A Preston Brothers Novel (Book 1) - A More Than Series Spin-off

ByJay McLean

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ali boutera
Childhood friends turn to lovers story. I enjoyed the beginning but bottom line I was disappointing from this book.
They started out as great friends you can see the connection evolving and I liked it but at the present you learn that as friends they have zero communication, no trust they both make decisions that I cant understand. It's like their friendship disappeared, we learn that there is a lot they are not sharing with each other (like her dating... while he tells her about his sex life with other girls)
Lucas was incredibly sweet at times but a lot of the time treats her terribly, takes her for granted and the explanations when you get his POV are not convincing.
Lois not only getting involved but also falling in love with cooper just didn't make sense at that point in the story, it happened so quickly when she was supposed to be in love for years with her best friend, I just didn't buy it.
The clicks and second was confusing and when you finally get to the explanation it feels forced and doesn't make sense.
Overall, there was a lot of drama, too much cliche and I didn't like the happy ending. There were things that didn't make sense on their way to this happy ending (like Vivian Kennedy actions how she was able to do it after being abused for years..). so i didn't enjoy this one
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great story this time showing Lucas's side and his long loved Lois "Laney." Tears your heart then puts it back and tears it back out again but slowly repairs it once more. A roller coaster of emotion as young Lucas and Laney fall in love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First and foremost I've loved everything that Jay McLean has written and Lucas was definitely no EXCEPTION!!! This was one of those stories with "those" characters that immediately grabs you and won't let you go! Yep one of those but it's all in a fantastic way! This story was emotionally beautiful but also a heartbreaking tearjerker......yeah I cried and I mean sobbed like a baby at certain parts but then I also smiled and felt that warm fuzzy tingly feeling like oh mannnnnn I love me some Lucas Preston oh yes I do!! There is no other for me after this one, no sir! Lol.... Believe me if you haven't read this and you're a romantic at heart you have to read this!!!! Jay I would give this one a TEN Star if I could!!!
Eye Candy :: Mason: A Fallen Crest Prequel: Fallen Crest Series :: Fallen Crest Family :: Kian :: Evil
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nenad micic
Sixteen clicks, eight seconds, and Lucas Preston realized he was in love. Many stolen breaths, half a box of tissues, and you’ll feel the same. Because emotion always wins.

In her twelfth novel, Jay McLean doesn’t just tell a story; she weaves a work of art. A story of childhood friendship turned teenage like turned real love. Along the way, there are twists and turns, the kind of angst only McLean can deliver, emotional annihilation you never see coming, and love that is hard and fierce and right.

Jay has proven time and again that she knows how to write a love story that sinks down into your bones, into your heart, and takes root. Lucas does just that. Read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lucas and Laneys story... I don't even have words. Seriously, Jay McLean knows how to write amazing books that just leave you wondering what you are doing with your life! She writes amazing characters and stories that just grab you and keep you enthralled in the story.

This story dealt with so much more than i thought would happen. Some of it might hit home for some people. UT I am so happy that Jay is able to tell a story and make people see that they aren't alone and they have options. They are beautiful.

Thanks Jay for opening up your heart and writing about the love the Preston family has!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
z blair
I am absolutely certain this review will not do this book justice. I finished it in just over 4 hours. I allowed myself some time to let it all sink in before I even attempted a review. No matter what I was doing, this book kept cycling through my thoughts throughout the day. Even, when I read 60% and decided I should save a little for the next day I woke up in the middle of the night immediately thinking of it.

First of all, let me say I adore Jay McLean. She's a brilliant writer and she loves her fans. If she's writing a book I'm reading it. I love her humor and whit. I love the feelings she pulls from you by just reading a sentence. It's crazy a few sentences strung together can make you fall in love with the characters of a book.

Lucas Preston, the oldest of the Preston boys. He's kind of a stand in for his very busy dad. He makes sure things run smoothly at the house. Brothers get to school, get fed and so on.
Laney is a loner of sorts, (she wears glasses and knits, which I love) but Lucas is her best friend. They met at 11 years old. She become his Lois Lane and he became her Clark Kent. They are basically each others everything.
"And so without meaning to, without wanting to, I started to fall in like with a girl who would become my best friend."
They go through thick and thin together. Lucas loses his mother, also a mother to Laney over the years. Only senior year kind of changes things. Lucas realizes Laney isn't only his. He thinks he's got time to make things different, for them to be an us. Only things change and friends fade apart. Things happen that can't be undone. No one realizes people are dealing with things their own way, until maybe it's too late.

I loved these characters. The whole group. I fell in love with the whole family, the whole group of people from this story. The dads, swoon. The brothers that love Laney, more swoon. Lachlan, can I adopt him? I cannot wait for all the Preston brothers to get their stories. This is a story where I interrupt whatever my husband is doing and repeat lines.
"I tighten my grip so I can pull her closer to me. Her arms are at her sides now, her tits pressed against my chest. She got them right after she turned fourteen. Her tits, not her arms."

I loved this book. The mayhem, the heartbreak, the tears and laughs. There are so many good things to say about the story, but you'll want to read them for yourself. I promise you'll love it.
Hope y'all are ready for a little "Middle School Mayhem" and a whole lot of feels.

"I don't count the bottles, the calories, the number of miles it'll take to burn off. Because numbers stop having meaning when there's no end in sight."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann kuhn
5 + Stars

Lucas is the first book in the Preston brothers series, and Jay MacLean has written a wonderful, captivating story full of twist and turns that keep you enthralled from the very beginning. I started reading this book in the early afternoon and 2 am rolled around and I was still reading, and didn't want to put it down. The friendship and bond between Lucas and Layne is incredibly special, unique and beautiful, their story is packed full of emotion on more than one occasion I was both crying and laughing out loud. This is seriously one of my best reads of 2016!

Although Lucas is linked to the More Than Series, it can definitely be read as a stand alone.

Lucas and Layne are incredibly special characters, that capture your heart with how amazing, realistic, and believable, they are. Lucas is the eldest male child of the Preston family, he has five younger brothers who alternately depend and idolize him. He's a care taker to the core, dependable, loving and very devoted to the ones he loves. He's also a typical guy so is completely oblivious of other's feelings and often makes mistakes, but his heart is in the right place. I had conflicting emotions when it came to Lucas, he's incredibly endearing and like-able, but at the same time he often frustrated me and I wanted to smack some sense into him.

Lois aka Layne or Laney is Lucas' best friend and rock. She's his support and always there for him no matter how much of an ass he can be at times. Laney is a beautiful soul, she's sweet, loyal, strong, but also quite vulnerable and damaged.

This pair share an incredibly complex relationship, they became best friends at the age of eleven and became inseparable. Their story is told from a dual perspective and flits between the past and present sharing snippets of their lives together. They share everything with each other, but their feelings for each other.

This book is an amazing coming of age journey full of twists and turns, packed full of emotion that had me in laughter and tears. This is a story of family, friendship, love and loss, full of drama and angst. The Preston family are close, loving, supportive family and I cannot wait to read more of their stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
3 hours
22 minutes
33 chapters
4 words

When Jay McLean shattered my heart.
I mean this woman knows how to write a book that will pull at every emotion you have.
Lucas and Lois (Laney) have loved each other from the first time they met.
Best friends since they were young.
You start of thinking it's picture perfect. What could possibly go wrong ?? Well....

It is Jay McLean and she is a master of slamming you with heart-stopping drama, angst, sweetness, and some comedy. This book made me want to curl into a fetal position and cry my eyes out for hours. You will go through so many emotions.

I cursed like a drunken sailor at times reading this. I had my OH NOOOOOOO moment where I lost my mind and had to stop and take deep breaths afraid to continue reading thinking my heart just can't take what I think is about to happen right now. I think I said to myself PLEASE NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME JAY. Thinking she can hear me right ? WRONG !!!! You know that sound you make the gasp and then you stop breathing. This book will do that a few times.

This book will also completely melt your heart. Lucas Preston and his devotion made me a pile of mush. Just such a great great love story. A definite must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy danielson
I literally JUST finished this book and I need to get it out now! This one hit me in directly in the heartstrings. I knew it was gonna twist me up but I didn’t expect to FEEL so much about these characters.

For one thing, most of this POV is from Lucas. And I frigging love it! I always find myself wanting to be more in the males head for some reason. Maybe it’s because I’m a female and I usually already know what they are thinking. This boy ya’ll!

He is the sweetest, caringist, most lovable guy in the world. I love his family loyalty and his dedication to his sport. He just really holds my heart. He wants to be a better person because he feels undeserving of Laney at first. His story is so intense and you just can’t help but feel for him. I love how he showed his emotions, like it didn’t make him less of a man. It was very attractive and came off as very mature. Of course he had to be being the oldest boy of six. And losing what he did. This family dynamic was so wonderfully chaotic.

The side characters in this were fully developed and I can’t wait to see where the author goes with them. Logan was great comic relief and Lachlan, that little boy was super adorable. They carried this story with their realness, personality and ability to work through their family issues. It was a wonderful example of a family dynamic that just works.

Laney seemed like a weak character at first and I was less interested in her because of her lack of dimension. But as I read on and got to see how she dealt with Cooper and Lucas I realized that kindness doesn’t necessarily mean weakness. And by the end I was wanting to hear more of the story from her perspective. I had no idea that Cooper would go as far as he did. It escalated so quickly but knowing what I know, it didn’t seem like it was too much or too fast ya know.

The whole thing from start to finish kept my attention and honestly,I’m still processing all the emotion. Totally going to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tobias kask
This book is EVERYTHING!!!
Lucas by Jay McLean was made for me! This is what my perfect book looks like. It has first loves, family, angst, DRAMA, heartache, many tears and blinding rage (I seriously wanted to punch someone in the throat!). Along with fantastic unforgettable, lovable, characters.... OMG! This is not just Lucas & Laney's love story. It's a life story!! It's also about the unconditional love of the Preston family. The Preston's are beyond special. My heart was invested in each and everyone of them. Two wonderful parents and 7 unique siblings. They all brought so many comedic and endearing moments. Drenching the book in love! Omg I soooo wanted to be part of their world!!

Lucas and Laney meet at age 11 and quickly became inseparable. Best friends who ultimately fell deeply in love.... They were there for each other through everything. Oh the giddiness, butterflies and insecurities of first love! Trying to navigate their hormones and feelings. Jay did a great job with making me feel it all.
Teenage boys are the worst and Lucas proved that! Omg! He frustrated me at times. He made stupid teenage mistakes, but his heart was always in the right place. Then there is his beautifully Laney. She too made mistakes. So many miscommunications. Youth and inexperience against them.... Between the both of them, my heart was torn to shreds and obliterated one minute, then bursting with joy the next. I felt all the love radiating off them. Not only for each other, but for everyone around them. Talk about an irreversible, incomparable love....

Everytime I hear Wonderwall by Oasis I will think of The Prestons!

This is my first Jay McLean book and she has made a fan out of me. I plan on reading all her books ASAP.
Logan is up next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Genre: YA Contemporary
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual

"Our eyes locked and I think, in a way, they've never left."

Laney moved to a different town with her dad after her mother basically destroyed the marriage. She was selfish and I don’t' even want to get here for now. When Laney comes to the new town she meets her father's new boss and his family. There she falls in love with her best friend who will be with her for a fun journey.

Lucas Preston has a big family one sister and his brothers. His parents were incredible specially his mom; she was amazing to them all. When Laney and her father first came to his house he was little but since the first day he became her best friend. I loved how his brother's would tease him about her.

Lucas and Laney's relationship progressed thru the high school years and they were just best friends. She always knew she was in love with him and Lucas did too but both were young and stupid to realize it so they were dated other people and lived like their feeling for each other never existed. When they finally gave into having a relationship; it was bad timing and I was devastated. Laney felt betrayed after she gave him everything that she found someone else and so her new boyfriend took most of her time.

"Ultimately, that's what true love is, you know? To want to be someone's hero when they're faced with villains. To want to be the one who saves them. To be their wonderwall."

Bad things happens to Laney and none of the Preston brothers realized or her father she was so ashamed she couldn’t opened up to anyone until it was too late. It was so painful to see how much Lucas blamed himself for everything but Laney couldn't have predicted all the events that happened. It really was not anyone's fault sometimes life finds you in the worse ways possible and you need to learn to fight back and get out of bad relationships.

This book was truly incredible because I adored all the characters the Preston; Lucy, Lucas, Leo, Logan, Lincoln, Liam and Lachlan. The author really put a well written book about love, life, family, struggles and consequences. It truly was so good. Now I wished I would have read the previews books because I want to know more about the rest of the boys and the sister which I thought was a hilarious character on this book.

"I've never stopped looking at you, looking to you, and I don't want to stop. Not now. Not ever. And I need to see your eyes and I need to hear your laugh and I need you. I need to love you. And I need to love you right."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue cccp
Spoiler Free Review

McLean is vicious with a pen. Her writing just gets better and better. Look, I know this review might look long but trust me when I say I'm holding back to not give anything away. One would easily start this book thinking Lucas is going to be one of those sweet best friend to lover reads. And it is...well..kind of. The thing is, Lucas and Lois have a love story that sort of goes against the grain. Their path is waaaaay different than your average teen romance novel.
You see, it's at the precise moment that you think the story is going to go right that it actually goes left; giving readers so much more than they bargained for. At least, I know it was that way for me.

When Lois is eleven her dad lands a job as the site foreman working for Tom Preston. She instantly gains a whole new family as the Preston's welcome her with open arms. However, there is one Preston that she grows to love in a way that differs from the rest. Lucas. The thing is I think it would be more accurate if I stated that Lois has a special relationship with each Preston to a certain degree. Only Lucas has her heart in every way possible and it's totally obvious.

Now, you know I gotta keep it real and let you know that there is nothing, I repeat NOTHING easy about their love story. When you expect things to progress between them you hit a sharp quick turn. This turn suddenly lands both Lois and Lucas in a somewhat awkward position as best friends. As a reader there are things you think you know but until the real details unfold you're kinda just going with the flow. Only, you hit another sharp twist that has you literally just sitting there holding your breath. I'm talking devastation, Jay McLean wrecked me.

My Sweet-->The Preston's are BACK! Tom, Kathy and all their kids Lucy Lucas Leo Logan Lincoln Liam and Lachlan
My Sour-->He whom shall not be named.

My Thoughts
In Lucas Jay McLean boldly yet somehow still cautiously touches on a darkness that so many face daily. It's considered a silent epidemic and McLean is strategic on how she unpacks the story. Careful not to swallow readers whole without allowing them to chew on a few things first. I'd like to also add that according to a recent article I read this horrific act/s occurs every NINE seconds in America.

The Writing
Listen, I am a true fan I've been down since her first book and I'm not going anywhere. Her growth as a writer has been remarkable thus far. Lucas was a G R E A T read. It's witty, heartfelt and emotionally charged with high doses of character charm. She doesn't just write, she develops and presents these characters in a way that draws you in like a moth to a flame.
I can honestly say that Lucas has taken the number one spot for me out of alllll of McLean's leading male heroes. He is officially my number one! It's crazy, this guy really just stuck to me like glue. I loved being in his head, receiving his thoughts, those candid moments of honesty, I admired his maturity, read on about his leadership, love love loved his loyalty, and enjoyed his sense of humor. I can also see this book topping bestsellers listings as the author has penned some of her best writing yet within the pages of Lucas.

What readers should know..
The book holds strong dark undertones as certain characters reach and in some cases possess a brokenness that will bring tears to your eyes. At one point while reading I was rendered speechless... If you're a true fan you've most likely met Lucas in More Than Forever(Lucy & Cam's book)

To buy or Not to Buy? BUY! Go 1click!
Series: Yes. This is the first book in a new series as far as I know.
Plot/Storyline: This book was nothing I expected it to be yet everything I needed it to be. Mainly due to the path the lead characters take.
The Writing: Beautiful, Sweet, Heartbreaking, Emotional...STRONG!
Steam Factor: High, on a scale from 1-10 I say 8.

Now go forth and read, then come tell us what you thought about it! If only just a few words, reviews are important to authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tsend gan
“Laney was my secret, hidden away from the eyes of my friends so they couldn’t want her, have her. She was mine. My secret pleasure.”

“That’s what true love is, you know? To want to be someone’s hero when they’re faced with villains. To want to be the one who saves them. To be their Wonderwall.”

“Sixteen clicks of your needles, eight seconds, and my heart flipped. And I just knew. I knew I’d fallin love for the first time. For the last time.”

Ahhh!!! As soon as I heard the Preston boys were getting their own series, I could not have been more excited. And let me tell you, if Lucas’ story is any indication of how this series is going to be, than Jay McLean can just take all my money now!!! Jay McLean has just knocked it out of the park with Lucas’ story….

Lucas is the first book in The Preston Brothers series and is a spin off of The More Than Series. That being said, this book can totally be read and enjoyed as a stand-alone. Now, as a big fan of the More Than Series, I have been following these characters for a very long time and have just been dying for the Preston clan to get their own story. And I’ll be the first to tell you, Lucas does not disappoint. Lucas and Lois are the ultimate friends to lovers romance. Their story is just pure and beautiful and incredibly well written. Their friendship and romance spans many years and sees many ups and downs. It is impossible to not fall in love with these two characters.

Lucas pulled me in from the very first page and I was unable to put his story down. I couldn’t stop myself from devouring each and every word. Lucas’ story is not an easy one. His story is filled with lots of angst and heartache and missed moments. His story pulled at my heart and kept me glued to the pages. The relationship that Lucas shares with Lois is one for the books. The love that they share is so real, so special. I was pulling for them the entire time and was just soooo looking forward to seeing how their story was going to go.

Look, I could spend all day telling you different reasons as to why I love this book, but I don’t want to go into too much detail or spoil anything for you. So, here is what I’m going to say. This book is incredible. It is a coming of age, friends to lovers romance. This story is going to work it’s way deep into your heart and take you on one incredible journey. As I already told you, I fell in love with Lucas from page one and could not get enough of his story. His story is filled with just the right amount of angst, drama, frustrating and difficult moments and of course, unforgettable love.

I loved every single moment of this story. It’s beautifully written and just takes you on the best journey. It made me laugh, smile, swoon and fall in love. Lucas has kicked this series off to one heck of a start. I am excited and just over the moon to see where this series is going to go next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Sixteen clicks. Eight seconds. That's how long it took me to realize I'd been
in love with her for four years. Eight, life changing seconds. It's also the exact length of time it took to lose her"

There are at least 4 things you are going to experience when you read a book by Jay McLean...

1. She is going to rip your heart out and break it.
2. She will pull every available feeling and emotion from you
3. She is going to make you laugh
4. She is going to give you a fantastic book
...And Lucas was no exception!

As soon as I read the prologue I knew that Jay was going to take me on a journey like never before. I knew she would break my heart and have me cursing her name throughout this story.

Lucas Preston, (whom we met in the More Than series), is the second oldest Preston child, after his sister, Lucy; he is the glue that holds all the Preston brothers together. And oh boy, did those Preston's have a bond like no other.

Lucas and Laney are eleven when they first meet and their story is told in past and present, giving the reader an insight into their friendship early on. They are best friends...Lois Lane and Clark Kent. But there are times when Lucas just wants Laney to "see him", and times when Laney just wants Lucas to "see her".

"Because having him here is too much and at the same time it's not enough. It won't ever be enough."

This story is heartbreaking, honest, raw, and emotional. You're literally on the end of your seat waiting for Lucas and Laney to get their happily ever after. They both made a lot mistakes and did stupid things...but that's Lucas and Laney. Just like all of our couples from the More Than series, (Cameron and Lucy, Amanda and Logan,Dylan and Riley and Jake and Mikayla), Lucas and Laney share that epic, all-consuming, leaves you breathless kind of love. Their journey isn't all hearts and roses, it's full of speed bumps and bruises along the way. But no one ever said that falling in love was plain sailing.

I especially loved reading about Kathy. She was such a warm and loving mother, not only to her children, but to Laney as well. It was also fun to catch up with the More gang after all this time apart.

This book and Jay's exceptional writing has reminded me why I love to read and why I love to get lost in an amazing story. Jay has come so far since the More Than series. She has grown so much as an author and this is, hands down, some of her best writing. What I love most about her is that, even after eleven books, she still has that way of making my heart want to beat out of my chest, and leaves me covered in goosebumps long after the story has ended.

"We love hard, love fierce and love right"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie brennan
Jay McLean is one of my favorite new adult authors. She has a way of crafting stories that bring out all sorts of emotions for me. I feel so much when I read her books. I knew Lucas would be no different. Reading it was pure emotional torture. I was on edge the entire time. I blame it on Jay McLean’s brilliant writing skills.

In case you’re unaware, Lucas and the Preston Brothers series is a spin-off of the More Than series. You don’t have to read the More Than series to enjoy this book, but I would recommend it because it’s an amazing series and you’ll get a different glimpse of the Preston family. Lucas is Lucy Preston’s oldest younger brother. The entire Preston Brothers series will revolve around Lucy’s many younger brothers.

Lucas had a killer prologue that set the tone for the entire book. The dual points of view and the way time alternated between past and present allows the reader to get a feel for Lucas and Laney’s entire friendship. There were many ups and downs and each one had me feeling a different emotion. I was stressed out, happy, sad, hopeful — my mood was constantly changing with the characters’. I loved being so emotionally vested in the characters and their story.

I adored Lucas and Laney. There was a realness to their characters. Both were so self-involved and clueless at times — the way teenagers truly are. I didn’t immediately fall for Lucas. It took some time for him to get me on his side. I had a love-hate relationship with him in the beginning. His love and dedication for Laney was so amazing and beyond his years, but he made some dumb choices. Laney was so adorable! She was that quiet girl who one day everyone notices, but she still thinks she’s invisible. Her struggle was easy to identify with. I loved the way Lucas and Laney grew throughout the story and where they ended up.

I won’t say much more because I don’t want to ruin anyone’s reading experience, but will say that I absolutely loved Lucas! It was a truly touching and amazing best friends to more high school romance. Lucas was such a great book and I am so excited for the rest of the Preston Brothers series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom seely
“I think, ultimately, that’s what true love is, you know? To want to be someone’s hero when they’re faced with villains. To want to be to be the one that saves them. To be their Wonderwall.”

This book stole my heart. It literally took my breath away at times and made my heart beat and bleed out all over the floor.

The characters were so amazing and real. I loved the amount of family time that was represented throughout this story. How important Lucas's brothers and sister were to him. How reliable and strong he was for them when his father couldn't be there to do it himself. It really showed Lucas's character as a man and who he will become as an adult later on in life.

"You're the glue, Lucas. Without you, that family would fall apart."

I loved the dynamic between Lois and Lucas, the friendship they built and the love they had for one another. Even when things were not good with them, they still had that undeniable connection that no one could break. Not many can ever be so lucky to have someone like that in their lives.

Lucas and Lois have been best friends since they were kids. Growing up she was welcomed into his family and seen as one of their own, his own mother taking her under her wing, being more of a mother to her than her own. Later on in life they finally give into the love they both feel but mistakes and insecurities take over and they lose themselves along the way. They try to move forward in life without each other, making more mistakes along the way. The drama and twists that occur in this story are very unexpected and keep you wanting more. To find out if the clues leading up to the BIG oh sh** moment are really what you think they are. Definitely a heartfelt and interesting read!

I had the pleasure to voluntarily read and review an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie lewis
Lucas is book one in the Preston Brothers series by Jay McLean.

Lucas Preston and Lois "Laney" Sanders became best friends in the day they met when they're both only eleven years old. Through the years, they have been there for each other, for the good and for the bad.
But they want more. They're both in love for each other, but they're afraid to show their feelings. Lucas feels he isn't enough for Laney. And Laney is waiting on the sidelines for Lucas to notice her.
When lines are crossed, will their relationship bloom from friends to lovers, or will they lose everything they built through the years?

I loved Lucas! The story hooked me from the prologue and I couldn't stop reading. It took my emotions in a rollercoaster ride and I loved every second. I laughed, I cried, I screamed.
I really loved how Lucas and Laney's relationship developed and all the tension between them.
And the wisdom of Kathy Preston? Amazing!

Lucas Preston is amazing and so swoon worthy! He's always loved Laney, but never thought he was good enough. He always thought he had more time to make her see that he was the one for her. But circumstances changed and lines were crossed. Now he has to prove to her that he really loves her. I loved how he fought for Laney and how loyal he is to his family. How he took care of his little brothers. So sweet!
Lois "Laney" Sanders is a shy girl, but also very strong, independent and full of attitude. She fell for Lucas when she met him and has been waiting for him to notice her. When Lucas hurt her really bad, she makes a decision that changes their lives forever.

Jay McLean outdid herself with Lucas! She gives us a superb story of friends to lovers, full of emotion, hooking the reader from the first page, and characters so real and relatable that the reader can't help but feel what they're feeling.
Can't wait to read the rest of the series, especially Logan's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another AMAZING book by Jay McLean!! I have loved the Preston clan since I started reading the More Than Series and I loved getting an inside look at their family. This book was emotional, powerful, heartbreaking, passionate & enticing.

Lucas is the oldest brother and he takes on quite a bit of responsibility, but he still is able to live and be a kid. I loved that Lucas was a role model to his brothers and that they all really looked up to him. Lucas and his brothers have a bond that is unbreakable and when one brother was in need they all rallied behind him. I loved seeing Lucas & Lucy's relationship and learning some new revelations that had happened in More Than Forever. When Lucas met Lois, his world stopped and changed forever. Their friendship was built throughout the years and their bond was so strong that nothing could break it, at least that is what they thought.

Lois fits into the Preston family like she was born into it. She helps take care of the boys and is there whenever one or all of them need help. Lois goes through quite a bit in this book and my heart broke for her. No one should have to go through what she went through. Lois is one of those characters that you just feel a kinship with. She is sweet, thoughtful, selfless & has a strength in her that sometimes she didn't know she had, but it was always there. When she met Lucas, her world stopped and changed forever.

This couple have a love that is undeniable and a bond so strong that even though it got tested, it still withstood all they went through. I loved how they balanced each other and when life got crazy they were each other's calm. Jay McLean touched on a couple of sensitive subjects in this book and I thought that she wrote it beautifully. My heart was breaking yet happy at the same time. This book was absolutely one of my favorite reads of 2016 and one of my favorite Jay McLean books so far and I am So excited for more Preston brothers books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An emotional rollercoaster, friends to lovers to ? romance. I swear this book made me feel like I was losing my mind. I've never changed my mind so much about characters in a book.

Eleven year old Lois meets her new neighbour Luke when her and her dad move for his new job. An instant connection forms between them and they spend the next few years been the bestest of best friends. Together through every high and low, nothing will come between them and they're each other's support system. With both of them having a massive crush on the other but both been adamant that the other doesn't feel the same, this story is full of emotional moments, regrets and mistakes.

I gave myself whiplash reading this.
I loved Luke, I loved Lois. I hated Luke and loved Lois. I hated Luke. I hated Lois. I hated Cooper. I wanted to like him but just couldn't. I wanted to slap some sense into Luke. I wanted to physically throw my kindle at Lois' face and slap some sense into her (I was in a violent kinda mood *shrugs*).

I've read a few books by Jay McLean and every one has got my blood pumping, but never has one had me so up and down like this one. I actually had to take a timeout because I was driving myself mad shouting at my kindle.

Even though this is Lois and Luke's story, there are some fantastic characters been introduced in this book. Lois' dad and his girlfriend,
Luke's brothers and dad, and Coopers mum Vivian (who I'm so desperately hoping gets her own story) are all really likeable and add so much more to this story.

A book that will make you feel, it'll make you laugh and it will, without a doubt, make you fall completely in love with the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ivan lanin
Jay McLean wrote us another wonderful story. Beautiful, touching, funny and complex. If you have not read this author yet be sure to catch up. It will be for you a magnificent journey through all kinds of emotions.

Lucas and Lois met when they were eleven. That's when started their great friendship. They spent time together when could and over the years their bond was only stronger. They were for each other in the best and worst moments of their lives. Somewhere in the meantime they developed feelings to which no one have the courage to confess.

This is it, in short, without revealing much, because it's probably one of the more complex plot you can now read. They just grow up, make mistakes and learn from them in a hard way. And they need to gain experience to be able to find their time and expand feelings for each other.

It is really 100% Jay McLean in the best shape. All you have to read is one chapter of any of her books, and you'll love it. I have read the More Than series years ago and still remember those stories. They stay in your head and you can always pull something out of them for yourself. She has a way of writing, it is amazing and you walk into it completely. Her stories are sweet and emotional and funny and move you to tears. The author does not treat us gently, but in return gives an unforgettable story.

Lucas book is the story of young people, their failures, successes and first love. They learn to live with lightest and darkest shades of life. In the back, they have an amazing family and friends. You can not fail to mention this, because it is a huge part of the story. I can go on and on how amazing it is, but there is this quote that really could not be more perfect to describe this book:

“It was heartbreaking, breathtaking, and in a way, it was kind of beautiful.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kagaaz ke
I am voluntarily reviewing this book because I received an advanced readers copy.

I've heard so many wonderful things about books by Jay McLean. I hear people rave about them and now I finally got to try one for myself. Based on what other readers have said, we do see Lucas in the "More Than" series, (his sister Lucy is in that series) and now Lucas is finally getting his own story.

Lucas meets Lois (who becomes Laney for Lois Lane) when he's eleven years old. Laney and her dad have moved in nearby and her dad works for Lucas' dad's construction company. They immediately become close friends, but as the years tick by, things start to change.

Both Laney and Lucas are head over heels for each other, but neither one is sure their feelings are returned. So neither really says anything about it. They do delve into this murkiness on a few occasions but things always seem to fall apart.

One aspect of this book that I found myself marveling at over and over again was just how much this book came to life. The author made me feel like I was right there with Lucas and Laney, to the point that I was actually wanting to respond TO the characters. Even the descriptions of their surroundings and internal dialogue was incredibly descriptive and allowed me to immerse myself in the story.

The ending of this story is incredible. I did NOT see some of the twists coming, but they did make sense.

I would absolutely recommend this book. This story is extremely well-written and a fantastic tale of friends to lovers, sprinkled with memories and stories from the past. Our characters experience tragedy but they also experience true, all-consuming love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lucas, is our introduction to the Preston boys. And if this is any indication of what this series is going to be like. I can’t wait for the next one. 

McLean really has a way of telling a story. Really getting the reader involved with these characters. I love the Preston’s! they are genuinely good people. Who love and care for those they consider family. 

This story isn’t without their saddest moments and their happiest. Lucas and Lois aka Laney, have been best friends since they were kids. They’ve honestly, loved each other the moment their eyes met. But they were kids, and you know how kids are. Growing up together, they really knew each other. But there are some things, that are left unsaid. 

“.. She’s too much. She’s everything.”

I was only 12% in and I knew i would love this story with my whole heart. It pulled at me emotionally, to where I was laughing and crying within minutes. Only, so many stories do that. Those are the stories I’m grateful for. But if you do jump into this story. I would recommend going back to the More Than Series, really understanding where it all came from. 

“..Love doesn’t die just become one heart stops beating. When you love someone. you have the same heartbeat and it’s still there. Just not as strong.”

This really was perfect to me, for many reasons. I think once you jump into this, you’ll understand. Overall, I fell deeply for this story. Lucas and Laney’s story. Of two people who ultimately knew they were made for each other. Five plus plus plus Boundless Stars all the way....Lissa 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie armato
Jay McLean has a phenomenal talent for writing love stories that always surprise me while making me feel every emotion possible.

I thought I knew what to expect when I picked up Lucas. On the surface, it seems like your typical "BFFs secretly in love with each other story" but it is so much more than that. Just like its parent series, More Than, this story is filled with dramatic twists, charming characters and a heartbreakingly beautiful story about love, friendship and family. It will surprise you in a great way.

I immediately fell for Laney and Lucas. It's hard not to I think. They have this great friendship and understanding of each other that very few people ever find. They're the type that make you believe in soulmates. And watching their story unfold as it did had me captivated from the start. From their character growth, to their moments together, I couldn't get enough of these two!

The path to true love is never a straight line and this book shows that at every step.

It was such a treat for me to return to this world and I can't wait to go back again!

**I received an ARC of this book and this is my voluntary review.**
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michael sensiba
Very underdeveloped female character. Very complex issues for a very flawed/immature 16 year that the author failed to grow emotionally. Of course the H was this close to perfection. Then the author explained away the dysfunction of the h in a couple of chapters, then showed that she was cured of said dysfunction, without providing the proof of that growth and then we have our HEA. Their are reasons why the h engaged in a negative and dysfunctional relationship and it is more than how pretty she is or beyond the reasons why everyone loved her. This type of behavior is not for the faint of heart; it does require a lot of work to show the dysfunction and how a character gets to the other side for a book to be truly enjoyable. This is not it... poor execution.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. As with all of McLean's books, be prepared to feel all of your emotions. She does a great job of pulling you in and making it hard for you to put the book down.

Lois and Lucas are great characters. I loved their friendship from the very beginning. I liked the little glimpses into their past to show how close they become. They are inseparable, and trust each other completely. You know they love each other, but you see the struggle both of them have when they start feeling more. When they aren't sure how to express their feelings.

There were times where I really disliked both characters, but times when I loved them. Lois goes through so much in the duration of this story. Some of it had my heart shattering. Lucas has his own family he's dealing with, and he has so much strength for a guy his age. I couldn't imagine doing the things he does for his family when I was 17/18.

You feel the connection between Lois and Lucas within every page. I adored this book, and can't wait to see what the rest of the Preston brothers have in store for us. Oh, and there's a bit of MAYHEM within these pages. I love Operation Mayhem so freaking hard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a story of never-ending friendship and love. I don't normally read YA books but sometimes after reading something dark and disturbing I need something a little milder and this book as perfect. It touched me deep in my heart. Lucas is the second oldest of the Preston family. Tom and Kathy and all six of thier kids who's names begin with an L. Lucy, Lucas, Leo, Logan, the twins Liam and Lincoln and last but not least the biggest ball of cuteness and fun rolled into one is Lachlan. His orneriness had me laughing so hard my husband thought I was crazy. When Lois and her father Brian move to town and Lois meets their family for the first time Lois and Lucas have an instant connection. That connection continues throughout their lives and grows from best friends to something much deeper. Kathy and Tom and the kids fall in love with Lois immediately an consider her an honorary part of their family. Lois gets really attached to Kathy like a Mother. Kathy nicknames her Lois Lane and Lucas is Clark Kent. But the family starts calling her Laney. Anyway,this book will take you on a rollercoaster ride thought the trials and tribulations of the amazing family that only continues to grow. When tragedy strikes they become even closer and stronger. At times I was crying so hard, I mean the uncontrollable ugly cry. But I couldn't put this book down. A times it was so heartwarming I almost felt like part of their family. Then at times it was so heartbreaking it was like watching a hallmark movie. The ending was so sweet there's only one way it could have been more perfect but you have to read it to find out. Be prepared to laugh out loud and definitely keep the tissues handy. I LOVED every minute of this book. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail thomas
I have been (not so) patiently waiting for this book to be published. Why ?? Well, because it was written by one of my favorite authors and because it's a spinoff from one of my favorite series, which includes my all time favorite book.... "More than forever".

Not only is this a spinoff, but it's about Lucas... Lucy's brother !!! I was pretty sure this book was gonna be awesome and since I'm always right....it was !!

I loved that it was similar to my favorite book (Lucy and Cam) in so many ways.

Lucas and Laney (Lois) have been the best of friends since they were 11 years old. Laney's dad left their mom and started working for Tom, Lucas' dad. This is how they met.

Lucas is the oldest son of the Preston clan. Lucy being the oldest daughter. Then there is Leo, Logan, Linc, Liam and little Lachlan. They are such an awesome family and I do hope we get a story for all the brothers.

This family loses their mom when they are all still young, especially Lachlan. This is not really a spoiler , because if you've read the previous series, you already know. Lucas really steps up the plate to help his family out in all the ways he can and Lane, she is always right by his side helping him out.

Over time her feelings for him changed....
She wants more from Lucas than to be his best friend, but if that's all he wants from her, she will make sure she is the bestest friend ever. She doesn't know however that his feelings for her changed a long time ago.

Lucas made some stupid mistakes. I didn't fault him for this, because he was still young and had to learn so much. When they find out about each others true feelings, they have to decide if they want to risk their friendship and be who they were meant to be ...a match made in heaven.

I'm not gonna say anything more about the storyline. I think everyone should just read it and find out for themselves.

This book made me laugh, cry, swoon and even curse. I loved every single page. We even got some short appearances from Jake, Logan and ofcourse Lucy and Cam, who are still my favorite couple.

For those who haven't read the "More than" series, don't worry. This can be read as a stand alone, although I don't know why anyone would want to skip those books.

Last of all, I want to plead with this author to please write books about all the brother. I'm actually very curious about Logan. I would absolutely love to read his story, but ofcourse I would read about all of them !!

5 Very well deserved stars from me !!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corrie wang
Lucas Preston is living THE life- he has all that he could ever wish for. A happy family full of siblings, a long line of hot girls and his best friend Laney. Only. he has begun to feel something more than just friendship towards her and soon he finds himself head over heels about her. Lois has always been in love with Luke whilst the latter never noticed. When they finally begin to get closer, Lucas breaks her heart and everything just falls apart. Will she be able to ever forgive him? Will they find each other again?

This was my first book by the author and my mind is frigging blown! This book has all the feels! I felt so connected to the characters throughout the whole story- especially Laney! I was practically bawling my eyes out when she was hurting. This story is one hell of an emotional roller coaster! I love the drama and the sweet moments.. I laughed, I cried- I just utterly enjoyed reading this story of teenage love and hurt.. I am in looove with Lucas Preston! I cannot wait to read more of your stories Jay!

~ Divya
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly darby
Lucas has been warmly recommended to me by a dear friend. Being my first read ever by Jay McLean I have to say that I'm deeply impressed by this author's beautiful poignant writing and captivating storytelling. Jay is a wordsmith par excellence. She took me on an epic and unforgettable emotional rollercoaster from the first till the last page. I swear I got heart palpitations from reading. This book handles some tough topics for a YA story and it was gut-wrenching for me to read those parts. I've cried and sobbed throughout the book too many times to count. But it was absolutely worth it. Jay McLean may have teared my heart into million tiny pieces but she slowly and carefully put them back together again.

This is the first book in the Preston Brothers series and is a friends to lovers story. The hero (Lucas Preston aka Luke) and heroine (Lois Sanders aka Lane) meet each other as kids and become inseparable ever since. They both come from completely different family backgrounds. Luke grew up with six other siblings and affectionate parents who cared about him while Lane was a single child with only her loving father to rely on. Tragic circumstances are going to make their bond even stronger and Lane will become a permanent fixture in the lives of the Preston brothers. Lucas and Lois are both going to realise that what they feel for each other surpasses friendship, it's something bigger and greater. But when Luke finally finds the courage to declare his love to his best friend he makes a huge mistake shortly after which costs him a shot at a relationship with her. Lane turns to another guy brokenhearted and in search for comfort. But Cooper is not what he seems to be and she is soon going to regret her decision. Can Luke and Lane rebuild their friendship and have a second chance at their love?

What I liked about the hero and heroine of this story was that they are very realistic characters. They were 18 years old and acted like that. Both simply needed to make mistakes in order to learn and grow up. Luke and Lane are both kindhearted and caring and would do anything for the people they love. But they also had their flaws. Luke was often overcautious and indecisive while Lane was very stubborn.

I fell completely and irrevocably in love with the Preston punks and can't wait to see what Jay has in tow for the remaining brothers. I'm sure that she's once again going to blow my mind and deliver some more amazing stories to swoon about.
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