Colters' Lady (Colters' Legacy) (Volume 2)

ByMaya Banks

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Colters' Woman was released with the expanded version and then Colters' Wife with Callie's Meadow I was thrilled. What thrilled me more was the sneak peak at Colters' Lady. I couldn't wait for this next generation of the Colter family. I was not disappointed. It was a great story and filled with hunky alpha males. I do agree that the heroine was a little too needy but I seriously don't think these men would have fell so hard if she wasn't a little needy. I looking forward to Callie's story. For some reason, I think she's going to surprise all of us!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
scott haraburda
This book is so completely different from Colter's Woman that it should have just had a different title.

It's a heavy drama, full of teeth-gnashing angst as the characters fight ghosts from their pasts and struggle with a group union that none of them want. They constantly apologize, pussy-foot around and generally waffle at every turn.

While the male leads are supposed to be dominant males, (i.e. cop, tattooed bar owner, country vet,) there is nothing alpha, let alone decisive, in either their words or their actions.

If you're looking for a robust romp similar to Colter's Woman, this is not it. If you like books with indecisive, overly polite heroes and a (justifiably) mentally anguished heroine then this is the book for you. I loved Colter's Woman (the first book in the series) and still hold out hope for the next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leslie koenig
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and look forward to the next book. The details of the characters, both physically and emotionally carried me right there with them. Thank you Maya Banks for the escape.
A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels) - In His Keeping :: Colters' Woman (Colters' Legacy) (Volume 1) :: Whispers in the Dark (KGI series Book 4) :: Safe at Last: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels) :: Mastered (The Enforcers)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aim e
Wow! I loved this second book in the Colters' Series! I love that the brothers in this version all had very different personalities, professions, and opinions! I love Dillion- he was, by far, my favorite! I also loved that Lily's character was well developed and we get to see her go through a very personal journey during the book. I felt her "crisis" was very realistic and believable...much more so than the first book in the series. I also loved getting to revisit Holley and her husbands from the first novel. I can't wait to read Callie's book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Maya Bank's `Colter's Woman' was the first erotica story I ever read, so I have a bit of a soft spot for it.
In that first book Maya Banks introduced three very unusual brothers. Adam, Ethan and Ryan Colter were three men who grew up in a family with three dads and one mother - and that family dynamic stayed with them into adulthood and became their ideal family unit. Then Holly stepped into their lives to fill the role of wife for the three Colter's.

This sequel, `Colter's Lady' is set a few years down the track. Holly, Adam, Ethan and Ryan have four grown children - Callie, Seth, Dillon and Michael. The sequel focuses on the three Colter male children - when we meet them Seth is a policeman, Michael a veterinarian and Dillon owns a bar. The three men do not want the same ménage lifestyle their parents have, but that all changes when they meet Lily.
Lily is a homeless woman whom Seth discovers in line at a soup drive. He falls instantly in love and offers to bring her home to the Colter ranch and make a life with her. Seth intends to keep Lily for himself, but when Dillon and Michael lay eyes on her the Colter impulse kicks in and all three of them want her.
Lily is cautious at first, but eventually accepts the love of all three men. What the Colter men really have to contend with is Lily's past and the haunting of old wounds.

I am a big fan of the first book `Colter's Woman'. I know lots of people read and were disquieted by the storyline - not so much the ménage aspect, but the *familial* ménage. Fair enough, I can completely understand some reader's unease - but I wasn't overly concerned. To be honest I was probably too awe-struck by the novelty of my first erotica novel to pay too much attention to the finer, disturbing plot points.

However, reading this sequel (minus the rose-coloured glasses) I had a lot less patience for the storyline. Everything I seemed able to ignore in `Colter's Woman' (like the awkwardness of brothers having sex with the same woman, at the same time) I was unable to ignore in `Colter's Lady'.

The storyline is a carbon-copy of `Colter's Woman', with few plot tweaks - it is again about a woman `on the run' (from her past instead of an ex-husband this time, but still) and three brothers who decide to be her saviour.
The biggest difference in this second book is the fact that the Colter brothers in `Lady' are uneasy about sharing a woman, whereas in `Woman' they were actively looking for a wife to share. That just makes the storyline glaringly awkward and a lot seedy. Where I could live in the fantasy of `Colter's Woman' and accept that three brothers would want to devote their life and lust to pleasing one woman, it was harder to believe in this sequel when the brothers all air their grievances and concerns, but decide to share Lily regardless.

Every concern and complaint I've read about `Colter's Woman' was ten-fold in this sequel, to the point that I couldn't ignore the incest storyline and the general discomfiture of the plot. No matter how many times Lily talked through her concerns or spoke to Holly and her husband's about their perfect ménage life, I remained unconvinced.

It also didn't help that Lily was as dull as a houseplant. The most interesting (if completely unfathomable) thing about Lily was her homelessness. But the reason for her living on the streets is a ridiculously contrite plot point, designed to make readers and the Colter men feel sorry for her. But it just turned her into even more of a Mary-Sue and all the more unbearable.

The Colter men; Dillon, Seth and Michael, were unremarkable and dull. I didn't envy Lily her situation one bit. The sex scenes felt awkward and clunky - where they were inventive and sexy in `Colter's Woman', in `Lady' the focus seemed to be on Lily's back-story and her growing love for the men - so the sex took a backseat. But that was okay - since I was feeling icky about the brotherly ménage anyway, I didn't particularly relish the idea of reading smoking hot smut.

I was actually looking forward to this sequel. Even in light of the awkward feelings `Colter's Lady' illicits concerning family threesomes, I still hold `Colter's Woman' in esteem. I only wish Maya Banks had come up with a more inventive storyline, instead of a recycled off-cut of `Woman' that seemed designed to quell nay-sayers and further explain the benefits of brotherly love. I would have preferred it if `Lady' had been about Holly, Adam, Ethan and Ryan - maybe following them after their `happy ending' and observing how their threesome coped with the inclusion of babies and town curiosity? As it was, `Colter's Lady' is a weakened version of `Colter's Woman' with none of the endearments that made that book a truly naughty joy to read.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nigel crooks
Spoiler Alert Ahead Read at Your Own Risk This was a really good book hot and sweet. This book takes place 30 years after the first book. Lily Weston has been homeless for three years after a tragic event in her life that caused her to lose something very close to her heart after visiting a soup kitchen she meets Seth Colter. Seth is a cop in Denver he volunteers at the Soup kitchen severing the homeless when he sees Lily and he can't believe is eyes so he follows her to an alley where she is living in. Seth knows that Lily is his and now he has to convince her that she belongs with him. When his brother Michael visits he looks at Lily and knows that she is the one that he has been looking for. Lily takes off not wanting to be a bother to the brothers. When Michael finds her he realizes that she has been shot by a stray bullet hits her. The guys decide to take her back to their home town to meet their family. I loved how the Colter family welcomed Lily in to the family and how they helped her. After meeting Dillon brother number 3 the guys realize that each one of them want her. None of the guys thought that they would be like their parents they thought that they would find their own woman. When Lily finally told the guys what happened to her and why she was homeless I felt really bad for her and I was pissed that she didn't stand up to her ex sooner. I love reading or listening to Ms. Banks books the narrator for this book did a really good job. I am looking forward to listening to Callie's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Originally posted at: [...]

Lily walks into the soup kitchen on the day that Seth is serving. Seth cannot deny the instant attraction he feels towards her. Chasing after her, Seth finds her in an alleyway living in a cardboard box. All Seth knows is that he needs to save and protect her. Will Lily trust in Seth and go with him or will she continue to run?

In this day and age where a woman has a hard enough time finding a one true love, Lily has hit the jackpot and found not only one but three wonderful men who adore her. With such intense emotions from the characters I was hooked from the very beginning of this story.

Lily is a strong and brave woman. She endures a lot and keeps going, it may be day to day but she keeps on living. Each of the Colter brothers has a strong personality as well. Seth is a strong man willing to let Lily have her space but intent on protecting her. Dillon is a fiercely loyal man and Michael is a sweet and understanding man. Each brother has the same instant feelings for Lily and is ready and willing to fight for her love. Watching Lily blossom under the love and trust given to her from not only the brothers but also the rest of the Colter family was a great read. Every character in this story endears themselves to the readers making it hard to pick a favorite. I know that just like Lily I could not pick one brother over the others. From the family bond to the feelings that the brothers have for Lily the love and trust that is shown in this book are a wonderful read.

Once again Maya Banks brings the reader a wondrous book full of emotion and depth. As with all of the other works by this author this book pulls the reader in, letting them loose themselves in another world. Although this is the second story in this series it can be read as a stand-alone. I think that if you have not read the first installment, this story will make you go in search of it. I know that I am eagerly awaiting the third book in this series myself. This was a wonderful read that should not be missed. Maya Banks is one of the few automatic buys for this reader.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
palatable adonis
Police officer Seth Colter volunteers ever so often at a local soup kitchen. This time when he arrives he cannot control his thoughts about a delicate woman in his line. Unbidden thoughts that Lily is his assail him and when she leaves he has no choice but to follow the beauty until he sees her situation. Upon discovery that she's homeless he insists she stay with him. Skittish, she still accepts his offer.

Unfortunately as soon as Seth's brothers lay eyes on Lily, they too get the sudden and fierce thought that she belongs to them as well. These brothers never thought their lives would become so similar to their three fathers and mother. But they've got a woman to love and protect and will do everything to keep her safe, even if from her own past.

Author Maya Banks has done it again with her latest story Colters' Lady. Thoroughly evocative and emotional, this story grabs the reader's heartstrings from the first page and doesn't let go until well after the last word. Lily's story is so gut wrenching that one cannot help but be drawn into her journey, rooting for her every step of the way. Each of the Colter men is delicious, with their vastly different characteristics. This makes Lily a very lucky woman indeed. Readers will delight in Lily's journey with the Colter men and this particular reader has been reminded once again why Ms. Banks never fails to satisfy.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris j mears
An amazing story that touched my heart.
The second book in the Colter series I simply enjoyed. The author captured the story line in continues creating a lovely romance.
I loved the relationship between the parents and sons, especially between the fathers and sons. The openness to share their hearts looking for advice to make life for Lily perfect. These strong men who was fearless in every aspect was not afraid to ask for help in the delicate situation.
Lily's character touched my heart deeply and her struggle to lay down the past to move forward. She were truly loved by the three men.
All the characters has grown into their own right and I am looking forward to read the third book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabrielle nowicki
I loved this sequel to the Colter family story. Seth is a hero for the times and the story centers around him finding his soul mate and, yes, that of his brothers, too. Menage is an alternate lifestyle that doesn't have broad acceptance, but Ms. Banks' writing is such that it is beautifully told in this story of family and feels authentic, appropriate to these characters, and a tale of love, loyalty and family allegiance. The characters are ethical, believable and lovable. You won't want to put this one down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily anderson
The premise of this book was a little far fetched, but it was fantasy. Therefore, I wasn't looking for something insightful or really soulful, which means the superficiality of this book suited me just fine. I must admit though, that I borrowed this book from the library. Overall a reasonably enjoyable book, but no way would I have paid for this book -- it's overpriced for what it is. I would recommend the book to fans of the first book or fans of the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam bennett
WOW!AWESOME! This book is really well written.I love the fact that Maya Banks continues with the children just as with the fathers.I never thought I would love a book this much.The only one that I like better than this one is the first one.A good author is one that can make you see from the characters point of view... a GREAT author(Maya Banks for example) can make her readers fantasize about the story and can change well seated opinions of how certian things are done and not done.I highly recommend this book as well as this series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marina skiles
I loved this book. I love the entire series. This was a bittersweet book, had a little more emotional issues with losing a child than a normal romance book. The way the 3 Colters brothers figured out their way to being with one women, something they said they wouldn't do like their parents was a good story. It was great catching up and seeing how their parents relationship is after 4 kids. Start at the beginning of this series and read in order, makes it much better
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
great read for those who even like vanilla with a little spice,, not sex on every page, but truly a great love and romance story. one woman 3 brothers,, not your traditional love story,, but one that grabs you from page one to the end and glad I got them all at once so I can start the next one the minute i'm done the one before... recommend highly
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