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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
synthia parveen mallick
This story is outrageously good. I laughed, I cried and my heart soared as this gorgeous, romantic friends to lovers story unveiled itself to me and completely transported me into the fictional world that's convincingly dominated by Rhyson and Kai, the hero and heroine of My Soul to Keep, one of my TOP READS of 2015!
Rhyson is a musician, a very successful one and Kai is a girl with a dream who longs to fulfill her passion to perform professionally... Music is in their heart and soul. The emotion of the story caught me early on with the family dynamic of Kai; her poignant story is closely rivaled by the tumultuous upbringing of Rhyson. It's their combined histories that are provide much of the driving force behind the angst of the story, providing authentic motivation, motivation I wholeheartedly believed every step of the way. That's all I wish to profess about the mechanics of this story because Kennedy Ryan is an author who reveals her story and characters slowly, she builds and she shows allowing natural development and growth to all aspects. It's my belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to bask in the happenings I relished as they're presented on the pages of this story. My feelings concerning the writing and mere glimpses of the story arc for this exceptional romance will provide the basis of the remainder of my spoiler free review.
I love the depiction of Kai; she’s brave, proud, courageous, ambitious, principled and stubborn. And Rhyson, well he is the epitome of what one craves from the character of a book boyfriend. He's sexy, caring and deep with presence and charisma, and flaws that warmed my heart convincingly to his persona.
The progression of this strongly character driven story takes the protagonists from strangers, to friends, to more. As their friendship develops within the confines of a solid story base their flirtatious banter becomes simply adorable as they caress their way to seduction. With the evolution of their friendship the anticipation heightens and I fell hard for Rhyson and Kai. They completely captured my book heart and made it beat fast as I swooned, loved and laughed. Equally, it allows the reader the opportunity to understand the actions and behaviors of the hero and heroine leaving no doubt in our mind of the completely authentic and plausible actions, thoughts and dialogue that comes from them. Their exuberance is seriously infectious and their character development immense.
MY SOUL TO KEEP is richly laced with imagery and metaphors that feel natural and pure, never forced or contrite. The writing, for me is flawless, intelligent and effortless as it glides lyrically with perfect pace on the page producing picture perfect passages. The emotion Kennedy Ryan evokes with her words is simply exquisite. The anticipation heightens with each passing moment, the prose constantly moving the story arc forward, developing both the characters and emotion. The beauty is not only found in the passages between the hero and heroine but between the supporting cast and the protagonists at every turn a barrage of beauty engulfed my senses.
As this is the first of a two part series it's justified that I mention my feelings regarding the end. It is a cliff-hanger, as one would expect from a two parter, but the cliff-hanger came at the perfect moment for me, effectively raising my anticipation for book #2. I'm so happy I get to spend more time with Rhyson and Kai, to experience their relationship, their friendship, the good and the bad because it's the angst filled raw times that grab my heart, make me feel and care. It's this penmanship that has provided me with one of my favorite reads of the year making this a story that I highly recommend to all who crave the most perfect of Romance stories.
Note: My Soul to Keep is the first in a TWO PART STORY and is told in the first person narrative from the alternating perspective of the hero and heroine.
Rhyson is a musician, a very successful one and Kai is a girl with a dream who longs to fulfill her passion to perform professionally... Music is in their heart and soul. The emotion of the story caught me early on with the family dynamic of Kai; her poignant story is closely rivaled by the tumultuous upbringing of Rhyson. It's their combined histories that are provide much of the driving force behind the angst of the story, providing authentic motivation, motivation I wholeheartedly believed every step of the way. That's all I wish to profess about the mechanics of this story because Kennedy Ryan is an author who reveals her story and characters slowly, she builds and she shows allowing natural development and growth to all aspects. It's my belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to bask in the happenings I relished as they're presented on the pages of this story. My feelings concerning the writing and mere glimpses of the story arc for this exceptional romance will provide the basis of the remainder of my spoiler free review.
I love the depiction of Kai; she’s brave, proud, courageous, ambitious, principled and stubborn. And Rhyson, well he is the epitome of what one craves from the character of a book boyfriend. He's sexy, caring and deep with presence and charisma, and flaws that warmed my heart convincingly to his persona.
The progression of this strongly character driven story takes the protagonists from strangers, to friends, to more. As their friendship develops within the confines of a solid story base their flirtatious banter becomes simply adorable as they caress their way to seduction. With the evolution of their friendship the anticipation heightens and I fell hard for Rhyson and Kai. They completely captured my book heart and made it beat fast as I swooned, loved and laughed. Equally, it allows the reader the opportunity to understand the actions and behaviors of the hero and heroine leaving no doubt in our mind of the completely authentic and plausible actions, thoughts and dialogue that comes from them. Their exuberance is seriously infectious and their character development immense.
MY SOUL TO KEEP is richly laced with imagery and metaphors that feel natural and pure, never forced or contrite. The writing, for me is flawless, intelligent and effortless as it glides lyrically with perfect pace on the page producing picture perfect passages. The emotion Kennedy Ryan evokes with her words is simply exquisite. The anticipation heightens with each passing moment, the prose constantly moving the story arc forward, developing both the characters and emotion. The beauty is not only found in the passages between the hero and heroine but between the supporting cast and the protagonists at every turn a barrage of beauty engulfed my senses.
As this is the first of a two part series it's justified that I mention my feelings regarding the end. It is a cliff-hanger, as one would expect from a two parter, but the cliff-hanger came at the perfect moment for me, effectively raising my anticipation for book #2. I'm so happy I get to spend more time with Rhyson and Kai, to experience their relationship, their friendship, the good and the bad because it's the angst filled raw times that grab my heart, make me feel and care. It's this penmanship that has provided me with one of my favorite reads of the year making this a story that I highly recommend to all who crave the most perfect of Romance stories.
Note: My Soul to Keep is the first in a TWO PART STORY and is told in the first person narrative from the alternating perspective of the hero and heroine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph serwach
As readers we sometimes come across books that take you by the heart, squeeze it, break it, mend it back, just to break it all over. And we LOVE it! Why? Who knows why we torture ourselves in such a manner. Maybe it’s because when we read novels like this it makes us feel. I know for me, to be able to connect with characters and feel what they feel, is what I live and breath for. This my friends is what Kennedy Ryan has done to me. The writing in this book is absolutely beautiful. The characters are nothing what you expect them to be, and the story is one that will grab you until the very last page, and possibly beyond.
The very first chapter of this book, had me in tears. It broke my heart and made me feel so many emotions. That there, is when you know you have picked up a great book!
Kai is a young girl from Georgia, who recently lost her mother, who was basically all Kai had left, besides for her mothers best friend “Aunt” Ruthie. Her father, pastor of her small town, left when Kai was 8, with his secretary. Never to be heard or seen of again. What a piece of work, right?
Performing- Singing and dancing are Kai’s passion, so she decides to move to California with her Best friend San. Which leads to her ultimately meeting heartthrob, Rhyson Gray! Think of a younger version of Adam Levine (at least I was).
Kai is a pretty remarkable girl. She is probably one of the most selfless characters I have read about in a long time. I also really connect with her, which makes a huge difference in my reading experience.
“My heart races when I remember every moment, every word we exchanged, every time we looked at one another as long as we could stand it before we looked away. Meeting Rhyson was like being in a darkened room where someone lights a match. He was a flare of light that illuminated everything around me and showed me just how dull my existence had become”
Rhyson, music prodigy, is something else! Totally not what I was expecting. I don’t even have the words to describe him, besides for, Beautiful! His life growing up was really sad, he had parents who fed off his career. A mother who had him addicted to a certain prescription drug at a young age, and an uncle who cared and loved him enough to get him away from it all, and on a better path of life. I was expecting a full of himself rock star, who didn’t give two craps about anyone but himself. But, what I got was a man who won my heart. Something about Rhyson makes you want to know more about him.
Rhyson has already paved his path in the music industry, he is a well known (remember I said think Adam Levine) artist, well-respected and loved. Kai, is also a very talented performer, she is a singer/dancer, just trying to get her chance, without the help of Rhyson. Becoming a star is something she wants to do on her own, she doesn’t want Rhy in the way, because of the reputation it could possibly leave her with (sleeping with a star for fame). Which definitely causes a lot of tension between these two lovely and talented individuals.
I know I am not getting my words or emotions across correctly. There is so much I want to say, but I can’t find the right words, it’s hard to when you know anything you have to say, wont do this book justice. But, I will say if you love romance and you love music this book is definitely for you! Kennedy Ryan really hit the mark with this one. I definitely cannot wait to get my hands on the next book and continue the journey with these two beautiful souls.
“When I’m around Rhyson, all my numb places spark and fizzle. The match has been struck again, and all the dark corners light up just because he is grinning at me”
The very first chapter of this book, had me in tears. It broke my heart and made me feel so many emotions. That there, is when you know you have picked up a great book!
Kai is a young girl from Georgia, who recently lost her mother, who was basically all Kai had left, besides for her mothers best friend “Aunt” Ruthie. Her father, pastor of her small town, left when Kai was 8, with his secretary. Never to be heard or seen of again. What a piece of work, right?
Performing- Singing and dancing are Kai’s passion, so she decides to move to California with her Best friend San. Which leads to her ultimately meeting heartthrob, Rhyson Gray! Think of a younger version of Adam Levine (at least I was).
Kai is a pretty remarkable girl. She is probably one of the most selfless characters I have read about in a long time. I also really connect with her, which makes a huge difference in my reading experience.
“My heart races when I remember every moment, every word we exchanged, every time we looked at one another as long as we could stand it before we looked away. Meeting Rhyson was like being in a darkened room where someone lights a match. He was a flare of light that illuminated everything around me and showed me just how dull my existence had become”
Rhyson, music prodigy, is something else! Totally not what I was expecting. I don’t even have the words to describe him, besides for, Beautiful! His life growing up was really sad, he had parents who fed off his career. A mother who had him addicted to a certain prescription drug at a young age, and an uncle who cared and loved him enough to get him away from it all, and on a better path of life. I was expecting a full of himself rock star, who didn’t give two craps about anyone but himself. But, what I got was a man who won my heart. Something about Rhyson makes you want to know more about him.
Rhyson has already paved his path in the music industry, he is a well known (remember I said think Adam Levine) artist, well-respected and loved. Kai, is also a very talented performer, she is a singer/dancer, just trying to get her chance, without the help of Rhyson. Becoming a star is something she wants to do on her own, she doesn’t want Rhy in the way, because of the reputation it could possibly leave her with (sleeping with a star for fame). Which definitely causes a lot of tension between these two lovely and talented individuals.
I know I am not getting my words or emotions across correctly. There is so much I want to say, but I can’t find the right words, it’s hard to when you know anything you have to say, wont do this book justice. But, I will say if you love romance and you love music this book is definitely for you! Kennedy Ryan really hit the mark with this one. I definitely cannot wait to get my hands on the next book and continue the journey with these two beautiful souls.
“When I’m around Rhyson, all my numb places spark and fizzle. The match has been struck again, and all the dark corners light up just because he is grinning at me”
The Lake: A Short Story :: Macroeconomics (7th Edition) :: Microeconomics (5th Edition) (The Pearson Series in Economics) :: The Plug Next Door 5 :: My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book.
I LOVED it !!!
I am an absolute sucker for a rockstar book and of course, that's what put this book on my radar. But this book ended up being like the anti-rockstar rockstar book and I think that made me love it even more. It was unlike any rocker book I've read which made it soar so far above the majority of books I come across. I adored this entire book.....EXCEPT the fact that it's a serial and while it ended with a resolution of sorts (not a total cliffy) there is so much more to this story and I NEED MORE. The wait is going to be excruciating, painful even. Uggg....
But here's what made it SPECTACULAR
The Characters
I absolutely adored the characters in this book. Rhyson was everything you could possibly want him to be....and then he was 3 times better than that. He was just absolute perfection, and just when I thought he might screw that up....he chose not to. OMG I loved (love) him. Kai is one of my favorite female leads in a VERY long time. She is one strong, independent, amazing woman. She works her butt off and is determined to make it on her own, without being dependent on anyone. She's not perfect, she makes mistakes, but she is so inspiring. And then there are all of the other characters...San, Grady, Bris....all well rounded, engaging, and perfectly placed in the story. Even the characters you need to hate are spectacular in their dis-likability.
The Story
I love LOVE LOVED this story, this romance, this journey for both Rhys and Kai. It is everything you want a great romance to be...and then it's better than that. It feels TRUE, it feels believable, it feels authentic. Nothing is forced or artificial, every step of the journey for these two characters will draw you in, make you feel, make you want and need and ache for them. Even sitting here writing this review two days later I can still FEEL this book....did I mention I loved this book. And the other thing I loved...this story just doesn't conform. It doesn't take you through the usual hoops you've come to expect, predict even. Instead it takes you on a completely new ride. YAY
The Writing
The writing is absolutely gorgeous. Having never read a Kennedy Ryan book before I had no idea what to expect, but this woman was born to write. I read a ton of books, I read a lot of good books, I even read quite a few great books. BUT eloquence is hard to find and I crave it. This book was beautifully eloquent like the very best song lyrics, you could tell every word was thoughtfully crafted. This book actually took me longer to read because I kept going back to re-read paragraphs, not because I didn't understand, but because I wanted to savor the words on the page. This is the kind of writing that makes you go search out everything this author has ever written....yep it was that good.+
The Problem
March is too freaking far away....I need more now.
I LOVED it !!!
I am an absolute sucker for a rockstar book and of course, that's what put this book on my radar. But this book ended up being like the anti-rockstar rockstar book and I think that made me love it even more. It was unlike any rocker book I've read which made it soar so far above the majority of books I come across. I adored this entire book.....EXCEPT the fact that it's a serial and while it ended with a resolution of sorts (not a total cliffy) there is so much more to this story and I NEED MORE. The wait is going to be excruciating, painful even. Uggg....
But here's what made it SPECTACULAR
The Characters
I absolutely adored the characters in this book. Rhyson was everything you could possibly want him to be....and then he was 3 times better than that. He was just absolute perfection, and just when I thought he might screw that up....he chose not to. OMG I loved (love) him. Kai is one of my favorite female leads in a VERY long time. She is one strong, independent, amazing woman. She works her butt off and is determined to make it on her own, without being dependent on anyone. She's not perfect, she makes mistakes, but she is so inspiring. And then there are all of the other characters...San, Grady, Bris....all well rounded, engaging, and perfectly placed in the story. Even the characters you need to hate are spectacular in their dis-likability.
The Story
I love LOVE LOVED this story, this romance, this journey for both Rhys and Kai. It is everything you want a great romance to be...and then it's better than that. It feels TRUE, it feels believable, it feels authentic. Nothing is forced or artificial, every step of the journey for these two characters will draw you in, make you feel, make you want and need and ache for them. Even sitting here writing this review two days later I can still FEEL this book....did I mention I loved this book. And the other thing I loved...this story just doesn't conform. It doesn't take you through the usual hoops you've come to expect, predict even. Instead it takes you on a completely new ride. YAY
The Writing
The writing is absolutely gorgeous. Having never read a Kennedy Ryan book before I had no idea what to expect, but this woman was born to write. I read a ton of books, I read a lot of good books, I even read quite a few great books. BUT eloquence is hard to find and I crave it. This book was beautifully eloquent like the very best song lyrics, you could tell every word was thoughtfully crafted. This book actually took me longer to read because I kept going back to re-read paragraphs, not because I didn't understand, but because I wanted to savor the words on the page. This is the kind of writing that makes you go search out everything this author has ever written....yep it was that good.+
The Problem
March is too freaking far away....I need more now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been following Kennedy Ryan’s work for awhile and I have her entire library on my kindle but for some reason or another time always go away from me but when she announced she was writing My Soul to Keep I was instantly drawn to it! I knew this was one I couldn’t miss!! I knew this is one that I would be reading!! First off, I’m a sucker for a rock and roll love story!! I don’t know what it is but I just love them!! I love falling in love with the lead singer and I always fall head over heels for and Kai and Rhyson’s story is no exception! I fell in love with their frustrating love story and was sucked in from the very beginning!
Kai life has just been turned upside down so she decides to move to Los Angeles with her best friend to follow her dreams of becoming a star. She can sing, dance, and has aspirations to be an actress. She works her butt of paying her dues: taking voice lessons, teaching a dance class, and her regular job of waitressing. Her busy schedule leaves no time for dating. She knows she has what it takes to make it big and doesn’t want any distractions.
Rhyson is the rock start that has been touring globally since he was eleven years old. He crossed over from being the young child star to an adult making it big in mainstream and his success continues to grow. But with great success comes great problems. Controlling parents have made him jaded and his circle of friends is very small.
When Kai and Rhyson meet their just have that connection, they get each other. They connect on a deeper level. They both recognize they have something special but Kai refuses to act on it. She will accept this friendship but refuses his advances for something more. If she is going to make it big, it will be on her terms not because she is dating a successful artist. But Rhyson is relentless!! He knows he must build a friendship first and accepts it, for now….
The chemistry the share is just off the charts and so many times I was yelling at my kindle JUST DO IT ALREADY!! Lol!! I just loved Rhyson and my heart just melted for him. Both of them have been through so much and I wanted them to be able to find happiness in each other but in the world they live in, relationships are a dime a dozen and Kai doesn’t want to be just another girl that sleeps her way to the top. Can Rhyson convince her that she is more to him? Will Kai finally let Rhyson in to her heart? When Kai’s career starts to take off, how will it effect what she has built with Rhyson. There is so much at stake and will they be willing to take the risk?? You’ll need to read to find out!! 4.5 stars!!
Kai life has just been turned upside down so she decides to move to Los Angeles with her best friend to follow her dreams of becoming a star. She can sing, dance, and has aspirations to be an actress. She works her butt of paying her dues: taking voice lessons, teaching a dance class, and her regular job of waitressing. Her busy schedule leaves no time for dating. She knows she has what it takes to make it big and doesn’t want any distractions.
Rhyson is the rock start that has been touring globally since he was eleven years old. He crossed over from being the young child star to an adult making it big in mainstream and his success continues to grow. But with great success comes great problems. Controlling parents have made him jaded and his circle of friends is very small.
When Kai and Rhyson meet their just have that connection, they get each other. They connect on a deeper level. They both recognize they have something special but Kai refuses to act on it. She will accept this friendship but refuses his advances for something more. If she is going to make it big, it will be on her terms not because she is dating a successful artist. But Rhyson is relentless!! He knows he must build a friendship first and accepts it, for now….
The chemistry the share is just off the charts and so many times I was yelling at my kindle JUST DO IT ALREADY!! Lol!! I just loved Rhyson and my heart just melted for him. Both of them have been through so much and I wanted them to be able to find happiness in each other but in the world they live in, relationships are a dime a dozen and Kai doesn’t want to be just another girl that sleeps her way to the top. Can Rhyson convince her that she is more to him? Will Kai finally let Rhyson in to her heart? When Kai’s career starts to take off, how will it effect what she has built with Rhyson. There is so much at stake and will they be willing to take the risk?? You’ll need to read to find out!! 4.5 stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noha wagih
My Soul To Keep is an exquisitely orchestrated friends to lovers romance that will capture your heart! This is a beautifully poetic and emotional story of 2 people who come from totally different backgrounds but yet are connected so intrinsically. Rhyson Gray was a child prodigy and is now a famous Rock star. Kia Pearson is a hard working aspiring singer/dancer. They meet when Rhys performs for the music students at the studio where Kai works. She is instantly engulfed in his music, and him, as they are inextricably entwined.
"I've never been moved this way by it. Not this deeply, this quickly, this thoroughly. Like those fingers touching those keys are actually touching me. And though I'm completely covered, I feel naked and exposed. I can only hope that no one sees. That he won't see."
But Rhys does see Kai, that she doesn't just appreciate the music but communes with it like he does. He feels so connected to her that for the first time in his life he wants more from a woman than a one night stand. Kai isn't cooperative with dominate Rhys' plans to make her his. Even tho she is wildly attracted to him, she asks him if they can just be friends for now. She realizes that Rhys is not arrogant but kind and considerate and is afraid she will lose herself in him. She wants to make it on her own and not be dependent on him. Rhys recognizes how talented she is and only wants to help her. But more than that, he sees that she is fun, loyal, caring and loving and needs her to be his in every way.
"Either I'm yours and you're mine, or we're nothing. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be... yours.”
I really like Rhys and Kai and I love them together. They have fun and truly challenged each other. Their relationship isn't easy but they try to work through all of their vulnerabilities and insecurities as well as the outside forces trying to separate them. Ms. Kennedy weaved a story about love and loss, loyalty and betrayal, passion and heartache so beautifully. I love how poetic her writing style is. It is so alluring and seductive that when the twists and turns happen, you definitely feel every emotion. I wasn't ready for it to end and I can't wait for the next book! Reading the sneak peak did nothing but add to my eagerness!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
"I've never been moved this way by it. Not this deeply, this quickly, this thoroughly. Like those fingers touching those keys are actually touching me. And though I'm completely covered, I feel naked and exposed. I can only hope that no one sees. That he won't see."
But Rhys does see Kai, that she doesn't just appreciate the music but communes with it like he does. He feels so connected to her that for the first time in his life he wants more from a woman than a one night stand. Kai isn't cooperative with dominate Rhys' plans to make her his. Even tho she is wildly attracted to him, she asks him if they can just be friends for now. She realizes that Rhys is not arrogant but kind and considerate and is afraid she will lose herself in him. She wants to make it on her own and not be dependent on him. Rhys recognizes how talented she is and only wants to help her. But more than that, he sees that she is fun, loyal, caring and loving and needs her to be his in every way.
"Either I'm yours and you're mine, or we're nothing. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be... yours.”
I really like Rhys and Kai and I love them together. They have fun and truly challenged each other. Their relationship isn't easy but they try to work through all of their vulnerabilities and insecurities as well as the outside forces trying to separate them. Ms. Kennedy weaved a story about love and loss, loyalty and betrayal, passion and heartache so beautifully. I love how poetic her writing style is. It is so alluring and seductive that when the twists and turns happen, you definitely feel every emotion. I wasn't ready for it to end and I can't wait for the next book! Reading the sneak peak did nothing but add to my eagerness!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Soul To Keep is an exquisitely orchestrated friends to lovers romance that will capture your heart! This is a beautifully poetic and emotional story of 2 people who come from totally different backgrounds but yet are connected so intrinsically. Rhyson Gray was a child prodigy and is now a famous Rock star. Kia Pearson is a hard working aspiring singer/dancer. They meet when Rhys performs for the music students at the studio where Kai works. She is instantly engulfed in his music, and him, as they are inextricably entwined.
"I've never been moved this way by it. Not this deeply, this quickly, this thoroughly. Like those fingers touching those keys are actually touching me. And though I'm completely covered, I feel naked and exposed. I can only hope that no one sees. That he won't see."
But Rhys does see Kai, that she doesn't just appreciate the music but communes with it like he does. He feels so connected to her that for the first time in his life he wants more from a woman than a one night stand. Kai isn't cooperative with dominate Rhys' plans to make her his. Even tho she is wildly attracted to him, she asks him if they can just be friends for now. She realizes that Rhys is not arrogant but kind and considerate and is afraid she will lose herself in him. She wants to make it on her own and not be dependent on him. Rhys recognizes how talented she is and only wants to help her. But more than that, he sees that she is fun, loyal, caring and loving and needs her to be his in every way.
"Either I'm yours and you're mine, or we're nothing. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be... yours.”
I really like Rhys and Kai and I love them together. They have fun and truly challenged each other. Their relationship isn't easy but they try to work through all of their vulnerabilities and insecurities as well as the outside forces trying to separate them. Ms. Kennedy weaved a story about love and loss, loyalty and betrayal, passion and heartache so beautifully. I love how poetic her writing style is. It is so alluring and seductive that when the twists and turns happen, you definitely feel every emotion. I wasn't ready for it to end and I can't wait for the next book! Reading the sneak peak did nothing but add to my eagerness!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
"I've never been moved this way by it. Not this deeply, this quickly, this thoroughly. Like those fingers touching those keys are actually touching me. And though I'm completely covered, I feel naked and exposed. I can only hope that no one sees. That he won't see."
But Rhys does see Kai, that she doesn't just appreciate the music but communes with it like he does. He feels so connected to her that for the first time in his life he wants more from a woman than a one night stand. Kai isn't cooperative with dominate Rhys' plans to make her his. Even tho she is wildly attracted to him, she asks him if they can just be friends for now. She realizes that Rhys is not arrogant but kind and considerate and is afraid she will lose herself in him. She wants to make it on her own and not be dependent on him. Rhys recognizes how talented she is and only wants to help her. But more than that, he sees that she is fun, loyal, caring and loving and needs her to be his in every way.
"Either I'm yours and you're mine, or we're nothing. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be... yours.”
I really like Rhys and Kai and I love them together. They have fun and truly challenged each other. Their relationship isn't easy but they try to work through all of their vulnerabilities and insecurities as well as the outside forces trying to separate them. Ms. Kennedy weaved a story about love and loss, loyalty and betrayal, passion and heartache so beautifully. I love how poetic her writing style is. It is so alluring and seductive that when the twists and turns happen, you definitely feel every emotion. I wasn't ready for it to end and I can't wait for the next book! Reading the sneak peak did nothing but add to my eagerness!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve jones
There was lots of blogger noise about this book prior to release day - and guess what? They got it so right. This is a great read.
Immediately I bonded with Kai. The book starts with the death of Kai's beloved and adored mum from a wasting disease. My mum had early onset dementia; I felt Kai's pain as her mum withered before her eyes. Everything in the book shows Mai as a perfect mum. Doting. Caring. Devoted. Full of energy. Full of life.
Kai is the girl we all want to be. She is beautiful without knowing and beyond talented. The moment Kai meets Rhyson crackles with electricity. It is so well written, the rest of the world really does fall away when their eyes meet.
The flirting, romancing, seducing builds along with the plot. And yes! Fist bump - it has a plot! A great one at that. Uncle Grady, San, Auntie Ruthie, Grip - I applaud the supporting cast. Boo and hiss to the villains. Bristol, needs to jog on.
If I could bottle a beautiful scene and take a big happy sniff of it on dull days to cheer me up, it would be Christmas Day at Glory Falls Church. Everything made me smile. Perfection and love on a page.
My favourite quotes:
"This disease has pressed her like a flower between pages."
"My body, my heart, and my soul twist around one another, a three stranded nerve waiting for his touch, his words, his attention."
"She's like the eye of the storm. Chaos all around, but right here, in her arms, at the centre, peace."
"Unreasonable, undeniable peace. I grip her tightly like my lungs grip air, because for the first time since my mother called, I can finally breathe."
"She has no idea how much power she has over me. I'm the famous one. The rich one. The one who has nothing left to prove, but she holds every card. Especially the ones with hearts."
"It may not be visible to the naked eye, but he's written a song on my heart tonight, and I'm afraid the ink's indelible."
"And there, with only our hearts as witnesses, our bodi s make a vow that our souls will keep."
I absolutely cannot wait for the next adventure. I will miss my Rhyson and Pep so much until then.
Immediately I bonded with Kai. The book starts with the death of Kai's beloved and adored mum from a wasting disease. My mum had early onset dementia; I felt Kai's pain as her mum withered before her eyes. Everything in the book shows Mai as a perfect mum. Doting. Caring. Devoted. Full of energy. Full of life.
Kai is the girl we all want to be. She is beautiful without knowing and beyond talented. The moment Kai meets Rhyson crackles with electricity. It is so well written, the rest of the world really does fall away when their eyes meet.
The flirting, romancing, seducing builds along with the plot. And yes! Fist bump - it has a plot! A great one at that. Uncle Grady, San, Auntie Ruthie, Grip - I applaud the supporting cast. Boo and hiss to the villains. Bristol, needs to jog on.
If I could bottle a beautiful scene and take a big happy sniff of it on dull days to cheer me up, it would be Christmas Day at Glory Falls Church. Everything made me smile. Perfection and love on a page.
My favourite quotes:
"This disease has pressed her like a flower between pages."
"My body, my heart, and my soul twist around one another, a three stranded nerve waiting for his touch, his words, his attention."
"She's like the eye of the storm. Chaos all around, but right here, in her arms, at the centre, peace."
"Unreasonable, undeniable peace. I grip her tightly like my lungs grip air, because for the first time since my mother called, I can finally breathe."
"She has no idea how much power she has over me. I'm the famous one. The rich one. The one who has nothing left to prove, but she holds every card. Especially the ones with hearts."
"It may not be visible to the naked eye, but he's written a song on my heart tonight, and I'm afraid the ink's indelible."
"And there, with only our hearts as witnesses, our bodi s make a vow that our souls will keep."
I absolutely cannot wait for the next adventure. I will miss my Rhyson and Pep so much until then.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was SO good. I really enjoyed this one. It was my first Kennedy Ryan book, so I loved hearing a new voice....again! And guess what??? There was REAL ANGST in this book!!! Yay!!!
The buildup to Kai and Rhyson was perfect. And by that, I mean....here we had insta-love, but we didn't get insta-gratification. Let me explain. Kai wasn't about to let some hot shot star take advantage of her....she wasn't going to be a used and let go. Rhyson had a reputation for doing just that. So, with him working on making her his....it was a very long and amazing buildup. I loved watching them grow closer together under the safety veil of "friends".
Kai made him WORK for their relationship...in a genuine way. Like, really genuine. And even though Rhyson thought (KNEW) she was the girl for him....he was a true gentleman and actually worked for her affections. Everything a girl could want in a sexy man, Rhyson had....and he had the manners to back it up. He was so real....I loved it. I loved how hard he worked for her....and I love how she came into the slow realization that he was true. I smiled and laughed quite a bit during this book. The beginning was a tad sad for me and I wondered what I was getting into (new author and all), but after getting into the storyline of this book, I slowly fell in love with Rhyson and Kai. She didn't have any made up reasons, there was no made up drama. My favorite! I loved watching them work through everything.....figuring things out as they went along. There was some tension as things progressed, but that made it that much better.
I loved the common ground that Kai and Rhyson shared as well....and to watch that play into their relationship was nice. When you have a foundation to build upon, it makes your relationship that much better. The same can be said about Kai and Rhyson. They built upon their relationship, so they were stronger in the long run. Did they have their squabbles? Yep!! But, again...I loved how Rhyson made sure that he got his point across, stopped and thought about it from her point of view and then made sure she knew that everything was ok. I really liked the dynamic between these two characters. It was so believable and real.
And now I wait......until March.
Originally published on HEA Bookshelf
The buildup to Kai and Rhyson was perfect. And by that, I mean....here we had insta-love, but we didn't get insta-gratification. Let me explain. Kai wasn't about to let some hot shot star take advantage of her....she wasn't going to be a used and let go. Rhyson had a reputation for doing just that. So, with him working on making her his....it was a very long and amazing buildup. I loved watching them grow closer together under the safety veil of "friends".
Kai made him WORK for their relationship...in a genuine way. Like, really genuine. And even though Rhyson thought (KNEW) she was the girl for him....he was a true gentleman and actually worked for her affections. Everything a girl could want in a sexy man, Rhyson had....and he had the manners to back it up. He was so real....I loved it. I loved how hard he worked for her....and I love how she came into the slow realization that he was true. I smiled and laughed quite a bit during this book. The beginning was a tad sad for me and I wondered what I was getting into (new author and all), but after getting into the storyline of this book, I slowly fell in love with Rhyson and Kai. She didn't have any made up reasons, there was no made up drama. My favorite! I loved watching them work through everything.....figuring things out as they went along. There was some tension as things progressed, but that made it that much better.
I loved the common ground that Kai and Rhyson shared as well....and to watch that play into their relationship was nice. When you have a foundation to build upon, it makes your relationship that much better. The same can be said about Kai and Rhyson. They built upon their relationship, so they were stronger in the long run. Did they have their squabbles? Yep!! But, again...I loved how Rhyson made sure that he got his point across, stopped and thought about it from her point of view and then made sure she knew that everything was ok. I really liked the dynamic between these two characters. It was so believable and real.
And now I wait......until March.
Originally published on HEA Bookshelf
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew weber
Will their one common passion be their one determining destruction or will they realize that there is so much more than just music?
I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music.
Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. It’s the thing that’s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. I’m finally making my way, making my mark. I can’t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and I’m holding on tight with both hands. I won’t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray.
I had one thing in my life that mattered – music. The only constant, it’s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now she’s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.. (the store Blurb)
Music is known to be therapeutic; a way to heal the soul, the mind and especially the spirit. But what happens when it becomes a crutch, one that you rely on, that keeps you going and motivates you? Kai and Rhyson live and breathe music, while Rhyson would give it all up for Kai, to have her and keep, while Kai can’t; all she’s ever known in her life is her mother and music and with the death of her mother she’s had to turn to music to help her survive her grief. Kennedy Ryan weaves a beautiful tale of pain, loss and finding oneself again by putting aside one passion and finding another. You can’t deny the love between these two characters, it was beautiful, it was seducing and captivating; the storyline unexpected and the characters breathtakingly relatable. A wonderful novel about love and dealing with grief, My Soul to Keep is one novel that I suggest readers to add to their To be read list and truly take the time to appreciate.
**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Kathleen for Alpha Book Club**
I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music.
Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. It’s the thing that’s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. I’m finally making my way, making my mark. I can’t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and I’m holding on tight with both hands. I won’t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray.
I had one thing in my life that mattered – music. The only constant, it’s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now she’s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.. (the store Blurb)
Music is known to be therapeutic; a way to heal the soul, the mind and especially the spirit. But what happens when it becomes a crutch, one that you rely on, that keeps you going and motivates you? Kai and Rhyson live and breathe music, while Rhyson would give it all up for Kai, to have her and keep, while Kai can’t; all she’s ever known in her life is her mother and music and with the death of her mother she’s had to turn to music to help her survive her grief. Kennedy Ryan weaves a beautiful tale of pain, loss and finding oneself again by putting aside one passion and finding another. You can’t deny the love between these two characters, it was beautiful, it was seducing and captivating; the storyline unexpected and the characters breathtakingly relatable. A wonderful novel about love and dealing with grief, My Soul to Keep is one novel that I suggest readers to add to their To be read list and truly take the time to appreciate.
**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Kathleen for Alpha Book Club**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An ARC was generously provided and received in exchange for an honest review.
Ms. Kennedy Ryan, you have a new Super-Fan! Where have I been to not have read one of your books before? This novel is an amazing creative work. Bravo, Ms. Ryan, Bravo. (Standing ovation)
This book will make you laugh, cry, melt and throw the kindle. This is that insta love kinda of book, where these two complete the other. They know it the moment they meet and oh have she fights it! I liked Kai Ann (Pepper) alot. From one country gal to another, this one has it going on. She is the complete package with looks, brains, talent, a sense of humor, integrity, caring and manners. The last three are most important to us southern country women. Kai wants to make it on her own and works 3 jobs to do so. She does not even want the appearance of a handout or making it by spreading her legs. She can be a firecracker too. Rays is also beautifully talented. He has not had an easy life either and never knows who will try to take advantage of him next. His spirit recognizes that Kai is what he wants and the more he gets to know her the more he wants her. There are hills and valleys all throughout this story and what both characters go through would cripple most people. The playlist that Ms Ryan included to go along with this compliments the story and takes it to even another level
Ms. Kennedy Ryan, you have a new Super-Fan! Where have I been to not have read one of your books before? This novel is an amazing creative work. Bravo, Ms. Ryan, Bravo. (Standing ovation)
This book will make you laugh, cry, melt and throw the kindle. This is that insta love kinda of book, where these two complete the other. They know it the moment they meet and oh have she fights it! I liked Kai Ann (Pepper) alot. From one country gal to another, this one has it going on. She is the complete package with looks, brains, talent, a sense of humor, integrity, caring and manners. The last three are most important to us southern country women. Kai wants to make it on her own and works 3 jobs to do so. She does not even want the appearance of a handout or making it by spreading her legs. She can be a firecracker too. Rays is also beautifully talented. He has not had an easy life either and never knows who will try to take advantage of him next. His spirit recognizes that Kai is what he wants and the more he gets to know her the more he wants her. There are hills and valleys all throughout this story and what both characters go through would cripple most people. The playlist that Ms Ryan included to go along with this compliments the story and takes it to even another level
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When all you've known is betrayal and heartbreak from those who are supposed to love you most, how can you recognize and embrace a once in a lifetime love when given the chance? For Kai and Rhyson, they have every reason to doubt each other but electric chemistry won't be denied. But will two damaged souls heal each other or completely destroy what's left of their hearts?
What I Loved: Leads Kai and Rhyson jump off the page. Their heartbreak quickly became my heartbreak, their hope my hope. Set in a world that's both fantastic and real, I quickly got swept away by My Soul to Keep. When I finished the read I felt a little raw and I love books that can make that kind of deep impression.
What I Didn't Love: I love Kennedy Ryan but at this point I'm fairly certain she draws creative strength from her fans tears. The ending left me screaming at my Kindle... and anxiously waiting for more. You are killing me woman.
Favorite Quote:
"Everyone appreciated my music, but I can see that she, this girl, communed with it."
"Kidney stones pass. This girl, I'll have to work out of my system."
"It may not be visible to the naked eye, but he's written a song on my heart tonight, and I'm afraid the ink's indelible."
Happy reading.
This review is for The Reading Room Blog.
What I Loved: Leads Kai and Rhyson jump off the page. Their heartbreak quickly became my heartbreak, their hope my hope. Set in a world that's both fantastic and real, I quickly got swept away by My Soul to Keep. When I finished the read I felt a little raw and I love books that can make that kind of deep impression.
What I Didn't Love: I love Kennedy Ryan but at this point I'm fairly certain she draws creative strength from her fans tears. The ending left me screaming at my Kindle... and anxiously waiting for more. You are killing me woman.
Favorite Quote:
"Everyone appreciated my music, but I can see that she, this girl, communed with it."
"Kidney stones pass. This girl, I'll have to work out of my system."
"It may not be visible to the naked eye, but he's written a song on my heart tonight, and I'm afraid the ink's indelible."
Happy reading.
This review is for The Reading Room Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill wallace
Who doesn't love a rockstar romance?! However, as of late they all seem to just blend together with the same predictable storyline that had me reverting back to my "old fav's" when I need my musician fix. So, can you imagine my excitement when I became consumed with My Soul to Keep, this book rocked my reading world and here is why.
The character's.
There was an instant connection to Kai and Rhyson, the more I got to know them the more I "was" them. Kai's grief is heartbreaking,her determination is admirable and her fear is understandable. Rhyson is the reason why we all fantasize about rockstar's. He's sexy, with a touch of cocky and alpha tendencies,that's all wrapped up with a heart that will make your knees weak. Look out Kellan Kyle and Jake Wethers,you have competition.
The plot.
I flipping loved this storyline. Every chapter in this book was intriguing as we switch POV's between Kai and Rhyson. The chemistry, the slow-building relationship,it was REAL and engaging. It's truly romance at it's best!
The writing.
Ryan delivered, it's as simple as that.
The emotions.
The fear, the angst, the love, the heartbreak. At one point I had tear tracks down both cheeks...and I have NEVER done that before.
Buy this book, you won't be sorry! My Soul to Keep is a keeper!
The character's.
There was an instant connection to Kai and Rhyson, the more I got to know them the more I "was" them. Kai's grief is heartbreaking,her determination is admirable and her fear is understandable. Rhyson is the reason why we all fantasize about rockstar's. He's sexy, with a touch of cocky and alpha tendencies,that's all wrapped up with a heart that will make your knees weak. Look out Kellan Kyle and Jake Wethers,you have competition.
The plot.
I flipping loved this storyline. Every chapter in this book was intriguing as we switch POV's between Kai and Rhyson. The chemistry, the slow-building relationship,it was REAL and engaging. It's truly romance at it's best!
The writing.
Ryan delivered, it's as simple as that.
The emotions.
The fear, the angst, the love, the heartbreak. At one point I had tear tracks down both cheeks...and I have NEVER done that before.
Buy this book, you won't be sorry! My Soul to Keep is a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazing just simply amazing story. I love a good love story with lots of twists and turns and this one has it all. Love is never easy but having a relationship with a music star is hard.
In this story we meet Kai and Rhyson. Kai is taking care of her mother who got real sick and needed help. So Kai puts her life and music on hold to take care of her mother. When her mother passes away she moves to LA to pursue her music career. It is in a music class she meets Rhyson but she has no intentions on being nothing more than friends. Kai is ready to move on with her life and fulfill her dream of being in the music industry.
Rhyson is a music prodigy and he lives music. So when his uncle asks him to come teach a class he says yes. It is in this class that he notices the beautiful girl who feels the music and understands it. Rhyson is captivated by her but when he goes to pursue her she tells him they can be nothing more than friends.
Can Rhyson and Kai have a happily ever after without giving up who they are and what they want in life?
In this story we meet Kai and Rhyson. Kai is taking care of her mother who got real sick and needed help. So Kai puts her life and music on hold to take care of her mother. When her mother passes away she moves to LA to pursue her music career. It is in a music class she meets Rhyson but she has no intentions on being nothing more than friends. Kai is ready to move on with her life and fulfill her dream of being in the music industry.
Rhyson is a music prodigy and he lives music. So when his uncle asks him to come teach a class he says yes. It is in this class that he notices the beautiful girl who feels the music and understands it. Rhyson is captivated by her but when he goes to pursue her she tells him they can be nothing more than friends.
Can Rhyson and Kai have a happily ever after without giving up who they are and what they want in life?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first book by Kennedy and I absolutely, positively fell in love with her writing. It felt like you were right along with the characters, feeling everything they did. Rhyson and Kai were simply amazing. I must admit there were times I was mad at Kai for not giving into Rhyson, I mean he is a gorgeous well known rock star....I'd jump at that in a heartbeat. I do understand why she did it. She wanted to prove she could get everything she wanted without using his name. I get that but come on... Rhyson, besides gorgeous and can play any instrument you give, is a saint. He is put in the friend zone for a good chunk of the book. He isn't happy about it but he respects Kai enough to do it. His world is knocked on his axis when he meets her, he doesn't want to screw anything so they take it really slow. It finally gets to the point when both of them finally come clean. It isn't all wine and roses though, the past comes back to haunt them and not in a good way. Kai is holding a very HUGE secret from Rhyson and it could break them up for good. This book was incredibly addicting. It keeps your attention from beginning to end mixed in with a whole of drama. It does leave you with a cliffhanger...I am definitely going to keep reading Kennedy's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kai and Rhyson meet through his uncle. Kai attracts him right away. She gets his music, and he sees that. Rhyson is sex on a stick. Kai cannot help but be attracted to a man who is that hot.
Only problem? Kai is so busy paying off debt, that working 3 or 4 jobs at a time is normal for her. Where would she fit in a relationship? Heck, even fun gets put to the side right now. She just does not have the time.
Rhyson is warned off by many of those around her. He just cannot stay away. So instead, they become good friends. Friends are worth their weight in gold, and he is glad to be hers. While they tend to keep separate lives, they both treasure the friendship that has blossomed.
Kai knows she is playing with a ticking time bomb. She is totally attracted to him and dreams about one day kissing him. How much longer can she push off the inevitable?
Such a great start to the series!! This book has something for everyone. Drama, laughter, heat, music, food, oh and did I mention the two of them together are just HOT? I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.
***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.
Only problem? Kai is so busy paying off debt, that working 3 or 4 jobs at a time is normal for her. Where would she fit in a relationship? Heck, even fun gets put to the side right now. She just does not have the time.
Rhyson is warned off by many of those around her. He just cannot stay away. So instead, they become good friends. Friends are worth their weight in gold, and he is glad to be hers. While they tend to keep separate lives, they both treasure the friendship that has blossomed.
Kai knows she is playing with a ticking time bomb. She is totally attracted to him and dreams about one day kissing him. How much longer can she push off the inevitable?
Such a great start to the series!! This book has something for everyone. Drama, laughter, heat, music, food, oh and did I mention the two of them together are just HOT? I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.
***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt moore
Can I just start off by saying, I FLOVE RHYSON!! *sigh* He's not only super talented (a prodigy) but so confident and determined in everything he does. His passion for music and Kai left me swooning. Their attraction was instantaneous and their chemistry was hot. I like the fact that they didn't instantly hook up but instead developed a true friendship (at Kai's insistence and much to Rhyson's dismay LOL!)
I enjoyed the story, it kept me very intrigued. Between the back stabbing, the hidden secrets kept from both sides, it made for a good story.
I especially love how there are no typos or grammatical errors. Such a joy to read through a book without having to stop and try to interpret what the author was trying to say because words are missing or misplaced or misspelled. The writing is simply beautiful, almost poetic. I loved it.
It ends on a cliffy but I don't mind at all because I already started book #2. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I enjoyed the story, it kept me very intrigued. Between the back stabbing, the hidden secrets kept from both sides, it made for a good story.
I especially love how there are no typos or grammatical errors. Such a joy to read through a book without having to stop and try to interpret what the author was trying to say because words are missing or misplaced or misspelled. The writing is simply beautiful, almost poetic. I loved it.
It ends on a cliffy but I don't mind at all because I already started book #2. Can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beatrice ognenovici
KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY, you know the way to my heart. And the way to my heart is Rhys Gray.
I have never read ANY of her books before but god, that will change. Ryhs is this child prodigy turned big time musician and Kai is a music lover who's mother passed away and has since moved from her town of Georgia to LA where she works for a man who turns out to be Ryhson Grays, uncle. Right off the bat, Rhys and Kai share a love for music that not many truly get.
Music isn't just music to either of them, it is the air they breathe, the blood that flows throughout their body and gives them life. Music has saved them both from things that children should NEVER HAVE TO EXPERIENCE. And music is what brought them together.
They try so hard to just be friends but you bare witness to chemistry, the sparks that emitted off the screen in these beautiful written words, Kennedy put together. It took awhile for them to get together but I loved that! Thats reality, love takes time. When Pepper and Rhys finally got together, I was cheering and sad. Because I didn't want it to end. I wanted more. I needed more. I can't wait for the next one, especially with that cliffy.
I have never read ANY of her books before but god, that will change. Ryhs is this child prodigy turned big time musician and Kai is a music lover who's mother passed away and has since moved from her town of Georgia to LA where she works for a man who turns out to be Ryhson Grays, uncle. Right off the bat, Rhys and Kai share a love for music that not many truly get.
Music isn't just music to either of them, it is the air they breathe, the blood that flows throughout their body and gives them life. Music has saved them both from things that children should NEVER HAVE TO EXPERIENCE. And music is what brought them together.
They try so hard to just be friends but you bare witness to chemistry, the sparks that emitted off the screen in these beautiful written words, Kennedy put together. It took awhile for them to get together but I loved that! Thats reality, love takes time. When Pepper and Rhys finally got together, I was cheering and sad. Because I didn't want it to end. I wanted more. I needed more. I can't wait for the next one, especially with that cliffy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you're into instant gratification, formulaic, predictable plot lines and thin writing (translation: the majority of works published within the contemporary romance genre), My Soul to Keep ISN'T for you. However, if you're the kind of reader who appreciates depth of thought, rich characterization and beautifully crafted text, this book will absolutely amaze.
An admitted Kennedy Ryan "fangirl", I grabbed this latest gem up as soon as it was released. Yet, I waited to read it, concerned that it might not satisfy my hunger as well as her prior Bennett Series did. My waiting was a waste of time. The book's main characters, Kai and Rhys, share an undeniable bond which jumps off each and every page and into the reader's heart. In the course of reading this book, I experienced just about every known emotion. Then again, I've come to believe that that's one of the best things about a Kennedy Ryan book: they're so wonderfully human, intelligent and eloquent that it's hard not to internalize such great storytelling.
While some reviewers have noted that the book is too lengthy, I violently disagree (mostly). Internal characterization seems to be a linchpin of Ms. Ryan's writing style, using detailed, layered descriptions and language to feed her characters into the reader's soul. Sadly, most people today don't take or want to invest the time it takes to consume words effectively and fully. Admittedly, I love Russian fiction, so I'd never be one to complain about the length of time it takes to dissect an author's detailed description. For me, it's part of the fun in tackling a good book. And I think that's where Ms. Kennedy's work might depart a bit from the genre. She's offering good, well-written books...not just an ordinary boy-meets-girl, etc., sort of set up.
I look at it this way: it's easy to write a bunch of dialogue that gives you the drive-in view of a particular character or characters. It is a much harder job to bring a reader's view of a character and his/her storyline into phase with that of the author. I can't say whether I see Kai and Rhys in the same way that other readers do, but I can say that my mind and imagination had a wonderful time trying to bring the prose to life. Can't wait for their conclusion in Down to My Soul.
An admitted Kennedy Ryan "fangirl", I grabbed this latest gem up as soon as it was released. Yet, I waited to read it, concerned that it might not satisfy my hunger as well as her prior Bennett Series did. My waiting was a waste of time. The book's main characters, Kai and Rhys, share an undeniable bond which jumps off each and every page and into the reader's heart. In the course of reading this book, I experienced just about every known emotion. Then again, I've come to believe that that's one of the best things about a Kennedy Ryan book: they're so wonderfully human, intelligent and eloquent that it's hard not to internalize such great storytelling.
While some reviewers have noted that the book is too lengthy, I violently disagree (mostly). Internal characterization seems to be a linchpin of Ms. Ryan's writing style, using detailed, layered descriptions and language to feed her characters into the reader's soul. Sadly, most people today don't take or want to invest the time it takes to consume words effectively and fully. Admittedly, I love Russian fiction, so I'd never be one to complain about the length of time it takes to dissect an author's detailed description. For me, it's part of the fun in tackling a good book. And I think that's where Ms. Kennedy's work might depart a bit from the genre. She's offering good, well-written books...not just an ordinary boy-meets-girl, etc., sort of set up.
I look at it this way: it's easy to write a bunch of dialogue that gives you the drive-in view of a particular character or characters. It is a much harder job to bring a reader's view of a character and his/her storyline into phase with that of the author. I can't say whether I see Kai and Rhys in the same way that other readers do, but I can say that my mind and imagination had a wonderful time trying to bring the prose to life. Can't wait for their conclusion in Down to My Soul.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This could have been a good story, but I disliked Kai so much. She was stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. This led to her behaving really immaturely - why wouldn't you have a normal conversation with someone in the business that is trying to tell you why working with this person is bad for your career. Her immature personality ruined this book for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corey astill
My Soul To Keep is an exceptionally written friends to lovers book. From their first meeting Rhys and Kai saw each other from the soul out. It started with a meeting of the windows to the soul, a meeting of the eyes, and grew from music to painful pasts. They bonded as friends and their coupling was on every level...love, pain, joy and understanding. Hers is a past of loss struggles and abandonment (although she never lacked love or understanding). His pain stems from parents that never seemed to care or recognize his needs. He lived a life where they put the money he could make them and the lifestyle it could afford first.
I don't want to spoil the story for you and say too much. I will say I can't wait for book two. My Soul to Keep kept me glued to my Kindle and really created such a range of emotions in me. It is a five star book and one of my all time favorite books. This book it truly a must read!!! ???
I don't want to spoil the story for you and say too much. I will say I can't wait for book two. My Soul to Keep kept me glued to my Kindle and really created such a range of emotions in me. It is a five star book and one of my all time favorite books. This book it truly a must read!!! ???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG this book is amazing!! An incredible beginning to this series! Rhys and Kai have a really difficult past that affect their present lifes, but they will try to do anything they can to start over again.... The storyline in this book is soo good! Kennedy writes an amazing book, when yes is about a rockstar, but this rockstar is really special.. I dont think I have read another rockstar story like this one! Once I start reading i couldn't stop! the story is amazin that even the secondary characters they got your attention.
I recommend you this series or any Kennedy's books! they are amazing!!
I recommend you this series or any Kennedy's books! they are amazing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my first book by Kennedy Ryan but definitely not my last. I went into it blind and It was hard to get into at first because the connect for me was to real. It left me emotionally raw. With the loss and loneliness it touched me in ways many books haven't. As I pushed through it drew me in and I couldn't put it down. The trust issues and doubt hit home. Yet having someone believe in her and refuse to give up was lifting. This book is an emotional rollercoaster. The characters are so well developed you take the ride with them. You laugh, you cry, and you fall in love. I'm really glad to have waited on this book until the next one is due for release. I can't wait to see where Kai's Journey takes her... Definitely recommend this book as a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really loved this romance, but you need to know it is part of a series. Rhyson and Kai are well written, complex characters, who have both had a difficult life. Rhyson is a musical star who had an unhappy, complicated childhood. Kai is trying to establish herself as a singer and dancer. There is an instant undeniable attraction and I enjoyed the long slow build from friends to lovers. They seem to be true soulmates, but there are relationship complications that they will hopefully resolve in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really love this story and the characters in it. I'm usually more drawn to fantasy or paranormal books but I love the romance in this book. Kai and Rhyson have that instant connection but they try to resist it and even with the connection they share, they can't stop themselves from getting in their own way. Kai is a very wonderful character she is so full of depth and is very relatable. Rhyson is this amazing star who loves music but is damaged and broken inside. Kai's backstory is full of pain and happiness and guilt and it felt so real while reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this Arc in exchange for an honest review. Let me just start by say Kennedy Ryan is an evil genius. I loved this book from start to finish.
You will fall in love with all that is Rhyson. He was a rockstar who didn't want more than one night with a woman. That is until Kai walked in and turned his world upside.
Kia didn't want the distraction of a relationship. She was content to be by herself and follow her dreams. That all changed the night she met Rhyson.
They were destined to be together only outside forces fought against them.
This book had me so emotionally torn I didn't know how to feel. I can't wait to get more of Rhyson and Kai. All I can say is March 2016 you are too far away.
I love me Kennedy and all her books. There's always a uniqueness that makes me fall in love and on the edge of my seat. Dive into this awesome read and be mesmerized as much as I was.
You will fall in love with all that is Rhyson. He was a rockstar who didn't want more than one night with a woman. That is until Kai walked in and turned his world upside.
Kia didn't want the distraction of a relationship. She was content to be by herself and follow her dreams. That all changed the night she met Rhyson.
They were destined to be together only outside forces fought against them.
This book had me so emotionally torn I didn't know how to feel. I can't wait to get more of Rhyson and Kai. All I can say is March 2016 you are too far away.
I love me Kennedy and all her books. There's always a uniqueness that makes me fall in love and on the edge of my seat. Dive into this awesome read and be mesmerized as much as I was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa carstens schalk
OMG this book is amazing!! An incredible beginning to this series! Rhys and Kai have a really difficult past that affect their present lifes, but they will try to do anything they can to start over again.... The storyline in this book is soo good! Kennedy writes an amazing book, when yes is about a rockstar, but this rockstar is really special.. I dont think I have read another rockstar story like this one! Once I start reading i couldn't stop! the story is amazin that even the secondary characters they got your attention.
I recommend you this series or any Kennedy's books! they are amazing!!
I recommend you this series or any Kennedy's books! they are amazing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mojgan ghafari shirvan
A wonderful love story- Kai and Rhyson. Both broken through individual situations in life, both driven by their careers, he wants her, she wants to make it on her own but together- a romance and joy.
Kennedy Ryan is such an amazing writer who gives her readers beautiful heartfelt detailed stories that as a reader keeps you wanting more. It is not only Kai and Rhyson but the people around them as well that you fall in love with.
Kennedy Ryan is such an amazing writer who gives her readers beautiful heartfelt detailed stories that as a reader keeps you wanting more. It is not only Kai and Rhyson but the people around them as well that you fall in love with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my first book by Kennedy Ryan but definitely not my last. I went into it blind and It was hard to get into at first because the connect for me was to real. It left me emotionally raw. With the loss and loneliness it touched me in ways many books haven't. As I pushed through it drew me in and I couldn't put it down. The trust issues and doubt hit home. Yet having someone believe in her and refuse to give up was lifting. This book is an emotional rollercoaster. The characters are so well developed you take the ride with them. You laugh, you cry, and you fall in love. I'm really glad to have waited on this book until the next one is due for release. I can't wait to see where Kai's Journey takes her... Definitely recommend this book as a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brett guist
Wow! What a great story of finding love. After losing her mother, Kai is searching for her future, and she wants to sing and dance. So she moves to LA to be with her best friend. Through her voice coach, she meets Rhyson. Rhyson immediately falls for her, even though he has never thought he wanted a relationship. Kai says she wants to only be friends, which Rhyson accepts to start. Their attraction is inevitable and Rhyson pushes her to reveal her feelings for him. They build on their relationship, but it ends on a MAJOR cliffhanger. Cliffhanger is worth it! Can't wait to read next book to continue on their journey!!
This book is one of 3. You must read in order!
This book is one of 3. You must read in order!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gail monique
I really loved this romance, but you need to know it is part of a series. Rhyson and Kai are well written, complex characters, who have both had a difficult life. Rhyson is a musical star who had an unhappy, complicated childhood. Kai is trying to establish herself as a singer and dancer. There is an instant undeniable attraction and I enjoyed the long slow build from friends to lovers. They seem to be true soulmates, but there are relationship complications that they will hopefully resolve in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris clark
I really love this story and the characters in it. I'm usually more drawn to fantasy or paranormal books but I love the romance in this book. Kai and Rhyson have that instant connection but they try to resist it and even with the connection they share, they can't stop themselves from getting in their own way. Kai is a very wonderful character she is so full of depth and is very relatable. Rhyson is this amazing star who loves music but is damaged and broken inside. Kai's backstory is full of pain and happiness and guilt and it felt so real while reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patrick hanson lowe
This story was incredibly beautiful. There was so much emotion in this story. I cried several times. These two characters were addictive. Kai and Rhyson develop a very close friendship that will serve as their foundation. Kai is very reserved and set on realizing her dreams on her own terms. Rhyson is determined to have Kai for his own and will do whatever it takes to get that to happen. Their connection is deep rooted. Their chemistry is sizzling. There are several plot twists and lots of drama to keep you hooked. Of course, this ends in a cliffhanger that leaves you needing the next book like yesterday! I can’t wat to see where their story will lead them.
Reviewed for FMR Book Grind
Reviewed for FMR Book Grind
Please RateMy Soul to Keep (Soul Series) (Volume 1)
Court: I was patiently awaiting this one as well, because Kennedy Ryan quickly became a favorite author of ours after The Bennett Series (When You Are Mine) and I knew things with this one would be emotionally charged, and quite full of angst...but I was ready. Until I got started. And I say this with much pride, because honestly the story is fantastic...the writing is also fantastic. But...the plot including grief of losing a parent, and finding ways to carry on hit very close to home for me and in that I struggled. I struggled in how touching and uplifting and peace giving Kai's experiences are...and being able to remember important and big things, and also savoring the little things. That helped me a lot, and it seems now I am on a huge run of pages from various authors (on 4 in a row now) with these same themes, so I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Maybe I've moved on to another stage? Maybe not. But for today, this story helped me be a little bit okay.
Shel: So what can I add to the synopsis to help give you an idea about what this is about?
It's the story of a young artist trying to break into her industry meeting an established artist breaking records and how they work with and against each other to balance their loves, their passions, and their burgeoning love.
It's about wondering if you can have your dream career and your dream person without sacrificing one for the other.
It's about finding your way after you've lost.
It's about family and friends and how your friends can be your family...and your family can be your friends.
Shel: It's about all of those things but somehow what I just shared seems like such a flat description of the emotion and feeling I had when I was reading; there were times when I was anxious, furious, smitten, curious, excited, and by the time I finished reading, I was stunned. I'll never forget finishing the book and staring off into space as I sat there in a stunned silence. As soon as I could form coherent thoughts I was dashing a message off to Kennedy begging her for more. Court: We were definitely a rainbow of emotions, and the ending was a complete surprise! Definitely can't tell you why or who or what! but wow! I like what Shel said about the dream career, and dream person and sacrifice...I like that this was a theme because it is easy to become so wrapped up in a new someone and in new love and forget your dreams and plans. I like that Kai held steadfast in her desire to do her own thing...and be side by side someone instead of following.
Shel: I've enjoyed everything that Kennedy Ryan has written but My Soul to Keep has my heart. She's allowed us on a special journey with Kai and Rhys as they discover who they are and who they want to be. And now I'm very excited to see how she carries the story of these characters forward. Court: I am just glad there is is more to come, because each of the characters we're introduced to has a lot more to tell. Need more about San, and Marlon, and even finding out if someone can thaw the ice queen called Bristol. Let's go KR, we're ready when you are!
Shel: If you haven't tried her works before or you haven't grabbed this novel yet, GRAB My Soul To Keep, you will not regret it. Court: No truer statement has been spoken!