The Consequence of Seduction

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff nicolai
The Consequence of Seduction was another laugh out loud, spicy, sweet romance in the Consequence Series! I have been a die-hard fan since I read the first one, The Consequence of Loving Colton, and I was finally glad to get Reid’s story in my hands.

Poor Reid…he’s been through so much trauma and turmoil (although it’s pretty darn funny!), so I was happy he was going to get his shot at happiness. Reid’s movie career is really taking off, but he is off his seduction game since his altercations with Grandma. He’s having no luck with the ladies, and all movie star heartthrobs have to have game with the women. Reid gets one of the best publicists in the business. Her name is Jordan, and the chemistry between the two is on fire, although they don’t know if they want to fall in bed together or kill each other first. Reid knows Jordan can help him…that is until his brother, Max, gets involved, and we all know when Max gets involved chaos, mayhem, and lots of laughter is soon to follow.

I loved Reid and Jordan. They are polar opposites. Reid is a magnet for adoration and attention while Jordan is always overlooked, and some people don’t even know she exists….literally! When Reid makes his interest known, she can’t believe it. As they get closer, she really can’t believe he might actually have real feelings for her. She’s beautiful inside and out, and she has her own quirkiness which makes her a perfect addition to the gang. Plus, she holds her own with Reid and Max. It takes a special woman to make those two toe the line. I loved the storyline and seeing all the characters from the earlier books! As always, I love Max. He may be slightly eccentric, and that’s putting it mildly. But, his heart is always in the right place. And finally….finally it looks as if the next book will be about Jason! I’m doing the happy dance. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

***Reviewed for Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you’ve read any of the previous Consequences books, you already know that Reid is Max’s brother, and between the two of them, who knows exactly who is the most… heterosexually flamboyant. These brothers are a bit crazy that way. They’re drama kings to an extent who are incredibly good looking – and gosh, do they know it. If you haven’t read any of the other books, well… you’ll get this same sense for Reid in the very first sentence of the story.

Like I enjoyed watching Max get everything handed to him, I was a bit excited to watch Reid get the same treatment – and from who other than sassy Jordan, his new publicist.

One can only imaging just what this newest gig of Reid's will do to his head, so reading his story and fully diving into his character was fun. I have to be honest though -- of this entire clan of friends, Reid and Max were the two that have always annoyed me to an extent. Max went and proved himself so I was expecting the same of Reid, to be fully enamored with Max's brother. And while I eventually got there... it took a little more time than Max did.

So the 4-star rating following brother Max's 5-star was simply because of Reid and the length of time it took for me to not be annoyed by his egotistical ways -- Ms. Van Dyken's writing is still phenomenal. She has a way of making you smile and laugh throughout the entire story (or bawl your eyes out... that too). Max certainly helps pull the story along, and watching Becca as she deals with him still makes me smile (I love that she started out as the barista who ignored him and his cocky ways). Then, of course, there was Colt and Milo -- Colt has always been the more levelheaded of everyone, so I love catching up with him.

Next up is Jason... that poor guy has been through the ringer as this series has progressed. I can't wait to watch as all his efforts (and injuries) finally pay off..!

*received a copy of the title in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the newest release to the Consequence series, The Consequence of Seduction, Rachel Van Dyken finally introduces Reid to his perfect girl – hopefully putting his Grandma nightmares to rest and allowing him to understand what it means to woo a girl with more than just his smoldering eyes.

But how does a heart throb in the making and an invisible girl go from dating as a publicity stunt to happily ever after?

The answer is simple enough – Max Emory.

Since the beginning of the series, Max Emory has stolen my heart with his crazy schemes, lewd comments, and hilarious reactions – all done in the name of love and friendship – even if his behavior, at times, should get him committed or in a fist fight with the very people he’s supposedly helping.

But Reid and Jordan can’t deny that Max’s fairy godmother behavior is exactly what they needed to be able to turn a ruse into reality, and with Max’s help, Jordan goes from a girl who lives in the background going unnoticed by everyone around her to the woman others are jealous of because she’s snagged the man everyone wants and just maybe, she can turn their “real-life taming of the shrew” into a relationship that makes Jordan feel extraordinary instead of invisible.

The Consequence of Seduction is a hilarious and heartwarming read that will have readers laughing out loud with Max’s antics as well as Reid and Jordan’s banter. Readers get to witness Reid’s taming of Jordan as well as Jordan’s domesticating of Reid and even though there’s misunderstandings and fears, readers remain hopeful throughout the course of the text that Reid and Jordan will get exactly what they both want and deserve – each other.

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4 Poison Apples
The Shepherd :: The Good German :: A Novel (Movie Tie-In) by John le Carr?? (2016-06-07) :: The Prodigal Spy :: Bang Bang
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A combination Rom Com and Slapstick, The Consequence of Seduction will have you literally laughing out loud.

Reid Emory is blessed with looks, talent, money - you name it, he's the perfect package. He's never had to pursue a woman as they've always come willingly. But, he's been a bit off his game ever since "the incident," though he's loathe to admit it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, his brother Max has a plan up his sleeve.

Jordan is invisible - has been her entire life. People literally don't see her - she consistently has people bumping into her, even sitting on her! So when she's thrown into a "relationship" with her new client, up and coming movie star Reid Emory, it's hard not to fall.

I loved Reid and Jordan together - Reid melted my heart with his true affection for Jordan. Sure, he's a typical guy and does some stupid stuff, but he loves her just the way she is - he doesn't try to change her and he builds her up, helps her see how amazing she is. That alone earns Reid my stamp of approval. And while Reid doesn't try to change her, Jordan is changed because of Reid - being with him makes her a better person because he boosts her self-esteem; she's no longer invisible, no longer insecure; she's able to stand up for herself and that kind of change is what you find in a healthy relationship. Both are better because of the relationship, but they haven't tried to change each other.

Overall, a delightfully fun read that made me laugh, cry, and even made my heart melt a little.

While this is technically the third book in the series, it reads well as a stand alone.

Warnings ~ language, open door intimate scenes, drinking
Honest disclosure ~ a review copy was provided
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly darby
The Consequence of Seduction is a stand-alone romantic comedy involving characters that first appeared in the Consequence of Loving Colton
Broadway hunk Reid Emory is on the cusp of Hollywood stardom after landing a major role in a new film. He’s got everything going for him – looks, money, and women. Ok, maybe not women. Ever since an incident involving his friend‘s Grandma and bengay, he’s lost his mojo with the ladies. His brother Max convinces him to “get back on the horse” and choses a plain girl sitting at the bar. Reid makes his move….and it backfires horribly. She thinks he’s gay and he thinks Max paid her to reject him. Turns out Reid will be paying her to be his girlfriend… well publicist and fake girlfriend. Will their fake relationship turn into happily ever after? With Max’s helpfulness /antics you never know.
Rachel Dyken‘s creativity boggles my mind. Her characters are both relatable and endearing. Yes, I wanted strangle Max for his antics in this book but I was laughing so much I just couldn’t do it.
What I like best about RVD’s writing style is that it’s not overly detailed and there is no internal character dialogue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my poor Reid, he’s been violated and emotionally destroyed by our crazy grandma, and now he’s lost his so-called swagger. Of course Max (Reid’s brother) being Max, places a bet whether Reid can get his mojo back, and it backfires from the beginning.

The plain Jane, who rejected Reid, soon becomes his publicist, and all hell breaks loose. Thrown into a compromising situation, all due to Max of course, Reid and Jordan have to learn to “fake love” one another, but is it turning into something more? Reid slowly learns what he thought was the truth is really a lie, and you may just have what you truly want right in front of you.

Thrown into the mix of utter chaos, like usual, is the gang and if you even have to guess, they had me in fits the whole way through. Just one day with them, I’d be traumatized and in love at the same time! Those Emory brothers are the epitome of awesomeness and are beyond hilarious!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Consequence of Seduction is the third book in the Consequence series. Reid has been my favorite from the very beginning of the series. He's more serious than Max, but still funny as hell. He's also sexy, smart, shy, can sing, and will get you with the eyes. Oh my. The eyes. Jordan is his new publicist and she has her work cut out for her. Of course Max is up to his usual shenanigans, which as luck would have it, throws Jordan and Reid together. Hilarity ensues my friends. Jordan is hilarious, funny and has hair in its own time zone. When Reid and Jordan have to pretend to be in a relationship, the sparks fly and the foreplay is killer. Reid doesn't know how to seduce women. He never has to know, the women just come to him. Jordan has to teach him and while they are playing pretend things get real. Will Reid figure it out before it's too late? Can Jordan let herself be loved? Rachel's words always make me laugh, cry, swoon, and laugh some more. I LOVED this story. I love Reid. I want to hear him sing. I need to see the cape. I need more.

Reid crooned in a low, seductive voice that had my ears perking up like someone had just shouted that Channing Tatum was naked and giving away doughnuts.

It was the way he carried himself, the confidence that was real, not fake arrogance. You wanted to be his friend. And you wanted to make him smile. And you wanted those damn eyes trained on you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ian stearns
I love all things Rachel Van Dyken and couldn’t wait for the next installment of her Consequence Series. Reid’s story has been calling to me since the first two books, and I couldn’t wait to finally meet the heroine who would steal his heart. In many ways, Jordan was nothing I expected, but her character was realistic and a perfect match for Reid. I have a soft spot for any heroine who has the crazy curly hair that I too was blessed with.

Tell me, does your hair have a name? Considering it’s like a separate organism living off your body? Let’s call it Parasite Bob”…

Jordan and Reid have an immediate connection, but their relationship is definitely a slow burn. Both tend to hide their truly feelings from one another and work diligently at keeping up their facade. The dual POVs are perfect for this type of romance and vital to truly understand each character’s true feelings. For this series, the book contains many intense moments, especially the sexual tension. However, there are still many hilarious moments and the humor serves as a much needed buffer for the underlying tension.

“I’m so happy you’ve finally found your crab.”

While this wasn’t my favorite book of the series, it was still an enjoyable and fun read. I can’t wait for the next installment to see if Jason can finally have his HEA. I know there will be crazy antics and laugh out loud moments from this lively cast of lovable characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another great addition to this series. Reid and Jordan's story is cute and funny with a dabble of romance here and there. I love this series and theses hysterical set of characters. The crazy crew is back of course and with loads of Max in this one. Well, he is Reid's brother so it was to be expected. I couldn't give this one a full 5 stars because I feel like Max kinda overshadowed the MC's. I mean this was their story and yes Max orchestrated a lot of what happened but I found myself more focused on Max. "What's Max going to pull next"", "OMG, I can't believe that Max", etc. I wanted more Reid. More Jordan.

Another thing, the first two books were f****** hysterical so the expectations for the third was high. Sadly, it didn't meet those expectations. It wasn't as funny. And I think it was only that funny because again of Max.

Don't get me wrong, this is still a great read just a lot less funnier and lighter than the first two. And um, hello, it's an RVD book, so duh! The lady gotz mad writing skills, yo!

Now, I just need Jason's book....when are we getting the poor accident prone sexy cop's book? He needs his HEA, you feel me?!! ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reid Emory needs to forget his traumatic past, get his moves back and get himself a girl. The new rising star of Hollywood seemed to have lost his game with the ladies, and he needs some help. Good thing, he can trust his PR to solve his entire dilemma from his love life, down to his career.

Jordan is a walking catastrophe, but she’s good with her work. She can handle her clients’ just fine until Reid Emory walked into her life. He was making her crazy along with his family and friends. When a publicity stunt went wrong, she found herself along with Reid being pushed under the spotlight as his new love interest. Will their on-cam romance turn into off cam?

I had to admit, this isn’t my favorite book in the series, but I still had fun reading the third book in the series. It’s crazy as hell and you just can’t help but laugh or smile. There are some parts that the humor is somehow overdone, making parts of it a little bit corny. Nevertheless, this won’t hinder your enjoyment in reading this book.

I love both of them. Jordan isn’t perfect. She’s a relatable character, a person you can practically tell yourself: I’m just like her!!! Reid is, well, Reid. Not as crazy as his brother, but just equally charming. I’m just happy he surpassed his ‘traumatic past’.

If you want to read something light, fun and sexy – you have to try the books from this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marian beall
4 Entertaining Stars

This is book three of this series and once again, I found myself laughing out loud while reading this book. In this book we have Reid Emory and Jordan Litwright. Talk about a pair of opposites with some built in chemistry! Reid is an up and coming actor and unbeknownst to him when he meets her in a bar the night before, Jordan is his new Publicist.

They got off to a rocky start and when circumstances force them to be together almost 24/7 let the hilarity begin. Our cast of regulars are back as well and Jordan's first exposure to them almost had tears running from my eyes I was laughing so hard. Max in all his "Maxness" ruled the dinner meeting.

When Jordan is "forced" to be Reid's off screen girlfriend, thanks to one of Max's harebrained ideas, her PR work just got more difficult. Throw in there a s***zu named Otis and well, you know there's bound to be problems!

I really enjoyed how these two danced around the obvious tug they had towards each other. Their back and forth dialogues were so cleverly written and kept me focused so I wouldn't miss one funny word.

Overall, I really liked this book and am so happy we got Reid's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series. Easily one of the funniest that I've ever read. Rachel has nailed romantic comedy with these guys!! And Reid, is certainly no exception to that fact. He and Jordan are definitely right up there with the best of them.
We also get tons of page time with the rest of the gang, as well as Grandma, yes- that Grandma. Poor Reid!! But the book wouldn't be the same without everyone, Hades included! Max plays a huge role in this one, he is Reid's brother after all, but I promise the book is all about Reid and Jordan.
You cannot help but fall for Reid. Seriously, the man has some skills. Probably attributed to the fact that he's an actor, but still- he's got it. So, try as she may- Jordan really never stood a chance. But, I loved her valiant effort. She certainly matched up well with the rest of Rachel's heroines, as she was just as lively and feisty as the rest. Honestly, I don't think that these men could be with any other kind of woman, as they'd be bored to death. They need women like Jordan, Becca and Milo to keep them on their toes.
As usual, RVD knocked this one out of the park, and it gets 5 stars from me! Loved every word, and can't wait to finally get Jason's book. The poor fella needs some goodness his way!! Lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Consequence of Seduction is book 3 in the series (but you can totally read them as stand alones). There is a special place in my heart for Loving Colton (book 1). Reading this book made me figure out why. In Colton and Milo's book, the craziness was brought by supporting characters. By book 3, I am actually finding Max a bit irksome. And Reid seems a bit dense. I still like them, they are good characters and everything, but I think they were better as supporting characters to Colton and Milo. Let me say, I am in the minority with this opinion. I know tons of people LOVE Max and he is by far their favorite character (like people will probably throw things at me for saying I am annoyed with Max...its not a joke!). So, take my opinion for what it is!

So, what worked in this book for me? Jordan. Because seriously, Jordan could be any girl. Her issues/problems were so normal. It made her a really believable character. She was a girl who, if you couldn't imagine her as yourself, you could imagine her as your best friend. I love that while her life may be a bit of mess, she kicks butt at her job. She may be clumsy and seriously down on her luck, but she is still intelligent and focused.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh Rachel Van Dyken... this slap stick comedy is just so funny and over the top.

I really cracked up over Reid and Jordan's story - and Max's constant shenanigans. I loved seeing Jordan transform and become confident in areas that were about more than just her career. She was such a fun, klutzy and feisty character. Reid, in all his charisma and charm, got knocked on his gorgeous little bum and it was hilarious to see. He doesn't have a clue what is going to happen and it's so fun to watch him begin to realize that what he thought he wanted is nowhere near what he actually does want.

There were so many ridiculous moments in The Consequence of Seduction - Max. Oh Max - you evil genius you. He is ALWAYS up to something.

The Consequence of Seduction is a light, funny and quick read that left me smiling, laughing out loud and wondering what could possibly happen next. Four and a half stars for another great one by Rachel Van Dyken!

**Early copy received in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary grace
Another amazing book by Rachel Van Dyken!! I have been anxiously awaiting Reid's story and I couldn't have loved his book any more!! Reid & Jordan were great characters and their story was laugh out loud funny with a little spice! Jordan, she was a professional woman and she stuck to her rules, but when Reid comes into her life, all of the rules go out the window. I will give her credit, she really does try to resist him, but Reid was persistent. Neither of them saw the other coming and impacting their lives in a profound way. The banter between these two characters was hilarious that I had tears in my eyes because I was laughing so hard. The connection between these two characters is strong and I loved watching their story unfold. As always, Rachel Van Dyken's writing is amazing and so real. She gives us a story that we can really just sit back and enjoy and characters that we can relate too.This book is definitely going on my re read shelf and I am so excited to see what Rachel Van Dyken comes out with next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katrina johnson
This book was definitely a roller coaster ride. I haven't read this author bf but it was definitely fast paced. As far as the character of Max I think that even with a DSM5 figuring out his numerous mental issues would be a complete waste of time and like his fiancé says 'can't fight you just have to go along with it.' In the beginning Max challenges his brother to a month in a relationship and later it is reduced down to a week. TBH I didn't care enough to go back and check if I was correct or not but that bothered me a bit. I would have also liked to see a bit more interaction with her pet bc frankly Otis was introduced and then forgotten about through most of it. I think that frenetic is a perfect word to describe this and the action in it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this book! If you are looking for something to make you laugh out loud this one is for you!

This is book three in the Consequence series but can be read as a standalone. This book had me laughing from the beginning. I loved Reid and I loved Jordan!

Reid is on his way to becoming the next big thing in Hollywood if he gets the right PR. Lucky for him the woman he tried to pick up the night before is none other than Jordan Litwright, his new publicist and she's damn good at her job. But then again she never had to deal with the Emory boys and by that I mean Max, Reid's younger brother. Max keeps Reid and Jordan on their toes and it's kind of scary how crazy awesome he is..

These two were great together and I loved everything about them and their interactions with not only each other, but everyone else as well. This is a read that will keep you laughing and also make you swoon.

***ARC provided from the author for my HONEST review. Thank you!***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
texie susan gregory
Another fantastic book in the Consequence series by Rachel Van Dyken.

I adored Reid in the previous books - especially in The Consequence of Loving Colton - but oh how I LOVE him in The Consequence of Seduction!

Reid is the one who is never going to be tied down. Nope, that's not the life for him! Until Jordan.

I freaking loved Jordan from the first coffee stained, untamed hair minute we meet her. Her story of her "invisibility" struck a chord with I am sure not just myself but other readers too.

Reid has had some .... issues I guess you would call them, the past year. Horny grannies, gummi bears, you name it, he's had problems. But his biggest problem of all is Max.

Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Max in the first two books, but this time he irritate me no end! I know he is the typical brother to Reid, and siblings get on each other's nerves but gah - I think most the time I disliked him more than Jordan did! And I didn't like hating him! But this might have just been me.

He did redeem himself to me by the end though.

Reid and Jordan have sexy, hot attraction. Whenever they are together things just sizzle, and you know that if/when they get their act together things are going to be explosive.

And what happens when their fake relationship starts to feel real?

I loved that we got lots of the rest of the group in this book. I love the banter, the fun and games between them all, there is just so much mischief you never know what is going to happen next.

And LOVED that we got more of Hades and Little G from The Consequence of Revenge.

Whilst I loved the laugh out loud moments, I completely and utterly fell in love with Reid and Jordan in the quieter, more serious times.

There is just something about a Rachel Van Dyken book. I just know I am going to like it, no matter whether it is one of her romantic comedies or her bad ass mafia stories.

Cannot wait to see what she brings us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
debbie lausman
Another madcap adventure with Max (my fave), Reid, Jason and Colt. I would keep reading these just for Max! Yes, Max and Reid are over the top...but that is what I enjoy about this series. In this book we get to experience Reid and Jordan's story. Poor traumatized Reid. It took Jordan and Reid a while to get to the finish line but oh what a ride. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments and also ahhhh moments. If you are looking for something light hearted, over the top funny, and this. I would recommend reading the other two books in the series so you will understand some of the jokes, but you can get by just jumping into this one too if you choose. Why not 5 stars, the ending was rushed (there is an HEA it's just rushed in my opinion) and the epilogue was about Jason and not Reid / Jordan. I like to get a little more HEA than I got in this book. Will continue to read and recommend this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda notman
Let me start by saying Rachel Van Dyken never dissapoints. If you have never read one her amazing books, you are really missing out. Seriously, read my review and then go directly to the store and download away, you won't regret the decision.

The Consequence of Seduction is a stand alone book, but I will definitely have to go back and read the other books in the series to learn more about the other characters and their stories.

Reid Emery is the new up and coming pretty boy actor who has always gotten by on his comments, smooth talking, and gorgeous aqua eyes... until he meets Jordan.

Jordan, a clumsy Publicist is hired to make sure that Reid maintains the right appearance in the public eye, but when his brother Max thinks he needs to find a girlfriend and settle down, Jordan steps into a job that is more than she bargained for. Becoming Reid Emory's fake girlfriend might be the hardest thing she's ever had to do, especially if she starts to actually like him. What happens when the lines or life and work start to blur? Is there ever a chance to return once you cross those lines or do you just avoid it all together? Will this be the arrangement that boosts both of their careers, or will their lives be changed and destroyed as they know it?

To find out, you have to read the book, but trust me, you won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam d
This here was another fabulous edition to an already favorite series of mine!! These quirky friends are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face and induce a laugh straight from the belly. This edition was a little lighter on the Max, even though he HAD to make every scene as memorable, and we were treated with a heavy dose of Reid and Jordan. A movie star extraordinaire, his curvaceous PR rep and some fun in the big apple with a side of Vegas...this book ROCKED!

I loved how completely shy and inexperienced Reid was in real life and how on top of her game Jordan thought she was. These two were so opposite their initial personas and watching them switch back in forth to who was more in control should have made my head spin, but it just fueled my want for more of them. Taking the "ride" with Reid and Jordan was so fun metaphorically and visually.

These two were a fantastic addition to the already established cast in this series. I got to see a curvy control freak get completely stumped by a hot movie star... GOLD! Rachel never ceases to amaze me with her books. They are so well written and offer so much depth from even the simplest of characters. I am so hooked on this group that I seriously cannot wait for more of them. Great book, fantastic series and an easy 5 stars. -FMR Book Grind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave mosher
Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Reid...oh, my Lord, poor Reid! His book has everything you'd expect from this series and sooo much more. The over-the-top hilarity that keeps me cracking up at all hours of the night is present throughout. Even in the more serious parts, there has to be something funny in it. It really is like reading a sitcom!
Max, though *insert cackle slash swoon here*
That boy just MAKES this series what it is.
Thanks for the epic stitch in my side, Rachel. I will slowly get the abs I've always wanted as long as you keep giving me this series!!!
I can't even begin to imagine what our accident-prone Jason's story is going to be like, but I sure as heck can't wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne freeman
The Consequences of Seduction.... Is being seduced into non-stop laughing and falling in love with Jordan and Reid.
There are not enough words to describe this book... But here's a few... Funny Hilarious, witty, down right laugh so hard you snort milk out of your nose... True Story...... Reid and Jordan's story is THE BEST. and I'm not saying that because MAX is back. ;) But because it holds true to Rachel's style and how she writes. There was never a moment where I said, nope not for me.
Reid and Jordan's story is unique in its own right. If you have never read any of the consequences books, guess what after this one you'll want to.
Enjoy this wonderful Romantic comedy!!!
#mufas #tamingjordan #yodeling
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennie rains
Where to even start with this book??!!!

You would have to read the first 2 books for this! It just goes all together!

Reid is scared and has had therapy due to his lack for there of relationship with grandma! Well he's an actor and goes in to get a pr to handle business! He ends up taming a shrew! Ha!

Jordan is good at her job! And she's always been invisible so her job is perfect! She stays in the background but she's also accident proned! So she ends up becoming a shrew to Americas top hot actor! She didn't sign up for any of this but she will do anything to make her clients look good!

Max is Reid brother and they end up making a deal and a joke about the taming and when max is involved nothing goes as planned!

So enter Vegas and living together next to max and this is an absolute must read that deserves 10+ stars!!! It's hilarious but also genuine so there's a mix of laugh and love! And grandma!!!!

Rachel is a literary genius and I can't get enough of her books!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie hodge
The Consequence of Seduction is the latest in Rachel Van Dyken's Consequence series. Though I loved the first two books in this series, Rachel really upped her game with this book. Full of cameos from characters we love from the first two books, Reid and Jordan's story is laugh out loud funny. With accidents from Jason, scarring surprises from Grandma, and Max plotting his brother's demise, this book is full of over the top antics and hysterical banter. Reid and Jordan's chemistry is palpable. You can practically hear the pages sizzling as you read. This is the perfect book to pick up with Valentine's Day around the corner. Everyone can learn a little something tension, teasing, and seduction.

*Advanced Copy given for honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rae meadows
This here was another fabulous edition to an already favorite series of mine!! These quirky friends are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face and induce a laugh straight from the belly. This edition was a little lighter on the Max, even though he HAD to make every scene as memorable, and we were treated with a heavy dose of Reid and Jordan. A movie star extraordinaire, his curvaceous PR rep and some fun in the big apple with a side of Vegas...this book ROCKED!

I loved how completely shy and inexperienced Reid was in real life and how on top of her game Jordan thought she was. These two were so opposite their initial personas and watching them switch back in forth to who was more in control should have made my head spin, but it just fueled my want for more of them. Taking the "ride" with Reid and Jordan was so fun metaphorically and visually.

These two were a fantastic addition to the already established cast in this series. I got to see a curvy control freak get completely stumped by a hot movie star... GOLD! Rachel never ceases to amaze me with her books. They are so well written and offer so much depth from even the simplest of characters. I am so hooked on this group that I seriously cannot wait for more of them. Great book, fantastic series and an easy 5 stars. -FMR Book Grind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael rostenbach
Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Reid...oh, my Lord, poor Reid! His book has everything you'd expect from this series and sooo much more. The over-the-top hilarity that keeps me cracking up at all hours of the night is present throughout. Even in the more serious parts, there has to be something funny in it. It really is like reading a sitcom!
Max, though *insert cackle slash swoon here*
That boy just MAKES this series what it is.
Thanks for the epic stitch in my side, Rachel. I will slowly get the abs I've always wanted as long as you keep giving me this series!!!
I can't even begin to imagine what our accident-prone Jason's story is going to be like, but I sure as heck can't wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
antonia vitale
The Consequences of Seduction.... Is being seduced into non-stop laughing and falling in love with Jordan and Reid.
There are not enough words to describe this book... But here's a few... Funny Hilarious, witty, down right laugh so hard you snort milk out of your nose... True Story...... Reid and Jordan's story is THE BEST. and I'm not saying that because MAX is back. ;) But because it holds true to Rachel's style and how she writes. There was never a moment where I said, nope not for me.
Reid and Jordan's story is unique in its own right. If you have never read any of the consequences books, guess what after this one you'll want to.
Enjoy this wonderful Romantic comedy!!!
#mufas #tamingjordan #yodeling
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d mroz
The Consequences of Seduction is Rachel Van Dyken’s continuation of a laughable sitcom woven into a romantic and swoon-worthy love story. This is a true Rom-Com in Rachel Van Dyken fashion! If you have not read the first two books in the series, don’t worry. You can start your introduction to Reid and his outlandish and downright unique group of friends with this release. I promise Reid will keep you highly entertained and provide enough background to draw you in and have you declaring dibs on your next book boyfriend. And Max…well, he will have you cheering on the calamity that ensues when sibling rivalry is tested.

For those of you who have read the other book, don’t worry! Max has brought his A-game. In fact, I think you will find that he is even more diabolical in his scheming, showing the power he wields.

“I had no clue I'd be sealing my fate. No clue that the plain girl twisting the straw between her pretty little fingers would destroy me.”

Reid finds himself at the cross roads in life where he realizes that the playboy lifestyle just doesn’t seem to be working, and Max has determined that Reid’s “intervention” is to pull his head out of his ass and forget about the “Grandma Incident”. No longer allowed to hide himself away, Reid needs to learn the art of seduction and… Max has just the plan.

“One, two, three, manhood!”

When Reid finds himself face to face with Jordan—the woman who turned him down at the bar and the woman who is to be his new publicist, tasked with making sure Reid keeps an impeccable reputation during the filming of his show—sparks fly, banter ensues, and lines blur…especially when Reid’s meddling brother Max gets involved.

“From here on out, I’m your girlfriend, your wife, the best friend you never had, your sister from another mister. I am your world.”

As fate would have it, Jordan’s words to Reid on their first day seem to be prophetic as Jordan and Reid find themselves forced together, faking a relationship in order to work through a PR nightmare set up by the infamous Max.

Such dynamic characters, Reid and Jordan challenged each other not only within their careers, but also with their hearts, their thoughts, and their outlooks for the future. I appreciated the strength and determination Jordan had while carrying around a hurt from her past. She was real and genuine, a plain girl who ended up stealing the show. And Reid, he brought the romance. Once he discovered his true feelings, he embraced them and found a way to help bring to light the breathtaking view and pleasure that can be found in something others may regard as plain. A true love story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where to even start with this book??!!!

You would have to read the first 2 books for this! It just goes all together!

Reid is scared and has had therapy due to his lack for there of relationship with grandma! Well he's an actor and goes in to get a pr to handle business! He ends up taming a shrew! Ha!

Jordan is good at her job! And she's always been invisible so her job is perfect! She stays in the background but she's also accident proned! So she ends up becoming a shrew to Americas top hot actor! She didn't sign up for any of this but she will do anything to make her clients look good!

Max is Reid brother and they end up making a deal and a joke about the taming and when max is involved nothing goes as planned!

So enter Vegas and living together next to max and this is an absolute must read that deserves 10+ stars!!! It's hilarious but also genuine so there's a mix of laugh and love! And grandma!!!!

Rachel is a literary genius and I can't get enough of her books!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Consequence of Seduction is the latest in Rachel Van Dyken's Consequence series. Though I loved the first two books in this series, Rachel really upped her game with this book. Full of cameos from characters we love from the first two books, Reid and Jordan's story is laugh out loud funny. With accidents from Jason, scarring surprises from Grandma, and Max plotting his brother's demise, this book is full of over the top antics and hysterical banter. Reid and Jordan's chemistry is palpable. You can practically hear the pages sizzling as you read. This is the perfect book to pick up with Valentine's Day around the corner. Everyone can learn a little something tension, teasing, and seduction.

*Advanced Copy given for honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
*Book Provided in Exchange for Honest Opinion/Review*

Rachel Van Dyken can truly do no wrong, and she is back in her element of witty, giggle-worthy romance. The Consequence of Seduction is my first read in this series; however, it won't be my last as I already 1-clicked the previous books. The story is a quick read, the characters are relate able and realistic.

In typical Rachel fashion, you will have moments of giggles, moments when the smile won't leave your face, moments of worry, and moments of swoon-worthiness (I think I just made up that word). This story really just made me want more. I forgot how downright funny Rachel can be and this book is a shining example of her versatility as an author. A definite must read for 2016!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris wright
This is Book 3 in Ms. VanDyken's Consequences Series. Each book gets better than the previous one.
Reid is an up and coming aspiring actor, who has the looks and the charms to get to women and he knows it.
Jordan is one of the best PR in her field. She can promote and protect her clients but she also knows when to let the clients go.
This book is filled with laughter, but it also can make you cry and then laugh again. Reid's brother Max is at it again.
Can Reid and Jordan come to an agreement before one of them does damage to Max for all his antics? Is Reid pretending? Can Jordan believe them him?
Loved all the characters, can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! I freaking love this book! The characters were divers and funny. Jordan and her crazy hair was something I could relate to, me being a frizzy, curly haired girl myself. And Reid, Oh my... That man could melt butter just by looking at it (laughs). I cracked up and cried with this story. Max made it even more entertaining. The book is whitey and fun. A perfect combo for a great story... Don't read this book if you haven't read the other Consequence books by Rachel VanDyken.. Trust me, they are a must read. You will be peeing in your pants laughing at the banter that takes place between all of the characters. You will just fall in love with them. I hope you enjoy this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt davis
What can I say? Seriously, Rachel Van Dyken cannot write a bad book!! I loved everything about this book. There were times when I had to put my kindle down because I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. This whole series is wonderful. I love when books are standalones but you get to see the characters from past stories. Reid was everything you want in a good male lead. He was charming, a bit of a butt, funny, sexy. And Jordan was all you want a female lead to be, smart, attractive, humble. And when you put them together you get super hot chemistry. Loved everything about Jordan and Reid's story! and I loved seeing a bit of all the other characters that we love! Thank you Rachel, for once again keeping me up way too late reading a fantastic book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh ellis
5 laugh out loud stars

Seriously Rachel you ROCK. I just wow, I swear I feel like a broken record but this consequence series is AMAZING!
The way you write just amazes me. I was laughing so hard that I had tears from it. I just got lost in the story and forget where I was. I swear to be you for a day would be amazing just to see how your mind works when you write your stories. Thank you!!
Once again a MUST read and if you haven't yet dived into the mind of RVD BOOKS then you are missing out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maura finlay
Poor Reid. His luck started going down when he met Grandma. Lol. While this wasn't my favorite book in this series (Sorry Reid-but Max holds my heart), I still couldn't put it down and laughed so hard that I cried. These situations that RVD comes up with for these characters are priceless and roll on the floor hilarious. But overall I was so happy to see Reid & Jrodan get their HEA. Reid deserved his after all the shenanigans he went through throughout the whole series to get it. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
faiz ridwan
I love the previous books in this series, and this one was good, I just didn't love it like the previous two. Milo and Max's stories were hilarious, and while Reid's story still made me lol, I don't know, it just didn't do it for me like the other two. Still gave it 4 stars as it was a pretty decent read, and the series as a whole is great, not to mention I love Rachel Van Dyken's work as a whole.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sentient wood log
you know how sometimes after heavier books, you just want something lighthearted. something quick and easy to read, something you can laugh and smile at... this series is perfect for that.
Reid has just landed a movie deal. And its been decided that he needs a publicist. Of course the new publicist ends up being the woman he unsuccessfully hit on the night before. and if that isn't enough, his brother max pulls a PR nightmare stunt that leaves the two of them having to pretend to be a couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joshua vial
This book is absolutely hilarious, Max is so much fun! He is one of my favorite supporting characters from any book I have read. Reid and Jordan are adorable together and it is so refreshing to see how much Reid adores Jordan even when he doesn't want to. Their chemistry is off the charts! And Reid is so protective of Jordan! I just loved it. It is a fun and funny light romantic read that I recommend to everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geri ayn
What a great ..... funny ...... enjoyable story.... Loved it, would recommend anyone that needs a pick me up, some escape from the seriousness of life read this ... I laughed from start to finish ... everyone needs a Max in their life not too much of Max but some Max ..
Reid may have become my favourite
Reid and Jordan a great addition to this series READ IT .... NO REGRETS
Ms Van Dyken certainly knows how to write and enjoyable amusing story ....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamish mckenzie
The Consequences books are hilarious and this one did not disappoint. I loved reading about Ried and Jordan. I laughed out loud all the way through. It makes me feel slightly less awkward about myself when I read about these two (and poor always getting beat up Jason lol). If you want a funny, heartwarming, just great book to read, this is the book for you. I wish the could last forever since just reading it had me smiling for days! #Maxforpresident
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel zaugg
This is my favorite book in this series!!! Reid is smoking hot actor who has been in a slump since Grandma:) Jordan is an invisible women who's job is to make actors behave. When their worlds come together pandemonium starts! This book is hilarious and witty from beginning to end! I love that love always wins and how can it not when Max is involved:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like the books but they are following a similar trend as The Bet series. Instead of a meddling Grandma... whoops, sorry Reid!... you have a meddling Max. Things flowed a little too fast for me. I'll still read the next book to finish out the series and want to see how Jason's accident prone pans out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As always with Rachel Van Dyken novels, I loved it. It was a laugh out loud, fun romance. The characters have from book one been a loveable, annoying, loyal and funny group of friends. I could live in this world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was not as hilarious as the previous few but still great. I got a little teary eyed when she was telling her story in the plane. Because I have felt like her on a few occasions. Not to her extreme but never the less not seen. And the end was swoon worthy. Super sweet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael dixon
As always, Rachel delivers another 5 star book.
TCoS is another hilarious addition to this series. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next. The laugh out loud moments woke the kids when I was belly laughing out loud. The emotional moments gripped me and held me within the pain of sorrow.
Great book. Highly recommend anything by Mrs Van Dyken!!!
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