Book 1) by Joe Abercrombie (29-Jan-2015) Paperback

ByJoe Abercrombie

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
irina dumitrescu
Tightly controlled story without the gratuitous sex and violence of Martin's never-ending Game of Thrones. I will recommend this to friends who love the fantasy genre, but this was much better than most. It exposed a human core and explored concepts of brotherhood and friendship without being romantic or reductive. Looking forward to the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A solid tale of betrayal, deceit and revenge, packaged up in Abercrombie's signature blend of grit and wit. Though the plot was predictable (I saw some of the major "twists" coming from a mile away), the characters were endearing enough that I was able to overlook any shortcomings. I'd recommend this to anyone wanting a quick, easy, enjoyable read. 3 1/2 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love Joe Abercrombie's writing, that being said this is not his best work but even his sub par work is still worth a read. The book just doesn't seem fully fleshed out. Also, the main character of all his books seem to have similar driving forces and methods of accomplishing their goals. This being said the story was still enjoyable and I was sad when it was finished. Can't wait for the next book !
Oedipus the King (Greek Tragedy in New Translations) :: Before They Are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two :: Antigone; Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus - The Three Theban Plays :: Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God :: King Lear (No Fear Shakespeare)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great new Abercrombie series. Not quite as grim as the First Law world. If you like Abercrombie, you'll most likely like this book. If you've been hesitant to try one of his books due to grim reviews, this might be a good place to start.

I've already read the 2nd, and I've got the 3rd pre-ordered!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Though Abercrombie is always a skilled storyteller, this book lacks the detailed vivid characters I grew to love in the first law series. Yarvi's transformation at times seems genuine and then suddenly changes and he appears short sighted and contrived. There were a few spots that left me skeptically shaking my head, but for the most part I was entertained.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this was a wonderfully crafted coming of age story, told within the confines of a courtly drama, slash road trip, slash revenge, slash maritime fantasy. The book was smartly paced, the worldbuilding fit perfectly within the story. What sets this book apart are the characters, namely the protagonist Jarvi. I haven't cared so much, so early on about a protagonist, since I first met Fitz in "Assassin's Apprentice". This may be a book that is more skewed toward the young adult market, with the age of the protagonist, and the slightly toned down violence as compared with Abercrombie's other work (I'm looking at you Glokta), but it did not make the book any less enjoyable to read. I wish fantasy like this was around when I was a young adult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally schulze
Abercrombie, as always gets it right with yet another page turner.

Telling the story with its twists and all to realistic characters I've come to love from Abercrombie's books.
Although I still haven't crossed paths with a character I liked more than inquisitor Glotka from the First Law series - the characters are well defined and intriguing as ever.

Hope you'd have fun reading it as I have...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colin h
Enjoyable fantasy novel. Good progression with some surprises. While I expected this to be part of a larger story arch, it's very self-contained. I've heard what happens in this one affects future installments in the Shattered Sea books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebekka istrail
Not the best book Joe Abercrombie has written in my opinion. This book was much less dark, gritty and gory then his other books. I like Abercrombie for all the blood, gore and anti-heroes. This book was a lot slower and not as well fleshed out as his others. Ever other Joe Abercrombie book I've read I loved, not this one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kevin brantley
I really enjoyed Abercrombies other books so I thought I would try this series. Don't bother unless they are free. Even tho it was cheap just not worth your time. I guess they were supposed to be YA books and maybe a 12 year old boy may like it but not I
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Abercrombie has done it again. If you liked the bloody nine than you will surely enjoy this book. If you don't know who the bloody nine is...than you're missing out. Either way, grab up this book, and The Blade Itself while you're at it. Truly amazing characters, plots, and a superb new world to play in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jp kingsbury
This story grabbed me from the first chapter and would not let me go. The writer did a great job introducing characters you couldn't help but care for, and successfully builds a very creative story with hundreds of twist and turns. The ending seems to have opened more doors with additional plot twist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No significant magic save that of good herbalists, careful philosophers, and cunning, bravery in the face of uncertainty. Be that as it may, a grand tale of a weak boy forged through labor and challenge into something we didn't quite expect. Excellent work, consumed me in a day, as I tore through it. Highly recommended, without reservation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mal thompson
Joe Abercrombie continues to delight me with his incredible gift of storytelling. His characters are always so fleshed out with so many levels of grey, never quite all good nor bad. Hard to put this book down. Mr. Abercrombie remains one of my all time favorite authors and I look forward to his next tale.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
In general I've always enjoyed Abercrombie's books and find him to be one of the very best in creating vivid and visceral fight and battle sequences. That said the protagonist's early weakness, uncertainty and subsequent victimization really undercut my empathy for him and made his subsequent quasi heroic turnabout less than compelling.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pat richmond
Although well well-written, there is just not enough detail in the world of Shattered Sea. As well, the characters portray only a shadow of distinctiveness and individuality. He dumbed it down too much for the YA audience.

As far as stories of betrayal and subsequent enslavement are concerned, Sanderson's The Way of Kings gets the gold metal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patience phillips
Another excellent effort by Joe Abercrombie. Not quite as "gritty" as his previous works. Excellent characters, the story moves very quickly, I am eagerly awaiting the next installment. I have enjoyed all his works, but this one is clearly different. I would recommend it as an excellent introductory book to this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have a love/hate relationship with Joe Abercrombie's books. I love Abercrombie's books for their tongue-in-cheek humor. For the nods to Fantasy greats. To the brutal violence, which although you expect it from his books by now, still comes as a surprise. But the hate comes with the predictability of his work. Similar to David Eddings or Brian Jacques, Abercrombie has a formula that's predictable but yet comforting. When I read his books, I can't help but check off a list in my head of any typical Abercrombie book. (if you haven't figured out the pattern already... spoiler alert!)

Does our hero find himself in a position of power at the beginning of the book? Does said hero suffer from a tragic treachery or sudden defeat? Does said hero find him or herself suddenly in the worst possible position, yet by the end of the novel still makes his way, defeating everyone that gets in his way, to his in-evitable revenge? Does one of his companions suffer a unreasonable death along the way? Will he end up not exactly where he intended, but yet, by the end of the book, back into a position of power once more...?

Such is the way of an Abercrombie book. I hesitated before purchasing Half a King. But once purchased, I read it quickly and devoured it. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Am I surprised that its exactly like previous Abercrombie installations? Not at all. I think the most frustrating thing about Abercrombie is trying to figure out if this current book and the current string of characters relate to the other books in ways I haven't figured out or can't be bothered to remember. Truth is, I tried to look for similarities but just don't care - Half a King could belong in the same world as the First Law series, but it doesn't matter. At all. So I never bothered to check.

But it deserves four stars because the book was an easy read, did a great job of taking you away and putting you in our hero's shoes. Short lived, but fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susie frischkorn
Joe Abercrombie has this gift of being able to bring characters to life in a way that is truly unique. You find yourself cheering for rogues and even villains at times, simply because you can't picture the story moving forward without that character.

Half a King is no different. The story is gritty and moves along quickly. My one complaint is that some of the transition of our main character (Yarvi) from boy to man seems to get lost in all of the action going on around him. Still, it is a small thing and I can't wait to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison lk
Pretty cool storyline. Got a feeling it was a little post apocalyptic and was a world not used before. The characters as always were well written but noted a slightly hurried feel in the way they developed. This could have been a much longer book but worked well for lunchtime reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin wilson
Half a King leaves me anticipating the next edition! Although somewhat gory in places, one always feels that the scoundrels got what was deserved or appropriate to the story. The details give the impression of truth even when the magic powers leave us understanding that this is beyond reason.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Captain Nubbins goes from boy to king to slave back ti boy then Minister.

No love interest, no romantic subplot. No magic. Just good fantasy. I'd give Yarvi's mom the key to my treasury if you know what I mean.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading the First Law series this is a little less bloody. That in no way means this wasn't an exciting read. He writes in a way that suits me and I seem to read the stories very quickly and want more when it is done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brett ortiz
I never warmed to Abercrombie's earlier books. But this wicked little tale of deceit and treachery I found to be just the thing to round out my summer reading list. Now, on to the rest of the series...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maiv lig
Joe does it again. This time without an appearance or mention of the Bloody Nine. However the main character is greatly influenced by the number of digits he possesses. Once again you will be riveted by the characters and you will hardly miss your old friends. If you like Abercrombie then you will greatly enjoy his latest work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim smith
This was an excellent book for those who liked Game of Thrones. It is an easy read. Many twist and turns along the way. The ending will blow you away. Really enjoyed it. None of the wizards and dragons, just old history type problems.
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