Fearless Magic (Star-Crossed series Book 3)

ByRachel Higginson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anne schmitt
I really am enjoying this series. My only complaint is that the books could benefit from a thorough edit. The errors do not make the books unreadable,but they are jarring. These corrections would only enhance a fine series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lucian barnes
While I enjoyed the story line, the pieces did not always fit together well. Also, there are a lot of grammatical and spelling errors which become distracting. Overall, I would recommend the book for the enjoyment, but only if you can over look some flaws.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
florin perianu
After I read the second book I seriously checked everyday to see if the third was out yet. I was thrilled when it was! In my opinion it was just okay. It was kind of a miss for me. In the first two I would read and sometimes reread paragraphs because of the fluidity of the writing and the great picture being painted with the authors words. This book just kind of seemed lacking the oomph of the previous books. I liked the way the story left off so I am looking forward to the next one. This one just wasn't the best.
A Demons of Fire and Night Novel (Shadows & Flame Series Book 3) :: A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin (The Debutante Files) :: The Trouble with Being Wicked (Scandalous Spinsters Book 1) :: Firelight :: Jinx & Tonic (The Magic & Mixology Mystery Series Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mindy sullivan
Ms. Higginson- I enjoyed your books & will buy the 4th. My comments are meant to be constructive. I'm a business writer so I have no idea how to write or edit fiction. I just wanted to offer some comments b/c I believe we always keep learning and improving.
I wanted to picture Eden and Jerico as they went through these quests. However, I can't get a good mental image of them b/c you didn't describe what they look like. Perhaps you did in book 1 but I read that book a long time ago & I've read dozens of books since. Please add a brief physical description of your characters. Also, I was 5% into the book b4 Angelica called Eden by name. Until then, I didn't remember the main character's name. You can't rely on the reader to have read the other series books or to remember the details from the other books. Please give us a short refresher. Read other series to see how they give some brief background/reminders.
Other things I noticed were grammar problems throughout the book. Probably the most common mistake was passed vs. past. Passed is mostly used as a verb (the past tense of the verb pass). Past can be a verb, noun, adverb--and you are using it as an adverb. "He rode past" "She walked past" In these sentences the verb is "rode" and "walked" and the word "past" is an adverb modifying the verb. You used the word "passed" instead of "past."
You should look at your verb tenses. You mix tenses in the same sentence (one sentence started with a past tense verb ending with "ed" and then two more verbs ending with "ing"). When I got to 70% I could tell you must have been rushing to finish because the errors started to increase. Rode instead of road. "seemeinlgy." "I open the door with magic, stumbling inside and holding it open for Lilly." (an example of tense issues) "We continued to discuss out hopes for the kingdom, and what it would be like if we actually became in charge one day. " (I think "out" is supposed to be "our" and "became in charge" needs a rewrite). "S" instead of "she".
I admire you for wanting to get your book out by a preset deadline. I'm one of the readers who look forward to the next version of the series. I think having a content editor look over your work will help you with elements that do not flow correctly and having a copy editor will help the grammar/spelling.
Good luck with the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What's that saying about a woman scorned? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...yeah, that's Eden for you. Lucan has taken away her family through death and abduction. Eden is out for revenge and it will all start with killing Kiran then moving on until Lucan no longer walks the earth. They both will pay for betraying her and bringing harm to her family. So Eden starts off on a journey to find others to join her Resistance and help bring an end to the worthless Kendrick bloodline. And along the way Eden starts to learn a little more about herself and her eyes are opened to others and sees them for who they really are. Some are honest and trustworthy and some are downright selfish and heartless.

I was so excited when Rachel sent me the first 3 books in the Star-Crossed series back in May....that is until I read the first one. Now don't get me wrong, I love these books. They are the absolute best. But there is just one little, teensy problem that has had me leaving a month or 2 in between book reviews of the series: Kiran! I don't think I have been affected by a character so much like I have been with Kiran. Oh. My. Goodness I have never wanted to strangle a guy so much in my life...he is absolutely infuriating. One minute Ms Higginson has us all swooning over Kiran and had me waving the Team Kiran flag...only to have the rug ripped out from under us the very next second. And then we are left fuming wanting to cut his nads off. Oh yes, there will be blood!

But seriously, this book was so great. Heck, the series is so great! I love this world that Rachel has created and the whole idea is freakin magical...literally. Want to know what was a great addition to this story? Jericho! Yeah I know he was in the last one. But he really came through in this one. Yum, Yum give me some! I love how much he loves Eden...it's a very unselfish kind of love. But does Eden feel the same about him now? Neener, neener! I am not saying. Read it to see for yourself.

In Fearless Magic we get to see Eden grow and become a very welcoming character. She sheds her teenage self and matures into a strong young woman. Of course she had to grow up quick after all the loss she was hit with at the end of Hopeless Magic. But I love this new Eden though; she seemed more in control even when circumstances were out of control.

Those who love a story of love, self-sacrifice, and magic...well this series is made for you. If you haven't read the first 2 get them today and start them. You will love Higginson's world and her amazing (and sometimes irritating) characters. *cough* Kiran *cough* And once you read them let me know what you think of them. I would love to hear your thoughts.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
After hundreds of years the resistance has shrunk to teenagers. They've no idea what's going on, let their friend be tortured while Eden is going on and on about what dresses she's wearing at the moment, or how beautiful Jericho is. Oh yes, she was about to marry another guy like 5 minutes ago but now Jericho is there and blindly lets her make mistakes so we get pages and pages trying to convince us why her feelings are genuine. Just when it looked like Eden is stepping up to be a leader, it's all about boys and attraction again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great, awesome, fantastic, could not put down, loved it, loved it, loved it! Great, awesome, fantastic, loved it, loved it, loved it! Great, awesome, fantastic, loved it, loved it, loved it! Great, awesome, fantastic, loved it, loved it, loved it! Great, awesome, fantastic, loved it, loved it, loved it! Great, awesome, fantastic, loved it, loved it, loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neal haggard
Finished the innocent, fragile and indecisive heroin who followed blindly the man of her life, here comes a young woman seeking revenge and answers to her questions. And it rocks ...

A frantic pace for this third component still brilliantly portrayed by Rachel Higginson. All the ingredients, that I had touched and excited me in the first two volumes, have been able to be preserved and transposed into a darker, more violent world but equally fascinating.

I still felt a lot of pleasure in reading this series that experienced no fatigue after three volumes. The author has kept my interest while continuing to entertain me and amaze me. Nicely done.
Can't wait for the last album "Endless Magic"!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Okay, I love Rachel Higginson's creativity and style. I think she has great ideas and this book is clearly better edited than the last two books have been. I felt like the writing style is different this time though, I don't know what it was exactly. I'm rating it 5 stars because I really want people to buy her books, love them and eventually get her the world-wide fame she deserves- and we get a movie out of it. I still don't know who would play Kiran and Jericho though, but they'd have to be good. ;) Anyway, and this is a SPOILER if you haven't read the book yet, but WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED WITH KIRAN?! I LOVED LOVED LOVED Kiran. He meant well! You could understand his betrayal, you felt sick when he was sick, you longed for their magic to reunite. I love Jericho- love the name, love the physical description- but Kiran and Eden. That's who is meant to be, and I'm desperately waiting on January 2012 for Endless Magic. I've checked every day of October for this book and read through it into the early hours of the morning, utterly captivated. But I ended it breathless, even more in love with the series and disappointed. Final words? Kiran and Eden HAVE to be together!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith willis
After her grandfather was killed by Lucan and her brother and her Resistance friends were all taken into custody Eden swears revenge. And she's not just breaking into Romania, trying to free everyone. No, she has a plan and calculates as much as she can into it.
Step one, recruit as many people for the Resistance across the world.
Step two, find her parents so they can help her.
Step three, free everyone and extinguish the Kendrick bloodline.

So much for the general idea. In the end her plans prove to be difficult to execute quickly. The process of avenging and liberating is a very slow one.

Eden is doing quite fine for a thrown-into-it leader to be fair. She is more rational than emotional. She actually plans things and she is a good negotiator. All the way she makes trades with Kiran in order to get what she wants - her Resistance friends until only Avalon is left.

At some point we also meet the famous parents who promise to help her save her brother when the time comes. It appears that all this time they have simply waited for the right time.

They are a couple new characters introduced but they can all be described in one sentence so I leave it up to you to get to know them when you read the book. Instead I want to focus on new and old relationships.

Avalon and Eden
Their connection is almost completely severed. They can't communicate anymore but Eden is oftentimes with Avalon while he is tortured. It's as if in these moments of agony he and his magic call out to her to remind her to get him the hell out of her. My heart was breaking for them everytime Eden has one of these visionary dreams and woke up dreaming. Avalon and Eden's siblingship is one of my favorite things in this book series and I missed them a lot.

Sebastian and Eden
Circumstance has it that Eden and Sebastian spend quite some time together and might even develop something that is very close to understanding and friendship. They're oftentimes treading on dangerous grounds and Eden has to remind herself that he is actually the enemy. But Sebastian is such a cool and nice guy to be around that it's getting difficult for her and the reader to keep his background in mind.

Eden and Jericho
During one of the prisoner exchanges Eden manages to get Jericho back to her side which helps her a lot. Now she isn't so alone anymore and can share her thoughts and feelings with him. If you want them together you will very much enjoy this book.

Kiran and Eden
And last but not least the star-crossed, no longer, lovers. After the betrayal Eden pretty much cuts her ties with Kiran. Still, she greatly underestimates the pull of her magic to him. And Kiran really tries to get her back, making promises he can never keep, doing anything to have her by his side again. After this turns out unsuccessful their relationship takes a turn for the worse and all that's left is hatred on both sides. Well, there's a fine line between love and hate after all. As a Kiran and Eden "shipper" I was left scarred, confused and sad.

Like in the book before a couple of things I wished for did actually happen and was cheering everytime. I totally hate fanservice but in this case it doesn't feel like fanservice at all. More like common sense. And if you get into this story as much as I did you will feel proud and rewarded when something you predicted actually happens.

There is a mean cliffhanger at the end. Thank god the fourth book is already out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bess ie
I absolutely and wholeheartedly love this book and series. I am so obsessed with this series that I read it every spare second I have, much to the chagrin of my family, but I just can't help it!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin heaps
Picked this up straight after book 2 and it doesn't disappoint. Follows through Eden and Kiran's story whilst developing lots of other plot lines. Rachel is a fantastic writer and her books just get better and better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Edens life has fallen apart and her brother is in prisoned and her grandfather has been murdered! What is she going to do? She does the only thing she can do sacrificial love is in this girls veins!
This is such and amazing story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie berger
Rachel Higginson has once again got me hooked! She keeps writing amazing books and Fearless Magic is one of them! You will not be able to stop reading and once you get to the end, you will throw your (in my case, Nook) across the room! Amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah h
Rachel Higginson draws you into her world with ease, and holds you there until you can't let it go. You won't be disappointed.

Now, off to buy the next novel, since I can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margo thomas may
Wow.... this book kept me up all night, even when I was finished because, I kept thinking about it the whole time.

The characters and plot are amazing! I love how Jericho was there for Eden through all the rough times, but personally, I'm team Kiran!

Overall..... Amazng read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is awesome! I read the first two books in two days and finished this one in one. I was continously looking to see when this one came out. I love the characters and while I was secretly rooting for Kiagan during the majority of the first two I'm now all about Jericho. Waiting on batted breath for the fourth one, hope all the resistance pulls through and has a happy ending.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bill bowers
I am entraced with this series, I purchased and read the first 2 books of the star-crossed series and totally LOVED IT !!!!
However, paying $3.99 for the 3rd book and encountering so many grammatical errors really turned me off.

Sentences not completed. words that sound alike but 2 total different meanings, e.g. rode and road, mad and made, then and than, or just a letter M as a word. Words left out of a sentences, or sentences just stopped with out completion, and you should see me trying to fill in the correct words to use, but it was useless.

I have requested a refund of my $3.99 based on the books quality.

How can any author allow his/her work be portrayed so poorly, don't they have any pride in their work?

I have also paid $4.99 for book 4 of this series. I ordered book 3 and 4 together, if I had waited until I read book 3 I may have not purchased book 4.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah maclean
What's that saying about a woman scorned? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...yeah, that's Eden for you. Lucan has taken away her family through death and abduction. Eden is out for revenge and it will all start with killing Kiran then moving on until Lucan no longer walks the earth. They both will pay for betraying her and bringing harm to her family. So Eden starts off on a journey to find others to join her Resistance and help bring an end to the worthless Kendrick bloodline. And along the way Eden starts to learn a little more about herself and her eyes are opened to others and sees them for who they really are. Some are honest and trustworthy and some are downright selfish and heartless.

I was so excited when Rachel sent me the first 3 books in the Star-Crossed series back in May....that is until I read the first one. Now don't get me wrong, I love these books. They are the absolute best. But there is just one little, teensy problem that has had me leaving a month or 2 in between book reviews of the series: Kiran! I don't think I have been affected by a character so much like I have been with Kiran. Oh. My. Goodness I have never wanted to strangle a guy so much in my life...he is absolutely infuriating. One minute Ms Higginson has us all swooning over Kiran and had me waving the Team Kiran flag...only to have the rug ripped out from under us the very next second. And then we are left fuming wanting to cut his nads off. Oh yes, there will be blood!

But seriously, this book was so great. Heck, the series is so great! I love this world that Rachel has created and the whole idea is freakin magical...literally. Want to know what was a great addition to this story? Jericho! Yeah I know he was in the last one. But he really came through in this one. Yum, Yum give me some! I love how much he loves Eden...it's a very unselfish kind of love. But does Eden feel the same about him now? Neener, neener! I am not saying. Read it to see for yourself.

In Fearless Magic we get to see Eden grow and become a very welcoming character. She sheds her teenage self and matures into a strong young woman. Of course she had to grow up quick after all the loss she was hit with at the end of Hopeless Magic. But I love this new Eden though; she seemed more in control even when circumstances were out of control.

Those who love a story of love, self-sacrifice, and magic...well this series is made for you. If you haven't read the first 2 get them today and start them. You will love Higginson's world and her amazing (and sometimes irritating) characters. *cough* Kiran *cough* And once you read them let me know what you think of them. I would love to hear your thoughts.
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