The Descendant Vampire Series Book 1 - The Descendant

ByKelley Grealis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma cleveland
The descendant was an outstanding book. Talk about keeping you wanting more i just could not put it down.
Easy to read but at the same time very intense reading. Hopefully we will see a second book soon!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
demetri detsaridis
The beginning of this book was very interesting; the suspense, mystery and inexplicable reasons for what she was going through. I found the story well written from her view of struggling to figure out what was wrong with her.

After that point, I began to dislike the story. The lies and deception of certain characters who were introduced as "good" and were not. Some might find that irony likable in the story but as a personal preference, I did not.

However, I continued reading and my dislike of the story continued as the story was related in parallel to events in the Bible. Again, some might find that approach as new but it did not strike a good chord within me. I stopped reading at this point.

Overall, the book was well written, grammatically correct with dialogue that was smooth. It may be that you will enjoy this vampire story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
paige latimer
I slogged through the first three chapters. Endless meaningless description. "I plugged the phone into the outlet in the car" and other irrelevant details. The heroine seems to be an ungrateful twerp.

By the time she is in a car accident, I couldn't care less what happens to her and stopped reading.

I recall an Elmore Leonard interview in which he suggested how he got to be a best-selling writer. To paraphrase, I leave out the parts that people skip over.

I wish Ms. Grealis well in her career and thank her for sharing her work for free on Kindle.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim baldwin
Allison knows that there is something wrong with her but she doesn't know what, her doctor has gone over everything and says that there is nothing wrong with her. Matt and Jenna are worried about Allison's omnipresent sour mood. A mysterious dream that some how imparted temporary serenity upon Allison, the dream is about a garden. Her doctor wants to know if there is something else bothering her, besides the symptoms that brought her here. When Allison was born the doctors told her parents that she was special. Her parents already knew that, it took them 15 years to conceive her. Her father died six years ago from a heart attack and her mother followed three weeks later. Allison and Matt go to Jordana's 16th birthday party, she is in a bad mood funk. When they left to go home they got into a car accident, when she wakes up she was told that Matt died three years ago. Her boyfriend Vincent tells her that she is part vampire, does she believe him?
Allison has had problems with conceiving, she is always really cold in the mornings and really hot at night. She is 32 years old. She always has a need to do something great and to leave it a better place. Matt is Allison's husband, was kidnapped by Vincent. Jenna is Allison's friend. Vincent is a vampire and Allison's boyfriend. Marlo is a vampire and Vincent's sister, tells Allison the truth. Felix is a vampire and Marlo and Vincent's brother. Lorenzo is a vampire and is Felix, Marlo and Vincent's Brother. Lucious is Allison's mortal enemy. Caz works for Lucious.
I truly loved this book, its very creative and its an emotional roller coaster. I loved how the characters were well developed. This is my first book by Kelley Grealis and it definitely wont be my last. I couldn't put this book down. I loved Kelley's style of writing its a fast paced story. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First off, let me start this review by screaming, "GAAAAHHH!!!!!!" . That was basically my reaction to the ending of the book. I won't tell you what happens, but only that it leaves off on a cliffhanger and you're so involved in the book, that when it ends you simply want to scream, "WHAT WAS THAT?! COME ON!!!". So, in my head, this makes it a fantastic book!

This book is celebrating its one year anniversary from its original release date last year. (I feel bad for the readers who read it last year and had no idea when the next book is coming out -- which is supposed to be later this year, thankfully).

The Descendant opens with Allison at another doctor's office trying to find out why she's so hot at night, but cold during the day; why she is never hungry but always thirsty and why she doesn't really sleep... she hasn't mentioned the dreams that she's had about this beautiful garden she visits when she actually DOES sleep, but that bothers her too...

Now, I, being the good Christian-raised girl that I am, knew what garden she was dreaming of, and where this was going. There are many literary theories about who or where the first vampire came from, including the biblical ideas of it being Lilith (in the Bible's Apocrypha, Lilith is Adam's first wife), or it being Cain, and after he killed his brother, the mark that God put upon him was vampirism, etc. etc. etc. I will give Kelley Grealis this -- she gave that second theory a twist, which is how Allison came to be.

I love reading these types of things because it shows you just how awesome the imagination can be, and where you take things; taking such outlandish ideas and making them seem not only possible, but real! Grealis has done that with The Descendant. She builds complex characters: Case in point, Vincent: you know just from the description, he is a manipulating douche, yet as you read on, you believe, along with Allison, that he's a nice guy, just trying to help, and maybe you were mistaken about him. You are inextricably drawn in and you just keep reading. Which is exactly why I scared the bejeesus out of my father while he was driving and the book ended, causing me to scream at my Kindle. This is what happens.

Thankfully, I was assured by a friend that the second book in this series should come out in fall of 2013. If it doesn't, I will be forced to scream some more, and possibly hunt down Kelly Grealis and demand the next book. It. Must. Happen!

Five outta Five!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rhys clarke
I usually love paranormal books, especially vampires. This book just didn't do it for me. The story line was slow and awkward, and I couldn't get into the characters. The back story of these vampires is what drew me in. There is a group of vampires that has protected Allison's ancestors since the beginning. They are the mortal descendants of the first vampire. After a car accident, Allison's world flips on its head. Her husband has been dead for a while and she can't remember the last 3 years, so she thinks. She also cannot recall her boyfriend, Vincent Drake. Vincent has watched over her family and now Allison is the first mortal to exhibit vampire traits. She is the special one and he and his family will protect her from the other vampires who want her dead as a punishment. She is thrust into a different world when things go bad and she doesn't know who to believe. Everyone is lying to her. The premise is great, but the whole book barely moves the story along and I found myself not able to connect with the characters. I just didn't care what happened after a point. I don't know if the series improves, but I don't think I will find out. I like a faster story, I guess.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william dooling
A Review of The Descendant by Kelley Grealis

This book had all the ingredients that maintains my love of the paranormal genre - plenty of unexpected twists, interesting relationships with much conflict between the heart, head and old-fashioned vampire laws and the hint of possibilities.
Kelley Grealis has taken a well-known plot about a human on the verge of becoming a vampire and the early mid-life crisis and has transformed it into a refreshing novel with interesting surprises. Her style of writing is descriptive enough to draw you into the novel and experience the Cleveland area. One particularly fascinating location within the book was the private island and secret island in the middle of Lake Erie. I have no idea if it is real or a figment of the author's imagination but, she made me both want to visit and avoid it. (Anything secretive makes me scared. If it is good, it wouldn't be a secret, right?) The character insights leave you alternatively loving and hating them. Whilst I empathized with what the main character went through, in the beginning, she irritated me because I saw her as a 'moaner' but as the story progressed, and Grealis revealed the reasons for her internal discord, I found myself cheering her on.
Very few vampire books are as novel and well-written as this one.

A review by Aneesa Price (author of The Coffin Girls Series, Coffin Girls (Elegantly Undead: Book 1 of the Coffin Girls Series))
Blog: Sugary, Spicy Reads - [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Descendant is particularly delicious in so many ways.

Kelley did a fantastic job with this book, I adored it and can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Allison Carmichael is awares there’s something wrong, but every doctor that she has been to says ‘There’s nothing wrong’. She’s frustrated and at the end of her rope when something snaps. She’s thrown into a world she doesn’t recognize. Will she have the will to survive? Or risk an eternity in hell?

Vincent Drake is a man, sort of, on a mission. For centuries his family have protected the lineage of Cain. And unbeknownst to Allison, she needs him. His selfish needs get in the way as the tension grows between them. In the end, both of them will need to make a decision.

The Descendant may be a vampire novel but its take is new and refreshing. It brings the old school Dracula into a new aged world. I found myself waiting with baited breath during numerous parts of this book. I loved that readers will be able to connect and relate to these characters, even if they’re vampires.

If you love the Paranormal, with an emphasis on Vampires, I highly recommend you read this book. If you even mildly find Vampires entertaining in any sort, you will like this novel. Kelley Grealis did a fantastic job with this, you won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana s
Vampires. Cleveland. On the surface, the two go together like skateboards and horseradish. However, in the hands of a gifted novelist like Kelley Grealis, the two concepts marry quite nicely. (The former two; even Ms. Grealis couldn't succeed in pairing the latter two.)

In short, Allison Carmichael is feeling unfulfilled. She has always believed that she holds a special destiny, as did her parents, and she hasn't discovered it as yet. Compounded with strange symptoms which no doctor can tie to any sort of malady, her life is spiraling ... into a traffic accident that will change her life, and introduce Vincent and his immortal clan into it.

I enjoyed this first look into Allison Carmichael's life, but I felt the book needed to move along a little bit faster. There was a lot of mood-setting; **A LOT ** of mood-setting. An exploration into truths, some of which appear to contradict. (Which, of course, means that not all "truths" turn out to be true - I don't think that's much of a spoiler.) A couple of limited action sequences were interspersed for a change of pace; the best of those coming towards the end.

By the time I reached the end of "The Descendants", I felt that most of my questions were answered. A few were not; most of those, I believe, were intentionally left hanging. (OK, I AM still confused by the "children of Adam and Eve" - wouldn't that be ALL of us??) I have the sequel in hand; perhaps I shall learn more by reading "The Search".

WARNING: The cover blurb, in my opinion, is too revealing - I suggest you NOT read it before tackling the book.

RATING: 3 ½ stars, rounded up to 4 where partial stars are not permitted.

DISCLOSURE: I received a copy of this book free of charge, with the request that I provide and post an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 stars
Allison feels trapped,stuck in a dead end job and dead end town,she falls ill with an unexplained illness doctors cannot find anything wrong so to cheer her up her husband takes her out but on the way back they are involved in a car crash which results in her being knocked out,now for the twists and turns!! When she wakes she finds out her husband has been dead for the last three years and she has partial memory loss.On returning home she finds pictures of herself and another man ...Vincent, they have apparently been together a year,Vincent a vampire, who has a few tricks up his sleeve,one being he can make you remember things that never took place,he wants Allison for his own,he was a character i sometimes loved and then wanted to punch!!.Allison is special she is a descendant of the first ever vampire...Cain which makes her enemies,namely Lucious hes determined to hunt her down and destroy her. Its a story of vampires, revenge and love. I really enjoyed this book but felt that the story of Matt and what happened kind of got pushed into the background until the latter part of the book, there are references to the bible in this book which are necessary and tie in with the overall story.Overall its a good read if you are into the world of vampires there is another book which i will be reading soon!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Descendant
By Kelley Grealis
3.50 Stars

In reading this book I did not get the story I thought I was going to get. Though it has "religious" references it is definitely not a religious book. This story was well written, however it didn't quite grab my attention. The main characters were likable enough, and the Drakes seem like fun characters. In the beginning of the book you kinda feel like you're reading just an average contemporary novel, it's not until after the vampires are introduce that you get the paranormal feel for the book. The concept for where vampires originated was interesting and new, but the whole of the story fell just a little flat for me. I liked it enough that I intend to complete the series but it will never rank as one of my faves, nor will I ever re-read it. It just didn't have that I can't wait for the next book feel. I am sure many of you will thoroughly enjoy this book, it has a lot going on and may grab you and suck you in, it just didn't for me. I was able to put this book down and not return for days at a time. I would recommend this book for anyone looking to read just a paranormal book, you won't get any romance or major action but it was a decent read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Kelley offers up a new and interesting idea as to where the first vampire may have come from and it's not one that most people would think of. In fact it's what drew me to the book in the first place.
While i did enjoy the book, I wish it had been a bit longer and that Kelley would have slowed the pace down a bit and given her leading lady, Allison, a bit more time to get the hang of her new *life.*

---Possible spoiler---

I really felt for Allison in the beginning of the book, but started to loose interest after the life altering event occurred. For as upset as Allison was after her dream/nightmare she seemed to jump into her new life without much hesitation. I would have enjoyed reading more about Allison coming to terms with the changes in her life and learning to deal with them, instead of everything coming to her so naturally (without her having to put much thought or effort into anything.) I was happy to see Allison's siblings begin to show some shock at how fast Allison's skills seemed to progress, but I still felt like it was a little late in the game for them to be noticing it.

The book ended in a way the definitely leaves it open for a sequel. Allison "No longer (has) a life to live." But I'd like to see what she does with the "existence (that she has) to fill."

***I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sam w
Allison had always been told that she is special and will do something great with her life. But, as life usually turns out, Allison is stuck in a job that she can't stand in a town she feels trapped in. And when she comes down with a mystery illness that gives her an extremely sore stomach and throat, uncontrollable body temperature and insomnia, she puts it down to the `mid-life crisis' she feels she's in. What's even stranger about the sickness is that no doctor can diagnose her with any illness and continually sends Allison home with no aid to get rid of the awful pain. Even though the doctors can't diagnose anything wrong with Allison, her husband Matt knows she isn't imagining things as Allison's insomnia keeps him awake at night!

To try and cheer her up, Matt takes Allison to a friend's birthday party. After a few drinks, Allison doesn't feel any better and drives Matt and herself home. On the drive home, Allison and Matt's car is crashed into and she and Matt are knocked unconscious!

Allison wakes in a hospital several days later asking for her husband. She is shocked to find that her husband has been dead for three years and that the crash has caused her to lose some of her memory. When she is discharged from the hospital, Allison is driven home buy a friend. When she arrives home, she discovers pictures of her in another handsome man's arms but has no idea who the man is! That evening, the mysterious man comes around to Allison's house and introduces himself as Vincent and explains that he and Allison have been dating for the last year. At first, Allison does not believe his story, but after spending more time with Vincent, she realises that she does in fact love him and accepts that her beloved husband Matt did really die three years ago.

However, Allison soon realises that Vincent holds a very dark secret and that there is a reason why she has always felt special in her life. As Vincent reveals, Allison is not just a normal human being but a descendant of the first ever vampire, Cain! Allison is thrown into a world she never realised existed. But because of her infamous ancestors, Allison is hunted in the vampire world by Luscious; an evil vampire obsessed with ending Cain's lineage! Vincent and his siblings must keep Allison safe but that is no easy task...

For me, this was a book of two halves and even though I did enjoy both halves I thought the story behind the first part of the book was really great. I loved the mystery behind Alison's illness and why she was feeling depressed and unfulfilled. I also thought the mystery behind her car crash and the death/memory loss over Matt made the book really interesting to read. This is because you kept asking yourself `was or wasn't' he really alive? Plus, Vincent's character was much more appealing in this half of the book. He was the cool, rich kid who wasn't afraid of a good time.

However, in the second half of the book (the part that introduced the vampires) I thought the mystery behind Matt was forgotten right until the end. I also found Vincent really annoying! I don't want to give too much away, but I think maybe Grealis made him more unlikeable on purpose (which does sort of make sense when you read the book) but I still preferred him in the first half. Nevertheless, I did like the idea of the Secret Coven and I think it would be great that if in the next book the different members back stories were broaden a little more.

All in all, I did enjoy this book but I preferred the first half to the second. I would suggest this book to anyone who enjoys Vampire novels such as Legacy of the Vampire: The Pits by Kristofer McLaren or novels such as Destine by Katherine Polillo.

For more book reviews google adam-p-reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brooke romney
I don't often read books about vampires and other supernatural beings, but I purchased a copy of this book when the author was holding a book signing at my local bookstore. So glad I did! It has an interesting premise in that it explores the making of a vampire--a woman born to the earliest vampires who's the first of the their descendants to show signs of vampirism. Of course, she must face trials and troubles in her painful journey of transformation, including not being sure who she can trust and who she can't. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a different spin on the typical vampire theme. I also liked the fact that it was geared towards an adult audience and not Young Adults.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Allison knows something is wrong, but no matter how many doctors she sees or how many tests are done, none of them can find anything. She's not eating, not sleeping well, running ice cold or burning up, and having debilitating stomach pains. Doctors leave her thinking they believe she's crazy and she knows she isn't. Her husband, Matt, is sweet, understanding, and very supportive.

Then her world is turned upside down when Allison and Matt are in an accident on their way home from a party. Allison wakes up in the hospital and immediately begins asking about her husband. No one is answering her questions until her best friend, Jenna, arrives. Devastated to be told Matt has been dead for three years, Allison feels lost. She has no memory of the accident or her life of the past three years. Jenna takes her home from the hospital to a house she doesn't remember.

In addition to the den she's always wanted and a beautiful garden, the house has one more thing, photos of Allison with a man she can't remember. Vincent Drake shows up at her door expecting her to remember him. But he's more than just the man in her life. He's also a vampire with a very special talent. He can make you remember things that never happened. He wants Allison for his own. More than that, he wants her to choose to be converted. Allison is more special than she knows; she is a direct descendant of Cain. This also makes her a target for someone bent on revenge.

Grealis has created an amazing story. She's taken the biblical story of Cain and Abel, given it her own special twist, and hands us vampires. I've only read one other series that offers an explanation as to the origin of vampires and this wasn't it. I really enjoyed the storyline. Love, loss, vampires, revenge, and surprising ancestors all combine to make a uniquely original story. There were a few errors that got in the way of the story, but overall, a very good book. Even better is the fact that I already have the sequel. That makes me a very happy person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kelley Grealis’ “The Descendant,” the first in a series of modern-day vampire novels, begins with an interesting story hook: the protagonist, Allison Carmichael, wakes after a frightening car accident and finds the world she thought she had known turned upside down. Suddenly there is a handsome, mysterious stranger in her life who draws her unwillingly into a previously unsuspected underworld of vampires and vampire-human hybrids. The origin of vampires in Grealis’ universe is linked in a fairly interesting manner to biblical stories. “The Descendent” sets up plot lines to be resolved in further sequels. My only complaint was that it seemed that too much time was devoted to exposition about the powers, abilities and weaknesses of vampires. Otherwise, I recommend this book if you’re into vampire stories with a hint of supernatural romance and a strong female protagonist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Allison thought she knew how her life would turn out but truly had no idea. After she started having symptoms of a illness no doctor could diagnose her life got turned upside down and things would never be the same.

I very much enjoyed this book. It was an interesting and well written vampire story that delved into the origins of how they all began and the price paid throughout generations of descendants for the betrayal of a few. It wasn't weighed down with gore, fighting, and sex like many books in this genre are but still told an intriguing story with interesting characters that I would love to learn more about. In my opinion The Descendant is recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brennan breeland
I really enjoyed this book. It was very well written, the characters were likeable and despicable which for me shows a good writer. I liked the characters, hated and worried when they left then despised them. That I love in a book.
Now, I am not a religious person, in a recent review I marked the booked down in stars because I was uncomfortable with the religious aspect. But in this book, Kelley takes a well known biblical tale and twists it into something I found quite fascinating. It wasn't about whether god exists but it was a twist that really had a place in this book. It wasn't about the bible or religion just a story that lent itself to the origins of vampires.
The changes in story were interesting and I found that I couldn't put the book down.
This is an amazing story and I really cannot wait until the second book comes out.
I thoroughly recommend anyone to go and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After winning this book in a giveaway I finally decided to read it. All I could think of was 'why in the world did I wait so long!' I was sucked in from the beginning. I couldn't go to sleep until I finished it. The more I read, the better it got. When I reached the end all I could think of was NOOOOOO! I want to know what is going to happen next! This book has wonderful descriptions of people, places and things. Allison, the main character was beautifully described from her beginning confusion to the strong woman she was meant to be. And the other characters, well, yuuuummy! This book has a wonderful story line with a unique twist on vampires. Filled with romance, hot men,(aka vampires), great action and easily followed. I really hope others will purchase this book because I know for a fact I'm getting the next in the series. I can't get this book out of my head and I just 'have' to know what is going to happen next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:

I keep saying that I hate doing this - making comparisons to other series and shows - but I seem to be doing it more and more often in my reviews lately if the thought strikes me upon finishing a book, only because it just seems like it would be helpful for readers, and references to well known others is a decent way to do it. Obviously this is all just my opinion... With that said, this story had a very Vampire Diaries (the show), meets Twilight (for grown-ups), meets the Marked series 'feel' for me. HOWEVER, it was incredibly unique in its history and set up; I'm only referring to the 'feel' of the read.

Kelley introduces the vampires in this story as having ties to Biblical figures, and I found that fascinating. In addition, the plot was interesting, and the mystery, suspense and intrigue were well written.

Our heroine begins the book thinking she's going through a massive mid-life crisis and nothing seems to be filling the hole she feels in her soul. While dealing with that and some major health issues that the doctors just can't figure out, her life starts to turn upside down and her mercurial moods are affecting things at work and at home. And then things get really good...

She wakes up in the hospital having fragmented memories of both her past and what happened to get her there, but with the help of her best friend and our hero, Vincent, she starts to regain the life she's lost. Only things aren't quite adding up the way she thinks they should in her head, and the weirdness just keeps multiplying.

I would love to tell you more but I just can't without spoilers, so I can only tell you to take the plunge and read The Descendant. A side note: this book is not a fluffy vampire tale. I found myself angry for most of the story, and would say that Kelley can make a reader tap into a character's feelings betrayal like no other. ;)

LITERAL ADDICTION gives The Descendant 4 Skulls and would recommend it if you're a vampire lover looking for a refreshing spin on the norm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patricia thomas
No matter which vampire movie, TV show, or book is your favorite we have all started to learn more about vampires. They can go out in the sun, they can eat garlic, etc. This book is a new take at the beginning of vampires. If you are not a fan of fantasy, paranormal, or vampires it is not for you. But if you love all things vampire you will enjoy this story.

Our heroine starts out confused by the changes going thru her body until someone tells her to just wait and see what happens to her. When she wakes up in the hospital not remembering what happened and finding out she has missed 3 years in just a few days she is even more confused.

Where is her husband, where did the handsome cater waiter with beautiful eyes go, who is this new man with equally beautiful eyes who seems to be her boyfriend, and why does she keep seeing the creepy guy with beady eyes?

No spoilers here, want to find out - you'll have to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
azmat aulakh
So I started this book and was pleasantly surprised with the concept of the story. It takes off trying to find out what's wrong with the lead character Allison and these 'changes' she is going through. Then suddenly things are turned upside down and her whole world changes. I felt there was a 'lull' when all the explaining was happening but the story quickly picked back up. I enjoyed how the author spun this new version of vampires and how they originated and was ready to continue Allison's story in the 2nd part of this series to see if certain people were who they said they were and if some really were that easily 'taken care of'. I'm not one to 'give it away' so read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney sieloff
i have only just found this author through another author. when i first read the reviews i was a bit worried as i am not a religious person at all, however when reading the story i was actually suprised as to how much i liked it, and i actually thought the way the author used a few references to the bible was actually quite clever, the story moves along quite well and i even found myself skipping a few pages so i could see what was about to happen, even though i enjoyed the story the whole book felt like a great opener for the next book in the series and was a great introduction to the characters. i know there are great things to come from this author. as with all books you can never make everyone happy but this book left me smiling and looking forward to the next
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book from the author for a review. Thank you Kelley for the book.

Best part of the book: I enjoyed Allison's character very much. Even though all this was happening to her she was able to process it with an adult perspective. There was even (at times) that her humor broke up the tension. I loved the Biblical part of the book. To entwine the Bible and vampires made for a very interesting story line. I enjoy story lines like this and Kelley did a very good job with it. I have love/hate for Vincent. Which means, I love to hate him! His evil ways to creating this "world" for Allison.

Not so great about the book: There is nothing that really sticks out that I didn't like about the book. It flowed well and the story line was interesting. The fight scenes were good, also. Overall, this was a good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Descendant was a very well written action packed novel. It gave a unique twist on the origin of the vampire and vampire "genetics". I quite enjoyed every moment I spent reading and found myself missing Alison, Vincent and the others once the story came to an end. The heroin, Alison, is a very intelligent woman who goes through quite the transition in this novel and I am very excited to see what happens in the next book in the series. The author does and amazing job putting you in the middle of the action. She takes you on a roller coaster along with Alison as she grows and changes into the new person and new life that is meant for her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Descendant is unlike any other vampire book I've read before. I have really enjoyed reading this book I love the mystery to it. I was a tiny bit confused at the start but as I kept reading it all made so much sense. I enjoyed getting to know the Characters and how they have been portrayed, I loved how I could connect with them. I love how Kelley has written this book and I can't wait for the next one to find out what happens next. I'm glad the ending didn't leave me hanging, that it had a good ending which leads to another one. I recommend reading this book I found it hard to put down! 4.5 Stars Amazing Read!

*This book was received by the author for free in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
milo gert
I love this story! This is not your average vampire story, Ms Grealis has put a new spin on this one! it's very interesting, creative and original. I'm not telling you! Ali is going thru what she thinks is the change of life, but she is in for a rude awakening! She will discover things about herself and her family that she later wishes she never knew. I really liked the main characters, Ali, Matt, Vincent and The Drakes. The writing is excellent! at one point in the book I was Ali! I knew exactly how she felt because I was feeling it too! well played Kelley Grealis! I recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shuchi singh
This book had so many twists and turns, I couldnt focus on what was happening. It was like i was experiencing allison's emotions with her. I really enjoyed her relationship with vincent, im kinda sad that things didnt work out. I really enjoyed this book, I felt as if I was there experiencing everything. I hope there is more, it cant end here, there has to be more to allison's story. I feel bad for allison, to be all alone in a world she doesnt understand, but bummed shes gonna go it alone, when she doesnt have to. I look forward to reading more from this author, she weaved a truly wonderful story that kept me guessing even to the last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
riyad halaka
I must say, this book gives a different outlook on the history of Vampires. I loved this history lesson.
The Descendant was extremely well written. and the story flows so well.
Characters are so awesome and mix/work together. I don't know what I would do in Allison's position, and Vincent~OMG. OMG, he sounds stellar in looks but I hated him by the end of the book but fell in love with Marlo- she was a sweetheart and looked out for Allison in so many ways!
Now I need to get my hands on book 2!
A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kelley Grealis
The Descendant
The Descendant Vampire Series #1

This vampire novel definitely has a unique spin on it, and kept me turning the pages right up until the end. It's well written, incredibly descriptive and towards the end the pieces start falling into place, leaving the puzzle almost complete. This is just the start of the series, and I have no idea where the author is planning on taking it, but you can tell it's going to be different, interesting and well worth reading.

I was gifted an e-copy of this book through the
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
verenize torrez
A very original take on two stories we thought we knew well. Thought Dracula was the first vampire? Wrong! Thought the story of the serpent ended when Adam and Eve were banished to earth? Wrong! Even Noah and his ark have a part to play in this tale of the first vampire and his descendants.
I'm not a huge fan of vampire books (Twilight saw to that!) but this truly is a very, very good book. Well written and extremely well thought out. I read it in two days and am just about to start on the second book in this series.
Read it, even if - like me - you are sceptical about the genre. You will be pleasantly surprised!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book begins with the main character, Allison, complaining about not feeling well. She is short-tempered with her husband, Matt, who is very supportive of her. She appears immature and selfish. Then she begins to lecture him about her career. He's her husband. He doesn't need a full update of her resume.
I sighed. "Well, you know I've been having a tough time with the recent acquisition of my company. When it was Erie Bank, I was doing a nice job working my way up corporate the ladder. I had been there over eight years, and had a good reputation among my peers and was appointed Vice President when I was still in my twenties, which was practically unheard of. I knew I would be running a division sometime soon, that I'd be moving up..." Then she has to hold back tears.
Who is she talking to? It sounds like a job interview. She's speaking to her husband, who has to know where she's working. She screams at him and he's still supportive. At that moment, I hate Allison. She is condescending and annoying.
After Matt dies, Allison is again only worried about herself. She's gullible enough to believe that the past three years haven't happened because Vincent says so and shows her pictures of them together. He's arrogant and creepy. This the second unlikeable character.
The plot switches from the present to the past, trying to show that vampires originated with Caine and Abel. That's a hard sell.
The story gets better toward the end when we meet the other vampires. We don't have to listen Allison's thoughts as much with her complaints. She is still slow to understand what is happening around her. She walks in a fog.
The story is a little convoluted but it has potential. Maybe Allison will grow up in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Grealis proves herself an accomplished storyteller in this vampire thriller. I am not the greatest fan of the genre as it is all too easy to fall into the clichéd traps. However Grealis gamely avoids garlic and conveniently sunny windows to put her own stamp on things. Her take on the origins of vampires is one I have never seen before and makes for an interesting read. The writing is fantastic and she manages to draw you in and trap you within her pages until she has had her fill of you. In an interesting and hopefully intentional poke in the eyes of traditional vampire/horror tales there are no weak and feeble panicky women, the men however are another story. Priced at just $1 for kindle (at the time of writing) I would heartily recommend this tale to anyone who is prepared to lose their day. Once you start reading, you won't stop.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this novel which is truly something amazing as vampires usually would not have a place in my reading material.
This is not a gory 'We bite, you turn into a vampire' story it is a novel with an actual story line.
There is no part in this story that is predictable. As soon as you think you know what is happening there is another twist that keeps you turning the pages.
I love the way it is linked back to creation without it being an insanely unbelievable story line, the characters and scenes are written with such amazing description that as I was reading I felt I could see it being played out in a movie.
Well done, I cannot wait to read the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book!!!! I think my favorite part was the fight scene between Alison & Lucious! I kinda took my time reading it because I didn't want it to end!!! Good thing I have book 2. I really enjoyed how Kelley put a major twist on a well known bible story. I will recommend this to anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Enjoyed the twists and turns in this book. The take on this vampire story is interesting and believable unlike some other stories can be.
I didn't give this 5stars because I felt some of this was choppy and not explained as well as it could have been. That won't keep me from reading the next story to find out what will happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim kleist
This is not your typical vampire romance. this book is full of suspense, mystery and confused (not the bad kind) I couldnt stop reading until the very end, and even then I didnt stop willingly lol! This is definitely a neat read that I would happy read again. But Definitely need More
**Disclosure I was given this book in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
drew giffin
The Descendant by Kelley Grealis is very slow getting started, then heats up really quickly about 2/3rds of the way in, then just drops off the cliff. The story line is really good, it just never pulled me in. A really terrific fight scene, though, very well written. But not much else.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike s
I really like this story, really quite a refreshing twist on the genre. It's quite an interesting take on vampirism and how it started. In this book it's not how you think it would have began either. Will say the author's solution made perfect sense to me. Found the book to be well written, well paced and it really drew me in.
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