Fractured: V Plague Book 15
ByDirk Patton
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is another excellent book in the series if you have not read the first book I suggest you go back and start at the beginning it's the only way you're going to understand it and you will realize that this is why this series is so great. I gave this a five star rating because of the fast-paced action the character development and the fact that John is still grieving over his wife. This shows that he is not a Superman but just the man. I was angry because of his change of character but then I realized how would I feel if the events in the book happened to me so I became more excepting of his behavior. But most of all I am so glad that DP bought a character back was missing from the book and in my opinion is a better character than Rachel or Katie yippee yay thanks for bringing that character back into the storyline no spoilers who it is I suggest you read The series from the beginning again as I said earlier because you will enjoy it and just think by the time you finish and catch up the next book should be out so you'll be up to date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nuzhat saadia
I waited to finish this book to publish a review. I've read. no, DEVOURED all fifteen books. I couldn't read fast enough to find out what happens next. I'm an avid reader. Love all genres. But this story line had my head spinning from page one, book one. Laugh out loud. Cry out loud. Curse out loud. I did all three and more. John, Rachel, and Dog burrow in and will not let go. Meeting Jessica, the military quips, Nitro, Lucas. Cracking up at Ziggy's antics with the grill spatula and the guys. Take your choice but this is a must read series! I loved it! The next in line will not come soon enough! Mr. Patton, I can not thank you enough for such a wonderful, enjoyable story. Write faster!
A Plague of Secrets (Dismas Hardy) :: The Night Before St. Patrick's Day :: and Constellations--and How You Can Find Them in the Sky (Child's Introduction Series) :: With Essays on Conservation by Leopold - Aldo (2001) Hardcover :: Transmission: V Plague Book 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paige jordan
As the author suggested to readers who had not previously done so, I read his novels, 36 and The Void, before reading his latest installment in this series. I don't think I'd have known what was going on if I hadn't done that first. Fractured is a departure from the routine slicing and dicing of the "infected" as the biggest threat in this book is the human factor. There a loose ends hanging all over the place as this book ends which has me looking forward to the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I agree with the author's comments in the afterword: Some readers are overanalyzing things. This is well-written fiction that is meant to be entertainment. I'm not usually a fan of serialized writing style, but he has kept the story fresh, and while some plot twists have worked better than others, the result has been to keep the action flowing and the reader's interest renewed. I'm looking forward to the next installment, and plan to go with the flow and simply enjoy the ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As the author suggested to readers who had not previously done so, I read his novels, 36 and The Void, before reading his latest installment in this series. I don't think I'd have known what was going on if I hadn't done that first. Fractured is a departure from the routine slicing and dicing of the "infected" as the biggest threat in this book is the human factor. There a loose ends hanging all over the place as this book ends which has me looking forward to the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick grizzard
I agree with the author's comments in the afterword: Some readers are overanalyzing things. This is well-written fiction that is meant to be entertainment. I'm not usually a fan of serialized writing style, but he has kept the story fresh, and while some plot twists have worked better than others, the result has been to keep the action flowing and the reader's interest renewed. I'm looking forward to the next installment, and plan to go with the flow and simply enjoy the ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan b
I admit, I have mixed feelings about this book. I stopped a couple times to make sure I got the right book, then stopped to re-read the end of book 14 thinking I forgot or missed something. Then I had to trust that I completely enjoyed the previous 14 books, therefore I trust the author to continue the story based on his gut and vision. The afterword helped immensely. In Dog we trust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris reid
Here I made the mistake of thinking this book might bring the story to an end. NOT. Will just have to wait and see what comes next. Must say I did enjoy seeing 2 characters I thought were left behind in the story pop up at the end, but was also waiting for another one to appear before the end of this installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Major John Chase what have you done now! Another enjoyable read and exciting story.
Not to sure about the time machine, but after everything else why not. So where has Rachel gone? Where have the Russians gone? And what next, who cares just keep writing.
Not to sure about the time machine, but after everything else why not. So where has Rachel gone? Where have the Russians gone? And what next, who cares just keep writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olivia petra coman
The story has transitioned from a battle against the infected to a battle against the Russians to save Australia and Hawaii. Still plenty of action and some plot twists that you wouldn't believe. Good stuff. Keep 'em coming.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really liked this series until it jumped the shark and time travel was introduced. I guess since the author has said he’s received hate mail about this I’m not the only one disappointed. It just throws the whole somewhat believability out the window and since then the story is ragged and just seems like the author has no idea where the story is going. Before, there were incredible shifts to the story that were believable, but I couldn’t wait to finish these last two off so that I could say I’m done with it. Time to move on without a good end to the Plague.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda agnew
I've had kindle unlimited for just under a month, and I've just finished binging this series along with 36 and the void. And Jesus. I couldn't put them down! I'm absolutely in love with this series and characters, and CANT wait for the next book in January. Keep it up! I need more!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ernestasia siahaan
I find myself feeling the build up during intense moments and wondering what happens next. I stopped reading this series, once the time travel element came in at the end of book 14. However, I picked it back up to discover the conclusion. Maybe it's my need for closure, but I'm still reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raul nevarez
Sometimes when a series go on and on, the author begins to run out of ideas and the plot becomes the same story recycled in different ways, but not this series! The plot has only become more exciting and intriguing, I eagerly anticipate reading the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best non-zombie, zombie series ever! I read one book after the other! I couldn't help it! The characters were developed enough to seem like friends. I teared up about Dog! This is a must read series for anyone who enjoys stories about zombies!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered this series back in January and I've binged the entire series like it was on Netflix. I cannot get enough. I also really enjoy the timeline aspect as well, it adds layers to the story that you don't really get in world ending series.
Please RateFractured: V Plague Book 15
This one starts with Lucas, Chase, Rachel and dog on the run. The timeline will change and none of them will die though Lucas ends up in the hospital.
A single man changed the outcome. A man who used a sniper rifle. A man who held that rifle with the barrel pointed up letting John know he wasn't a threat. Who that man was Chase didn't know, nor did he care as long as he, Rachel and dog made it out safely.
Thirty hours earlier FBI Special Agent Bering was in Hawaii trying to speak with Admiral Packard. Captain Black isn't having it. Not until he knows exactly who Bering is. His ID is legit but his looks aren't. Bering is a tall man with a long pony tail. Not you're average FBI Agent. Bering had just appeared in from of Packard's desk. Of course he's there to explain things to Packard if only they give him the chance. Bering is an asset for the Athena Project. A time traveling reality that no one will believe exists. A carrier is on its way to the Athena site which is in gulf. Bering has told them there is no time to lose.
Packard decides he needs to speak to this man and head to the interrogation room to do so. Once there Packard gives Bering ten second to convince him. Bering tells him that if he doesn't listen, Major Chase will die along with most of the people in Australia from a nerve gas and Hawaii will be nuked because the US Navy missed a Russian sub that is out there. He tells Packard the information is inside of him and he needs an iPad to give Packard the info. Packard sends for Captain West who enters with an iPad. Packard is about to ask the prisoner how to proceed when the man vanishes right before their eyes.
Bering is back at Athena headquarters wanting to know what just happened. Dr. Anholts tell him gravitational waves are causing fluctuations within the temporal field. That's why Bering was pulled back way early before he could tell Packard what would happen and prove it.
Packard saw Bering vanish so he believes what he's heard about the Athena Project. He also need to find out if any Russian subs are still out there. The American nuclear sub North Carolina is out there and will be looking for that Russian sub if it exists. Packard is also about to cancel the op Chase, the SEALs and the rest of his team are currently on. The death of the Russian Barinov.
So begins one damned fine read.
This one has John, Rachel, Dog, Nitro, Bunny, Goose, Monk, Lucas and his team, his wife Ziggy, a John who resigns his commission when he gets word that Packard has scrubbed the mission, Commander Sherman who heads up the SEALs who were supposed to go with him, a Sherman who has orders to bring Chase back to Hawaii, a Chase who has no idea why Packard is scrubbing the mission, a Chase who has no idea what killing Barinov will mean, a Jessica who warns Chase that the SEALs C-130 has been turned back to Australia with orders to apprehend him and his men, Lt. Commander Adrienne Cable who is in command of the North Carolina since her boss Commander Talbot is down with the flue, a flue that will kill him, a Cable who gets her boat into the hunt for the Russian sub, a Cable and crew who will be successful, a Cable and crew who won't live to bask in that success, a Chase and his team who are met with a Russian HInd, a Sherman who had the C-130 land, a Sherman who is shot, his team of SEALs who are all killed, Nirtro, Bunny, Goose and Monk who are also killed, a Chase, Rachel and Dog who survive, a hard trip to Sydney, Lucas's group who are all captured by a turncoat and the Russians, a Packard who is trying to make plans to fly those is Hawaii to Arizona to avoid the dying planet, Igor and Irina who found her Uncle and are having a hell of a time getting out in the bitter Siberian winter, an Igor who stays so Irina and her Uncle can get away, a Igor who is located by Strickland who was one of the SEALs sent with them, he's the only survivor of the SEAL teamt, a man who proves himself over and over again as he and Igor track Irina and her Uncle, a rescue of both, a Rachel who comes up with a way to take out Barinov once they learn exactly what will happen if he's killed and John Chase doing his best to save who he can, understand what's going on and stay alive.
Five Stars and then some.