The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World

ByJames F. Twyman

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This movie is excellent. I teach classes in The Law of Attraction, and I was finding that people were so focused on "getting stuff" that they seemed to overlook an important spiritual aspect to the Law of Attraction. I feel like this movie addresses this head on and gets into how the Law of Attraction can be used for the purpose of serving.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked the movie but the book is better. It has a great message saying, we have alot of power in ourselves and it gives you a method to use to manifest things for yourself. I got this DVD to share this kind of positive message with the people in my life I knew wouldn't read the book. So far my Dad really liked it. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
we at the Hollywood Fl Center for positive Living showed this DVD twice and did an 8 week class on the book. New thought for those of us who study it is not new. It is wonderful to see people discover these truths for the first time,

The I am, that I am part of the film did a lot to open peoples eyes. The parts where Debbie Ford (in the film admits to being "that" (a negative quality) is excellent too. Rather that critique the Moses Code or the Secret, I choose to really celebrate these works because they help waken people to "connection" oneness, and see how we are all interconnected etc,, This is pretty good book. The DVD is more fun watch.
The Bar Code Tattoo :: Keys to the Kingdom :: The Queen's Code :: Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography - The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary :: Let There Be Light
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I felt like this movie really explained the point of "The Secret" in a much clearer way. The "Moses Code" has more of a focus on inner satisfaction and happiness instead of manifesting of material things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah christine
I enjoyed reading "The Moses Code"very much. It was insightful, informative and exciting to learn how Moses so many years ago used the "Law of Attraction" and how it all started. This book is for someone who believes in the power of manifesting and I AM THAT I AM God.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ashley saar
This book was recommended to me and I am glad that I read it. However, as I am more spiritual than religious, the bible references were a bit uncomfortable. For those more comfortable with the bible references, I think you will really enjoy this book. It definitely expanded my view.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
meagan baty
I have seen The Secret and heard that this movie would give us something more. I really like the Hay House authors and lectures and I listen to their radio programs weekly. Repeat authors from The Secret as well are on the DVD. I have more of a problem with the look and feel of this movie over the content. It seriously could have been put on a CD. Basically it is just one quick interview after the other. I was very suprised that the same Director for The Secret did this movie. Possibly there was just no budget? It is simply lackluster. The Secret is much more dynamic in the way it was made. I do recommend "You Can Heal Your Life" another Hay House film and "What the Bleep Do We Know". For the money its a better deal and very thought provoking.
This movie is supposed to be 90 minutes. Really? My player said 60. Honestly it just left me feeling pretty disappointed for all the hype.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I've heard references to this book on different occasions and expected something more worth while. Not to insult the author but he writes like a high school freshman who associates the written word with conversation. In that sense it's very easy to read, or boring in another sense. No sources, no evidence, references, nothing. Completely hearsay and opinion. The man has no study in any of the topics he is discussing. Though I did find what he had to say somewhat valuable, enough that I don't regret buying this book completely
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
craig patterson
A very interesting book, to say the least. However, what James describes only happens 'if' a person can stay in a particular mindset; and in today's world, that's not possible. With all the negativity that goes on around us, to stay focused on our desires is impossible. Who could be that greedy, to only focus on themseslves?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Re: The Moses Code - very good reading, especially after reading "Wishes Fulfilled". It sort of completed the entire circle of manifesting. Yes, slightly dramatic, a bit philosophical, but just happened to resonate with me at the right time!!! I intend to read it over again soon. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie todd
This is the third book about manifestation/healing that presents deep breathing as an important tool in the manifestation ritual. Max Freedom Long' books about hawaian magic, Evelyn Monahan's Metaphisical Healing and now "The Moses Code". Is deep breath some magical tool? Breath equals spirit?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor foerster
I have been a follower of Wayne W. Dyer for almost 40 years and when he suggests something I am inclined to follow his suggestions because he hasn't misled me in the past. I am a believer in the Law of attraction and this book helps to fill in the missing components to making the concept more viable. I purchased the CD I am wishes fulfilled Meditation and Wayne mentions the Book during his introduction. Reading the book "The Moses Code" has made doing the meditation more powerful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
se n linehan
Theres lots of how to books out now about making our dreams a reality and this one is the best one I have read. Why? It gives the process for manifesting in a very clear way and puts it in the larger context of realizing our oneness with all that is, and material stuff alone is not enough to fulfill us. I have to laugh at the person complaining of this book not being on the internet for free. I guess $12.95 is too much for a book that could change your life. Theres a lotta bang in this little book that takes awhile to digest. My advice would be to practice its teachings whole heartedly for a month or so as an experiment, and see what happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey reckling
Jerry and Esther Hicks and Abraham, The Secret, Louise Hay's new movie" You Can Heal Your Life",all of Greg Braden's work, and so many more, and now, "The Moses Code"by James Twyman. This is the next step in manifesting, whether in the physical world or the spiritual world. This book leads us further along the path of manifesting at a Soul level.
I am blessed to have read and experienced these authors or as I like to call them, spiritual artists. Thank you!!
Ramona Font
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks James, for one more great textbook on the subject of "The Law Of Attraction". Unlike the book "The Secret" which was mostly a transcript of the movie by the same name "The Secret", Both was about "The Law Of Attraction", but there were come complaints that there were no mention of God in relationship to "The Law Of Attraction" in "The Secret".

In "The Moses Code": The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World. James F. Twyman, bridges "The Law Of Attraction" with God, and the life of Moses in the Bible, with included Bible Verses for references.

"The Moses Code" is a beautiful, knowledgeable, and very easy book to read. Once you put your hands on it, it is hard to put down. The exercises that are given to help readers reach their goals using the "Law Of Attraction" are fun, and easy to do.

As a "Law Of Attraction", and "Art Of Allowing" coach, I would recommend "The Moses Code" to anyone who wishes to get what they one out of life, and do not want to wait. You can truly "Have It All"......NOW.


L.E. "Step" Stepteaux, Jr., C.Ht.

"Law Of Attraction", and "Art Of Allowing" Coach.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amible gal
I bought this book because a friend told me about it. I am still reading it and so far I am enjoying the book. I like the fact that it does use scriptures and you must know the Word of God so that you can understand the spiritual power that we posses as believers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After having seen the Secret a few months back, I somehow expected this movie to be a sequel of sorts. Since the director of the Secret also directed the Moses Code I was not too disappointed. A few of the same inspiring speakers from the Secret were in the Moses Code, and I especially enjoy listening to Beckwith, the African American Visionary with the long hair. What he has to say in this film about God really resonates with me. The point is made in the movie that the G in GOD is for giving, the O is for oneness, and D is for destiny, your spiritual destiny, since God is within us.

This film is highly recommended for those who watched the Secret or have read some books and have some basic understanding of the Law of Attraction principles and other mind-body truths and seek to fine tune their thinking in this area to a little higher level.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney dirksen
The Moses Code is one of the greatest books I've ever read. It defines the use of the code that Moses was given by God in a way that no other book has ever done. I've used the Moses Code in my own life and have fantastic results from the use of it. I recommend this book as required reading for everyone on this planet.

Raymond Day
Mastermind Associates
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hesham abdelghany
The Moses Code; is a direct and easy read, the direction is quick and easy to follow. I feel that all who read this book could not help but, advance themselves, and appreciate life and how it can be, if you truely want
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah brooks
The Moses Code is one of the greatest books I've ever read. It defines the use of the code that Moses was given by God in a way that no other book has ever done. I've used the Moses Code in my own life and have fantastic results from the use of it. I recommend this book as required reading for everyone on this planet.

Raymond Day
Mastermind Associates
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura zlogar
The Moses Code; is a direct and easy read, the direction is quick and easy to follow. I feel that all who read this book could not help but, advance themselves, and appreciate life and how it can be, if you truely want
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah c
I read the book in "stages" at first. Once I got a clear mind-set, I was off and running, or actually, off and reading! I am so grateful to everyone who made this book possible, it has gotten me through some very challenging times, and I was also able to share some of the ideas and thoughts expressed in THE MOSES CODE! I will read it many times over, I am certain!

With Love and Gratitude,
Marion Williams
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff hammond
Staying positive is tough in the modern world.
Rushing around and losing focus diffuses energy and pulls anger and negativity to the front.
I have embraced The Secret as a way to focus on the positive elements that
I want to pull into my life, and The Moses Code is the next step.
Feed the soul, and the rest will follow.
The Moses Code is one of my daily living tools.
Read it Now!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
carol estes
Pie in the sky, atm-styled mysticism. Double-speak form of spirituality. According to the author you simply invoke the name of God and all your hearts desires are manifested from the great ATM in the sky.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book is ok. Not a bad read. I am not sure on the breathing in and out speaking "I am". I think the sell is based on a persons feels after he gets the knowledge of "The Moses Code" they will be rich and famous.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hamed zarrinkamari
"Mose's Code: The most powerful Manifestation tool in the history" may be the most disappointing self-help book i had read. I suggest "Power that be (The Mayfair Lectures)" by Alexander Cannon as a very good spiritual manifestation book.

After reading the book, I find there is no Mose's code ! I cannot find Mose was using any method or concept of LOA mentioned in the book. Because the author's most of intrepretations of the scriptures make no sense and illogical. And i think they are wrong and nonsense. The author seems has a poor knowledge of the Bible and God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
James Twyman takes the Law of Attraction to the next level by not only providing tools for manifesting, but also manifesting from our SOUL level, not the EGO level. We can manifest all the material items in the world and still feel unfulfilled. Manifesting from the Soul level creates inner peace, joy, and happiness for the Self as well as promoting these attributes into the world. The world is shifting and it is our choice (as a human race) on how we shift. Will we continue operating as a self-centered race concerned only about lack and what we need for ourself (Ego based) or will we move into love, compassion and peace for ourselves and others (Soul based)? Which world do you want to live in? James Twyman gives us tools and information to change the world in a positive, peaceful way by doing our part to create it. If you read this book with the intention of only manifesting material means, you're missing out on the True Gift.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Like The Secret and the Abraham-Hicks works, this book is based on the law of attraction and manifestation. He brings to it a new tool, based on the meeting between Moses and God where God appears as a burning bush, and when asked his name says, "I am that I am."

He explains that the actual Hebrew words God used when he spoke to Moses were "EHYEH ASHER EHYEH." According to the Jewish faith, this name is not to be spoken aloud, because it is considered a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. This accounts for the fact that while it is an extremely powerful tool, it was not used except in the temple.

The literal translation is actually "I will be who I will be," but this is where he believes intent comes into play. If you intend to use the statement "I am that I am" to attract and manifest God's will, then that is what will be done.

He gives specific exercises to incorporate this new tool on several levels, as well as examples of positive attraction and manifestation.

He takes the law of attraction to a more spiritual level, beyond manifesting a new house and a good income, to giving, being one with God and other individuals. "The ego seeks to get, while the soul seeks to give." He thinks it's fine to manifest things that meet our physical needs, but it is important to continue to manifest things like, peace, joy, love, grace and patience.

His ten keys to manifesting everything you desire are:
1. Be clear- because "Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it."
2. Be open - "Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open"
3. Be willing
4. Be happy
5. Be focused
6. Be expectant
7. Be energetic
8. Be positive
9. Be true
10. Be grateful - "the Universe bows to a heart filled with Divine appreciation."

This is a positive book that gives us a Biblically based tool to support the law of attraction and manifestation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine pillai
This is somewhat late in sharing. But I did read this book back in 2009. I was 74 at that time. Upon my second reading I open up to a page that challenged me. Basically it said to me WHAT DO YOU WANT. Well I thought that over and concluded I could not think of anything. I closed the book, then from my inner thoughts I recalled telling a good friend that I missed my 1995 Mazda 929 that I sold to a friend in need. That was it...just a thought.

Next morning I get a call from my Son who lives in the Charlotte NC area. I was in San Diego, so anyway he asks me to get on to my computer and check out the email picture he just sent me. So I did. Guess what folks, here is a picture of a Mazda 929 on Craigs List with 52,000 miles on it and they were asking $2,500 for it. They were selling this same year car in Southern CA for $3500 to $4000 at that time. Then my son asks me if this was a fair price...are you kidding me.

Now to tell you how complicated this was, I asked my son where is the car...My son actually lives in SC. Oh the car is in NC. I told him I would take a day to think this over. Well at the last minute the next day I called my son, go check the car out. He did, he called me and told me he was test driving the Mazda while we talked. OK make an offer of $2500 to them. Then he discovers the owner lived in Texas. This is getting silly...son lives in SC, I live in San Diego, owner of the car lives in Texas.

The next morning he gives me her name and phone number, the rest is history. This car is sitting in my drive way as I write this. That was 2009 and the car still runs great and by the way, these 929's are very quick and fast. Just pull up next to one and find out for yourself. So yes this principle does work. We do live in a magical world that we are part of and it does want us to have what ever brings us joy. I have lived this for a number of years. So at 80 years old, I do look much younger, both the Mazda and I still look good and are doing great. Wish you the best!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am so sorry about all of the reviews that express this book is another "new age trick". I am so sorry about all the reviews that said that this book has the same "non sense" that other so many books out there about the law of attraction. But I must say that i am not surprised, otherwise the world would be a much better place if only people wouldn't buy this book with the only purpose of becoming materially wealthy right away. This book is about changing old, archaic ideas about a separated God into a oneness. I have been immersed myself into the Oneness movement for a few years and I could not describe with words not only the material things I have attracted to my life, but the peace and connection to God I enjoy in my everyday life. It is all about faith and internal work. This book is not for lazy people that think that they're going to get all the answers in one book. This book is for people that recognize they need a better spiritual life and are willing to work hard to achieve it.
This book has so many ideas from " A course in Miracles" I highly recommend the course if you liked "The Moses Code" although A course in Miracles is a much deeper, extensive and challenging book, only for those serious about learning oneness with God, it is not for everybody, but a must read if you are ready to change your life forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Taking concepts from the scriptures to high levels of meaning is `routine' in Eastern religions, especially Hinduism/Vedic Religion, but here is a rare program that does that with a key concept of the Abrahamic religions. The strong message is that the journey of Moses is the journey of all of us to transformation, a journey to become a person of wholeness.

The interpretation of "I am That I am" to "I am That, I am" is a key message of this presentation. It resonates the message of Hinduism ("So Hum"-I am That).
The main points presented are: the importance of giving which is simultaneously receiving, willing to accept the giving from the higher power without blocking it with ego issues, realizing the Unity behind all divisions (another Vedic/Hindu concept), a brilliant analysis of the Burning Bush, importance of spiritual practice through which we can understand the Divine Will, and encountering our inner pharaohs so that we can hopefully get to our destiny of the holy land/promised land.

Out-of-the-ordinary, to say the least. Many presenters make the program, and as always, some are way better than others. This DVD comes highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily w
Twyman's has written a very interesting and motivating book about the Law of Attraction. His difference is incorporating the name of God commonly interpreted as I AM. Some may be comfortable with this, others may not. As some have pointed out, you can find this information elsewhere, but so what? You have to read it somewhere. Every book and author adds a piece to the puzzle of life, they can't in themselves add every piece or claim to be 100% original. If you are interested in prayer and the Law of Attraction, his book is very interesting and will inspire you to believe for more in your life. He also makes clear that material gain without spiritual growth will not bring fulfillment. Get it and you will finish it; which is where the value comes from a book in the first place. Next, put his concepts to work, adapting them to your own personality. The point is to believe in God that there is enough.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lisa hall
It's interesting to read the review that come in just to tear this production down.

I will say they are right, that this isn't anything new. A lot of us have been studying the "Law of Attraction" for some time. However this is an interesting new spin on it, and I know from personal experience that the tools given, work, period. I came to know the laws of manifestation at a young age when I found that I could think about something, and in a period of time it would show up.

I do with the film had gone into a bit about the law of "Paradoxical Intent." Being that this was a Hay House production, and on Hay House Radio the was the main issue many authors had with "The other" big film on manifestation (not going to give the title.. you know which one I mean) I felt it was a shame they left that information out. Basically in that focusing on our fears of not manifesting, or focusing on the want of something, brings want. A lot of the books out there on Manifesting go over this however.

I will say this IS a feel good film. I felt very good for watching it, and it's likely going to be a staple in my spiritual film collection. I do think they could have gone a little more in depth, and I would have liked to have seen some longer interviews with some of the authors like John Holland, Sonia Choquette, etc., since the are briefly featured and named on the packaging. Micheal Bernard Beckwith was fabulous though, and brought out a lot more of his views on the subject than they did in "the other" film, and gave a bit more insight on his take on spirituality which I truly did enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sandeep guleria
The book is fine, but the sub-title makes a very tall claim 'The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World'. The more appropriate claim would be 'One of the most Powerful Manifestation Tools in the History of the World'. It is understandable that the author is proud of his religion and the Moses Code, but it is very telling that he has not studied or accepted other religions and 'codes'. If he cannot accept the validity of other religions/schools of thought, it contradicts the message of 'accepting without the ego blocking' presented especially in the DVD 'The Moses Code'. Of course, it was one of the other presenters in the DVD that mentioned the ego block. I hope the author understands the problem of the ego-block.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Taking concepts from the scriptures to high levels of meaning is `routine' in Eastern religions, especially Hinduism/Vedic Religion, but here is a rare program that does that with a key concept of the Abrahamic religions. The strong message is that the journey of Moses is the journey of all of us to transformation, a journey to become a person of wholeness.

The interpretation of "I am That I am" to "I am That, I am" is a key message of this presentation. It resonates the message of Hinduism ("So Hum"-I am That).
The main points presented are: the importance of giving which is simultaneously receiving, willing to accept the giving from the higher power without blocking it with ego issues, realizing the Unity behind all divisions (another Vedic/Hindu concept), a brilliant analysis of the Burning Bush, importance of spiritual practice through which we can understand the Divine Will, and encountering our inner pharaohs so that we can hopefully get to our destiny of the holy land/promised land.

Out-of-the-ordinary, to say the least. Many presenters make the program, and as always, some are way better than others. This DVD comes highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dimitris tzanerakis
Twyman's has written a very interesting and motivating book about the Law of Attraction. His difference is incorporating the name of God commonly interpreted as I AM. Some may be comfortable with this, others may not. As some have pointed out, you can find this information elsewhere, but so what? You have to read it somewhere. Every book and author adds a piece to the puzzle of life, they can't in themselves add every piece or claim to be 100% original. If you are interested in prayer and the Law of Attraction, his book is very interesting and will inspire you to believe for more in your life. He also makes clear that material gain without spiritual growth will not bring fulfillment. Get it and you will finish it; which is where the value comes from a book in the first place. Next, put his concepts to work, adapting them to your own personality. The point is to believe in God that there is enough.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It's interesting to read the review that come in just to tear this production down.

I will say they are right, that this isn't anything new. A lot of us have been studying the "Law of Attraction" for some time. However this is an interesting new spin on it, and I know from personal experience that the tools given, work, period. I came to know the laws of manifestation at a young age when I found that I could think about something, and in a period of time it would show up.

I do with the film had gone into a bit about the law of "Paradoxical Intent." Being that this was a Hay House production, and on Hay House Radio the was the main issue many authors had with "The other" big film on manifestation (not going to give the title.. you know which one I mean) I felt it was a shame they left that information out. Basically in that focusing on our fears of not manifesting, or focusing on the want of something, brings want. A lot of the books out there on Manifesting go over this however.

I will say this IS a feel good film. I felt very good for watching it, and it's likely going to be a staple in my spiritual film collection. I do think they could have gone a little more in depth, and I would have liked to have seen some longer interviews with some of the authors like John Holland, Sonia Choquette, etc., since the are briefly featured and named on the packaging. Micheal Bernard Beckwith was fabulous though, and brought out a lot more of his views on the subject than they did in "the other" film, and gave a bit more insight on his take on spirituality which I truly did enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shannon britton jones
The book is fine, but the sub-title makes a very tall claim 'The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World'. The more appropriate claim would be 'One of the most Powerful Manifestation Tools in the History of the World'. It is understandable that the author is proud of his religion and the Moses Code, but it is very telling that he has not studied or accepted other religions and 'codes'. If he cannot accept the validity of other religions/schools of thought, it contradicts the message of 'accepting without the ego blocking' presented especially in the DVD 'The Moses Code'. Of course, it was one of the other presenters in the DVD that mentioned the ego block. I hope the author understands the problem of the ego-block.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angel walk
Yes this book has some similar concepts to other books concerning the law of attraction(mentioned in other reviews). I found it easy to read and enjoyed it. I never was able to finish The Secret, but easily finished this book, as well as The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships and Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting.

I have always believed that if you get one good idea out of book, it is worth the price. There must be thousands or cookbooks with different versions of vegetable soup. This is just Twyman's version of the law of attraction. And most of his previous books are in this category(spiritual). What puzzles me is folks who want to claim this is a marketing ploy. How do they know his intent?? Did they talk to him?

All I can speak to is to my experience.

*The book cost me less than $11 dollars.
*James Twyman didn't ask for my 401K savings for this 'knowledge' or 'secret'.
*I definitely got several new ideas.
*I found it to be an easy read.
*I never talked to Twyman so I don't know what his motives are - but I like some of his other books too so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Keeping things in perspective, I found this book to be worth every penny of the $10.36 I spent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keltie nelson
Twyman explains that, centuries ago, God gave Moses the most powerful words of manifesting that have ever existed. The Bible details the most amazing miracles that ever occurred, due to these miraculous words. Through the holy words explained in this book, Moses was able to manifest miracles that eventually forced the pharaoh to let the enslaved Jews go. After this, these words were kept secret, to be used only by those who had knowledge of them. Twyman makes these powerful words available to all. He also includes many useful and effective meditative exercises in his book. This form of meditation does work! It is amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm not generally a fan of 'talking head' movies, where various experts spout information and wisdom. Maybe that's because most of them tend not to engage me on a level deeper than the mind. I can honestly say that I was inspired and moved by watching this movie. The collection of experts for the most part did a great job of communicating the message. What is the message? That spiritual laws are available to each of us, and that we have a higher calling than just to use them for personal gain. Filmmaker Miki Willis took a seat in front of the camera to share a deeply moving account of his personal experience at the 9/11 ground zero, and in doing so imbued the movie with heart. James Twyman also contributed an emotional moment with his sharing of a profound loss. Debbie Ford, Michael Beckwith and Ilanya VanSant stood out among the speakers with their clarity of concept and depth of message. It's hard to capture the essence of this type of movie in a review, so I recommend that you simply check it out for yourself.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pooja shah
I read the all the comments, and understand where the premis of the book is coming from.
Acording to Jewish tradition the universe was created thrugh the power of 22 hebrew letters. Moses was given the secret of commanding nature.
This involved invocation of the right combination of three Hebrew letters
codes out of a set 72 different combination codes. This powerful knowledge is mentioned in the ZOHAR (The Kaballah, which is the secret wisdom of the Jewish people). However, the knowledge of how to use the codes correctly has been lost.
So,The Moses Code book has not found it, and is misleading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, in my opinion far surpasses Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. I really enjoyed The Secret but I LOVE this book. James Twyman has a great sense for writing and knows how to keep me interested. I've read this book several times, watched the video, and even listened to the music score. I only compare it to The Secret because they both approach the Law of Attraction as a mystic secret hidden for ages; but with Twyman, he reverts back thousands of years, drawing from the Bible, to the story of Moses, so I'm immediately interested in the book. There are very few authors that I follow , but I will read everything Twyman releases. Am I a fan of Twyman? After reading the Moses Code, I can honestly say "I Am that I Am" :)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I did NOT like this book. When the author says that this book has the answer to the Moses question in all history, I take offense with this statement.

When I read this book and also after the SECRET, I kept thinking about Eckhart Tolle's Book, A New Earth and the clear messages that he and Oprah shared with the world.

This book said nothing that I did not know before in all my life time. I am a UNITY student and over one 100 years ago, Charles Fillmore and his wife said just about every word that was printed on the MOSES CODE pages.

I am afraid that many people are jumping on this "CODE" business. Let us go back to the beginning of the Bible and go over every word in the Moses story.

What was the real point of Moses freeing the Jews and taking them out of Egypt? It is/was the end of slavery for the Jews and finally after the 10th plague created by God, they were freed, for EVERYONE on the earth. It is said that unless every person who is still in slavery and is not set free, we are and will all still slaves. This is the MOSES CODE. "Do unto they neighbor as you would do to yourself".

Thank you for allowing me to share my perspective on this book.

J. W. Rosenthal
This was not a "Kids Review" I am a true adult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel mongeluzi
I loved this book and learned quite a bit from it. It's a powerful guide to manifesting through the Law of Attraction, yet it takes a different approach by focusing on giving instead of just receiving. I loved its approach and it's positive, compassionate message. The 10 Blocks to Manifesting Everything You Desire in this book are enlightening and powerful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I picked up The Moses Code from the shelf at the library. It is one of those books that sort of popped into my zone of awareness.

I'm not big on prosperity preachers or the law of attraction. I don't think we are here to gather as much material possessions as possible. If you do, then I suggest you read the first half of the book - it might help fulfill your desires.

I got more interested in the book when James moves towards the deeper purpose of the book in the second part.

If you are interested in a deeper experience in this life then this book might be helpful. I hope it helps.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What supposedly passed between God and Moses that day on the hill? What simple truth had the power to change his life and the life of those around him forever? The Moses Code introduces new meaning to God's name and offers a higher understanding of our connection with God and manifestation. The Moses Code features world renowned speakers such as Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey.

If you missed The Secret, or want a better understanding of where The Secret came from, then make sure you watch The Moses Code.

Your life is waiting. The world is waiting.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah hoffman
Beware. This book talks about two paths. The author himself warns reads to be sure if they want to go down one of the long narrow path. And how hard it will be, and sacrifices and so on. This is more of an occult book, using biblical character to win Christian readings. The god described in this book seem to give you anything you want because you keep asking for it in a certain way over and over again.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Moses Code: The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World

The subtitle, "The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World," coupled with the attractive cover-design, and the fact it was a Hay House offering, all pulled me right into the authors well executed marketing scheme for an otherwise paltry and spiritually insubstantial bit of redundant and repackaged, same-old, same-old, information. This rehashed and poorly researched book is obviously lacking (from the authors own implied admission) in personal experiential testing by the author himself, a fact and circumstance which shows through clearly in the wide cracks of his sprawling, not-so- definitive presentation; though, he brazenly presents much of the material as pure spiritual fact, when in actuality, he (the author) is only familiar with the majority of it in a cursory sort of way , all of which clearly exhibits the authors less that perfect mastery of his own subject and teaching. Not exactly the formula for a good book. Simply put, everything in this book can be found in thirty or forty-thousand other books, beginning with the over-rated, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne on down through seemingly countless other, equally insubstantial book offerings, whose authors have tried to ride Ms. Byrnes New Age wave into their own newly re-worked version of the Law of Attraction. One might call their efforts an attempt to establish an entirely New Law of Attraction, all of which could be summarized by saying, "If you want to attract wealth to yourself, then simply read a few books on the Law of Attraction, then adroitly repackage the same ideas (carefully using different words, of course) into your own book, and just sit back and wait for a hundred thousand desperate, but spiritually unknowledgeable, and philosophically unwary, people, to go and rush out to buy it." I would imagine this New Law would work --- at least for all these authors --- almost as well, or perhaps just a little better, than the old version of the law, which most all of them appear sorely lacking in first hand knowledge and application..
I think the problem, not only with Mr. Twyman's book alone, but also so many other spiritually weak and efficaciously doubtful works like The Moses Code is that the authors themselves simply do not have the necessary educational and experiential background of in-depth, accumulated hands-on knowledge in using and mastering all of the various occult and psycho-spiritual tools that really are out there and available to be discovered, often though, only at the price of many years of dedicated study and experimentation, as well as spending a good amount of your time buried deep in the stacks of musty old college libraries. But, rest assured, there is a spiritual payday for such investments: the persistent and diligent student, who is truly seeking to discover and get a handle on the spiritual mastery of life and physical reality, along with all of its attendant circumstances, will find pure spiritual gold in some of the most out-of-the-way and strangest of places. That fact, in itself, almost seems an unwritten Law of Spiritual Serendipity and Discovery. Of course, as a rule, this type of really demonstrable and provable, what I have come to call "Almost magically wonderful information," as well as the techniques for their implementation, are sometimes only to be found in the most obscure places and/or in, what one might call, some of the most unpopular books ever to be published, based upon, of course, their obvious lack of adequate sales at the book stores. To give you such an example, I would only have to mention Dr. Israel Regardie's metaphysical classic (but poorly selling over the years), which is a veritable tome of treasured manifestation and attraction secrets, all of which are solidly grounded in demonstrable, provable, and efficacious spiritual laws--- laws, which when properly implemented, will quickly deliver all that they promise,...and sometimes even more, in dependable and repeatable results for all to see and bear witness to, as well. These will be spiritual laws that, though relatively unknown, are as certain and provable as the law of gravity, or for that matter, any other real law. Now, those are spiritual laws you can learn to live with, as well as bank and bet on... and in some fortuitous circumstances and outcomes, eat and spend, as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian clement
What I have read thus far is really good. I have always known that there is power in words and that the miss use of words can kill. Really surprised that I had been most of my life using the words 'I am' for very specific things that I wanted. Happy and delighted that what I wanted would come to pass. Never knew why it would just knew that it would. The Moses code gives me more information as to how to put it together better to manifest more indepth. It is always important to know how to ask properly. Nothing worse than asking for something, getting it but not quite what you really wanted, yet still you got it. eg. I asked for a job to pay my bills. That is exactly what I got, a job that just paid the bills and nothing else 'total suck!' What I really should have asked for is a job that paid the bills, bought food, clothes, enabled me to go out and enjoy life, put money aside for savings and a holiday. But no I asked for a job that paid the bills! The Moses code also explains parts of history and why the code had been lost and how to use it. I know that it does work. Happy that I bought the book to learn how to use the code better for me and those around me. kind regards Annie Capil
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brian whalen
Moses did not receive the 'tool for manifestation'. Just another new age gimmick to get people hooked into their mindset. However just as the highest musical note can shatter glass, so too the highest spiritual vibration can shatter delusion. Christ is that highest spiritual vibration for He is the Word of God...I AM.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tucker fitzgerald
I felt that many of the principals in this movie could do much to bring about peace and the uniting of our religions and human kind. People need to stop fighting about God and start experiencing who God is, the I am that I am, which is not separate but whole.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Do you appreciate movies that stir your soul and awaken your heart's dream? Then I recommend this movie. I watched the movie and it appears to fill in some of the gaps that are missing in a similar movie around the same vein, The Secret. It doesn't delve into the Law of Attraction per se, but it explains the creative power that generates the things, people, or situations that we attract. It is funny and light but also deep and thought-provoking. If you watch it and are left unscathed by the movie, then perhaps you expected to be entertained rather than become evolved. This movie interprets the "story" of Moses and how this archetype plays out in our lives today, as it is a metaphor for the Creative Process--GOD. If you enter into the spirit of the film, you are sure to appreciate the humor, the love, and wisdom that can inspire you to get in touch with your higher self.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This film was made in the style of "The Secret" and was pleasant to view. If you buy that the statement, "I am that I am" is missing a comma midway, then you may enjoy seeing it. It certainly could be interpreted that way. I, however, think the statement stands as it is and that a comma was not intended. I think it refers to the is-ness of the I AM. It simply IS. It is not (insert anything). That would imply limitation. It is that it is -- I am that I am -- is not subject to time and space...or mind conceptualization. The Bible has plenty of other (and clear) ways of saying what the film makers say this statement is about (for example,'turn over a stone and you will find me there'). I love Debbie Ford's other works and she did a good job with this film, even though I don't join her in the missing comma theory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I highly recommend this book and the video. As promised it is a powerful manifestation tool. The video is one I play often. The cameo's from Neale Donald Walsh,Michael Beckwith, and others is truly profound. Both the book and the movie bring it all in perspective. Its an aid that centers you into a truth that has never been shared quite this way before. Worth every penny and more. Its an easy read with powerful gifts to share. Use the tools shared and it will transform your life. I highly recommed it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

The idea here is that the Moses Code is a ','


Taking aside the HUGE problem that the comma is only there after you translate this to English, look at how it reads.
The only way a person in this DVD could say this line to someone is when that person was arguing with them. So they had to say.

So that only way this line can even be spoken is if MOSES WAS ARGUING WITH GOD.

Which doesn't really seem very likely.


Also, this DVD is filled with platitudes, wellness sayings and corny dialog.

Don't let this turn you away from spiritually, check out WHAT THE BLEEP, or A NEW EARTH or A COURSE IN MIRACLES.

Maybe even the book may be good, I haven't read it, but reviewing the dvd, if your seriously into your spiritually, the way its presented could really annoy you. It really annoyed me.

Though I would praise the IDEAL behind the DVD, the INTENTION to spread a message of goodwill is very admirable.
Unfortunately I found the presentation and the CODE itself lacking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oleg kapush
A wonderful Movie! What was missing in The Secret was available in this movie. I loved the conversations with all the amazing spiritual leaders and how simple things really are when you take the time to look. This is a enlightening, transformational film that is fun to watch. I highly recommend this movie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darrah dussome
This book is absolutely great!!! It centers around the insight that Moses was given the secret for attracting everything in life, and that this secret was given nearly 3,500 years ago.

Interestingly, James Twyman reveals that the effective use of the Moses Code depends more on what you're willing to 'give' rather than 'get.'

The Moses Code is based on the biblical quote "I am that I am" and further explains how this quote relates to manifesting prosperity.

Read "The Moses Code " to learn how to effectively use the power of Divinity to create a world based on compassion & peace.

Better read together with a contemporary New Energy novel "Nexus" by Morrison & Singh; deep, true to life, enlightening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt williamson
The author felt that The Law of Attraction as presented in The Secret was too narrowly focused on manifesting for the desires of the ego. I agree with his assessment.

This book is for those who are interested in going beyond manifesting "stuff", and who are seeking to unleash the the power of the longing of their soul.

There is also an interesting chapter on the power of the sound created by voicing the intimate name of God. The book is a quick read, but also contains 10 practices you can apply as a graduate level self-study course for students of the Law of Attraction. This is also an excellent resource for anyone looking to begin or deepen their own personal conversation with God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mat sletten
If you haven't seen the Moses Code: DO IT! I have seen it 4 times, as I teach a class on the Mind, Body, Spirit Connection in Titusville FL. and this is a powerful tool. If you are in search of who or what you are in this world, this DVD will put you on the right track. I celebrate the humanity of this production. Thank you. Barbara McG. Unity on the Space Coast
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was really excited about everything i read and heared about the Mosescode before it was being released,what they wanted to achieve with it,bringing understanding and love into the world,sending peace vibes to the Middle-East,WONDERFUL.When i read the book,i had a sence of happiness and peace coming over me. When i saw the movie,i had the same feeling.
I really wish that millions and millions of people read the book and see the movie and have the same feeling i have with it,then maybe,maybe the world has a chance of being the place that GOD (or the UNIVERSAL MIND or ETERNAL ENERGY,whatever men wants to call this WONDERFUL THING),wanted it to be!!!
with love and happiness,
Jurgen Rutter & Linda Kik
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kitty kat
An easy read pointing you in the direction of the Law of Attraction. The Moses Code takes it one step further beyond the obvious attraction of material wealth to wealth gained by giving as well as receiving. Gives hope to a world filled with compassion and utter peace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthea hess
Chances are that people who have been disapointed by this movie, were so, because they are not ready for it.

This movie unlike the secret, is a movie which moves deeper in the spiritual implications of the existense of a natural law like "the law of attraction". People who haven't experienced God personaly will simply not get the messeges encoded here.

People who live deeply in "ego-mode" will hate it.

But for those who are in vibrational alignment with it, there will be plenty of "messages" to tap into.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jonathan tickle
Alas, Mr. Twyman has not done his due diligence (or any diligence at all, as far as I can tell).

The Bible, as most Americans need to be reminded, was not written in English. The word in Exodus 3:14 that King James translates as "I AM" should not, indeed, cannot be translated that way. Hebrew has no word for "am", "is" or "are". In fact, the word (ehyeh) shows up in the answers to most of Moses' objections. In Ex 3:12 (just two verses before), God says "Ki ehyeh imkha", which King James correctly translates as "Because [I] shall be with you." Again, in the next chapter, God says"v'anokhi ehyeh im pikha" "and I shall be with your mouth" twice (4:12 & 4:15). Why KJV gets it right these other times, but chooses to mistranslate in 3:14 I'll leave to others.

The point is, a little research would have let Twyman know he was acting on erroneous premises. This is underscored when he remarks that in answer to God's call in 3:4, Moses responds "Here I am," as though he were using the "I am" formula (Twyman even notes that some translations say "here am I", as though he were trying to demonstrate that he's done some research). Alas for Twyman, Moses' actual response has nothing to do with any "amming". The word translated in English as "here I am". is "hineni", for which a more literal but clunkier translation might be "behold me", or perhaps the French "voici moi". No Am's in the original.

This is not to say that Twyman's exercises might not be beneficial to some. It's just that they have nothing to do with Moses or any "code" in the book of Exodus. Which, given the book's title, amounts to false advertising.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jeremy yoder
I was incredibly excited when I purchased this book, as I am a big fan of Hay House and most of its authors. I have had incredible results using various tools and ways of manifesting, including those mentioned in The Secret, Abraham-Hicks, etc. I am a life coach, so this stuff is right up the alley.
Though the book makes a few important points that I think should have been put in The Secret ( such as how we should be less ego based and do things more for the good of others), Eckhart Tolle and J Krishnamurti provide more insight than in The Moses Code.
As one other reviewer stated, using I AM THAT I AM, or affirmations beginning with I AM have been used OVER AND OVER again. YES, they are powerful, and Troward, Neville, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, The Secret audio book, the potent master Key System. There is the I AM foundation, The Optimists's, there are whole churchs and movements based on using I AM. And now Twyman comes along and markets this as some newly found concept.
But that is just the beginning: he makes very ignorant statements that can actually affect a person's ability to manifest ( ie use the law of atttraction, The Secret, etc). In the back of the book, Twyman has a section on what hurts a person's ability to manifest. He mentions that affirmations will not work if a person has underlying beliefs about oneself that are negative. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF DOING AFFIRMATIONS OVER AND OVER AGAIN: THEY RETRAIN OUR MINDS AND THUS OUR BELIEF SYSTEM. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE FOR. Psychology calls it 'cognative behavioral therapy', aka changing one's behavior. No, YOU DON'T BELIEVE YOU ARE AMAZING, A MILLIONAIRE, ETC UNTIL YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR BELIEFS BY DOING AFFIRMATIONS. I mean, even Western psychology knows this. Then, he makes an even bigger blunder: on page 178, he says a common problem is that people are not realistic. What does being realistic mean? It means one believes that one can only attain what he sees as being possible, judging by his situation, surroundings, etc. He goes on to give a 40 year old over weight man who wants to join the NBA as having an unrealistic goal. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WAS MARTIN LUTHER KING BUYING INTO WHAT HE WAS TOLD WAS POSSIBLE? HOW ABOUT EINSTEIN OR MOTHER THERESA? No, they believed in the impossible. Had he said ' It is important that one believes one's goal is possible' that is a different matter, as the above mentioned mavericks believed in themselves and the impossible. But he didn't say that, so people may end up going ' you know, I can't create world wide peace, buy that dream home, etc'. I can't believe Hay House published this.
There are MANY more worthwhile books for you to buy or check out from your local library. Some are as follows: The Master key System, The Power of Intention, any little books by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Neville Goddard, Thomas Troward, The Path of Roses, all Science of Mind books, Abraham Hicks, Tolle ( esp The Power of Now), The Secret audio book, J Krishnamurti's books and teachings, Neal Donald Walsh...and so many others.
Yes, manifesting works. Yes, I AM is powerful. But this book is not. Look into other Hay House publications.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Moses Code: The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World
This is one of the best books I've read on Manifestation. The exercises are simple and easy to do. Interestingly enough, I had just finished watching the story of Moses on TV and a couple days later information on the book "The Moses Code" dropped in my lap so to speak. I purchased the book and read it and the power of Manifestation was so simple to understand. I recommend the book to anyone who is at that point in their life where they are wondering what's the next step for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you take away the perceived marketing hype (what isn't hyped when marketed these days) and possible biases and read The Moses Code with an open mind and heart and allow Spirit/Source/God to speak to your heart, you will have tremendous take away value.

Happy reading! Marina Woods, GoodGirlBookClubOnline -- THE Place for Inspiration
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A new car, a bigger house, a loving mate, a fantastic career... why do you want those things in your life? Why do any of us want anything, really? Because we think that when we have that thing or circumstance or person, we will be happier and more fulfilled. So what we're really wanting is more happiness and fulfillment, both of which come from inside and not from "things."

For those of us who have been working with the Law of Attraction to bring things into our lives, now is the time for some fine-tuning. In The Moses Code, the director and teachers go beyond talking about physical manifestations and instead ask, "Are you ready to go deeper?" If you're yearning to feel connected to your Source, you're ready. If you're envisioning peace and respect among all people, you're ready. If you want to feel "plugged in" to the energy field that makes up everything around us, you're ready. It's time to go deep within and bring a new world into existence. Are you ready to feel happy, fulfilled, and connected?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay singers
There are two reasons to watch this movie -- Debbie Ford and Michael Beckwith. There are some jaw-dropping lines and some amazing concepts here that I haven't heard anywhere else. I felt inspired by watching this film to check out Debbie Ford's other books and products. And I feel lucky that The Moses Code brought them to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige clark
The Moses Code: The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World
This is one of the best books I've read on Manifestation. The exercises are simple and easy to do. Interestingly enough, I had just finished watching the story of Moses on TV and a couple days later information on the book "The Moses Code" dropped in my lap so to speak. I purchased the book and read it and the power of Manifestation was so simple to understand. I recommend the book to anyone who is at that point in their life where they are wondering what's the next step for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather clark
If you take away the perceived marketing hype (what isn't hyped when marketed these days) and possible biases and read The Moses Code with an open mind and heart and allow Spirit/Source/God to speak to your heart, you will have tremendous take away value.

Happy reading! Marina Woods, GoodGirlBookClubOnline -- THE Place for Inspiration
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john stahl
A new car, a bigger house, a loving mate, a fantastic career... why do you want those things in your life? Why do any of us want anything, really? Because we think that when we have that thing or circumstance or person, we will be happier and more fulfilled. So what we're really wanting is more happiness and fulfillment, both of which come from inside and not from "things."

For those of us who have been working with the Law of Attraction to bring things into our lives, now is the time for some fine-tuning. In The Moses Code, the director and teachers go beyond talking about physical manifestations and instead ask, "Are you ready to go deeper?" If you're yearning to feel connected to your Source, you're ready. If you're envisioning peace and respect among all people, you're ready. If you want to feel "plugged in" to the energy field that makes up everything around us, you're ready. It's time to go deep within and bring a new world into existence. Are you ready to feel happy, fulfilled, and connected?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are two reasons to watch this movie -- Debbie Ford and Michael Beckwith. There are some jaw-dropping lines and some amazing concepts here that I haven't heard anywhere else. I felt inspired by watching this film to check out Debbie Ford's other books and products. And I feel lucky that The Moses Code brought them to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
feather stolzenbach
I just watched The Moses Code online the other day, and came here to buy a couple copies.
Just read a few reviews and am not at all surprised at the disappointment some have expressed.
"It" really Is that Simple. "It" all is as simple as (just a metaphor here...) that "missing comma."
If you are looking for an actual code and hidden secret to be revealed, you probably will be disappointed.
If you are looking to once again have your heart and soul awakened to a "code" deep within yourself...You will appreciate this little Treasure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny rocky rockwell
Wonderful movie. I saw it at a Preview showing by 'Leapin' Lizards' at the Whole Health Expo in Portland, Maine and will now share it as a 'loaner' to each of my clients who are interested in borrowing it!
Melanie P. Shapleigh, ME.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This DVD was very enlightning. It confirms other pieces I have been reading and offers additional information for my research. A must see for a better understandng of what is now, has happened in the past and a bluerint for the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent read. Read in only 3 days. I couldn't put it down. I wanted to know how it worked. I've read the Secret and other Law of Attraction books but this one takes it to a different level. I've applied things that he said to do and my personal, business and finanical life has changed for the better. It was amazing. You'll want to re-read just to stay on your path. I read this in conjunction with Debbie Ford's "Why Good People Do Bad Things".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan macias
This was a great movie, it really explaines the spirital side of the Law of Attraction. I have watched this movie about 10 times since I purchased it. This is a movie you will want to view more than once.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I read this book, and it's junk. I believe that the scheme to pitch the attention of the reader is blasphemy or should legally be considered blasphemy. I don't understand how any reader can possibly enjoy this book and practice the "I am that I am" you the reader cannot possibly just believe that the writter has good intentions with this. I invite you to dare and further analize what the true intention of the writter really is by his writing in this book and by the use of God's holy scriptures to support his main claim. I say do not buy this book just for fun. First, take the time to analize it as if you were analyzing the Holy Bible to identify the truth. The star is because the web site forces me to give it a star not because I want to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephen fife adams
so many books out there say exactly the same thing ...and then we're all left in the same spot - but this book is mind bending and can really change things for many people - if you love books like this, also check out Live Like A Fruit Fly (also on the store)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin carey infante
I love this book. The first part of the book talks about ways to manifest material possessions, which is great, but towards the end of the book -- he leads you to being the best being you can be. If you think (even a little) that that is what life is really all about -- you'll appreciate the beauty of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth weinstein
I like many other people have read "The Secret" and believe with all of my heart that I do create my own reality. I hold myself responsible for my thoughts and my actions. I believe in intention and I have not wavered from this belief.

However, I always knew there was something more to this and this feeling has been a barrier to me in my own creation. Sometimes days flow easily and without much effort and other days I feel that I am the separate person that really does not deserve the abundance that this law of attraction offers. I also believe that we must give and our ego is a fear based illusion.The Single Mother's Journey to Wholeness: Hope and Help for Single Moms

After reading "The Moses Code", I believe that we are all one and we are here to manifest our creators will. I have a sense of urgency regarding this fact. We are at a moment in history where we must take our rightful position in this world and do what God would do at this point in time.

We are in a universe that is all knowing and does what we consciously or what we unconsciously ask for. We all have to live by the consequences of our thoughts and actions collectively. Until we become the change we desire, we cannot evolve and thus survive. This book not only showed me how to get my dream house but it taught me how to get to the core of my soul and connect to my source in order to create a better world.

By giving and seeing life through the eyes of God, I realize I am that! I am the voice and the eyes of the great I AM. I literally felt love within me for each particle and being on this earth while reading this book. I cried. I cried so hard my fiance did not know what was wrong. I was not sad. I was love....pure love. I am pure love. I am that. Love will heal the illusion of fear and separation.

I am grateful for the opportunity to read this book and I will share this with everyone in the world because I am only sharing this with myself.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hum?????...when the book was ordered it was the title that caught my eye and that is where it ended ...needs a lot ..a lot ..a lot ..... more research but then if you are trying to sell an idea about nothing then it was a book about nothing
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
People who buy into popular marketing like this know virtually nothing about the schollars who have spent their life studying theology, which is what this ultimately is, and that there are measures of crediblity, tests if you will that determine whether something should be considered more true or less true. This would easily fall into the case of the latter. Just because something sounds nice is no measure to if something is actually true or not.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jaci ms darcy reads
Okey.. where to begin..

1. Moses is presented as a human being. That is a lie at worst and pure ignorance at best. Moses represents mercury, anyone who has ever studied religion - especially with focus on the jewish mysteries knows this. So the whole "moses was a man who lived" is pure rubbish. Its like saying that Abraham was a human being - when even st. paul underlines that he is an allegory. READ!

2. The law of giving is simply a "re-formulation" of the law of attraction, you must "become" what you want to be, and you must "give" what you want to get. These are some of the most fundamental concepts of metaphysics around, and you would be better off getting "the secret" or even better, download some free e-books such as "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen!

3. The whole movie is presented as "we have cracked the code". Rubbish! Where is the map of the body? What! You didnt know that the whole Bible is a map of how the life force moves in the body? Well get cracking then and save us from your ignorance! This silly production is just re-cycling fancy quotes from others - equally ignorant of the mysteries!

So to the reader: Stay well clear.
If you need a good movie to boost yourself, Get "the secret" or "what the bleep".
This movie here is not worth the plastic it's wrapped in.
The author is not initiated any more than harry potter.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maruti sridhar
The book left me empty at best - not what I had been hoping for. If the movie could have been written into the book, the book would have been great. The book left me looking instead of my finding. Take the movie..
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
People who buy into popular marketing like this know virtually nothing about the schollars who have spent their life studying theology, which is what this ultimately is, and that there are measures of crediblity, tests if you will that determine whether something should be considered more true or less true. This would easily fall into the case of the latter. Just because something sounds nice is no measure to if something is actually true or not.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
As I read Twyman's book I recognized the identical concepts that have been taught throughout the ages. Sweedenborg, Emerson, Descartes, Thomas Troward, Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Homes and more notably the many works of Neville Goddard all show that this book is a regurgitation of one idea that is not secret at all. This book is a marketing ploy much like the Secret and in fact Twyman seems to continue to ride that gravy train by aligning himself with the law of attraction and implying: "But I have the secret to unlocking the Secret." Very enticing indeed but this book will probably leave many, just as empty.

When I first saw this book I was very excited with the apparent premise of moving beyond the simplistic and naïve message of The Secret and the law of attraction. Millions of people had been sold on the idea that they can manifest ANYTHING with a single thought. Those Millions are left starving for more substance and Mr. Twyman has rushed to serve these people with a brilliant marketing ploy called The Moses Code. The Moses Code is much like the Secret. A book, a ruse to provide the reader with the "secret handshake" that will awaken the genie-god to deliver shiny toys to your doorstep. This premise will always sell books.

The book borrows the very same ideas from Rhonda Byrne (The Secret) by posing the preposterous notion that something powerful, a secret code, was hidden from the world that would solve all of our problems--until now. In this book Twyman describes how God gave Moses the secret code during the famous burning bush scene in the third chapter of Exodus. He goes on to say that Moses used the secret code to perform many miracles such as freeing his people from captivity, turning his walking stick into a serpent, turning the Nile into blood, killing the first born of every Egyptian, creating plagues, and parting the red sea to destroy the pursuing Egyptian army.

Mr. Twyman attempts to share with the reader the same secret code that Moses supposedly used. A secret code that propels the law of attraction to new heights. A secret code that somehow became lost by Moses and just discovered in 2008.

"What are some of the things you most want to receive? Abundance? Your Soul Mate? The Perfect House? Your Dream Car? Chapter 1.

"And now you will use the name of God just as Moses did to realize your greatest dream. The process you're about to learn will align your power with the power of God, giving you the authority to draw into your life anything you desire." Chapter 2.

The Moses Code presents two sides to the manifesting issue: Ego manifesting and "soul" manifesting which is a noble concept but the book fails to make a reasonable case for the latter. What is the secret code? Say "I AM (a specific desire or state of being). A method in the book is given as a meditative technique. Write down on a piece of paper your desire such as financial abundance or the perfect relationship. Once you are alone and in a relaxed state, take some deep breaths and look at what you have written. Now say "I am [that]" Exhale as you say these words, and then as you inhale continue by saying: "I am." Repeat this pattern as you stare at what you've written. It is important that you feel the emotion of "already having" the thing you are asking for.

If you have faithfully followed the book and DVD "The Secret" or read and apply Abraham-Hicks teachings, you might gain a short-lived boost of inspiration for your manifesting efforts. If you expect to find profound insight and perhaps a missing key to the manifesting puzzle you will be left empty once again. The book is a mish-mash of ideas written in the form of a long blog entry and unfortunately is packaged as a magnificent discovery for the seeker. While Twyman points to an important dichotomy between "us and God," he still exhibits a rather archaic view of scripture based on assumptions, possibly from his Franciscan roots. It actually apears that Twynam at some time read a little Neville Goddard, Murphy or Ernest Holmes and decided to put these ideas in his own words and package it as a newly discovered treasure--all the while surfing the wake left behind by The Secret.
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