Wolf Fever (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Alpha Project Book 1)

ByMilly Taiden

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. It featured everything i like, a strong alpha male that wont let anything stand in his way of getting what he wants. And a strong woman who can handle an alpha and kick but on her on! I hope there will be more to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From beginning to end you get action, sex, and passion ! Raine has to be my new kick ass favorite character. She does not to crap from anyone! Ryder, Ryder, Ryder what can I say !?! Can I please place a order for one of him !? Im not sure I could fight Raine and win for Ryder so I rather place a order LOL ! Seriously Milly has done it this is one you much have !!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I got this book yesterday because I like werewolves and shifters. I myself did not think the book was that good, I expected more of a storyline and I didn't feel there was. Oh sure there were bits and pieces of one but not a lot. It was more of an erotic in nature, mind you I do like erotic honest, but it should also entail some kind of storyline as well especially if one is spending that much money for a book; otherwise just give me erotic and make it cheaper. Yes, I am disappointed because of all the high reviews I read. I like books from such authors as Nicky Charles, who actually has a storyline and her's are always free.
Sorry ppl.
Spice and Wolf, Vol. 3 - light novel :: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 4 - light novel :: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 3 - manga :: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 1 - light novel :: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 4 - manga
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
While the story had a good story and characters everything took backseat to all the sex. I know its a werewolf book but come on i want a story. If the writer wants to put sex in a book make the scenes shorter or the book longer.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
emi atriasari
Just not my style. I keep forgetting her crude way of writing the sex scenes. Need to write her name down as a no I guess
if you dont mind the childish adjectives and use of a dirty word for the sake of using a disgusting word then you may enjoy the story. I skim half to get to the story. But much better author's out there to spend your money on
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
On my relentless search to find the next great author, I blindly gave this book a try based on the positive reviews. I've never read anything by Milly Taiden, but I'm a sucker for a dirty , sexy shifter story so gave it a try. In terms of the plot, it was actually a good one, and the sex scenes are definitely steamy, but the execution, timing, TSTL moments and downright convenience of it all put me off.

Raine Bowe, and no there weren't any rainbow jokes to follow, escapes from some sort of testing facility and cannot remember the last week of her life. The only thing she knows is that her senses are heightened and she can feel an evil darkness creeping inside her. Determined that death is the only solution, she seeks out the biggest badass she can think of, Ryder Storm, to plead her case. When she finally meets him, however, death is the last thing she has in mind.

From the very get go, this book was rushed, things left unexplained, and way too many conveniences for my liking. For example, Raine is running from captivity and goes straight to a motel where a couple just happen to be arguing and decide to leave their paid room for the night. The story is on this warp speed until Raine meets Ryder and then it's mates at first sight so although there's steamy sex, there's no chemistry between the two except what the author tells us, but never makes us feel. In terms of TSTL moments, if I'm determined that death is the only answer, I might try a couple of attempts at it myself before seeking help, but that's just me. When Raine learns she's being hunted by a killer there are no words for the "logic" she uses... "I know the guy was a killer, but you guys have looked everywhere for a connection. Nobody knows who he's working for." This is the actual argument used as to why Raine feels she should be running around alone. Someone is trying to kill me and we don't know who it is, therefore I'm safe? Ugh. Anyway, there's plenty of examples of plot holes and eye rolling moments, but to go deeper would add spoilers. Needless to say, I'm hesitant to try another from this author and at 3.99 for a 140 page story, it's not looking good. Lastly, please don't blast me with unhelpful votes because you're a fan or disagree. I can see there is a decent following for the author, but I just have my own opinion.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nix muse
When Raine's parents became ill she moved back into the area to help them out but they eventually pass away. With mounting medical bill and such Raine sees opportunity make the extra cash that she needs to cover expenses by doing a sleep study or was...

Over a week passes, when Raine awakens from the study and she escapes but what has happened is something that scares her.

Raine seeks the help of Ryder, an alpha shifter that makes her best friend worry for her.

My thoughts

I am going to say this first I really did want to like this story like I have with the other books that I have read by this author and her alternate name April Angel but truthfully I didn't.

There were similarities to this story and others books I have read. Below is a list of a few similarities:

Alpha and Beta owned a bar -Holt, Ashley and couple of others

Alpha's home location not far from the owned bar - Holt and a couple of others

Genetic Testing labs on shifters - Hawthorn, Armstrong (she had one that did genetic testing on several paranormals not just shifters in general.) and couple of others.

I could go on...

Basically I am saying the storyline wasn't an original.

There are parts that of story that seemed off or not complete that more could have been added. The best word I could use for this would be development, from the story overall to characters seemed like it lacking.

Overall I wasn't completely thrilled with the story and I know from reading prior books by her this wasn't one of her better books.

Overall, it was an ok fast paced story.

Reviewed by Beckey
**free copy provided for honest review**
For more reviews visit welovekink (dot)com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allison sutherland
Title: Wolf Fever
Series: Alpha Project Book #1
Author: Milly Taiden
Rating: B+
Review: This was my first foray into reading a Milly Taiden novel. This particular book was recommended to me at the store based on past books I have purchased, and after reading the blurb, who could resist? It quickly made its way into my long, long, list of books "to be read". And this is one of those ones that I'm glad the store brought to my attention - since it is amazingly good!
Wolf Fever jumps right into the action and captures your attention from the get-go. But from the moment Ryder's eyes lock with Raine's it jumps from attention grabbing to impossible to put down! I wound up staying up way later than I should in order to finish it, and then found myself online in the middle of the night looking for more titles from this series! However, this is the first book in a new series for the author...(sigh)....so I will be kept waiting for more from the Alpha project. The good news? She has many more interesting titles listed on her webpage that I have yet to discover! Needless to say, I will be reading many more of her titles in the days to come!
The passion between Ryder and Raine is simply scorching. They can't keep their hands off of each other, and it's even more poignant because Ryder already knows she is his mate. The one he has been waiting for. Raine on the other hand, is a mess....she's newly turned and has no idea what is happening to her - or to her body. And the author does a great job of capturing that. And envisioning Ryder trying to resist the irresistible because he knows how confused she is was just endearing. This has been one of the better done erotic paranormals that I have read.
That's not to say there were not a few issues with it. My major one was the time sequence. A few scenes, particularly toward the later part of the book, almost seems to jump and fast forward through pieces. For instance, he asks her to move in with him and all of a sudden she "hasn't had to drive that stretch of road in awhile" and they have been already "living together for a week". It felt like we were skipping over certain chunks of the story. You have a few moments where you wonder if you missed something. At least it felt that way to me. I thought it would have been better served making it a bit more lengthy - and also give a little more depth to the story- by giving a little more detail in these areas. But really, in the scheme of things, it's not enough to really take away from what an awesome book this is.
We were also left with quite a few questions - one of which is who is really behind the whole project. However, I'm sure that will be a topic for future books in the series. I am also eagerly waiting to see what happens to Quinn.
If you're looking for something sexy and steamy, with a touch or erotic thrown in - along with a few horny werewolf's during mating season - you will definitely want to pick this book up and give it a try!

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

The loud Hammering of Raine's heart drowned out the single word bouncing around in her mind - the dogs barking at her back."

With such a heart-pounding start, is it any wonder that I had such a hard time putting this down? This beginning chase scene sets the scene for things to come.

The unfortunately named Raine Bowe is on the run from an unknown being. She doesn't know who had her in their clutches or what was done to her. All she knows is that something is very wrong with her and there is no way she can do this on her own. Her natural solution to suddenly sprouting fur and claws? Go to the town badass and ask him to kill her. And let me just say, Ryder is as badass as they come. What ensues instead, in typical Taiden fashion, is hot sex on just about every surface possible.

I am self-admittedly one of Milly Taiden's biggest fans. I'm also her biggest critic. I would hazard to say that Taiden has given us a stellar story but has not reached perfection quite yet. There were points when even I began to wonder if the experiments conducted on Raine affected brain function and common sense. I won't go in to details because I detest spoilers, but anyone who has read the book will likely have the same reaction I did to her return to normalcy after being attacked in the woods. There were a couple of moments when the author assumes the readers will just fill in the missing information themselves. Not necessarily plot holes, just moments when you wonder "wait, where did this come from?" With great secondary characters that I would love see get their own books some day, this is a series I would definitely follow.

There are certain things you can expect from a book by Milly Taiden. You can expect not so minor secondary characters that capture your attention and your heart. And you can expect hot steamy scenes. And she never disappoints in either. Which is why I am astounded by people who purchase a book that is listed with a note from the author herself that says that this title is an EROTIC PARANORMAL and people still feel the need to complain about the amount of sex scenes or call it soft porn. So let's be clear on one thing... There are sex scenes in this book. Lots and lots of Hot, Steamy Loud Sex scenes on every surface imaginable and even up against the wall with people on the other side of the door.

Overall, Ms. Taiden never fails to impress me with the stories and characters she comes up with and I look forward to many more books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ursula florene
Holy cow!! There's sexy Alpha Ryder Storm, & there's Raine Bowe the scientifically altered Alpha Female shifter, when they meet the connection is immediate!! She's confused & wants the beast gone. Ryder teaches her that there's more to it & she shouldn't be afraid.

I'm afraid there's more to this Series & that there will be more experiments & suffering. I say afraid because i hate that people are taken against their will & made into super shifters. But I want to know More about all of them. LOL

Enjoy, I sure did!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vanessa hardy
Raine Bowe, daughter of hippie parents, has been on her own since their death a few months prior. She finds herself on the run from unknown assailants while trying to figure out what has happened to her in the last week. Ryder Storm is alpha of his pack and known as a man who will do jobs for hire. When he meets Raine, she initially wants to hire him to kill her because she doesn’t understand what is happening to her.

From the first page Taiden grabbed my attention with a fast paced chase scene where Raine seems to be running for her life. We don’t get a lot of information about where she is running from and why she’s out in the middle of the night in a hospital gown but you want to learn more. I liked how the story unfolded for us as it did Raine. She isn’t familiar with shifters and their politics but learns as she goes.

Ryder is a sexy alpha male that sees Raine and knows immediately that he wants her. As he spends time with her he realizes that she is his mate but he doesn’t want to scare her off so he goes slow and lets her lead their relationship. I liked how he was the dominate but he would allow her to have enough control so that she didn’t get scared. When they get together they are extremely hot and light up the pages.

There are several secondary characters that are interesting too. There are a lot of ways this story could grow into a series that would be fun to read. I was a little disappointed that it was so short. The first half of the book seemed to be focused on sex, hot steamy sex awesome sex, while they characters basically ignored the fact that Raine was the product of an experiment and don’t make hardly any effort to find her captures. I would have liked there to be more page time focused on that rather than how Raine and Ryder can’t keep their hands off each other. I would have thought the shifters would be concerned that someone was out there making more shifters for kicks and giggles but they don’t seem all that worried. The story then shifts to mainly wondering what happened to Ryder’s missing cousin.

Overall I did enjoy the story and I would like to see if this becomes a series. As I mentioned there are a lot of interesting characters to draw from but I would like to see more story development as well as hot sex.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Raine, desperate for money after her parents' death, volunteered for a sleep study. A week later, she wakes up with no memory of what had been done to her, but realizes something is very different inside if her. Thinking she is full of evil, she goes to Ryder to hire him to kill her, but instead feels in instant attraction and he reveals that it is not evil inside of her; but a wold, same as him. While they search for the people that experimented on her, he tries to convince her to mate with him.

This book was pretty good. The sex was hot, but there was nothing that really stood out as great to me. But it is good enough that I will probably read the next story in the series.

Kayla has had bad luck with men, and wants to start afresh. Ryan is a wounded soldier looking for a woman that doesn't pity him because of their war wounds. Their friends set them up on a blind date, and there is instant chemisty.
The bonus story was great. The author managed to make me get a good feel for the characters, and fill it with hot sex. Most of the time stories this short are lacking. But not this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read practically everything Milly has written, I can honestly say this book is one of my favorites. There was never a dull moment, it was action packed and steamy! I loved Raine, she was kick ass. Holding her own in fights, wanting to stick up for herself and Ryder but also allowing herself to be loved and cared for. I did enjoy the fact that this story did not focus on her being curvy. It was mentioned but it wasn't constantly brought up...there were so many other facets of her person that we could focus on, not just her body. I enjoyed Ryder as well, gotta love an sexy Alpha tattooed male! He was protective yet allowed her to work things out for herself at times but was comforting and loving and just...swoon worthy! I thought Theo was hilarious and I loved his genuine like and concern for Raine. Overall, it was just an outstanding book and in my opinion you really can't go wrong with a Milly Taiden story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jos jensen
Favorite Line “Yep. You are my very own big bad wolf.”

MILLY TAIDEN HAS DONE IT AGAIN! As everyone knows I LOVE the wolves Milly writes about and this one does not disappoint! This was WOLFtastic!
Something has happen to Raine, she went in for a sleep study and the next thing she knows she wakes up in some lab! She is confronted by a guard and before she knows it she has killed him.
Something is inside her and its clawing its way out of her. It's powerful too!
Ryder is a alpha, bar owner, DROP DEAD SEXY, and been known to do certain things for people. So when Raine walks in his bar and ask him to kill her his wolf goes crazy because she is his mate!
Raine doesn't understand it but she wants Ryder in ways she has never experienced before.

NEED I SAY MORE?? You know this is going to be a sexy werewolf mating with some idiot trying to create the perfect solider!
As with all of Milly's book is flows, sucks you in, makes you blush, and wanting more! This is going to be a great series!!
Anyone who loves sexy shifters need to read this book!!

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review (Fab4)

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jim essian
From [...]

Raine Bowe volunteers for a sleep study for extra cash, but wakes up in a lab, the victim of a mad scientist. She escapes with one objective, find someone to help her fight the evil growing inside her.

Ryder Storm is a man with a bad boy reputation. He knows the desperate woman in his bar is his mate the moment he lays eyes on her. He'll give her anything she wants, except the one thing she's begging for. Death.

Mature reader warning: Adult content including but not limited to: Violence and raw sexual language and actions.

The good:
One to watch
This is my first read by Mrs. Taiden and I really loved the passion and excitement of this book. The H/H have so much chemistry from the very beginning and the writing is steamy like hot butter on the griddle.

The story is unique in the sea of paranormal romances. How many heroines are as strong as the alpha male in their stories? I can only think of a few, so the author gets extra stars from me for that.

And the sex. GOOD sex tastefully done

The bad:
Kind of falls apart at the end writing wise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick dominguez
Raine went for a sleep study and woke up somewhere different with something inside of her. She is afraid of what she thinks she is becoming. A Monster. Her friend had told her of a guy that does jobs for hire. Well she has a job for him. She wants him to kill her.

Ryder is blown away when Raine walks into his bar looking for him. He automatically knows that she is his mate. He enraged when she tells him what happened to her. But he won't do what she wants. He wants her to be with him forever he refuses her request. Instead he helps her embrace what she is and together they try to find out who did this to her.

I enjoyed this book so much. Milly is definitely one of my new favorite authors. It seems that once I start reading one of her books I cannot put it down. I definitely love the steamy sex scenes. I love that they are both Alpha's so she doesn't take his crap and gives as good as she gets. I definitely recommend reading! I borrowed this one from a friend and I'm so glad that I did but I will definitely be buying this when I can so I can re read it!

' Read and Reviewed by LSK Sweetheart Reviews '
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW, I loved this book.....When Raine Bowe enters a sleep lab and awakes to things she doesn't understand, like being tied down to a bed...she can think of nothing but escaping. Then Raine beings to change and thinks she's becoming a monster and seeks out the only one that can help by killing her....Ryder Storm.

Alpha wolf-shifter Ryder knows from the moment Raine walks into his bar that she is his mate...his wolf has chosen her and will stop at nothing to claim her as his own.

This book had some of the most exciting scary stuff you can read in a shifter book. Plus lots of hot steamy scenes with the beautiful curvy Raine and the hot sexy hunk Ryder....I just love these characters names. Everyone needs to read this and find out what happens when an experiment goes from bad to worse!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was off the charts hot!!! While I enjoy erotic books and lots of steam in my reads, I think this one perhaps had too much sex, and too little storyline. I cannot believe I'm even saying that!! I love a lot of sex in my reads, but this book had LOTS but left me wanting more with the plot and character development. I didn’t feel as if I ever got a good grasp of the characters or story. It just felt like something was missing. Plus, I have never been a fan of the whole insta-love concept and this read definitely has that. I also wasn’t pleased with the ending. At very least, and epilogue would have been nice.
This read is currently listed at $3.99 on the store which is a little on the high side considering it's only a 237 page book. I did enjoy the concept of a strong alpha-female! I'm not sure if I will read more in this series or not. Pretty doubtful though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jao romero
Raine Bowe (her parents were hippies) needs money. The only child of parents who died after incurring huge medical bills, Raine signs up for a sleep study. On the bad side of town. Now, it is a week later, she has been out of touch for a week, is not where she started and knows that medically, she is different. Apart from the iv that she tore out of her arm, she killed a guard bare handed and does not know how she did it, exactly, only that she is now.... a monster. Enter Ryder Storme. A bad guy from the bad side of town, her knows how to get things done, and he knows....things, and is concerned because members of his group are missing. He is a bad-ass alpha and knows that Raine is an alpha, ......and his mate. How did Raine get this way? What happened to Ryder's friends? Will Raine and Ryder get together? Read Wolf Fever and find out!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leonardo olmos
Raine Bowe, daughter of hippie parents, has been on her own since their death a few months prior. She finds herself on the run from unknown assailants while trying to figure out what has happened to her in the last week. Ryder Storm is alpha of his pack and known as a man who will do jobs for hire. When he meets Raine, she initially wants to hire him to kill her because she doesn't understand what is happening to her.

From the first page Taiden grabbed my attention with a fast paced chase scene where Raine seems to be running for her life. We don't get a lot of information about where she is running from and why she's out in the middle of the night in a hospital gown but you want to learn more. I liked how the story unfolded for us as it did Raine. She isn't familiar with shifters and their politics but learns as she goes.

Ryder is a sexy alpha male that sees Raine and knows immediately that he wants her. As he spends time with her he realizes that she is his mate but he doesn't want to scare her off so he goes slow and lets her lead their relationship. I liked how he was the dominate but he would allow her to have enough control so that she didn't get scared. When they get together they are extremely hot and light up the pages.

There are several secondary characters that are interesting too. There are a lot of ways this story could grow into a series that would be fun to read. I was a little disappointed that it was so short. The first half of the book seemed to be focused on sex, hot steamy sex awesome sex, while they characters basically ignored the fact that Raine was the product of an experiment and don't make hardly any effort to find her captures. I would have liked there to be more page time focused on that rather than how Raine and Ryder can't keep their hands off each other. I would have thought the shifters would be concerned that someone was out there making more shifters for kicks and giggles but they don't seem all that worried. The story then shifts to mainly wondering what happened to Ryder's missing cousin.

Overall I did enjoy the story and I would like to see if this becomes a series. As I mentioned there are a lot of interesting characters to draw from but I would like to see more story development as well as hot sex.

book provided by the author for the purpose of an honest review
reviewed by Megan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Raine excapes from a lab that was experimenting on her. She doesn't remember what happened to her or what the mad scientist who held her captive did to her. Ryder Storm is a dangerous man who works for hire. When these two alpha wolf shifters meet, sparks, clothes and fur fly. This was a really fun book. I liked how aggressive Raine was. I don't think I've read a book before where the woman is the alpha. As with all the Milly Taiden books I've read, this one is well-written, fast paced and very sexy. This book seemed longer than her other books. There was a lot going on in this one. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brewin brewin
So it goes without saying that Milly has absolutely got what it takes! I loved this book. The strong yet vulnerable female and the sexy fierce Alpha male who falls for her. I truly enjoyed the storyline as well. I have some real favorites when it comes to Milly’s books but this one and the Sassy series as well as the PDA series are some of my all time favs! I only wonder if she is ever gonna write a continuation to this one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy lavine
Ryder was just sitting in his bar when she walked in. Meh was the alpha and as soon as she walked in he was lusting after her. Rained had only gone to be part of a sleep testing. Waking puma week later and finding herself in a bed with IV's ripening she knew something wasn't right. Her friend Mandy had told her about Ryder being for hire. She thinks there is a monster inside of her and she needs to be killed and he is the one she needs to hire. Keeps u interested. Good book thinking will look for the next one ?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tonya blust
I have been on a paranormal bender lately and shifters (esp. Wolves) are my poison. Sadly, this one was really disappointing. Lots of sex (with awkward, not even kind of sexy dirty talk) and very little plot. The book ends at 76% and I was surprised the author managed to make it that long.

Raine has a few TSTL moments that are entirely plot driven (if she thought like an intelligent person, the bad guys would be SOL). Ryder is less alpha and more Tarzan with tattoos. The entire cast of wolves were incapable of making even the smallest logical connections... you know someone is experimenting with turning people into shifters, multiple shifters go missing and nothing? Not even a "hey, what'd they use to make you a wolf?"

I gave the story two stars instead of one because 1. the free short story at the end actually had depth and 2. I think Quinn/Jessa having a past might make their eventual book more interesting... I might be clipping at straws. : (
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rascelle grepo
I gave this book five stars, the story content for a female adult was excellent! The characters were fleshed out fast and the story was consistent with great writing that left you wanting more. Just the right amount of adult content with a great fun and exciting shifter story. Milly's work has gotten so good that I am soooo looking forward to her next book. If you are looking for a summer adult romance I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie basas
Well worth reading this one!!! Milky Taiden does it again with more wolf shifters than you can toss a stick at! This one has curvy beautiful female attacked, kidnapped and experimented on against her will. When she ask super hunky wolf shifter alpha for his help will they both find what they are looking for??

Super fun read that I hope has more to come in this series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy brand
What a great read! What happened? What's going on with me? Love the awakening of a Super Shifter and SHE is nothing short of incredible. This story is a great start to yet another series by Milly Taiden. Super sexy and keeps you reading. The joining of Ryder and Raine is a pleasing climax for the reader. I just wonder what will happen with Quinn in the stories to follow?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Quite different from the usual shifter story. Oh, there's still the lust at first sight element, but the way Raine was made into a shifter and the drama surrounding that was unusual. I thought the story wrapped up too quickly, but maybe that's just because I was enjoying it so much & didn't want it to end, lol.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret ziefert
This was a fantastic book and I really enjoyed it right from the very first page. This book was full of hot hot mating, danger, and a hot alpha male Ryder. I highly recommend this book to one and all. I enjoyed it so much I am adding it to my permanent library so I can read it over and over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just love Milly Taiden!!! Her books just keep me going. They have a great story line and all the lovin a person wants. thank you and I will be watching for new releases. Keep up the AWESOME writing
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Let the good times roll with this one. Maintaining the same sexy tempo through a longer story has always been one of Miss Taiden's problems, but there's enough bed sheet clenching action and dirty talk to satisfy even the staunchest of critics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where to start? Hot Alpha Shifter!! If you like alpha men and wolf shifters, you'll love this book. I really enjoy Milly Taiden's books and this one will not disappoint! This is part of Kindle Unlimited and is not a cliffhanger. HEA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam dietlein
Really enjoyed this book. Milly Taiden does a great job of keeping the suspense going. Unexpected twist keeps the story interesting. Can't wait to see what happens next. So glad Raine and Ryder got it together.
Please RateWolf Fever (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Alpha Project Book 1)
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