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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna lena
Becca has done it yet again with this amazing book. I love reading anything that she has to write. From my first time picking up hush, hush, to this I can't put it down until it's finished. I spend days not sleeping.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john hardin
This is the first book by Becca Fitzpatrick that I have read. I have been waiting to read this one since I saw the cover. Despite some of the negative reactions to this book I enjoyed it. It kept me interested and had a fun and twisty story. Britt and her friend Korbie decide to go hiking in the mountains instead of to the beach for spring break. A girl after my own heart. I would have chosen the same. To Britt's surprise her ex, and Korbie's brother, Calvin decides to chaperon. Britt is still conflicted about how she feels about Calvin and isn't too happy about him coming. While getting supplies she picks a random guy in the store to play her fake boyfriend. Lucky for her he plays along and does a great job. When Britt and Korbie are on their way to the cabin a big storm hits and they are stranded in the jeep. They decide to walk and hopefully find a place to get out of the weather. They stumble upon a cabin with a couple guys in it. A couple hot guys, unfortunately for the girls things go south fast. They are not regular guys, they are fugitives and their trip just got a whole lot worse. Will they make it off the mountain or die trying?

Mason and Shaun have to get off the mountain and Britt is their best chance. They are on the run and can't wait to be rescued. Luckily for Britt she has had some training and has Calvin's map that is very detailed. Britt however recognizes Mason as the guy at the gas station. She tries to use that to her advantage. He didn't come off as a kidnapper to me. Not someone who would commit crime either. There was just something about him that was different. I was on his team the whole time to be honest. There's something about forbidden love that I like and falling for your kidnapper takes the cake. Mason and Britt share glances and secret conversations. Britt is conflicted about this for obvious reasons. Let’s just say things get steamy with these two until Britt finds incriminating evidence. Will she be able to get away to the safety of Calvin? Is running away more dangerous?

I really enjoyed this book. Did some stuff happen that was kind of unbelievable? Yes. I thought it was perfectly normal for Britt to retreat to her positive memories of Calvin to escape her situation. I didn't really like Calvin though. I think it was because he cheated on Britt and I hate that. No matter what. Korbie was your typical rich girl stereotype. Not to bright and kind of annoying. I thought they all worked well for the story though.

I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
t walsh
Becca Fitzpatrick wowed me with her Hush, Hush series and now she has left me utterly speechless with Black Ice! Seriously, I do not remember what the last book I read that left me totally speechless. There are really no words, and this isn't even a paranormal read people! It's a thriller! And a decidedly good one at that! You all may know by now that the paranormal reads hold my attention--any degree of paranormalness--but there are times when I can be totally taken away with a good thriller! Usually it ends up being a YA one, but no matter!

The story starts off pretty ordinary, Britt and her best friend Korbie are going to spend their spring break at Korbie's parents' cabin in the mountains/woods. Britt wants to go hiking along the trail that expands over the area. Mostly, she is wanting to do this because her boyfriend, Calvin, also Korbie's older brother broke up with her. He always used to do things like this and she's ready to prove to him that he left behind something great.

It doesn't take long for things to go incredibly wrong, when the weather gets bad the girls must abandon their vehicle along side the rode and seek shelter in a cabin with two guys. They're like a year or two older than them, but things prove to be just as dangerous outside as it is inside with two strangers. And it turns out that they are in fact, quite dangerous and are on the run from the police. Claiming to know the mountain well, Britt says she can take them to the road so that they can be on their way. Britt secretly has a map of the mountain that she pilfered from Calvin and knows where things are, lakes, cabins, ranger stations that can hopefully provide a ranger to help her.

But naturally, things aren't as easy as they should be.

This read was so, so intense! I loved every minute of it. That it lacked paranormalness didn't bother me, the intensity of it all was such a thrill! There's a lot more going on here to the story than we initially thought. And around halfway I started to realize what was really going on and oh wow was that a shocker!

I don't want to get into many other details for lack of shock factor for you guys. Only know that this read was A-MAZING! This truly is a thriller to behold, as danger lurks everywhere for Britt, not only is she traveling with two criminals, but the weather itself is a danger to them all. You can only go so long with being in the cold, plus there are still wild animals in these woods. Yeah, danger is all around and there's definitely more than one way Britt could possibly die out there.

One of the kidnappers, Mason, is a bit of mystery though. There's definitely more to him than Britt initially thinks because there are times when he acts downright polite and considering. It's hidden sometimes by scorn or derision, but there's definitely a mysterious vibe coming off that dude! And there are answers to those conclusions, but again, not saying anything!

I have to say that I absolutely LOVED this one! The final chapter definitely made this out to be an enjoyable read! Without that, I would've felt utterly lost and devastated. Black Ice is truly one of the most amazing reads this year! It's kind of a dark and twisted read at times, but coupled with moments that make you rethink everything you thought was true! Read this now!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars
Hush Money (Spenser Book 26) :: Soulprint: Discovering Your Divine Destiny :: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible - The Grave Robber :: You Are One Decision Away From a Totally Different Life :: HUSH (Black Lotus #3) (The Black Lotus Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leila desint
Review of Black Ice
Hot Toasty Rag, June 7, 2017

"Danger is hard to resist…"

So is that tagline! Normally, I don’t go in for scary reads where teenage girls are murdered and left in the snow, but I just couldn’t “resist” Black Ice—and thank goodness I couldn’t! This book is fantastic!

The opening chapter is told from a teenage girl’s first person perspective. She goes to a bar, gets picked up by a handsome, charming cowboy and goes home with him. Then, he ties her to a pole and strangles her. The lead—or who you thought the lead was—dies! The next chapter starts a completely separate story with another teenage girl’s narration. Could the same fate await her? With an intro like that, all bets are off.
Thankfully, Becca Fitzpatrick doesn’t write overly gruesome scenes, but she doesn’t shy away from blood and guts either. She knows when it’s necessary and when it’s time to stop. Also, how many times are “thriller authors” stereotyped for bad writing? Not true in Black Ice. She’s descriptive of the surroundings, realistic in inner monologues, and doesn’t scrimp on tension!

The protagonist decides to go backpacking with her girly friend in the snowy, stormy mountains during her school break, but when the weather overpowers her car, they find themselves wandering around in the snow looking for shelter. The shelter they find is already occupied…with two handsome men…who are also mysterious and a little too charming…who may know what happened to that young girl who went “missing” at the start of the book! Sounds pretty yummy to me.

Coming from someone who doesn’t even like this genre, this should mean a lot: on the next snowy (or rainy) day, start reading Black Ice and get ready for a suspenseful ride.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3 - "Be safe. Mountains are dangerous at this time of year." Stars.

I think the first thing too say about Black Ice, is that if you are expecting characters similar to Patch and Nora (Hush, Hush series), then you are probably going to be disappointed. I and a huge fan of Patch Cipriano, and I loved Nora Grey, so it was with a little trepidation that I started Black Ice.

Bearing in mind this is not a PNR novel, and is more of a YA romantic suspense, it was easy to not draw comparisons. I also think most readers are probably going to either love or hate this book. I myself really disliked Britt and Korbie for the first 20% of the book, and several times I questioned what was Becca thinking bringing such an abhorrent pair to the page.

I had never considered myself brave. I was the spoiled daddy's girl.

The story does get going a bit more after that, but I was left with the lingering thought that, although on the surface these two are supposed to be best friends, the internal monologue you get from Britt makes them sound more like enemies, that are friends trying to one-up each other, and prove who is the 'bestest' over the years... One of them even has a list of who beats the other on looks, manicures, etc... I never felt like I was reading YA with Becca's other books, this one felt it though.

That said, it is a well written story, I loved Mason/Ace, as the story progresses it is evident that a lot more is going on with this group of people, than you initially expect. There is one pivotal piece of evidence that is produced very early on in the story, that pretty much gave me the clue as to where it would eventually go, and I wasn't wrong.

I'd grown up more in the past few days than I had in four years of high school.

Britt tells you this story, I wonder if Becca intentionally characterized her the way she did in the early stages of the book, as a way to highlight at the end of it just how much the whole adventure did change her. As the transformation from spoiled brat, to young capable woman is pretty remarkable. I won't say I liked her at the end of the story, but she gained a little respect from me, she 'grew a pair' when it mattered and I think that was the point.

"I can't let go of you," ... "and I don't want you to let go of me."

Becca Fitzpatrick is still one of my top authors for YA/NA books, Black Ice is different from what you will have read from her before, give it a chance. The story is there, as you would expect it is well written, the character development is sound and it will keep you entertained for a few hours. I look forward too seeing what adventure she take us all on next!

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent willett
Britt has one wish, she wants to spend her spring break in the mountains. She's trained for months to be ready for the Teton Range. She's taking her best friend Korbie with her. Korbie isn't as keen on the whole idea as Britt, but she still decides to come along, mainly because it means she can spend time with her boyfriend. Britt is still in love with her ex Calvin, Korbie's brother, who's a fanatic hiker and she hopes he will be there as well. Korbie's parents have a big house in the mountains, but the two girls never arrive there. They get stranded in the middle of a snowstorm and they need to find a way to stay warm. Britt has Calvin's map of the area, so she knows a place nearby where they can get some shelter.

When Korbie and Britt finally arrive at the place they had in mind for shelter it's already occupied by two good-looking guys, Shaun and Mason. Mason isn't welcoming at all, he doesn't want to let them in, but Britt convinces them to change their minds. Soon she finds out that Shaun isn't a very nice guy, certainly not someone who can be trusted. He kidnaps both of the girls and Mason helps him with his plans. Things are going even more wrong when they decide to go out in the snow. Britt is the one who has the map, so they trust her directions. She wants to get to safety as soon as possible, but what is safety and where can she go?

Black Ice is a great thriller about a teenage girl who has to hike through the snow with two scary guys. Shaun is the frightening of the two and Britt starts to like Mason. She has a lot of unfinished business with Calvin, so it isn't wise, especially not since Mason is her kidnapper. The weather is horrible and Britt soon discovers that it was a good thing she had some training. I loved the way Becca Fitzpatrick described the horrible conditions and the dangers of hiking through such rough weather. The story is definitely gripping and I couldn't wait to find out how it would end. Of course I had my suspicions and they were pretty accurate, but that didn't change anything about the way I experienced the story.

The weather is so important, it's a bit like a main character, which gave the story something extra. The setting is fantastic for a thriller, the mountains are unsafe when the weather is bad. Shaun is a creepy person, but is he the only one? I couldn't read fast enough, I had to find out what would happen next. Britt has to grow up really quickly. She has her flaws, but I liked that she faces them and that she's tough. If you like a good YA thriller I'd definitely recommend this book. I think Black Ice is a great, gripping read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
First some personal disclosure, I am a few years older than the target YA age range, but I do read a lot of YA books and generally enjoy them. This review also contains minor spoilers.

At first glance, the plot seemed intriguing, you have murders, kidnapping, suspense etc and a potentially strong heroine. The idea was ok, the execution was poor in that there were just too many things that were so unbelievable that I could not wrap my head around it. At first Britt (mc) is presented as strong and independent, but she is whiney, petty and immature. She has a toxic relationship with her "best friend" who she sometimes hates but is like a "sister" to her anyway yet this friend does nothing for their relationship. Their "friendship" was more mean girls with a lot of underhanded manipulation than a real relationship. Then you have Calvin who is a total douche and 100% unlikable. It would have made sense for Britt to act the way she did towards him had he been a good guy, but anyone can plainly see he is shady and manipulative.
Things went south as soon as we get to the thick of the plot, the kidnapping. Britt and Korbi (her friend) get stranded in a blizzard and find a cabin with two strange men and invite themselves in for a sleep over to stay warm. I will overlook the stupidity of this situation (despite the books many references to Britt 'training' and 'preparing' she still manages to get them lost and in this situation) because sometimes as a reader you just have to go with it. As the book went on it got increasingly hard to "go with it," especially Britt's relationship with Mason, one of the men who kidnaps her.
As someone who majors in psychology, Stockholm Syndrome is something I am familiar with, a form of bonding with your captor in the wake of a traumatic event that causes the victim's values to align with the captor, however in this case it felt a little forced and unrealistic. Mason had no redeeming qualities in the beginning except he was hot and less of threat than Shaun and sometimes helped Britt out. He forces her into many dangerous situations and constantly has rage and anger expression on his face that make Britt feel threatened and uncomfortable. Yet she (obviously) is attracted to him and thus this makes it ok to make out with him. What?! As a strong independent girl supposedly, she throws this all away for every boy she meets and likes. She totally compromises her identity for Calvin, and Mason, relying on them and not herself. Also as an alleged survivalist at heart she makes a lot of stupid choices.
And finally there was so much going back and forth between Calvin and Mason I didn't really care in the end, because the twists didn't feel believable, they felt forced like "watch out you won't see this coming, I'm going to make the reader really confused." The twists didn't seem natural in that I could see a pattern of behavior that could have given clues. Instead a bunch of "realizations" happen that the author tells us without clues just "oh yea this happened a while ago now it makes sense" kind of stuff. And the way it ends, with the whole thing taking place in 4 days and suddenly Britt (major spoiler) is in love with Mason and they live happily ever after? Despite the fact he was going to exact a murderous revenge and kidnapped her, she isn't concerned that he had the intent to kill plus committed crimes to get there? And she forgives him, sure he save her life but he also put her in that situation.

Final thoughts: Perhaps because I am in my mid twenties this book was just too far beneath my reading level, so if you're older I would avoid it. Maybe younger readers will identify more with some of Britt's decisions, but I personally don't think there's anything romantic about this book. Especially if you're a believer in strong female characters because you'll be disappointed that yet another lead compromises herself for a man who has to save her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camila leme
Contemporary Young Adult, Romantic Suspense

Teton Mountains, Wyoming

Britt Pfiffer trained so that she can backpack the Teton Range. What she isn’t prepared for is an ex-boyfriend who has decided to join her. An ex-boyfriend that still haunts her every thought. An unexpected blizzard hits before she can begin to explore her feelings for Calvin though. It also forces her to seek shelter in a remote cabin and accept the hospitality of the two very handsome occupants. Unfortunately the two men are fugitives and Britt soon finds herself hostage.

Britt agrees to guide them men off the mountain in exchange for her life. Britt knows she must stay alive long enough for Calvin to find her. Britt soon finds chilling evidence of a series of murder that took place on that very mountain which complicates things even more. It is also a discovery that makes Britt the killer’s next target.

Nothing is as it seems though in the mountains. Everyone it seems is keeping secrets. Including Mason, one of her kidnappers. Britt is confused by his kindness and is wondering if he is an enemy or an ally.

This is a book that has so many twists and turns in it that it will keep readers guessing as to just what is going on and what secrets everyone is keeping and if Britt will even manage to survive the mountains. This is a book that is hard to put down once the reader starts it as they will want to know just how it ends and they are taken on an amazing ride.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrea tilley
It seems like everything I liked about this book was matched by something that I didn’t like.

The things that I liked:
Black Ice has a pretty creative plot line that seemed quite unique to me. Girl and friend go into the mountains for Spring Break. Girl’s ex-boyfriend decides to join them, but before anything can happen, a blizzard stops them from getting anywhere. Girl and friend set out into the woods for help and find shelter with two strangers – who happen to be fugitives. They kidnap girl to get them off the mountain.

Cool, right? Well, not cool exactly but different. The beginning of the story really drew me in. It has descriptions like:
Her boyfriend “scribbled poetry on church walls, park benches, cars, and her own hungry soul.”
Wuuuut? I like that.

The beginning and the end were pretty exciting and well-paced. They have a good bit of action and they were exhilarating. The book is a fast read and kept my attention most of the time. I was drawn into the character’s stories and was really interested to understand their motivations and backstories.

The things I didn’t like:
The middle section dragged on for way too long. I feel like a lot in the middle could’ve been cut out and it would’ve made for a much better paced and captivating novel.

The main character is plain, naïve, and a little boring sometimes. She was just kind of there; there wasn’t really anything super memorable about her. SPOILER: Other than the Stockholm Syndrome, of course. I was really, really creeped out about this and it made me extremely uncomfortable at times, which might be part of the point, but it was weird. I really didn’t understand it; romance would not have been a concern for me if this happened.

I predicted the end halfway through the novel. I even made a note that said “________ has been the murderer from the beginning – prediction halfway through the book.” Haha.

The bottom line: Overall, I was interested in the story and I definitely wanted to keep reading to see how everything panned out, but there were weaknesses in the characters and plot that affected my overall enjoyment. I’m having trouble figuring out a rating because I’m not really sure if I liked or didn’t like this one overall.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel weiner
The intense setting of the book, in the middle of a snowstorm on a trip up into the mountains gets this story going. The excitement never stops, whether it’s dealing with an annoying ex-boyfriend or a new handsome stranger, and the overlying threat of freezing or dying at the hands of her captors keeps the protagonist on her toes and the reader turning pages.

​I struggled with the back and forth ​​with the friend​​ship between Korbie and Britt. It didn’t seem genuine nor did it seem deep, as Korbie is one of the most self-centered, bratty girls I’ve ever read about, and Britt is an “independent” spoiled, (and frequently stupid) rich girl who can’t seem to get over her douche bag ex-boyfriend. ​

​Then you have their trip up into the mountains, where they end up getting stranded because Britt didn’t want to pump more gas into the car and then the idea of staying in their fully stocked car with extra food/sleeping bags/gear was less attractive than stumbling around in a massive snowstorm just to maybe find some sort of help in a huge, unknown area of a mountain range.

I think the author wanted the readers to find the two men they find attractive, but I found them creepy. I really hated the Stockholm syndrome going on…though I liked that relationship than the lost one Britt continues to pine over. Still, it was disturbing.

Speaking of pining, Britt constantly is thinking about old “cute” memories of her and Calvin together, which distracts from the whole plot line and is annoying. Though it’s not much of a love triangle per se, it just wasn’t necessary. There was plenty of conflict without it and it got to the point where I just wanted to shake her and scream: PICK ONE.

Before you think I hated the book … I didn’t. There was enough action and excitement to keep me needing to find out what happened. And the
epilogue made everything worthwhile. It had more character development and true friendship than happened in the entire book.

I’m in the targeted age group for this book, so am writing from that point of view, and I wouldn’t give it to anyone under 13 because of the lusting, and (rather creepy) thoughts and actions with both of the men that Britt LOVES to DEATH and the gory details that describe dead bodies found along with a little language.

Honestly, Black Ice was painfully, horribly interesting. ​

originally posted at long and short reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan keating
After setting off on their Spring Break hiking in the mountains, Britt and her best friend Kobie get stranded in a massive snow storm. Trekking to a nearby cabin, they stubble upon two guys, Mason & Shaun, believing they can help shelter them until the storm passes. But it soon becomes clear that they are in even more danger than ever. Forced to help guide the two men off the mountain, Britt is pushed to her limits, mentally & physically. Knowing that several girls have gone missing or died in the mountains is the past, Britt starts to question what these guys are running from, and soon it become's unclear who is on who's side.

This book is a fast paced and chilling story full of suspense. I was on the edge of my seat until the very end, desperate to know if Britt was going to survive. I was a little worried at first that Britt was going to be a weak heroine, and at first she was. But she learns to rely on herself to survive. She becomes a stronger person and embraces an inner strength she didn't even know she had.

I was surprised to see how much Britt grew during those few days she spent on the mountain. At first I felt she was a very weak and naive girl. She relies of everyone around her and never really takes any responsibility. But after being forced into protecting herself from her kidnapers and survive in the dangerous conditions, she discovers a stronger more resilient person within, and I liked this version of Britt much better.

Mason has a question mark over him the whole time. We know there is more to him that what he's letting on, but whether it's good or bad, we don't know. What is clear is that he does have a conscience and wants to protect Britt, despite being partly responsible for get kidnapping.

Korbie, Britt's best friend (if you can really call her that), is an extremely shallow character. She's vapid, materialistic and is not exactly that nice to Britt. I can't say I really liked anything about her. Her brother Calvin was much the same, and to be honest I can't see what Britt ever saw in him. He's vain and was always making fun of her, I just couldn't stand him.

I'm glad to say there is no love triangle in this book! Mason is the character that Britt is drawn to and despite the fact he's involved in kidnapping her, I personally didn't feel there was any Stockholm Syndrome occurring (it's hard to explain why without spoiling the ending). What I loved about the relationship between Mason & Britt was how he respected her abilities and showed her she was stronger than she believed. The flashbacks of her relationship with Calvin always felt like he felt superior, but Mason and Britt were represented as equals.

I really enjoyed the writing style, with flashbacks to Bitt's relationships with both Kobie and Calvin. We get to see the weak girl Britt used to be, compared to the stronger girl she's becoming. I have to admit I guessed who the murder was very early on, BUT this didn't ruin it at all. I was on the edge of my seat and actually gasped out loud during some parts! And the epilogue gave the perfect closure to the story!

Black Ice is a gripping, fast paced thriller that had be throughly entertained the entire way through. Full of suspense and a dash of romance, this is sure to please YA fans.

Sexuality: medium / references to sex & virginity
Violence: medium-strong / kidnapping, dead bodies, guns, shooting, murders etc
Language: medium / occasional f word
Drugs & alcohol: mild-medium / some minor underage drinking
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVE this book!

First off, let me say that this is a book that has an amazing setting - the kind of setting that makes you want to go outside and spend time in the wilderness/forest/woods - anywhere that makes you get in touch with you inner survivor of the fittest. It makes you want to go exploring and pick a fight with a bear!

When I read a book, I'm constantly predicting what will happen next and imagining all sorts of different scenarios, but this book had me glued to every page, keeping me in the moment only! I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!

It kills me to admit it, but since I wasn't looking ahead, the plot managed to totally surprise me! WOW!

As for the characters ... well, the two main characters I loved! Britt had to step up during the book and rely on herself for the first time ever. She endured and survived, and after it was all said and done, she had grown so much! I absolutely LOVED the romance, and the ending was PERFECT!!! As for the rest of the characters, they were absolutely ridiculous! I can't even get in to it, because the only word to describe it is ridiculous...

"There was something about almost dying that made me desperate to feel alive - and his touch was the only thing that made me feel alive right now."

I LOVE this book so much because it had me gripping the pages, it had my heart pounding, it had me anxious and smiling and wanting to go exploring! I loved the plot, and I loved the romance, and I sure as hell loved the ending!!! 5 STARS
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ugh this book. It had tremendous potential with the "trapped in the snowy mountains with wanted men" storyline but there were just too many issues.

- The heroine was oblivious to red flags. I guess in her world attractive people couldn't possibly be evil. She was a shallow princess.

- The heroine kept getting everything wrong. The reader is able to figure out all the supposed twists early on (though I'm not sure that's what the author intended) so waiting for Britt to catch up tried my patience.

- When we find out why the killer killed it was the lamest reason in the history of lame reasons.

- By the end, for some unknown reason, the Hero still wanted her. Omg I would have said good riddance when they first parted.

The narrator did a good job. Her voice was pleasant and her acting skills were spot on despite the material she was given. But this would have been a DNF if I didn't have back to back road trips this week and was in need of a book to read to pass the time. Don't waste your money.

*Purchased through Audible*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Posted first to Blog Critics as Book Review: 'Black Ice' by Becca Fitzpatrick.

Chance meetings can be just that, meeting someone at a point of time and never seeing them again. Yet there are also encounters that bring fast friendships, or possibly even danger.

In Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick, Lauren Huntsman has a chance encounter that changes her life. No one knows where she has gone, and her family is horrified. Yet she is not the only young woman to have gone missing.

Britt Pfeiffer is not worried about some random disappearances. As her class decides to take their break in Hawaii, Britt talks her friend Korbie into backpacking with her in the Teton Range. Korbie’s brother Calvin was Britt’s boyfriend, and suddenly he dropped her with no explanation. Korbie doesn’t know what happened, but when she agrees to the trek, Calvin also decides he wants to tag along. Calvin is very experienced in the outdoors, while Britt has done more rudimentary training. Unsure of how she feels about this unexpected situation, Britt and Korbie agree to meet him at their destination.

Wondering if she can figure out what happened to them, and determined to rekindle their relationship her plans go awry when they get stuck on their way up the mountains. Knowing that Calvin is on his way, they are not so much afraid of being on their own, but that they might freeze before he reaches them. Deciding to take their gear and hike the rest of the way to their destination, they get lost but stumble on a cabin that appears occupied as they begin to lose heart. Two young men inhabit the place, and agree to help them after much discussion. They seem nice and it doesn’t hurt that they are good looking. That is until the gun comes out. Suddenly they understand the dangers of the mountain in a new way.

Agreeing to help their captors find their way out of the woods, Britt knows that Calvin is on his way and will save them. Stumbling upon a body in a hidden trunk in the room where she is kept, she begins to understand that she and Korbie are in way over their heads. The descriptions of one of the missing girls’ clothing match the clothes on the corpse in the trunk. Can they survive long enough for Calvin to find them?

Fitzpatrick has given us characters that seem quite real, and the mistakes they make on the way while a bit sophomoric, seems to fit in with the character and age of the girls. On the surface Calvin seems like the knight in shining armor, but there is something wrong that you can sense from the beginning. Yet Britt has stars in her eyes and misses the strangeness that is noticeable to the reader.

The beauty of the wilderness shows through as well as the danger of the weather and terrain. To have trust in such a setting of someone unknown only shows how desperate and afraid the young women were on their own. Letting down their guard in the most inappropriate situation has put them in danger.

This work takes you into the darkness of a killers mind, but the red herrings have you guessing and wondering what is really happening. There is a chilling secret that slowly peels away, revealing the truth of who can be trusted.

This book was recevied free for an honest review. All oninions are my own based off my reading and understanding of the material.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Becca Fitzpatrick brings readers her first standalone young adult suspense novel. This book is a major departure from Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series with was largely paranormal in nature. Black Ice is a thrilling novel that the reader will find a hard time putting down. Fitzpatrick uses a spring break back-packing trip to land her heroine in some very hot water with a possible killer. Reader's who are looking for a romantic suspense novel with a younger set of characters will probably find a lot to like here.

What I liked:

First let me say that I have not read Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush series. I like young adult paranormal novels but that is just a series I never picked up. That being said, Black Ice was my first experience with her writing. Fitzpatrick struck me as an author who wants to change things up a bit. Let's face it, there are not that many YA thrillers out there. That type of book is just now starting to catch on in the YA genre. So, I would say this book was a little risky. But Fitzpatrick proves she is up for the task.

Black Ice starts out with a chilling prologue in which the reader learns that there is a killer somewhere in the area. They may not know how that fits in with Britt, the heroine of the book, but they know this isn't your typical YA novel right off the bat. I liked the fact that Fitzpatrick wanted to let readers in on that little secret right at the beginning. It definitely added to the creepy factor. You want suspense, I'll give you suspense, let's kill someone in first few pages of the book! Gutsy, if I do say so myself.

Britt was what I would call a typical teenage girl. She thought she could do anything, including hike the Teton mountain range with a snowstorm in the forecast. Do you know many teenagers that don't think they can rule the world? LOL. The problem was she was a bit of a spoiled brat. She may have trained for her trip but she wasn't a survivalist. She didn't have any experience and she relied a little too heavily on the male persuasion to get her out of trouble. All that being said, she was just a young girl and I thought Fitzpatrick nailed that. She had to learn how to be a strong independent woman, and if being kidnapped doesn't do that for ya, don't know what will.

I loved the tension, the suspense and the sense that you really didn't know who to trust. Who was the bad guy? Even Britt isn't sure. I found myself riveted to the pages, because I just couldn't put my finger on it. I wanted to know how Fitzpatrick was keeping me from figuring out who that killer was. I was shocked at what was really going on. I wasn't even close to being on the right track and that is a rare occurrence.

Calvin was Britt's ex-boyfriend. He cheated on her. He dumped her, he was a scumbag, but she still wanted to impress him. Sound like any teenager you know? Yep, me too! Korbie was Britt's best friend. A best friend that was even more spoiled than she was. A best friend that was constantly putting her down. Friend or enemy in disguise? probably a little of both. Who were the most intriguing characters in the book? the kidnappers, hands down. Mason and Shaun were 'menacing' in some ways. Secretive, hostile. I liked that, I wanted to the bad guys to be bad guys, but I wasn't sure they were bad guys... eke gads! I liked this book a lot.

What I didn't like:

The maturity level was a bit lacking for me, but that might be a my own issue. I wanted Britt to be strong up front, and that took a little while. She was a typical teen and I was afraid she had Stockholm Syndrome when she started falling for her kidnapper. But it got better. And she started to solve her own issues. I didn't like the idea that a man had to fix things and when that faded away I was happier.

Bottom Line:

This book probably isn't for everyone. I think Becca Fitzpatrick gives readers a great teen heroine, but you have to keep in mind that she is a teen. There were moments when Britt let the men in her sphere take charge and had me scratching my head at the idea that it took a man to do it. But all that aside. It was still a good book. One that made me turn the pages fast and furiously. A good take on a YA thriller. We'll see if she does more.
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