Deceived: A Novel (Private Justice) (Volume 3)

ByIrene Hannon

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssia spaan
Irene Hannon's newest release is exquisitely enjoyable. I say that because her choice of topic and the situations she has crafted are a mother's (and grandmother's) worst nightmare come to life.

When my youngest daughter was three-years-old, she vanished at a busy shopping mall during December, right in the heart of the Christmas shopping season. My world tilted sideways and I lost all ability to think or function. Thankfully, she was found within 30 minutes...which is a whole other tale...

...but that caused me to taste the fear and loss Kate felt over her son. Combine that with the grief of losing your spouse....then have everything you thought was true collide with a new reality, and you'll get a taste of what's in store for readers of "Deceived".

Irene writes with such realistic grit and exposes a side of life we rarely encounter in our every day lives. But someone somewhere is living out the pages of her gripping stories, which makes the tale all the more gripping.

I've read most if not all of Irene's novels, and I truly believe this is her best and most intense yet. If she ratchets up the tension any more in future books, I'll have to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor to get the knots out of my muscles after reading!

My thanks to my friends at Revell Publishing for my complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. If you're searching for intense suspense that leaves you with a sense of true hope by the final page, then you must not miss out on "Deceived".

And do yourself a huge favor...get the rest of Irene's books, too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne jimenez
The author delivers some of the worst of every parent's fear, a missing child. This plot-driven drama begins on page one and carries us breathlessly through to the bitter end. There's no letting down. It's a sad reminder of the horrors we hear of in everyday life.

Kate Marshall's husband John and their three-year-old son Kevin meet disaster on a fishing trip in Braddock Bay. Presumably their boat tipped over. Her husband's body was found. He had a gash in his head and had drowned. Her son's body Kevin was never found. A life jacket was found floating in the lake. Her husband had sworn to Kate that they would always wear their lifejackets.

Kate needed to get away. She settled in Saint Louis. Three years have gone by since the terrible incident. On one momentous day while she is in a shopping mall, riding in the down escalator, she hears the voice of a young boy with a man going in the up escalator who says aloud the word "popsicle". It's the same way her son had said the very word. She races to catch up with them but to no avail.

She decides to hire a private investigator, Connor Sullivan, to look into this. He comes with an impressive Secret Service background. They are immediately drawn to each other. Connor tried as best as he could to be the professional and leave his emotions in check but it was too late. It was love at first sight. And Kate felt the same way as well.

Connor returns to the mall and is able to procure security footage of of the boy and the man on the escalator as well as them leaving a 'bear party' store. Kate examines the photos and sees a stunningly close resemblance of her son, a few years older. Connor requests Kate to get some pictures of her son that he may have age progressed.

Connor returns to that store shown on the security footage and discovers that the boy had been part of a birthday party of another boy. This discovery leads him to a child daycare school. He sets up surveillance. After many hours, he's able to take some pictures of the young boy show on the security feed. He goes by the name of Todd.

Shortly thereafter, he requires the aged progressed pictures of Kate's son Kevin. And wouldn't you know it, they were a match. Now Kate realizes that she had not been imagining it. That was her son. This further fuels investigation.

It's discovered that the man claiming to be Todd's father, Greg, appears to be a loving parent. Greg has been seen in the company of a woman, Diane. They're not married. Since that incident at the escalator, he has been distancing his son and himself from her. Naturally she was confused by all this. She was never informed of the escalator incident.

Diane quite innocently comes into contact with Kate while searching for employment. Kate is a counselor of a facility called New Start. During a short break, Kate left the room to get them some tea. Diane accidentally knocked over a file which spilled out a picture of Greg's son Todd. She was totally confused by seeing his picture in her office.

Later she confronts Greg with this information. He passed it off to her as a mere coincidence. From what Diane could see, Greg appeared to becoming more paranoid by the moment. Now he knew that his secret's been blown.

Diane knows that something suspicious is happening with Greg and goes to see Kate. It's there that Diane discovers Kate's past about her husband and son's tragedy. Kate shows her Todd's photo enhanced picture. Now they can see the pieces have fit together. Greg is a murderer and kidnapper. Now all they have to do is prove it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nikki zolotar
In the early morning stillness of her husband’s thirty-sixth birthday, Kate Marshall’s world is destroyed by the appearance of a police officer on her threshold. Her husband and four year old son tragically drowned when their fishing boat overturned with neither wearing their life preservers. Three years later, Kate is living in St Louis when she has a providential encounter on an escalator at a local mall. She hears the familiar voice of a young child who has an uncanny resemblance to her son – her son who was pronounced dead even though his body was never recovered. After losing the child and his male companion in the crowd she is haunted by the encounter, her rational nature battling with the incomparable power of hope.

Former Secret Service agent and private investigator, Connor Sullivan, is initially dubious of Kate’s story, however he is inexplicably drawn to her. Equally intrigued by the woman as the case, he takes on the investigation that quickly reveals itself as more than the imagination of a young mother dealing with grief. Connor unveils that the circumstances surrounding Kate’s husband and son’s drowning on that fateful morning are sinister at the core.

Irene Hannon reveals the antagonist to readers at the onset and the narrative shifts between his point of view, Kate’s and Connor’s. Those who love the anticipation of the great reveal in their suspense novels may not favor this format, but there are still many details to be revealed as the plot twists and builds to a dramatic climax. The genuine fatherly affection that the antagonist demonstrates towards the child in question lends complexity to his character and defies the typical villain prototype.

Deceived is an absorbing mystery with undercurrents of romance and humor. The office interactions and bantering between Nikki, Dev and Connor are lively and reminiscent of team dynamics of investigative shows like NCIS. Overall, the third and final Private Justice instalment is a worthy conclusion to what has been a thrilling series.
The Private Patient :: Private: Gold (Bookshots) :: Confessions: The Private School Murders :: It's Hard to Fight Naked :: Dev Haskell Box Set 1-7 (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although I haven’t read many of Irene’s books she is one of my favorite Christian suspense authors. They are always intriguing and not overly religious to where I think anybody could enjoy them if they like suspense romance that is a bit light on the romance.

What I thought of this book

Deceived is the third book in the Private Justice series and thought it is always good to start at the beginning it is written well enough that it can be read as a stand alone novel. I haven’t read the first one but I have read the second one and now this one.

Private Justice is a private detective agency ran by three friends: Cal, Devon, and Connor. The first two books were about Cal and Devon and now we get Connors story. Connor is an ex Secret Service agent and he is very reserved. He fell in love once while he was in the Secret Service but because he held his job above all else he learned a hard lesson. She started seeing another man and was engaged to be married before he even realized they were having problems. Now that is seriously involved in your job if you miss all of that. It did teach him some valuable lesson for the future. He decided to leave the SS and join his college friends in Private Justice.

Kate Marshall, has had some tragic things happen to her but she is a survivor and has moved on with her life. She lost her husband and child in a boating accident in New York. Now she lives in St. Louis and now she helps other women who have come from traumatic experiences and gets them back into the work force, etc. It’s been three years and things are going well, then a chance encounter at a mall changes everything. She hears a young boy use a word that she has never hear any other child but her own kid use. When she sees the child he looks just like what she would imagine her four year old to look like if he was now seven.

It all seems so unreal and everyone else blows her off when she tries to get them to investigate this incident. Her only hope is with Private Justice and Connor. Connor isn’t sure he can help her but he is willing to give it a try and if he comes up with anything that might result in further investigation he would investigate. She is just grateful the he is not writing her off as the others did.

As Connor looks into things he sees that some things are not adding up so it leads to more investigation. While there is not suppose to be in fraternization between him and his client he can’t help but feel something for her. He is really drawn to Kate like he hasn’t been drawn to someone in a long time. As the investigation goes on there is one man out there who will do anything to keep his son even if it means doing something drastic. He will keep his son no matter who gets in his way.

Deceived is a really interesting story and you also get the bad guys point of view at times and you kind of feel sorry for the guy at times. I was so curious as to why certain things happened which kept me reading. I loved the main characters and my favorite side character is Nikki, she keeps those guys in line.

I think my only real problem with it was I felt the story went on a little to long. It could have been shortened up a bit, but for some people that is not a problem. Over all I really liked this book and recommend it for any who like light romantic suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan weinstein
After a boating accident where Kate Marshall's husband is killed and her son is presumed dead after police fail to recover his body, she is stunned to see a young boy in another state miles away that looks exactly like her own son. Kate is so certain, that she hires Connor Sullivan from the private investigation firm, Phoenix, Inc. to help her sort out the mystery. From the start, sparks fly between Connor and Kate as they sift through clues and proceed with stakeouts together. As Connor's investigation into the boating accident reveals that it may not have been an accident after all but murder, suspicions continue to rise that the boy Kate saw may actually be her son sparking concerns that he survived and was kidnapped. Connor and Kate want to unearth the truth, but don't want to endanger the boy or spook the boy's "dad" in the process. Although Hannon makes pretty clear from the beginning the course that the plot will follow, the storyline is full of danger, twists of suspense, and sizzling attraction!

Deceived is by far my favorite novel in Hannon's Private Justice series! The suspense, romance, and captivating storyline combined to make a psychological thriller that kept me up past midnight several nights in a row eager to find out how the story would conclude! Although the kidnapping scenario would seem improbably as a plot line, Hannon deftly lays out the details of the crime making it believable and intriguing to follow. Lastly, Connor and Kate's romance was also my favorite out of the three couples in the Private Justice trilogy. Their attraction is evident from the start, but unlike in Vanished or Trapped, Connor and Kate's relationship is not as guarded as the other two and progresses more quickly. Without spoiling the plot, I'll just say that their first kiss broke tradition! ;)

This review contains my own thoughts and opinions. I have not been compensated for this review in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabriella oster
Irene Hannon is now one of my favorite authors. Hannon created an amazing story that had me literally unable to put the book down. My favorite quote from the book is: “As for coincidences- I like that old saying about them being small miracles in which God chooses to remain anonymous.” If you decide to read this book make sure you have plenty of time on your hands, because from the first page you will be hooked! It made me laugh, super nervous, and brought tears to my eyes. This is definitely a book to go on the keeper shelf. Deceived is book number three in the Private Justice Series. I have not read book number one or two, and would love to, but didn’t feel like I needed to in order to love this book.
Kate Marshall has been dealt some of the hardest things life can offer. She went from having a wonderful loving husband and son, to them both being gone at the drop of a hat. She received the news no one wants to hear. And although the whole situation seemed weird to her, she had no choice but to try to forget and move on. That is until a fateful moment in the mall. Kate is convinced that the boy she saw was her son, but who will believe her? Kate decides to see what a private investigator thinks of her story. When she meets Connor she can tell he will give her an honest opinion. Where will the investigation take them? Will Kate get reunited with the son she’s missed for 3 years?

Connor Sullivan has heard of some strange cases in his day, but Kate’s story tops the list. Many people have someone that looks similar to them, a so called double. Could this be what Kate saw? What are the chances that the son she thought died in New York would be here in St. Louis? Connor feels immediately drawn to Kate. Will the case get in the way of romance? Will Kate be interested in him if the boy wasn’t her son?

This book is a must read if you love Christian Suspense. I am dying to read books one and two knowing that they will be awesome too. I received a copy of this book from Revell and Net Galley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee spero
Kate Marshall is finally getting to a place in her life where she can accept the heartache of three years ago when her husband and four-year-old son were killed in a boating accident. Every day she heals a little more—with the help of her move to St. Louis, a wonderful job, and friendly church community. Everything changes when she spots a young boy at the mall who looks and speaks exactly as her son Kevin did. When the authorities chalk her crazy theory to her being a grief-ridden mother and decide not to investigate, she turns to a private investigator as her last hope. Connor Sullivan knew from the moment he met Kate he would do anything to help her. As the former Secret Service man starts investigating the boat accident that killed Kate’s husband and son, he begins to find several anomalies that make him think that maybe it wasn’t an accident after all…and Kevin could still be alive. Further investigations bring Kate and Connor closer, as well as bringing old secrets to light.

I would have to start by saying that Irene Hannon is a master storyteller, especially when it comes to the suspense variety. Deceived has everything—powerful mystery, hold-your-breath suspense, swoon-worthy yet realistic romance, engaging characters, and a “bad guy” that wasn’t one-dimensional. When I first began Deceived, I was worried that it was impossible for it to have a truly happy ending considering the plot-line. And I’m a girl who likes happy endings *wink*. But there was no reason for hesitation, as Hannon weaved the story intricately peeling one layer after the other until we the reader saw everything as a whole. The ending was perfect, as I should have expected from this talented author. Another main thing I loved about this book was that it was very much character-driven, with a lot of attention into building the character’s relationships. This made reading along as Kate and Connor grew closer all the more lovelier. The suspense had me on the edge of my seat, sporadically holding my breath until the conclusion. For the last half of Deceived, I literally couldn’t put it down.

If you enjoy inspirational suspense novels, this book is for you! This is my first experience with the Private Justice series, but I’m practically jumping to get my hands on the others as soon as I have time. For fans of Ronie Kendig, DiAnn Mills, or Lynette Eason, Deceived definitely makes it onto my top suspense novels I’ve read thus far this year…maybe even onto my top suspense reads ever!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Deceived is another fascinating tale by Irene Hannon featuring a good blend of romance and suspense. If you've read either of the other books in the Private Justice series then you already have a good idea what to expect - charming private investigator heroes, strong yet vulnerable heroines, and three dimensional villains - and you're no doubt eager for more. If so, then Deceived is just the book for you.

If you haven't read Vanished or Trapped yet, check out my reviews of those books too (My blog is listed in my profile). You don't necessarily need to read them first, as each book in the series can stand alone (though the later books do refer in passing to events in the earlier books), but if you enjoy one, why not enjoy them all?

I found the plot of this book to be interesting and I enjoyed watching the characters unravelling the mystery element a little at a time, but the part I liked the most about this book was the way the characters were fully fleshed out.

My heart went out to the heroine for everything she went through. It's hard to even imagine losing both husband and son in one fell swoop, but the opening scene of the book where Kate finds out about the accident is well done, and you really get a feeling for what she's going through.

The element that really made this book stand out for me was the villain, because he wasn't your classic evil guy in a black hat who exists solely to create problems for the hero and heroine. His motivations were complex and well thought out, and he had a genuine love for the child in the story, despite the terrible things he was capable of.

In fact, one of my favorite lines in the story was a line of dialogue in which one of the characters says, "Even normal, well-adjusted, caring people can crack if they're forced to endure enough stress or loss or grief. We all have our limits." (From Chapter 21)

Interesting point. And disturbing too. It's almost more frightening to read about "normal" people doing terrible things for reasons they consider good or justifiable, than to read about someone who does evil for the sake of evil. Maybe because the "normal" bad guy seems so much more... real... or potentially real?

This is a book that will bring you to the edge of your seat. If you enjoy a suspenseful mystery with interesting characters and a clean romance, I would recommend Deceived.

Thank you to the publisher, Revell for providing me with an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley so I could participate in the Revell Reads blog tour. My review represents my honest opinion of the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Deceived is a romantic thriller well-worth the time spent reading, except for one small flaw. First, what did I like. The story starts 15 miles from my home near the Rochester, NY, metropolitan area. Hilton is a township with a population of 6000 located on the shores of Lake Ontario. The death of Kate Marshall’s husband and son had sent her for a tailspin - including an addiction to valium.

But life was about to change when a young boy, about her son’s age, crossed her path as she rode down the escalator. Her life again took a tailspin, but this time she found the help she needed in the person of Connor Sullivan, former Secret Service agent and now a partner of Phoenix, Inc. Four the next four weeks life went up and down as Kate, Connor, and other members of the Phoenix staff looked for answers in the past and the future.

The book will hold the reader’s attention - a bit of healthy romance will draw in the attention of whose interest lies in that direction, the thrill of the hunt will draw in those looking for a more thrill centered experience. A hint of faith will also draw the Christian reader’s attention to the book.

If this is the reader’s first look at a book by Irene Hannon, he or she will not be disappointed. On the other hand, that is exactly where I found disappointment. The plot of this third book in the Private Justice series paralleled her second book (which I previously reviewed) so closely, I found myself anticipating much of the book before I read it. Had I not read an earlier book, this book could have received a five. With the very similar plot lines of the two books, I will give this book 3.5 stars.
This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review. The opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shanyn hosier
Valium addiction behind her and leadership role at New Start before her, Kate Marshall was all set to begin a new normal since her husband and son drowned 3 years ago. Abruptly, one word spoken by a child at the mall would slam the breaks on moving forward.

Poppysicle. The word her son Kevin used for popsicle came from a boy with the same blond hair as hers. He also appeared to be the same age as her son would have been. The voice was carbon-copy, and there was a spark of recognition in his eyes as he turned towards Kate when she called his name. He may even have come up to her. Except the man accompanying the boy whisked him away in a hurry.

Could it be that Kevin was still alive? Could she even dream it was possible? Not according to the accident report. Not according to both mall security and local police when Kate raised the possibility. Perhaps she was grasping at straws, delirious from grief and insane hope. Her mother's instincts told her otherwise.

If the son she left for dead is still alive, she was going to do her best to find out. Surely a good private investigator could get to the bottom of what happened that day at Braddock Bay. That's exactly what former Secret Service agent Connor Sullivan promised to do. He admitted it was a long shot, but there was enough substance in Kate's suspicions to merit taking on the case. Besides, he kind of liked her.

Greg Sanders, by all appearances was a good man. Evidence pointed to his being reliable, trustworthy, and as squeaky-clean as they come. By all accounts, and Connor's own observations, he dearly loved the adopted son Kate believed might be hers. Not at all, the sign of a cold-blooded killer. But then again after losing his wife and son "even normal, well-adjusted, caring people can crack up when forced to endure enough stress or loss or grief. We all have our limits."*

If not him, then what? It could all be a waste of time. Or it could be the reunion miracles are made of. Danger loomed darker with each turn closer to the truth. With brilliant use of foreshadowing, Irene Hannon had me from page one. There was just enough intrigue and mystery to make Deceived hard to put down without keeping me awake at night.

The animated characters in the story drew me into the plot and made it credible. They came off as real people and added a bit of humour and warmth to the narrative. There's plenty of suspense to hold your attention while a smidgen of romance leaps into your heart. Just when all the clues seemed to line up as anticipated I let out a gasp! Surprised and horrified I couldn't believe the unexpected twist. That's what makes this a great novel. Kept me riveted from beginning to dramatic, heart-stopping conclusion.

I'm honoured to be included in Revell's Blog Tour for Deceived, the third installment in the Private Justice Series, which I received in exchange for this unbiased review. The novel reads smoothly as a stand alone with just a hint to the past books to entice you to go back and read the other two.

*Quote from Deceived by Irene Hannon
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iryna sydoruk
Deceived centers on Kate Marshall, a woman whom has spent the last three years rebuilding her life after the shocking death of her husband and four-year-old son in a boating accident. Then out of nowhere she overhears a young boy on a mall escalator say "poppysicle." Her own son had pronounced the word Popsicle as poppysicle. Now Kate starts to wonder if her son is still somehow alive.

Of course the local law enforcement thinks she is just a grieving mother wanting to believe her son is alive and they don't serach for the boy she heard in the mall. She hires the former Secret Service agent turned private investigator, Connor Sullivan, to look into the boating accident that claimed her family, but she might not be able to handle the haunting truth.

Though I have heard of the author's other works, this is the first time I have read a novel by Irene Hannon, who happens to be a fellow Missourian. Deceived's plot may sound like a made-for-Lifetime movie, but it avoids all the cheesy cliches thanks to the author's creative narrative. There are plenty of twists and turns around the corner that kept me flipping to next page. Overall, Deceived is a intriguing mystery with memorable characters and I highly recommend it to other readers.

*Disclaimer - I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christy halstead
Its been three years since Kate lost her husband and young son to a boat accident.

Her grief is immense as you can imagine.
But what if, you were out, and you seen your son? Would think it was wishful thinking? Grief?
Would you follow through on what you saw?

Kate believes that was her son she saw, shes convinced of it, so much so she hires a private investigator.

But who and why wants her son hidden?

This is the bulk of this story line which keeps your glues, its a plot that thickens and thickens and you just have to dive right in the middle of it all.

I am so glad I got this from Net Galley for the publishers of Revell, brilliant mystery
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Deb’s Dozen: Missing child, a chance encounter—could it be? Poppysicles, blonde hair, love.

Saying good-bye to a wonderful series is always difficult, so reading Deceived, the third book in Irene Hannon’s Private Justice series was hard. I loved this premise and the characters—I only hope Irene brings them back in another series. One thing we can all count on, thank goodness, is that there is another wonderful series in the wings we can anticipate.

Kate Marshall has mourned the loss of her husband, John, and their son, Kevin, for three long years. A fishing trip gone bad and two empty life vests spelled the end to all her dreams. After a tough period of recovery and a move to St. Louis to start over, Kate has her life more or less back together. Then, running an errand at the mall for a friend, she hears a young voice ask for a poppysicle—Kevin’s word for the treat. Looking up at the sound, she sees a boy with wheat blond hair—just like hers and Kevin’s. Could it be? Is her son alive?

After fruitlessly searching the mall for the man and boy she saw, she decides to hire Phoenix, Inc., a private investigation firm. Connor Sullivan draws her case and is drawn to her. He agrees to help, even though the police don’t think she has any reason to hope. Will he uncover any clues? Will that attraction wax or wane?

Hannon has constructed another complex yarn, with complex characters, and lots of twists and turns that keep you turning pages hours on end. I loved this book as much as I loved the other two in the series, Vanished and Trapped. You will love Deceived, too! Five stars for the book and the series. Get them – now!

Irene Hannon has written more than forty-five novels and is the winner of a multitude of awards including two RITAs from the Romance Writers of America, a Carol Award, a Retailers’ Choice Award, and many more. She and her husband make their home in Missouri and, when not otherwise busy, enjoy coffee shops, traveling, and their family. To get all the skinny about Irene, visit

Revell gave me a copy of Deceived in exchange for my candid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan armstrong
Deceived has a great balance of relationship and goal, suspense and romance. Reading Irene Hannon for the first time—it will not be my last.

Kate Marshall sees her son, Kevin, on the up escalator as she descends it in a busy mall. Kevin turned his head when Kate called out his name. Only trouble is, Kevin died 3 years ago and is with a stranger who pulls him into the crowd, disappearing before she can reach him. Her heart is so certain this is her boy, she meets with a PI firm and the confident, good-looking Connor Sullivan, a former secret service agent, investigates her story. Is seeing Kevin at the mall more than coincidence or could the boy be a look alike? It doesn’t take long for chemistry to pull Kate and Connor together and for facts to convince them both that this is indeed Kate’s son, who is now 7 and has no idea who his mother is. Now, how to prove it and return Kevin to her arms?

I recommend this contemporary romance, suspense set in St. Louis, Missouri filled with heart and steady paced sleuthing. You will not want to put this book down.

I received a complimentary book from The Book Club Network at and Revell in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Irene Hannon delivers again with Deceived! Page turning suspense filled action kept me on the edge of my seat as I read this one, but honestly that is what I have come to expect with anything that Irene Hannon writes!

Kate Marshall is a compelling character who truly captured my sympathies from the get go. Imagine losing your husband and son in one fell swoop, well that's the grief that Kate has been carrying for three years. When something happens that makes her think that her son might not be dead though you can imagine a mother's determination to find out the truth! That's where Connor Sullivan comes in, can they unravel the truth of what happened to Kate's son?

Ms. Hannon does an outstanding job of weaving together the elements of suspense with romance and mystery with enough attention to detail to allow you to feel like your right in the midst of the story. She has a knack for keeping me guessing as the plot progresses.While Deceived is the third book in the Private Justice series it can be read as a stand alone story, but I recommend each book for anyone who enjoys a page turning edge of your seat read that will keep you guessing right up until the end!

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Three years ago, Kate Marshall’s husband and four-year-old son died --- presumably drowned --- while on a leisurely fishing trip. At least, her husband died; her son Kevin’s body was never found. The police refused to pursue the idea of foul play, chalking it up to a tragic accident, in spite of a couple of things about the “accident” that just didn’t add up for Kate. Her period of grief included an addiction to Valium, but she overcame it and is now doing her best to move on with her life.

But in one brief moment, her world is turned upside down again.

On a crowded escalator at the mall, something familiar catches Kate’s attention. She hears a child say the word “Poppysicle,” exactly what her son used to call Popsicle. She turns toward the voice and sees a young boy heading the opposite way on the escalator with a man in a baseball cap. The boy is about the same age as Kevin would be now, with the same wheat-colored hair. She calls his name, and he turns to look up at her. There is no mistaking that face. It is her son. But by the time she struggles through the throng of shoppers, Kevin and the man are gone.

Did she imagine the whole thing? Was her mind playing tricks on her? No, Kate decides she is not crazy. She knows in her heart that she had seen her son. But now what? She is sure the cops won’t believe her, so going to them is out of the question. She is hesitant to hire a private investigator because she knows how far-fetched her story sounds, but feels she has no other option. So she gathers her courage and walks through the doors of Phoenix, Inc.

P.I. and former Secret Service Agent Connor Sullivan can’t help but be a little skeptical as he listens to Kate’s claim that she saw her dead son at the mall. But it’s evident to him that Kate is not a crazy person, so he agrees to take the case, while gently cautioning her not to get her hopes up. Connor’s colleagues tease him that he took the case only because Kate is a beautiful woman, and while he denies it, he can’t deny the “beautiful” part. If she weren’t a client, he definitely would be interested in the gorgeous blonde.

Connor uncovers clues that Kevin may indeed be alive and well. Now he needs to get enough concrete evidence to take the kidnapper into custody.

DECEIVED has an intriguing plot that certainly captivates the reader. Author Irene Hannon takes a mother’s worst nightmare of losing a child and puts a spin of hope on it: “What if my child isn’t dead, after all?” Kate Marshall is a wonderful heroine. She is strong, believable and admirable in her determination to find her son. The chemistry between Kate and Connor is electric and dynamic, adding the perfect measure of romance for which Hannon is known.

An interesting element is how the kidnapper is portrayed. Rather than a revolting villain, the character of Greg Sanders is sympathetic and, in many ways, “normal.” Sanders kidnapped Kevin (now Todd) and has raised him as his son for the past three years. He’s been a good “dad,” and Todd is a well-adjusted seven-year-old. When Todd starts asking questions and having dreams about the woman he saw on the escalator, Greg begins to panic. It is then that his “evil side” appears. Greg will do anything to protect Todd, even if it means killing Kate --- the woman who could take away the “son” he loves.

DECEIVED, the third novel in the Private Justice series, is an impressive and exciting romantic suspense with a few twists and turns, and lots of page-turning drama. Irene Hannon’s latest effort is proof as to why she has been the recipient of several awards in Christian fiction. Fans of Hannon and of romantic suspense will appreciate this one.

Reviewed by Lynda Lee Schab.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan scheminske
Disclaimers: I received an ebook of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review and opinion.

My Synopsis: Kate is still battling to overcome the grief of losing her husband and son. But when she believes she sees her son in a mall, everything she thought she knew starts unraveling at the seems.

She's hesitant to go to the PI to ask for help, but sees no other alternative. Connor is just as hesitant to accept the case but agrees to take it on. What neither of them expected to find was the undeniable chemistry between them or the secrets that somebody is determined to keep just that--a secret.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I adore Irene Hannon. I think I own every suspense novel she has ever written. Hannon is an incredible author and so when I was given the opportunity to read this novel, I jumped at the chance.

This book does not disappoint. The characters are beautifully developed, the writing compelling, and of course the book well-researched. I found myself staying up way too late reading this book simply because I couldn't put the book down.

This book is amazing in one word. I would recommend this to anybody who loved romance or suspense. You won't be disappointed.

So why 4 stars? I always have such high expectations for Irene Hannon because like I said earlier I adore her. This book did not disappoint. It was, however, not my favorite one by her. I give it a solid 4 stars because it definitely stood above the crowd and I definitely want to go buy the book. It just missed that extra something to be a 5.

In Summary: Hannon's lastest novel Deceived is a spell-binding read that readers will not want to miss. A fast-paced novel that will leave you turning the pages faster and faster.

Warnings/Side-notes: No concerns. I would recommend this book to readers of any age.

The Wrap-up: I honestly am so excited to see what Hannon comes up with next. I for one will be buying it. I love this author so much.


Danica Page
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian kitchen
Three years ago, Kate Marshall lost her husband and four-year-old son in a boating accident, and Kevin’s tiny body was never recovered. She’s now re-established herself as a career counsellor for abused women in St Louis, Missouri, far away from the rugged New York coastline which stole her family. But one day she hears a small blond boy at the mall asking a man—his father?--for a Poppysicle, a word she’s only ever heard Kevin use. She loses the boy in the crowd, and when the police aren’t interested, she approaches Phoenix Inc, an upmarket firm of private investigators, for help.

Connor Sullivan is immediately attracted to his new client, something he’ll have to ignore if they are working together. She has a strange story, but one that bears investigating. The more Connor investigates, the more he comes to believe that Kate is right, and the more he wants to see of her. But can they find out the truth before their search is discovered?

I’ve found the last couple of Irene Hannon romantic suspense novels I’ve read a bit flat. There was nothing technically wrong with them, but they didn’t have that spark of inspiration and originality I remember from her earlier books. I’m relieved to report that Deceived is back to Hannon at her best. Okay, the first meet between Kate and Connor was probably more corny than cute, but the suspense plot was excellent (and the romance worked nicely).

It’s an ambitious plot. Was the boy on the elevator Kate’s son? If so, is the man with him involved? How exactly does a four-year-old “drowning” victim resurface as a seven-year-old half a country away? Where has he been for the last three years? Who took him? And why?

At the same time as Kate and Connor are searching for the truth, we see Greg and Todd Sanders, to all outward appearances a loving father and son. This, in my view, is the real strength of Deceived, because Hannon hasn’t depicted a cliché “villain” but a likeable and well-rounded character that I sympathised with. After all, if Kate is right, Greg and Todd are about to have their worlds ripped apart. Writing likeable antagonists is a real skill, especially when it comes to their motives, and I commend Hannon on the way she dealt with Greg’s backstory. When the full story came out, it all seemed horribly plausible. Recommended.

Thanks to Revell and Netgalley for providing a free ebook for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris gilmore
About the Book:

For three years, Kate Marshall has been grieving the loss of her husband and their four-year-old son in a boating accident. But when she spots a familiar-looking child on an escalator in the mall, she is convinced it is the son she thought was dead. With police skeptical of her story, she turns to private investigator Connor Sullivan. The former Secret Service agent is dubious but agrees to investigate. Digging into the case he discovers that the incident may have been no accident at all. But if Kate's son is alive, someone is intent on keeping him hidden--and may be willing to go to lethal lengths to protect a sinister secret.
As Irene Hannon's many fans have come to expect, "Deceived "is filled with complex characters, unexpected twists, and a riveting plot line that accelerates to an explosive finish.

About the Author:

Irene Hannon is the author of more than forty-five novels, including Vanished, Trapped, and the bestselling Heroes of Quantico and Guardians of Justice series. Her books have been honored with two coveted RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America, a Carol Award, two HOLT Medallions, a Daphne du Maurier Award, two Reviewers' Choice Awards from RT Book Reviews magazine, a Retailers' Choice Award, and a National Readers' Choice Award. In addition, she is a Christy Award finalist, and Booklist included one of her novels in its "Top 10 Inspirational Fiction" list for 2011. She lives in Missouri. Learn more at

My Review:

Kate Marshall lost both her husband and their 4 year old son in a boating accident. After the time of three years has passed she is still not over their deaths---which is totally understandable. But she is tarting to think she is losing it because she really believes she has seen her son at the local mall. She thought at first calling the police would be a good place to start but they may get the wrong idea so that is no longer an option. Instead she hires a private investigator to get down to the bottom of this.

Former secret service agent Connor Sullivan is on the case to help the grieving widow. At first he felt that maybe Kate was seeing things or it was a case of a distraught wife and mother seeing things. But after some careful investigating of the mall's camera feeds he sees exactly like Kate is talking about. He investigates the sightings and comes up with his conclusions.

So together Kate and Connor start to sort through this accident that doesn't seem so open and shut as it once did. The deeper they get the more things they find that point to foul play. But as the two of them work so closely together they get under each others skin. Connor has never let work interfere with romance, but this time it seems a little different. Is Kate's son really alive? Will the two of them come to the conclusion that something else happened the day of the accident?

The author tied this mystery up in a perfect bow! It is done with great anticipation, sprinkled with romance and laced with mild humor. It was action filled and drama packed---great book!!

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Revell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
simon yeam
Deb’s Dozen: Missing child, a chance encounter—could it be? Poppysicles, blonde hair, love.

Saying good-bye to a wonderful series is always difficult, so reading Deceived, the third book in Irene Hannon’s Private Justice series was hard. I loved this premise and the characters—I only hope Irene brings them back in another series. One thing we can all count on, thank goodness, is that there is another wonderful series in the wings we can anticipate.

Kate Marshall has mourned the loss of her husband, John, and their son, Kevin, for three long years. A fishing trip gone bad and two empty life vests spelled the end to all her dreams. After a tough period of recovery and a move to St. Louis to start over, Kate has her life more or less back together. Then, running an errand at the mall for a friend, she hears a young voice ask for a poppysicle—Kevin’s word for the treat. Looking up at the sound, she sees a boy with wheat blond hair—just like hers and Kevin’s. Could it be? Is her son alive?

After fruitlessly searching the mall for the man and boy she saw, she decides to hire Phoenix, Inc., a private investigation firm. Connor Sullivan draws her case and is drawn to her. He agrees to help, even though the police don’t think she has any reason to hope. Will he uncover any clues? Will that attraction wax or wane?

Hannon has constructed another complex yarn, with complex characters, and lots of twists and turns that keep you turning pages hours on end. I loved this book as much as I loved the other two in the series, Vanished and Trapped. You will love Deceived, too! Five stars for the book and the series. Get them – now!

Irene Hannon has written more than forty-five novels and is the winner of a multitude of awards including two RITAs from the Romance Writers of America, a Carol Award, a Retailers’ Choice Award, and many more. She and her husband make their home in Missouri and, when not otherwise busy, enjoy coffee shops, traveling, and their family. To get all the skinny about Irene, visit

Revell gave me a copy of Deceived in exchange for my candid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhonda henry
Deceived has a great balance of relationship and goal, suspense and romance. Reading Irene Hannon for the first time—it will not be my last.

Kate Marshall sees her son, Kevin, on the up escalator as she descends it in a busy mall. Kevin turned his head when Kate called out his name. Only trouble is, Kevin died 3 years ago and is with a stranger who pulls him into the crowd, disappearing before she can reach him. Her heart is so certain this is her boy, she meets with a PI firm and the confident, good-looking Connor Sullivan, a former secret service agent, investigates her story. Is seeing Kevin at the mall more than coincidence or could the boy be a look alike? It doesn’t take long for chemistry to pull Kate and Connor together and for facts to convince them both that this is indeed Kate’s son, who is now 7 and has no idea who his mother is. Now, how to prove it and return Kevin to her arms?

I recommend this contemporary romance, suspense set in St. Louis, Missouri filled with heart and steady paced sleuthing. You will not want to put this book down.

I received a complimentary book from The Book Club Network at and Revell in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
genevieve anders
Irene Hannon delivers again with Deceived! Page turning suspense filled action kept me on the edge of my seat as I read this one, but honestly that is what I have come to expect with anything that Irene Hannon writes!

Kate Marshall is a compelling character who truly captured my sympathies from the get go. Imagine losing your husband and son in one fell swoop, well that's the grief that Kate has been carrying for three years. When something happens that makes her think that her son might not be dead though you can imagine a mother's determination to find out the truth! That's where Connor Sullivan comes in, can they unravel the truth of what happened to Kate's son?

Ms. Hannon does an outstanding job of weaving together the elements of suspense with romance and mystery with enough attention to detail to allow you to feel like your right in the midst of the story. She has a knack for keeping me guessing as the plot progresses.While Deceived is the third book in the Private Justice series it can be read as a stand alone story, but I recommend each book for anyone who enjoys a page turning edge of your seat read that will keep you guessing right up until the end!

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Three years ago, Kate Marshall’s husband and four-year-old son died --- presumably drowned --- while on a leisurely fishing trip. At least, her husband died; her son Kevin’s body was never found. The police refused to pursue the idea of foul play, chalking it up to a tragic accident, in spite of a couple of things about the “accident” that just didn’t add up for Kate. Her period of grief included an addiction to Valium, but she overcame it and is now doing her best to move on with her life.

But in one brief moment, her world is turned upside down again.

On a crowded escalator at the mall, something familiar catches Kate’s attention. She hears a child say the word “Poppysicle,” exactly what her son used to call Popsicle. She turns toward the voice and sees a young boy heading the opposite way on the escalator with a man in a baseball cap. The boy is about the same age as Kevin would be now, with the same wheat-colored hair. She calls his name, and he turns to look up at her. There is no mistaking that face. It is her son. But by the time she struggles through the throng of shoppers, Kevin and the man are gone.

Did she imagine the whole thing? Was her mind playing tricks on her? No, Kate decides she is not crazy. She knows in her heart that she had seen her son. But now what? She is sure the cops won’t believe her, so going to them is out of the question. She is hesitant to hire a private investigator because she knows how far-fetched her story sounds, but feels she has no other option. So she gathers her courage and walks through the doors of Phoenix, Inc.

P.I. and former Secret Service Agent Connor Sullivan can’t help but be a little skeptical as he listens to Kate’s claim that she saw her dead son at the mall. But it’s evident to him that Kate is not a crazy person, so he agrees to take the case, while gently cautioning her not to get her hopes up. Connor’s colleagues tease him that he took the case only because Kate is a beautiful woman, and while he denies it, he can’t deny the “beautiful” part. If she weren’t a client, he definitely would be interested in the gorgeous blonde.

Connor uncovers clues that Kevin may indeed be alive and well. Now he needs to get enough concrete evidence to take the kidnapper into custody.

DECEIVED has an intriguing plot that certainly captivates the reader. Author Irene Hannon takes a mother’s worst nightmare of losing a child and puts a spin of hope on it: “What if my child isn’t dead, after all?” Kate Marshall is a wonderful heroine. She is strong, believable and admirable in her determination to find her son. The chemistry between Kate and Connor is electric and dynamic, adding the perfect measure of romance for which Hannon is known.

An interesting element is how the kidnapper is portrayed. Rather than a revolting villain, the character of Greg Sanders is sympathetic and, in many ways, “normal.” Sanders kidnapped Kevin (now Todd) and has raised him as his son for the past three years. He’s been a good “dad,” and Todd is a well-adjusted seven-year-old. When Todd starts asking questions and having dreams about the woman he saw on the escalator, Greg begins to panic. It is then that his “evil side” appears. Greg will do anything to protect Todd, even if it means killing Kate --- the woman who could take away the “son” he loves.

DECEIVED, the third novel in the Private Justice series, is an impressive and exciting romantic suspense with a few twists and turns, and lots of page-turning drama. Irene Hannon’s latest effort is proof as to why she has been the recipient of several awards in Christian fiction. Fans of Hannon and of romantic suspense will appreciate this one.

Reviewed by Lynda Lee Schab.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
danny ren
Disclaimers: I received an ebook of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review and opinion.

My Synopsis: Kate is still battling to overcome the grief of losing her husband and son. But when she believes she sees her son in a mall, everything she thought she knew starts unraveling at the seems.

She's hesitant to go to the PI to ask for help, but sees no other alternative. Connor is just as hesitant to accept the case but agrees to take it on. What neither of them expected to find was the undeniable chemistry between them or the secrets that somebody is determined to keep just that--a secret.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I adore Irene Hannon. I think I own every suspense novel she has ever written. Hannon is an incredible author and so when I was given the opportunity to read this novel, I jumped at the chance.

This book does not disappoint. The characters are beautifully developed, the writing compelling, and of course the book well-researched. I found myself staying up way too late reading this book simply because I couldn't put the book down.

This book is amazing in one word. I would recommend this to anybody who loved romance or suspense. You won't be disappointed.

So why 4 stars? I always have such high expectations for Irene Hannon because like I said earlier I adore her. This book did not disappoint. It was, however, not my favorite one by her. I give it a solid 4 stars because it definitely stood above the crowd and I definitely want to go buy the book. It just missed that extra something to be a 5.

In Summary: Hannon's lastest novel Deceived is a spell-binding read that readers will not want to miss. A fast-paced novel that will leave you turning the pages faster and faster.

Warnings/Side-notes: No concerns. I would recommend this book to readers of any age.

The Wrap-up: I honestly am so excited to see what Hannon comes up with next. I for one will be buying it. I love this author so much.


Danica Page
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly hainlin
Three years ago, Kate Marshall lost her husband and four-year-old son in a boating accident, and Kevin’s tiny body was never recovered. She’s now re-established herself as a career counsellor for abused women in St Louis, Missouri, far away from the rugged New York coastline which stole her family. But one day she hears a small blond boy at the mall asking a man—his father?--for a Poppysicle, a word she’s only ever heard Kevin use. She loses the boy in the crowd, and when the police aren’t interested, she approaches Phoenix Inc, an upmarket firm of private investigators, for help.

Connor Sullivan is immediately attracted to his new client, something he’ll have to ignore if they are working together. She has a strange story, but one that bears investigating. The more Connor investigates, the more he comes to believe that Kate is right, and the more he wants to see of her. But can they find out the truth before their search is discovered?

I’ve found the last couple of Irene Hannon romantic suspense novels I’ve read a bit flat. There was nothing technically wrong with them, but they didn’t have that spark of inspiration and originality I remember from her earlier books. I’m relieved to report that Deceived is back to Hannon at her best. Okay, the first meet between Kate and Connor was probably more corny than cute, but the suspense plot was excellent (and the romance worked nicely).

It’s an ambitious plot. Was the boy on the elevator Kate’s son? If so, is the man with him involved? How exactly does a four-year-old “drowning” victim resurface as a seven-year-old half a country away? Where has he been for the last three years? Who took him? And why?

At the same time as Kate and Connor are searching for the truth, we see Greg and Todd Sanders, to all outward appearances a loving father and son. This, in my view, is the real strength of Deceived, because Hannon hasn’t depicted a cliché “villain” but a likeable and well-rounded character that I sympathised with. After all, if Kate is right, Greg and Todd are about to have their worlds ripped apart. Writing likeable antagonists is a real skill, especially when it comes to their motives, and I commend Hannon on the way she dealt with Greg’s backstory. When the full story came out, it all seemed horribly plausible. Recommended.

Thanks to Revell and Netgalley for providing a free ebook for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
About the Book:

For three years, Kate Marshall has been grieving the loss of her husband and their four-year-old son in a boating accident. But when she spots a familiar-looking child on an escalator in the mall, she is convinced it is the son she thought was dead. With police skeptical of her story, she turns to private investigator Connor Sullivan. The former Secret Service agent is dubious but agrees to investigate. Digging into the case he discovers that the incident may have been no accident at all. But if Kate's son is alive, someone is intent on keeping him hidden--and may be willing to go to lethal lengths to protect a sinister secret.
As Irene Hannon's many fans have come to expect, "Deceived "is filled with complex characters, unexpected twists, and a riveting plot line that accelerates to an explosive finish.

About the Author:

Irene Hannon is the author of more than forty-five novels, including Vanished, Trapped, and the bestselling Heroes of Quantico and Guardians of Justice series. Her books have been honored with two coveted RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America, a Carol Award, two HOLT Medallions, a Daphne du Maurier Award, two Reviewers' Choice Awards from RT Book Reviews magazine, a Retailers' Choice Award, and a National Readers' Choice Award. In addition, she is a Christy Award finalist, and Booklist included one of her novels in its "Top 10 Inspirational Fiction" list for 2011. She lives in Missouri. Learn more at

My Review:

Kate Marshall lost both her husband and their 4 year old son in a boating accident. After the time of three years has passed she is still not over their deaths---which is totally understandable. But she is tarting to think she is losing it because she really believes she has seen her son at the local mall. She thought at first calling the police would be a good place to start but they may get the wrong idea so that is no longer an option. Instead she hires a private investigator to get down to the bottom of this.

Former secret service agent Connor Sullivan is on the case to help the grieving widow. At first he felt that maybe Kate was seeing things or it was a case of a distraught wife and mother seeing things. But after some careful investigating of the mall's camera feeds he sees exactly like Kate is talking about. He investigates the sightings and comes up with his conclusions.

So together Kate and Connor start to sort through this accident that doesn't seem so open and shut as it once did. The deeper they get the more things they find that point to foul play. But as the two of them work so closely together they get under each others skin. Connor has never let work interfere with romance, but this time it seems a little different. Is Kate's son really alive? Will the two of them come to the conclusion that something else happened the day of the accident?

The author tied this mystery up in a perfect bow! It is done with great anticipation, sprinkled with romance and laced with mild humor. It was action filled and drama packed---great book!!

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Revell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill p

Kate Marshall was having a normal day...well at least as normal as things have been since that awful day when she faced the man saying her beloved husband and young son will not be coming home. She was on her way out of the mall when she heard something familiar...she turned around and gasped...could that be her son? After she calls her son's name the boy turns and she sees a spark of recognition, she knows there is a crazy chance he's still alive. Despite the small amount of information she has to go on, and mall security and local police blowing her off, PI Connor Sullivan takes a leap of faith and dives head first into her case. She feels so grateful to him for believing in her case and seeing that she really isn't crazy...but does she feel something else for the "tall, dark, and handsome" PI? And will she ever see her dear son again despite the dangers?
There are very few things Connor Sullivan doesn't understand...but why he took this case and why he can't get Kate Marshall out of his head are the exception. He's never gotten personally involved on a case before but Kate's stubbornness and perseverance just draw him closer. As he draws further and further towards a line he does not want to cross, will his morals pull him back to safer ground or is he already caught in Kate's web? And if he is, does he want to be rescued?

Why I liked it...

Deceived was an awesome book, more so then I could expect since I haven't read Irene Hannon before. Connor's caring, protective personality is what originally drew me in and as always I loved the chemistry between Kate and Conner but I don't think that is why I really liked the book. I think the main reason I loved this book was because of her characters and how they interacted with each other. The office scenes with Dev, Cal, Nikki, and Connor were great, especially the Dev/Nikki scenes. They really offered the bit of humor this book needed which perfected it. Another main reason I liked it is because, unlike some other novels part of a series, you don't have to read the first couple books to read "Deceived", it can be a very nice stand alone novel as I found out.

Why I didn't like it...

The only thing that I really didn't care for about the book was that the story line was very similar to Colleen Coble's "Rock Harbor series". She also "lost" her husband and son but in a plane crash and she found her son might be alive in that series as well. That didn't hinder how much I like either book really, and they do have their differences, but I just kind of knew what was going to happen because of Coble's book. I loved this book despite that though and like I said...there were a lot of differences as well. If you like mysteries, either book is a must read!

My Rating...

I give Deceived four out of five stars!!

Why my rating is what it is...

I gave Deceived four out of five stars because for younger readers... the fires, shooting, killing, e.t.c that goes on is not very appropriate and because of the similarities Colleen and Irene had. All in all, it is a great book...go read it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer bernard
Kate Marshall is minding her own business while shopping at the mall. She is riding the escalator when she over hears a conversation that triggers a memory. In looking at the boy who was talking he looked exactly like her "would be" seven year old son. Without thinking, she calls his name and the boy turns and looks at her, that is when Kate's world comes to a complete stop, only to start spinning in the wrong direction.

Kate thought her husband and child were killed in a tragic boating accident three years ago. Poppysicle for Popsicle was the same word her son used., and no one else had ever used that word. Being confused, but desperate to figure out if she was just making things up, she stops off at a Private Investigators office. She is about to leave, when Connor Sullivan asks her why she is there. Kate tells him the whole story and the strange wholes that seem to leave her with questions. Connor agrees to check things out for her. He quick finds out that there really is something to Kate's questions.

This is book three in Irene Hannon's Private Justice series. While I have loved all three books, like the other two, this book can stand alone. This is Connor and Kate's story. Connor's partners at the firm are minor characters. It is nice to know all about their stories, it is not essential to this story.

In typical Hannon fashion, there is an enticing blend of riveting plot, compelling characters, and brilliant pacing. The plot has great twists and turns that keep you wondering what is going to happen next. I really enjoyed how caring the villian of the story was. He seemed like a great dad, and really cared for his "son". Hannon's way with characters gives you the feeling you could be reading someone's real life story. I think this is why I enjoy her writing as much as I do.

I recommend this book as a great read, along with the other two books in this series.

My thanks go to Revell and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy to read and review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ella gladman
Deceived is the final book in Irene Hannon’s award-winning Private Justice series. I was very excited to read this book, but also disappointed with the knowledge that when the final page was turned, I would be saying “goodbye” to characters I had come to love. I was drawn into the story from the first, though, and quickly forgot my plans to savor it as I rushed to find out what was going to happen next and how everything would play out.
As always, Ms. Hannon does a fabulous job with the minute details and descriptions, drawing readers into the story with the first sentence. It’s obvious a lot of research went into this book, but she doesn’t overwhelm it with random or useless details. There were actually a couple things I kind of wished she had expounded on a little more, but if she had, it may have been too much and become annoying. While this book is the third one in the series, you technically don’t have to read them in order. It does help, since Conner, Dev, and Cal are in each book and there are a few references made to the previous stories that may not make much sense. But the mysteries don’t overlap the books or anything like that.
Kate Marshall is the “heroine” and I loved her almost immediately! She is very realistic and I was able to easily relate with her. I loved her strength of character and how she managed to get back up after facing a horrible tragedy. While she is strong, kind, stubborn, and persistent, she is also flawed and broken. I actually found that to be my favorite thing about her. She isn’t made out to be perfect, but rather we are shown her flaws clearly. She often has to lean on the Lord. She is a great balance of strength to stand on her own, but also the wisdom to know when she can’t continue on her own merit.
Conner Sullivan is a great hero! We met him in each of the previous books, but we still don’t know him well. He is more of a background character in them, so I was very excited to get to know the last member of the Phoenix team. He is the most guarded one of the team, keeping his personal life as private as possible. Though to be honest, he doesn’t really have much of a personal life, prior to meeting Kate. He has had trouble with relationships before and feels guilty for how the last one ended. I loved his care and kindness toward Kate, how he looked beyond her seemingly crazy story and her appearance to really get to know her. He had me sighing and feeling slightly jealous of Kate, that she has such a wonderful guy in her life. I also loved his strength, honesty, and determination, as he attempted to ferret out the answers Kate needed.
The romance between them was excellently handled. There were sparks from the start, but they each had their own reason for ignoring them. Kate wasn’t sure she could love again, after losing her first husband, and for Conner, there was an unspoken rule about getting personally involved with clients. I loved the chemistry between them, but I also appreciated the self-control they both exerted to keep everything above-board. True love includes putting the other person first, which they both tried to do. Also, a lot of the story focuses on the mystery and what is going on there, so their relationship wasn’t always in the forefront, which I think helped too.
I really enjoyed the spiritual aspect of this book. In many of Irene’s books, it is fairly light and stays in the background. While that is true of this book as well, it was woven into the story a bit more than usual, but was in no way overwhelming. I enjoyed that it pointed to God through out and encouraged readers to look to Him. Much of it focused on God’s plan for our lives and learning to trust in His leading. One particular sentence that grabbed my attention was this one: “We have one plan for our life, but God often has another.” Pauline Andrews, page 97 This sentence just struck me for some reason and I love the truth in it.
One thing I did find a little surprising is that I actually didn’t hate the “villain,” for a change. I almost always do in Irene’s books, but I actually kind of sympathized with them and found that while I didn’t like them for what they did to Kate and her family, I couldn’t hate them. I guess that was both a good and a bad thing. It was just a little weird for me to be able to relate to a villain, but it also made them a bit more realistic.
My only complaint is that I was somewhat disappointed with the suspense. I’m used to Irene’s edge-of-your-seat suspense and there actually wasn’t that much in this book. I was quickly engrossed in it, as usual, it just wasn’t overly suspenseful. The story focused more on the investigation and the characters’ relationships than anything else. I wasn’t that upset about it, because I found the other things very interesting, but I know some of her other fans may be a little upset at the deviation from her usual pattern.
I highly recommend this book if you enjoy romance and mystery, with a side of suspense.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.
*Quotation used with permission from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fredrik andersson
by Irene Hannon
Rating: 4/5
Book 3 of Private Justice Series
Revell – Fiction/Romantic Suspense

Kate Marshall has managed to pull her life back together after losing both her loving husband and sweet 4-year-old boy three years ago in a boating accident. When an errand takes her to the mall during her lunch break, she sees a boy who looks like her Kevin would if he was 7 years old. As she’s on the escalator, she yells out his name and the boy turns to look at her. Suddenly, a man sweeps the boy away and she is left with a feeling of dread and confusion. After all this time, how could her son still be alive? It’s true that his body was never found, but where has he been for three years? Kate turns to the only private investigation agency that seems credible in St. Louis, Phoenix Inc. She hesitantly retells her story to former Secret Service agent Connor Sullivan with the hope that he will believe her crazy story. Who was that little boy and the man with him? Can Connor figure out who the boy or man was with little to no identifying information? Can Connor keep their agency’s “no dating clients rule” as he and Kate get closer? Is Kate in even more danger now that she suspects her son may be alive?

I was so happy to get to review book 3 in this series. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the other two books about these P.I.’s. I’m always impressed with Hannon’s ability to create a realistic scenario that captures the reader’s attention and draws them into the suspense. The story seemed a little long in my opinion but I did not find it boring. I could tell that Hannon puts a lot of effort into her research to make the story credible. She is so talented when she writes characters who are so endearing. Of all her characters in this series, I will miss Nikki the most – she needs her own novella – unless I missed her backstory from another book? (Nikki works for Phoenix as admin and computer forensics.) I thought she had great characters but not necessarily a lot of character development; however, since this is the last book, that might be part of why this happened. All in all, I was satisfied with the ending of this heart-pounding story.

I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a clean, romantic suspense.

I received this book for free from the publisher in an exchange for a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam iodice
Three years ago, Kate Marshall lost both her husband and their four year old son in a boating accident. When she sees a child at the mall who looks like her son, her world is shaken. She wants answers. With her story dismissed by mall security and the local police, Kate turns to the PIs at Phoenix Inc. Connor Sullivan is a former Secret Service agent. When Kate lands in his office with her incredible story, Connor vows to do all that he can to determine the truth. As his investigation takes him deeper and deeper into the events at the mall, he soon realizes that the accident wasn't really an accident. Will Connor be able to identify the child before something else happens? And is there a chance for a relationship with Kate once everything is over and done?

I think that this was probably my favorite of the entire series. The day I received this one in the mail, I'd also received two others. But this was the one I was the most excited about.

I loved Connor. I've wanted to read his story since he appeared on the pages of Vanished. Of the three PIs, he is my favorite. I loved how he was determined to get to the truth. I also loved how he tried (unsuccessfully) to not fall for Kate. His relationship with his partners was one that captured my attention too. He showed mutual respect for the cases his partners were working and knew they would help him out as they needed to.

I thought that Kate was also really well developed. She's hurting. She's grieving. She really only wants answers. If she gets evidence that the child at the mall isn't her son, she'll let it rest. But if there is the slightest bit of hope, she latches onto it. I thought that her search for answers really showed her emotion. She loved her son. She was falling for Connor. She didn't want to get confused. I also thought that the way that she put her life back together after the accident shows just how strong she was.

I really enjoyed Todd. He's the child that Kate saw at the mall. He doesn't know why his dad has gotten protective of him all of a sudden, but he knows his father loves him. My heart broke a bit for him with all that he'd been through and was going through.

The suspense builds fast in this book. When the puzzle pieces started to fall into place, it really picked up. I found it to be a true page turner.

I received this book for free from Revell Books for the purpose of reviewing. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

Recommended to fans of romantic suspense, Irene Hannon, Dee Henderson, Lynette Eason

Rating - 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With Deceived there is no deception when it comes to Irene Hannon’s portrayal of her main characters. Kate Marshall, a young widow, still grieving the three-year-old sorrow of losing both her husband and son in a boating accident, glimpses a boy who looks and sounds remarkably like her son. Her suspicions haunt her until she, against her own misgivings, searches out a private investigator, and, thus, a cadre of male protagonists join the story, their office banter, “I’ve got your back” camaraderie, and quiet competence whisking the plot along to its satisfying and surprising conclusion.

I have had very little exposure to the genre of Romantic Suspense — but, truthfully, what is more suspenseful than romance? Add to this the agonized longings of a mother to be re-united with her son, factor in the dangerous process of uncovering the secrets of another person, and set the cast of characters in a very believable world where what we think and believe about God, about love, and about other people shapes the course of our lives, and the result is a book that I am eager to recommend to the women in my church as well as to their high-school age daughters.

Irene Hannon’s protagonists are not flat “good guys.” Rather, they are punctual, compassionate, moral, competent, hard-working and dedicated individuals who, also, at various times in their lives, make impulsive decisions, experience lust, exhibit impatience, suffer from fear, selfishness, insecurity, and addictions. Her descriptions defy cliche: for example, Connor Sullivan, P.I. has eyes, “dark as obsidian; they searched, discerned and reassured . . .” And as Kate begins to trust Connor professionally, she begins to notice how “those dark eyes warmed like the volcanic origins of the black glass whose color they mirrored.” Poetic imagery such as this takes “tall, dark and handsome” to a whole new level.

Because in our fallen world no one is all wrong and no one is all right, Deceived gives us three-dimensional characters who act out their need and brokenness according to their acceptance or refusal of God’s grace.

Because the Word of God is living and powerful, a chance encounter with Ephesians 4:31,32 in a pizza joint during the day triggers a middle of the night spiritual wrestling match between the antagonist and the God He has misunderstood.

Because God is at work even when He chooses to remain anonymous, small miracles happen, and this truth is most satisfyingly demonstrated in Deceived.

I received this book free from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading suspense novels by Irene Hannon is always such a treat for me. Her newest novel, Deceived, is the third book in her "Private Justice" series and in my humble opinion it is another winner! The first book in the series is Vanished (read my review here) and the second book in the series is Trapped (read my review here).

Deceived is the story of Kate Marshall, a woman who lost her husband and four year old son in a boating accident three years prior to the start of the story. She now lives in St. Louis and while on a shopping trip to the mall she hears a young boy ask his father for a poppysicle. This was a term her son always used for popsicle so it got her attention. She is going one direction on the escalator and when she turns and looks she sees a young boy that looks just like her son with hair the same color as her own going in the opposite direction. She calls her son's name and and little boy turns. Before she can turn around and go after him, he and the man he was with disappear into the crowd. Not sure what to believe, she contacts law enforcement but they don't believe that the little boy she saw was really her son. So she contacts Connor Sullivan, a Private Investigator with Phoenix, Inc. While he is a little skeptical, when he hears her story, he agrees to try to find the boy. This is the foundation for Deceived.

My heart went out to Kate Marshall.While being strong, she was very vulnerable and I was rooting for her throughout the book. As for Conner Sullivan, I loved his character. He is a strong former Secret Service agent who was drawn to Kate from the very beginning. They both are complex characters and I loved how Ms. Hannon revealed their character to the reader.

Irene Hannon's suspense novels are known to have a few twists and turns in the plotline and she doesn't disappoint the reader with this novel. There were times I found myself on the edge of my seat waiting for what was to come next. Just when I thought I knew how it was going to end I was surprised.

Riveting plotline, captivating complex characters and a Christian thread are found in Deceived. This is a must read for anyone who enjoys good Christian suspense fiction. I would highly recommend this book.

On a 5-Star Scale = 5 HUGE Stars!!!!!

I would like to thank Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. I received my copy of Deceived for free in order to read it and give my honest review, which I have done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy ray
By Irene Hannon

Best selling author of the "Guardians of Justice" Series, has written another winning novel! "Deceived" is the third book in "A Private Justice Series"and is full of suspense and action , as are ALL of her books.

This story centers around a grieving mother, a mysterious child and a dedicated PI who is determined to solve a very complicated puzzle. For three years, Kate has been mourning the loss of her husband and son in a boating accident. However, suddenly, while at a mall shopping, Kate spots a small child on an escalator who she is convinced is her son. Is it possible??? The police are skeptical of her story, thus she turns to a well respected PI , Connor, for help. As he digs into this mysterious siting, the boating "accident" begins to look very suspicious. If this child in the mall is Kate's son, someone is intent on keeping him hidden, away from his biological mother. This person appears to be willing to go to threats of death to protect a very sinister secret.

Irene Hannon is an expert in describing her complex characters in a realistic manner. You get to become friends with them as they meet challenges, fears and threats. Quickly, I became engrossed in these peoples' lives, at times , with my heart pounding while sitting on the edge of my chair.

The plot grabs your attention on the first page and just doesn't let go until you have finished the book. At every corner, there are unexpected, spine tingling twists and turns. What you expect, is NOT what you get!! There is no other word for this book, other than riveting! My daily tasks became unimportant, as I lived the fears. The world just passed me by!! The highly explosive ending shocked, yet satisfied me! A great read!!

Definitely a five star book!! I can hardly wait for Irene Hannon's next creative tale!

This book was supplied by Revell, in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew ryan conforti
DECEIVED, book three in the Private Justice series, was another great read from Irene Hannon.

Kate Marshall has made great strides moving on after the tragic death of her husband and son. Leaving New York and starting a new life in St. Louis, Kate has found a career that suits her. Counseling woman who want to reenter the work place has given her life meaning. But, a single glimpse at a boy on a mall escalator sends her spiraling. Convinced the boy she saw is her dead son, Kevin, she follows after the boy and the man he is with. When they vanish, she turns to the police. When the police are less than helpful, Kate turns to private investigator Connor Sullivan. Though Connor explains to her the chances of finding the boy is a long shot, he agrees to take her case.

Former Secret Service agent, Connor Sullivan knows there isn’t much he can do to find the mystery boy Kate thinks is her missing son, but he’s willing to do whatever he can to give her closure. But to his amazement, pieces to a broader puzzle begin to emerge. The boating accident that took Kate’s husband and son might not have been an accident at all.

As Kate and Connor work closely together gathering evidence, their relationship become more personal. Kate isn’t sure if she’s ready for a romantic entanglement, and Connor doesn’t believe in fraternizing with clients. But no matter how hard they try to push their feeling aside, their connection continues to grow stronger. When all evidence points to Kate’s son being alive, Connor can’t help but feel that Kate is endanger. Someone has gone to great lengths to cover-up a murder and a kidnapping. Kate is the only person standing in the way of that person’s success.

What can I say, Irene Hannon is a top notch romance/suspense writer. Her stories are always exciting page-turners. Her heroines seem to have the right mix of need and grit, while the male lead is the consummate hero. Though most times the reader knows who the bad guys are, it’s always an exciting journey to watch the story play out. I can’t wait for the Men of Valor series coming Spring 2015.

Book provided of review purposes.

Available September 2014 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie ward
As seen on my blog:

Hey, Folks!

The latest literary masterpiece to cross my desk is Irene Hannon's newest blockbuster, "Deceived." This is the final installment in the "Private Justice" trilogy. Preceding titles in the series include book one, "Vanished," and book two, "Trapped," which have each been discussed in earlier write ups on this site. I acquired the conclusion through "Revell Reads, " a program that gives fortunate bloggers like myself an early opportunity to peruse popular novels free of charge from the publisher in exchange for my upfront opinion.

In the beginning of this narrative, we meet Kate Marshall, a counselor, who is finally winning the battle over the grief caused by the accidental death of her husband and young son in a boating accident three years earlier. On a visit to the local mall, however, she is stunned to encounter a little man who is the spitting image of the boy she lost. A body was never found. Is it possible he survived? Dismissed by every authority she approaches, the young mother's strong convictions cause her to seek out the expertise of former Secret Service Agent turned Private Investigator Connor Sullivan. While her suspicions are bit out there, something in her manner convinces him to pursue the matter, and before long, they are both thinking this incident looks less like a mishap and more like murder. Will Kate be able to finally achieve the impossible dream of holding her offspring in her arms once again? Is the attraction sizzling between Connor and Kate merely a result of the emotionally charged situation, or is it a more permanent part of God's plan?

Fans of Ms. Hannon, rejoice! She has once again created an adventure worthy of the sleepless night that can still be shared unreservedly with everyone, both young and old. There is no objectionable material, and the Christian faith content is profound, but understated, so it does not overpower either the reader or the storyline. Audience members twelve years and older will be enthralled. This tale can be appreciated by itself, but I encourage you all to start at the beginning, in the order outlined above. You won't regret it! I recommend this whole series to anyone who compulsively digests the fiction of Lynette Eason, Lisa Harris, and Terri Blackstock. My rating is five out of five stars, and all the volumes are available right now, wherever you usually indulge your passion for literary shopping. I suggest you carve out a substantial chunk of your weekend schedule to get lost in this piece. Until we meet again…
Happy Reading,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Three years since losing her husband and son in a tragic boating accident, Kate Marshall is trying to rebuild her life in St. Louis. These last three years she has never been able to shake the feeling that her son is still alive, and after seeing a boy in the mall who she has an uncanny bond to, she is even more determined to find the answers she craves.

Everyone thinks that Kate is crazy, the only person who takes her seriously in Private Investigator Connor Sullivan, a former Secret Service agent who worked for the president. But as he digs into the mystery, what he find may be more sinister than they could have ever imagined....

A heart pounding mystery, with compelling characters and an intriguing and riveting plot. Romance, suspense, action, and intrigue, the more I read the more I was absorbed into the ever-tightening spiral of this book's spell. There was emotion and heartbreak, as well as healing, and hard won justice.

I really admired Kate's determination, and Connor's dedication to solving the mystery and bringing her son home.

Overall this was a fantastic book with multiple twists and unexpected turns that had me riveted to the pages. I did not want to put this book down! I could honestly go on and on about this book, but I don't want to give away any spoiler! Great book, highly recommend!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Irene Hannon
Book Summary: For three years, Kate Marshall has been grieving the loss of her husband and their four-year-old son in a boating accident. But when she spots a familiar-looking child on an escalator in the mall, she is convinced it is the son she thought was dead. With police skeptical of her story, she turns to private investigator Connor Sullivan. The former Secret Service agent is dubious but agrees to investigate. Digging into the case he discovers that the incident may have been no accident at all. But if Kate's son is alive, someone is intent on keeping him hidden--and may be willing to go to lethal lengths to protect a sinister secret. As Irene Hannon's many fans have come to expect, Deceived is filled with complex characters, unexpected twists, and a riveting plot line that accelerates to an explosive finish.

Book Summary: The book started with the mystery from Kate’s perspective and from there I was hooked. It was a ‘cat and mouse’ kind of story where Kate hires Connor to look into it. As the mystery progresses Todd (Kevin) is asking Gregg questions about the lady from the escalator. Gregg seems like a great father, the question becomes how can this great & nice man be a murderer and kidnapper. The ending is explosive and the suspense builds to a brilliant ending. I loved Kate, Irene Hannon did a fantastic job of creating this character. She was fragile, strong, and genuine. She was almost too perfect. Connor was heroic and strong with flaws and tragedy in his past too. I loved Dianne and Pauline great secondary characters that were believable.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Revell for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Private Justice #3
By Irene Hannon

Three years ago Kate Marshall lost her husband in a boating accident and her young son's body was never found. Rebuilding her life has brought Kate to St. Louis. When a chance encounter in a mall makes her doubt her son's assumed death, Kate has no where to turn except Phoenix Inc.

But can these investigators prove whether or not that a glimpse of a child seen at a St. Louis mall is the son Kate thought she had lost in New York? Kate needs answers and Connor Sullivan is determined to help her find them.

First up finding proof that the child Kate thought she had glimpsed is not just a figment of her imagination...

Deceived is the final book in Irene Hannon's Private Justice series and Connor Sullivan is the Phoenix investigator who takes center stage in this book. And of course being a character of interest means its time for Connor to take an interest in a client who once the case is resolved may just be more than a former client.

Cases have a way of taking a dangerous turn and Deceived is right on track if you like your books with a dash of danger mixed with a touch of romance. Irene's characters make you care about them and they aren't perfect. They are flawed and know it and they are determined to work through these flaws.

This is a great escape book if you just want to take a break from the day-to-day stresses of work or if you just want a relaxing book to read over your week-end. There is nothing quite like a suspense over the week-end to keep you up late into the night. As an added bonus there is a sneak peek at Irene's new upcoming series Men of Valor ~ Buried Secrets.

I was provided a copy of this book through Revell's blogger program in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ceren ergenc
When Kate’s husband drowned in a boating accident and her four year old’s body is never found, her world collapses and she sinks into depression, resorting to pills to take away the pain. Now, three years later, she has gotten her life back on track, moved to a new city, and has a counseling job helping women to struggle. Her ordered world suddenly crashes when she spots a boy the age of her son using expressions which were unique to him. Could it possibly be her son, Kevin? She knows she will regret it if she does not pursue some answers. With Mall Security and the police department turning her down, she turns to the Phoenix Private Investigator Firm. Connor, a former Secret Service Agent, takes her case. Even though he has very low expectations for a positive outcome, he is drawn to Kate. As the two pursue new leads, it looks that there may be a real possibility that Todd is really Kevin. But, Todd has a very loving and protective father who is determined to keep him no matter what the cost.
This is the third book in Irene Hannon’s Private Justice series. This is a great mystery that you won’t be able to put down until you have finished the last page. Her books are perfect for those who love a good mystery but don’t want the graphic details or slimy relationships. The reader quickly comes to feel real empathy for this bereft mother, charmed by the little boy, enthralled by a real hero, worried for the abused wife, and sorrowed for a very lost man. The minor characters add the right sprinkling of humor to a tense tale.
I received this from NetGalley in return for my honest opinion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
n mcdonald
Deceived by Heena Rathore P.

This is an enticing book to read because of the twist and turns it takes. Just when you think you have it figured out, you don’t. The book revolves around 2 young women that can never meet. These two characters are well developed initially. The others you get to know what you need to know. Some in more detail than others.

Abuse, murder and revenge go on throughout the book. Plus there is an underlying weirdness lingering in this book. I voluntarily wrote this review. I would like to thank the publisher and author for my complimentary copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa barrett
Deceived is the third book in the Private Justice series, but it's the best of the three bringing the series to a heart stopping conclusion.

Kate is still suffering from a broken heart after the loss of her husband and son in a boating accident three years ago. She's done her best to move forward by relocating from New York to St. Louis and going back to work as a counselor to help women re-entering the work force. A chance encounter on an escalator has her wondering if her son really died or if he could somehow still be alive, afterall his body was never found.

Connor is one of three partners in Phoenix Inc., a PI firm Kate seeks out to help her get the answers she needs about what she thinks she sees and hears at the mall. They have an instant attraction that can be felt throughout their investigation, but Connor's firm had a rule against involvement with clients. So much for rules, because there's no denying they have feelings for each other all while continuing the search for her son.

From the moment police come to her door in the prologue, until the climatic ending, Irene Hannon takes the reader on a thrill ride, one where you feel the horror of her loss, her effort to move forward, the panic of "could it be him and I have to reach him", the hope rising as more information comes out and finally the wonderful, satisfying and thrilling conclusion that just makes you want to sit back and soak it all in again.

Irene Hannon is a master storyteller and I am so looking forward to her next book, Buried Secrets.

Thanks to Revell, via NetGalley, for making a copy of this book available for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Deceived grabs your attention from the first scenes and doesn’t let go. The author does an amazing job of weaving small details together. Three years ago Kate lost her husband and son in a boating accident. Kate sees a boy that looks like it could be her son; his body was never found. The police and mall security think she is just wishful thinking and do not take her seriously. She then reaches out to a PI; enters Phoenix and Connor. Connor is a retired Secret Service agent and is skeptical about her story but willing to do some research.
Secondary characters add dimensions to the story that make it even more special. Pauline is a great friend and a wise woman to give her advice. You always need someone to talk you off the ledge Nikki is a continuing character from the series and is just hilarious. I was impressed how the author handled Kate’s reactions to the development of the case. I found the development of the case also fascinating as to how they track down the identity of the boy on the escalator. The author made both Kate and Connor human by revealing problems from their past and how they overcame them. Love the commradery between the guys in the Phoenix office.
I was thrilled when they mention Nick and the raggedy ann doll from the St Louis FBI office; if you have read the other series.
Deceived is part of the series but can be read alone. I recommend reading them all and reading then in order to follow the character development of some of the secondary characters from the PI firm

You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan garbe
When Revell publishing sent me the link for the books I could review for October, I took a deep breath as I saw Deceived on the list of books. I own the first two books in the series, Vanished and Trapped, which I love.

Irene Hannon does a great job at creating characters with real life flaws. They are not picture perfect with steady wealthy incomes and flashy cars. Her characters live in condos and usually work ten plus hours a day. I loved how Hannon created Conner as the hero. He was mentioned in the first two books, but I couldn’t wait for this book to flush him out as a character. Conner was sweet, patient, and willing to even clean up Kate’s throw-up. He knew right from their first encounter that he wanted to push their relationship. Kate even felt something toward Conner, which she has not felt since the death of her husband. I don’t disagree with her. Conner was a great guy. Hannon made him believable, and a true hero worth pining after.

The characters run into each other because of some strange incident which draws the suspense and intrigue of the plot. Hannon does a good job at keeping me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t wait to see why Greg Sanders took “Kevin” from his parents. I wanted to know how “Kevin” survived the attack on his father. The twists in the plot were woven together by a master storyteller. I finished the entire four hundred page book in two days and can’t wait to read her next book, Buried Secrets, coming out in Spring 2015.

Another great book by an extremely talented writer!

I received a free copy from Revell publishing in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It has been three years since Kate Marshall lost her husband John and four-year-old son Kevin to a boating accident while father and son were fishing in Braddock Bay. Kate is now living in St. Louis and shopping at the mall when she sees a little boy who looks like her son Kevin and cannot shake drudging up the past traumatic event. Believing there is a chance that Kevin is not dead, Kate hire private investigator Connor Sullivan to either confirm or dispel her suspicions regarding Kevin.

Greg Sanders worries when his son Todd has many questions about the woman in the mall and the encounter Todd had with her calling him Kevin. Greg does not need the Marshall woman looking for him because he has secrets that are in the best interest of him to keep private.

Connor Sullivan is an ex Secret Service Agent turned private investigator along with his partners Dev and Cal who consider. Connor is excellent at his job as a private investigator and suppresses feelings he has for Kate while investigating the deaths of her husband and son that is possibly murder instead of an accident.

Deceived is volume 3 in the Private Justice series that proves worthy of being a good mystery suspense novel for book sleuths. The theme is plausible and entertaining taking the reader on a mysterious journey collecting and examining clues relative to the case. I recommend to readers of mystery, suspense, and crime drama genres who love wearing the amateur sleuth hat.

I received this book free from Revell Publishing in exchange for an honest opinion in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barb k
Gosh, what an EXCITING story! Deceived was so hard to put down. I couldn't believe it, people had the audacity to interrupt me to do things around the house. They actually thought I should poke my nose out of my book and back into the real world. Crazy I know.

I read the back cover and just had to read it. From the very first page Irene Hannon had me hooked. And as the story progressed in only got more engrossing. I read a lot of suspense novels and Deceived delivered a plotline that I've never come across before. The idea that a woman might possibly see her dead son, very much alive, three years and hundreds of miles from where he was supposed to have drowned, was incredible and very fascinating.

I liked how Irene Hannon wrote the story from the perspective of several of the characters. I have read a number of similar-style books so there wasn't much confusion when the perspective changed, it only made the story more interesting and rounded.

One of my favorite book quotes that I've read this year came from Deceived. “... As for coincidences – I like that old saying about them being small miracles in which God chooses to remain anonymous.” Isn't it so true?

Deceived is really good with plenty of suspense, lots of danger, and some romance slipped in to make it even better. Irene Hannon seriously knows how to keep a reader glued to the page, Deceived is a story you definitely won't want to miss.

(I received a free copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are entirely my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
basim alamuddin
Irene Hanon has been a favorite author of mine since the first time I read one of her books, and she has kept me hooked. This series is in my opinion her best so far. Deceived is the third and final book in the Private Justice Series, and was well worth the wait since I read book two. Each book has focused on a different member of a team of three private investigators, and this one is centered on the third and last member of the team, Connor.

I thought this book had a great plot. A mother who has lived for three years thinking her son was dead, now to find out he might not be. At first I wondered how a whole book could be written about that, especially once it became obvious to the main characters what the truth was, but the author wove a great story around that plot that kept me turning the pages as fast as I could read them. Not only was there a lot of suspense and mystery, but the anguish of a mother trying to find the truth, and the determination to find that truth was portrayed well. The author also brought up an interesting angle of a child who has been kidnapped and doesn't know it, and has formed an attachment to his or her kidnapper.

I loved the book, and unfortunately started it at a time when I had to put it aside until the next day. And that was hard to to. Great book, and an awesome finish to the series.

Each book is a different story and doesn't hinge on the others, however there are a few references made to events in the other books, so it would be best to read them in order, but not necessary.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luis soares
This offering from one of my favorite suspense authors is more character driven than action driven. In fact, there is no suspense until near the end.

Part of the Private Justice series, this novel concentrates on Connor, previously a Secret Service agent and now member of Phoenix, Inc. private investigating team. The firm is hired by Kate, a widow who thinks she's seen her son, a preschooler whose body was never found in the drowning accident that killed her husband three years ago.

The majority of the book deals with the tedious work of trying to identify the boy Kate only saw in passing in a shopping mall. Mall surveillance videos are reviewed and when the boy and the man appear coming out of a shop, Connor has something to go on. It was interesting to see the path private investigators take to accomplish their tasks.

Along with the investigative technique, a tingle of romance develops between Connor and Kate. The policy of Phoenix, Inc. forbids Connor to allow the romance to develop but we readers can certainly hope that when the case is solved, the two will find their future together.

One difficulty I had with the novel was the “bad” guy. He was portrayed as a nice father figure and it was hard for me to convince myself he was possibly a murderer.

This is a good novel for those who like character driven novels with a serious hint of romance.

I received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vinay jain
From the prologue to the epilogue, Deceived was a novel that kept me guessing what would happen next.

The storyline was compelling. What would happen when a mother spotted her son 3 years after he was presumed dead from a boating accident? The characters made this story. Kate Marshall, who spots a child she believes is her son, has moved on with her life. Her character is well developed in this novel, with a complex backstory. The hero, Connor, is just as complex, and the pair make quite the duo as they sort out the mystery surrounding the boy she spotted.

There were characters I felt for, and even some that I was surprised about my own sympathy for, and in many ways, I think that is one of the strongest aspects of this novel. Having a compelling storyline with quite a few surprises in it didn’t hurt either.

While this is the third novel in Irene Hannon’s Private Justice series, I don’t think they need to be read in order. I haven’t read the first two, and I don’t feel like I missed out on anything. There were a few references to the cases that I presume were the first two books, but it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of this one. However, those two books are getting added to my list of books to read at some point, along with other novels by Irene Hannon. I’m excited to read some more novels from her in the future. I don’t think I will be disappointed.

**I received a free copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael finn
If you enjoy suspense stories with well-developed characters that are easy to relate to, and an intriguing plot line peppered with a bit of romance and just the right amount of danger and deception, you will want to pick up Irene Hannon's book "Deceived" and read it for yourself.

Unfortunately, I must admit that I have never read any of this author's works before, but after devouring this book in only a few days, I have a feeling I will be adding more of her works to my list. "Deceived" is the third book in the Private Justice series. However, not having read the prior two books--"Vanished" and "Trapped"--was not an issue for me. Although there were stories behind some of the characters from the private investigator's office that were alluded to in this book, the story within these pages stood on its own from start to finish.

This is the description you will find on the back cover:
For three years, Kate Marshall has been grieving the loss of her husband and their four-year-old son in a boating accident. But when she spots a familiar-looking child on an escalator in the mall, she is convinced it is the son she thought was dead. With police skeptical of her story, she turns to private investigator Connor Sullivan. The former Secret Service agent is dubious but agrees to investigate. Digging into the case he discovers that the incident may have been no accident at all. But if Kate's son is alive, someone is intent on keeping him hidden--and may be willing to go to lethal lengths to protect a sinister secret.

As Irene Hannon's many fans have come to expect, "Deceived" is filled with complex characters, unexpected twists, and a riveting plot line that accelerates to an explosive finish
I loved the banter between the members of Phoenix, Inc., the private investigators who took on Kate's case. And even though the interaction and attraction between Kate and Connor, the ex-Secret Service man who agreed to help her, was somewhat predictable, it was still fun to follow along as they found themselves drawn together while the story unraveled.

The "villain" or antagonist in "Deceived" is quite complex. In fact, he has some very likeable traits, which make it very disturbing to discover the role he played in the event that happened three years earlier in Kate's life. However, I think it's a good thing; it shows that even people who have good qualities can snap and do crazy things under extreme circumstances. I liked that the mystery or suspense was more about the why and how rather than the who.

I was pleased that the book contained a spiritual aspect with mentions of God, prayer, and faith that did not seem to be forced or in-your-face but was naturally woven into the story and the characters. In fact, I found some of the references to be somewhat inspirational and applicable to my own life; for example: One character says, "That's God for you. He likes to throw us a few curves now and then, turn things upside down. At least he's giving us a sign of what's coming today..." and from Connor we get, "I learned ... to take every story seriously until it was proven otherwise. As for coincidences--I like that old saying about them being small miracles in which God chooses to remain anonymous."

I would describe this book to others as a Christian romantic suspense novel with no graphic violence or language ... a very enjoyable read that will have you thinking about the characters and pondering the plot throughout the day until you can once again pick the book back up and immerse yourself in the intriguing story.

Thank you to the publisher, Revell, for providing me with an advanced reader's copy for my personal review and my honest opinion of the book.
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