The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin (The Hitler Escape Trilogy)

ByHarry Cooper

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian bell
If this is accurate - and I challenge anyone to challenge Harry Cooper and his team of researchers othrwsie - it changes approaches to school education, conventional history teaching, government policy... for goodness sake one and all, wake up! Please buy and read and even write to your MP.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pretty good book. Not quite as many interviews as I thought, but very inciteful. My principal in high school was a Mormon missionary in Argentina, and he me about meeting Hitlers physician. This man answered all his questions openly, until he asked if Hitler was alive. The one question he refused.
It all makes a lot of sense. Quick read too, finished in a day hah
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl schmidt
This is certainly an unusual book. Were I not fairly well versed in this period of history, I wouldn't believe a word. However, no student of the 20th history can be so naive as not to believe that many powerful individuals managed to protect and shelter this German's government's elite at the conclusion of WWII. The premise of the book is a narrative by an intelligence operative who helped Martin Bormann escape to Argentina through Spain, and a U-Boat trip across the Atlantic. We know that U-Boats were on various missions at the end of the war, and this one surprises me not in the least. It is sometimes said--there's what you know is true, and what you can prove! This book goes a long way to supporting the general thesis that the "Ratline" or "ODESSA" was much more extensive than we've been allowed to have evidence for up through the 21st century. The active Nazis who expected a rise of German within 10 years did not get to see the power play of pitting the U.S. versus the U.S.S.R. work out in their lifetimes, but the outcome of the seeds of that struggle has yet to be decided. Levenda's work showing the seeds of the Islamic State in the early 20th century provide an overall context for this book, and anyone who reads this should read Levenda's works as well.
Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich :: A True Story of Escape from Nazi-Occupied France - The Lost Airman :: I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 (I Survived #9) :: and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation - A True Story of WWII Italy :: KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
doryen chin
This book makes the WORST case for Hitler's escape to Argentina. It's a completely amateurish product, scatterbrained, full of unsupported opinion and irrelevant "evidence". The scads and scads of photos add nothing to the book's claim and just pad it unnecessarily. The impression is of an author who is a U-boat enthusiast and possibly closet nazi. The book jumps all over the place, has wacky fonts meant to sensationalize, and presents no real evidence of Hitler in Argentina.

At the back of the book is a huge list of DVDs offered by the author's "Sharkhunters" organization, plus an offer of email membership. He claims Ronald Reagan was a member in 1991 which I find dubious. Let the buyer beware.

I am half glad I bought the book, though, just to keep tabs on the kind of weird ideas about Hitler's life post-WW2. I don't recommend it however. It is really a complete waste of money.

The photo on the back cover comparing Hitler to an old man purported to be Hitler in advanced old age is completely ridiculous. The ears on the old man are way too big, as is the nose. The mouth is huge and drooping. The physiognomy is absolutely not Hitler, as any fool can see.

A much more convincing book on Hitler's likely escape to Argentina is GREY WOLF, well written though also relying on weak evidence. Still, it is probable that Hitler did NOT commit suicide in the bunker and fled like a coward, with the lives of 70 million dead on his conscience. There seem to be enough eye-witness accounts of Hitler sightings, not mentioned in Cooper's "book", that would confirm Hitler's likely escape from justice to South America. All in all a worthwhile subject long overdue that needs to be researched RESPONSIBLY by qualified historians, not amateur history buffs and self-styled sleuths.

There is an excellent TV miniseries, HUNTING HITLER, that documents more information about the possible, if not likely, escape of Hitler, and is quite good. I recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabriella oster
I have always believed that Hitler and his close advisers escaped Europe, but it is now gratifying to know how they did it. The tragic problem remains that the bulk of the world will find it hard to swallow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john nondorf
What an amazing book. I became interested in this history / mystery after watching "Hunting Hitler" on the History channel. I had no idea that he was perhaps alive after the war. I will not spoil this book for others, but many facts and documents are shown in this book from files that were released in 2014 by the U.S.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sam sgroi
Having watched the History Channels "Hunting Hitler", I so wanted to like this book. Unfortunately, it is very badly written and horribly formatted. The preface and listing of former Nazi officers rank uses more words than documentation for proof of Hitler's escape. Most of the illustrations are useless as proof of an escape plan and merely take up space to increase the page length. With all the dreadful grammar and formatting you literally cannot read it to find any reasonable evidence of Hitler's escape.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hitler in Argentina is hard to follow as a reader. It is structured strangely, and is in serious need of a professional editor to achieve a better flow of all of the information being presented. One other reviewer has written a lengthy review of the book and disputes much of the evidence in this book. I give that reviewer credit, simply for having been able to actually get through this book and to understand the illogical flow of the content.

It literally feels as if someone was scotchtaping little bits of info here, and little bits of info there, and not really offering many coherent transitions between all of this information. Plus, the book is hard to get into from the very start, jumping right in with lengthy testimonial evidence, rather than providing a good introduction for those readers who are not familiar with the entire backstory of the events.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelley rice lasov
I find my comments about this book”Hitler in Argentina...” is particularly challenging to compose. I completed the book two nights ago and have been waiting for my many ideas to coalesce, but they still remain desperate.

For instance: what do I do with the author's information that both Bormann and Eichman were Jews? What do I do with information about later German submarines that could make the trip as far as South America? What do I do with commentators who say that the book is poorly written when the guy who wrote it was a Spaniard and the book, therefore, had to undergo several translations thus accounting for the reasonably numerous printing mistakes.

I might as well step into the lion’s den and offer some thoughts about the overall question about Hitler’s eventual demise. It boggles the imagination that Hitler would walk into eternity by his own hand. Also, it beggars reality that a man with the available resources would not plan his own escape. Can it be so crazy to think that his comrades would have tunnelled their way into a safe area beyond the increasingly tight encirclement?

Call me naive but of all the many points raised in this book, the one I had the most trouble with was his escape by car as well as Bormann’s escape. The book raises some fantastic questions about what we think we know about history.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rita bettencourt
Harry Cooper, a ww2 submarine buff and pro-nazi writer, certainly knows how to write an entertaining yarn. I read it at one long sitting (or lying to be precise). But Hitler actually living in secret in bitterly cold southern Argentina until the 1960s? Brrrr..... unless you believe every word of the so-called Bunker witness Don Angel. The boobs are legion. On page 61 Mr Cooper treats us to a well-known "photo" - actually it's taken from the German newsreels of March 1945 - and doubts the Hitler shown is the actual guy. Apparently the nose, ears and cheekbones of the Fuhrer were quite different. Look carefully and you'll see that the real or perhaps fake Hitler is patting the cheek of a person in glasses who is certainly not in the original Die Deutsche Wochenshau clip. If you can obviously cheat over one photo, then your integrity is in doubt. The back cover of the book has that silly, old fake photo of Hitler in presumed exile, so often reproduced, with a cloth conveniently covering part of his face. Apparently President Ronald Reagan was a member of Sharkhunters International, a pro-Nazi grouping of which the author of this book is a star, in his later years. Go tell that to the marines. Oh, and by the way, the submarine captain who took some leading nazis to Argentina gave a false name. Well, he would wouldn't he? The book is full of entertainment as well as supposed facts. Time to check out.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bob lehto
The biggest bunch of contradictory hogwash I ever had to suffer through. Riddled with lies, bad assumptions, and ridiculous jumped to conclusions. There is no doubt some Nazis made their way to Argentina but the junk this author puts out is a shameful disgrace and a theft of the readers' money. This book is a disorganized pile of junk filled with illegible zeroxed supposed copies of wartime paperwork. This author should be locked up for fraud. Better yet send him to Argentina to live with good ole uncle Adolph.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica phillips
As an individual of German descent, and having deeply researched the Third Reich to gain a better understanding of how an entire race of people were allowed to be almost annihilated, I was very interested in procuring this book. The book was a gross disappointment. The writing is based on a testimonial letter written by a supposed Spanish national working for the S.S. as a spy. This is also based on recent documentation de-classified by the FBI that vaguely hint at the possibility of Adolf Hitler being smuggled out of Berlin before the downfall. The book states that Hitler's Doppelgänger was actually the body burned outside the bunker after the suicide. It details a systematic desertion of ravaged Berlin by the top Nazi's in the machine, traveling different routes over a number of years, to eventually arrive in Argentina. A lot of loose facts are put forward, such as the atomic bomb program moving forward in secrecy, with a form of cold fusion perfected that was conveniently sabotaged by the scientist that perfected it, our Spanish spy flying to the South Pole for a meeting with an aged and ailing Hitler, and his eventual meeting again with Martin Bormann some ten years after the wars end, who was still planning the overthrow of the world by a "new and improved" Third Reich. The writer claims to have traveled to these locations in the eighties and nineties. The book abounds with small pictures that are hard to examine. After detailing the letter, it goes into dissertations about some of the top Nazi operators in the machine, and here was where I started noting the discrepancies in the information. Most glaring was the section on Adolf Eichmann... While mostly factual, they managed to mis-represent his rank, and most glaringly of all... the book claimed that Eichmann was the commander at Auschwitz-Birkinau. I basically stopped reading at these gross falsehoods. I thought to cross reference the other biographies appearing in the book, but decided if they could misrepresent someone as well known as Eichmann, who was kidnapped by Israel, tried and hung for his crimes... the rest of the book must be equally misinformed. Disappointed, I returned the book for a refund.
It is not well written, and I feel mostly conjecture, so if you are looking for something factual, you'll just have to wait for something more tangible.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
crystal simmons
If hundreds of people say it happened, it must have happened. If that's the depth of your thought process, then this book is for you. If you prefer to reach a conclusion, then piece facts together to support it, then this book is for you. If A, B and C must lead to X, Y and Z, this book is for you. This format should work equally well for books on Bigfoot, aliens, secret societies and shadow governments. Why limit your earning potential to Hitler and WWII, Mr. Cooper? People love a good conspiracy that supports their own personal or political bias. You need a better editor though. Cleaning up the formatting errors would make it more convincing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
viking books
Everytime I read this type of nonsense Stories reminds Me of a very interesting talk I had with former Adolf Hitler bodyguard Rochus Misch back in 2009 at His home in Berlin..

If Hitler escape the bunker, it seems he did it alone? ...NONE of his loyal "last days" followers where going with him?...NONE?...Goebbels, Dietrich, Speer, Bormann,Donitz, his personal staff of secretaries or valets that where virtually unknown to outsiders of the inner circle??...if he was taken out by plane, who was the trusted pilot, Bauer, Hitler personal and trusted pilot was at the bunker to the end, and was wounded and taken prisioner by the Soviet army in Berlin, strange that the most important and with the extreame danger of soviet capture, Hitler would not use his mist trusted and loyal pilot.

Hitler was a sick and broken man by April 1945, he knew that the end was near, he made VERY clear that he did not want the fate of the dimise of Mussolini and his mistress and be an "exibit" in Russia, that in his mind was to be avoided at all cost. Apart from that, he knew there would not be a safe place in the world where he could not be found, apart from that, ANYONE who have studied the life, political career and personal views and actions will come to the conclusion that "running away" and hiding was not an "option" he contemplate by any means, in fact when his aides tried to convince him to move his command to the Berghof, he refused.

Every time I see one of these "history change event" I can only think of the power of TV ratings and book deal profits, with REAL HISTORY facts, proof and evidence in the most dark and faraway corners of these "history experts researchers", just the hit of the moment spotlight is what they want, but as all the pictures of UFOS, no matter how good the camera is, clear sky or big of the ALWAYS out of focus.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The biggest bunch of contradictory hogwash I ever had to suffer through. Riddled with lies, bad assumptions, and ridiculous jumped to conclusions. There is no doubt some Nazis made their way to Argentina but the junk this author puts out is a shameful disgrace and a theft of the readers' money. This book is a disorganized pile of junk filled with illegible zeroxed supposed copies of wartime paperwork. This author should be locked up for fraud. Better yet send him to Argentina to live with good ole uncle Adolph.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sahar al asmar
As an individual of German descent, and having deeply researched the Third Reich to gain a better understanding of how an entire race of people were allowed to be almost annihilated, I was very interested in procuring this book. The book was a gross disappointment. The writing is based on a testimonial letter written by a supposed Spanish national working for the S.S. as a spy. This is also based on recent documentation de-classified by the FBI that vaguely hint at the possibility of Adolf Hitler being smuggled out of Berlin before the downfall. The book states that Hitler's Doppelgänger was actually the body burned outside the bunker after the suicide. It details a systematic desertion of ravaged Berlin by the top Nazi's in the machine, traveling different routes over a number of years, to eventually arrive in Argentina. A lot of loose facts are put forward, such as the atomic bomb program moving forward in secrecy, with a form of cold fusion perfected that was conveniently sabotaged by the scientist that perfected it, our Spanish spy flying to the South Pole for a meeting with an aged and ailing Hitler, and his eventual meeting again with Martin Bormann some ten years after the wars end, who was still planning the overthrow of the world by a "new and improved" Third Reich. The writer claims to have traveled to these locations in the eighties and nineties. The book abounds with small pictures that are hard to examine. After detailing the letter, it goes into dissertations about some of the top Nazi operators in the machine, and here was where I started noting the discrepancies in the information. Most glaring was the section on Adolf Eichmann... While mostly factual, they managed to mis-represent his rank, and most glaringly of all... the book claimed that Eichmann was the commander at Auschwitz-Birkinau. I basically stopped reading at these gross falsehoods. I thought to cross reference the other biographies appearing in the book, but decided if they could misrepresent someone as well known as Eichmann, who was kidnapped by Israel, tried and hung for his crimes... the rest of the book must be equally misinformed. Disappointed, I returned the book for a refund.
It is not well written, and I feel mostly conjecture, so if you are looking for something factual, you'll just have to wait for something more tangible.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
If hundreds of people say it happened, it must have happened. If that's the depth of your thought process, then this book is for you. If you prefer to reach a conclusion, then piece facts together to support it, then this book is for you. If A, B and C must lead to X, Y and Z, this book is for you. This format should work equally well for books on Bigfoot, aliens, secret societies and shadow governments. Why limit your earning potential to Hitler and WWII, Mr. Cooper? People love a good conspiracy that supports their own personal or political bias. You need a better editor though. Cleaning up the formatting errors would make it more convincing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
liz odmark
Everytime I read this type of nonsense Stories reminds Me of a very interesting talk I had with former Adolf Hitler bodyguard Rochus Misch back in 2009 at His home in Berlin..

If Hitler escape the bunker, it seems he did it alone? ...NONE of his loyal "last days" followers where going with him?...NONE?...Goebbels, Dietrich, Speer, Bormann,Donitz, his personal staff of secretaries or valets that where virtually unknown to outsiders of the inner circle??...if he was taken out by plane, who was the trusted pilot, Bauer, Hitler personal and trusted pilot was at the bunker to the end, and was wounded and taken prisioner by the Soviet army in Berlin, strange that the most important and with the extreame danger of soviet capture, Hitler would not use his mist trusted and loyal pilot.

Hitler was a sick and broken man by April 1945, he knew that the end was near, he made VERY clear that he did not want the fate of the dimise of Mussolini and his mistress and be an "exibit" in Russia, that in his mind was to be avoided at all cost. Apart from that, he knew there would not be a safe place in the world where he could not be found, apart from that, ANYONE who have studied the life, political career and personal views and actions will come to the conclusion that "running away" and hiding was not an "option" he contemplate by any means, in fact when his aides tried to convince him to move his command to the Berghof, he refused.

Every time I see one of these "history change event" I can only think of the power of TV ratings and book deal profits, with REAL HISTORY facts, proof and evidence in the most dark and faraway corners of these "history experts researchers", just the hit of the moment spotlight is what they want, but as all the pictures of UFOS, no matter how good the camera is, clear sky or big of the ALWAYS out of focus.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The poorly written "book" is an embarrassment to the reader. It is, without question, one of the worst purchases and investments of time that I have ever made. Consequently, this writer does NOT endorse this nonsense.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vicky connelly
This book made many interesting claims, this topic is fascinating. But.... can we actually prove even half of them and how many of those witnesses were right to begin with, is another matter. Also what always makes me wonder about Hitler's possible escape is that why didn't the other highest ranking nazis escape then? If they started making plans after the failed Ardennes offensive (like the book suggests), how come for example Goering, Goebbels or Himmler never made it? Are we to believe that Hitler and Bormann were the only ones of the top nazis that actually escaped and those others couldn't do it, despite the fact that thousands of lower ranking nazis with lesser means also managed to escape?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible documentation and new evidence that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, and Martin Bormann escaped and lived in Argentina. This book is being translated in many different languages. We are not being told the truth in regard to our history and thank God for people like Harry Cooper and the Sharkhunters organization and their many patrols to uncover truth and real history.. A great book to read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought everyone knew that Hitler shot himself in his bunker. There were a dozen witnesses, there was the photograph of the dead Hitler, there was the corpse which the Russians unearthed within an hour after Hitler was buried, there was the perfect match of Hitler's dental work with the description provided by Hitler's dentist's nurse, and so forth. Hitler was in such poor physical condition that the idea that he could have somehow
escaped from the Russian troops, which completely surrounded the Reichstag and Hiter's bunker, is so stupid that anyone claiming same obviously is totally ignorant about Hitler's last days. Only the ignorant (or the History Channel) will find this book plausible. Never have so many people spent so much money and time reading what has to be the most outrageously stupid junk history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jo ann
I have followed this story for quite some time. Mr. Cooper's account is well researched. He has been called all sorts of things through the years because of this, but notice how mainstream historians are now starting to consider that he just may be correct, but usually without giving credit where credit is due. I must also mention that most of the people I see on here trashing the book can be seen trashing not only Cooper's other books, but any book that challenges the historical status quo. Almost like it's their job. Hmmmm....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lori crawford
Harry Copper, author of HITLER IN ARGENTINA, has said of his book: "Our book is absolutely and solidly based on hard facts."

But does Cooper truly offer us "Hard facts"? Hardly! Hard-to-believe facts instead. Is this book "Solidly based"? Only if a quack's quicksand is solid enough to build a book's foundation upon.

Here is one example of what I mean by 'quack's quicksand': on page 61 of HITLER IN ARGENTINA is a photograph of Hitler at a Hitler Youth event in Berlin. The Editor's caption below the photo reads: "It is generally accepted that this is not the real Hitler." The trouble is, the man shown at the event at which this photo is but one of many taken (as well as lots of film!) is, in fact, Adolf Hitler! When Cooper writes "It is generally accepted that this is not the real Hitler" he neglects to inform his readers who it is who 'generally' accepts the phoniness of Hitler in the picture - unless he is merely referring to himself and others of his ilk. Much more troubling, however, is the obviously cut-and-pasted head of the lad whose cheek Hitler is patting. It is either Saddam Hussein or his double (LOL)! But since Saddam was only 7 or 8 years old at the time, it could hardly be him (LOL again)! In others words the picture used in Cooper's book as prima facie evidence that Hitler isn't Hitler is patently absurd and a total insult to one's intelligence - provided a person has even a smidgin of intelligence in the first place! Anyone who is able to swallow this blatantly doctored photo and its caption will have no trouble swallowing the rest of the bilge in this book. Summing matters up: if the photo used as evidence in HITLER IN ARGENTINA is an obvious (to all but the blind) and easily provable fraud, then the rest of the book is - or should be! - immediately suspect and approached with caution. That is, if the reader is discerning and not completely gullible. The sad thing is, though, that David Hannum's dictum about the birth rate of suckers is terribly true. Also terribly true is that, for whatever the reason, many in the dark parts of their hearts secretly wish Hitler to have escaped and beaten the System and so they open the borders of their brains to the infiltration of anything and everything! This, of course, leads to the brain being - instead of a bastion of rationality and reason - more akin to a septic tank.

Since this book is about a conspiracy and is writ in a slapdash, sensational style to lure as many heads into the sideshow tent as possible, here is a conspiracy to contemplate: Surely, 'Sharkhunter' Cooper is an honest, deep-delving historian, a man on a mission to rewrite history and wave the flag of uber-truth about Hitler's sunny sojourn in Argentina! he? If he is truly scrupulously honest, how then could he allow to be printed on page 61 of his book a picture that is immediately phony and farcical to anyone who isn't looking through a glass darkly? Yet perhaps the silly picture was intended to be silly all along. Perhaps that is the conspiratorially intent at work in this book: to see who falls for it! Disinformation supplied by sources supposedly "in the know" is endemic in the world of conspiracy theorists. Pick anything questionable and thereby potentially conspiratorial - be it UFOs or JFK or 9/11 - and you will discover that the disinformation specialist will supply false information completely on-purpose in order to misdirect whomever comes into their orbit - like a magician's sleight-of-hand - from seeing what the unseen hand is ultimately up to. One purpose of any dis-informational campaign is to ferret out and keep a Big Brotherly eye on the "lunatic fringe" associated with any topic. One distinct possibility for the post-war Powers-that-Be creating a verbal buzz and phony paper trail about a still living Hitler may have been to uncover actual Nazis in the post-war years who had gone underground and/or were plotting a comeback and thereby would be ecstatic to think their wonderful leader was still alive. In their Reichian rapture, they may have become careless and played right into the hands of the authorities. The bottom line with regards to this discussion is Cooper and his book and the ridiculous photo on page 61 of said book. He either did NOT carefully look at the photo or didn't really care to look at it before going to press, or he is a disinformation agent secretly laughing at folks who have fallen for the fake photo (and therefore rest of the book) or he is just out to make a bundle (since conspiracy sells!) or he is a hodgepodge of possibilities or...he truly believes that his myopia is 20/20 vision.

Truth is - or should be - paramount. It is more often than not shadowy and fights like a greased wrestler. But the illumination of educated evidence is what can ultimately shine a light on the shadows and hard, verifiable facts can wrestle it to the ground and pin it down. The "evidence" of Hitler's afterlife in Argentina - or anywhere else for that matter! - is made-up of hearsay, outright lies, doctored photographs, warped wish-fulfillment and, last but in no ways least, a meretricious means for making mountains of moola.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
matt creamer
Harry Cooper edited this garbage, and he did a very poor job. There are many many mistakes in the 127 page book which includes numerous typos, grammar flaws, and content flow. His conclusions are questionable because the "facts" leading up to them are unsubstantiated. Cooper began with a premise based on wishful thinking and went downhill from there.

I had to laugh at the examples he created about proof concerning Hitler in South America. When the Spanish were in the southwest looking for the Seven Cities of Cibola, the natives told them that mythical city was real. It wasn't. They simply told the Spanish that the cities were just over the hill to move them on. I'm sure Harry and his fellow Nazi lovers contributed a great deal of money to a remote area of Argentina. Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg? Harry doesn't have the scholarship nor the intelligence to know how poorly written and produced his book is, so if you’re interested in purchasing it, please don't. Save your money and look elsewhere. There's nothing here.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If this were a US courtroom, the judge would dismiss the "evidence" that Cooper puts forth as hearsay. It's all a bunch of he-said, she-said, wrapped in logical fallacies leading to pure conjecture. Cooper is laughing all the way to bank with this garbage. The myth of Hitler in Argentina is almost as fake as the fairy tale of the "Holocaust"....and that's saying a lot!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you're hoping this book will prove Hitler, Eva Braun and Martin Bormann escaped from Berlin in 1945 at the end of WW2 forget it. They never fled abroad and lived in Argentina, or anywhere else. This book, which claims to reveal `The documented truth of Hitler's escape from Berlin', is just another variation on the usual conspiracy theory nonsense.

The book is edited by Harry Cooper, a WW2 submarine buff. One third of the book purports to be the memoirs of a former Spanish bullfighter turned Nazi spy, Don Angel Alcazar de Velasco, who worked for the Nazis before, during, and after WW2. According to files in Britain's National Archives he was a dubious character:- `The files contain transcripts of Velasco's telephone conversations and also those of his associates, who talk about him in mostly unfavourable terms ... In 1942 he was involved in selling fabricated intelligence from a mythical group of 'agents' in the UK to the Germans and Japanese.' He also tried unsuccessfully to kidnap the Duke of Windsor.

Velasco was a dedicated Nazi, anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist. `Dropping his voice,' wrote the author Michael Bloch who met him in 1983, Velasco `informed us that the world was being taken over by an international conspiracy of Jews and Freemasons.'

According to the book I'm reviewing here - Harry Cooper's "Hitler in Argentina" - Velasco worked in Berlin at the end of the war. `I was called to the Führer's side,' he tells us. `I spent the last three months of the war in the Führerbunker, Hitler's headquarters beneath the Reich Chancellery.' He claims he was `the only non-German to actually work within the Führer's personal headquarters in the bunker.' There he says he met Hitler. But is he telling the truth when he describes this meeting with the Nazi leader? On pages 44-45 Velasco writes:- `When I crossed the threshold of his map room, Adolf Hitler was sitting at his desk. He looked shrunken and indescribably aged. His light brown uniform jacket - the Nazi party dress he almost always wore - hung from his shoulders like a shroud.'

Hold on a moment ... Hitler wore a brown uniform until WW2 started in September 1939. He then changed to a grey uniform. On Friday, 1st September, 1939, a few hours after the invasion of Poland began, Hitler broadcast a speech from the Kroll Opera House, home of the Nazi Reichstag. As he entered the hall members could see Hitler was not wearing his usual brown-coloured Führer tunic. Instead, he wore a new field-grey tunic matching the colour of a German Army uniform.

During his speech Hitler declared:- `I am from now on just the first soldier of the German Reich. I have once more put on that [Army style] coat that was most sacred and dear to me [in the First World War]. I will not take it off again until victory is secured, or I will not survive the outcome.'

For once Hitler spoke the truth. He was wearing his field-grey jacket when he committed suicide in the Berlin bunker in 1945. Yet here is Velasco falsely claiming Hitler was wearing a light brown Nazi uniform jacket in the bunker - `the Nazi party dress he almost always wore.'

Velasco is an unreliable narrator. We know his story is untrue when he claims he accompanied Martin Bormann on a submarine to South America in 1946, a year after Germany surrendered. How many times must I repeat when reviewing Hitler escape books that Bormann died in Berlin at the end of the war in 1945. He was a rotting corpse and in no condition to travel anywhere.

The proof? ... Bormann's dead body was seen by the Hitler Youth Leader Artur Axmann near the Lehrter station in Berlin in 1945. This was shortly after Bormann fled from the bunker following Hitler's suicide. In 1972 workmen discovered human remains near the site. The skull was examined and Bormann identified by the teeth. Also the bones. Bormann had damaged his shoulder during a riding accident and the bones showed evidence of this.

More proof came in the 1998 when the remains were DNA tested. They belonged to Martin Bormann.

Two years later Bormann's remains underwent further tests - a mitochondrial DNA comparison. The results were published in the February 14, 2001 issue of International Journal of Legal Medicine. They supported overwhelmingly the hypothesis that the remains were those of Martin Bormann. For more information see the update at the end of this article.

Yet Velasco insists a year later - in 1946 - he shared a cabin with Bormann while travelling to Argentina in a German U-Boat. Indeed, he claims to have had long conversations with Bormann. We're supposed to believe that Hitler's right-hand man told him he refused to allow his boss to commit suicide in the last days of the war. Disobeying orders Bormann had Hitler drugged. The Fuhrer was then spirited away from the bunker by officers on Bormann's staff, driven across Germany and smuggled by ship to Norway.

What happened to Eva Braun? She `never arrived in Norway,' claimed Bormann. `Unfortunately she was given an overdose of drugs from which she later died.'

What about the story accepted by all major historians that Hitler and Eva committed suicide in the Berlin bunker? Velasco quotes Bormann as saying:- `As for the suicide. I was the author of the story that Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide and their bodies burned with petrol. Those witnesses who afterwards testified to this end had been carefully briefed on my instructions.'

At one point the editor Harry Cooper intervenes in the text and tells us:- `There is very strong proof that Eva Braun did not die and was indeed in Argentina.' How she and Hitler got to South America Velasco never reveals. Indeed, if Bormann had arranged for Hitler to be drugged and spirited away to South America why did he fail to go with him? Bormann seldom left Hitler's side when he was in power. It's inconceivable he would have left this important task to others. Why did he travel with a Spanish spy, Velasco, instead?

Readers hoping for a spate of photos proving Hitler lived in Argentina are in for a disappointment. Only one picture purports to show him in South America. This appears on page 115 and is repeated on the back cover. Even the editor doubts its authenticity. A caption on the back cover says it ‘appears to show Hitler frail and near the end of his life’ … ‘appears to show’? What sort of proof is that? The right ear is the wrong shape - similar to Mr Spock in “Star Treck” - and too large compared with Hitler’s. A handkerchief obscures half the face so the picture is ambiguous and wide open for speculation - like so much evidence conspiracy theorists would have us believe. There's no provenance. When and where was this photo taken? Who was the photographer? Cooper has no idea. I will tell him…

You can buy a copy from Getty Images. This is the caption: 'Caption:29th May 1943: An elderly resident of the Bishopswood Home in Highgate, north London, having a rest in an armchair, with his handkerchief shielding his face. Original Publication: Picture Post - 1446 - Aged People And The War - pub. 1943 (Photo by Kurt Hutton/Picture Post/Getty Images).'

In addition, I have an album of Kurt Hutton's photos published by the Focal Press in 1947. It's called "Speaking Likeness". And guess what? You can find the same picture on page 38. Hutton calls it 'Forty Winks' and published details about how it was taken.

What the hell is Cooper playing at when he claims this picture could be Hitler? Why does he feature it in his book and display it in a prominent position on the back cover? Why does he claim its copyright belongs to his Sharkhunters organisation when he stole it from Getty? His action is even more offensive when you remember the photographer was half Jewish and fled from the Nazis. Cooper is using his work and - by implication - suggesting that someone who was half Jewish, and worked for a magazine that opposed the Nazis, photographed Hitler after the war and told no-one he was still alive!

Cooper compounded the offense when he appeared on the Jeff Rense conspiracy radio program on 21 Feb 2014. At the end of a boring interview lasting 95 minutes the two of them gloat over this picture of an innocent London pensioner who they falsely accuse of being Hitler. It's revolting.

The book's cover is also misleading - not only the words `HITLER IN ARGENTINA - The documented truth of Hitler's escape from Berlin' - but the pictures. The casual browser might think the photo of Hitler and Eva Braun - which is superimposed on top of pictures of a house in Argentina where Hitler was alleged to have lived and a map - was taken in South America. No way! This photo of the smiling couple was taken between September 1938 and October 1940 in the Eagle's Nest at Obersaltzberg. You can find dozens of copies all over the Internet. Three more photos of Eva included in the book were all taken in 1930s Germany. No image exists of her in South America.

On page 61 there's a picture of Hitler in Berlin. He's shown in the Reich Chancellery garden on 20th March 1945 congratulating members of the Hitler Youth who have won medals for bravery. Velasco says a double was substituted for Hitler at the end of WW2. The editor thinks this photo supports his argument. `It is generally accepted,' writes Harry Cooper, `that this is not the real Hitler in this photo shot in the last days of the war. The nose, ears and cheekbones are quite different than the real Hitler.'

The editor has misinterpreted the photograph. His claim that it's `generally accepted that this is not the real Hitler,' is false. On the contrary the majority of mainstream historians regard this photo - or an authentic version of it - as genuine. It shows the real Hitler.

How do we know?

Because this ceremony was photographed by a movie camera that produced hundreds of images of Hitler from different angles. In addition a stills photographer took many images before and after this shot. All the pictures show the genuine Hitler. This disputed shot, which Cooper reproduces in his book, is a tiny, badly printed image that has been doctored. A boy’s head has been changed. A bareheaded guy, with glasses and a large shaggy moustache, has been crudely stuck over the original Hitler Youth who wore a cap. He looks a bit like Saddam Hussein, but closer inspection reveals this is really an image of the German novelist Gunter Grass. The image appears to have been created by the blog site Davids Medienkritik and was published on 29 August 2006. The intention was to satirise Grass's admission, late in life, that he had fought with Division Fundsberg of the Waffen SS. This, then, is a crudely photoshopped version of a well-known original image. Cooper either never noticed the picture was falsified, or did not care, and used it in his book regardless. There’s no double and no mystery. You can find authentic versions of this image all over the Internet.

The only mystery is how this fake image made its way into the book and why the editor uses it to bolster a false argument.

You want proof that what I say about these photos is true? Then visit the website WW2TALK. Go to their discussion forum and type in the words `Hitler escaped'. On page 10 you'll find pictures that prove Cooper has published misleading photos.

The way Cooper handles a picture of President Eisenhower on page 141 also causes disquiet. Did Ike call on Hitler in 1960 when he stayed at the Llao-Llao hotel in the tourist resort of San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina? This was while the US president was on a highly publicised tour of South America. One the store reviewer, who awarded this book four stars, thought he did. `The photo of an American president in 1960 visiting Hitler in his remote hideout was extraordinary,' she wrote.

In fact, the photo shows Ike at Llao-Llao with two unidentified men. Hitler is nowhere visible. The man the the store customer mistakes for Hitler is President Arturo Frondizi of Argentina. Who is the third man in the background? That's Colonel Vernon Walters, Eisenhower's interpreter. Cooper makes the link with Hitler by placing this picture with a caption laden with innuendo near allegations that Hitler lived on an estate close to the hotel. `One can only wonder,' writes Cooper, `what was the real reason an American President was at a resort so far from ... from anything shortly after the end of the war.'

This is wrong. It's inconceivable the former Supreme Allied Commander, head of NATO and President of the USA connived at Hitler's escape. Eisenhower hated Germans and was horrified when he inspected a Nazi concentration camp. If he had been involved in an escape plot and cover-up Ike would have shown continuous interest in Hitler's activities. The most hated man on earth would have been closely monitored. Think of the worldwide scandal if news leaked that the allies were protecting Hitler! One would expect a massive paper trail and records of meetings with the FBI, CIA, etc. Ike would have spoken to many people - Churchill, General Marshall etc. There is no way this information could have remained secret. There is no convincing evidence that it exists because Hitler was long dead.

Ike visited Llao-Llao with Argentina's president to sign the Declaration of San Carlos de Bariloche in the hotel's main hall. The declaration talked about peace, freedom and cultural and material opportunities for the peoples of the Americas. The two men also played four holes of golf. There's nothing sinister about Ike's visit to a famous hotel in a popular tourist resort.

Again, if you want proof visit the website WW2TALK and look at the evidence published on page 10 of their `Hitler escaped' forum.

But back to Velasco ... After the war the Nazi spy lived in Mexico. In July 1952 he claimed he received a message ordering him to report to an isolated region on the southern tip of South America. There he would be taken to see `a most important person'. After several changes of aircraft Velasco said he realised they `were flying towards the South Pole!' Eventually he landed in a snow-covered `Arctic Waste'.

At this point the editor intervenes again and corrects his geography. Surely Velasco means Antarctic instead of Arctic if he's in the southern hemisphere? But the editor thinks Velasco may never have gone that far south. He believes Velasco is `deliberately giving mis-information' - something spies often do. Instead he might have visited the south-western part of Patagonia where Hitler might have lived after the war, though there's no proof.

Velasco would have us believe he arrived at a remote hidden estate and was taken to meet `the Fuhrer'. He was shown into a room and found an elderly man seated at a desk in front of a huge Nazi banner hung on the wall behind. The man was so old and decrepit Velasco admits `if this was Hitler he was barely recognizable as the man whom I had seen leaving the Berlin bunker in April, 1945.' He had no moustache and was completely bald. Velasco emphasises his uncertainty about the man`s identity. `Hitler, if Hitler it was, received me sitting down...'

The spy had been ordered to bring 50 or 60 photos of two teenage children - a boy called Adolpho and girl called Stern - to show the mystery man. The Fuhrer poured over the pictures though never hinted they were his children. None of these pictures appears in the book, though Velasco claims he took many of them himself. Why? Surely he would have had negatives from which copies could have been made. The children could have been tracked down and nowadays DNA tested.

There's a desultory conversation that reveals nothing of interest and Velasco is shown out and returns to Mexico. On the flight home he's `filled with excitement', but also assailed by doubts. `Could this shrunken old man have been the one-time ranting, dominating dictator? ' he wonders. `Was this poor creature, now presiding over a million square miles of nothing, the same as he who had conquered a continent? Was this Hitler?'

If Velasco is suspicious about the man's identity - and he expresses doubts seven times! - why should we believe he was Hitler? Where's the hard evidence?

In 2009 Harry Cooper and a team of enthusiasts visited the house where the man who might - or might not - have been Hitler was supposed to have lived. They reached it by boat. As the editor walked across the lawn a bizarre incident occurred that might have come straight out of the TV comedy series "Fawlty Towers".

`Our Argentine boat captain began goose-stepping with his right arm in the air ..."I know who lived here," he cried. "I lived here in my childhood. My father was the caretaker - I know who lived here!"

Harry says the captain smiled `and set off again with his right arm in the air, goose-stepping across the grass.'

Harry tells us in his broadcasts and on his website that he picked the locks, entered the house and took photos. But did Harry and his team discover anything on the site - photos, documents, clothes, objects, etc - associated with Hitler? No! There was nothing there. So again where is the hard evidence that Hitler ever set foot in the place, let alone lived there for years?

The "Fawlty Towers" analogy may be closer to the truth than Harry Cooper realises. The goose-stepping boat captain may have been making fun of the Sharkhunters group. Only instead of realizing they were being played as fools they saw it as hard evidence. The Argentines had form when it came to taking Nazi-hunting foreigners for suckers. Perhaps Harry Cooper and his pals got the same treatment from an Argentine with a sense of humour.

Look at pages 172-173 and you'll find the headline:- `The Maid Knew!'

Here we have a classic conspiracy theory interview - the reluctant witness who agrees to talk, then backs out because `They' don't want her to. When she does agree to talk the evidence mysteriously vanishes and she has nothing of interest to say. The maid, Catalina Gamaro, worked for the Eichhorn family, who had known Hitler in Germany, and now ran the Hotel Eden in Argentina.

Catalina was convinced Hitler had `stayed just a few days' at the hotel. Did she see Hitler?

`No, no, no,' she said. `We don't see him. He stayed in a private place. Nobody can see him.'

So it's just hearsay - gossip and rumour. Was there any evidence to back up this claim - a photograph of Hitler at the hotel?

`Yes,' said Catalina, `The Eichhorns had one, but they burned it.'

So the evidence vanished in a puff of smoke, assuming it ever existed. Catalina claimed Hitler stayed at the hotel in 1949 `and he died in San Juan, Mendoza.'

Really? How did she know Hitler died at San Juan, Mendoza? When did Hitler die? What killed him? Was he buried, or cremated, or spirited away? Any death certificate, grave, or DNA? ... No information. And nothing about Eva Braun, or Martin Bormann. This interview is useless.

Some of Velasco's most explosive remarks occur in the second part of the book where you'll find a letter Velasco wrote to his `Dear Friend Cooper' in 1987. This is printed on pages 238-240. His comments will outrage many. In this letter Velasco makes remarks not only about Martin Bormann, but also about one of the major organisers of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann, and the infamous doctor at Auschwitz, Joseph Mengele, known as Dr Death. Velasco claims Bormann was `a circumcised Jew although a Nazi ... Eichmann was also a Jew.' And about Mengele he says - `again a Jew.'

The following year Velasco commented again on this subject in another letter to his `Dear Friend friend Cooper'. You can find it on pages 241-244 where Velasco says:- `You know that Mengele was Jewish by race (like Bormann). He was circumcised and this made him take maximum precautions.'


The second half of the book also contains reproductions of intelligence documents from the FBI and elsewhere, plus newspaper cuttings reporting rumours and sightings of Hitler, Eva, and Bormann. But when it comes to face-to-face meetings, information of real substance, there's nothing there. Again no photos, documents, artefacts, or masses of hard evidence that could prove Hitler lived in South America.

Intelligence officers will tell you their secret archives contain thousands of human intelligence reports of unknown reliability from untested sources. Some of these `sightings' are genuine mistakes. Others are made by impostors, or are a figment of a conspiracy theorist's imagination. These `sightings' surface years later when they're declassified and can fool the unwary. People are easily hoaxed. As one critic put it:- `The conspiracy theorist ... is to the professional historian what the treasure hunter is the archaeologist, only in the case of the conspiracy theorists, there is no means of convincing them that their quick dig among the documents has revealed only false gold.'

And that's what readers will find in this book - false gold. The book is riddled with errors and inconsistencies. The text is chaotically disorganised. Information is chucked in here, there and everywhere. There's no index and the typography and printing are appalling. Everything about this book is tenth-rate and amateurish. While it's true many Nazis fled to South America it's untrue to argue - as this book does - that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and Martin Bormann were amongst them and `lived out their lives in safety and comfort...'

In March 2012 Sergio Widder, the Latin America director of Nazi hunters the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said: "Argentina was the main haven for Nazi war criminals. Men like Mengele and Eichmann were protected by the Argentine state. But there is no serious evidence Hitler survived the war, let alone came to Argentina. These stories should be for novels, not history."'

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is the world's leading Nazi hunting organisation. Why are they wrong about Hitler and Harry Cooper right?

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has no doubts Bormann died in 1945 as you can see if you visit their website. There they state:- 'Bormann died in an effort to flee Berlin in the last days of World War II, but was long thought to be at large. He was tried in absentia at Nuremberg, where he was sentenced to death. West German authorities officially declared him dead in 1973 after his remains were discovered and positively identified.'

Why is the memorial museum wrong and Harry Cooper right? Why does he know so much more than the experts who have studied this issue for decades?

Yad Vashem, the world centre for Holocaust research in Jerusalem, also denies Hitler survived the war. So does the Wiener Library, another leading authority on the Holocaust and Nazi era. So does Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive). So does "Encyclopaedia Britannica" which has exacting standards of accuracy.

These organisations are stuffed with experts who have contacts with thousands of knowledgeable people all over the globe. Why are they wrong and Harry Cooper right?

Even that maverick David Irving says Hitler, Eva and Bormann died in Berlin in 1945. And he says he's never hears of Velasco.

In their the store blurb the publishers claim, `This book will change the history you were taught in 5th grade.' It better not. Save your money and buy something better. How can you trust an author who is incapable of getting the simplest facts right? On page 159 he tells us Adolf Eichmann was 'Commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp.' Wrong!

In the meantime, I've reviewed four more bogus Nazi history books here on the store where I develop my sceptical arguments further:-

My review of "HUNTING HITLER - New scientific evidence that Hitler escaped Nazi Germany" by Dr Jerome Corsi is entitled "Trash - an insult to the brain".

And my review of "GREY WOLF - the escape of Adolf Hitler" by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams is called "Buyer Beware - Fantasy History! - Updated September 2013, 16 Oct 2011".

"AFTERMATH" by Ladislas Farago. A preposterous book about Martin Bormann. My review is called "Absolute drivel - Avoid!"

My review of Paul Manning's book "MARTIN BORMANN - NAZI IN EXILE" is called "Martin Bormann and the Loch Ness Monster."

As I've pointed out in all these reviews no reputable historian, or major historical institution, backs up Hitler or Martin Bormann survival claims. That applies to Harry Cooper's book "Hitler in Argentina". These writers of pseudo history would have us believe that thousands of experts who have examined these matters for decades since 1945 are wrong. They want us to believe that people with authentic knowledge are involved in a vast conspiracy to deceive the public. Meanwhile, we're supposed to take on trust amateur investigations by those whose muddled and careless interpretation of the evidence makes no sense. Reader beware!

UPDATE: In 2015 the History Channel launched a series of 8 hour-long programs called “Hunting Hitler.” They used the same FBI documents as Harry Cooper and failed to find any convincing evidence that Hitler, Eva and Martin Bormann had survived WW2. The following year they broadcast a second series. Same result. No Hitler, Eva, or Martin Bormann. They spent more than $30 million on 16 programs and found nothing worthwhile. In addition, the never invited Harry Cooper to take part, though they went over much the same ground as his 3 books alleging Hitler escaped. Harry was out in the cold.


UPDATE:- Here's more evidence that proves Bormann died in Berlin in 1945. This means Velasco's stories about Bormann and Hitler are false - cheap fiction and nothing else.

If you visit the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum you will see it gives Martin Bormann's dates as 1900-1945. In other words Bormann died at the end of the war and never escaped. The museum adds this about Bormann:- `West German authorities officially declared him dead in 1973 after his remains were discovered and positively identified.'


This article in "The Los Angeles Times" neatly sums up Bormann's story:-


May 06, 1998| Reuters

BONN -- Martin Bormann's family welcomed news that DNA tests had shown remains found more than 20 years ago were those of the Nazi, saying they hoped the findings would lay to rest speculation over his whereabouts.

Scientists confirmed Monday that DNA testing showed a skull and other remains found at a Berlin building site in 1972 were those of Bormann, Adolf Hitler's right-hand man.

The bones discovered in Berlin were widely thought to be those of Bormann after dental records and injuries found on the remains matched those of Hitler's henchman, but rumors of his escape and survival continued.

The DNA test "rules out any further speculation over the death or survival of Martin Bormann after 1945 for any serious reporter," the family said in a statement.

The family has consistently maintained that Bormann died in May 1945.'


And here is a report in US National Library of Medicine - National Institute of Health

`Identification of the skeletal remains of Martin Bormann by mtDNA analysis.

Anslinger K1, Weichhold G, Keil W, Bayer B, Eisenmenger W.

Author information: (1)Institute of Legal Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

Contrary to statements of an eye-witness who reported that Martin Bormann, the
second most powerful man in the Third Reich, died on 2 May 1945 in Berlin,
rumours persisted over the years that he had escaped from Germany after World War
II. In 1972, skeletal remains were found during construction work, and by
investigating the teeth and the bones experts concluded that they were from
Bormann. Nevertheless, new rumours arose and in order to end this speculation we
were commissioned to identify the skeletal remains by mitochondrial DNA analysis.
The comparison of the sequence of HV1 and HV2 from the skeletal remains and a
living maternal relative of Martin Bormann revealed no differences and this
sequence was not found in 1,500 Caucasoid reference sequences. Based on this
investigation, we support the hypothesis that the skeletal remains are those of
Martin Bormann.


Some people think Velasco's arguments are bolstered by Paul Manning's book "MARTIN BORMANN - Nazi in exile" ... But what do I find when studying it? Manning demolishes Velasco's credibility in a few sentences.

On page 172 Manning confirms Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide in the Berlin bunker in 1945. Velasco claims Hitler escaped to Argentina and Eva died elsewhere.

Velasco also claims he and Bormann together escaped to Argentina onboard a submarine in the summer of 1946. Manning destroys that argument at a stroke. He claims Bormann boarded a ship the next year - that's 1947 - `a rather sizeable freighter' - sailed to South America and `steamed into the harbor of Buenos Aires in the winter of 1947'. Velasco is never mentioned in Manning's book. He never had conversations with Bormann onboard a submarine, or anywhere else.

I've also been told I should read "AFTERMATH - Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich" by Ladislas Farago ... I have! ... And what do I find? He too says `Hitler committed suicide' in Berlin in 1945. He describes how Adolf's and Eva's `gasoline-soaked bodies' ... were `consumed by the flames'... So again Velasco was wrong when he claimed Hitler survived and escaped. And when did Bormann enter Argentina? According to Farago he arrived by boat in 1948.

So which year did Bormann arrive in South America - 1946, 1947, or 1948? The answer? ... None of them as Bormann died in Berlin in 1945.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
roy smith
Before you order this book, read the article "Touring the Third Reich" at [...]. Harry Cooper, the author, is a neo-Nazi who has successfully portrayed himself as apolitical in several mainstream media venues where he has publicized his book. Even if some of his facts are right, you should not give him your money!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is certainly an unusual book. Were I not fairly well versed in this period of history, I wouldn't believe a word. However, no student of the 20th history can be so naive as not to believe that many powerful individuals managed to protect and shelter this German's government's elite at the conclusion of WWII. The premise of the book is a narrative by an intelligence operative who helped Martin Bormann escape to Argentina through Spain, and a U-Boat trip across the Atlantic. We know that U-Boats were on various missions at the end of the war, and this one surprises me not in the least. It is sometimes said--there's what you know is true, and what you can prove! This book goes a long way to supporting the general thesis that the "Ratline" or "ODESSA" was much more extensive than we've been allowed to have evidence for up through the 21st century. The active Nazis who expected a rise of German within 10 years did not get to see the power play of pitting the U.S. versus the U.S.S.R. work out in their lifetimes, but the outcome of the seeds of that struggle has yet to be decided. Levenda's work showing the seeds of the Islamic State in the early 20th century provide an overall context for this book, and anyone who reads this should read Levenda's works as well.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
saber ali nazari
The poorly written "book" is an embarrassment to the reader. It is, without question, one of the worst purchases and investments of time that I have ever made. Consequently, this writer does NOT endorse this nonsense.
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