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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daryl barnett
Jody Hedlund writes quality fiction with incredible spiritual lessons and Together Forever is a prime example of what she can accomplish with her pen. This is the second book in her orphan train series.

Marianne Neumann is looking for her younger sister and two babies who had been left in hers and her sisters care. She takes a job as a placement agent on an orphan train taking children from New York to Illinois.

Andrew "Drew" Brady is the other agent on this train and has taken the risk to bring three street children along to try to place them and give them a chance for a better life.

Drew is instantly attracted to Marianne and uses his charms to try to woo her.

Some of the things I liked about the book were the vivid characterizations of the people populating the book, the great settings, and the interactions. What I didn't like was the on again off again relationship between Marianne and Drew. It is a compelling read with intrigue and suspense to keep the reader engaged.

It's a solid four star book and my thanks goes to Bethany House for allowing me to read and review this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandi larsen
I enjoyed reading Together Forever, the second book in the Hedlund’s Orphan Train series. Created around the historical orphan trains that took children who were orphans from the streets of New York City, this story shows how they were relocated with families living in the rural Midwest. Through the strong character of Marianne, and her kind yet mysterious coworker Andrew, we follow a group of children from the city to new homes.

Written with grace, depth and meticulous historical accuracy, Jody Hedlund creates a poignant retelling of a truly complex historical happening in the United States. While some children found loving families to care for them, Hedlund shows how these good intentioned orphan trains sometimes created more heartache for the children they were meant to help. Through strong characters, authentic details, complex emotions and unexpected plot twists, Hedlund creates an unforgettable story about the orphan trains and their far reaching consequences. Bethany House gave me a complimentary copy of Together Forever by Jody Hedlund for my candid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darryl benzin
I am thoroughly enjoying the Orphan Train series by Jody Hedlund. While each book can be read as a stand alone book but I found that reading the books as a series makes each one that much more enjoyable to read.

Together Forever is a touching, well written story where two agents of the Children's Aide Society travel from town to town placing children in homes and stopping back to check on them. Of course there is a lot more to it than just that - add in scared and lonely children, wild and woolly older children, a bit of romance along with a very unsuspected (for me) turn of events and this book is a winner! I loved every page of this story and I am not ashamed to say my heart ached and I shed tears at the plight of these children as well as rooted for the budding romance in this novel. I can't wait till the third book comes out out on December 4, 2018!

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to Ms. Hedlund, Bethany House Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the first chapter until the last page, I was completely enveloped in the lives of these characters. At one point I found myself talking to the characters, wishing they could only hear me. These characters are sure to find their way into your heart.

Marianne has made some mistakes, and more often than not it seems that she has to learn the hard way. Maybe it was the older sister in me, but I couldn’t help but want to give her advice and see her succeed.

Andrew (Drew) Brady is quite the charmer, but behind his debonair front lies a word of hurts and a secret past. Will he be able to overcome the past to grasp the future that God has planed for him?

I absolutely loved the children. Each one brought his or her own unique personality. I wanted to reach in and hug them!

I give this story 5 stars and highly recommend that you find a copy to enjoy at your earliest convince. I’m eagerly looking forward to reading the next story in this series!

(I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including Netgalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david blakey
Although our modern sensibilities make it difficult for us to truly comprehend the level of poverty and despair these people endured, this meticulous representation succeeds in giving readers a much-needed dose of fiction steeped in facts.

The combination of Marianne's compassionate heart and her grueling life experiences make her an ideal candidate for working with orphans. Andrew's charisma, benevolence, and generosity are attractive qualities but his capacity for sacrificial love is what makes him a true hero. These lead characters are perfectly flawed and just as prone to do, say, and believe the wrong thing as the rest of us.

Together Forever is going straight to my favorites shelf, I highly recommend it and look forward to revisiting it (and encouraging my friends and loved ones to read it) for years to come. Jody Hedlund is a must read author for rich historical facts and captivating stories that challenge, entertain, and encourage!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Together Forever, the second of the Orphan Train series, the reader realizes how gifted author Jody Hedlund is. As she describes the angst over the orphan's plights, or the tension building between Marianne and Drew, or the devastation of one's own shortcomings, the reader truly experiences those feelings. It was fun to witness the banter between Drew and Marianne, which carried throughout the book. I took courage as the characters made decisions to leave the past in their pasts and move forward in their lives. And I was reminded again of how devastating the consequences of deception can be.

With plenty of touching moments, heart-wrenching scenes, characters that are easy to love, and a plot that kept moving, just like the train, I found this to be quite an enjoyable read. Although it stands alone, I really can't wait to get my hands on Book #3! This book is recommended for those who enjoy historical fiction and romance.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, Bethany House, through Celebrate Lit, for review purposes. The thoughts expressed here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ali sadonis
An amazingly accurate telling of what it was like for orphans as well as the agents in charge of orphans back in the 1800's. This book will make you laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. Along the way, God helps them all through the ups and downs of travelling via steam rail from NYC to Illinois. We encounter a tragic accident that, only with the grace of God can be overcome. Through the uncertainty, hurts, fears, laughter and tears, Marianne and Drew band together to love the orphans and help to secure them a better life then living on the street of NYC.

I read this as a standalone even though this is technically book 2 of the Orphan Train series. Book 1 followed Marianne's older sister. The author gave us just enough background to understand some of what took place in book 1. We are also left with some cliff-hangers to gear us up for book 3 that will be released in December 2018 (Sophie's story). If you can, read them in order; if not, this is a wonderful book you won't want to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie kowalski
This is the second book in the Orphan Train series. I did not read the first book but this one definitely makes me want to. That being said, I didn't feel that I was lost at all. Jody Hedlund does a great job of filling in what you need to know in a natural way.

Marianne Neumann at once captured my interest. Her honest expressions and big heart make her easy to love. I loved reading her grow from someone who only saw herself as weak to being strong in a variety of circumstances.

Andrew Brady was a wonderful hero in the story. His light-hearted actions yet intentional way with the children and Marianne endear him to the reader right away. The chemistry between Andrew and Marianne was fun and thrilling to read.

I was truly touched by the stories of the orphans and appreciated the research that Jody Hedlund did in writing this book. As an adoptive parent I felt these situations were handled well and I think it is wonderful that she is writing about this topic.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book for free for my honest opinion, which is my own.

I love receiving "review books", but I don't like when I receive the 2nd or 3rd or more in a series, and I haven't read the earlier books. That happened here, I had to read the enovella, then book 1, then I finally got to this one. So it took me a while to complete the task that everyone else finished so quickly.
But I'm glad I read these books. It's been a while since I've read a Jody Hedlund book, and I forgot what I was missing.
I enjoyed the continuing of the story. It's quite interesting to read about the Orphan Trains. One hopes this new life is better than the last, but is it? I don't know if I could do what the agents did.
I really liked the story and I'm excited to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber dixon
Ms. Hedlund has a gift for transporting the reader to a different time and place in her writing. Together Forever is no exception. Beginning in New York City with several orphans in need of permanent loving homes, Marianne and Drew work together with children of various ages and backgrounds. In their quest for placing these children the two develop a strong attraction that cannot be denied. The trip is not without tragic circumstances, however. Drew has secrets, as does Marianne. Those past secrets haunt the two, and raise their ugly heads at the most inopportune times.

Hope, compassion, love and devotion are strong points in this novel. Character development is very well done, and the historical details pertaining to the Children's Aid Society placement program are accurate and educational. The children depicted in this book are typical and normal youngsters. I look forward to the next installment in this interesting series of the Orphan Train.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book with no expectations for a positive review. All expressed opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim lopez
"Together Forever" by Jody Hedlund is the second book in her Orphan Train series and it was the first book in the series I had read. The book revolves around a young woman named Marianne Neumann who is working as a placing agent for the Children's Aid Society in 1858. She ends up traveling west on her first placing trip with a fellow agent who is a young, dashing man, named Andrew Brady. As the trip progresses and Marianne gets attached to the children she will, inevitably, have to let go, we see that Andrew and Marianne are both filled with a guilt that can't be shaken, and their individual problems start to come between their budding, passionate romance. An even greater tragedy ends up happening on their trip and it will be Marianne and Andrew's biggest test of faith, trust, and love yet.

I loved the setting of this book. I have never read a historical fiction book that revolved so heavily around the orphan trains, and now I know I will have to read more, starting with the first book in this series, which follows Marianne's older sister, Elise. The book was not weighed heavily down by historical facts, but I did love Hedlund's "Author's Note" at the back of the book that gave a bit of historical insight into the time period, the orphan trains, and the real life woman who was the inspiration for Marianne.

At times the book was heartbreaking. Especially learning some of these childrens stories and watching the tragedy unfold on the trip. Their is tragedy and sadness in this book, but the author made sure to make sure we felt joy and laughter as well.

The romance between Andrew and Marianne was wonderful. I loved seeing some passionate, and sometimes comical, "Why are you eating, Ms. Neumann?" moments. It was very passionate, but classy, so thank you Jody Hedlund for writing their romance that way.

I honestly do not have anything bad to say about, "Together Forever". I will definitely keep up with this series, because I don't think I have quite gotten enough of Marianne and her sisters, and I am eagerly awaiting to see Reinhold get his happy ending, along with the youngest Ms. Neumann, Sophie. Hopefully we will be able to read a few more happy endings in the next book!

*I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishing, but my opinion is all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
don rea
Together Forever by Jody Hedlund is the second in a series of books on the orphan trains of the 1800s. I did not read the first book, but I don't think it hindered enjoyment or understanding of this story. I like that the author did not sugarcoat the orphan trains, but presented both good and bad sides to the practice. The main characters were engaging, and I wanted to know more about them as the story progressed. The romance was sweet, and while it was predictable, it was still satisfying. The story is firmly planted in 1858, and I appreciated the historical details. Some of the plot lines seemed a bit unrealistic, and Marianne's habit of lying didn't really go away at the end, it just evolved to the point of withholding information instead of outright lying, so that was a bit of a problem with the lack of character development. I do recommend this for anyone who is interested in historical romances, though.

I received this book from the publisher, Bethany House, for the purpose of writing a review, but all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vanessa soza
I have read other orphan train stories, but they are usually told from the perspective of the children who travelled to find new homes and families. This novel is told from the point of view of the agents assigned to care for and place the orphaned children in homes. Imagine the loss and grief the unfortunate young ones had suffered, and now they journey to unfamiliar places and go to live with strangers. Will they be treated well or forced to work without appreciation or love? I quickly connected with Marianne Neumann, who knows what it is to struggle and to suffer grief. Her heart goes out to those in her charge. I also enjoyed the interwoven tales of individuals whose lives connect around the orphans. The book contains some drama and trauma, but also perseverance and growing love. The actual founder of the orphan train movement is portrayed in the book set in the mid-nineteenth century. It feels authentic. The characters were well-written and the mystery included adds intrigue and tension. I received a copy from Celebrate Lit. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author Jody Hedlund has done another fantastic job in enlightening us on the struggles during a tough time in history. Children were in need of homes and a solution was made to send them west on trains to towns and people would adopt them. This novel gives us an account of one of the journeys. From the perspective of the agents in charge of the children. We see the struggles they deal with, the children’s fears, the town people’s reluctance and even successes along the way. The way she was able to weave a tale of fiction filled with facts was done well. There is a tale of love and loss along with forgiveness and healing for the main characters. As I was reading at times I wanted to reach in and give those sweet children a hug. She drew me in to their stories and I felt for them and their plight to find a home that was safe and off the streets. A home to give them food and perhaps love. Also the reality was there that some were only looking for free labor from the children. I received a copy of this book from the publisher, All views expressed here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aida ramirez
Together Forever is a well-written novel that includes a little of everything – history, intrigue, and romance. I was drawn into the story with the first sentence, and finished the book in just a few sittings. I fell in love with Drew whose heart for children, integrity, and faith in God fought with his feelings of guilt and self-doubt. Marianne also struggles with her own guilt which creates a delicious tension between her and Drew. I love historic novels that educate me, and Together Forever did not disappoint. I learned about the orphan trains of the mid-1800s and life in the Old West, which intrigued me enough to do follow up research. Dialogue and description effectively immersed me into the era. This is the second book in the series, and I easily read it without having read the first book. Those who enjoy the Civil War era, the Old West, and historic fiction in general should like this book.

I received this book for free from CelebrateLit Publicity, and a positive review was not required. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven haber
"Together Forever" is the 2nd book in the Orphan Train series. If I had realized that there was another book (and a prequel novella), I would have read them first. Even so, the book was able to be read alone. I did suspect that there had been another book when it was giving a brief history of Elise and Thornton's relationship. It felt like there was more to the story, but I didn't feel it was absolutely necessary to have read it. I did wonder if Reinhold had made an appearance in the first book. I found the book to be well written and flowed really well. I loved Marianne and Drew and their interactions with each other and the orphans. I liked the spiritual thread woven through and the grow the characters experienced. Learning more about the "orphan trains" was interesting and makes me want to know more about them. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The cover of this book captured me from the first. Being the second in the series though, I put off reading it and, upon reading the back cover I was concerned the story would be too sad. Still, my curiosity about the orphan trains and that image won out and I’m grateful. Marianne and Drew are easy to like and relate to, both have suffered hardships and are stepping out on a new journey. Each of the orphans has their own sad story, difficult to read but interesting historically. Well researched, I enjoyed finding out more about this unique way of homing children. The romance builds from sweet and light-hearted to earnest and abiding. I didn’t feel I missed anything having not reading the first book but, now knowing the characters, I am looking forward to the next one! Five out of five, highly recommended!

A favourite line: "She didn’t have to let the difficult situations take away her joy. God could help her walk through the hardships so she could find new strength and joy on the other side."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tyler works
In Together Forever by Jody Hedlund, you will meet Marianne Neumann, shortly after she has started working with the Children's Aid Society. Marianne will be a placement agent on a train full of orphans from New York City, looking to find a new family in the farmland of Illinois. Her heart wants to help these young ones looking for a home; however, Marianne's main desire is to try to locate her younger sister, Sophie, who has gone missing on the mean streets of New York City!

Marianne soon meets Andrew ('Drew') Brady, her fellow agent, on this first trip. As Marianne and Drew work together to place these orphans in new homes, they begin to form a friendship, that also has promise to grow into something more!

When this group dwindles to the point of only one orphan left to place, something terrible occurs. One of the original orphans winds up missing! Hang on until the final page, when the truth of what occurred finally comes to light!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trinayana roy
I loved this book.  It is book two of a series.  I read book one so I was waiting anxiously for this installment of the Orphan Train Series.  

There are very few writers that I have on my must read list.  Jody Hedlund is on that list.  I can guarantee that this story will tug on your heartstrings.  I felt the children's fear.   I felt Marianne's emotions when she had to say goodbye to these children.  Marianne and Drew were special people and were just right for the job. What they soon discovered was that they were right for each other.

Ms. Hedlund's writing brings her characters to life.  I sat on the edge of my recliner many times as Marianne got herself into one predicament  into another.

I eagerly await the next book.  I'm assuming it might be about the third sister, Sophie.  I can't thank you enough, Ms. Hedlund, for the many hours of enjoyment you give me.

I received this for free to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Together Forever is the second book in the Orphan Train series by Jody Hedlund. I did not have the privilege of reading the first book in this series, but I was still able to follow the story line. I just might have to go back and read the first one, though! I did like this book. It was fun, entertaining and shed light on an often overlooked event in American history - orphan trains shortly before the Civil War. I enjoyed the interactions between the main characters. However, I felt like some of those events would have been highly unlikely and even looked down upon during that time if they would have been discovered. However, if you want an easy read that brings up some interesting thoughts and questions on orphans in the mid-1800s, this book is for you.

Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for providing me with a review copy. A review was not required, and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great Jody Hedlund book.
Her historical novels are my favorite.
I love looking forward to seeing what Jody comes up with next and she didn't disappoint me.
I enjoyed getting to know Maryanne and Free and all the children.
I was tickled pink when Jody shows us that adults know how to have fun too.
Her research is great and very thorough.
I am enjoying this orphan train series very much!
Maryanne is such a trooper! I admire her very much!!
Drew the challenger made me like him a lot. He can mean business when he has to.
I'm looking forward to to third one and I hate seeing this series end!
I received this book for free. All opinions are my own.
I do strongly recommend this book because I liked how the story gave us insight to how life for the children might have been like.
Where they scared, nervous excited?
You'll just have to read this wonderful story to find out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
venu mittal
I love reading stories about the orphan trains in the 1800s and this one didn’t disappoint me. Author Jody Hedlund writes this so well that I could see the children. Feel their confusion, fear, and hope. The adult characters, both main and secondary, were well developed and pulled you into the story.The entire book is easy to visualize.

If you enjoy some romance with your historical novels, this is a book for you. However Andrew and Marianne both had to grow before they were ready for a relationship. Hedlund gives us a look into their development as individuals and a couple as they struggle with real life issues.

Together Forever didn’t end the way I expected. I really was surprised, and that’s something only a good writer can give a reader. I highly recommend this book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie consolvo
Climb aboard Book #2 of Jody Hedlund's Orphan Train series, and join Marianne Neumann as she works for the Children's Aid Society. Marianne, sister of Elise (main character of Book #1), has an ulterior motive in her work with the orphans. Yes, she cares about them and desires to help, but she chooses this job because she hopes it will lead her to her younger sister, Sophie, who disappeared along with the two children the Neumann sisters had been caring for. Marianne feels she's to blame for their disappearance, and she intends on searching at each stop along the railroad.

But of course, she has a job to do. She, along with her partner, Drew Brady, must find homes for each of the orphans in their care. As they journey west, Marianne finds herself beginning to care more and more for the children even as she must let them go, and she finds herself caring for Drew as well.

Drew has worked for the Children's Aid Society for a couple of years, and his love for the children is obvious. He's a fun and cheerful agent, but he's also tough and strict.

As Marianne and Drew work together to care for the children, they begin to care for each other. But Drew has a past he's running from, a past that tries to repeat itself. Marianne finds old habits are heard to break, and her lies, though seemingly innocent, quickly catch up to her.

Marianne definitely grows in strength and in purpose. In the beginning of the novel, she seems timid and uncertain, but circumstances stretch and push her. She learns to fight for those she loves, but she also learns when she needs to let go.

As with the previous book, it was interesting to learn more about the Children's Aid Society and what the orphans had to endure. It is almost funny seeing how easily orphans were shoved off to new homes. In today's world, there's so much red tape, money, background checks, etc., the mere thought of adopting is the beginning of a long journey.

An innocent lie spills out of control, and Marianne is frantic to undo the charade. In His own time, and in the nick of time, God untangles the mess, and brings the sweet story to a close. Marianne learns trusting Him and letting go is the best thing because He knows what is best for her. Even little Jethro gets a wonderful, happy ending- even better than what he tried to get for himself.

Once again, Jody wrote a winner! I truly enjoyed immersing myself in this story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teto rero
I absolutely loved this book by Jody Hedlund! Together Forever is the second book in the Orphan Train series and it is Marianne Neumann and Andrew Brady's story.
Marianne started working for the Children's Aid Society in order to find her lost younger sister, but in doing so she found a lot of lost children and was able to love them for a brief period of time before she and Andrew placed them with their forever families.
What she didn't expect to find was man to love, but that is just what happened after spending so much time with Andrew. He had such love for the children, a free spirit and a love for God that Marianne thought she no longer deserved, but a tragic accident threatens to destroy all that they've worked so hard for including their long life together.

I was given an ARC from the author/publisher. All conclusions are mine and mine alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristy cross
ogether Forever is the second book in Jody Hedlunds Orphan Train series. Though this book can stand alone, I do recommend reading the first. It will help you better understand the characters in this read.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It isn’t often, if ever, that I’ve read a book about this historical time period strictly from the point of view of those responsible for placing the orphans. It certainly gives one empathy for the task they chose to perform. It took much sacrificial love and giving of oneself to do it well.

Hedlund once again brings history to life with absolutely wonderful characters, emotionally scenes, vivid detail, and a unique point of view from an interesting historical time of the orphan trains. This book will have a place on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. My opinions are all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
She's signed up to escort immigrant children and abused children to, hopefully, a better life in further west. It's not easy because they are easy for her to love and not want to give away at the end but it's a good cause.

Bethany House sent me a copy to read for review (thank you). It has been published so you can purchase a copy now.

Her fellow guardian is a good looking male with a past. She has one too...

You learn about how rough life is for the young ones, the difficulties of placing them well and the pain of letting them go. Along the way, you learn about love and duty. What's more important? Fulfilling duty and obligations or finding love? As each tries to do the right thing, the more things get messed up.

It's a good thing God is along to lend a hand...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie angermeier haab
Together Forever is what I have been waiting for all year. I absolutely loved Jody Hedlund’s beginning of her Orphan Train series, With You Always. The wait for book two was well worth it. I love how the author uses vivid historical details for her stories. She knows how to transport me back in time and be part of the characters’ lives and this one is no different. Love how she brought Marianne and Drew to life. Another reason why she is among my favorite authors.
I give Together Forever a well deserved five plus stars. I will be eagerly waiting for the third installment from the Orphan Train series.
Great piece of sweet, clean and romantic historical fiction. Highly recommended.
I received this book from the author but was not required to write a review. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have loved reading this book! The way this author writes had me glued to the pages
from beginning to end. She writes a beautiful story with romance, love and emotion.
I fell in love with the characters. I was smitten with Drew and felt a connection
with Marianne. I loved sweet little Jethro. This story touched my heart in many ways
especially when talking about those poor children on the orphan train. Be prepared
for some majorly swoon worthy scenes. This was my
first time reading this author but I do think that I will be reading her again. It
isn't often that an author can keep me glued to the pages the whole time I am
reading. I received this book for free from Celebrate Lit. A positive review
was not required. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Together Forever is a gripping story set in 1858 during the orphan train migration from New York to Illinois. From the first chapter, the chemistry between the hero and heroine sizzles and propels the story forward with a beautiful and satisfying ending. The orphans tugged at my heart and made me want to adopt them myself. The plot mixed with Ms. Hedlund's strategic writing takes the reader back in time on a journey that is bittersweet and historically accurate. Together Forever is book two in the Orphan Train series, but this novel stands on its own as well. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical romance with a rich history and to anyone who enjoys a strong, yet clean, romance between characters. I give this book five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james digiovanna
4.5 A moving second installment in the Orphan Train Book series by Jody Hedlund paints a picture for us about the triumphs and heartbreaks of the orphan train movement and the Children's Aid Society that operated from 1853 into the twentieth century. Drew and Marianne are lovable characters each struggling with elements of their own past as they love and let go of the orphans in their care. And sparks definitely fly between them. If you like fun, competitive characters and swoon worthy romance set in the midst of a well written historical fiction story, you must read this series! Each book can stand alone, but I find reading them in order gives so much more depth to each story. I always love to read the authors note at the end to learn more about the time period.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
       Jody Hedlund is an author who keeps you turning the pages. This is the second book about the orphan train which was in the mid 1800's. The Children Aid Society would gather up the homeless street urchins and the orphans in the orphanage and put them on the orphan train in the hopes that they would be adopted at the different towns they would stop at. Some would be adopted by childless couples but often it would be people that would take them because they needed extra help in the home or fields. Hedlund brings the children to life and also the adults who would oversee them on their train ride. There is humor, excitement, sadness and even danger on the westward Orphan Train. Oh yes, there is even romance.......I received a copy from NetGalley and this is my honest review,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave adams
Marianne works for the Children's Aid Society as an agent to place orphans into homes. She is partnered with another agent, Andrew Brady to take a group of children out west to be placed into homes. The agency warned Marianne to not become attached to the children, as it will be hard to let them go when it's time for them to be adopted. Marianne was once living with her sister and brother in law but wants to prove it to her sister that she can take care of herself. Her hard work ethic but also kind and compassionate personality is admirable.

Reinhold is another character in the story. Though his story was short, his affiliation with the orphans became important later on in the story. Reinhold used to know Marianne before she moved out to NYC.

What I really found interesting was that the book was based on a real agent named Clara B. Comstock in the early 20th century. Clara made 74 trips placing orphans in homes. That is a lot of trips!

What I did appreciate was that Jody mentioned that Marianne is from a family of immigrants. This gives hope to the reader that things will get better when a big change happens to your life. Marianne at the beginning believes that God no longer loves her because of the things she has done in the past. However, with Brady's help, she learns that is not true. God was always looking out for her and loved her even at her worst.

Speaking of Marianne and Andrew Brady, their romance was inspiring and moving. Their chemistry was undeniable. One particular moment when one of the orphan Jethro caught Marianne and Andrew kissing was absolutely hilarious (I will stop there for sake of no spoilers). The only gripe I had about the story was Brady's constant admiration towards Marianne (internally), to the point it felt more like an infatuation than real love. However, over time that infatuation grew to love. I loved that Jody emphasized that fact. I don't think we 'love' someone at first site. We may be attracted to them but love comes over time.

I absolutely adored the children too. The interactions between the children, Brady, and Marianne were precious. When they finally reached out west to adopt out the children were emotional. To let just about anyone adopt these children - not knowing their backgrounds must have been very hard. This was a common practice apparently. Many orphans were sent to families. Many of these families took the older children to work their fields, while the infants and children under 5 were ideal to married couples. Many children between the ages of 5 and 10 were undesirable because they were old enough to remember their past and too young to work the fields. I found this to be so sad!

Note- I was provided a copy by the publisher to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Together Forever, the second book in Jody Hedlund's Orphan Train series, centers more on the orphan placement process from the 1850s than her first book, With You Always, which focused more on the emigrant relocation process of that time. I really loved the historical details about the orphan trains as well as the way she presented both sides of the coin, how it worked well for some, but was fraught with difficulties for others. She presented snapshots of a large range of orphan situations while still focusing mainly on the hero and heroine and their struggles. So, if you love historical details, but don't want to be overwhelmed by them, you will enjoy this book!

As far as the main characters are concerned, Drew & Marianne are both people who love children and interact easily with them. In this way, they remind me a lot of myself. I could easily place myself in their situation and imagine reacting similarly to the children in my care, so it they seemed so real to me. They each have spiritual & mental struggles as well as some situational ones that come up in the book, and again, these seemed very realistic because Jody did a great job of having them respond consistently based on their personalities. And of course for each there was a moment of spiritual awakening that moved them through their struggles.

As a Christian reader it is very satisfying to read application of God's truth through these fictional characters. And it wasn't preachy! There wasn't even a church service in the book with a long sermon which is a common christian fiction ploy that I feel bogs down the plot. She managed to work in the spiritual aspects in a more gentle way so that you see the truths without feeling preached at. I feel like a non-christian could read this and not feel preached at, but a christian could read it and apply truths to their life.

I really enjoyed the romance, the historical details, and the spiritual elements. The story will stick with me for some time and I plan to recommend it to some friends I know will like it too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enjoyed reading to the next installment of the Orphan Train series. I can imagine the guild that Marianne feels as she takes on her job caring for the children on the orphan train. She has to make sure they stay safe and go to a good home while also trying to figure out what happened to her younger sister and two other children from her earlier life.
This book really gave insight as to what it was like for the children on the train and made you happy when you felt they were getting a good life and suspicious of some of the families as well. I look forward to seeing what is in store next for the series.
I received a copy of the book from the author, the review is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith flanagan
I enjoy reading historical fiction books, so I was super excited to read this one. I must admit that the Orphan Train was new to me as I never knew anything about the Orphan Trains before, so I really enjoyed learning more about the Orphan Train. The historical details in this story are amazing. I felt as if I was actually riding the Orphan Train along with the characters. The story teaches us some really great lessons as well about forgiveness and letting go of the past. This is book two in the series, but will work well as a standalone as well.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan mcgraw
I very much enjoyed this Christian historical novel by Jody Hedlund. The author did a nice job with the historical details and taking us along on the train travel with the orphans. I felt the emotions of the orphans as they were anxiously waiting to be paired with their new families. Marianne and Drew were interesting characters. They struggled with their own individual past mistakes, but their love and care for the orphans finally draws them together. There were surprising twists in the story that keep me turning pages. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debi thompson
Jody Hedlund never disappoints! I can always count on a good read when I pick up one her books and Together Forever was fantastic. This is book two of her Orphan Train series. I loved reading about Marianne's trip on the placing out train trip. Ms. Hedlund did a wonderful job of recreating the atmosphere of New York City and the desperation of people to provide a better life for their children. I loved the plot and the plot twists. I am eagerly looking forward to the next book! So grab your travel mug of tea and ride along with Adam, Marianne, and the children as they travel to new lives.
I was given this book by the publisher with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shehzeen misbah
Together Forever Is the second one in the series. It is secrets, orphans, tragedies, searching, bad choices, good choices, high emotions, connections, mystery and Faith. Don't worry though it may be the second in a series but it is a wonderful stand alone book. The author is so talented and knowledgeable about her historical facts it is so fascinating - it only makes the story all the better. These children and caretakers came to life for me straight off the pages. Now that is an awesome book. I received a copy of this review from the Publisher and Netgalley; all of the opinions expressed in this review are all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol lynn grellas
Together Forever is the second book in the Orphan Train Series by Jody Hedlund. Having been a fan of both her YA series and Orphan Train series, it seems as if I am always waiting for the next book to come out. I was not disappointed in the author's latest story of the middle Neumann sister.

Marianne Neumann and Andrew Brady are employed by the Children’s Aid Society as placing agents. Traveling by train from NYC to Illinois, the two are responsible for the care of 31 orphans who are hoping to find loving families along their journey.

The agent who instructed Marianne on her duties had said she shouldn’t form attachments with the children or fraternize with other agents on their journeys. How could Marianne not form an attachment while caring for the children when they were sad, scared, sick or sleeping? They were all continually in such close proximity of each other, and working alongside the charming Mr. Brady, remaining mindful of her duties was a challenge indeed.

I enjoyed this book so much and was so sad to see it end! It was full of fun, tears, drama, suspense and romance. I loved how the author allowed you to see the point of view of the placing agents, as well as that of the orphans. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christina foerstner
Together Forever by Jody Hedlund is the second book in the historical fiction Orphan Train series. The book follows lead character Marianne in her quest to find employment in order to provide for her kids and to find her younger sister. A gentleman, Andrew, enters the picture. The characters are well-developed. The conversations were realistic, and they were written as if they were spoken by people, incorrect grammar, slang and all. The story was easy to get into. It would make for a nice read on vacation at the beach or while on a long flight. I received a free copy of this book to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie stanton
I adore historical fiction, and Jody Hedlund’s orphan train series is one of my favorites! The details and descriptions are vivid and bring to life a compelling tale. Marianne Neumann, her fellow Children’s Aid Society agent Andrew Brady, and their young charges are well-crafted and endearing characters, and I loved experiencing their emotional journey. Together Forever is a beautiful blend of history and romance, and I can’t wait to continue this wonderful series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. No review was required, and all thoughts expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah fite
As an avid reader with a passion for historical fiction and a strong preference for Christian fiction, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review an advance copy of “Together Forever” by Jody Hedlund and published by Bethany House Publishers.

Published on May 1st, 2018, this richly told story takes us on the journey of Marianne Neumann as she accompanies a group of ragtag orphans to the mid-west to find their forever homes.

Woven with romance, suspense and humor, we learn the daunting issues that orphans (and their guardians) faced in the mid-1800’s.

Artfully written and meticulously researched, this book has changed me. While I’ve always had a heart for motherless and fatherless children and single mothers, this book caused me to reflect on how I’m serving orphans today.

I can’t wait to read more from Jody Hedlund.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan fletcher
This was  an interesting book to read. I didn't know a lot about the Orphan train before reading this book. This story made me want to do more research on the orphans being placed out west. Jody Hedlund created such believable characters that you couldn't help but like them. I liked how the story is full of hope, redemption and second chances.  This is book #2 so although it can be read by itself, I recommend reading book #1 first.

I recommend this book to my family and friends.

I received this book from the publisher to read and give my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mehmet nalbanto lu
Excellent writing! I love the perspective of the main characters and the role they play. Ms Hedlund is talented at catching the attention of the reader from the first page and holding through the last word.

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including Netgalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tabitha bethelmy
Love is stronger than anything. It can bring people together when things happen. Marianne is snooping in employer's office trying to find where her one sister was placed. Brady comes in and she stalls trying to make excuses. She finds out Brady is to be person she travels with to place orphans. Long train rides, 3 angry older boys, challenges and dares between Marianne and Brady. Brady charged with murder. So many obstacles will love really win in together forever. Good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another great read by Mrs. Hedlund! The book was about the historical orphan train. It was very well researched. I enjoyed learning from the lovable fictional characters who worked for the Children's Aid Society. I learned about some of the hardships they endured to find homes for these unfortunate children.. This was a sweet romance and I look forward to more in the series.
*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher and was not required to leave a review. This is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really loved the novella, An Awakened Heart and also the first book in the series, With You Always. This book can be skipped, it could have been such a wonderful novel about the orphan trains. Instead it is one page after another of various facets of physical attraction. Jody Hedlund did you really write this novel, I would have never guessed so. How could the first of the series been sooooo good and this sooooo bad. There are much better novels, don't bother with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia jones
Together Forever, the second book in Jody Hedlund's Orphan Train series, centers more on the orphan placement process from the 1850s than her first book, With You Always, which focused more on the emigrant relocation process of that time. I really loved the historical details about the orphan trains as well as the way she presented both sides of the coin, how it worked well for some, but was fraught with difficulties for others. She presented snapshots of a large range of orphan situations while still focusing mainly on the hero and heroine and their struggles. So, if you love historical details, but don't want to be overwhelmed by them, you will enjoy this book!

As far as the main characters are concerned, Drew & Marianne are both people who love children and interact easily with them. In this way, they remind me a lot of myself. I could easily place myself in their situation and imagine reacting similarly to the children in my care, so it they seemed so real to me. They each have spiritual & mental struggles as well as some situational ones that come up in the book, and again, these seemed very realistic because Jody did a great job of having them respond consistently based on their personalities. And of course for each there was a moment of spiritual awakening that moved them through their struggles.

As a Christian reader it is very satisfying to read application of God's truth through these fictional characters. And it wasn't preachy! There wasn't even a church service in the book with a long sermon which is a common christian fiction ploy that I feel bogs down the plot. She managed to work in the spiritual aspects in a more gentle way so that you see the truths without feeling preached at. I feel like a non-christian could read this and not feel preached at, but a christian could read it and apply truths to their life.

I really enjoyed the romance, the historical details, and the spiritual elements. The story will stick with me for some time and I plan to recommend it to some friends I know will like it too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam the destroyer
I have enjoyed reading to the next installment of the Orphan Train series. I can imagine the guild that Marianne feels as she takes on her job caring for the children on the orphan train. She has to make sure they stay safe and go to a good home while also trying to figure out what happened to her younger sister and two other children from her earlier life.
This book really gave insight as to what it was like for the children on the train and made you happy when you felt they were getting a good life and suspicious of some of the families as well. I look forward to seeing what is in store next for the series.
I received a copy of the book from the author, the review is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoy reading historical fiction books, so I was super excited to read this one. I must admit that the Orphan Train was new to me as I never knew anything about the Orphan Trains before, so I really enjoyed learning more about the Orphan Train. The historical details in this story are amazing. I felt as if I was actually riding the Orphan Train along with the characters. The story teaches us some really great lessons as well about forgiveness and letting go of the past. This is book two in the series, but will work well as a standalone as well.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen rush
I very much enjoyed this Christian historical novel by Jody Hedlund. The author did a nice job with the historical details and taking us along on the train travel with the orphans. I felt the emotions of the orphans as they were anxiously waiting to be paired with their new families. Marianne and Drew were interesting characters. They struggled with their own individual past mistakes, but their love and care for the orphans finally draws them together. There were surprising twists in the story that keep me turning pages. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jody Hedlund never disappoints! I can always count on a good read when I pick up one her books and Together Forever was fantastic. This is book two of her Orphan Train series. I loved reading about Marianne's trip on the placing out train trip. Ms. Hedlund did a wonderful job of recreating the atmosphere of New York City and the desperation of people to provide a better life for their children. I loved the plot and the plot twists. I am eagerly looking forward to the next book! So grab your travel mug of tea and ride along with Adam, Marianne, and the children as they travel to new lives.
I was given this book by the publisher with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edward mcmullen
Together Forever Is the second one in the series. It is secrets, orphans, tragedies, searching, bad choices, good choices, high emotions, connections, mystery and Faith. Don't worry though it may be the second in a series but it is a wonderful stand alone book. The author is so talented and knowledgeable about her historical facts it is so fascinating - it only makes the story all the better. These children and caretakers came to life for me straight off the pages. Now that is an awesome book. I received a copy of this review from the Publisher and Netgalley; all of the opinions expressed in this review are all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
philberta leung
Together Forever is the second book in the Orphan Train Series by Jody Hedlund. Having been a fan of both her YA series and Orphan Train series, it seems as if I am always waiting for the next book to come out. I was not disappointed in the author's latest story of the middle Neumann sister.

Marianne Neumann and Andrew Brady are employed by the Children’s Aid Society as placing agents. Traveling by train from NYC to Illinois, the two are responsible for the care of 31 orphans who are hoping to find loving families along their journey.

The agent who instructed Marianne on her duties had said she shouldn’t form attachments with the children or fraternize with other agents on their journeys. How could Marianne not form an attachment while caring for the children when they were sad, scared, sick or sleeping? They were all continually in such close proximity of each other, and working alongside the charming Mr. Brady, remaining mindful of her duties was a challenge indeed.

I enjoyed this book so much and was so sad to see it end! It was full of fun, tears, drama, suspense and romance. I loved how the author allowed you to see the point of view of the placing agents, as well as that of the orphans. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Together Forever by Jody Hedlund is the second book in the historical fiction Orphan Train series. The book follows lead character Marianne in her quest to find employment in order to provide for her kids and to find her younger sister. A gentleman, Andrew, enters the picture. The characters are well-developed. The conversations were realistic, and they were written as if they were spoken by people, incorrect grammar, slang and all. The story was easy to get into. It would make for a nice read on vacation at the beach or while on a long flight. I received a free copy of this book to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ekaterina suvorova
I adore historical fiction, and Jody Hedlund’s orphan train series is one of my favorites! The details and descriptions are vivid and bring to life a compelling tale. Marianne Neumann, her fellow Children’s Aid Society agent Andrew Brady, and their young charges are well-crafted and endearing characters, and I loved experiencing their emotional journey. Together Forever is a beautiful blend of history and romance, and I can’t wait to continue this wonderful series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. No review was required, and all thoughts expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristel poole
As an avid reader with a passion for historical fiction and a strong preference for Christian fiction, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review an advance copy of “Together Forever” by Jody Hedlund and published by Bethany House Publishers.

Published on May 1st, 2018, this richly told story takes us on the journey of Marianne Neumann as she accompanies a group of ragtag orphans to the mid-west to find their forever homes.

Woven with romance, suspense and humor, we learn the daunting issues that orphans (and their guardians) faced in the mid-1800’s.

Artfully written and meticulously researched, this book has changed me. While I’ve always had a heart for motherless and fatherless children and single mothers, this book caused me to reflect on how I’m serving orphans today.

I can’t wait to read more from Jody Hedlund.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aaron sharp
This was  an interesting book to read. I didn't know a lot about the Orphan train before reading this book. This story made me want to do more research on the orphans being placed out west. Jody Hedlund created such believable characters that you couldn't help but like them. I liked how the story is full of hope, redemption and second chances.  This is book #2 so although it can be read by itself, I recommend reading book #1 first.

I recommend this book to my family and friends.

I received this book from the publisher to read and give my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chelsea marie
This is the second book in the Orphan Train series and it can definitely be read as a stand alone :).Author Jody had me captivated from page 1 until the last page. I felt empathy for the 32 children traveling this train and felt my heart tearing reading about already broken children being forced to be separated from siblings. I fought tears when devastating circumstances appeared and let them run down shamelessly with a few that ended up with good results. Not only was I caught up with the children but also in the romance formulated with the main characters, Marianne and Andrew. They had to learn valuable life lessons about courage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura margaret
Excellent writing! I love the perspective of the main characters and the role they play. Ms Hedlund is talented at catching the attention of the reader from the first page and holding through the last word.

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including Netgalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richie keogh
Love is stronger than anything. It can bring people together when things happen. Marianne is snooping in employer's office trying to find where her one sister was placed. Brady comes in and she stalls trying to make excuses. She finds out Brady is to be person she travels with to place orphans. Long train rides, 3 angry older boys, challenges and dares between Marianne and Brady. Brady charged with murder. So many obstacles will love really win in together forever. Good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hamideh iraj
Another great read by Mrs. Hedlund! The book was about the historical orphan train. It was very well researched. I enjoyed learning from the lovable fictional characters who worked for the Children's Aid Society. I learned about some of the hardships they endured to find homes for these unfortunate children.. This was a sweet romance and I look forward to more in the series.
*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher and was not required to leave a review. This is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
arie novarina
I really loved the novella, An Awakened Heart and also the first book in the series, With You Always. This book can be skipped, it could have been such a wonderful novel about the orphan trains. Instead it is one page after another of various facets of physical attraction. Jody Hedlund did you really write this novel, I would have never guessed so. How could the first of the series been sooooo good and this sooooo bad. There are much better novels, don't bother with this one.
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