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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica fordice
the premise sounded hopeful, food and Venice and a little romance. Sadly, the book is poorly written with stilted prose, an lack of character development, and a plot that is thinner than a runway model. What was the publisher thinking??
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel burch
I am of Italian (not Sicilian) decent and did not like the main characters giving derogatory names to some of the people in the book; e.g., "hunchback" for someone who had a deformity or "beady eyes" to others. Also, because someone had a large house it was known as Mussolini's Mansion. Thought this was in very poor taste. On the plus side the descriptions of Venice, where I have visited, made me want to go back again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff van campen
I received this ARC from Kensington Books for an honest review.

This novel captured my heart and soul. It is set in Astoria, a neighborhood of small shops and homes, in Queens, N.Y. We follow an Italian couple who immigrated to New York from Sicily, both husband and wife trained in tailoring. They have three daughters, and fulfill the dream of opening a bridal shop, after struggling for years. The shop is called Sposa Rosa, the Pink Bride.
Olivia, the hard working woman who owns the shop, lost her husband years ago to cancer. Her daughters, Valentina, Connie and Rita, help her with customers, plus designing and sewing wedding dresses. Valentina is the oldest, weeks away from marrying the man she has loved since she was six.
We meet a delightful cast of characters in Astoria, very much a part of Valentina's childhood and now as a young woman. There are curses, malocchio, (which is the evil eye) tarot readings, and so much love and laughter between these pages. We learn about Olivia's younger years in Sicily, meeting Nicola, her future husband, and a few secrets she keeps totally to herself!
I became so attached to these characters I didn't want the novel to end. Filled with forgiveness and hope , I would recommend this novel to everyone, especially those of us growing up in a family of any ethnicity, with lots of stories to tell.
I fell in love with this book, when I saw a bookmark included with another book to review. It was a picture of a beautiful bridge in Venice, with just a wisp of a vision of a bride. I immediately looked up the book and author, and e-mailed Kensington books begging to read and review it. It has been my pleasure to do so. I only hope Ms.Chiofalo has many more stories to tell!
Viola in Reel Life :: Brava, Valentine LP: A Novel :: Encore Valentine :: Life Lessons from My Grandmothers - Don't Sing at the Table :: The Course of Human Events
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula forbes
Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo
Through the years Valentina DeLuca, Italian and Christian has endured the neighbors and others and loves Michael but he's into others. Years later when she's grown and is a wedding dress designer who is getting married to Michael we find out about her and his past histories having been raised in the same neighborhood.
Her sisters and mother are also in the sewing business-different aspects of it. They are finally to be married in Italy and she's just finished her wedding dress. Tracy, who she thought would be her lifelong friend turns on her when they were teens and she gets back at her later in life for the betrayal.
The book also travels back to when their parents had first come to America and the fears and dreams as they lived their lifes on the streets of Greenwich Village and Astoria Park. Lots of secrets over the years.
Love the talk of the design field and jaunts to Central Park, some cooking secrets, Italian phrased explained in English and the travel to Italy=whoa! and the recipes at the end of the book.
Betrayal, cancer, travel, death, and love make this a really great book to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim hawkins
Reviewed by Angie
Book provided by the publisher for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

When I asked to read this book, it was purely because it sounded intriguing. When it arrived in the mail, I was quickly enamored with how the book looked. Now, I received an Advanced Reader’s Copy so your paperback may not look the same as mine, but I deeply love paperbacks whose covers also double as bookmarks. And the pages! Ah! They’re irregularly cut and thick and just…beautiful. Sometimes I get so wound up in my e-reader that I forget how beautiful a paperback can be.

Bella Fortuna is a delightful story about a woman who is on the verge of marrying the man she’s loved since she was a little girl. The book is split up into two stories; Valentina’s – or Vee as most everyone calls her – first person account or from the narrative point of view of her extremely traditional Sicilian mother, Olivia. It was somewhat confusing at first to read Vee’s firsthand account and then suddenly switch to the narrative of her mother’s life, but I quickly was able to make the switch back and forth.

Overall I really liked this book. Vee and her sisters were lovely, though I really wish we’d gotten to know Rita and Connie better. Olivia is a strong Italian mother who takes pride in not only her work, but her love for her children, her husband, and her birth country. She’s also very, very superstitious. You really get to know Vee’s best friend, Aldo, better than her sisters, something I thought was odd, but could be explained if the author is planning another book centered around the DeLuca family.

There were two things that bothered me. One was that a good portion of the book is written in Italian; if you don’t have even a rudimentary understand of foreign languages, you may be a bit confused as there is very little translation. In fact, I had to stop reading at times to come online and translate passages I didn’t understand.

The second “issue” I have is that conversation between characters was stilted and sometimes very awkward. Almost as if the characters weren’t comfortable talking to each other.

Regardless, I did love this book and was sad when it came to an end. There were several moments that had this reviewer in tears, both because they were sad and because you just couldn’t help but be proud of Valentina and the lessons she had learned.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Everything about this book was truly heartwarming. I especially loved the wonderful and sometimes crazy DeLuca family. They embodied their Italian heritage and I was able to feel right at home when they were together. I really love books like this that can really take on a culture and a heritage and portray it through the characters and their actions. Valentina was our main character and the DeLuca sister that was preparing for her wedding day. I was glad to learn that our author, Rosanna, is Italian herself and I often wondered, while reading, if any of the characters were based off of her own family!

I have always loved to read about weddings and I loved following Valentina as she planned for hers. Not to mention she is having a destination wedding in, yep you guessed it....Italy! I was so thrilled when I learned this and I loved reading along as she made her wedding gown and prepared for a cake and everything else that goes along with any girl's big day. I also enjoyed it whenever her sisters were around, even though they only got on Valentina's last nerve. I felt by the time I had reached the end of the book that I deserved an invitation to this wedding!

I loved the romance in this book because it was not overdone. I am not one to get all wrapped up in mushy gushy romances, but I love the more realistic ones. I felt like this book fit the latter category. This book really tugged on my emotions at times and I can honestly say that I am very pleased with Rosanna Chiofalo's writing. I have read a few reviews in which it was critiqued negatively. I am quite the opposite. Every author has their own style and I try to embrace them all! I am very excited for her next book. I would recommend this book to anyone just for the Italian culture and an inside look at the dynamics of a crazy but loveable Italian family!

***Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandi kowalski
Debut author, Rosanna Chiofalo delivers a heart-warming love story that makes you want to believe in the timeless laws of happy-endings and true love although the journey itself contains the required dose of heartbreak that makes the end result worth it. A visit to Italy is a chance of a lifetime, even with the unforeseen deviation as to its initial purpose. Valentina DeLuca was born on Friday the 13th just one day short of Valentine's Day, she believes her birth date contributes to the "unluckiness" she has had with love. However, the fact that her parents named her after the patron saint of love appears to have evened the odds in bringing her the love of her life, Michael Carello. Valentina has been in love with Michael Carello since she was a young girl when he came to her rescue. Now no longer a girl, the fates have finally intervened as in six months time Michael and Valentina are to be married in Venice. Valentina, as the oldest daughter of three, whose Italian heritage included the traditional suspicions her mother carried across the ocean from the old country, is taking no chances as she guards closely the secret of her solely designed wedding dress. Olivia DeLuca has been the owner of the New York bridal boutique Sposa Rosa, (because it rhymes!), which translates from Italian into the Pink Bride, to the chagrin of Valentina and her sisters for the last ten years. Here Valentina works designing and sewing the most gorgeous wedding dresses whose individual designs cannot help but cameo their owners on their most special day. The time has now come for Valentina to be the cameo! However, will the circumstances of her birth date yet again play havoc with the happiness and love Valentina so deserves? In this personal journey and with the support of her loving family, Valentina finds the true meaning of love. Along the way, a secret love thought long lost also surfaces, which only serves to remind us that true love will find you no matter the odds. I look forward to reading the next of Rosanna Chiofalo's novels set to publish next year!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Author: Rosanna Chiofalo
Published By: Kensington
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Bella Fortuna" by Rosanna Chiofalo was a good chit lit fiction romance. I found this novel of a 'Italian American Family' who lived in Queens but also there is some twist in this journey of the story that end up in in Venice. The main character Valentina (the oldest sister), with her mom (Olivia/Sera) and sisters(Connie & Rita) are the owners of a bridal shop called Sposa Rosa. We find from the read that Valentina is preparing for her 'Dream Wedding' with Michael who has been the 'man of her dreams' that is to take place in Italy in the month of June. However, Michael two months before the wedding had different ideas... like changing his mind! Now just what was really up with that? Remember when he came into the shop while Valentina was trying on her wedding dress and he stood there looking and Oliver yells.."Malocchio! Malocchio!...get out! It s bad luck forever!"...Was it? Well, poor Valentina life is now turned upside down again.

Now, the setting moves on to Italy with all of its art and history...and all I can say is this author really makes you feel that Italy is a beautiful romantic place to be especially for a wedding with all of its "happiness and perfection."

I must say the decriptions that this author gave the reader of Italy made me even want to visit this magical place! We find that Valentina has decided to take a vacation for three weeks...yes to Italy. Did she enjoy herself in Italy?...What will happen to poor Valentina?, this is the part when I will say you must pick up "Bella Fortuna" to see what is in store for her. Will Valentina learn to live and love again and what was going on with Olivia's mom with her first love? What had happened to Tracy? Was "Bella Fortuna" somewhat predictable?...Yes, but that is OK because I still enjoyed this novel because it held my attention until the end. I found the characters to be well developed and believable bringing each page to life with sadness and even happiness.

I found the storyline of "Bella Fortuna" was wonderful and the romance was a fantastic read especially the Italy visit and would I recommend this read...Yes! At the end of the read... be ready for some interesting recipes from "Bella Fortuna:" Glazed Lemon Cookies, Grandmothers Cake, Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast, and Fried Meatballs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jose leal
Valentina DeLuca, her two sisters and their Mom, own and run the wedding dress boutique, Sposa Rosa. Everyday these four women help brides find their perfect dress, but now it Is Valentina's turn. She has spent several months creating her unique wedding gown and she can't wait to shock everyone with the style. Unfortunately though, she might not get the chance. After a string of misfortunes and bad luck signs that her mother feels are a curse, Valentina decides to leave everything behind and go to Venice for a few weeks. It is there amongst the majestic beauty, the charming atmosphere and the delectable food, that Valentina slowly re-discovers herself.

This debut novel by Rosanna Chiofalo is exquisite. Readers will be caught up in all of the details of the sights and food of Venice. Though the book is written in English and takes place mostly in New York, there are several Italian phrases throughout, some easy to understand, others may need to be looked up. Readers will laugh, they will cry and they will be wishing to board the next plane to Italy, just to eat the food. Thankfully there are recipes in the back of the book. This must-read book is a beautiful tale of how staying true to yourself will allow you to accept both love and luck when they appear right in front of you.

This review was originally written for My Sister's Books.
This review was originally posted on Ariesgrl Book Reviews.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In Astoria, New York, the DeLuca women design and sew couture-lite gowns for their patrons at the family owned Sposa Rosa boutique. One of the daughters Valentina has become engaged to Michael Carello, her knight in shining armor since he rescued her from an irate villain (local shopkeeper) when she was a tweener.

They are to wed shortly in Venice. However, as the time for the nuptials is very near, Michael has second thoughts and ends their engagement. Heartbroken by the man she planned to marry since she was ten years old, Valentina travels to Venice anyway. There Valentina enjoys the magic of the city as she begins to understand how Bella Fortuna she really is.

This engaging Italian-American family drama is an entertaining tale that paints vivid pictures of Venice and a Queens neighborhood in a second chance at La Dolce Vita. Though the storyline flows as anticipated, fans will enjoy Valentina find her vita in Venice.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a wonderfully romantic story; however, I did find it predictable. Valentina, her sisters and mother operate and own their own bridal shop that had recently been featured in Bride magazine. The girls all design their own gowns and the shop is very popular. You receive both Valentina's point of view along with Olivia, her mother's. Valentina is planning her dream wedding with the man of her dreams, Michael. The wedding is to take place in Italy and everything is set; however, Michael drops the bomb and turns Valentina's life upside down. She does not allow for the disappointment in life to keep her from happiness. She pulls herself up and learns to live and love again. . ..

The history of Italy that Chiofalo has given in this book is magnificent! It has such a rich mixture of art and history that it has deepened my desire to travel to this wonderfully romantic country. Although the novel was predictable, I would read novels by Chifalo again just for the background information that is given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo is a great read that is packed with personality. The novel centers around the DeLuca family - Olivia and her three daughters who work together at their wedding dress shop, Sposa Rosa. Olivia and her husband came to America after World War II looking for a better life and had it until he passed away fourteen years ago. With stubborn determination, Olivia transforms their tailor shop into a designer wedding dress boutique that she runs with her three daughters, Valentina, Connie, and Rita.
Working with demanding brides, the DeLuca ladies have great insight into weddings and the stress that comes with them, but are thrilled for Valentina who is planning her own wedding. Valentina is to wed Michael, a boy who grew up in the same Astoria, New York neighborhood, and has been her knight-in-shining-armor since childhood. After designing and making the perfect dress and planning a dream wedding and honeymoon in Venice, Valentina is ready to walk down the aisle in Italy. An unpredictable tragedy, however, shakes the DeLuca clan to the core, and forces them to reassess what family really is.
I honestly felt like someone had been secretly watching family get togethers hosted by my Italian-American in-laws - the characters are warm and relatable. The novel is well written and addictive - Chiofalo has true voice - and is ideal for a book club as it has recipes that are mentioned in the story and has a great book discussion guide. This is a great read with lots of heart and Italian flair.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katy punch
This book was really good!
There are many plot twists and events you don't see coming, so I was pleasantly surprised. It also takes place in NY and Italy (I've always wanted to go to Italy) and reading this book makes me want to go even more now!
There is Italian language in the book, and she doesn't describe what the characters are saying, but it's still fun to read the language.
Also, at the end of the book she includes recipes that were in the book.
Rosanna's characters are really good!
I would definitely recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer waye
Rosanna Chiafolo's Bella Fortuna is such a fun read! Rosanna's imagery is sweet and delicious. Her characters are believable and come to life on the page; I felt as if I knew them. Particularly fun for me, is that Bella Fortuna is set in Astoria, NY, in the neighborhood where I grew up. Can't wait until 9/13, when her second book hits the shelves! Buona Fortuna, Rosanna!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this true romance story. Valentina was a great character. Although it took a while to get into and I kept wondering when I was going to get to Italy, once she decided to go I couldn't put the book down. It was like I was transported to Venice. Stefano was just what she needed and I do love stories where the main character finds her true love after a couple failed attempts. I can't wait for Rosanna's next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this true romance story. Valentina was a great character. Although it took a while to get into and I kept wondering when I was going to get to Italy, once she decided to go I couldn't put the book down. It was like I was transported to Venice. Stefano was just what she needed and I do love stories where the main character finds her true love after a couple failed attempts. I can't wait for Rosanna's next book.
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