The Simple Science of Losing Fat FastNot Muscle (The Muscle for Life Series Book 5)

ByMichael Matthews

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica mckenney
Mr. Michael Matthews is someone you might want to get familiar with, his weight training program, books and overall philosophy in working out is by far the best thing I have ever started and will now maintain for a lifetime. No quick fix here, this is a lifestyle change that I have been blessed to have found. Mr. Matthews tells it like it is and backs up his research with scientific journal/articles of proven results. I virtually have every one of his books. I perform his Bigger, Leaner, Stronger (BLS) workout and the changes I am making and the looks I am getting in the gym are priceless, I see the changes in the mirror and in my ever shrinking waist. I also see the same people doing the same thing at the gym going nowhere slow. Get all his stuff, if you want to succeed, trust me it works and his name will be worldwide very soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikita t mitchell
There's so much conflicting information about cardio today - it's hard to sort out the solid info from the nonsense. This book is solid info from someone who really knows what he's doing and has learned the hard way. One of the best books on Cardio I've read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adel ibrahem
Loved this book, great explanation on how cardio works and what works best, Great cardio idea's, covers different types of cardio, includes calories used for each style and suggestions on how to progress/options from beginners to more advanced, valuable information for a great price,
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all of Mike Matthew's books. The information is clearly laid out, informative, educational funny and easy to understand. Mike doesn't muck around with trying to sell you a new fad. He provides clear data for you to take or leave. If you want to be fit, it takes hard work and determination and Mike provides you with the information to do it. The best thing is that Mike actually pops you an email and personally keeps in contact with you to check on your progress. The books are inexpensive and I recommend buying the lot. My husband and I loved Bigger, Leaner Stronger + Thinner, Leaner Stronger so much on e-book we had to buy the hard copy as well. Mike has his own website with excellent articles written by him and a great online presence through social media (instagram, pinterest etc)... The guy is lovely and a real fitness champion. Try one of his books and see what I mean. Big love Mike! All the best
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica whittaker
Michael provides a great insight in to the ideas of cardio, along with a ton of extra information that goes along well with it. This book also provides many examples of the different types of cardio exercises that you can do, and gives great information on the pros on cons of all of them. I am not a big fan of doing cardio, which is how, I am sure, most of us feel about it, but this book provides a lot of great information and examples to help anyone find a cardio routine that they hate slightly less than most.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an extremely helpful book that clearly lays out the science behind how to burn fat and get in shape, and destroys some myths about weight loss/bodybuilding in the process. Easy to read and very useful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book is focused on giving three principles for weight loss and is quite clear about them. If you are looking for a specific exercise program, this is not your book. If you are looking for general guidelines about diet and exercise, this book will work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book is focused on giving three principles for weight loss and is quite clear about them. If you are looking for a specific exercise program, this is not your book. If you are looking for general guidelines about diet and exercise, this book will work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cardio Sucks is very well written, clear, concise, and no BS. I loved it. The approach flies in the face of conventional "wisdom" of how to get fit.
I recommend this along with the author's other titles "Muscle Myths" and "Thinner, Leaner, Stronger". Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While the topics here aren't exactly ground breaking and new, it's nice to have all of the different types of good cardio routines and their strengths displayed together. For the price you can't go wrong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
prabhat pastor
I bought this book because I enjoy reading Mike's stuff. Some of what he puts in here is a repeat of a few small items from his other works. Don't let that keep you from buying this. I am always looking for ways to spice up cardio because it IS boring. I was able to take a few of his ideas that will work for me and incorporate them into my workouts. However, there are a few things that I won't try because of my age. This book may not be for the beginner, but more for someone who has been working out for a while and needs to do more than walk on a treadmill. Hence, the 4 not 5 stars. If you are just starting to workout check out Mike's other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great read! Someone who has done the research for you and the proof it is the pictures. Thank you so much for all the great information. On to a stronger, sleeker me! Highly recommend this and all books by Michael Matthews!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin perry
Great info! Used many of the example exercises provided. Very refreshing and something you can start doing immediately. The author provides some excellent tips along with many ideas to alter your workout and get results.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like particulary good structure of the book, easy to follow.
A few nice examples of interesting exercises, which will make your workouts interesting.

If you have other books of Michael, then you will find a lot of repetitions in the introduction chapters.
I assume that this is required for new customers.

I would recommend this books to all interested in workouts but to personal trainers as well. They will find there a lot inspiration how to change everyday routine. ( at least I didn't find this reading)

Only 4 stars for not having at the end of the book of summary and comparison of cardio routines and advise how to put them into your daily weightlifting routine.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
genevieve polk
I would just love to give a full, favorable review for one of Michael Matthews' books. He is knowledgeable, straight-forward, honest, and a good example for fitness enthusiasts. Furthermore, at a mere $.99 for the Kindle copy, how can you go wrong? I certainly can't judge him harshly for his aerobic primer simply because I have read of heard some of his advice elsewhere.

My criticism is two-fold: First of all, I objectively think that I need to read a more elaborate fitness manifesto that I can sink my teeth into, and #2.) I love his overview, but his ending is abrupt and not as helpful as his earlier writing. At the end he recommends the following exercises for strengthening your core: "Captain's Chair Leg Raise," "Bicycle Crunch," "Crunch," "Cable Crunch," and "Ab Wheel"--all of which are great, but for those who aren't familiar, these names mean nothing without a description, instructions, or some pictures to instruct the reader. You have to go to the gym and ask others what these exercises are and how to do them. Fortunately for me, I know three of the four, but I don't know how to do one of them correctly.

As a head's up, I want to give Michael Matthews another chance. I have purchased 'Beyond Bigger, Leaner, Stronger' because I know, deep down, Matthews is an expert fitness writer. Given the multiple five-star reviews and the nearly three-hundred pages of content, I believe that he will not let me down, and I will be able to reciprocate in kind with a review I feel in my bones he truly deserves. I am hoping he will reinvent the body building wheel for me like Tom Venuto and John Romaniello have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary winchester
Very informative, well priced and lots of information. People always think CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO...but even more important is building muscle. This book was easy to read...but even better...I LOVE that this author interacts with his customers on the store and is easy to reach for questions. Adds such a personal touch that cannot be matched. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent read. Answered many of the questions I had concerning workouts. Was written on terms everyone could understand and identify with. Would recommend it to anyone who is serious about their workouts!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mostafa khaled afandy
This book covers everything!! It tells you what to eat, what to drink, how to lose weight or gain weight how to gain muscle and tone your body. The book explains which exercises are most effective for burning the most calories and most importantly everything is explained with scientific support. I loved reading this book and can't wait to see the results from using it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah giovanniello
I liked the book but unfortunately the first couple chapters are the same in all his books. I feel I bought three books with a lot of the same chapters. Don't get me wrong... the information is great but I was hoping to learn more information, not just the same over and over. I do recommended this and all of his books though. Just be prepared to skip chapters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn rizzi
This is a great read that really sifts through the muck of the fitness industry and illustrates easy and actionable ideas to maximize health and fitness. Michael's no nonsense approach to the fitness world will motivate the reader to implement and follow a plan. I am also reading Michael's book Bigger, Leaner, Stronger, which is a great follow up to Cardio Sucks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Honestly after reading countless articles and publications over the years I finally have the answer. This book completely explains very easily what fat is and how to lose it. Plain and simple. I have struggled for years with just enough fat to hide most of my gains. I never could get over the hump, and this book taught my why. Now I feel confident that the shreds I've long desired are in my near future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn hall
Good book, short but worth the read, basically different ways of making cardio more then running around in circles, I've read several more books by this author, and he is very helpful with guiding you towards your goals.
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