Thirty-Two Going On Spinster: A Novel

ByBecky Monson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin wilson
It was witty, humorous and realistic in a fairy-tale sort of way. Our heroine is comfortable in her hum-drum, unchanging lifestyle which befits the spinster-status she has accepted. Enter the hero who befriends her at work after he's hired for the job she had hoped to transfer to at the firm where she's worked for ten years. The way their relationship evolves, not to mention her interactions with her family members and co-workers, is so naturally presented that you begin to believe you're reading about real people, not fictional characters. A lot of the heroine's behavior at the end of the book is so similar to what I probably would have done, I'm embarrassed to even admit it.

The entire story is written in first person; not usually my favorite style but Ms. Monson makes it flow naturally. I laughed out loud several times and I was actually a little sad when I finished. If you enjoy romances containing a liberal dose of humor, clean romance and realistic plots, Thirty-Two Going on Spinster is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samar kousay
I enjoyed this book and the characters, it definitely gave off an "Office Space" feel to it (complete with stapler and all), but so much of the workplace stuff is relatable. I think many of us find ourselves like Julia, working a job we don't have any particular love or passion for, but one that we're afraid to give up in order to chase the riskier dream we really want to pursue.

I liked reading Julia's growth throughout the book, and how she builds relationships with Brown, Anna and especially Jared. The book has a lighthearted vibe at its core, even if there is also romantic tension and drama. It was a welcome change from most of the other books in this genre.

One thing I'm not sure I bought was Jared's actions regarding Julia and her job. I get his thinking, and it fits the idea of getting someone you care about to take a risk and pursue their dreams, but it felt like too big a risk he was taking; like he was gambling with someone else's life and choices. He had no idea that she would land on her feet with a fantastic opportunity at the bakery so quickly, and he knew she just bought a condo. It could have easily gone the other way, and forced her back into her parent's basement with no money and no dream job.

No one else seemed to get that, except Julia herself, they all seem to take Jared's side in the matter. In the end, it worked out and she's happier in her new job (and she clearly loves him), but I personally would have understood if she never spoke to him again after that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book and responded emotionally to the characters, especially the "spinster" and her sister. I felt impatient with them early in the story, but more empathetic and positive about them later in the book. Thoroughly entertaining read, Ms. Monson!
and an Unlikely Family - A Story of Resilience :: Planet of the Apes :: The Brothers K :: a Foundling (Penguin Classics) - The History of Tom Jones :: Inherited Danger (The Dawning of Power trilogy Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julia tompkins
The first third at least was so utterly mundane, I almost gave up. But I kept plodding along and finally it started to pick up and speed up. Overall, it was a nice, clean little story. Okay, she used a few "hells" and maybe a couple "damns" but no f-bombs and no sordid sex scenes. For that reason I kept reading and I'm glad I did because the last half was much better. I usually only give 5 stars if the book is "knocks my socks off" good. A 4-star is for books I enjoy but my socks are still on my feet. Three stars are for books I know the writer did work hard on but was not quite there. This one really is in between 3 and 4...maybe a 3.75. I would recommend it, but you might slide through the first part. Read enough to see from where the main character is coming so as to set yourself up for the remainder (the good part.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz johnson
Not what I usually read, but I really enjoyed Thirty-Two Going on Spinster. I like the way it's written (1st person), I like Julia even though I reserve judgment on the fact that she's living in her parents' basement some ten years or so after working full time. Ah...that full-time job, that's the problem. She hates it. She wastes time. She gossips. Until, of course, a handsome man shows up, but the action doesn't take place as one supposes. Okay, she does fall, but I'm not going to tell you what happens next.

Just believe---it was good enough for me to buy the sequel, which I have yet to read, but expect to be entertained just as I was with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barry cohen
This was a fun story. A light romantic piece with a quirky, self-deprecating main character who is convinced she is heading straight for spinsterhood. The characters were likable and well developed. The language was the only problem for me. Although it read quickly due to its conversational tone, I started to become very annoyed at the frequent use of the "slash". When writing, just put it there, don't write out the word slash. It was the proverbial thorn in my side. Overall, I liked it and would be interested in reading other contemporary pieces by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At the risk of labeling myself a spinster, I found I related far too well with Julia! :O It's almost as if the author was writing my life story with one huge exception... I'm still waiting for my Jared to enter my life. lol

This is a hilarious story that most of us single gals can relate to, whether it be Julia's perspective on life, or her friend, Brown's.

This book is a quick read that I didn't want to put down, unfortunately my lunch break ended, so I was forced to. :D

I am looking forward to reading the next installment in Julia's life. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a light, fun read. Julia sees herself as a spinster... someone who is very plain, quiet, and goes home to only her cat each night. Julia has friends and a crazy talent for baking, but she doesn't see that as anything but a hobby. A new employee at her company steps into her life and shakes things up in every way. Julia isn't big on change, but in the end, these changes make her very happy.

I actually had to stifle my giggles when I was reading this in the dentist's waiting room. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a fun summer read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa clarke
I liked this book it is heartwarming, romantic, and family centric. The story has gossip, boring jobs, baked goods, and betrayal. It's Julia awakening from a shy backward and unhappy to outgoing and beautiful woman. Thinking her life is going downhill, she tries to overcome her perceived fate and become happy. I really like the read, but all of her major decisions are because of a man deciding it for her, "for her own good." She also constantly puts herself down, telling herself she can't do this or that or dismissing her own progress, while elevating the man to divine status. Still, a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
You know the movies that the critics tear to smithereens but end up blockbusters? Well, that is THIS book. It's light and funny with just the right amount of angst and self-doubt that makes you fall in love with the main character. All the characters are well fleshed out and enjoyable in their own right, making you want to see their stories too. It's not a gritty, action-packed epoch destined for a Pulitzer, but if you are looking for humor, candor, self-doubt, and finally this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a fun read. I enjoyed seeing Julie transform from a depressed wallflower into a more confident woman. It started a bit slow and I was concerned that her negativity wouldn't turn around, but it did! She made progress in her career, her family relationships and in romance. The male lead was charming and just mysterious enough. The were a few laugh out loud moments (which I will not spoil)and there are many single woman who will relate to Julie's problems and triumphs. 33 Going on Girlfriend is on my kindle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hesham amin
This was a thoroughly enjoyable read. No it's not "Pride and Prejudice" but just a very different story than alot of what is out there. I could hardly wait to get back to it to find out the next turn in Julia's life. Lighthearted, great for a relaxing summer read-------or anytime you need to relax and get-away-from-it-all!! I don't usually do reviews because once I finish the book, though it may of been fine, I'm not sure others would agree not this one "should" be enjoyed by all.
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