And a Few Things I Know for Sure - A Lifetime of Questions
ByShirley MacLaine
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have been reading Shirley Maclaine books for over 20 years. Have always enjoyed following the path she is currently on in life. Would recommend it to anyone that enjoys a fast read of possible alternative paths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew stanger
Easy read. I just love Shirley Maclaine and enjoy all of her books. A good book and worth reading, I just
liked some of her other books a little bit more. That's why I have given this book a 4 star.
liked some of her other books a little bit more. That's why I have given this book a 4 star.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard guha
As always Shirley MacLaine has some very interesting things to say. I had never heard the information about George Washington--and I don't want to ruin this book for anyone else so all I will say is that information
How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth :: What If There Was a Cure? - The Story of Ketones :: What If You Had An Animal Nose? :: Money :: What If Everybody Said That? (What If Everybody?)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I skipped alot while reading it because I really wasn't interested in her thoughts, feelings, political leanings...boring, boring. The interesting reading was the last couple of chapters. I think she's writing books now because she wants the money. I'm surprised that being so involved with Spirituality for such a long time, she doesn't have anything more illuminating to tell us....Same old stuff..."know yourself, believe in yourself, blah, blah, blah" Unless she has concrete proof of life after death or aliens or angels, I've read enough of her stuff.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I think Shirley has just gone even wackier. It seems like a very self-indulgent stream of consciousness which somebody should have stopped sooner. I only bought it because it was my next Book Club book and I couldn't get it from the library in time, so was a bit annoyed I had to pay for it. Even my fellow Book Club members were all of the same opinion (and some of them are usually more "into" this type of book). I gave it 1 star because I've always sort of liked her, so was just hoping I would enjoy the book, too. Sorry, Shirley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aude odeh
If you are already a fan of Shirley MacLaine, this book won’t disappoint you: the author comes to the table with every book she writes. Perhaps less “radical” than some of her previous books, What If is nonetheless an entertaining, provocative, witty, romp through her musings on life: from philosophical and social conditions to Hollywood’s heyday, from galactic beings to her favorite beings (her dogs), there is something here for everyone. Well, perhaps the author is actually just as radical as ever, but in posing her wide-ranging and deeply considered views as questions, the spirit of curiosity trumps what might be the usual knee-jerk objections to her out-of-the-box thinking. The enigma of Shirley MacLaine is that she offers herself as an open book, and yet each time we are able to peer into her life, she remains a deep mystery. Consequently this book, like her others, is a delightfully irresistible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love books that make a person think, instead of just being fed information that we are supposed to take as gospel, unquestioningly. God made us human beings with brains to think with, not cattle to just plod through life without asking the hard questions. Shirley Maclaine has always been brave enough to ask the tricky Q's, and I commend her for that with this book.
To those people who are being so outraged & mistakenly thinking that Shirley is intentionally offending the Jewish faith, please don't jump to that conclusion without first trying to understand where she was coming from, rather than assuming the worst through unfortunate ignorance on the topic of reincarnation. The Bible as we read it today was heavily censored by people who thought they knew better than everyone else, which frankly I feel is very arrogant for mankind to think they were entitled to censor 'The Word of God.' I would have much preferred to read an uncensored Bible, wouldn't you? Many passages about reincarnation are said to have been removed intentionally from it by the church, due to changing individual politics & viewpoints of the times--not due to those beliefs being 'evil.' I am not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to research it yourselves, honestly & without religious bias blinders on. I suggest that if people are intentionally spewing hatred towards Shirley Maclaine over her views, that they should do the right thing and first research these views thoroughly, rather than being so quick to judge her so harshly. I do not believe that Shirley Maclaine was being intentionally offensive towards the Jewish faith, she was commenting on world-wide viewpoints on reincarnation and why people might have to go through such terrible suffering-she was trying to make sense out of something that happened that boggles the mind, and asking, "What if...?" That is what her book is doing, after all.
Are you aware that Jesus Himself & the apostles were alive during a time when reincarnation was the norm to believe in? Do you consider them evil for having those beliefs? I sure don't. Anything can seem scary or offensive when taken out of context, which in this case means you need to understand what a belief in reincarnation entails, and does not entail. It is a belief system that encompasses the belief that for every cause there is an effect, and no one escapes it unscathed, no matter how privileged they think they are. In order to understand, one has to go through that which they did to others, which creates empathy and compassion-and fairness. That is hardly an evil belief system. Just taken out of context through misunderstanding. I can understand how someone would get emotional and hurriedly jump to a quickly offended conclusion, but please take a deep breath & research through unbiased sources first, and reserve your judgment until you have all the facts. Jesus certainly wouldn't have wanted to see people throw stones at each other.
I hope people will not mind that I wrote about this subject, but it was disturbing to see some people taking offense @ something that I don't believe was intended in that way at all, and my intention is to shed some Light on the subject. Some will still want to be offended & spew more hatred anyway, but hopefully I have stated my case clearly & it can be beneficial to those who have open minds. I don't intend to get into a whizzing contest over this; I've stated my case & now I'm done. Thanks for reading.
To those people who are being so outraged & mistakenly thinking that Shirley is intentionally offending the Jewish faith, please don't jump to that conclusion without first trying to understand where she was coming from, rather than assuming the worst through unfortunate ignorance on the topic of reincarnation. The Bible as we read it today was heavily censored by people who thought they knew better than everyone else, which frankly I feel is very arrogant for mankind to think they were entitled to censor 'The Word of God.' I would have much preferred to read an uncensored Bible, wouldn't you? Many passages about reincarnation are said to have been removed intentionally from it by the church, due to changing individual politics & viewpoints of the times--not due to those beliefs being 'evil.' I am not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to research it yourselves, honestly & without religious bias blinders on. I suggest that if people are intentionally spewing hatred towards Shirley Maclaine over her views, that they should do the right thing and first research these views thoroughly, rather than being so quick to judge her so harshly. I do not believe that Shirley Maclaine was being intentionally offensive towards the Jewish faith, she was commenting on world-wide viewpoints on reincarnation and why people might have to go through such terrible suffering-she was trying to make sense out of something that happened that boggles the mind, and asking, "What if...?" That is what her book is doing, after all.
Are you aware that Jesus Himself & the apostles were alive during a time when reincarnation was the norm to believe in? Do you consider them evil for having those beliefs? I sure don't. Anything can seem scary or offensive when taken out of context, which in this case means you need to understand what a belief in reincarnation entails, and does not entail. It is a belief system that encompasses the belief that for every cause there is an effect, and no one escapes it unscathed, no matter how privileged they think they are. In order to understand, one has to go through that which they did to others, which creates empathy and compassion-and fairness. That is hardly an evil belief system. Just taken out of context through misunderstanding. I can understand how someone would get emotional and hurriedly jump to a quickly offended conclusion, but please take a deep breath & research through unbiased sources first, and reserve your judgment until you have all the facts. Jesus certainly wouldn't have wanted to see people throw stones at each other.
I hope people will not mind that I wrote about this subject, but it was disturbing to see some people taking offense @ something that I don't believe was intended in that way at all, and my intention is to shed some Light on the subject. Some will still want to be offended & spew more hatred anyway, but hopefully I have stated my case clearly & it can be beneficial to those who have open minds. I don't intend to get into a whizzing contest over this; I've stated my case & now I'm done. Thanks for reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I fell in love with Shirley MacLaine in the early 70’s with her first book, DON’T FALL OFF THE MOUNTAIN, a rich and intriguing travelogue that engagingly described how her eye-opening international adventures grew out of her Hollywood career. Her outlook seemed unique.
Her second book, YOU CAN GET THERE FROM HERE, was also a travelogue, but specifically focused on the women’s delegation she led to the People’s Republic of China in 1973. It convinced me to finagle my way into China myself a few years later before tourism was allowed. In the meantime, seeing her on Broadway and in Las Vegas when she returned to the stage in her one-woman show was a joy.
Then it got weird. OUT ON A LIMB in 1983 focuses on her New Age beliefs. Her steady stream of books since then, most of which I have read, are an exercise in separating the wheat from the chaff. Her latest, WHAT IF… is no exception. She will be rambling through her theories on how humanity was created by aliens or how psychic surgeons heal by reaching into a patient’s body without creating a wound, or channeling, or past lives, or UFOs, or whatever, and suddenly a brilliant thought pops up from the insanity.
I long ago concluded that she is not a liar or a charlatan. She honestly believes she has seen and experienced these things, just as we all believe what we want to believe and see what we want to see, and are caught in the subjective unreliability of memory, the true make-believe. She just has perhaps a more vivid imagination than most.
Best take-away for me from this book comes on page 218 when she writes, “What if curiosity were the original sin?” (as opposed to the traditional teaching of the Church, that humankind’s original and inherited sin was/is rebellion against God’s will). I’ve always thought in reaching for that forbidden fruit Eve embodied the fantastic curiosity that is one of the hallmarks of our humanity.
Her thoughts on her long and very public career as an actress are always fun. I read the book for the section in which she describes her thoughts and feelings, almost moment by moment, at the American Film Institute ceremony where she received the Life Achievement Award in 2012. I was privileged to be in the audience that night on legendary Sound Stage 15 at Sony Studios in Culver City. I watched her as she was feted by some of the most famous names in film, and she seemed appreciative, but slightly subdued and detached. I’m glad to read that she was having a good time.
In person, as I have attended her lectures, seminars, and audience participation evenings over the years, she is very curious and engaged with her audience. It’s a genuine give-and-take, and the brief conversations I’ve had with her at these events have been life-changing. Her openness is her redeeming quality, and she walks her talk about genuinely “living the questions now” to paraphrase poet Rainer Maria Rilke.
Some of her “What if’s” are trenchant speculations that hook right into today’s concerns: “What if our US Big Pharma system is designed to keep people sick rather than cure them?” Some are looney: “What if Jesus was an astronaut?” Some are poignant: “What if God purposefully doesn’t interfere with anything we do?” And some are self-evident: “What if…neurosis is a necessary ingredient in the creation of any kind of art?” The reader will have to decide how closely that “What if?” pertains to MacLaine’s own life.
Her second book, YOU CAN GET THERE FROM HERE, was also a travelogue, but specifically focused on the women’s delegation she led to the People’s Republic of China in 1973. It convinced me to finagle my way into China myself a few years later before tourism was allowed. In the meantime, seeing her on Broadway and in Las Vegas when she returned to the stage in her one-woman show was a joy.
Then it got weird. OUT ON A LIMB in 1983 focuses on her New Age beliefs. Her steady stream of books since then, most of which I have read, are an exercise in separating the wheat from the chaff. Her latest, WHAT IF… is no exception. She will be rambling through her theories on how humanity was created by aliens or how psychic surgeons heal by reaching into a patient’s body without creating a wound, or channeling, or past lives, or UFOs, or whatever, and suddenly a brilliant thought pops up from the insanity.
I long ago concluded that she is not a liar or a charlatan. She honestly believes she has seen and experienced these things, just as we all believe what we want to believe and see what we want to see, and are caught in the subjective unreliability of memory, the true make-believe. She just has perhaps a more vivid imagination than most.
Best take-away for me from this book comes on page 218 when she writes, “What if curiosity were the original sin?” (as opposed to the traditional teaching of the Church, that humankind’s original and inherited sin was/is rebellion against God’s will). I’ve always thought in reaching for that forbidden fruit Eve embodied the fantastic curiosity that is one of the hallmarks of our humanity.
Her thoughts on her long and very public career as an actress are always fun. I read the book for the section in which she describes her thoughts and feelings, almost moment by moment, at the American Film Institute ceremony where she received the Life Achievement Award in 2012. I was privileged to be in the audience that night on legendary Sound Stage 15 at Sony Studios in Culver City. I watched her as she was feted by some of the most famous names in film, and she seemed appreciative, but slightly subdued and detached. I’m glad to read that she was having a good time.
In person, as I have attended her lectures, seminars, and audience participation evenings over the years, she is very curious and engaged with her audience. It’s a genuine give-and-take, and the brief conversations I’ve had with her at these events have been life-changing. Her openness is her redeeming quality, and she walks her talk about genuinely “living the questions now” to paraphrase poet Rainer Maria Rilke.
Some of her “What if’s” are trenchant speculations that hook right into today’s concerns: “What if our US Big Pharma system is designed to keep people sick rather than cure them?” Some are looney: “What if Jesus was an astronaut?” Some are poignant: “What if God purposefully doesn’t interfere with anything we do?” And some are self-evident: “What if…neurosis is a necessary ingredient in the creation of any kind of art?” The reader will have to decide how closely that “What if?” pertains to MacLaine’s own life.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa wasserman
I was very disappointed in this book. I have read her other books which I found to be moderately interesting and entertaining. This book had little to say about nothing. It was look a boring conversation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What If...A Lifetime of Questions, Speculations, Reasonable Guesses, and a Few Things I Know for Sure - Shirley MacLaine
I know most people often wonder of the "What If's." What they should have said, or thought. Would it have resulted in a different action or thought than what was said. In the Novel the author Shirley MacLaine ask all the What If's pertaining to her life as an Actress and also as a person of Spiritual means. She asks those What If questions and comes up with her own answers to most of them. For example: She quotes Shakespeare that "All the world is a stage." She believes that we act out our own lives as we perceive it to be. I look at our life as a game of Chess. Each move that we make is either calculated or planned which many either result in a positive consequence or a negative with nothing planned or just something that happens on impulse.
The author also mentioned "What If the Pharma or Drug System is designed to keep people sick than seek for a cure. The author is right on the money with that comment. There are cures out there but the drug companies squelches them since they enjoy reaping profits from the sick. They give out their poisons to mask the pain from the illnesses and diseases that people are looking to relieve them from their tortured sicknesses.
What if Religion was actually created to explain the UFO's in the sky, What If we lived past one hundred years.
This book was an easy read and also gave the reader something to think about in how we see ourselves on this earth plane. What are your What IF questions and would you be able to answer them as in-depth as the author has.
I know most people often wonder of the "What If's." What they should have said, or thought. Would it have resulted in a different action or thought than what was said. In the Novel the author Shirley MacLaine ask all the What If's pertaining to her life as an Actress and also as a person of Spiritual means. She asks those What If questions and comes up with her own answers to most of them. For example: She quotes Shakespeare that "All the world is a stage." She believes that we act out our own lives as we perceive it to be. I look at our life as a game of Chess. Each move that we make is either calculated or planned which many either result in a positive consequence or a negative with nothing planned or just something that happens on impulse.
The author also mentioned "What If the Pharma or Drug System is designed to keep people sick than seek for a cure. The author is right on the money with that comment. There are cures out there but the drug companies squelches them since they enjoy reaping profits from the sick. They give out their poisons to mask the pain from the illnesses and diseases that people are looking to relieve them from their tortured sicknesses.
What if Religion was actually created to explain the UFO's in the sky, What If we lived past one hundred years.
This book was an easy read and also gave the reader something to think about in how we see ourselves on this earth plane. What are your What IF questions and would you be able to answer them as in-depth as the author has.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gretchen heber
Just finished, and really enjoyed the thought provoking ideas. She really started me thinking about things and how to think about things that can improve my life. For those of us who are searching for our own personal meaning, it helps to have a gentle nudge in one direction or another. I have pretty much given up on religion, or wondering WHY I am going through the difficulties carrying for an aging parent that I am going through and also putting my son and future daughter-in-law through. A couple of essays really hit home for me, and I want to spend some time re-framing my thoughts. A good author puts out suggestions, and asks "WHAT IF...." There are a couple of essays that she goes on a bit-which isn't boring for those of us who remember when no one really knew who she was, or how incredibly talented a dancer, actress, & comedian she has always been. It is a quick and fun read. I picked it up on a whim at my local Barnes & Noble, and now wish I had purchased on Kindle, which is still the best place for me to keep track of books I have read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vikram mohan
Really enjoyed this book; but then I have enjoyed all her books over the years. She always brings a fresh perspective to topics both metaphysical and political. Her wit has not dimmed with fact the wisdom of a life fully lived has sharpened it. Reading this made me nostalgic for her much earlier books, so I am reading them over again. Hers is a timeless writing that is always relevant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa elizabeth
Shirley is well round in her beliefs, in which is also my beliefs. I can remember at the age of 2 my feelings of a past life. Also was proven to me when my daughter was 2. Its amazing how I can sit and talk to God and get the truth, only to read it in her books. This also has given me proof of my thoughts. I listen to her wisdom, helping me to grow. What if everyone can remember the thoughts of reincarnation as a child?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lucy gibson
Shirley has some interesting and, at times, funny observations about life, the film industry and celebrities. She is an astute observer of humanity but the book lacks any real depth. She seems so self-involved in HER happiness, HER fabulous life. I wanted to say "Shirley, isn't there anyone else in your life besides YOU and your dogs?" Perhaps not. Ms.MacLaine actually seems unhappy ---I would never have liked to live her life. For heaven's sake, she abandonded her daughter at a very young age. For what? To be famous, to be with Frank Sinatra? Where are her values? I can't imagine Shirley working at a soup kitchen or sitting with the homeless in an overnight faith community shelter. Maybe she does--I don't know. Shirley, in your next book, take off the mask and let us see you--the beauty and the warts. Right now you're not really accesible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always enjoyed reading books by Shirley Maclaine. I chose to read this book after reading a rather heavy book because I m going through some tough times. As usual, I delight in Shirley Maclaine's musings, philosophy and memories. I take comfort in her attitude and outlook and recommend the book to anyone who has enjoyed other books she has written or look to read an unusual, thought-provoking but not heavy-handed perspective on life and lives.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Her suggestion that victims of the Holocaust were "balancing their karma from ages before…" is absolutely outrageous and down right disgusting! I have always been a big fan of her movies. Well, after this "thought of hers," they are going in the trash! SHAME on her for even suggesting such a thought. Those victims of the Holocaust suffered unimaginable pain, loss, and death!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book surprised me and it's my new favorite. I am remembing when I read Out On A Limb back in the 80's and thinking that this book is a kind of full circle. It's about evolution and revolution. It's brilliant.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I LOVE shirley maclaine - a class act all the way - this was not her best effort -- some of the stories are really terrific and then she goes off on too many other worldly tangents - i am a "believer" don't get me wrong - but it was just too much for this smart, witty, sassy lady.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven paul paul
What if, after reading this book I began asking myself what if? During reading this I also found myself answering her what if questions. It really me think more about everything in life. Love her sincere open writing style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charles orlik
Shirley's awareness of 'life's' infinite possibilities, is thought-provoking and quite Spiritual.
I will recommend "What If...", to all.
"What If..." Is another, in the line of, Shirley's Awe-Inspiring books.
Thank you for sharing and opening the 'Souls' of so many.
I will recommend "What If...", to all.
"What If..." Is another, in the line of, Shirley's Awe-Inspiring books.
Thank you for sharing and opening the 'Souls' of so many.
Please RateAnd a Few Things I Know for Sure - A Lifetime of Questions