter at the end on rhetoric and dialectic is just great. If you don't quite understand what gamergate was about or the Hugo controversy, come here to be enlightened. Protect yourself, buy this book today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
foster bass
This book is fantastic! Vox Day has written the must-have book for dealing with the societal onslaught of Social Justice Warriors. If you ever find yourself in their cross-hairs, this book provides the best advice for making a counter-attack. A quick read, it covers the subject thoroughly. His summary of GamerGate was very helpful, since I have found that subject quite confusing. And along with the solid information, there are also some laughs. A fun book recommended only for those with a sense of humor. Too bad the SJWs cannot benefit, but their triggers will go off and blow their minds! Great job, Vox!
I've just realized that I am now part of the anti-SJW group. I always avoid joining groups. I refused to join MENSA. I refused to pledge any fraternities. I never gave a name to the group I accidentally formed in high school to discuss math and science and science fiction. And I hate when strangers say hello to me because we share the same skin color, and for no other reason. I really, really hate that. Just because I am black does not mean that I voted for the idiot in the White House. But now I am part of the group opposing the Thought Police. And I am glad to be here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Excellent book that lays out in great detail the SJW hypocrisy. Not being a gamer, I had some difficulty understanding the #gamergate issues but Vox did a tremendous job in laying out his thesis. You need thick skin to read this and not for sissy's. Great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel halls
Written for anyone who has triggered a microagression and suffered the long slog through Human Resources or the local Diversity Re-education Camp. A survival guide to fend off the various grievance collectors that you will face in both your professional and private lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary robeson
To say Social Justice Warriors are a plague upon this Earth is to tarnish the reputation of the Black Death. And given the ire of the Reaper in that age, I wouldn't dare to do that. But, until now, it was very difficult for a man of average means, slaving away in the cubicle like any other slob, constantly worried about his job, to deal with these cretins. Vox explains to us exactly how this game is played.

Understand that, when it comes to battling SJWs, Vox's advice is practical and accessible. This is not a man prone to an overabundance of high prose when the simple and readable will do. So this isn't a book strictly for the literati, or the academics. If you're a plumber or a CEO, it doesn't matter. This is useful information if you are to survive. Indeed, one CEO Vox mentions might just have survived if he had read and followed the advice contained in this book.

Now, like any other manual of war, and don't misunderstand, that's what this book is, the author doesn't guarantee you victory. There are no false promises. In fact, he makes it plain that on a personal level, if you attract the attention of the amoebic slime, the protoplasmic tentacles of Social Justice, you may lose even with his help. But here's the important part: you'll have a fighting chance, and you might just take a few of them with you on your way out. Without this book and the advice contained therein, defeat is almost certain unless you have battled them as long as he has.

I've read a lot of literature on Progressivism, Extremist Leftism, Culture Wars and the like, and I must say that there isn't anything on the market, not one book, that comes close to the simple, accessible revelations in SJWs Always Lie. If you've read Vox's other great non-fiction work, The Irrational Atheist, you will have some idea of the depths to which the author goes to support his reasoned analysis.

But where that work dealt with something that very few of us touch on every day, SJWs Always Lie deals with far more important subject matter for the everyman. Because, where you might be able to brush off a conversation about Atheism and the history of Religion, you will NOT be able to brush off the SJW.

The SJW is merciless. He lurks within your HR department. He is there on your Facebook wall. You will meet him in church, or in your clubs. You will see him at the bar, or she might very well be the girl you're set to date next Friday.

Some of you might be thinking that they have left you alone, and that may be true. It may even be possible that you will escape their notice forever. But ask if that's a risk worth taking, and if $5 and a few hours of your time isn't worth the potential payoff, should the fight come to your doorstep.

This is, and I say this with no exaggeration whatsoever, easily one of the most important books to come out in this decade. Now, stop reading my drivel and buy the damned thing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c j carter stephenson
Given the unfortunate reality that SJWs infest any form of organization from corporate culture to video games to comic to even the animal rights movement to weaken and warp these places into whatever dogmatic non-sense they learned at their liberal arts college, every single person who cares about his/her interest or livelihood is obligated to fight in this cultural war. Vox Day gives good common sense advice that comes from diligently studying his enemy. Invest is this book and turn around and hit them twice as hard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl baranski
Its a very insightful book. I kick myself for not getting it sooner, as a friend recently bore the brunt of an 'sjw' style attack.

Pretty much a must have for the advice given if you work anywhere in the public sector, such as education given the sheer number of the 'sjw' types present. Chapters 8, 9 and 10 in particular are worthy of attention and I wish the author would expound a bit further on them given their importance.

Two 'cons' to bear in mind
-A fair amount of this book is focused on the author's experiences, hugo awards, gamergate etc. As should be obvious, your ability to relate or make use of that early content may vary considerably.
-There is alot of direct quoting of twitter or other posts from the internet and on occasion the formatting looks odd especially on the margins for tweets. Might of been intentional.

Despite those quibbles arguably the best political-ish book I have read in the past three years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
atul sabnis
I've been thinking all night about the terms dialectic and rhetorical discussions. Then I got to wondering if Jesus also used language and argument the same way. I have always believed that God's spokesmen engaged in pure logical arguments. But pure logic never works on some people, and I've figured that out. In the past, I've always considered people to whom I've poured out a essay of logical argument as dishonest. Maybe that wasn't fair to them. But I think that I'm going to attempt some rhetoric in my next discussions with them, and use these as purely experimental. To the so-called Christians, who are prone to tell me online that I should not judge:

Matthew 7:15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

That statement is purely rhetorical. But oh what an emotional jolt! The mental image of a starving wolf, wrapped up to deceive a sheep into getting close enough to slash to death with claw and teeth, before chewing off great hunks of the blood-clotted dead meat of a sheep. I'm looking forward to running with a few of these treats I've just viewed these in a whole new way, spoken by the Greatest Mind on earth, and a few of His dear apostles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy leslie
One need only read the multiple one star reviews of this book to verify its accuracy. They so perfectly typify the behavior that Day calls out that one might suspect him of planting them himself.

Vox Day lays out in clear, easy to understand terms the strategy of bully groups, how to identify their behavior, what to do and more importantly what not to do. Reading it took me back to a time in my life when I was driven out of a community group for the sin of refusing to take part in the shunning of another member. At the time I was bewildered and hurt, overwhelmed by the venom of people whom I had considered my close friends.

I see now the overall plan that I couldn't see then. I realize that it was nothing personal, that the SJW mentality can't escape the herd-think and that one is either blindly obedient to their will or an enemy to whom no mercy or compassion can ever be extended. If I had read this book before being caught up in the SJW feeding frenzy I would have done things differently, I would have documented everything, I would have made them force me out rather then resign, and I would have been better emotionally equipped to handle the attacks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria calokerinos
Solid advice on how to withstand the feigned outrages of, even counterattack, the lying social justice warriors. My only complaint is that by not being a video game player the heavy use of gamer jargon gets in the way of my full comprehension. If Mr. Day would add a glossary of terms, this old geezer would give it the Five Star Rating. Non-geezers or gamers of any age still might.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SJW's infiltrated the gaming industry, an odd corner of the business universe of the social universe that few of us pay attention to. As Vox Day says, gamers got no respect either from the left or the right. People look at gaming as pretty much a waste of time, an exercise for losers, and discount the fact that there are serious people in the business, doing serious things and making serious money.

Vox Day is one of them. In this tight little world, he enjoys high standing.

This is a personal story, told with passion. It is well-organized – told in a series of lists and bullet points. The beauty of the book is as much in the language as anything else. Vox Day is articulate, incisive, and as his critics will say venomous with great effect. His visceral hate of all the social justice nonsense comes through on every paragraph.

Vox Day starts takes the existence of social justice warriors as a given. There is a long history he does not investigate. It goes back by my recollection to the Herbert Marcuse's in the Frankfurt school, the campus radicals of the free speech movement, the political correctness of the 80s and 90s, and it culminates today with the social justice warriors. The premises are the same, and the illogic is the same.

Vox Day quotes some historical sources going back to Aristotle and some modern sources such as Theodore Dalrymple writing about communists, Roosh V who writes and blogs in the manosphere, John Derbyshire and Nicholas Nassim Taleb. But his story is not really what makes a social justice warrior – he'll leave that for somebody else – but how to fight them when they infest an organization you are associated with and threaten to bring the organization's progress to a halt and to end the association of you, the unsuspecting white male, the fair-minded white male, with the organization. Get you fired or ejected.

An extremely valuable book. It succinctly describes a major social issue and concrete steps to deal with it. Five Stars. That ends a short review. I offer chapter summaries as comments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Political correctness is now deeply interwoven into the fabric of corporations, the media, politics and especially into the institutions of higher education. During the days of Stalin's Soviet Union, citizens were afraid to speak out or say the wrong thing for fear of scolding commissars, gulags, or even worse. Today we supposedly 'free' citizens in the west are increasingly afraid to speak out, make a joke, say the 'wrong' thing or be out of alignment with the SJW 'narrative.' It could, after all cost us our livelihoods, our standing in the community and maybe even our sanity. We have become like the old Soviet Union--along with a PC propaganda arm known as the mainstream media. Thank goodness for the Internet--our last bastion of free speech!

Just two years ago I wasn't even certain what an SJW was, but Vox Day has pried up the Rock of Political Correctness and has shined a strong beam of light at the SJW lies writhing underneath it. His book is entertaining, enlightening and a mind-changer. Perhaps most importantly, it tells the TRUTH about the tyranny of SJW's and their relentless, Borg-like assimilation of western culture. After reading this book, you'll have a strategy. Not only will you be aware of when you're being attacked by SJWs, but you'll also have a simple plan to deal with them--without fear. This is an important and inspiring book. It's must reading for everyone--even the SJWs. Maybe a few will wake up and repent their ways. I wish I had read something such as this many years ago. OH--and he's the first person to clearly explain to me the importance of Gamer Gate. A tip of my politically incorrect hat to the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicholas lochel
Great practical advice and insight into those pc thought police who will try to get you fired for saying the truth, making an offhanded comment, or daring to express any disapproval for anything any victimhood group says or does. SJWs are fascists trying to shut down free speech and freedom. They demand diversity and equality even though those two contradict each other (if everyone is equal, diversity does not exist; if diversity - true substantive distinctions - exist, equality is impossible). Likewise, economic equality and inclusiveness are only possible if personal wealth and personal preference and choice are eliminated. SJWs are merciless, don't care about facts, logic, reality or their fellow human beings; all that matters is the SJW narrative and destroying anyone who says anything that contradicts it. This book tells you how to fight back. Excellent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie claude
An absolutely necessary book. This book should be read by everyone who is interacting with the new thought police (and that's everybody) to know how to identify them and their attachs and how to fight back. Great Book, I highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anyone who runs the risk of experiencing an SJW witch hunt (almost everyone) needs to read this. This book contains detailed strategies, examples, and tactics for beating the most aggressive political movement of our time. You will learn defensive actions to insulate your reputation and employment from attack, as well as learning how to go on the offensive once war is declared.

Social Justice has declared a cultural war on every ordinary, peaceably decent person in the West. Don't stand idle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tales of cultural battle against narcissistic Progressive revolutionaries, written by a man who's won some. Focuses on the gaming and sci-fi/fantasy fan subcultures, but the principles are applicable anywhere. Impressively concise, immaculately organized and documented, very insightful, an important resource for the sane individuals who are still trying to survive in the increasingly psychotic rubble of Western Civilization, and a real bargain for five bucks.

My only complaint would be that I'd like to see further expounding on the principles and resources identified by the author in his concluding chapter. Grist for a sequel?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic book by Vox Day. As many other reviews have accurately stated, Day lists key elements of identifying Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), as well as their behavior patterns, and tips for dealing with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vox Day has written a wonderful book taking down the thought police. I have personally suffered from such attacks, and I found myself having to put down the book and reflect, because it's as if he had written his book with my struggles in mind.

Vox Day has many controversial opinions. So what? I have many controversial opinions, too. I think any person who has taken the time to think for himself has had one or two in their lifetimes. I have also had the luxury of having many good friends that I could bounce those ideas off of. If my unpopular ideas are off-base, they can talk me out of them. That's just what rational people do. Intellectual freedom has a wonderful way of moderating incorrect reasoning.

But my experience is not the norm, it seems. It's all too common to see some celebrity or talking head get publicly shamed and punished for not saluting the current intellectual fads. Vox Day gives several recent examples of this phenomenon throughout his book. And what happens to these unlucky people? They are shamed and disqualified, often having their careers are ruined. They are ostracized and disqualified from speaking about science or medicine or baseball, because they didn't read the memo on this week's updated list of micro aggressions.

Vox is at his best when he points out the common pattern running through high profile examples of SJW tactics. He then shows how to fight back. He doesn't necessarily show you how to succeed; you might need a bit of luck for that. But at the very least he does show you how to make things easier on the next guy, or to buy yourself time to find a good exit strategy.

Of course, most of the negative reviews of "SJW's Always Lie" are eye-opening after you've actually read the book. Rather than arguing that Day's analysis is incorrect, they simply try to disqualify him. Which is exactly what he said they'd do. They pick out some of his controversial opinions, and they essentially say, "You don't really want to be associated with a person like HIM, do you?" They refuse to engage him rationally. Never mind the fact that even people who are wrong on one issue can be right on another issue; or that oftentimes people who are wrong in holding an extreme position often have a kernel of truth in their position that needs to be taken into thoughtfully considered. These intellectual subtleties fly right over the heads of Day's critics. All they can do is disqualify.

It's a shame, really. SJW's have made it impossible to have those rational conversations in institutions that they have co-opted. Everyone with controversial opinions will be expected to keep them to themselves, or face severe consequences. History shows us that institutions like that don't last long.

I disagree with Vox Day on many things. So what? He's right on SJW's. And that makes us allies. This book gave voice to thoughts that I have had for years now, but would never say out loud. Now, I'm going to learn from him. I'm going to learn how to fight back. And after I've learned how, I'm going to bring that fight back to my own SJW-infested institutions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret wappler
This book is outstanding. In the beginning, I got a little tired of what felt like "sour grapes" from Vox Day. Shortly afterwards, it opened up and educated me on Social Justice Warriors. SJWs are the people on social media (or even at your work), who quickly launch personal and emotional attacks when presented with facts and knowledge. Went attacked by an SJW, most thinking people will walk away and dismiss this person as a waste of time. But sadly without attacking back, these SJWs team up, and attack the next person, and so on, until all the thinking people have walked away, and the SJWs are left in charge of things. This is a big contributor to the court of public opinion making decisions for thinking people. SJWs will post a video that is out of context, and then gang up and point and scream in outrage. Thinking people sit back and evaluate context and facts. SJWs have already become emotionally committed to their biased and uninformed point of view, and can not be instructed with knowledge and truth. We cannot leave them in charge, we must fight back. Read this book to learn how to recognize, engage, and defeat SJWs. It will enlighten you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A useful handbook for understanding the advance of attempted censorship and control by partisans in any work or social environment. Thought policing of various types has become a feature of modern life. This is a survival manual dealing with the subject. While the book focuses on publishing and game design, the principles involved are universal. The first sections are narrative accounts, the actual working material is in the second part of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent description and plan of action to combat a pervasive problem in today's society. With the help of Vox, and other like-minded individuals, we have a much greater chance of defeating the scourge of SJW's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For anyone that have had that sneaking feeling that something isn't exactly right with their workplace, group of friends, clubs, etc...

Reading this will help you articulate that itch. Thankfully (and very gratefully) SJWs ALWAYS LIE goes further and provides well written and easy to understand insights, gleaned from both personal experiences and observations, into such a people and how to deal with them when you become their target.

I purchased this product more out of need for something to read (some lark and frustration could be identified, too). It greatly surprised me.

For the pièce de résistance, when you're finished with the book, come back to the comments section and watch the SJWs literally go down the checklist.
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