My Life With and Without Jim Morrison by Patricia Kennealy (1992-05-01)

ByPatricia Kennealy

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I initially read this book in its first printing just after I graduated high school and was instantly taken with the beauty of Mrs. Morrison's writing. I have purchased and dog earred several copies since then (I'm now 33 years old...) and I love this story as much now as I did then. I'm an avid reader of mostly nonfiction and classical works, but there's something about this tale that continues to pull me back to reread it at least once or twice yearly (over a bottle or two of cabernet and more than a few tears). I admire the author for her strength of character and look foward to reading "Fireheart" in the future.

It's refreshing to read not only an intelligent woman's tale of being in love with a flawed and beautiful man, but an account of Jim Morrison's life that doesn't paint him solely as an insulting, ignorant, whoring drunk.

Thanks, Patricia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since I am very interested in The Doors, Jim Morrison and the way life was in the 60/70 I was very pleased to have found this book. I hoped it wouldn't disapoint me. And it sure as hell didn't.

For starters I realy like the way it has been written. You get sucked into the story and the events. At one point, when Patricia was feeling angry, sad, happy or whatever, I felt it too.

I also read some of the other (quite negative) reviews. I didn't at all agree with those. I could recommend this book to anyone becuase it's a very honest and open book, with a lot of pain in it but also a lot of joy. I thank Patricia for writing this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a gift when someone allows a reader into their life and their deepest thoughts and feelings. Patricia goes ahead and spares the reader nothing, her honest and fascinating words filling each and every page. She sets the record straight for anyone interested in the truth.
This book changed the way I view so many things in life and in history and am so very grateful to Mrs. Morrison for showing me and every other reader these things and all the while teaching valuable lessons in life and love. Worth reading over and over again.

Rock on!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer bond
So many people thought the author was cashing in on the Jim Morrison franchise with this book, but that is NOT the case. Patricia Morrison gives us a wonderful glimpse of her experiences with Jim, both good and bad. I came away from reading this book with a richer fondness for Jim, and decided respect for the author. With the wealth of books on the market about the Doors, this is the one I like to recommend to people. It has a soul to it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark arundel
re: other feedback - several states, including Washington and Montana, still require fetal death certificates for abortions performed after 20 weeks. According to the Guttmacher Institute, New York is one of four states requiring abortion reporting under its fetal death laws. Regarding this book -- I found it to be a well-written divafest. The abortion details made the author more sympathetic, not less, despite her hyperbole on other topics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bath sheba lane
This is a brutally honest account of the romantic relationship between Patricia Kennealy-Morrison and rock star Jim Morrison over the 2 to 3 year period before his untimely death in 1971.

This gut-wrenching page turner depicts emotional horrors beyond what most women could endure. With grace and dignity she relives the experience again 20 years later as a consultant to Oliver Stone's film "The Doors" (circa 1992).

I read this book after reading "The Lizard King was Here: The Life and Times of Jim Morrison in Alexandria, Virginia" by Mark Opsasnick which gave me a unique insight and perspective on the adolescent Jim Morrison. Ms. Kennealy-Morrison's memoir further validates Jim as a complex, tortured genius.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron guest
After reading many books about the Doors and Morrison, "Strange Days" was a breath of fresh air. Patricia Kennealy-Morrison's skill in writing is evident within this book. Not only has she mastered the art of eloquent writing, her message seems genuine and heartfelt.
Many claim to have known Jim Morrison, or to have been soulfully attached to him. However, Patricia Kennealy-Morrison does not tell a story of grandeur which many would speak of. Rather she tells both the good and the bad of memories from her time with Mr. Morrison. The story does not seem fabricated or fairy-tale-esque. It seems as a story one would tell about a person whom brought them sorrow and joy, anger and enjoyment. In short, the memoir is an account of what most of us would consider a real life relationship to be, and it is not an account of debauchery and craziness.
Ms. Kennealy-Morrison is an author of a plethora of novels, most of which are fiction, all of which are well-written and interesting. She truly is a wonderful author, and her narrative of her life with Jim Morrison is well worth the read if you desire a real glimpse into the life of Jim Morrison and his Dame Patricia Kennealy-Morrison.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a beautifully written and i feel completely honest bio. Patricia doesn't pull any punches,no sugar coated, fauning here. Ignore the silly people who seem to have some weird hatred for this woman, it always amazes me when so called 'fans' decide to hate the loves of their favorite artists, who are in fact total strangers to them. Read and enjoy, its fascinating,funny, heartbreaking and all the things that make a great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohit singh
This book is one of the best rock-biographies ever, one that really catches the mood of an era long gone. I have difficult agreeing with people, who discuss the truth in it, because, after all, it was such a chaotic period, and this is more than just a fact file... this is a masterpiece!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison wasn't just in the front row -- she jumped into the middle of the action back in the late 60s. Her keen insights into its musical scene were developed during her years as one of the very first female rock critics. The author speaks candidly of her relationship with Jim Morrison; what this book is, however, is a journey into the interesting life she's led in her own right, on her own terms. Here's a clear-eyed view of those times by one of the very few who didn't succumb to the drug scene: Patricia's memories are vivid, her analysis intelligent and sharp, her approach honest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica wilderotter
I really enjoyed this book! Patricia has such a way with words that she allows you to feel everything she was feeling as if you were there yourself. The love she has for Jim shines through in this book. It is an absolute wonderful read!
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