The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (2011-10-18)


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob guzman
I read another of Maggie Stiefvater's books first and enjoyed it, so I went looking for more. Although several readers have mentioned the book was slow, I took a chance on it anyway. I have to say I wasn't disappointed. For those of you who don't mind character development, especially when it's done as well as this, don't miss this one. The author brings back all the emotions associated with those years between being a child and an adult. The newness, the excitement, the urgency, the angst--all of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stiefvater is an amazing writer that is able to create intriguing characters and fantastical creatures to accompany them. With her more famously known Shiver Series, The Scorpio Races has seemed to fade to the background. This is, in my humble opinion, a huge mistake. The Scorpio Races had a strong female lead, a compelling story line, mythology, and is a award-winning concoction that pull in the reader. I would highly recommend this story for the blooming YA target market.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so well written and addictive. I was so happy to finally find a young adult author that can actually write beautiful words and not just a good story. This book drew me in and made me love its less-than-perfect characters. I could not stop reading it and wished for more once it was over.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone. This is not just for young adults. I am 26 years old and my Aunt is in her 40's and we both could not stop raving about this book and it's author.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Definitely my favorite Stiefvater read. Her Wolves of Mercy Falls series was horrible--extremely boring, cliche plot, uninteresting characters...I had to force myself to read the first, then completely gave up. The Scorpio Races is on a different level. Set up in a small (what I believe to be) island in the English isles. Every year the Scorpio Races occur, a gathering of the bravest on the island to saddle up and ride the vicious water horses.
The water horses. I loved every bit with them. They were completely wild, dangerous, hard to manage--man-eating. That added a flare of excitement.
The characters were well-done, I especially grew attached to Mr. Sean Kendrick, a quiet guy who knew his was around the horses.
I was impressed with Maggie's information on the horses. The horses reactions seemed very natural and authentic.
There was some romance, but I wouldn't label this novel as one. It was there, but not enough to drown out the real idea of the book: the water horses. It took a backseat. Very interesting and colorful characters throughout the island, which were one of the better things of the book. I BELIEVED the antagonist, she did a very good job in portraying him.
My one critique would be the ACTUAL day of the Scorpio Races. It was at the end, some ten pages. Only ten pages. I felt almost cheated.
So 4 stars, definitely a read in between your work/school life. I even drew fanart! :D [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When I first found this book I thought "magic horses from the ocean??? races???" but this book was really good! As expected from Maggie the storyline was very creative and kept moving throughout the whole book. I loved the detail and the characters and overall just enjoyed this book the whole way through. It was also very well balanced as far as having a little romantic interest between characters, family relationships, and a lot of action and adventure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
some parts of this book were a little slow. Others were great. I enjoyed this book but I have a background with horses and that made it more interesting for me. I would recommend it to others who have an interest in horses. The water horses were a new twist that I thoroughly enjoyed and would like to hear more about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I supremely enjoyed this novel by Maggie Steifvater. It made my heart ache and made me in love with Thisby. The back and forth POV changes were a little difficult to follow at times, but that wouldn’t prevent me from recommending this book. The fantastic setting provides the perfect backdrop to the very real problems and struggles faced by these characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my absolute favorite book. After my first read I had to go back for a reread just 2 weeks. A beautiful subtle fantasy that pulls you right into the world and features the most realistic and solidly based romance I have ever read in a young adult book. The prose is beautiful and will resound in your mind long after you finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie grego mathis
Brilliantly original. I was captivated by the characters and the novelty of the subject, but it was also beautifully written with perfectly timed tension and intrigue. The world that Stiefvater builds is so clever and fascinating that I still find myself reflecting back on it months after reading it. Terribly well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanne mower
This book is fierce and beautiful and satisfying. I could follow this story much longer and not get bored and yet it felt right at the end. The storytelling is rich and the characters are real and complex. Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley tait
Please do not make the assumption that so many people have. A book with teenage protagonists is not automatically YA fiction. Adults who dismiss this book on that ground will be missing a remarkable work of literature. Stiefvater's characters come alive with every word, and her plot line grabs you and never lets you go. I originally bought this book for my high school library and then immediately bought it for myself. I look forward to reading it again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
this book was great! i loved just about every bit of it!! the only problem I had with it was that the book was all about this big race that brings visitors from everywhere, that people spend weeks training for, that makes the winner rich, that is extremely dangerous... and then you get to the actual race and... its over in less than 10 pages. this seemingly impossible feat that the main character was attempting was way too easy for her to accomplish. I was expecting a HUGE race that would take days to complete, that holds more obstacles and dangers than you could imagine. To me, the race wasn't all what it was pumped up to be. but besides this, it was a very good book. I loved the romance, how it didn't overpower the whole story, but was still enough to help grab and propell me through the book. (I was very relieved that it wasn't like all the other books out nowadays where the main characters are 16 and fall deeply, madly in love in the course of about 2 days). this book was very well written and the world seemed to come alive. I love how Maggie made me love both characters so much that I was constantly switching between the two when trying to decide who I hoped would win the race. great great great book!:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lady heather
There are ample good reviews to choose from - so I will keep this short. A compelling, moving tale that features carnivorous water horses yet while you're reading it you never ONCE think, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of!" If you ask me, that is a huge vote for excellent storytelling. Check it out, you won't be sorry. P.S. When I finished this novel I burst into tears. Not because it was sad, neccessarily, but because I was so emotionally caught up in the story I was overwhelmed. Five star book, five star conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Maggie Stiefvater is the author who gave us the Shiver trilogy. You often wonder how an author will follow up a bestselling story, and hopefully it will live up to the reason you liked them in the first place. Since I had a tumultuous relationship with Shiver, I was anxious to read something else she had written. I needed to know if my love and dislike for the series was just that series, or something about the way Stiefvater writes. So, with a little skepticism rolling around, I picked up The Scorpio Races, unsure of how I was going to like it.

Puck grew up on Thisby, an island where no one really lives, people just survive. Thisby is special, though. Once a year, the mythical, murderous creatures called water horses climb out of the sea. While everyone should and is scared of the water horses, which live off blood and fresh meat, the entire island becomes alive with excitement when they bound from the sea because of the Scorpio Races. Each year, the island men capture and train water horses for two weeks before riding them in the most exciting and dangerous race anyone has ever seen. The tourism for this event is the only thing keeping Thisby alive at this point. When Puck's brother threatens to move to the mainland and Puck and her other brother will be left on Thisby with no house and no way to support themselves, Puck does the only thing she can to keep her older brother on the island just a little longer- she announces she is going to enter in the races.

Sean Kendrick is a gentle soul who loves and fears the water horses. He has won the race four years in a row, but since his beloved water horse, Corr, is owned by his boss, most of the winnings aren't his to keep. He is the only man who can control the water horses, but his only reason for staying at the horse farm and competing in the races is to stay closer to Corr. When Puck enters her regular pony, not a water horse, into the race, Sean is sure she is going to get herself and her pony killed. He reluctantly agrees to help train her, mostly because he can't stop thinking about her. As the race grows nearer, it becomes clear that both Puck and Sean need to win this race- Puck in order to live and have a roof over her head, and Sean in order to be able to buy Corr from the owner of the stables. Both want the other to win, but neither can imagine losing. The Scorpio Races this year on Thisby are not only groundbreaking because it is the first time a girl or a regular pony has ridden, but because of how much everyone has riding on the outcome.

So my skepticism aside, I have to say this was a really beautiful book. Stiefvater has a poetic, magical way of describing the world she has created that keeps you turning the pages. However, I remember feeling the same way when I finished Shiver. The problem only came about with her second and third books where there wasn't enough story to keep the trilogy going and the beautiful language wasn't enough to hold it all together. I hope she will leave this book as a stand-alone story, because it really is quite nice and quite beautiful. Any additional books would only ruin the effect of this story.

Because the language isn't terribly direct or always very clear, I would suggest this book for an older, stronger reader, or a student who has read and like Stiefvater's books already. It would clearly bog down a less skilled reader and might frustrate them into putting the book down. It is a beautiful story for any adult who enjoys mythology, especially repurposed mythology. These aren't your typical water horses, sometimes called kelpie, but they are beautiful versions of the old myths. I have to say I loved this story, and it made for a beautiful magical read, but let's just hope Stiefvater leaves this to its own devices and moves on to another project. I would hate to feel about the Scorpio Races like I eventually felt about Shiver.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found myself completely swept up and away by this story.

I've read a lot of Maggie Stiefvater's books and I am a big fan of hers, but this book in particular was truly a gorgeous, fairy tale that she artfully spun with intriguing, smart, honest characters and a world I would like to live in full-time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george sudarkoff
Amazing book based on mythological horses with vibrant characters and a plot that will have you up all night reading. While written for young adults an "old" adult would enjoy this fascinating story. My daughter enjoyed it too, and we love that it has a heroine and not just a hero!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ricky penick
This is a very talented author, who takes the water horse mythology and creates a compelling story. I have read almost every book this author has written (on my soon to read list the 4th book of the Wolves of Mercy Falls series) and will continue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara hillman
A masterpiece. Good author's right with emotion and truth with power and worth.But Maggie Stiefvater is a beautiful writer.A writer of love hate fear shame, and understanding among readers and characters.This is one of Stiefvater's best works among many others.It will go down as one of my all time favorite books. I strongly recommend to anyone who appreciates BEAUTY in the words of a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think most girls went through that "horse phase" at one time or another (and for some of us it never ended). In elementary school, I read Misty of Chincoteague, Black Beauty, and The Black Stallion series. I had journals filled with drawings of horses. I went to "horse camp" and made friends with a crazy pony named What's Up Doc, more commonly called What. I'll never forget the time I was riding him when he decided to run into a gazebo tent. He was short enough to go under it, but I smacked my face against the top part...

The Scorpio Races recalls many previous horse-racing stories with some new twists. First, the man-eating water horses, called capall uisce, are both feared and respected by the islanders. It's not an ordinary horse race. At any moment your mount may succumb to the call of the sea and plunge right in with you still on its back. Or even worse, try to eat you.

Second, this isn't the typical underdog story. Puck, a teenage girl who doesn't even own a capall uisce, is the underdog of the race if anyone is, but Sean, the other protagonist, has won the race many times before. The story is told in their alternating points of view, and I came to love them both. Puck is funny and tenacious, while inscrutable Sean is serious and world-weary. You find yourself desperately wanting them both to win, but only one can succeed. (People have compared the book to The Hunger Games, but this is the only similar point I could really see). By the time of the race, I thought I had the ending figured out, but Stiefvater throws some great curveballs - the kind that make perfect sense in hindsight, but that I never saw coming.

Stiefvater does a fantastic job with the setting, slowly revealing more and more of the unique character of the island and its inhabitants. The supporting cast of characters is colorful, from Puck's tinkering younger brother to George Holly, a friendly American. I only wish we could have gotten to understand the "villains" of the story a little better. The writing is also gorgeous -I could almost feel the October cold and damp settling into my bones.

My first Maggie Stiefvater book was also the first she published - Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception. Stiefvater has a rare gift for evoking haunting moods in the readers' minds and getting them utterly caught up in the emotions of her characters. Despite that, I will admit I have been frustrated at time with the lack of explanation in her books - a general feeling that something important is missing. Shiver was the worst about this, and that is why I didn't finish the trilogy. However, most things make sense in The Scorpio Races, and her writing is really top-notch here. Another thing: I liked the romantic mood of her previous books, but at times it bordered on insta!love (Shiver, I'm looking at you again!). "I've been watching you for a long time" is typically not a good excuse, either. So I was pleased that the relationship in The Scorpio Races develops naturally over a longer period of time.

In short: The Scorpio Races creates a fascinating world that is slowly uncovered to the reader during the first half, culminated in a gripping last half of the book. Recommended for horse lovers and patient readers who love a good read.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Something similar: It reminds me of the horse books listed above. The carefully-created island setting also recalls The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer and Airman by Eoin Colfer.

Cover: It's all right, but it gave me the impression that this book was intended for a younger audience than young adults.

Read more reviews on my WordPress blog, backtothebookshelf.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was very excited for this book because it sounded so good, but somewhere along the way it failed to deliver. I have quite the problem with Puck, the heroine, as she acts childish at all times. Also all the romance I was promised was rushed without any real thought put into. The most romantic line was, "it's late for that, Puck." Also the end pretty much sucked, as it is one of those open-ended endings without wrapping it up in a nice afterwards and the climax wasn't climatic enough. These failures being stated, this book did contain humorous wit, mature joking, and not a lot (if any) sadness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt davis
I read that Maggie Stiefvater said that she would possibly write a sequel to this book in 60 years. No need. This little standalone book is wonderful all by itself! It has moved to the top of my, very lengthy, favorite book list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ivette rodriguez
It’s almost impossible to describe Maggie Stiefvater’s newest book, THE SCORPIO RACES without sounding a little ridiculous: mythical, deadly water horses live in the sea around a fictional island, where the people spend most of their year gearing up for a race of these flesh-eating water beasts on the sand that usually doesn’t conclude before at least one person dies. This year, though, a young girl whose family is down on their luck decides to race a horse–a real one–in the Scorpio races. Puck is her name, and she’s a quietly fierce young woman who is scrambling to keep her ever-shrinking family together. Over the course of her training for the races, she meets a magnetic but mysterious young man named Sean. Things happen between them, but it’s the slowest of slow burns. Don’t be mopey about it, though: a burn, by definition, is still hot, and Sean and Puck’s relationship is delicious in its depth and sincerity and love that comes from respect and friendship. THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater is easily one of the best books I’ve read this year.

I’ve read all of Maggie Stiefvater’s books and really enjoyed every one, but I think that THE SCORPIO RACES might be my favorite. I love everything about it: the characters, the atmosphere, the plot, the writing. I was particularly taken with the setting, Thisby. It reminded me of one of those old sleepy New England coast towns that is full and buzzing in the summer but empty of everything except the quirky, tight-knit locals during the rest of the year. I want to go there. It seemed like a flawed place, but quiet and simple, aside from, obviously, the month leading up to the races of the book’s title, which are Thisby’s equivalent of the summer season except with killer mythical horses that burst out of the ocean. But really. I was taken with the place almost instantly. I had a very clear, complete picture of it in my mind, even of the places we didn’t go; I could envision the whole place.

The characters, too, are imperfect and endearing and unique. Puck is feisty and ballsy and also uncertain and in a tough spot with her family. But she is fearless and funny, too, and I was hooked from the beginning. In fact, I was so invested in her so early in the story that when her brother, Gabe MINI-SPOILER! told Puck and her brother, Finn, that he would be leaving Thisby for the mainland, leaving his two remaining orphaned siblings alone to fend for themselves, I squeezed out a tear. I cried for Puck a couple of times, actually, because her life is kind of hard right now and I wanted more than anything for things to be easier for her.

Sean wants things to be easier, too, and happier, and he envisions those things as owning his beloved water horse, Corr and, in fact, owning the entire farm that he works for as the main horse trainer. I think he just wants to be around the horses; he’s amazing with them. Sean is quiet and troubled (but on the inside; he’s not a trouble-maker), and mysterious, and an orphan also. His life at Malvern’s could be worse, I guess, but it’s no great shakes, and I wanted things to be better for him, too. I rooted so hard for both of them. But what I really loved about their relationship is that it doesn’t happen right away at all. In fact, you meet these two people as individuals who are working through some tough times of their own, and we spend a great deal of time getting to know them and seeing what their lives are like before things start heating up towards the end of the book. I was totally cool with this. In fact, I loved it. The tension made the relationship better and more satisfying. And I am always a big fan of allowing relationships to grow organically, which Puck and Sean’s did. Thumbs up for these two characters, and all of the other characters as well, who were all flawed and wonderful (well, most of them were wonderful *looks at Mutt*).

Of course, there are non-people characters in this book and they were fantastic too. The water horses were dangerous and beautiful and thrilling and scary. I’m very glad that Maggie left out the part of the water horse lore where the horses turn into men on land. As animals on land, they were so much more menacing and threatening. Plus, we wouldn’t have the race! And even though the water horse legend here was modified a little bit, I am still always drawn to stories that originate in mythologies and legends from any culture, and this book is no exception. It was a really nice relief that I didn’t know I had needed to read about mythological creatures that weren’t fairies or gods–things that I still love, though.

THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Steifvater was amazing. Seriously. I was lucky enough to get an ARC at Book Expo this year, but I loved it so much that I went and bought a copy, too because I needed it. I’ll be rereading this one for sure. If you read only one book for the rest of the year, please give THE SCORPIO RACES a try. It won’t disappoint you. In fact, I think it will take you by very pleasant surprise.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
marawi kh
The water horses are sleek, beautiful, fast - and deadly. Every year the Island holds a contest where only the bravest participate, racing the fearsome animals along the shoreline beside the sea which sings to them to return. Riders are trampled, drowned, eaten by the fey creatures themselves - each year it is an honor to have survived, much less win.

This novel builds to a crescendo as we wonder what will happen to our hero and heroine as they prepare for this grueling and dangerous adventure. But ulimately, the ending proves that the races should never have been made so much of to begin with - and that all along they were anyones for the winning. It would be like going to Disneyland and finding one of those small, street carnivals in its place. I've read many books this year, this is the first that has me so bitterly disappointed.

Maggie Boyd
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick camillo
I quickly found myself caring about the fate of the main characters. The setting was very believable despite the inclusion of the incredible water horses. The ending was slightly disappointing but I don't know what would have pleased me more or what would of seemed more plausible. As a whole, a very enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie miller
This is one of my most cherished and favorite books. If you like horses, adventure, and a strong female heroine (and a cast of other strong characters-Sean) you'll enjoy this story. One of the most underrated books I've read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shining love
Horses (predator horses!), a race and pair of young riders trying to survive. Count me in! I love this book very much, it just has everything I like, moderate romance, exciting action and a satisfying ending. Reading it again soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah allen
This book caught my attention within the first few pages, which doens't happen often (it usually takes me about 50 pages), and it kept it until the end. The ending was a little abrupt for my taste, but most other aspects of the book were great.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana margarida salvador
Another "different from the norm" from Stiefvater. She has a knack for telling her own story BUT with elements that sound and feel familiar. Her characters are fully developed and you can really "see" them . I would recommend this book from ages 13 and up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick black
Maggie S. has constructed a real world from an unlikely myth populated by eccentrics and loveable characters, as well as some real (but less well drawn) villains. I found myself wanting to add this island to my vacation list- just NOT in November. Not exactly Misty of Chincoteague, but fun to read. I plan on putting the cake recipe to good use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
priscilla nightingale
It is so difficult to find a strong, female protagonist whose story line is not mostly comprised of romantic developments but this author has done that so amazingly well. There is still a romantic component to it but it does not envelop the protagonists, nor is it the entire focus of the story. Very refreshing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blair wisenbaker
I loved delving into this unique tale. As you may know from the previous reviews, this is the story of wild flesh eating horses that are driven out of the ocean from the rough tides and storms. Since the earliest history of the island, the people have been racing the horses in the hopes of winning big money and notariety. Two main characters want to race for different reasons, but both have developed relationships with their horses. A little simmering romance is touched on and developes at a nice pace. The story is also about family, and what home means to different people. I loved, loved, loved the setting of this book. I so hope that it can be developed into a series. It would seem so sad to abandon this wonderful creation. I definately would want to spend more time with the same characters in this setting. So different and so interesting!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda clark
Amazingly compelling read. The characters and setting are easy to fall in love with and the plot packs enough action, strife, and emotional drama to keep the reader hooked til the last line and regretful that the ride is over.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin kelsey
Great book!
Kind of like The Eagle Huntress, but with carnivorous horses. Really great at keeping the creepiness of the water horse, and at addressing that risk or working with large carnivorous animals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading this story and this book is definitely on my top 10 list of "all time" favorite books, now. The story, characters, descriptions, details, and emotions that this story evokes are incredible. Someone in Hollywood would do well for himself/herself by grabbing this book and making it into an unforgettable movie!! Bravo Maggie Stiefvater! I'm telling everyone I know about your wonderful book:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robledo cilas
I loved this & from the very beginning! Other reviewers have said that it took them a while to get into the book, but this caught me from the beginning. I am a horse person so maybe that is why, but I loved it enough that I will look for more from this author.
Please RateThe Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (2011-10-18)
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