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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin andre elliott
Very grateful to have found Tom Wood's novels. Just the sort of stuff I like to read. Really enjoy the Victor character. Kind of like a Mitch Rapp guy with a darker side but still an assassin with a conscience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pia karlsson
I am waiting impatiently for the next book in the series. This book (including the other 2 in the series) kept me glued to my kindle. I am a big fan of Victor the assassin and would rate him even better than Jack Reacher!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once gain, Tom Wood has written an excellent thriller that leaves the reader wanting more. The characters are well developed and the details are very precise. I'd highly recommend reading this and the other books in the series. I look forward to more from the author.
The Bad Games Series Box Set: Books 1-3 :: Murder Games :: Game: The Sequel to I Hunt Killers :: The Feminist Lie: It Was Never About Equality :: Words of Hope to Refresh the Soul - My Beautiful Broken Shell
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victor finally finds equivalence to his lethally superior skills and encounters an assignment which stretches him to seemingly infinite borders of his abilities almost putting him in a killing zone. Action? Yes! Victor's detachment from emotions? Absolutely! Intrinsic details to see mission to the end? Certainly!
An extremely enticing cocktail of cool minded planning along with headlong actions are something I can't help being addicted to. Along with Tom Wood's unique ability to depict palpable danger and unprecedentedly deep understanding of fear, Victor's character exudes "ever yota of his lethality" just staring in enemy's eyes. Five stars, not a doubt about rating down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackiemoryangmail com
Victor is a pleasure to follow, and an excellent teacher of tradecraft. Super-interesting characters, good story. My only reccos: needs a bit of sex, and I'd love to know more about Victor's background.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victor is being watched closely as he strolls the quiet streets of Vienna. Completely aware of a team of players following him, the group of watchers are about to meet the Assassin. With top skills in contract killing, he is known to many, and many want to hire or terminate him. After several tactics to lose the watchers, he corners the leader and demands answers. Not expecting a request for his services, Victor is offered a contract unaware the game he about to enter is not all it appears to be. This time he will be playing both sides; the CIA and a broker who hires killers. The broker is the more dangerous of the two as he never reveals the client or the target until all prerequisites have been met to his total satisfaction. If the broker is displeased, then any or all hired for the job will be eliminated. Victor has to prove beyond doubt he is the man for this mission.

With first class action, intelligent dialogue, excellent plot, The Game is one not to be missed and is highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chad wolff
I know what some readers are thinking...........oh great, another Jason Bourne wannabe or another super patriotic super soldier who can shoot with his arms crossed, looking super cool and stylish, can take punishments that could take down Batman and walk away without a limp, has the gosh darn handsome looks and can woo any woman he comes across, will prob. fall in love with another gorgeous Director of CIA or Secretary of Defense, can take down 20 men with nothing but his brawn and superhuman fighting skills with his eyes closed. Hmmmmmmm, that's a big no, not here and not this guy. Sure, Victor is an assassin, knows his weapons and knows how to use them, has incredible fighting skills and although cruel and brutal with his enemies doesn't callously take out the innocent in his dealings. But what sets Victor apart from the Bournes and all these other cardboard cutout badasses is his brain........yes his brain. Victor is a thinker and calculates, estimates his odds before letting mindless muscles dictate his actions. He thinks on probabilities and uses odds and experience in taking out larger forces or others with similar skills as his. With Tom Wood and Victor, its not just another "my muscles are bigger than yours" that so many others tend to do. And unlike those others, Victor isn't invulnerable or cant be hurt, but at the same time, hes not gonna be beaten or outsmarted either. He can get killed, has come close to it but the character is so on top of his game, that's just not gonna happen. In other words, he may take some bruises and punches, but he's not gonna get his butt kicked. With so many clichés and redundant stories and characters, this one is a fresh breath of air. Give Wood and Victor a shot, youll forget all about Bourne and those others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tom Wood is the best writer of hard boiled action crime novels I ever read. I love every word of his books from the beginning to the end. This is the kind of fast paced action thriller I adore. I am a huge fan of Tom Wood and his talent.

The audiobooks of these series are fantastic too. Due to the narrator Daniel Philpott, who fits quite well with the main character. I hope, Tom Wood never quits writing Victor books. I am addicted ;-)

Iris Zoughlami
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer kyrnin
This is the 3rd book about Victor the assassin . Victor is sent to executes a fellow assassin, but than gets a call from CIA to play the part of the person he had just killed.
He meets up with the person that is in charge of the murdered assassin next job. A lady and her son are kidnapped but you find out later in the book why they have been kidnapped. Victor has to take the leader of the team out for a meal in Rome which ends up in a blood bath. You find out what the job is 3/4 of the way in the book and you will not put the book down tell you find out how Victor does the job
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
atena ghaffari
I bought "The Hunter," the first book in the Victor series and enjoyed it enough that I decided to read this one too. I thought this novel was much better. The plot was more interesting, with a well-plotted labyrinth thread, and packed with plenty of surprises. I also thought the violence, while still plentiful, wasn't as over-the-top as the first novel and used more effectively. As noted by many others, this series will appeal to fans of Lee Child's Jack Reacher books. Always a pleasure to find new authors with intriguing protagonists, and this one is a keeper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
what a fantastic read!!! Wood also created a rare heartless, stone-cold, moral-less, no conscience female charater. Yet in the meantime, giving us another great mother who loved and cared about her kid, no matter what. But Victor, as always, an ultimate killing machine with a big heart.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
saviany kwok
Victor is a cold and very talented assassin. Moving past any moral issues (and we only ever see him killing those that deserve it) this is fast moving and action packed.
Victor is asked to take the place of a dead assassin and infiltrate a team that may have a big agenda. And so we see plenty of untra aware trade craft and blood and mayhem before it all gets resolved.
Victor is a fairly blank personality so while you do root for him, it is hard to like or emphasise with him. But this moves at pace and is an easy and violently entertaining read.
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