Robert B Parker's Blind Spot (Jesse Stone Mysteries)

ByReed Farrel Coleman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love theJesse Stone books ...I felt so bad when Robert Parker passed He was such a gifted writer , But Mr. Coleman does a fantistic Job of keeping the series going ... I am so thankful for that and I buy them as soon as they come out..loved this book...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jesse Stone is my favorite Robert B. Parker character and because so immediately upon my reading of the very first book in the series. I am truly happy that the stories are continuing to be produced beyond Parker's passing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana karina
I read everything written by Robert B Parker... my favorite being the Jesse Stone series. The couple authors approved by the estate of Robert B Parker to write sequels, thus far have done a very good job. This particular one was a little less Robert B Parker in style and pace, for those who liked his style of writing, however, it is a good mystery and if you're addicted as I am, you will have to read it.
Robert B. Parker's Old Black Magic (The Spenser Series) :: Robert B Parker's Kickback (The Spenser Series 44) :: Robert B. Parker's Slow Burn (The Spenser Series 45) :: Robert B Parker's Little White Lies (The Spenser Series) :: Robert B. Parker's The Devil Wins (The Jesse Stone Series)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Too bad Robert B. Parker is deceased, because this book reads nothing like his work, which I have enjoyed throughout the last few decades. Coleman cannot fill Parker's shoes even if he tries. I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. The style is off.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lance morcan
Let me echo the reviewers here who recognize that this is not even remotely similar to a Parker-written Jessie Stone novel. I really don't know if it is a good novel or not because I am not going to read beyond the first several chapters. If Reed Farrel Coleman wants to write and sell novels he needs to do so on the strength of his own reputation, not ride (badly) on the back of the late Mr. Parker.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily gillikin
Although not as sharply written as the originator of the series and character, Robert B. Parker, it is good to see that the Jesse Stone series is going to be continued. I sure do miss Robert B. Parker and the great work he did on his series and characters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michelle davison
Love the character and the series but this one falls a bit short. The story is good and it sets up a probable collision in the future between JEsse and Mr Peepers but two things bothered me. JEsse would never compromise his warped value system - but he did. And the terse, clipped retorts that Robert B Parker was known for are just not as ascorbic by this author. I think Ace Atkins does a better job in this area
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angie santos
Great story! The writer has kept the history of Jesse Stone and the moodiness! Not Robert B.Parker but still written very well. All the regular characters kept true to earlier books. I am glad the story is continuing Jesse Stone is one of Parker's best!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily cave
Coleman does a great job in continuing Parker's Jesse Stone series. Maybe even better. He omits the tiresome and repetitious, "Jesse said," "Molly said," "Suit said," etc. I especially appreciated the background story of the end of Jesse's baseball career. A good read from start to finish. Thanks, Reed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
isabel summers
I was really looking forward to the next "Jesse Stone" novel. This one was okay, but I felt like I needed to take notes just to keep track of all the characters! I had to constantly remind myself who each character was and how he/she related to the others.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The previous Parker-style books that have been part of the series continued by other authors since Robert B. Parker's death have been written in homage to his brisk, humorous,compelling style. This one is an exception. Dense, humorless, altogether generic thriller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Coleman does the Parker estate proud by faithfully continuing the Spenser tradition. I've read ALL the Parker books, most more than once. This continues the style & feel of the characters we enjoy. Keep it going!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Though our Chief of police still struggles with his own inner demons, he sets them aside when trying to protect others. Jesse remains vulnerable in his personal life, but is willing to take the risks that present themselves all while trying to save others.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tom kaplon
The Jesse Stone that Parker introduced me to did not drink himself to oblivion when he had a case going. That is when he would show some self control which gave me respect for him. Jesse would not have made that deal with Geno!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For those who have read the other Jesse Stone books this one will not disappoint. A story of a man fighting his own demons, Jesse Stone is first and foremost a good detective. You will never see the ending coming and I am looking forward to the next book!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Robert Parker can never be replaced but this author is not even close. Ace Atkins was as close as we are going to get. Coleman is unable to match the banter or maintain the story line. The best way to describe this book is BORING
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anoop singh
This was seriously disappointing and an insult to Robert Parker's memory. The writing was heavy, the plot thin but complex and the characters unappealing. I am sad to see this become a franchise rather than continuing series of entertaining and well presented adventures.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
carmen davis
There was way too much emphasis on Stone's drinking and there was too little of his own self-development continued from previous books. There was too much time spent on the details of some scenes with too much emotional drama and not enough substance. And,the ending was a cheap shot with too little closure. I also wish Hawk was involved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly panzer
After reading several of Michael Brandman's iterations of Jesse Stone - and being mildly disappointed because they read too much like I was watching a movie - I wondered just what I might find here.
I'm pleased to say that I feel much more at home with Reed Farrel Coleman's Jesse Stone. Coleman is still no Robert B. Parker. But then, who is? But I felt this version was more rich, with more detail, more suspense - but maintained all those familiar traits we've come to love about Jesse Stone and those who surround him. And I felt more "at home" with Coleman's writing somehow.
Not that I disliked Brandman's terribly. But I felt it too shallow somehow. Like I had to make up too much of the imagery myself (or like, it was written so I wouldn't need to - because I had the video to do it for me). And that style just didn't suit me (as well). Though I still found the stories enjoyable.
With Coleman, however, I feel a if the REAL Jesse Stone is back in print. As real as we're going to get anyway, in the absence of Robert B. Parker.

Well done Reed Farrel Coleman. Well done indeed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick song
g that features Robert Parkers characters is a treat. When book came I dropped whatever I was reading to start any Parker book. Lives up to the narrative that Parker established. Look forward to the next Parker book especially Spenser. Whatever happened to Sunny Randle?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very Unhappy Fan

i have all Parker's books and the DVDs of Jesse St as well, but this book makes me feel very angry an raises the grief from losing Parker himself but the loss of Jesse as if he were family. Whoever perpetrated this disaster should be punished! Ace Atkins does a good job, as did Brandman. We, his fans, read these "ghost writers" to revisit these characters and their worlds not read some other authors and this writer who seems unable to use only the words necessary uses as many as he can and makes a mess for the reader.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbara whiteley
Formulaic trash. Waste of time. Do not recommend. The characters are walking stereotypes and the dialogue is hackneyed and predictable. All of that would be fine if the plot holes weren't double the size of Ted Williams tunnel. Whoever is responsible for this mess thinks less of his/her readers than of the English language: not much.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eugene wainwright
Disappointed-have continued to read everything published under Robert Parker's name, this is the first book that was so clearly not his. It took only a dozen pages. The previous 2 Jesse Stone books were quite good.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sonia reppe
Robert B. Parker — NOT! I finished this book, but only from force of habit. The plot is slow and stale, and between spurts of action Jesse regurgitates insights about his drinking and lost loves. Any pretense of Parker's economic style is drowned in a sea of Johnnie Walker Black. Bob and Joan are gone, and their fictional characters should be allowed to rest in fictional peace.
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