Inferno (Book 4 The Kindred Series)

ByErica Stevens

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great series, literally couldn't put this book or any others in the series down. There's so much potential for not only the main characters, but also the side characters. So sad to see the series coming
to an end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly bee
I have really enjoyed this storyline and look forward to the next book! However, please get them edited. The rampant apostrophe abuse and the mixing up of basic words (then/than, too/to, for example) really sapped some of the enjoyment out of it for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nitasha chaudhary
Ms. Stevens writing is wonderful and that is what kept me coming back to her for this series and Captive series. But she needs to finish one story/title and move on. She tends to end her story in a cliffhanger but then you have to wait too long and lose interest. She needs to finish one story before moving onto another (I really liked Captive Series) but have to wait for her the next book or two. So I decided to read the Kindred series and the 1st and 2nd book grab you but then the 3-4 drags as too many characters and plot twists are introduced. I thought it was too much and story could've ended at book 4, at the most. Now, I don't know when the next installment would come but not interested in waiting around. Cassie's character got irritating as the story progressed and the plot line getting too crazy. Her writing style is great but she just needs to tighten her story. She has a great imagination and great character development but I just wish she would wrap it up quicker before it becomes too much for her readers to hang on. That's my only criticism of her stories.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bobi jean
Oh, the torment...of all this series, the cliffhanger for this one was by far the worst. I am aching to read my ARC of the fifth and final book, but before I can do that, I have ordered myself to be a good little blogger and tell you all about this one. Inferno has much more horror-esque content than the previous books or Ms. Stevens other vampire series (which I am honestly trying not to bring up), but that can be a bad or good thing depending on how you like your vampires.

The plot:

Consistent with the rest of the series, this book was fast, intense, yet broken up with heart-melting moments of romance that make you root for the couple. I truly enjoyed this one though there is one part that I, true to my past practices, more or less skipped.

The characters:

Devon and Cassie are still the focus and I love them to bits, but I'd like to discuss the other characters this time.

Chris came over to Devon's "side" in the second book, but I truly appreciated his shows of loyalty toward both Devon and Cassie in this one. His brotherly affections truly made me empathize with him and he has become one of my favorite characters.

Julian, who one would have thought beyond redemption in the first two books, has had the misfortune to fall for Cassie, but while he protects her with the same zeal as Devon, he also accepts that Devon is who she belongs with. I really, really liked Julian in this one and I really, really hope he'll be alright in the next.

As if Devon and Cassie and everyone else didn't have enough to worry about, the other Elders turn up to make things even more difficult. Their leader, Zane, and his mate, Anastasia, are the epitome of creepy (for lack of a better word), while Devon's estranged brother, Robert, isn't any better. Unlikely alliances with the Elders against a common foe leads to devastating consequences that culminate into--that's right--another cliffhanger!

Quick and concise, this book is a credit to the rest of the series and I am very, very excited to start Phoenix Rising!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have read all 4 books, liked the characters and story SO FAR, but you cannot leave your readers with this ending on your 4th book, without letting us know when or if you are going to do a 5th book,, to be honest im now getting tired of buying kindle books that promise so much in the first book, only for you to have to buy the 2nd,, then 3rd and 4th and so on, i wish the store would put next to the title of the book if there is more than one book in the series, this would then give you the choice of whether to start reading the series or not depending on HOW MANY BOOKS you are going to have to buy to finish off the story,, it seems that this is what is happening with the Kindred Series by Erica Stevens, and as usual we the readers are left wondering when the NEXT BOOK WILL COME OUT,, ive got so many series of books in my archives all waiting for the next book out to finish off their stories that ive lost count now,, please please let us know first off,, how many books are conected with the first book that we buy,, and if the story DOES HAVE A ENDING,, as to wait this long to see how the story ends,, IS SO UNFAIR, so please let your readers of the KINDRED SERIES know when and if the 5th book will be out and IF IF THIS WILL BE THE LAST
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott cohen
*******SPOILER ALERT*******
This is a great series. After reading the first book, I purchased the next three on my Kindle right away. The intense love between Cassie and Devon is breathtakingly beautiful and is brought to new heights in this book. Julian (my new favorite character) and Devon's relationship returns to what it once was but instead of death and carnage being the bond, it's their love for Cassie that unites them. The action is amped up even more when the Elders show up in town. They are not to be trusted and with good reason. What's going to happen next? I'm looking forward to the fifth book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim smith
A bit of chaos but it definitely was action packed!!!! But I'm gonna be loaded as hell if there isn't a 5th book!!! The ending cannot be just left like that!!!! There better be another one!!!! :/ so far I can't find a 5th book and I'm honestly so angry right now!!! I stuck through 4 books that were not written the best or had the intensity without chaos I was looking for to literally left hanging?!????! Not impressed at all!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick purvis
the kindled series was super awesome!!! never once did i got bored... this author is magnificent... i usually don't like series books because they always loose some steam after the second book... but this author made it work... loved it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am reading this series for the second time waiting for the last book to come out next week. I love your writing Erica. Please do not stop on writing about Vampires. Between this series and The Captive Series I can't even begin to say which one I love the most because they borth are so good. I can't put them down when I start reading them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have really enjoyed this storyline and look forward to the next book! However, please get them edited. The rampant apostrophe abuse and the mixing up of basic words (then/than, too/to, for example) really sapped some of the enjoyment out of it for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruce jensen
Cassie and Devon have been through so much in the short time they have been trying to find their way to make things work. When Devon thinks Cassie has been killed his demon takes over and everyone is afraid they will not be able to bring him back. Cassie is the only one that can bring him back from the blackness he goes into.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nina flournoy
Wow! The power behind the different sects is unimaginable! Watching the relationship grow between the main character and her next door cellmate was heart warming and heart wrenching. And, finding out the horrors that go on behind closed doors was frightening. This one holds a lot of action and excitement, as we watch the main character try to figure out who she really is and we see the true bond of her to her mate.
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