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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aaron sharp
I have read several books by this author and have enjoyed them . This one not as much. That last half better than the first. I almost stopped reading tho when I read the part about mountain peaks and national forests. This is plain out and out poor research. This story is in Iowa, not Montana. According to several websites, no national anything, only state parks. The highest "peak" is 1670 ft., which is high I guess if you're at sea level. My home is Billings, Montana which is at 3123 ft. and we are considered flat. Unless the author was taking creative license, this should have been caught by someone! Aside from this glaring error, I do enjoy Ms Harper's books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good god, sometimes love just finds you at the most inappropriate, unreal times. Like smacks you in the face when you’re rescuing a woman from the pits of hell and you’ve never felt even an inkling of feeling other than relief that they’re finally safe when rescuing/finding a victim previously. Yeah, just like that for Ryder. And maybe even Victoria.

Damn. These two had me at page one. Ryder with his badassness, sexy AF Aussie accent and a penchant for taking out the enemy with one shot. Hot, right? And Victoria. Equally badass in her protections of other women stuck with her in that human trafficking hellhole. Amazingly strong in her fight for the right and just.

Yet neither one of them ever shared the vulnerability of fear and death and love with another person in a very long time—maybe ever. Ryder and Victoria found something in each other that made the other better. Which was amazing and so fun (especially when the Deltas were working to rescue Victoria from the MC . . . Victoria really didn’t need saving, well, okay, yeah she did and but she was wholly badass too.)

I loved getting glimpses of the Titan team—god, Sugar and Mia are a dynamic duo as usual! And I loved how everyone rallied to support Ryder and rescue Victoria. So Titan strong. So awesome. So perfect. ~ Missy, 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cristin Harber is one of those authors that in my eyes can do no wrong. I have fallen completely and irrevocably in love with every single one of her books and her characters hold a very special place in heart. I'm going to be honest right here and say that she is one of the two authors that made me go head over heels for the adult/ erotica genre. Prior to that I was a classics girl all the way. The beauty of Cristin's writing is that in fact it does hold so many traits of the classics and greats. You have bold characters that completely exceed your expectations. You have societal issues that are somewhat "taboo" to talk about so publicly and unabashedly. But what really puts her in the same league as Austen and Brontë is the love stories that never take a smooth and straight path, but on the contrary take you through deep valleys and dark quarries, through slippery and rocky riverbeds where your footing is never quite sure— but, in the end, you always get to your destination. Maybe a little ragged and with a few scars, but it just makes that moment all the more joyous and sweet and delicious.

I have to admit that I have been looking forward to Delta: Redemption for forever. Basically since I finished Delta: Revenge way back when. I have been that little puppy sitting by the front waiting for their master to come home. Trust me, I've been in tail wagging, tongue lolling, ears perked state of wait for ages. Let me tell you, the moment that the Advanced copy of the book hit my kindle, well, it was like life resumed in glorious technicolour and there was a lot of bouncing around and my version of dancing (which is really flailing and jumping to some random rythm in my head). That's how happy just having this book made me, however, when I opened it... Oh. My. God. I was gone from the off. I could not put it down for the life of me. Delta: Redemption is a quick fire bang bang bang... pew pew pew... kind of book. There's none of that set the scene before you actually get to the characters themselves thing that a lot of authors do. Thank goodness! This is instalove at its best. You are pretty much thrown in at the deep end and by the end of chapter 4 you're already completely consumed and in love with Victoria and Ryder.

The plot for Redemption is just divine. In true Cristin style there is action galore. However, what I really loved about this plot though, was the structure. The structure for this story is very similar to Garrison's Creed. You start off with a bang, you have the aftermath where you're left in a perpetual state of WTAF? and then you have the blooming of the love story that weaves itself into the story so expertly that it becomes the drive behind the action. Then once you think that all is happy families and beautiful rainbows... the poop hits the fan! Reading this book has made me crave Garrison's Creed like hell. Not that the story is the same or even the characters, no. It's just that the flow and structure is so similar. Yes, Ryder is a sniper... and he does have a sexy accent that is on parr with Cash's drawl (I think my heart may be popping out of my chest any second now)... BUT, he is hard. He may be soft and loving and caring and hot and... swoooooooon... but make no mistake about it, he is hard and unyielding. He has a darkness that lurks deep down behind all his Aussie charm and bravado. He really is a dark knight. His armour is bright and shiny, impenetrable (or so it seems), but under it there are scars and open wounds that are a complete and utter oxymoron to his shell.

Everyone that knows me, knows that for me Cash and Javier are like... IT. But, Ryder has come along and barraled his way into my little twosome. I just could not get enough of him. This is really where Harber excels for me. She has created a man that is flawed perfection. Seriously... what can a girl do with three guys... you know what? Forget i asked, my mind has actually provided me with a visual answer. Oh. Good. Lord. It nows no boundaries. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Ok, I think it's safe to say that I may love Ryder... just a little (ahem... mahoooosive) bit. However, let me just introduce you to the star of the show... Victoria no lat name...

Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. She is heroine perfection. Again, there were a couple of similarities between her and Nicola (Garrison's Creed)... and Sofia (Delta: Revenge). Although her story is actually more akin to Caterina's (Savage Secrets). She has the whole alpha female thing locked down. Tight. However, what makes her such an exceptional character is her hurt and flaws. To say that she and Ryder are different sides of the same coin is putting it lightly. They are verging on identical when it comes to their characteristics. She is kind, caring, protective and brave. In my book she really is a heroine. I'm no feminist, however, I do believe in female empowerment— that, is exactly what Cristin has done with Victoria. She has forged a female out of heart, fire, tenderness and kindness and inserted a rod of steel. And not in a dirty way.

I can't even function properly when it comes to Delta: Redemption. My head is all over the shop with so much that I need to get out... and it all leads to one thing: EXCEPTIONAL. Cristin has really embodied Titan with this book. In case you don't know— Titan is family. You know, as much as this is Victoria and Ryder's story it also has so many other characters woven into it. I just can't. You know what? Read it for yourself. You will not regret it... and if you haven't met Titan before, get ready to become absolutely and completely obsessed!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
*trigger warning: this book deals with hints of rape and recovery from it*

I haven’t been drawn into a romantic suspense book like Delta: Redemption since my days of reading Suzanne Brockmann’s books. While I’m brand new to the prolific world that Cristin Harber has created around the Titan Group, I recognized right away that I’d found a series (and author) that would scratch that itch that Brockmann did for so many years.

At 325 pages, Redemption is filled with everything that a reader looks for in a romantic suspense novel: action and a beautiful love story. Harber kept me on the edge of my seat from almost the first page to the last, my heart racing as the book edged towards its conclusion.


What I liked:

**I think every reader can relate to Victoria. Right away I recognized how strong she was despite her age. At 22, she’s an accomplished bounty hunter and PI who goes all-out to prove to her hometown of Sweet Hills, that she’s worthy of their admiration and trust. But when she’s victimized by a human trafficking ring, she loses confidence in herself. Her journey towards learning to trust herself again is something anyone of us can understand and has probably gone through even if we hadn’t been kidnapped and raped.

**Ryder is a dream. A quiet Alpha that is rock steady as he helps Victoria find her way back, he’s got his own secrets and heartache. He’s looking for acceptance as much as she is, but his story is much more subtle in its revelation.

**The romance between these two was… mature. I know that sounds boring, but they weren’t boring in any sense of the word. There’s much said about their ages, but their road to happily ever after is filled with respect as much as it’s filled with chemistry and affection.
The action is fantastic and plays out visually on paper. I was continuously in awe of the intricate plot which included Russian bad guys, outlaw motorcycle clubs, gun-running, and a variety of government organizations getting in everyone’s way.

What I didn’t like:

**Delta: Redemption follows about a gazillion books in Cristin Harber’s Titan Group series and spinoffs and more books written by other authors in the Titan World. I haven’t read any of the previous books. And, while it’s said you could read this as a standalone, there’s just too much of the series as a whole woven into Redemption, including some big plot points. I often felt like I was missing part of the story, which I was. This led to more moments of confusion than I would’ve liked and it took away from the overall experience.

4 stars for Delta: Redemption. Heat level: 3

I received a copy of Delta: Redemption from InkSlingerPR and the author in exchange for honest feedback.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We met the mysterious Victoria Massey in Locke and Key as she was rescued by Delta and Titan from a Russian sex trafficker. But now we get to know her story, her career, and how she ended up being abducted. She has always thought she was tough and skilled in her own right, but being taken and what she endured messed with her head.

After being rescued, she and Ryder Hall forge an attachment. She is lost, ashamed, and feels helpless. He is her charming, protective rescuer and savior. He just wants to keep her safe and help her heal. And that grows into trust, friendship, attraction, and need. Ryder is part of the Ghost Delta Team and is used to not having attachments. He was an orphan and is a loner, and the only person he ever connected closely with is gone.

Eventually Victoria can't hide out anymore and has to go home to her small town of Sweet Hill. But the the criminal activity lurking around and her inquisitiveness might put her right back in harm's way. And she is not usually the type of girl to ask for help...even if she now has some good men who would take her back. Trouble follows her, but now Ryder does to. He has no intention of losing someone else he cares about.

This is her story of seeking justice, vengeance, and redemption. This is full of danger, action, suspense with Russians, MC, black ops, trafficking, guns, drugs, and small town drama. There is a lot going on and a lot of players. At a personal level it is about acceptance, trust, and a bond. They both have ugly pasts, intense jobs, and need an anchor and purpose. She is a woman who does not mind being saved, but also likes to participate and do her part. She does not want to be weak and afraid, but wants to be strong and help others. And Ryder is man enough to want to protect her, but also allows her to be brave and trusts her to help keep herself safe. I liked both of them separately and together. They had great chemistry and rapport, and a connection forged in a traumatic experience that made it more intense.

This brings back a bunch of Delta and Titan members. Her best friend, Seven, is also featured and is quite a firecracker. I found this one easy to get sucked into since it spins off from the last Titan book, Locke and Key. I was already curious about Victoria and Ryder. I am looking forward to the next Titan book, Jax as we keep getting teased by him and his attitude. And the girl that seems like a possible target is not going to go down easily.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Victoria No Name survived her nightmare experience being kidnapped and made a victim of a human trafficking ring. Rescued by Delta, she finds herself battling conflicting feelings about her decisions during the final standoff with her captor. Ryder knows there is something about Victoria that pulls him in, more than any other victim he has ever worked with. Rather than wanting to help her find her way home, he wants to help her in her healing process rather than send her on her way.

I had been curious about the circumstances of Victoria’s kidnapping and didn’t have to wait long for answers. The story line picks up prior to the rescue, and readers learn what happened to set the stage for her capture.

Victoria proved to be an interesting character facing questions about her own capabilities in a field she had previously been confident in. She is stubborn, curious, and finds an inner strength she never knew she had.

Ryder is conflicted as well, but more about what his feelings for Victoria mean in relation to his past. As a Delta team member, he fits their work hard, play hard mentality, though has done less playing during down time than some of his other teammates.

This had a great pace. It felt realistic for the healing process and aftereffects of the ordeal she faced. At the same time the present day story progresses, Ryder’s past is revealed in flashback chapters. I loved the insight these chapters gave to the man Ryder became and the secrets he was hiding from those around him.

I loved the way Delta and Titan circled around Victoria as she healed, sharing their own stories as needed to help her cope. This is a group that knows how to let people heal in their own time and their own ways. This series builds off each other perfectly. I remember being curious about Victoria and Ryder at the end of the previous book, and here I am anticipating Jax’s book even as I have just finished Redemption.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peitra bunce schneck
This is a part of Cristin Harber’s “Delta” series. It’s a standalone book, but you really do get more out of the book and the characters if you read the series. It’s connected to the Titan series by Cristin Harber, as well. I’ve definitely enjoyed all of the Titan and Delta books!

We first saw Ryder and Victoria in Locke and Key and I immediately wanted to know Victoria’s story. You could tell she was one tough cookie just from that little bit we saw of her there. And she truly is. Delta: Redemption is all about how a very secure, self-assured woman deals with life when it all goes wonky in ways she could never have imagined. The book centers on sex trafficking and Ms. Harber does a wonderful job bringing light to a very dark subject all while still maintaining dignity and sympathy for the victims. And then you add in a handsome guy who’s loyal, protective and has an Australian accent… who wouldn’t love Ryder?! He’s sensitive enough to be the white knight when Victoria needs that, but he’s also astute enough to let her do what she needs to do in order to find herself again. And he’s spouting some pretty awesome swoon-worthy lines! I loved the extra crossover from Locke and Key again at the end to show how that entire mission is wrapped up. There’s also hints as to what’s coming for more of our favorite Titan and Delta men.

I’m giving this book 4.5 stars. I loved the characters but in the beginning, it felt like I was missing some details or connections between all the players that would have made the beginning flow a bit easier. Maybe that is all me, though.

This book is for romance lovers who also enjoy military and romantic suspense. If you don’t like either of those, you won’t like this book.

Definitely looking forward to more Titan and more Delta!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alain masse
Victoria Massey, PI/Bounty Hunter gets in some really hot water when she is taken to Russia by a very bad man and is to be sold by slave traders. Delta team comes in to rescue Victoria along with some other women who have been held with her. Victoria is traumatized by what she has been through and isn’t ready to go home yet so she stays with Winters and Mia. The only person she feels safe with is Ryder Hall who was with the team that rescued her. As she starts her healing process, Ryder is with her every step of the way and there maybe a way for them to have a life together until Victoria is taken again.

Another edge of your seat story by Cristin Harber who writes Titan/Delta stories like nobody else! I connected with Ryder and Victoria right away and was pulled into the story from the start. Ryder was hot, sexy, strong, and so gentle with Victoria, he made my heart melt as I turned the pages of the story. Ryder has a sad background that makes your heart break a little for him. There are some pretty mean bad guys in the story as well. I love that so many of Team Titan and Delta were woven in this story. It is so much fun to see how their families are growing and catch up with what they are all doing. Loved this one and anxiously wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Christin Harbor is easily becoming one of my favorite romantic suspense authors. Delta: Redemption had me anticipating this book long before I read it. The cover and synopsis had me instantly attracted to this book. But the characters and incredibly written story is what really got me wide eyed and hooked. I freaking ADORED this bad-ass heroine, Victoria. The way she took down any bad guy with relative ease amazed me. She was strong, brave, sweet, compassionate, caring..even after she was kidnapped. And Ryder...he is one heart-throbbing hero that left me wishing he was real and I could take him as my own. I loved how passionate he was and how he was determined to help Victoria even when she swore she didn't need it. Their romance was sexy and all consuming and fed my romantic side beautifully.

The suspense and action were top notch too. I was biting my lip and on the edge of my seat and was scared and was freaking amazed with the way these Delta members came in with such strength. I DEVOURED this book and LOVED it so FREAKING MUCH!

Delta Redemption is one of those books you find yourself instantly loving the hero and admiring the heck out of the heroine. I give this book a SERIOUSLY FANTASTIC FIVE SHOOTING STARS! I can't wait to see what comes next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
poonam gupta
Delta: Redemption by Cristin Harber covers new emotional territory for this series in a fast paced, action-packed plot. Learning to cope when the unthinkable happens that you thought you were well prepared to handle is exactly what happens to Victoria. Even though my life is very different from this bounty hunter, self-defense teacher I could identify with her becoming invested in her story early own. Australian Delta member, Ryder Hall is swoon worthy as he has Victoria’s back when she gets in over her head. They are well-matched in that both are zealous, passionate, witty while are harboring secrets of their own.
Strong, intense characters who go through terrifying events in vivid detailed settings make this edge-of-your-seat, thrilling romance an astounding read. While Delta: Redemption has ties to other book by Cristin Harber, the reader would have no problem enjoy reading this on its own.
The publisher/author gave me a complimentary ARC of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle g
Delta: Redemption
by Cristin Harber (Goodreads Author)

Wendy Hodges's review
Jul 18, 2017  ·  edit

it was amazing

Ryder first meets Victoria when the team rescue her, he supports and then gains her trust to the point she finally opens up to him. Victoria is normally strong, feisty and very independent. She trains kids in early self defense, she is also a bounty hunter more than capable of holding her own so her recent experience has been a shock, leaving her a little broken. I enjoyed reading this catching up on Delta and also the main Titan team, getting some much needed hits of Winters and Jared. There is violence including abuse of women, there is also a very confused line between those on the legal side of the law and those on the wrong side. Fast paced and well written using subject matter very current to this day and age, quite a thrilling ride and a bit edgy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy falzone
Delta: Redemption is book #3 in the Delta series. It can be read as standalone, but I would recommend to start with the Titan series and Delta: Retribution (#1) and Delta: Revenge (#2) . There is also the MacKenzie Familiy novella Delta: Rescue (#2.5).

Ryder, hot Aussie and member of Delta, rescues Victoria from a human trafficker. Victoria wanted to shoot the bastard, but Rider took her weapon in order to save a teammate. After her abuse, Victoria doesn't know how to face the people in her hometown and how continue her job as a private investigator / bounty hunter. Although Victoria has doubts, Ryder sees the warrior she is.

Ryder is a protector. He doesn't hide Victoria, but he empowers her and that makes him so adorable!
I really liked the chemistry between hero and heroine: "A million things were Happening around them, but that was all that he noticed. Her skin reacted to his touch."

Aaaaand... there is a preview on Jax' story. Make sure you don't miss this! I usually don't read previews, but I'm very happy I did it this time, as I'm a huge fan of Jax :)

Wieder ein toller Band der Delta-Reihe. Ich bin wirklich positiv angetan, wie gut sich das Delta-Team in die Titan-Welt eingliedert. Cristin Harber schafft es wirklich viele Charaktere in eine Geschichte einzubauen, ohne den Fokus auf die Protagonisten zu verlieren. Dabei wirken die Nebendarsteller aber trotzdem nicht farblos, sondern man erkennt weiter die speziellen Charakterzüge aus den vorhergehenden Romanen. Absolute Leseempfehlung!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cristin can't seem to miss on this series! Amazing writing, believable and intense character development, action, suspense and everything you need from a book in this genre. Cristin manages to keep you on the edge of your seat, tearing up, and wanting redemption right along with the characters.
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