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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim mcrad
Just as I was lamenting my completion of the final Douglas Adams book (see other review) along comes my annual literary fix of Tim Dorsey.
"Triggergfish Twist" kept me laughing, chortling, guffawing, and well... generally tittering like a whackaloon.
This H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S novel has everything: a mime, Tom Jones music, The Beam of Death, Trivial Pursuit, Ernie and Bert the homeless Christ and Antichrist, a well placed fade-out, a Crisco based life form, Velveeta, chicken salad sandwiches, Alsatian yodeling, thoroughbred ferrets and everyone's favorite encyclopedic-homicidal-lunatic Serge A. Storms!
I laughed. I cried. I got anxious and hysterical ... but then I've been on an emotional roller coaster since age 11.... I get like that sometimes.
"Triggerfish Twist" is the best Tim Dorsey novel so far!
SUPREMELY RECOMMENDED! Read this one! Pretty please! With sugar on top!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric w
Humorous horror is my favorite genre. Triggerfish Twist is humorous...dementia. I liked it because it smacks of honesty, though the bulk of the scenarios have been pushed to ultimately humorous extremes. There are so many characters integral to the climax that the storyline can be dizzying, especially the way Dorsey zips around and through the brief span of time involved, telling just enough to pull it all together at just the right moment. If you're able to set it down, then you're either too timid for this kind of in-your-face storytelling, or it'll haunt you until you can get back to it again. It could be titled: How To Push A Normal Joe Overboard...except that the hero's name is Jim. Of particular interest to those all-too-familiar with Tampa. A delightful exaggeration. Zany, twisted, breakneck-speed fun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It has to be difficult to write a LIKEABLE homicidal maniac. But that's just what Tim Dorsey has manged to do in Florida Roadkill, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, Orange Crush, and now Triggerfish Twist.
This time Serge is back together with old pals Coleman and Sharon the summer before their wacky adventures in Florida Roadkill. We are treated to a little more of the lighter side of Serge as he passes the summer playing house in a typical Tampa neighborhood.
Of course, if Serge, Coleman and Sharon are around, then you know things will be anything but typical as plotlines swirl wildly around the neighborhood until crashing together at Jim Davenport's Fourth of July party.
If you enjoyed any of the previous three books by Dorsey, this one should be no exception.
Pineapple Grenade: A Novel (Serge Storms) :: Of Exile And Excess In Japan - Black Passenger Yellow Cabs :: Destined for Love (Love in Bloom - Rex Braden (Volume 5) :: and the Things I'm Not Allowed to Say on TV - My Life :: The Riptide Ultra-Glide: A Novel (Serge Storms)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dorsey does it again in this divinely twisted novel. First, I want to congratulate Mr. Dorsey on his inspiring decision to bring back Sharon and Coleman- their collection of drugs complements Serge's maniac Florida obsession perfectly! They met their demise way too early in Florida Roadkill, and I was delighted to find them in the pages of Triggerfish Twist. You may ask what else Sharon, Coleman and the wonderfully mental Serge could do in the Sunshine State that hasn't been done before. Well, wonder no more. Among other mayhem, my favorite three miscreants spend most of their thime terrorizing a family neighborhood in Tampa. Serge gains a new role model - and obsession- in his neighbor, Sharon experiments with assorted chemicals, and Coleman befriends an aggressive pitbull through rather unorthodox methods. And the ending to this book is as surprising as it is hysterical. This book is so much fun that I've given copies to my entire family- and they loved it, too. Read this book for an intoxicating blend of homicidal mania and side-splitting humor!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
briana ryan
Both a prequel and a sequel, Dorsey captures what we love about Serve--his intelligence, wit, and bizarre code of honor. Hysterical and packed with insightful social commentary, a great addition to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda otten
Dorsey delivers a very delightful, dark-humor comedy composed of interesting characters that we've all met at one time or another in life. Throw them into the Florida sun with drugs, assorted vice and random violence. The result leaves you laughing out loud.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian polon
This book was a welcome break from ho-hum everyday stories I have been reading of late. I have always loved reading Hiassen and after reading a review that Dorsey was "like Hiassen on drugs," I couldn't resist. I was not disappointed in the least.

Triggerfish Twist was a blast!! It is such a fun story that comes together in a magical way that I have not seen before. The well developed characters may be the highlight of this book.

Anyone looking for a good time and an escape from everyday life...this is your book. Can't wait to read more Tim Dorsey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
See storyline above.
With a wide assortment of characters, including career criminal Serge A. Storms and his rag-tag partners, to the rather naïve Jim Davenport, a low level white collar worker who decides to accept a transfer to Tampa, we soon discover the wackiness that surrounds the mind of Tim Dorsey. This wickedly hilarious romp through a minefield of guffaws will make you wish the book will never end. If you're not smiling while reading this novel you're probably laughing. The four old ladies were a riot. I very much look forward to the next Dorsey novel and wouldn't mind seeing old Serge again.
Highly recommended.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I've yet to understand how this truly qualifies as a prequel to the first published "Florida Roadkill." Can someone shed some light on this? I need to see some type of timeline here. Maybe I'm on Dorsey overload, having breezed through the first three novels in as many weeks, but this one didn't do it for me. It does definitely have it's moments. Serge addressing a college campus on graduation day after building a following both in numbers and prestige is hysterical. The climactic chase scene is well written echoing that of the wackiness of simlar scenes in movies like "What's Up Doc?." If I had to list these in order of favorites thus far it would fall like this.
1. Orange Crush
2. Hammerhead Ranch Motel
3. Florida Roadkill
4. Triggerfish Twist
If I were to read this somewhere further down the line (after a much needed break) I might give it a third star. It's still a fun read, and I love Serge's obsession with Florida history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike mcc
I picked up the paperback version at Safeway one day on the way home from work, because I liked the cover and the blurb on the back caught my attention.

To say this book is "funny" would be the understatement of the century, make that millennium - wait, epoch. I was instantly hooked, like the fish on the cover, and I quickly devoured every one of Dorsey's books I could find. I bought the last four in hard-cover because I couldn't wait for the paperback versions. Face it, I'm addicted and since he only comes out with one new book each year, I spend 11 months going through withdrawal! There should be a treatment center for Dorsey fans, seriously.

Triggerfish Twist is still my favorite of the whole series. I don't know if that's because it's the funniest (I think it is) or if it's because prior to this book I was still a Serge "virgin" and still have such fond memories of my "first time" reading this stuff. I still fall into uncontrollable spasms of laughter whenever I recall the "beam of death" at the bank (finely polished glass + skylight + florida sun + noon = you do the math).

The story begins when a graphics intern messes up the order of "best places to live in America" thus initiating a whole series of events which wind up with poor Jim Davenport and his family moving to Tampa where they encounter their new "best friend" - Serge.

Serge is a really likable guy, but he's just a little "different." His hobbies include Florida history, collecting memorabilia, and killing people who really do deserve to die - in incredibly inventive ways. I will never think of hoola-hoops the same way again.

Jim's wife thinks Serge is a little "intense" - and she has NO IDEA. He takes intensity to a whole new level which may only be experienced by geniuses, or the criminally insane - or in Serge's case, both.

Serge takes an immediate liking to Jim, which is kind of a mixed blessing - because Serge looks out for his friends... and Serge's idea of "looking out" for his friends usually means detectives will be scratching their heads for weeks trying to figure out the latest crime scene. Hoola hoops???

If you disapprove of twisted, sick humor then stay away, stay FAR away from these books. But if you like your humor over-the-top with a little old fashioned vigilante justice mixed in - I look forward to meeting you in the Treatment Center for Hopeless Serge Addicts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mehdi parhizi
It was worth the year's wait for Triggerfish Twist. After three previous novels (Florida Roadkill, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, Orange Crush), Tim Dorsey has not lost his stride one iota. The subplots are so ridiculous and seemingly pulled from nowhere, you begin to wonder if and how it'll all tie together. When you least expect it, it all comes colliding together in a hilarious fashion.
Serge A. Storms, the Tampa native sociopath is up to his old tricks, as Dorsey brings back his partners-in-crime, the chemically dependent man-child Coleman, and the crack addicted stripper Sharon. They cross paths with some new characters, family man Jim Davenport, the homeless diciple John Milton, car salesman Rocco Silverstone, and pseudo-millionaire H. Ambrose Tarrington, III.
If your new to Dorsey's writing, hang on for a wild ride. If you're a devoted fan like me, pick up Triggerfish Twist for your latest Dorsey fix!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
manmeet singh
Dorsey is loads of fun, like Hiaasen and others who write the wacky Florida mysteries. I enjoy reading them when I need a breather from more demanding reading. His books go down like cotton candy, light and sweet, and highly aerated.

This zany work introduces a dizzying array of characters -- all misdirected or misused, drugged or crazed -- who collide with one another and form unlikely alliances. The plot leads them to a climax beyond any you've read, one that generates more fireworks than you'll see in the biggest July 4th bashes. Keeping people straight can be tricky at times, since they all spin out of control, careening toward their explosive rendezvous.

This is satire raised to absurdity. You'll smile, you'll laugh, you'll love it for what it is, entertaining escapism.

But ... let's be judicious and discriminating with our ratings, please. A book, like a movie, can be great fun without being great art. This is an example. For this reason, I cannot in good faith give this 5 stars when I've given a finely written, fully realized, and well-developed work such as REMEMBERING BLUE by Connie May Fowler 4 stars.

This is a hoot of a good book, for easy and hilarious entertainment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bobbi woods
Reminiscent of Carl Hiaasen, Tim Dorsey is a wild ride. While his other novels are entertaining, this one proved to be my personal favorite. Having killed off all of his characters in his other novels, Mr. Dorsey decided to digress in this story to bring them back. Most enjoyable is the character Serge. What a novel idea, having a killer and a gangster for the hero of the story. Serge is also quite a philosopher and a little way past the center of the story, he delivers a two page spiel while delivering an address to a graduating college class which is poignant, excellent advice. You won't waste your time reading "Trigger Fish Twist." Steve Robertson
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie hull
This is one book that I found absolutely hilarious. Someone with a wild imagination wrote this book. This is one of those books that you can't wait to keep reading. Although a bit of violence and drug infested I found it refreshing actually. Only read this book if you enjoy laughing. I will definitely read more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david fox
He just keeps getting better and better, and was really good to start...
A bit noir in spots, Dorsey has humor dripping from each page and is marvelous at keeping the pace and the sub-plots speeding down the track.
"Triggerfish Twist" is the latest and greatest with his anti-hero, Serge, still at the helm. You could start reading him in any order, but the chronology of the books do give those ordered readers some tongue-in-cheek smugness that
follows with the insider connections of the prior mayhem...
"Flordia Roadkill" was first, then "The Hammerhead Ranch Motel", and "Orange Crush" the third leading to the latest... Wild rides all and will not disappoint.
If you like Carl Hiassen's stuff, you'll love Dorsey's wit and roll.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tim Dorsey is at his top form in portraying hilariously dysfunctional characters and thing their stories together while polishing off the bad guys in comically fiendish ways and somehow rewarding the "good" guys whether they intend to be "good" or not. Dorsey's series is an acquired taste and probably won't appeal to normal readers but is a delight for us abnormal ones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tim Dorsey can tell a story with the quirky characters of a Garrison Keillor monologue, the insanity of a Dave Barry column, and the sex and violence of a Quentin Tarantino film. He is a former Tampa Tribune reporter and Metro section editor, and he writes at a wicked pace. The novel is set in Tampa and teaches some local history as it entertains: His protagonist is an odd mixture of college professor and serial killer. Dorsey ain't right in the head, but he sure makes me laugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If Tim Dorsey is an acquired taste, I consider myself lucky to have acquired it early on. If you're interested in joining the lunacy, this book is a good place to start (as is Florida Roadkill). Most all of his stock characters are here, led by Serge and Coleman. Just sit down and enjoy the mayhem.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa scarola
I noticed other reviewers posted 1 and 2 star reviews on this book. I love Tim Dorsey. I also read Hiassen and several other Florida authors, such as James W. Hall, C. D. Blizzard. I agree that Dorsey is somewhat like a Hiassen knock-off, but not quite. I laughed all the way through this book. It's the character development and the situations the characters find themselves in. It is sometimes over the top, even ludicrous, and I have to agree that the plot is almost non-existent. But who needs plot when the characters themselves are so hilariously reprobate? I give it 5 stars for the belly laughter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A "South Florida" novel about a guy who transfers to Tampa with his company, and starts meeting all sorts of strange Florida neighbors who are nut cases. He finally ends up killing someone inadvertantly, and the dead man's brothers start to come after him. And there are so many other strange subplots that all meet up at the end. Very funny, but very weird...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah hunt
Dorsey's novels all entertain to some degree, but this one had the whole package wrapped nicely in a Tampa-grown maduro wrapper. Serge is in his prime, here, and our kindly neighbor (Davenport) provides the perfect anchor and opportunity for Serge. I'd recommend reading this after a few other Dorsey novels - just to savor it's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan litton
The madness of the characters in Triggerfish Twist is delightfully fresh and inventive. Dorsey somehow manages to create coke-heads, burglars, kidnappers, perverts and killers that you care about. The plot keeps weaving like a blue-haired Cadillac driver on the interstate, and even when you see where things are headed, the dialogue and the details still surprise you and keep the insanity rockin'. This is my first Dorsey roller coaster, but I'm hooked and will read all of the others. Highly recommended for a good time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
xitlali mart nez
Serge, Coleman, Sharon--innocents from the midwest-plus just a few other players. I do not know how he does it but Tim gets better and better every book.
I really am at a loss for words; when I am laughing by the first page I know I've got a good one. First Florida Roadkill, then Hammerhead, then Orange Crush and now Triggerfish-I already want the next one.
I do not feel the need to explain the characters. Tim Dorsey has outdone Hiassen by a long shot. He is the "Florida Writer" in my opinion.
Let's all hope the next one isn't to far away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
h l ne
Triggerfish Twist was hysterical ... some of those moments ... and there was a lot of them had me giggling insanely ...
Serge is inventive in his murders ... hehehhehehe ... WHAM-O
And if you liked everything else this does not disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was an absolute riot! I usually read Tim's books in one sitting (just can't put 'em down!) and this one was no exception. I loved the epilogue...Serge's phone call to "Politically Incorrect" was great and leads you right back to "Florida Roadkill".I got to meet Tim June 25th at a book signing and he is a super individual! Can't wait for the next book, who knows, maybe one day Serge and Skink may join forces...could Florida survive it?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gourav munal
I'm a straggler in reviewing Triggerfish Twist, but that's because I just read it again and was moved to comment. Triggerfish Lane is the nuttiest and funniest set of neighbors in non-existence. My favorite remains the fellow who got up in the middle of the night to "stealth" water. Coleman is always fun, but add him to a housefull of frat boys, and he's a leader of men. Life's too short not to laugh every chance you get. This book will give you plenty of opportunity.
Barbara DeShong
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled across this book at an airport and laughed all the way to my destination. I absolutely enjoyed every page. This author is a master of comedy and irony. Make a movie of this now and cast Nicolson in the lead role as Serge. I've never liked a truly bad guy so much. I finished the book and bought two more of Doresey's works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yassir al wali
Triggerfish Twist was not my usual 'type' of book to purchase. It was the most hysterical and entertaining book I have ever read. Since then, I have not only read it several more times, I have purchased every book I can find of Tim Dorsey's. It is not a book for the subject-sensitive reader but it will make you laugh and smile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren rogers perrault
This is one of the funniest and cleverest novels I've ever read. Tim weaves a spiderweb of character story lines that are ever crossing paths. You're guaranteed to laugh out load when reading this, which is a bit awkward if you are sitting in a doctor's waiting room like I was. This was my first Tim Dorsey novel. Now I'm hooked, and my lawn and other chores will undoubtedly be neglected for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan webb
Hilarious! This book was an impulse buy at the airport before my long flight, but I could not put it down! Not only did I laugh out loud in the plane from time to time, but I couldn't put it down for the entire time i was in Vegas!
I enjoyed the characters, and the twists, and now i'm going right out to get the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie agren
The central characters are as good as ever, and I thought the secondary ones in this book were very well drawn. Loved the Florida history and local references.
I recommend the entire series to anyone who hasn't read it ... they are all hilarious and very hard to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reni ivanova
Serge A. Storms is by far the most hillarious character ever written! Tim Dorsey takes you on the ride of your life through the lives of the most disfunctional people on the planet! I laughed so hard, I cried.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though this is not the first book written by tim dorsey, it should be the first one read. give it a hunded pages and you'll be hooked. if this doesn't make you laugh you must have a flashlight stuck in your .... . bravo, t.d.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam schilling
The central characters are as good as ever, and I thought the secondary ones in this book were very well drawn. Loved the Florida history and local references.
I recommend the entire series to anyone who hasn't read it ... they are all hilarious and very hard to put down.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love Dexter. The world comes to a grinding halt on Sunday nights for that one delicious hour. I have read about half of Triggerfish and have not clue what is going on! I rarely write a review on a book but this one.... I am just not impressed.
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