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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anja hose
Tijan has done it again by giving us another amazing book. This was like a puzzle and while you start to piece everything together, the big picture becomes clearer. Shay is a very special girl that is very unique. Kellan is her "brother" who keeps a watchful eye over her. His goal is to always protect Shay no matter what. Kellan is the alpha male who is extremely loyal. Somethings aren't always what they seem. Kellan and Shay share a very special bond. What happens when people try to destroy that bond? This story was action packed with mystery and intrigue tied in. I couldn't get enough, I just needed to know what was happening next. I loved the story, the characters and the writing. Another fabulous read from Tijan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica blogeared books
Genre: Paranormal/ Angels and Demons
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person – Female

"We were strong separately, but when we were together, we were impenetrable."

EVIL is a standalone paranormal story, a battle between Demons and Angels that takes place in high school in the city of Minnesota. It focus around the BRADEN foursome family who are perfect, gorgeous, mysterious and dysfunctional. The Braden family are composed by Kellan (dark and smoking HOT); Shay quiet and she don't like drama; Giuseppa (Gus) she likes to sleep with all the boys and have fun but she could get carried away in a fight; and lastly Vespar he has an attitude and don't mind fighting anyone or anything. Everyone knew better than to mess with them. However; Shay was different the guys seem to mess with her but little did they know that she was more capable of protecting herself. She knew it too but refused to accept that she was different than everyone. Kellan knew it all but he wanted her to find out at her own time. He knew he will be there for her when she was ready to accept her truth.

Kellan was always protective of Shay; something Shay's sister and brother resent her for they couldn't comprehend why such a close bond. Kellan was a powerful demon living on earth all for the love of Shay; he was a pure ALPHA MALE. Shay only wanted to be normal and because of it she blocked out her past,her memories;she didn't remember why she couldn't see her parents or why she looked so much different; all she wanted was to be normal. However; when her past comes crashing on her and she finally finds out who she really was and what it really means; so many battles and secrets comes out. Kellan and Shay are in a battle with family, demons, angels and everyone is looking for them; they want their powers but they don't know that their bond is too strong to break.

This book was a full of action and it was a bit nerve wrecking; I was on the edge the entire time because I really didn't know what was coming next. We see Demons, Angels, and Magic. I loved everything about it. We meet unforgettable characters like Shay's aunt and her real brother. I liked how Kellan and Shay could understand each other so well and knew exactly how to protect each other. They could talk to each other in their minds which was hard to do only bonded people could do it. There's some amazing action and sacrifices that left me in awe. This book was packed with suspense and shocking events. If you are looking for a fantastic fast pace story full of action, suspense, a little romance in the mix you will enjoy this one.

A copy was kindly provided to me by author in exchange for an honest review. thank you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jan mcgee
Ive read several Tijan books. Ive been happy with all of the others ive read, but doesnt even seem like the same author! This book was aweful. I kept reading thinking it would get better but it didnt it got more weird and confusing. I didnt even know which character was talking half the time. This seemed like a rush job to make deadlines. Dont bother wasting time or money on this one!
A Preston Brothers Novel (Book 1) - A More Than Series Spin-off :: Eye Candy :: Mason: A Fallen Crest Prequel: Fallen Crest Series :: Fallen Crest Family :: That's a Promise (Promises, Promises Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manuel cantu
I don't like supernatural books...but I like Tijan so I gave it a try. I wasn't disappointed. The love interest was not what I was expecting. The bond between them was adorable. A little action, a little drama. Would have preferred a little more x rated but it works. There was some parts that confused me...but it confused the heroine too so I figured that was the point. I might have to start reading more supernatural/paranormal books if it's more like this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie gallup
Fell for this books interesting content and characters connections are strong and hot even. I thought the lead up was excellent to the bonding I think a whole chapter got lost somewhere at the time of bonding, but it doesn't take away from the intent of the storyline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan macdonald
Absolutely loved this book. This was my first Tijan read and let me tell you, I totally dig her writing style. I honestly didn't get that incest feeling from Kellan and Shay and I didn't feel their relationship progressed too quickly. I thought it flowed nicely. Would love a sequel to this. IS there a sequel to this?? I need more Kellan, STAT.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ivan labayne
Honestly the first chapter was AMAZING, from there it all went down hill. The writing wasn't bad but it needed to go through a few revisions and edits to make it really good. I'm pretty sure this wasn't even edited once, I think this was a rough draft that got published. I really wanted to love this book because Tijan is an amazing author but Evil was nowhere near as great as the Fallen Crest High series. I wouldn't recommend this book, but I urge everyone to go read Fallen Crest High by Tijan!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
josh spilker
I usually enjoy Tijan writing and dept in the story and characters. That being said i was totally confused about this brother/sister and then not brother/sister topic. My feeling is that this took away from the story. Had so much potential and dont get started on the ending. Hence 1 star.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda stoddard rowan
*Spoiler Alert*

Not my favorite at all. To many things wrong with story. I got whiplash from the sibling relationship to lover. Gross! All her life she thought he was her brother and then boom!! She loves him like that?!! No! Just No!

He knew she was his soulmate all along and that she would eventually know. But he was a complete manwhore and slept with half the girls in school anyway? Oh, and my favorite? Since it seems to be the trend in most books now.... Manwhore and virgin. UGH!!!

Shay was such a pushover when it came Kellan. He lied to her so much and she never called him out on it. Even though she kept saying she would definitely not let that go. She would ask about it later. Whatever. She NEVER DID!!

The whole talking in their mind when they battled the demons.... Remember that chapter? Hold on, because in just a few chapters later she was like "oh, we can do that? I didn't know!???" What the!! They already were!!

When they went to rescue her half-siblings in the house was? That was so disappointing. They never even used their powers at all. The weak humans had control with a gun?!! Come on!!
It was sooo lame. They should have done something instead of just walking around watching everyone.

Here's my last rant; kellan's father tells Shay that Kellans been there that whole time to trick and betray to take all her power. And she doesn't say one word about that. Ever! Yep, what did I say? Pushover!!

Oh, I guess I have one more....when she finds out about her father and everyone says he's coming to town for her. Never once does she ask about him or even why? Or what he wants. Seriously? She just wants to kill him. For no reason that she knows of. Stupid!!

PS she had blond hair when she was a kid. Then black as a teenager. This was never dressed either. When did it change? Why??
It became lighter when she became aware of her messenger side but we don't know why the change to begin with. K. Think I'm done. Probably not ?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david smith
Genre: Teens/YA, Romance, Fantasy

Age: 18+

Recommendation: It was okay, I would read the review and decide for yourself.

Type: Stand alone

Pages: 254

Summary: +good build up to what they are + interesting female main -awkward love interest -strange chemistry between characters +interesting plot twists – loose ends +kindle unlimited +no cliffhanger


You know that group of people in school that everyone fears? Popular. Beautiful. The in-crowd?
That was my family. Kind of.
We were above that group. We held court over everyone else. We were the best looking. We were the mysterious and elusive ones. Most of the girls wanted to (and did) date the guys, but they didn’t want to be one of us. They couldn’t be. They were our prey.
We were the feared.
But like every family, nothing is as it seems. That was my truth.
Kellan was in his own league. He was our leader and he was the one no one messed with. No one dared. He was ruthless, powerful, and no one could match him…
Except for me.
I was about to find out just how different I was from my family.

Full Review:

Evil is the first book by author Tijan that I have read and to be honest, I am a bit torn on how I feel about it. It could just be me but, there is something interesting about authors that go by a single name. It almost creates an element of mystery and makes me want to know more. The art work on the cover is attention grabbing and attractive so going into this I was hyped for a good read. What I found myself feeling after completing this book was a combination of satisfaction and a sense of being weirded out by what I had just read.

The main character Shay, is a high school girl that comes from a family that aren’t your average group of humans. One of the best parts of this book for me was the build up in the beginning that led to the reveal of what they are. While the moment that it is revealed completely fell flat, the tension I felt waiting for it kept me intrigued. Where things get strange is the interaction between Shay and her brothers and sister, it feels uncomfortable. These people have supposedly grown up with each other but they relate in such a strange way I lost all connection I had with them. Shay is aloof and her self disdain gets a bit redundant. The relationship between her and Kellen? Even more uncomfortable. In the end I felt myself forget a bit about how awkward it all really is. Despite completely ignoring huge fouls against her and being weak for most of the book, Shay was easier to like than I expected. The writing is well done, I think if anyone else had written this story it would have come across a bit more Flowers in the Attic than it did.

The plot is interesting and there are several twists that I did not expect but even the twists are minimally developed. Despite all of the negatives listed above, I did finish the book and I am interested enough in the author to read additional books published by her. Plus, it is kindle unlimited friendly.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dulce phelps
I have mixed feelings about Tijan. The best part about her books is that she perfectly creates a teenage world that we wished actually existed. I mean, as long as we were part of the cool crowd. Tijan writes young angst, lust, and unfulfilled attraction better than just about anyone. What usually bugs me about her books is the lack of actual romance. Whether its the Fallen Crest series or her standalones, I just never really buy her romances. The notable exception would be Logan Kade, which has more romantic elements than most and I really enjoyed.

Anyway, because I do enjoy Tijan, I picked up Evil last night without reading the summary. I’ve been doing this a lot lately because I enjoy not knowing exactly what I’m getting into. In this case I got into demons and angels, which I wasn’t expecting at all.

Our heroine Shay believes she is a powerful half-demon who lives a mostly quiet existence with her three half-demon siblings. At school they are the coolest (elements of the Kade family here), the most beautiful and if you mess with them you might just wind up missing, or with your mind erased, or something equally dire. The leader of their family is Kellan, who is of course hot, irresistible, and a bad boy.

I don’t want to give too much away here. There’s a pretty obvious developing relationship between Shay and our leading man, that is at first a little weird and at other times really hot. There are difficult sibling relationships, there are epic battles and classic Tijan teenage revenge.

My issues with the book aren’t with the romance this time so much as with the paranormal world building. To be fair, Tijan is a little out of her normal bad boy and good girl trope here and I do read a fair share of paranormal romance. There are lots of unclear questions to me in Evil. Why is no one concerned that Shay can’t see her “parents”? Is she half-human really or not? If she isn’t (because her aunt isn’t human and her father isn’t) then how is her human half bonded to her hero? What is Kellan’s full story with his father? Where are Gus and Vespar’s parents when all the s*** goes down? And WHY are these “demons” living in suburbia and going to high school?

Evil is fun. I actually really enjoyed reading parts of it, but it doesn’t really make that much sense.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa weingarth
Shay is from the infamous Braden family; an untouchable family of rich, gorgeous teens who have it all (Most Beautiful and Popular People EVER, basically). Everyone stands in awe of them. Shay's relationship with her brothers and sister is complicated; they aren't good people but they're blood and she's particularly close with her super protective stepbrother Kellan...

This book was obviously inspired by shows like Supernatural and books like Twilight (brings to mind the Cullens and their super exclusive lunch table) and Mortal Instruments. It mostly reminded me of Armentrout's Dark Elements series (see White Hot Kiss (The Dark Elements Book 1)), though this book is a stand alone. It's got many of the same elements but it's not nearly as well written...

I've read other books by this author and a big problem she seems to have is her books sort of just peter out in the 2nd half. The plot and character development basically become redundant and contrived after the character and her love interest get together officially. This book also features yet another passive heroine who stands around waiting for her bf to save her--though the author almost fooled me into thinking this would change throughout the book!

I thought for sure there was gonna be some character development beyond the romance but no such luck! What sucks, is the author DID create some storylines (or the potential for them) that really could've been good. Shay could've been an awesome character. We've got hot angels and demons and forbidden (taboo) romance FFS, but i don't think the author was interested in writing anything more than a stand alone in this cause, so all of this potential is wasted in an effort to be done in one go...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric bowling
Most books within the supernatural genre has the "normal" Good Vs Evil clear cut, run of the mills, ordinary, boring with no surprises just diffrent methods and different scenarios.

This is NOT, one of those dime a dosen standard ones.
Refreshingly unique, with a eloquent intrigue, multi fascetted characters that invites the reader and brings the story to life with sensitive masterly wordings.

Some might have a hard time grasping the twists and turns this story takes, but if one lets go of societal rules and hangups, and instead see the very young, very human emotional spectrum, coupled with a demonlike fizz ^^ and a lil' kick like spark of spunk, it holds a definite appeal.

To Add another thing that is intriguing is this Author, a very skilled, highly productive writer. Obviously having written several top notch books not just in one genre, but multiple genres.
(I admit this is the first one by this author i have come across)

Is there such a thing as Authors Writing Masters Hall of Fame? Or star-lined boulevards? If there is, this Writer must have earned a prominent plaque there !!

Definitly a book worth reading, if you can handle unexpected twists and turns, and i am willing to bet most of the books by this author will be equally as skilled written as this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Manda's 3 Star Review

I had a little trouble getting into this one. I loved the concept and the direction of the story, but had trouble really getting into the characters. I didn't connect with Kellan and Shay. I didn't really get their relationship with how it started out and progressed. There were lots of secrets and mysteries within the story that don't really come out until the end so I found the middle of the story kind of hard to follow. Once things were revealed and really got rolling I got more into the story but then it was over and I just felt like I missed something. I love this author and have read all her books, but this one just wasn't for me. Looking forward to what comes next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
somayeh yarali
*I received an ARC from Southern Belle Promotions in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you so much Southern Belle Promotions for sending me a copy of Evil!! I am so very honored and grateful!! :)

This was my first time reading a book by Ms.Tijan and I've heard so many fantastic things about her books so I was extremely anxious to pick up Evil! At first I wasn't sure what to expect and then as I began to read it was as if a switch went off which led me to gripping my Kindle because I knew I was going to be in for one heck of a story. I'd have to say it's been a while since I've picked up any kind of paranormal book and this one was different from others which was refreshing.

This book was suspenseful to the point that I had to read it in one sitting to find out the answers to all of my questions. So many shocking twists happen that I didn't see coming whatsoever. In my opinion the questions of good and evil that came to light were really intriguing as well as interesting. Evil was shocking, consuming, suspenseful, and an all around heart-racing read. I will definitely be picking up more of Ms.Tijan's work soon! Also, I really love the cover! :)

Shay Braden was a character that was shy yet outspoken at the same time. She was different from most of the people she went to high school with which would be putting it lightly. I think by her wanting to know the truth of the world that surrounded her led her to being a stronger heroine than she was before. I had no clue what exactly she was and in my opinion that's what made her story more entertaining.

I highly reccomend this book to anyone looking for a read that not only has a paranormal part to it but a mysterious one as well. Yes, at times I had no idea what to think of what was going on but at the end it was all worth it. This story might not be for everyone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a try because I think many will like it. If this sounds like your kind of story One-Click it today!! 5 Stars all around!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren wilson
The struggle between good and evil

Evil by Tijan has all that and more as high school senior Shay tries to figure out who she is - literally. She has 2 brothers and a sister who share her last name, but she looks nothing like them and she only shares a special connection with one of them: Kellan. For some reason, he can sense when she is in trouble and at times it's like they can read each other's minds. Giuseppa (Gus), Vespar and Kellan are all part demon with unique powers. Shay has powers that she is afraid to use but she is starting to lose control over her ability to keep them locked down which is scaring the bejesus out of her siblings. When she and Kellan work together, they are nearly unstoppable now and that is before Shay even tries to apply her powers.

Shay has a natural tendency to want to help people which goes against the demon side of her family giving Vespar and Gus yet another reason to mistrust her. Kellan has the knowledge she seeks regarding her origin and parentage, but he is not very forthcoming with information until a chain of events places them all in danger of annihilation from a higher power. Even then, it is only the appearance of another being named Damien who also shares Kellan's knowledge of Shay's past that prompts them to finally bring her up to speed and rocking the foundation of her world.

At times I felt like I was on a bit of information overload as I read this book with all the different names and terms flying at me, but from the time I started reading I couldn't put it down. The mystery of Shay's origin and destiny had me hooked, and I just knew that Kellan couldn't really be her brother so I had to keep going until all the pieces fit together. Kellan was just the right amount of mysterious, alpha and protective with an indisputable love for Shay who was a great counterbalance to him. All in all, Tijan wrote an engaging YA read set in the paranormal world that I really enjoyed.
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