At Close Range (Tracers)

ByLaura Griffin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laura Griffin's AT CLOSE RANGE is a captivating and thrilling roller coaster of a ride with so many twist and turns...I NEVER wanted to get off!

AT CLOSE RANGE kicks off with Dani Harper, a new detective from a law enforcement family, and on of our favorite characters, Scott Black happens to be the best friend of one of her older brothers. She's known Scott for the last 15 years, and she hadn't seen him since a wild and unexpected New Years Eve kiss the two shared a few months ago.

I think one of the reasons that I love (and when I say love, I mean LOVE) Laura Griffin's Tracers series (and really ALL of her books) is because she is able to weave a remarkable romance into the INSANE plot that she has laid out before us, and it ALWAYS just works. I am never saying, oh there was too much of this and not enough of that, NO, they are ALL top notch, amazing romance suspense reads and I encourage ALL of you to go forth, buy EVERY Tracers romance (including THREAD OF FEAR and WHISPER OF WARNING...cause Jack and Fiona...come on), and do a weekend binge on the Tracers, you will NEVER be the same!

AT CLOSE RANGE was, in my opinion, on of the most romantic of the Tracers. There was just something so special about Dani and Scott, and I was literally thinking about them when I wasn't reading, and that is when I know that I am reading a romance that will stay with me always.

Between the lustful looks and the sizzling, stolen kisses, Laura Griffin gives us a story line that had me thinking more than ever about the case. I was so involved in the story, I found myself trying to connect the pieces and think one step ahead, but she kept on throwing so many curve balls at the reader, I was holding on until the very last pages, watching it all unfold.

After the many many years that I have been devouring Laura's romance suspense novels, I think it's safe to say that when it comes down to the smallest details and an interwoven plot that keeps the reader hooked, Griffin is untouched!

I can highly recommend the Tracers series to ALL readers of romance, suspense, fiction and all the stuff in between, literally my Grandfather loves this series, and if that isn't a selling point, I don't know what is. They can ALL be read as standalones, so you can start anywhere, but EVERY and I mean EVERY Tracers romance is insanely engaging and a MUST read in my book! Don't miss out! Start today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin barnard
New York Times bestselling author Laura Griffin “delivers the goods” (Publishers Weekly) again with the eleventh title in the gritty, heart-pounding Tracers series.

When a lakeside tryst ends in a double murder, police detective Daniele Harper arrives on the scene determined to get answers. Clues are everywhere, but nothing adds up. Dani turns to the Delphi Center crime lab for help, but soon regrets it when her secret attraction to their chief firearms examiner threatens to distract her from the most important case of her career.

As a ballistics expert and former Navy SEAL, Scott Black knows firearms, and he knows he can help Dani unravel her case. Scott has managed to hide his interest in his best friend’s younger sister for years, but when her investigation brings them together, the sparks between them quickly burn out of control. Scott resolves to keep his hands off Dani and his eyes on the goal—identifying a killer. But when that killer zeroes in on her, all bets are off. There isn’t a line Scott won’t cross to convince Dani to trust him so that he can help her take down a ruthless murderer who has her in his sights.

I absolutely fell in love with Scott and Dani and this writer. I have her books on my kindle but have never read her. I will be changing that ASAP. I will not be putting any spoilers in my review but I thoroughly enjoyed this book because I love some suspense with my romance :) There is nothing better than a sexy SEAL!! Sometimes, I just like a book that isn't straight romance with no mystery at all. I like to have some intrigue worked in and this had it. I liked the serial killer aspect but that probably has to do with my criminal justice background.

I didn't find anything that was too offensive in this book and would recommend it to everyone. I just wouldn't recommend anyone reading it after midnight cause you'll be up all night long. So buy this book!!

I was given a copy of this ARC from the publisher on Netgalley for a honest review. All of the above comments are my express opinions and no one else's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a free copy but voluntarily reviewed it.

Laura Griffin is a romantic suspense writer. In Close Range is the eleventh book in her Tracers series. Although this is a series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone book. Even so, most of the characters appear in every book since they all work for the same crime lab. The Delphi Center. In spite of that, it is not necessary to know all of their back stories in order to understand this book. However, once you have read this book, I truly believe that you will want to go back and read the read the rest of this author’s books.

The book opens with a double murder, and Dani, the heroine, is sent to investigate. Danielle “Dani” Harper is a police investigator who comes from a long line of policemen. When she returns to the police station and meets with her team, Dani is made the lead detective of the investigation, a first for her.

The hero, Scott Black, is a former Navy SEAL. He is the chief firearms examiner for the Delphi Center. He is, also, the best friend of Dani’s brother, and they have known each other for years. Dani admits they she has had a crush on him, for many of those years. Scot, also, has been attracted to Dani for years, but he has kept it hidden it out of respect for her age and her brother.

Dani and her team have a difficult time finding clues and putting them together to figure out the mystery. As other people die, Scott fears for Dani’s safety, and decides he must help her solve the case before the killer hurts her.

This book starts out with a bang, as a man and a woman are murdered. From there, Ms. Griffin never stops the suspense or the excitement until the end of the book.

The characters are three-dimensional with many flaws that make them easy to believe and to identify with. Ms. Griffin does an excellent job of describing Dani’s fears that she will fail during her inaugural time as the lead detective. Also, Scott’s feelings for Dani, which he keeps hidden, are skillfully exposed through his actions and thoughts.

This is a fantastic romantic-suspense, and I highly recommend itl
Deep Dark (Tracers Series Book 10) :: Deeper Than the Dead (Oak Knoll Book 1) :: Twisted (Tracers Series Book 5) :: Down the Darkest Road :: A Thin Dark Line: A Novel (Bayou)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 1/2 stars
When Laura Griffin first started writing her Tracers romantic suspense novels, I readily devoured the first three and then had the best intentions of keeping up with the series. Then somehow I skipped books 4-7, read book 8, skipped books 9-10, and here we are at book 11, At Close Range. Now, the only reason why I mention this is that Laura Griffin Tracers novels can seriously be read as standalones. While there is overlap of characters, it’s done in such a way that the character is necessary to the plot of the novel and not just a whimsy so that readers see previous favorite characters. That’s a major nitpick I have with some series that try to convince you they can be read as standalones.

Like previous novels in the Tracers series, At Close Range is so involving that you might want to carve out some time to read it because I found it very hard to put down. From the first page you are immediately swept up in the mystery of who murdered a biology professor and his assistant. Griffin keeps the suspense arc through to the conclusion, which is one reason why you won’t want to put it down.

The romance between Detective Dani Harper and ballistics expert, Scott Black, is given equal footing as the mystery and results in some steam-your-glasses scenes (if you don’t wear glasses you might just want to borrow a pair). And, both characters are likeable and believable.

If you’re a fan of the CSI series, I think you’ll love these books because the forensics is a huge part of the novels, with the Tracers being an elite group of forensic scientists. Griffin has done enough research that you never feel yourself questioning anything that she’s written.

Now I just have to go back and catch up on the installments I haven’t read.

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense and have never read any of the Tracers novels, you might want to remedy that. These are good reads!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ms monroe
Thank you NetGalley and Laura Griffin for the ARC of At Close Range by Laura Griffin that I read and reviewed.
The eleventh book in the Tracers series keeps the action coming and the members of the Delphi Center busy helping solve crime. In this book the stakes are even higher for the Center because their very own ballistics expert and former Navy SEAL, Scott Black is at the center of a double homicide and his fingerprints are all over the murder weapon. It is up to his best friend's sister, police detective Dani Harper, to find out who is behind the killings and why Scott was framed. As the body count grows so does the heat between Dani and Scott even though they both know going for a relationship with each other could ruin a great friendship but they can't help themselves. Will they be able to find out who is after Dani and who framed Scott or will a crazed killer win a high stakes game?
This book was great because it has so many old characters from past books in it so it was like a family reunion in a way. I loved how everything just flows so nicely in Griffin's books. You meet Dani and Scott in an earlier book and they pick right up in this books and the sparks keep flying. These two were a great match and they were hot hot hot together.
The story had me bit twisted because I was not sure what was going on and why those guys were getting killed. To be honest I was not even guessing for a change and when it came out in the end I was going that idea never even crossed my mind so it was very well written.
This was one of those books I just went with the flow and enjoyed the banter between all the characters. I was so happy we got to see Mia and Ric's part in this book. If you are a fan of this series you will truly love the part they had in this book because as I said before this series has become like a family and parts of this was like a family reunion with some of the charters that made appearances in this book and that made this book all that more special.
I am giving At Close Range five out of five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel peluso
Laura Griffin absolutely shines with her masterful writing in AT CLOSE RANGE. I'll be honest and say that this is my first Griffin book even though I've been eyeing the series for quite some time; I was reassured that each book stands on its own so I felt it safe to jump right in. I'll tell ya right now, I am incredibly glad I did. This book absolutely wowed me in every sense. The suspense never once dipped, instead building higher and higher which made it an unputdownable and fast page-turner of a story. And this story will keep gripping you until the very last moment.

Griffin managed to capture each character and their profession so skillfully that I could believe she actually works in the field in real life. But what I found most wonderful was how the romance between Scott and Dani was continually gripping, never once overshadowing the main mystery storyline but instead enhancing it. Their affection grew organically and easily which allowed me to feel that connection as they did. And with a strong woman, a detective at that, as our heroine, there was a perpetual sense of normalcy and give in her which kept her relatable and a good adversary for an ex-SEAL like Scott. They matched really well and had a combustible sexual tension between them at all times.

I had so much fun reading this book. The twists and turns kept it fresh and the guessing game of mine for who the culprit was, was never once correct---I was stumped! But in the best way. I love romantic suspense and I think Laura Griffin does an amazing job at it. AT CLOSE RANGE was an amazing story that was written with such care and passion for not only the two characters but for the work that goes into solving crimes. I'm excited to go read each book in the series, and I highly recommend that if you haven't read her before, start here. This sexy, well-written book hooked me from the beginning and it will to you, too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
clare ashton
the tracers series by laura griffin revolves a specialized csi lab called the delphi center and the local austin, texas area. at close range follows daniele "dani" harper and scott black as they trace a serial killer in a connected series of murders that threatens them a little too directly.
precincts near the

when dani is first called into the double murder scene, she knows it's going to be a long night. and when she's made lead on the case because her senior partner is about to go out on paternity leave, her night gets longer. she's the only girl in a family of cops and lawmen, so she's psyched by the chance to prove herself and overwhelmed by the pressure. but she's tough and she sets things in motion in order to ensure that they get their guy.

except the evidence says that scott black, the delphi center's ballistics expert is their guy. dani has known scott her whole life, he's her brother's best friend. she's had a crush on him since she was fifteen, at least. as a cop she knows that sometimes you have to trust your gut instincts, and everything is telling her that scott has been framed. but rules and procedures exist to built airtight cases you can bring to court, so scott is placed on administrative leave and taken off the case.

this doesn't stop him from investigating on his own. he knows he's being framed. he knows dani knows this too. his pissed about the whole situation and doesn't trust anyone to get things right when it comes to the investigation. so he takes things into his own hands and goes rogue.

the whole case is going haywire because more and more dead bodies are piling up, and they all appear to be linked. and things between dani and scott are going haywire because the attraction that they've spent the last several months ignoring, ever since an ill-advised, drunken new year's kiss, has reached a boiling point.

at close range is fast-paced and keeps the twists coming and the tension between dani and scott at full throttle. i read untraceable ages ago and meant to keep up with the series, but hadn't. and i always enjoy a good romantic suspense novel, and this series is chock full of them.

**at close range will publish on january 31, 2017. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/gallery, threshold, pocket books (pocket books) in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Scott had that sexy, dangerous, alpha heartthrob vibe going on. It appealed to me on many different levels for many different reasons. But what stood out most was his code of conduct. He valued his friendship. He respected the boundaries set. But all that went out the window when it came down to life and death. Not just any death. Hers! Dani.

Dani was a take no prisoner kind of lady. She had a job to do and would utilize all at her disposal to get it done. Even if that meant working with the one man in the world that could shake her foundation. Even if that meant lusting after him and wanting more. Even if that means walking away. Until she becomes the target. All restraints come off and they find that together they can make a team that could be more.

I got a fix of suspense, drama, intrigue, passion, desire, action all wrapped in a delicious fantasy that held me captive for hours. At Closer Range drew me in and kept me holding on for every new piece of evidence. Every chance to glimpse the interaction between Scott and Dani. The war raging within. The heighten climax of their coming together. The validity the proved theirs was more than just a passing fancy. The danger that surrounded them.

Thrilling suspense. Electrifying chemistry. Intensified emotions. This was how I depicted Deep Dark, book ten in the Tracer series. I was not quite prepared for all that I got and more from At Close Range. Something that I have come to expect from Laura Griffin is to not anticipate a predictable step-by-step process for her romantic suspense reads. She gives it all a bite of the unexpected, the unanticipated, the only imagined and put to print by her.

Laura Griffin’s At Close Range was filled with intense mystery, gritty intrigue, raw passion, and a flare for mixing them to a high standard. Return to me with more romantic suspense that I can truly sink my senses into. Allow me the opportunity to devour more of what you have to offer. No doubt this read should be at the top of your 2017 Romantic Suspense TBR pile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
autumn martin
A exciting action suspense filled book that will keep you on the edge of your set. Dani is a homicide cop who is the daughter of a cop and the sister of cops and is fairly new as a detective. She always feels she has to prove herself. When she is put in charge of a case that is getting bigger by the day and a friend that she has been secretly been attracted to for along time becomes a suspect she fights hard not to let personal feelings get in the way of her the evidence starts building against Scott Dani won't believe he committed the murder. If she can't find out who really committed the murder and bodies start stacking up the case gets more dangerous. Scott is an expert in firearms and if he's tried or found guilty years of cases can be brought into doubt. Scott won't back off an keeps investigating on his own which makes Dani angry. Can they keep denying the feelings and sparks that fly whenever they are close to each other? Can Scott help keep Dani alive long enough to solve the case? Will they find the one night of passion is not enough ? Can they face that their feelings are more than list? This book has mystery, suspense, romance and plenty of action. I couldn't put it down til the very last page. I voluntarily decided to review this book because it is every mystery buffs dream book. Anyone who loves suspense mystery novels will love this as much as I do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

5 Stars!

How is it that this is the first Laura Griffin book I've read?!? I now must go back and read the rest of the Tracer series. Luckily, even though I started with book eleven, they're all able to standalone without the reader getting lost. This is the story of former Navy SEAL and ballistics expert Scott Black, and police Detective Danile Harper. She's the detective in charge of a multiple homicide case and as the case becomes more twisted, Dani's life is soon on the line. Now the killer is looking at the cop, and the SEAL is determined to keep her safe. And, with the explosive chemistry that's been building for years between them finally coming to a head, things are really heating up.

I really, really enjoyed this book! This book starts off with a bang and the momentum stays high until the end. The mystery was maintained throughout the book without the end being given away early. I love the characters and how the emphasis is on those that work behind the scenes to solve crimes as opposed to the police. The romance between Dani and Scott was beautiful and fraught with the normal thoughts and insecurities that are found in any new romantic relationship. I know I'll be recommending this book, and series, to my friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt lundeen
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Tracers series. At Close Range is another great addition to the series. There is a really well written mystery with lots of red herrings. The murder mystery is hands down the most intriguing and satisfying aspect to the story.

Dani is a detective who has just been made the lead on a very high profile double murder case. Scott is a ballistics specialist at the nearby Delphi center. Scott is called in to work on the murder case and examine the ballistics. Through several twists, Scott ends up as a suspect. Dani has known Scott for most of her life. He is her brother's best friend. She knows he didn't commit the murders, but she has to find the proof. Scott isn't about to sit back and let the investigation progress with him. Obviously, its a conflict of interest to have him involved since he is the prime suspect. The case takes Dani to a different state and more murders occur, all while she fights her attraction to Scott.

My discontent with the story was the romance. I really didn't find the romance between Dani and Scott credible or authentic. It felt sort of rushed and haphazard. By the end, I wasn't sure I believed they would stay together. I think that the murder mystery and all the danger took the focus of the story (and I loved it), but it did so at the expense of building up the romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
not so artsy
At Close Range (Tracers #11) by Laura Griffin
4.5 stars
M/F Mystery
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

This was a great mystery with romance that was thrown in. I really liked Dani. She was feisty, loving, smart and sexy all wrapped in to one bad ass detective. I really liked her attitude and despite the fact that she was running her first case, she didn't really let anyone push her around. She was, at times, kind of hard on her people, but she was still able to get the job done.

Then you have Scott. He is tough, kind of the wild cowboy in this book. He doesn't really follow the rules all that well and then he insists that he's not for Dani, despite having feelings for her.

Dani and Scott have an interesting relationship. They've known each other for a long time, but Scott was not willing to really get in to a relationship with his really good friend's sister.

Through gun fights, road trips, murder and love, Scott and Dani struggle through the ways of their life. I really enjoyed the mystery and loved that there was a romance written in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sree sathya
"At Close Range" by Laura Griffin is an intense and gripping tale that has a sprinkling of love that creates the perfect story. Danielle, a detective investigating a murder, has loved Scott from afar for a very long time. I liked Danielle. She's independent and strong, yet, the reader sees her vulnerabilities and insecurities. Scott, whew! I love a Hero that is tough yet tender and gruff yet sweet. Scott is all that and more. The plot was wonderful too. It was filled with twists and turns and had my heartbeat racing. Ms. Griffin sure knows how to hook the reader and keep them hanging with each turned page. I couldn't put it down. Just a note - while this is book 11 of the Tracers series, it can easily be read as a stand alone. I have not read the entire series nor have what I read, been in order but followed along without a problem. I do want to read them all - just not enough hours in the day! Guess I'll have to lock myself up in a room one weekend and read, read, read! (received copy from NetGalley for honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Daniele Harper is a police detective who receives a double murder as her new case. There are clues everywhere, but none that add up, so she turns to the Delphi Center crime lab for help, and gets help from her brother's best friend, Scott, who she has carried a crush for since she was young. As he's helping her, all signs start to point to him as the murderer. That's it! I LOVE suspense books, but can't hardly review them well, as I'm certain that sooner or later, spoilers will inadvertently come flying out. At Close Range is a intense, heart pounding, and yet, romantically HOT story that I wished had never ended. Laura Griffin has a highly talented writing style drew me in instantly, and didn't let go until the very end. I'm pretty sure this series could be a T.V. show, that's how awesome it is! Twists and turns are around every corner, as well as loud f-bomb dropping when things came out of left field. I CANNOT WAIT to read more of this heart racing series, so I'm HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDING this story to ALL!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am always excited to return to the Tracers series. This book did not dissapoint. The beginning of the book set the tone by having us witness a murder through the eyes of one of the victims. Detective Danielle Harper is assigned this case which happens to be her first as lead detective. She works with the Delphi center where one of the experts is Scott Black. Dani and Scott have known each other for 15 years because he is he brothers best friend. There is a sexual tension between them which makes the case even more interesting. The romance in the story is believable and there is great chemistry between the characters. The actual mystery is so well written and suspenseful. It is fun to see how forensics help solve the case and the murderer is definitely a surprise. If you love a romantic suspense novel this is the book for you. Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book which I honestly reviewed. I can't wait until the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe midgley
At Close Range is book eleven in the Tracers Series. It's the second one I've read and I must say that I am in love with this author's work. The suspense keeps you wanting more and more and the chemistry between Dani and Scott is smoking hot.

Dani is working as lead investigator on a murder case. As if that isn't hard enough on it's own, Scott becomes the prime suspect. Dani feels in her heart that Scott could never murder anyone like this, but everyone is trying to convince her that it is a possibility. They've known each other forever; he's her brother's best friend, but one drunken kiss could be clouding her judgement.

I didn't want to put this book down but at the same time I didn't want it to end and kept putting it down to drag it out. I want to go back and read this series from the beginning because it's so good. I would highly recommend this to any one who likes romantic suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first three minutes will leave you gasping and wanting more, more and more. What happens next??? I felt like I was watching a mystery movie. From the first two pages, I was caught. I started yelling RUN, RUN, RUN… Don’t you hear me!!!
The book is very well written. The descriptiveness of it created a beautiful visual that will keep you enthralled. I became so involved, I started writing down clues to see if I would be able to solve the mystery. I was captivated to the very end.
I liked Dani’s drive and her no nonsense attitude. The interaction between her and Scott was great. The chemistry between them was SCORCHING…. There is so much that I want to say but if I do I will give away the story.
The ending was surprising; I definitely didn’t see that coming. I DIDN’T SOLVE IT… I WAS WRONG… It was my first time reading a book by this author and it won’t be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim ellison
Laura Griffin has been one of my favorite authors for several years now, and with At Close Range she continues to thrill and excite. This fast paced continuation of her Traders series did not disappoint! I was expecting great, well fleshed out characters and an engaging plot, and that's EXACTLY what I got. At Close Range was a great addition to my Laura Griffin collection, and it is one that I will re-read in years to come, I'm sure. Thanks for another great ride, Laura!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy george
The romance and mystery are balanced so perfectly, that it made it seem realistic. Scott and Dani finally give into their attraction while working on a case where Scott ends up becoming a suspect. As the number of bodies keep growing, Dani and Scott put their careers and their lives on the line to try to solve the murders and clear Scott's name. I was hooked from the first start and did not put the book down until I was finished. Can be read as standalone.
4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amr reda
I received a courtesy advanced copy of this book and am voluntarily reviewing this book (Thank you!).

A sexy, edge-of-your-seat adventure that won’t let you imagination rest! In my opinion, Laura Griffin is the most talented romantic suspense author out there and if you haven’t been reading her books you’re definitely missing out! Her characters are a deeply involved, crack-the-whip team who get the job done. The detail and intricacy of Ms. Griffin’s stories will amaze you, all while the romantic sparks are flying at you right and left. I couldn’t get enough of At Close Range! 5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie plage
I love this book in the tracers series. I normally love these books because of the nerdy employees of the Delphi center. Scott is definitely not your average nerdy CSI. He's a former Navy SEAL and I adore him. This is the first time we get a best friend's older brother book from this series, and it is executed perfectly. The heroine is strong enough to work as a perfect foil for Scott. The plot has plenty of twists to keep you guessing until the very end!

I was generously provided an ARC of this book by the author via netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
babak jahedmanesh
Someone is on a killing spree and all the victims have one thing in common, they all worked at the same college in New Mexico. Danielle has been made lead investigator on this case. Her prime suspect is her brothers best friend and someone she has know for most of her life. To complicate things she has always had feelings for Scott. Can she clear Scotts name and find the killer or does she not know Scott as well as she thought. Will she blow her first case as lead investigator.
Loved reading this book. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele kennedy
There are some authors that are just truly gifted in their craft and every book in their hands turns to magic. Laura Griffin is one of those authors and her Tracers series are each incredible reads. Gripping, suspenseful, with turns that you will never see coming, At Close Range was a book that I could not put down from page one until the wild ride was over. Not only is this a book not to be missed, but go back and grab the 10 prior books and settle in for a wonderful weekend of reading! This is not a book to be missed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara altman
At Close Range by Laura Griffin is book number eleven in the Tracers series. This is police detective, Daniele "Dani" Harper and former Navy Seal, Scott Black's story.

Wow! From the start you will stay on the edge of your seat. The author delivers a story with suspense, twists, surprises, and steamy scenes with an unpredictable ending.

FYI, includes mature content. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will hinds
The Queen of mystery and suspense has done it again!
It's criminal how good Griffin is at creating an atmosphere that not only lasts throughout a book but an entire series! If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this series. Stop. Grab book one and get ready for one of the most amazing binge read sessions you've ever had.

What more can I say? Laura Griffin is writing perfection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Detective Daniele Harper , gets called to a double murder which looks like a secret affair gone wrong. She has to call upon her brother's best friend, chief firearms examiner Scott Black. He happens to be her secret crush and she can't focus on her job with him. This murder ends up leading to other murders that all the clues lead to Scott. Daniele has to do her and job and not let her feelings get in the way. The murderer will keep trying to take out Daniele and Scott will keep interfering with the investigation. All the clues end up being a huge conspiracy that you wouldn't have guessed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben salah
AT CLOSE RANGE is an excellent romantic suspense that kept me on the edge of me seat. It’s filled with mystery, blood-boiling passion, emotional turbulance, and thrilling action. I strongly recommend it!

My full review can be read on
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lizzie k
If you are a romantic suspense reader, heavy on the suspense, then "At Close Range" is a must read for you. I enjoyed it so much that I read it in one sitting. Detective Dani Harper is such a strong woman and the lead on the latest case, while Scott, her brother's best friend and the man she has been in love with is also a suspect. The action is fast and furious, the suspense and drama is ongoing from start to finish, with Dani and Scott working together to solve the case. The heat between them gets hotter as the case gathers momentum. A great romantic suspense book for me is always one with strong characters, especially when the strength is with both the man and the woman. Laura Griffin gives that and more in her latest 'Tracers' book. I would like to thank NetGalley and Pocket Books for gifting me "At Close Range". My opinion is my own. This is mine. 5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracer Book#11----Every single Tracer book is amazing. This is no exception.

When Former Navy SEAL Scott Black is under suspicion and possibly being framed in a double murder. He will not stop until he finds out.
Detective Dani Harper gets put in charge of the murder investigation but isn't sure she should take the lead.

She doesn't know what to do when things point towards Scott. Plus they have a unresolved thing between them.

The excitement in this book is everything you want and more. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

Highly recommend this book, and every book in this series. You won't regret it.
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