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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anne Rice has surprised me with this novel, although I found some passages hard to understand and even harder to read this makes for a very quaint love story in the end. I found myself laughing at the basics of Lisa because even as complex as she was she couldn't be complex enough to understand love and its many traits and faces. Elliott Salter is a handsom and riveting character...he was well planned in my opinion and even well written. One can just imagine how he would have really looked if they would have done the movie "exact" but then again they never do.
I found this book a little more mellow and easy to read then some on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles that I had started before. Then again I found Tolkien a bit hard at times as well...maybe it's just me. But she brought out another side of herself as a writer in this book and I enjoyed the story. The sex scenes weren't as graphic as I would have liked, I expected serious S & M and I found only mild play at some points. I would have liked to have seen the arcade described a little bit more. Just small things. This book is not for the light hearted though...if sexual acts still remain taboo in your mind and family then stay away from this novel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tracy simmons
As other reviewers have said, this book certainly doesn't compete with other erotic classics as the back cover claims. It starts out strong with some of the most tensely erotic scenes I have ever read in a book to date, with Anne Rice's usual amazing writing style, but quickly fades from erotica into a simple love story with many dimensions, as much of her work does.
While I must confess that this is certainly one of my favourite books that I have ever read, it does not support the claims that are made with regards to the work within the pages. It is not a 'modern day "Story of O," although Anne Rice has certainly done much work in examining the S/M scene.
Unfortunately, those who are experienced in this particular scene will notice a few glaring errors in the claims that she makes in the novel, and may very well cringe to see these mistakes made by such a profound author. While Rice certainly believes in her work with some great zeal, those with experience in their own lives will see that her own experiences perhaps do not match their own.
The books real saving grace does, however, come towards the end of the book, as we begin to follow Elliot and Lisa more closely, realizing the true sparks that have flown between them. The characters are intensely real and believable, so much so that the reader may feel as though they have entered into the very hearts of the characters about whom they are reading.
If you are looking for a good erotic read, then this probably isn't the book for you. If you are interested in the S/M scene and are hoping for more information and ideas, then this is also not the book for you. If, however, you are interested in getting deeper into Anne Rice's amazing world and love her writing, then this is a worthwhile read for any fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book is heavy. Sexually heavy. Written with a serious tone. Exciting. Riveting. I cannot praise it enough.

This is a must read - and if you liked any of this modern sexual series (Fifty Shades, Silvia Day books, etc) then you may not like that you have to think in this novel.

But if you are smart and you want something that really grabs at you, then pick this up and leave all these light toned fluffy series alone.
Belinda: Anne Rice writing as Anne Rampling :: Book 1 - Murder Any Witch Way - Brimstone Bay Mysteries :: The Adversary: The Sundering, Book III :: Fire and Brimstone (Chaos of the Covenant Book 2) :: Jane in the Jungle (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The novel was kind of groundbreaking in its time in that it took subject matter (BDSM) that until that time had been completely hidden in more or less underground publications. It was written with commercial slickness, a quality that is sometimes off-putting in Rice's work. The characters are basically sympathetic. Ultimately, the novel is not as subversive as it would like to be taken for, suggesting that the characters will only be happy once they escape their alternative sexual practices. It doesn't give this impression unequivocally yet there is a linger whiff of conformism in this book despite the subject matter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carol estes
I have read so much about Anne Rice - and finally managed to read one of her books - since I dislike anything with vampires thought I would give this a try. All I have to say is "where is the Club?" and where can I meet a man like Elliott?? wow! This is a very sensual tale about two people Lisa and Elliott who have enjoyed to the hilt such a heavy dose of an alternative s&m life style but when this couple finally meet - PASSION!! Much more powerful and intense for both of them than they have ever experienced. They both find themselves willing to risk anything to persue this opportunity with "love." Rice actually allows you to see them fall in love in their flight from the Club. This is a strong powerful book and I found it a page turner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anne Rices' lush descriptive prose is what makes this book a personal favorite. Erotic in some of the best ways, the storyline never lacks for an interesting moment. I might warn the faint of heart that this book is not your run-of-the mill erotica, nor is it wholly reminiscent of the movie. The narrator point of view changes throughout the book, which I found a refreshing change from most books of this genre. If this book doesn't stimulate you, then you may wish to check your pulse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is just the vehicle to make you forget that horrid movie, which unlike the book, had only one redeeming factor. The movie's saving grace was the costuming (except for the Dan Akroyd Character and Rosie could have lost about 50Lbs), the book however, a thrill ride from beginning to end! If you like your reading to be erotic, visual and entertaining, then THIS is the book for you. If Ann Rice has more like this on her shelf I want to read those too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cherie bruce
Don't confuse the movie with this book. There are no detectives chasing diamond thieves and this is not a comedy.

Anne Rice took a break from writing her Vampire Chronicles series to pen "Exit To Eden" under the pen name Anne Rampling. This novel explores the subject of BDSM within the context of a romantic relationship between Mistress Lisa Kelly and Elliot Slater. Kelly manages an isolated BDSM resort that offers its high-end clients an exclusive setting in which they can experience the life of a Master or Mistress. Likewise, the slaves are there of their own freewill in search of fantasy exploration.

Mistress Lisa gets first pick of the new slaves and chooses Slater. Their chemistry is undeniable from the start and intensifies throughout their time together. As the story unfolds, they fall in love with each other and must come to terms with the power dynamics of how Mistress and slave can become mutual lovers.

Although fiction, this book reveals the potential correlation between BDSM and romance. Anne Rice is a wonderful author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda hart
Please, SOMEBODY, comment on the "introduction" written by Lisa. Written in hind-sight, it says that what follows is an account of something that happened at The Club, and that (end sentence) it's really about The Club. (I'm paraphrasing, since I do not own a copy of the book.) The sense I got reading this was that it "undid" the ending of the story -- that what really mattered the most was The Club, not Elliott. That Lisa considers the story of Elliott to be JUST an episode in her life. Yet in the course of the book, Lisa and Elliott come to understand that their fixation with S/M is a symptom of love/companionship/acceptance missing from their lives, and that they complete each other without the S/M (remember, once they're away from The Club, they have regular sex together, and have a real relationship, SHARING the "power" -- talking, shopping, eating, sleeping, just being together).
Also, if it's Lisa's story (she claims ownership by writing the intro.), what about the half of the accounts written by Elliott !
Anyway, I loved the book, and loved the end of the book -- I'd certainly marry Elliott !
And there's the real final question that Anne Rice poses by including Lisa's intro.: does marriage/happily ever after happen and fulfill them -- or not ?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
roslyn sundset
The abridgement of this otherwise wonderfully delightful and wickedly sensual book is a huge disappointment. There was little of the drama nor the depth of character found in the actual novel. I read this book years ago and found it quite profound. The tape, which barely last 1.5 hours covers none of the motivation, the anticipation nor the quality of Rice's intentions for placing the characters in this specific situation and performing these activities. Incredibly shallow reading by both actors, also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kamal el ghrory
Movie was okay, I liked it. Never realized there was a book for it. I was buying more Anne Rice's books and saw Exit to Eden, I picked it up knowing if Anne Rice wrote it, it would be good. But... it was even better! A MUST READ! It was completely different than the movie! But totally BETTER! I recommend this book with no problem. You must be open-minded. I like the fact it went from The Club to real-life. I have read most reviews. I agree with people saying its the best. For those who say it "trash," you may need to open your eyes and see the true world out there. It's not the 50's anymore. You have your opinions, but I have mine and this is an EXCELLENT BOOK TO READ. I have read the Witching Hour and the books to follow for the series. Anne Rice continues to amaze me with her works, specially considering this is a earlier written book! Amazing. Read it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
katherine watkins
I found this book to be rather silly. Never mind that the protagonists work at sex club, they are just two crazy kids in love. If you want to read a traditional romance novel where the character's pasts as S and M enthusists are hinted at, this is your book. I was trully surprised at how convential this book was and expected more from Ann Rice. The ending was particularly silly and Harlequin-esq.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
paul kec
I like to read erotic fiction from time to time. But if it doesn't have substance, it's nothing more than another trashy pornography novel. "Eden" was better than Anne's " Beauty" novels, but was definitely not for readers who want the zest they received from " Interview with the Vampire".
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
haley middle
I was not happy with this book. Luckily I checked it out at the library, so I did not spend the money on it. It was filth, trash, and poorly written at that. I wanted the erotic sensations like the vampires get when drinking blood. Instead I got nothing but sorry, flabby writing that went nowhere. If the book had belonged to me, I would have burned it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne wrobel
The book just did not hold my interest very well. It was long and tedious, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. The characters were not believable nor were they erotic. They came across quite clown-ish. Anne Rice is an excellent writer, but from this novel you would never believe it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole cheslock
I gather she regrets writing erotica today, but all the same, this is a very hot/sexy read just like her other erotica in the Sleeping Beauty collection. Weirdly, this was made into a comedy with Dan Aykroyd, Rosie O'Donnell, Iman, and more as a comedic criminal hunt on an S&M island. No idea how the book sexual drama became a slap-stick cop comedy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
trinh hong quan
If your looking for a romance for the adult world this is it. I loved the pace of the book and the style of the story telling. I was 89% complete with the book and wishing it would never end, yet I couldn't wait to find out what would happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A love story infinitely more readable than the Sleeping Beauty set, it delves deep into the human psyche, and attempts to explain how and why someone would choose BSDM as a lifestyle. Plenty of erotica, and a plot too! A great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
guihan ko
As with her other books, Anne Rice writes Exit to Eden with passion and superior knowledge of human feelings and emotions. With this book, she has created a stage for sexual creativity, lust, exploration and human emotion. Her portrayal of Lisa and Elliot, and their raw desire for eachother, is purely erotic. Each chapter keeps you wondering what might happen next and what is going through the mind of each character. The book makes me wonder what fire Rice has in her to make her write such a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris fish
...and besides all that, the writing is gorgeous, and the New Orleans settings are so wonderful. Ann Rice is truly a writer of many talents - and many and diverse interests.
Kinky? Yes. Erotic? Yes? Fun? Yes. Should you read it? Yes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
diane wang
First I should note: I am a Professional Dominatrix. I have been a lifestyle Domme for 11 years, a pro for 3. And i am an intelligent human being; on all those aspects I am equally offended by this novel.

The plot: a "domme" who owns a fantasy BDSM sex club island meets a "slave" falls in love, kidnaps him, and they blow more money than the national debt while she alternately whines/cries.

Issues: 1) the psychology of BDSM is WRONG. The best slaves SOMETIMES make the best masters, but that is rare, very rare. Typically you're oriented as a Top, bottom, or switch; in this universe everyone is a switch, meaning both submissive and Dominant. Does a Dominant woman enjoy being blindfolded and teased? For the most part, no. And by a slave? Never!

2) the techincals are wrong. Does a pro Diomme have sex with clients? Not in real life. On a fantasy island, sure, why not? However, Lisa never "queens" Elliott the #1 sex act between a Domme/slave. When it comes to the strap-on sceene I almost vomited. It was so wrong and done in such a way in real life A) it could not have physically worked and B) she would have gotten an infection.

3) As a love story it's weaker than weak. Elliott falls in love with shocking ease and spends the rest of the novel explaining why. Lisa spends most of the novel as a Histrionic woman crying and raving so much I'd expect her to be on anti-psychotics.

4) It's really a story about rich people jetting all over the world, living a spoiled, pampered life and being douches about it. It seemed to me like reading a modern-day journal of Tom & Daisy Buchanan for "The Great Gatsby" - the tale of careless spoiled people ruining everything they touch.

5) For Anne Rice this is sub-par writing. It has many pitfalls of a college writer trying to turn a sexual fantasy into a literary story. Long lists of authors and art movies are provided to give characters intelligence even as their actions prove them stupid.

6) Her understanding of professional BDSM is wrong. it's not prostitution; it's fetish play. The definition of a fetish is something that takes the place of sex. There are Houses/Dungeons in every town and the only people engaging in sex under the guise of BDSM are prostitutes who think by calling themselves Dommes they can hide better from the law. and pro male Dommes are very rare, it's primarily women out there. You'd never knowit, reading this.

Seriously, if BDSM erotica is your thing try her "Beauty" series or stick to the classics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy hausladen
Wonderful book... as expected from the queen of wonderful books. I had a friend recommend this knowing I'd read some of the others and it surely did not disappoint. Looking forward to reading the Beauty series soon. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth biehl
...and besides all that, the writing is gorgeous, and the New Orleans settings are so wonderful. Ann Rice is truly a writer of many talents - and many and diverse interests.
Kinky? Yes. Erotic? Yes? Fun? Yes. Should you read it? Yes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lesley bates
First I should note: I am a Professional Dominatrix. I have been a lifestyle Domme for 11 years, a pro for 3. And i am an intelligent human being; on all those aspects I am equally offended by this novel.

The plot: a "domme" who owns a fantasy BDSM sex club island meets a "slave" falls in love, kidnaps him, and they blow more money than the national debt while she alternately whines/cries.

Issues: 1) the psychology of BDSM is WRONG. The best slaves SOMETIMES make the best masters, but that is rare, very rare. Typically you're oriented as a Top, bottom, or switch; in this universe everyone is a switch, meaning both submissive and Dominant. Does a Dominant woman enjoy being blindfolded and teased? For the most part, no. And by a slave? Never!

2) the techincals are wrong. Does a pro Diomme have sex with clients? Not in real life. On a fantasy island, sure, why not? However, Lisa never "queens" Elliott the #1 sex act between a Domme/slave. When it comes to the strap-on sceene I almost vomited. It was so wrong and done in such a way in real life A) it could not have physically worked and B) she would have gotten an infection.

3) As a love story it's weaker than weak. Elliott falls in love with shocking ease and spends the rest of the novel explaining why. Lisa spends most of the novel as a Histrionic woman crying and raving so much I'd expect her to be on anti-psychotics.

4) It's really a story about rich people jetting all over the world, living a spoiled, pampered life and being douches about it. It seemed to me like reading a modern-day journal of Tom & Daisy Buchanan for "The Great Gatsby" - the tale of careless spoiled people ruining everything they touch.

5) For Anne Rice this is sub-par writing. It has many pitfalls of a college writer trying to turn a sexual fantasy into a literary story. Long lists of authors and art movies are provided to give characters intelligence even as their actions prove them stupid.

6) Her understanding of professional BDSM is wrong. it's not prostitution; it's fetish play. The definition of a fetish is something that takes the place of sex. There are Houses/Dungeons in every town and the only people engaging in sex under the guise of BDSM are prostitutes who think by calling themselves Dommes they can hide better from the law. and pro male Dommes are very rare, it's primarily women out there. You'd never knowit, reading this.

Seriously, if BDSM erotica is your thing try her "Beauty" series or stick to the classics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carmen d
Wonderful book... as expected from the queen of wonderful books. I had a friend recommend this knowing I'd read some of the others and it surely did not disappoint. Looking forward to reading the Beauty series soon. :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I bought this book after seeing the movie, and boy was I disappointed! This was the 4th book by Anne Rice that I read, and have since gone on to read 2 more. After 6 books I have finally given up on Anne and her ability to write an ending.
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