Touch of Frost (The Mythos Academy)

ByJennifer Estep

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denise cossey
by Axie Oh

The title of Jennifer Estep's young adult urban fantasy Touch of Frost is very literal, considering the main character's power. Whenever Gwen Frost touches a person or an item meaningful to a person, she gets "flashes;" images and feelings of that person, whether the person was angry, scared, happy, or in love. I hope Kiss of Frost (sequel to be released in December) will be just as literal; that is, Gwen better be sharing the love.

Gwen Frost is the new student at Mythos Academy, a boarding school where young men and women study English, Math, and Weapons Training, i.e. Gym. As children of the stores, Spartans, and Valkyries, Mythos students are perpetually training to combat the Reapers, the followers of the Norse god Loki. Loki is the dark god who brought Chaos to the world before Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, defeated him. Gwen, however, cares nothing for the squabble, not quite believing in gods and goddesses, and feels like an outcast in a school full of beautiful athletes who seem to live their lives as if each day were their last. Things change when the most popular girl in school is murdered in the library - with only Gwen there to find her body.

Touch of Frost is fairly well done for a young adult urban fantasy, which I think is one of the hardest genres to write because it's been done so many times. I like the idea of a school for warriors (which would actually work really well in comedy - samurais and Spartans sitting at a lunch table together? Hilarious.) And I like that each class of warrior has common traits; for example, Spartans, like hottie Logan Quinn, are easily the best brute fighters, and Valkyries have fighting skills as well as magic. I always wonder at the mixing of mythology in books, though, like the idea that Loki, a Norse god, and Nike, a Greek goddess, might interact, or fight in this case. Loki is the Norse's trickster god. Do the Greeks have a trickster god? Hermes? Isn't it problematic to have two cultures' religious deities in conversation (euphemism!) with one another? Oh well, more power to urban fantasy!

The adults in this book do that annoying thing where they don't tell the heroine anything about the mysteries of her own life, and instead say things like, "Trust me, you'll know in time," or, "You need to find out for yourself," when it'd be so much simpler to just tell her. But I guess that's all part of the growing process.

Estep does a good job of showing change in the main character, which makes me like Gwen. Gwen also makes some surprising friends and allies by the end of the book; characters who seem like completely different, almost throwaway characters in the beginning.

I give Touch of Frost 3.5 out of 5 Figmentopples. It is entertaining and complete, and Gwen's likable; it just doesn't have that quality (uniqueness, emotionally resonant characters) that makes readers want to gobble it up. I chewed slowly on this one, but I enjoyed it. Estep may not be new to the urban fantasy genre, but she is a newcomer to the YA community. And thank the gods (Norse, Greek, Egyptian, etc.), it looks like she's here to stay!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gwen Frost has been through some life-altering changes. She lost her beloved Mother, when she was killed by a drunk driver. She now only has her Grandma Frost to confide her inner-most thoughts and feelings to. You see, Gwen is not your ordinary teenager.
Gwen is a "Gypsy" which means "Gifted by the Gods", as was her Mother and presently, her Grandmother, who is a Gypsy with psychic powers that allow her to gaze into the future. Gwen has "Psychometric Powers" where she is able to touch an object or person and discover information from the vibrations and visions the touch produces. Grandma Frost feels it is time for Gwen to attend Mythos Academy to better understand who she is and learn more about her heritage and talents. The Academy is located on Cypress Mt., outside of Asheville, North Carolina, and is a huge school complex, where, besides the usual courses of English, Mathematics, Geography and Science ,Myth-History and Weapons Training are also taught. Within these mighty halls live a myriad of students who are descendents of ancient gods and goddesses and are known as Valkyries, the stores, Vikings, Romans, and Spartans, among others. Gwen seems to be the only Gypsy and feels quite alone and unimportant despite her special gifts, which she soon discovers, can be a blessing or a curse. Before and during her first few months at Mythos Academy, she discovers a horrible cover-up involving her friend Paige, she butts heads with haughty Valkyrie; Daphne Cruz, as well as earning some extra money finding lost items for people. Her life seems to be somewhat ordinary, mostly solitary and boring, but full with her studies and her part-time job at the library, until an antiquity; "The Bowl of Tears" is displayed and not only stolen, but plays a large part in the murder of wealthy and much-disliked Valkyrie; Jasmine Ashton, whose body is discovered by Gwen. Gwen is confused and saddened when the demise is taken lightly and tries to find clues to the crime. Slowly, the pieces of the mythological puzzle fall into place and evil and intrigue are revealed. Who killed Jasmine Ashton? Sluttish, unscrupulous Morgan McDougall? Snooty Daphne Cruz? Or was this the work of the Mythical God Loki and the Reapers? Will Gwen adjust to life at Mythos Academy, accept her mythical gifts, and understand who she really is? Will Gwen and Logan; the powerful Warrior/Spartan find love at Mythos? This book will draw you into its world and not let go until you reach the final chapter, then have you wishing for more!
This tome is categorized in the "K-Teen" Book Division, but anyone who has enjoyed the "Harry Potter"** series or the "X-Men "*** chronicles will (like middle-aged me) surely savor this edition with its myths and legends and have you anxiously awaiting "Kiss of Frost", due for release in December. Nancy Narma
**Harry Potter-Main Character by Author J.K. Rowling
***X-Men - Characters published by Marvel Comics
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read the summary for this book and immediately knew it was a book I needed to get my hands on. Mythology is one of my great loves, especially Greek mythology, so I was especially excited to get my hands on a book focusing on a school where the students are all descendants of ancient myths. The story is told from Gwen Frost's point of view; she is a new student at Mythos Academy and often feels like the odd girl out because she is the only Gypsy attending the school. All the other students have warrior backgrounds such as, Valkyries the stores, Vikings or any other ancient myth you can probably think up and Gwen feels like her abilities just don't match up to her classmates. Gwen has the ability to read objects and tell what the person they belong to was feeling or thinking while touching it as well as a mini history of the object. She also gets readings off people when she touches them and can see their thoughts or events that have happened in their life. It is a cool ability to possess, but it often leaves her alone since people tend to not like others knowing all their secrets.

At the heart of this book is an ancient battle that everyone at Mythos Academy has been training to fight for. The war is between the gods and goddesses of the Pantheon (the good guys) and Loki, god of mischief, and his Reapers of Chaos (the bad guys). Loki wants to rule over everyone including: gods, goddess and mortals. The Pantheons goal is to not let that happen. The students at Mythos are caught in this battle and trained to fight against Loki, should he rise up again. Therefore students come to school armed not only with pens and paper, but with swords and daggers as well. Gwen gets involved when a student in her class is murdered and she is the one who discovered the body. She is determined to find out who did it, because she is convinced that foul play is involved.

There is a little romance peppered into the novel, but it not the focus of the story. Gwen has a crush on this boy, Logan Quinn, who happens to be a decedent of the Spartans. He has a reputation at school of being a ladies man, so she tries to keep her distance from him. However, they keep running into each other inadvertently throughout the novel and their interactions are ones I quickly came to forward to because of their amusing banter. Gwen's inner monologue about Logan also kept me entertained; her initial description of how tough Spartans were had me laughing out loud:

"One of the things that Spartans were known for was their ability to pick up any weapon - or any thing- and automatically know how to use and even kill someone with it. Seriously. Logan Quinn was the kind of guy who could stab me in the eye with a freaking Twizzler."

Tell me that image does not make you chuckle and cringe all at the same time? This brings me to my next point, Gwen's way of speaking. I was a little worried at the beginning that the dialogue was going to be too juvenile, but that fear quickly dissolved as I continued reading and I fell easily in step with Gwen. She had me laughing at multiple times during the book at her inner thoughts. She is a bit of a loner, so she does not interact with her classmates as much, but definitely has her own opinions about them. She was quite comical in a nerdy type of a way which really spoke to me. Being a nerd myself, I enjoyed all her comic book references and her love of super heroes. I can easily relate to this passion and it just made me love Gwen more.

Overall, Touch of Frost is a fantastic first novel in a new young adult fantasy series. It has just a little bit of everything, engrossing new mythology, intriguing mystery, and a touch of romance that all blend together to make an irresistibly new series. I am looking forward to December when the next book Kiss of Frost is released.
The Marvels :: Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God :: And Getting Better All the Time - Beyond Codependency :: Some Luck (The Last Hundred Years Trilogy - A Family Saga) :: Dark Frost (The Mythos Academy)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep
YA Paranormal Romance July 26th, 2011
5 stars

Jennifer Estep's fresh new YA paranormal series begins with a fun and exciting start. As the heroine, Gwen Frost, a young Gypsy with the power to read objects is forced to move to a new high school. But this new high school is made up of mystical beings such as Spartans, Valkyries, and the stores. As just a plain old human with a small ability Gwen feel out-matched by her schoolmates super abilities. Plus they are supper spoiled and rich. While proud of her middle class background, it makes her even more of an outcast. It has been two months in this new school and Gwen still hasn't a friend in sight. That is until the reigning beauty queen of her class is mysteriously murdered. The professors feel it is due to their enemies the Reapers, minions of the enemy God Loki. The rest of her class seems accepting of this and school continues on without a change. Gwen is trouble by the lack of emotion and although no one else seems to care Gwen feels she must do something. For Gwen knows something is wrong about her death and is compelled to try to solve it. And in the process finds some unlikely friends and enemies....

This story was a fast-paced and easy read. I found myself flying through the pages to solve the mystery with Gwen. All the students had some really cool powers and I loved the world based on Greek and Roman mythology that the author created. Although I understand the second book is coming out this winter. I wish the author would write faster! The heroine is easy to care for, a bit of a misfit in a school of over achievers- but so relatable. I really liked how Gwen even surprises herself with her abilities. I especially loved her compassion, sense of justice and sharp personality. If I were in high school I would want Gwen as my BFF. The cast surrounding her are also believable and I am especially intrigued by the warrior Spartan, Logan who runs hot and cold toward Gwen. But although I like him I am not sure if he is good enough for Gwen! The only thing about the author's books is that I wish they didn't take so long a wait before the next comes out!! I liked Gwen so much, so the suspense is nail biting.

Amazingly fresh and engaging urban fantasy with a plucky and clever heroine.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was really excited when I heard that Mrs. Estep was releasing a young adult novel, because I absolutely adore her Elemental assassin series. The book is told in the first person narrative, by sixteen year old Gwen Frost. She's a new student at Mythos Academy, where magical warrior kids go to school. Gwen has been at Mythos Academy for about two months and is still adjusting to the changes in location/school after the death of her mom. While not a true believer in all things magic, Gwen starts to see and experience weird things at the school when she stumble upon the dead body of a fellow classmate.

The whole mythological aspect of gods and goddesses in the novel was a refreshing change in what I usually read (vamps, weres, faeries...). Gwen was a likeable heroine, she's snarky and witty without really trying. The secondary characters were great too, like Logan the love interest and Daphne the mean popular girl turned new bff. The story takes place at a boarding school, and I thought that it would be like all the other typical YA books that I read, but it was fun and different. The story was a tad slow in the first two or three chapter, but definitely picked up. The ending was actually predictable, but overall I still enjoyed the storyline.
This book is more like 3 1/2 stars but the reason why I didn't give it a full 4 or 5 star was because of one thing that constantly bugged me throughout the book...REPEATS. The author continuously repeated various facts that were mentioned within the opening of the book...ALL THE WAY TILL the end.

Examples of what was repeated throughout the book:
1) How things would have turn out different if her mother was still alive
2) That Gwen was friendless
3) Gwen is known as "that Gypsy girl"
4) Logan is sexy and dangerous
5) The popular girls are rich, and snobby

But regardless I am actually looking forward to reading KISS OF FROST (Mythos Academy #2) which will be publish this November 2011.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A supernatural/mythological boarding school - yawn, it's been done - yet for some reason I was still drawn into this novel. Gwen is definitely a geeky character, but also immediately likable and relatable. For that reason, I wanted to make sure she would find her feet at this academy, you know, make some friends, solve a mystery and get involved. The novel didn't disappoint and there were many action packed pages along the way.

Once the mystery at hand got under way, I felt the plot was solid with a good number of twists and turns along the way. It definitely wasn't straightforward who committed the crime, which was good. The plot was solid and the characters diverse. There was also sufficient background information to help the reader understand the concept of the academy and what was going on there; I never felt lost.

Naturally, if you've got your overlooked, geeky heroine with a major inability to wield any kind of weapon, you've got to have a brooding hero to swoop in and save the day - and that would be Logan, the school's designated "ladies-man" who for some reason has his sights set on Gwen. I was glad to see she was wary of him at first unlike some YA heroines who fall madly in love for no reason. I just wished that part of the plot had been more fleshed out.

Three stars! Touch of Frost had a really solid plot with just the right amount of description, I just wish there had been more scenes involving Logan, though I'm sure there will be more of him in book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl middleton
Touch of Frost is an excellent start to the Mythos Academy series! Estep uses elements of suspense, mythology, and romance to enhance an enjoyable, yet somewhat predictable plot. Though the book had a slow start, it quickly picked up halfway through. This book may have been used to set the stage for the rest of the series but I certainly didn't mind thanks to Estep's fantastic world building.

Estep does an amazing job creating a grand image of Mythos Academy. Her writing had me rereading paragraphs so I could imagine the intricacies of the academy over and over. We've all read books where the descriptions are beautiful, but too wordy or too simple or too boring. Estep does it right by providing readers with all the necessary information, in a pretty little word package.

While we are on the topic of beautiful things, lets talk about.... Spartans. Namely Logan. While he doesn't play a huge part in Touch of Frost, he's definitely memorable. Described as the "man-whore" of Mythos Academy, I couldn't help but feel that that there was more to him than that label and that he may know more than he lets on. I'm hoping he will be a mystery that gets unraveled (...or undressed *wink wink*) in Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy)!

If you are looking for a quick, fun, and entertaining read with mythological influences then Touch of Frost is for you! It shows some great potential for this series and I can't wait to read the next one. I'm thinking a Mythos Academy marathon might be in order!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Books based on myths are hot this year. With ancient stories of powerful gods and amazing powers, I can see why. Touch of Frost stands out from the others with a spectacular warrior school, a spirited group of characters, and references to myths from various cultures. Make no mistake about Mythos Academy. This school turns out fierce warriors. It is not a school for the weak.

Gwen Frost wonders if she belongs at Mythos Academy. She is the only gypsy and she certainly does not believe in myths. Even Gwen's special power, touching an object and seeing its past, does not help her fit in with the others. In fact, she gets into a huge predicament when she uses her power to quench her curiosity about other people's secrets. I loved how Gwen's ability comes into play throughout the story.

The mystery of Jasmine Ashton's murder is the best who-done-it I've ever read. There is just no possible way to see this one coming! Gwen's ability plays a role in solving the case and I am still shocked by the outcome. You will just love finding out who the murderer is!

Jennifer Estep has a particularly strong grasp of myths. She incorporates some of the lesser known Greek gods into the story. I especially liked how Nike, the goddess of victory, was included. It doesn't stop with the Greeks though. Roman myths, ninjas, and even the stores are part of the story. I really liked all the different cultures coming together at one school.

Touch of Frost is a smashing start to a series that is sure to capture the attention of young adult readers.


5 Loved


Gwen looks pretty, but I'm not so sure how the cover relates to the book. In fact, I must have missed when a gargoyle was part of the story too. I do like the warrior sword for the T in Frost. I was just reminded of the gargoyles on campus - by the library. Sweet!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashish khandelwal
Gwen Frost is sent to Mythos Academy to learn about her gypsy powers. Her ability which is thru touch and allows her get pictures, emotions, and background from objects and people she touches (which you can about imagine her dating life is non-existent). Her grandmother thinks it is best since Gwen's mother died and we get the feeling that grandma knows something we don't . Once instilled at the Academy, she finds herself alone even though she is surrounded by many students but everyone seems to be paired by what they are and since she is the only Gypsy she is a little on the outside looking in. There are Spartans (enter Logan Quinn!!), the stores, Romans, and Valkryies all warriors are the last line of defense if the Chaos War comes about, which it seems is quite imminent. Now a student is dead and the Bowl of Tears, an artifact used to bring about the Chaos War is missing. Gwen's sleuthly side comes out and she gets her Nancy Drew on to solve this case before something worse happens.

Gwen Frost is my new favorite heroine and Logan Quinn is definitely a hot bad boy (my favorite). Like Estep's heroine from her Elemental Assassin series, Gwen is a feisty and snarky and in the heat of battle always has to inject humorous comments. The soft side of Gwen comes when we learn about the death of her mother and the love of her grandmother. With the new rise in mythology based fantasy books, I personally have not been a huge fan. But, Estep introduces us to the myths and legends without overwhelming the reader with a history lesson. Since Gwen isn't as up on her history as she should be before attending Mythos Academy, we learn along with her.

Fantastic first book in a series that I will be anxiously awaiting to read! Highly recommended for YA readers but with a cautionary warning: there are parts of the story that touches on the child molestation of a friend of Gwen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Myths and mystery and mean girls all converge in Jennifer Estep's magical TOUCH OF FROST, the first book in her new paranormal YA series, Mythos Academy. It reads like Veronica Mars meets The Percy Jackson series, which of course means I loved it.

Protagonist Gwen Frost, a `gypsy' who possess touch magic, is exactly the kind of character I love to discover in YA. She's believable as a teenager in high school but has a maturity about her that makes her relatable to readers of all ages. She transfers to Mythos Academy and gets lost among a sea of privileged `warrior whiz kids'--the descendants of Greek and Norse mythology heroes. But Gwen doesn't let her outsider status get to her. She hires out her touch magic talent to track down missing objects and make a buck in the process, she even ends up with a few unlikely friends.

I was a little leery at the first chapter which introduced a few cliché fashion obsessed mean girls, but almost immediately, Estep began to twist the characters and add layers of interest that made them anything but cliché. I can't tell you how much I appreciated this. Several mysteries are also thrown in, and while Gwen doesn't solve all of them in TOUCH OF FROST, it's obvious that they won't be forgotten in the books to come.

The mix of modern day with mythology has been done before, but not like this. TOUCH OF FROST gives us an extremely likeable and levelheaded female protagonist, the ultimate bad boy romantic lead, and an epic battle between good and evil. It's fantastic fun from start to finish and I'm counting down the days until the next Mythos Academy book, KISS OF FROST, is released on November 29, 2011.

Sexual Content:
Kissing. References to sex. References to molestation. A scene of mild sensuality. Prevalent crude sexual dialog. A character overhears a girl giving a guy oral sex.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jerry cranford
'Gypsy Girl', Gwen Frost, has a gift. It actually rather suits her temperament, given she's prone to insatiable curiosity about her classmates' private lives. She might not fit in at her super-exclusive boarding school, patronized by the obscenely wealthy sons and daughters of mythological figures, but she's certainly clued in: one touch of an object (or a person), and Gwen can see things. Who owned it, who touched it, what they were thinking, feeling, and all their deepest darkest secrets. Sure makes intimacy a bitch. Gwen's world takes a turn from bizarre to outright deadly when Mythos Academy's reigning Queen Bee/Mean Girl is found murdered in the school library, and she decides to put her talents to use to investigate.

My first impression of Gwen Frost was as a paranormal Veronica Mars. Talent for seeing things others can't? Check. Haunted by loss of dead friend/relative? Check. Sassy social pariah? Check, and so forth.

But she's not Veronica. At first, the sassiness, to me, seemed forced, and the faux 'teen-speak' (like, you know, totally) grated. This, however, did not make A Touch Of Frost (get it! A 'touch', and her name's 'Frost'! OMG! Funnies!) an unenjoyable read. As the book proceeded, I swiftly settled into Gwen's voice, and was completely absorbed. It's compelling, and the mystery gripped me. Whodunit? Why? How? What the hell is the significance of the bowl? The sword? Why do the teachers seem so knowing and creepy?

She's interesting (and sounds just like a juvenile Gin Blanco with a few 'like, you knows' added to her dialogue). She's flawed, imperfect, but cares deeply about her Grandma--her only surviving relative. At first her nosiness annoyed me, but this faded as the story proceeded. What I did enjoy was seeing real, measurable, character growth over the course of the book. Gwen doesn't finish the book as the same Gwen Frost she started it as. Over the course of the book, she sheds her insecurities, and the shell she isolates herself in. She overcomes grief and loss, and grows.

A Touch Of Frost has a romantic sub-plot going, but it's a subplot, and it's YA. So you're going to get longing stares, crushing, Twilight-worthy descriptions of chiseled abs and ice-blue eyes, and, at this stage, not much more. I'm really keen to see where Estep takes this, though. Our friendly neighbourhood Spartan-In-Shining-Armour is hiding something. Hidden depths, perhaps? Hmmm...

I loved the side story involving a reformed-mean girl and band geek, which was very sweet.

Where, Estep's Spider's Bite/Elemental Assassin books irritated me, A Touch Of Frost succeeds. The constant repetition and retelling of events that characterised the series (and frustrated me no end--they would have been fantastic, otherwise) is pared back, and we don't get infodumped. We learn more about Gwen's world as she learns more about it. Her past is revealed bit by bit, and the story had me hooked. This is definitely a read for YA fans. If teen-speak and YA isn't your thing, then neither is this book.

I love a good gods/myth style story: Neil Gaiman's American Gods, Joanne Harris' Runemarks, Xena, Warrior Princess (don't tell anyone about that last one). There's something utterly compelling about omnipotent beings even more screwed up than us, and the scheming, plotting and in-fighting.

Estep has outdone herself. Percy Jackson meets Vampire Academy, A Touch Of Frost creates a compelling setup for what seems a really promising series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After her mother died, Gwen Frost is forced to attend Mythos Academy, a school for warrior youth - the stores, Spartans, Valkyries, and many more - straight out of legends and myths. But Gwen has her own unique brand of magic. Descended from Gypsies, Gwen has the ability to see the history of an object when she touches it. This comes in handy when hired by her peers to find stuff for them, for a small fee of course. But until Gwen stumbles across the dead body of a classmate, she truly had no idea how dangerous attending Mythos Academy could be.

Gwen is a fantastic character, easy to like and sympathize with. She is jaded because of her mother's death, and feels like an outcast in her school full of warriors as she is the lone Gypsy. But as she slowly begins to make friends at her new school, Gwen begins to soften to those she had stereotyped. Estep's Mythos Academy has the feel of Rick Riordan's popular Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, yet with older teens and set primarily on the academy grounds. This is high praise, as the Percy Jackson series is a favorite of mine. And the Mythos Academy soon grew to a similar level of mystery and awe in my eyes.

This is the first in Estep's new young adult series. As a fan of her other fantasy novels, I had high expectations. And I was still blown away. Hooked from the start, I couldn't put this riveting series debut. Full of mystery, adventure, drama, and a bit of romance - fantasy fans of all ages will enjoy this exciting story. With a surprising and climactic ending, readers will be left eagerly awaiting the next installment. There is an incredible amount of potential for this series. I can't to see where it goes. Don't miss this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
v s morgan
Touch Of Frost beings with Gwen going to Mythos Academy. We learn that her mom passed away six months ago and now she stuck going to this new school because she has magical gifts. Gwen is angry about her mom, and she pretty much avoids all interaction with the people at this school until the most popular girl is murdered. Gwen knows something is off about it so now she's going to do everything she can to figure out who kills her and why. And she might even make a few friends along the way.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a lot better than what I was expecting. I loved Gwen, but I also felt so bad for her. Then I really liked all of the side characters as well. Well the jury is still out on Logan, right now I think he a major jerk especially to Gwen. So I hope he gets better next book. But I did like him in the beginning of this one. I also love how all kind of mythology is woven in this story, it was very unique when it came to that. And I look forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shannin schroeder
I love mythology so when I saw that Jennifer Estep, successful and established adult urban fantasy author, was writing a YA book about kids at a boarding school who are descended from gods, I knew I had to read it. I am so happy to say that Touch of Frost did not disappoint!

The story is told in the first person so we really get to know our main character, Gwen Frost. I love her! She is witty and snarky and always trying to be brave and help others. We go along with Gwen as she uses her ability (she can touch an object to see where it has been) to solve the murder of the school's biggest mean girl. The story is very entertaining and the secondary characters, Logan, Daphne and Gwen's grandmother, are really well written as well. I wanted to get more of Logan in the book and I can't wait to find out more about him in the sequels.

Another thing thing I really liked about Touch of Frost is that the author includes lesser known Greek mythology (Spartans and the stores) and other varied mythologies like Norse and Celtic. There are also mentions of Persians, Samurais and Ninjas! I cannot wait to see where Estep takes this series.

The plot for Touch of Frost is tightly written and the book is well paced. While Touch of Frost may not be appropriate for younger teens, older/more mature teens and adults, especially those who enjoy urban fantasy, will love this book. I am happy that I won't have to wait very long to find out what happens next. The sequel, Kiss of Frost, comes out on Nov. 29.

Content: Sex, profanity, violence, underage drinking and drug use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jayne siberry
Jennifer Estep's new Young Adult series brings to mind Harry Potter and his battles against darkness. Those looking to find a new series of magic and the triumph of good over evil will certainly not have to look too far than to read Jennifer's Mythos series. In Jennifer's debut installment, Gwen Frost, a not quite your normal teenager is sent off to the mysterious Mythos Academy after personal tragedy strikes not knowing the reason why. Unknown to her, the powers she possesses are going to be needed to help in the battle between good and evil that has existed since the beginning of time. The students at Mythos Academy are descendants of the ancient ones, gods, goddesses who all come together (most trained since very young), to carry on the master plan in the defeat of darkness. But are some students not as they seem? Secrets abound, and to Gwen secrets have special meaning. Barely enrolled, a loner amongst students she has nothing in common with, Gwen finds herself plunged in the middle of a tragedy that no one else seems to be affected by. She alone feels responsible to find the secrets surrounding this mystery using her abilities, which seem to be abandoning her, or are they? Gwen is also garnering the attention of a self-assured and handsome Spartan warrior, which certainly does not help matters, as Gwen knows what he is after! Can Logan provide Gwen with the help she needs to get to the bottom of this strange and questionable incident while she tries to unravel the purposes for her own placement in the Mythos Academy?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
filipe bernardes
Touch of Frost is Jennifer Estep's refreshingly fun and riveting debut in her new series- Mythos Academy. I have to admit that I wasn't totally sold on the boarding school aspect, but Estep really delivered! I loved it. Though the beginning starts out a bit slow, Touch of Frost picks up quickly.

I found Gwen to be an extremely realistic teenager in a new school. She is likeable and easy to relate to, which makes the story flow as Gwen narrates. I liked all of the characters, honestly- even the mean girls. Their rolls are played out perfectly in the story. Logan, Gwen's love interest, is a stud...the big man on campus. His character is mysterious and I can't wait to see how he develops in the books to come. (Crossing my fingers he gets more face time with Gwen in the next installment!)

The plot is fresh, engrossing and has a great twist to the mystery laid at Gwen's feet. This series has so much potential, I am sooo excited to read Kiss of Frost next! If you are already a fan of Jennifer Estep, this book is a must read. Though I think any fan of young adult, paranormal, urban fantasy or mythology would really get into this book. Jennifer Estep is a brilliant story teller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sami mathews
The Good: I found myself getting really very excited about this book while reading it. I had wanted to read it, finally got around to starting it, and as it progressed, I became more and more invested. That is a wonderful feeling while reading the book. Once I got into it, I fell in love with Gwen and the school. I seek out boarding school YA and judge it based on the multitudes I've read before. Mythos Academy is definitely up there with the best. I especially loved the ending and how it tied Gwen into the world more completely while promising many more adventures to come.

The Bad: It took me a while to get into Touch of Frost because of the whole warrior thing. All of the students were these super tough battle types and it was sort of overwhelming. I mean, what school - no matter how specialized - doesn't have its set of weaklings, outcasts and students on the fringe? Sure they were all separated into cliques based on their mythological heritage, but that only served to make Gwen the sole odd man out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed it. There were little things that irked me in the narration voice, but not enough to stop reading. The beginning was slow to get through but I'm glad I persisted. It was worth it. I like the characters. The snarky things Gwen says are my favorite. I really like the premise for the book as well, very engaging. I like that she's not perfect, very flawed, and I'm not just talking about her gym skills. I'll definitely keep reading. Wish there was a little less cursing. It's not a ton, but enough that I certainly noticed. Overall, it was a fun read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Warriors...Greeks, Romans, Valkyrie, Spartans and one Gypsy. The premise for Touch of Frost grabbed me and the story line kept me reading.

Gwen is a quiet and easy going girl. She's also the newest student at Mythos Academy after having gone through personal struggles but luckily she has her grandmother's good cooking to comfort and a mystery to solve. As a murder is committed and an important artifact stolen, Gwen takes it upon herself to find out what happened and bring a victim some justice. Of course, with magic and motivation Gwen has her hands full.

I enjoyed Gwen's character and her relationship with those around her. Gwen doesn't have many friends to start with but as she moves forward she begins to make some interesting connections. One connection (with a Spartan) in particular piques my interest. Logan Quinn's actions gave me much to ponder and look forward to as the series continues. Fantastic new YA book to add to our shelves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbie lacelle
Sometimes, there are books you just know you are going to love. This was one of those for me. I love the fact that Gwen was going to a school based on Myths. I fell in love with the Greek and Roman myths when I was just a kid, and still love reading them. This book brings those myths, those legends into today's reality with a twist. The writing is always flowing, taking you on the journey of Gwen's tale. I connected to the story not only because of the myths, but because of Gwen's loss. There were moments that made me tear up, knowing how those particular moments are-when they hit you out of nowhere. But Gwen is a fighter, she's creative, and she will do amazing things in time, I'm certain. I enjoyed every second reading this book and I can't wait to read the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mythos Academy, the school of myths, magic and warrior whiz kids. This is a quote from the book that pretty much sums it all up in a nice little package. This was a fun read making it tough for me to move on with my TBR list because now, I want to add book 2 in the series to my list and move it to the top spot.

The author's writing style made this an easy read however, some of the content is a mixture between YA and Adult reading. I originally thought of sharing the book with my 15 year old daughter but decided against it as the book teetered on the verge of a more mature audience. For me, "the mature audience" it was a really good read and I will continue to read this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anita harris
I bounce back and forth between this book, because while I think in general it sucks, I still really enjoyed myself while reading it.

The world building is pretty cool, and I think it could have been something pretty great overall, but I can't reconcile the could have been s with the is s. I absolutely hate the main character, Gwen. She complains way too much and judges everyone else way too quickly. She is introduced to this awesome new lifestyle and a magic school, but she still doesn't believe any of the magic around her actually exists (despite the fact that she has magic powers herself!!!). It would be as if Hermione went to Hogwarts, performed all this magic, and then refused to believe magic and wizards existed. Seriously, how thick can Gwen get? She has these obnoxious catch phrases that really made me dislike her (seriously, I don't want to admit how many times she said "yippie" or "mumbo jumbo" in a completely un-ironic way). Yet, oddly enough, I found myself rooting for her, and I honestly could not keep the book down. I really don't think it was a great series, but I read the whole thing, and I found myself laughing out loud at points (mostly because of how stupid Gwen could be).

I am not sure what to say here, mostly because while I hated it, I had fun reading it. This series probably deserves less than 4 stars, probably more like 2, maybe even 1, but I unfortunately did enjoy myself and I think I might possibly like it.

I would recommend this book to friends who need an easy read that will make you laugh, and also who wouldn't judge me when they realize what horrible taste in literature I have. I don't know if I would ever admit to liking this in a classroom or in any professional environment. Still, I find myself wanting to reread it again, and I cannot deny that this book is somewhat like crack to me. It really is a horrible book series, but I still think you should read it anyway. You'll hate yourself, but then we can hate ourselves together (and hate Gwen too. Always hate Gwen.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luke wilson
Looking for something a little different? Check this book out. This was my first time reading Jennifer Estep, and I really enjoyed the experience reading this book. This was a YA novel, yet can easily be thoroughly enjoyable to adults. It should be noted that if I recall, the last year students at Mythos Academy are over 21. Also, even though the book is YA, there is drinking and sex in the book. Nothing graphic, but it's there. It's not one of those overly sappy with "first love" or teenage angst. This was a fresh and new take on YA paranormal fantasy. No witches, vampires and werewolves. This time, it's Greek Gods and Goddesses, Viking, Spartans, the stores, Valkyries, Champions, Gypsies, Reapers, warriors and all. All of the things that make myths come to live.

Check out my full review at: [...]
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mike desmarais
I wanted a fantasy adventure. I got a teenage soap opera.

Apparently, the fate of the world rests in the hands of a bunch of spoiled rich kids, who spend all their time wearing costly apparel, backbiting, and making out with all their gorgeous classmates. But one has turned to evil. Honestly, I'm surprised, given their complete lack of empathy, sense of entitlement, greed, and rampant jealousy that they haven't all become Reapers of Chaos.

The main character does not believe in this cosmic battle or "magic jumbo mumbo stuff," despite having her own magic and pink sparkles coming out of her classmate's fingertips. And that was but the first of many times I had trouble swallowing the tale.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Based on reading the famous Harry Potter Series, then the Percy Jackson Series, this book seems like the mix of the two. Sadly, I don't think that this was quite a good mix of the two because this book isn't that new in idea. Basically, she is in an academy because her parents die (Harry is in an school and his parents die). She happens to be the champion of the famous goddess of Victory, so an outcast, (Percy was outcast because of his father being Poseidon). She gets two other friends, making the famous trio of adventures. She is fighting for the Bowl of Tears, like the sorcerors stone, and then when **SPOILER**, she destroys it and Loki comes out of the bowl and vanishes away, just like when Harry breaks the Sorcerors stone and kills the host of Voldemort. Basically, the idea has been used up too many times now that the "Greek and Roman Myths are real" story can't go further unless someone comes up with another idea other than a main character whose parents died and he/she is going to a year long school that believes in the Greek/Roman myths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brendan babish
At first, I purchased this book only because it showed up in a deals e-mail a while back, for a free book from the 7 pages of options, and this one seemed the most likely for me to like of the options. I wasn't sure though. It took me a while to even read it, because I had some books that I thought I'd like more. I finally just started it this week, and it was ADDICTING. I absolutely loved it! I got drawn into her world, and had to go on to the next book, and then the next, and the next. I read all but one of the books during that week.

Touch of Frost is an interesting book, especially if you love the use of mythology in your readings, adventure, and more. Not only does it grab you and take you places, but it gives you the rest of the series following it, and you'll fall in love with the characters, their struggles, and the use of mythology

I recommend giving this book a try! Especially, if this is your genre :D
It is well-written, and for the Kindle book, it is one of the few that I find without irritatingly high amount of typos.
I'd say more, but I've read all of them in such a short time, that I don't want to risk giving anything away. Just want to say a final time, I'm addicted and love this series, the characters, and how it was written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremey brown
Sometimes there are things where you read them or watch them or listen to them and you cannot quite figure out why you liked it as much as you did. For me, TOUCH OF FROST is one of those books. Many of my fellow bloggers had issues with this book. Several did not finish it. Meanwhile, I loved it. I know where people are coming from when they cite several issues with the book - an unclear plot, choppy dialogue, cliché characters and settings. For some reason, my love of this book and the fact I find it an ooey gooey fluffy pile of goodness transcended those issues and I came away from reading Jennifer Estep's first foray into young adult fiction feeling very, very happy.

TOUCH OF FROST follows Gwen Frost, a loner/outcast who has recently come to Mythos Academy in Cypress Mountain, NC (aside: Cypress Mountain = Biltmore Forest, NC, no?), a school for Vikings, Valkyries, the stores, and Spartans, among other supernatural creatures. They're training to be warriors and defend the world from Loki and his Reapers, and poor Gwen doesn't fit in yet again. Gwen's gift is psychometry, reading the history of an item (or person) with just a touch. When a popular classmate is murdered and an artifact stolen, Gwen is the only one who cares to investigate.

So, what does TOUCH OF FROST have? Superpowers, mythology, an academy for teenagers born to be warriors, an outcast girl with a taste for comic books, and a murder mystery. And it also is not the most thought-provoking or original or anything story on the block. What it does have going for it is a fun story that is quick to read and amusing. And if you know me, you would know I am a big fan of quick and amusing and fun. This won't be for everyone - if you are looking for something completely serious, you will be disappointed. TOUCH OF FROST is a fun book that you will devour with its wittiness, cute scenes, hot love interest (Logan Quinn is a very interesting bad boy that I can't wait to get to know better), and great narrator in Gwen.

It isn't the most original plot ever and does rely on tropes often, so I cannot give it a full 5 stars in actuality. But since I don't give half stars, I will be rounding this up to five. It's enjoyable and fun. If you are in the market for a fun read with mystery, romance, and intrigue, you should check out TOUCH OF FROST. It's probably right up your alley.

VERDICT: While not very original, TOUCH OF FROST makes up for its cliché plot with fun characters, a great bad boy love interest, and a narrator you can't help but root for. Definitely pick this one up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You know the story, unremarkable girl leaves dull, unremarkable life to attend a mysterious and exclusive boarding school where romance, betrayals and fashionable shoes ensue. This book would have been another in a long line of what I refer to as boarding school sizzlers, 'cept for one crucial thing, the story.

Okay, brace yourself, because I am now switching to fangirl mode, it doesn't happen often, but sometimes I like a book so much I go freakishly fan-y on it like a twelve year old at a Justin Bieber concert.

Here goes, this book was so fun, I didn't put it down for anything. I wont even bother listing all the fun things I could have been doing, but didn't while I read.

Unlike most boarding school sizzlers, the main character, Gwen Frost, isn't helpless or clueless. She is more like Veronica Mars than Daphne of the Scooby Doo cartoons, what she doesn't have in special powers she makes up for in determination and brains.

The boarding school, Mythos Academy is special, like every BS in the sizzler spectrum, it caters to a very select group of students, the descendents of ancient heroes, Valkries, Spartan warriors, etc. Gwen is neither a warrior or a goddess, what she is is a gypsy who knows secrets. Her grandmother is a gypsy too. in fact she makes her living telling fortunes.

Gwen is just hoping to make it through the school year, but with no special powers her classes in warfare and battlecraft are especially gruelling, even the weakest students at the school kick her butt without breaking a sweat. But every time she thinks about quitting she is reminded that her grandma wants her there and that her mother did too (mom's long gone).

But into her lap falls a juicy mystery, the murder of beautiful mean girl, Jasmine Ashton, and like the smart Nancy Drew she is, Gwen can't let the mystery go unsolved without sticking her nose in.

This brings Gwen into contact with Quinn, a handsome Spartan who saves her life. She also makes a few unexpected friends and lends her support to the romance between a couple of side characters that almost hijacked the story, they were so adorable!

The story ends right after a big revelation and it was such a downer that I've had to wait months for the next chapter of Mythos Academy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen cheng
The first thing I noticed while reading this book is there's ALOT of repeating :( She wrote the same things over and over through out the book. The way she wrote when Gwen was thinking of talking about her mom made you think that Gwen was telling herself...hey i think this is my mom, here's her name again is you didn't catch it the fist 10 times I said it.
The way she ended some of the chapters toward the end seemed like she was going to end the book there but figured I can add a couple extra chapters in here no biggie.
Now don't get me wrong I did like a majority of the book. The story line was pretty good, it just seemed like she was really nervous writing this book.
Don't let me stop you from reading this book though.....some have read it and absolutely loved it and other have stopped reading Jennifer's books altogether...I plan to read the second one in hopes that they do get better with out all the repeating
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher bacon
I find myself in awe while reading this book. Amazing from the very first word, I adored this book. I could not get enough of it. I loved the characters, the plot and especially the school!

One things I adored about this book is the great story line as well as the character development. The story line has a new girl, not popular and always kept to herself. She find herself in a new school, who she barely thinks she is nobody. WRONG! I loved that the author created such a flawed character to become something more.
Ms. Estep captured the reading with a character no one sought out. Gwen is fresh and young. Has a lot to learn and is someone everyone can relate too.

The characters in this book were great! I loved the new friendships form and the love that is sought after. Gwen finds friends in the most unlikely places. She also becomes someone she never thought she be. I adore that Gwen is real. She is not a faker and has an attitude that make me laugh.

Now the love interest. I am a big romance junkie. Ms. Estep wrote a love interest that is sooo good that it is maddening! I am hooked! I loved that Ms. Estep hooked the reader into a love that is developing, but not quite there. She weaved the love interest where you want it to go on, but just not yet. I like that Logan is a tough guy and is holding back. I know that Gwen is going to get him to sing like a canary once she gets him wrap around her little finger. It 's only a matter of time.

You must read this book! The characters are fresh and amazing. Plot line is addicting and non-stop action. Plus, you want Logan, cause I know I do. I mean, who doesn't want a hot spartan? Highly addictive and very engrossing, Touch of Frost is a book that I want to read over and over again.

*cursing/ sexual activity*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacob quesne
Ever since I fell in love with Rachel Hawkins' Hex Hall series, I have been dying to find a novel of the same vein. I was just about to give up hope when I came across Jennifer Estep's Touch of Frost.

Touch of Frost centers on Gwen Frost. A young girl who recently lost her mother in a car accident and is forced to attend to Mythos Academy. To the outside world, Mythos Academy seems nothing out of the ordinary. A school pampering to rich kids and their families, a basic one way ticket to an Ivy League school. But don't be fooled... at Mythos Academy appearances can be deceiving.

The novel starts off a little slowly. We are introduced to Gwen. Her back story. Mythos Academy. We learn that this academy actually is a training school for the descendants of legends: Spartans, Valkyries, the stores, etc. Although, strangely enough, Gwen is none of these, she is a Gypsy. Now, I loved the fact that Gwen was something completely different. Didn't care about fitting into the mold: she likes purple (got instant bonus points for that), enjoys reading comic books (yay!). But I am still not completely sure how exactly Gypsies fit into the equation at Mythos Academy. Yes, Estep explains how Gwen is relevant to Mythos Academy. But a Gypsy? I am still on the fence about that.

Touch of Frost, ultimately, is an exciting start to Estep's new series. I loved her adult novels, and am super excited to see her in the YA world. Although Touch of Frost started off a little slowly, it gained momentum right before the half way point catapulting it into awesomeness. Touch of Frost now has its own special place on my bookshelf. Plenty of excellent characters, myths, and oh, a possible romance that will leave you wanting more. I cannot wait to see what is going to happen next in this addictive series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dell smith
Horrible! Could I give it no stars? Needs better character building, better explanation of the world and was just awful. I don't even know where this plot is going. And don't even get me started on this week heroine. This author should have probably reread and edited (A LOT). It just did not grasp me and I am soooooo disappointed I even wasted my freebie on this, but then again I am so glad i didn't spend six-something on it because it is not worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom bateman
Once you step into the halls of Mythos Academy you won't want to leave it again. How can you not love a book that has a Library of Antiquities and mysterious statues that guard the school and work to keep the bad guys out? There are descendants of the stores, Spartans, Valkyries, Romans and more at this unique school.

The Valkyries are a pretty tight group, so when the most popular of them all, Jasmine winds up murdered in the library & discovered by Gwen she thinks it's a little weird that no one at school cares that she died. Maybe it's because she is the one who found Jasmine Gwen feels like she owes it to the girl to find out who killed her. Along the way she crosses tracks with a band geek, another Valkyrie, Daphne who might not be as horrible as she seems and a very cute and cougar crush worthy Spartan named Logan Freakin Quinn. (as Gwen calls him) The three of them are thrown together in solving the murder. Before I go any further let me talk about...

Logan Freakin Quinn (as Gwen calls him) puts that sparkly vampire to shame. He's such a great YA love interest. One of the best parts of this book is that even though you just know that Logan is into Gwen, she pretty much ignores him and goes about her business as usual. Eventually though, she realizes that she's crushing on him big time, but it doesn't encompass the whole story. Logan is just a tad mysterious and shows up at just the right time to keep Gwen from getting into to much trouble. He's one of those characters that once they show up you immediately want more of.

Gwen is such a fun heroine because while she has the typical teen angst going on, it works for her. She knows she is different, and rolls with it. She doesn't always use her gift for the greater good, sometimes she uses it to find stuff for people & make a little extra money. That's how she meets Daphne, a Valkyrie who is apart of the popular crowd, but is trying to be different. I loved the relationship between Gwen & Daphne and how fitting in isn't always easy or the right path-how it's ok to be your own person.

The mystery itself was fun, and when it comes to figuring out who did what, I am the worlds worst sleuth, mainly because I like being surprised at the end of the book. I enjoyed all the twists and turns it took and while I should not have been surprised at how it turned out, I was. There is also the added mystery of Gwen's background, which I loved. The ending made me want more, and I can't wait until book 2, Kiss of Frost comes out in December. If you are looking for something a bit different in your YA books, then I highly recommend giving this book a try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa guest
Touch of Frost is an amazing novel, filled with mythology, action and mystery. The rich background and mythology is so satisfyingly good, for once not skimming over the details and leaving readers wanting like so many others.

In a magical school filled with descendants of powerful beings, Gwen Frost is the odd one out. She isn't super strong, able to move in the blink of an eye, create illusions or even make a fireball! She's a gypsy, one with the ability of psychometry. Whenever she touches a person or object, she can see images and feel feelings about anyone who's ever touched it previously. In a school filled with the rich, she initially uses her ability to find lost objects in return for cash. Little does she know...she'll come in very handy in a mysterious murder that just doesn't seem to add up.

I don't know how to explain this without spoiling anything. The mystery is such a large part of the novel and it is ten kinds of fun. Constant twists, clues and information about Mythos history all add up to something which will keep everyone on their toes. In a nutshell, the good guys (Pantheon) fought the bad guys (Reapers) because they wanted to bring Chaos with the king of evil (Loki). Everyone at Mythos Academy is training to fight in this war and well...everything is just super cool, full stop.

Gwen can't stop running into badass Logan Quinn, a Spartan who everyone fears at school. I'll be straight with you. He's a manwhore - the sexiest one to have ever graced the bookworld. If you're not constantly swooning, you're drooling, otherwise there is something very wrong with you. I was so afraid the romance would go off the rails because I was absolutely in love with it from the get-go and guess what? *whispers excitedly* There's a slow build up, development, sly glances, flirty conversations, almost-kisses, almost-promises and more! It was perfect and I couldn't have asked for more. Gwen also finds a best friend in a completely unexpected place and this was so wonderful and endearing! All of the characters are written brilliantly and I am so excited to explore them further.

Touch of Frost was an excellent start to the Mythos Academy series and I am just dying for the sequel, Kiss of Frost, which will be released in November this year! Apart from a few repeated phrases, this was perfect and I'm very excited for everyone to read this. Run for the bookstores now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gwen Frost is new to Mythos Academy and she immediately feels like the odd one out. The other students are rich, beautiful, and powerful and Gwen feels that her ability doesn't live up to expectations. It's hard to compare with warrior powers when you can only read objects.

On top of being the new girl, Gwen is looked down on because she is a Gypsy. Several of the students give her a hard time and much of the story was set up like a typical new girl vs. mean girl scenario. It was nice to see that even in a book full of mythology and mystery, some common character aspects were still there. Gwen wasn't popular but she was strong and had to deal with the many conflicts as best she could. Then she meets Logan Quinn and he is a kick-butt warrior / girl-obsessed bad boy. Logan is an outstanding character. He seemed real and his relationship with Gwen was exciting to follow. Gwen was cautious of Logan, which was good! But they had some amazing chemistry that could not be ignored.

When a student is murdered in the library where Gwen works on campus, she throws herself into the mystery and tries to use her power to discover the truth. The plot of this story kept me guessing and it was nice to see the details of the past unraveled bit by bit as you read along. I felt this story was very unique and interesting. Gwen's personality is complex and I'm always a fan of a strong female character. I'm excited to see where Jennifer takes this story. I gotta see what happens to Gwen and Logan and what other things she discovers about her family's past.

By the middle of this book I was hooked and couldn't put it down! By the end I was searching to find out when book 2 would be released. Some parts were a little too repetitive, but other than that I really enjoyed the writing and descriptive plot. I was so thrilled to find out that Jennifer had developed a YA series and I can't wait to find out what happens next. Jennifer has really developed an enchanting world surrounding these characters.

Jennifer Estep has created a fabulous YA series that gives readers just enough mythology, action, and mystery to have them begging for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsey coons
I love Jennifer Estep.

Her adult series, Elemental Assassin, is my all-time favorite series. (And, also, when you see mention of the Pork Pit in Frost, know that that is the place the MC in Estep's Assassin series owns/runs. Just sayin'.)

But I'm not here to rave about that awesome stuff. Today, we're talking about her take on YA.

Touch of Frost really reminds me of Enchanted Ivy by Beth Durst. What with the mythos school, magic, the gargoyles and other various things. But, even as alike the two books are, Frost is so much better.

The main character is the type of character we all love to root for. The girl who doesn't have any friends, is kinda weird, doesn't fit in and so on. These kind of characters in YA are my favorite. Sure, the concept is used a lot, but still, I love them.

Gwen, following the death of her mother, is tossed into a school for, well, gods. Mythos Academy focuses on the gods of myth, mainly. And well, Gwen doesn't fit in. She has that cool power, psychometry. (Like the girl in the Touch series by Laurie Faria Stolarz.)

So, obviously, Gwen is all like 'why am I here, I'm not a freakin' god!' and therefore, is kind of annoying. In that people-we-love-to-hate kind of way. Though I really did enjoy her character, she was kind of annoying at times.

Oh, oh, and don't let me forget the hottie of this fabulous novel, Logan Quinn! I love Logan's standoffish nature; I love how much of a man-whore Gwen thinks he is. And even after that ending (the second-to-last-chapter) I still love him. Why, do you ask? (To those of you who have read the work:) Because, I can see this series going in SO many directions. Seriously. Can't you? I love the tragic I-can't-have-you romances that plague YA lit. They rock, and well, all good readers know that those kinds of situations normally just fester and blow the heck up.

The side characters, mainly Daphne, are also pretty cool...for a stuck up popular-chick.

The writing, obviously, was awesome (since, hello, this author isn't NEW to writing!) and I really really want that damn sequel. Because if I have to sit here, thinking about WTF is going to happen between Gwen and Logan for like, months, I'mmuh get a little angry. So...release that sequel!* 4/5 stars.

*The sequel, Kiss of Frost, has been released!* :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom sheehan
Lately Ive been reading so many good books that it's insane. First Eon and Eona by Alison Goodman, then Vesper by Jeff Sampson, then Falling Under by Gwen Hayes, and NOW Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep. Now let me tell you a bit about this book.

Gwen is a gypsy. She touches people or objects and can tell what feelings people had when using the object, or just tell what a person is thinking/feeling and even their darkest secrets just by touching them.

After her mothers gruesome death she is sent to Mythos academy. A place for warrior kids that descend from people like the spartans, the vikings, etc. In this school nothing is normal. Gym class is the equivalent of weapon training, lunch is like a 5 star restruant, and the valkyrie girls rule the school.

So where does this leave Gwen? Violet eyed, loyal, and persistent she follows a valkyries death to the end. Feeling sorrow for the dead girl, and unraveling the mystery behind her death are only a few things that this warrior gypsy does.

And then theres Logan Quinn, the sexy spartan who seems to like Gwen. Where does he come in?

Read it and find out ;) I'd reccomend it.

I really liked the Xena Warrior princess references in this book, being a fan of the show myself.

I also just loved the entire plot and cannot wait for Kiss of Frost to come out.

5/5 :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dorothy mcmullen
I have come to the conclusion that you really cant go wrong with picking up a book written by Jennifer Estep. Her Elemental Assassin adult Urban Fantasy series is one of my favorite series and I have to admit that it looks like The Mythos Academy series will fall right in there in my top faves with it. I liked Gwen, she was easy to follow. I really enjoyed getting to know her and what she can do as she discovered them. All the Mythology was fun to learn and interpret. The "relationship" with bad boy Logan was definitely frustrating and intriguing at the same time. I cant wait to read the next book and see what else happens to Gwen in her new role.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is quite possibly among the worst books I have ever read. I couldn't finish it because it was SO boring and unoriginal, and I pride myself on giving every book a chance. There's not a single part of this book that was good. The main character is obsessed with herself and how special she is and acts like she's 11 years old, slut shaming as others have mentioned but talking about wowie wow this hot guy gets around how cool! The author tried way way way too hard (and failed) at speaking with a teenager voice and writing from a teen's perspective, and it came across as extremely inauthentic and desperate. I have read a thousand books exactly like this one, but something about A Touch of Frost just falls very, very short of the mark. Save your money and time and do not read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book!

Although it stared of slow, but it was also introducing us to Gwen, who she is as a person and what she believes and doesn't believe, how she is thrown into this world of myths, gods and goddess, warriors and champions, you can't help but feel bad for her that no one is telling her why Mythos. So I felt that that was odd and somewhat forced, they could have given her a little why without giving her the big why.

But as the story progresses and the character come into their own, it gets better and better. Although Gwen is a little too naïve (and that gets a little frustrating), she develops into a great leading lady for the series, I love the way her relationship with Daphne develops, both reluctant to let the other in, yet are drawn to each other and it looks a great friendship is developing there between the two. From the first mention of Nike in class by Metis, you can already see the development of the story line of how Estep will bring Logan and Gwen together, Nike and her warrior protector, it's a good combination, he's strong, sexy, a womanizer but underneath it all he's a good guy. And Vic, ahhh it was just a short visit - but he is GREAT! His attitude and snarky comments are just a perfect fit for Gwen.

I like Estep's writing and how she grows her characters, and I can't wait to continue to read the entire series release to date. If you are looking for a book that has a little different twist to it, not the usual, vampire, werewolves, etc, this is the book for you!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy iglar
Gwen Frost knows secrets just by touching items belonging to other people. But she doesn't know why she's in Mythos Academy with the too rich, too beautiful, and too snotty. They're rumored to be descendants of mythological warriors, and Gwen is a descendent of gypsies. She doesn't belong here. Still mourning the death of her police detective mother, Gwen is stuck in this place. And for some reason Logan freaking Quinn, the baddest and sexiest Spartan at Mythos, is flirting with her.

Then the most popular girl in school is killed. I want to say "and the fun begins," but the fun begins at page one. I love the twists, turns, and surprises of this book. I empathized with Gwen and admired her for her toughness along with the vulnerabilities she won't even admit to herself. Though this is a YA book, adults will enjoy it just as much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fans of the Vampire Academy series will really enjoy this book, as it has a lot of the same elements, only it is set in a modern day mythological world. The main character, Gwen Frost, a teenage gypsy girl, is a very refreshing character with very believable weaknesses, which is a nice breath of fresh air compared to the perfect heroines I see a lot of fantasy novels featuring today. It's also very blunt about teenage life, which is fun and realistic. A lot of the plot was predictable, but it was an easy read and very fun to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie eubank
No, no, there aren't any real Hufflepuffs here, but Gwen Frost is the Mythos Academy equivalent to a Hufflepuff. She's not particularly powerful, she isn't rich, she isn't gorgeous, she isn't popular, her interests typically fall into the dorky category (like mine!), and she isn't the Girl Who Lived or any such thing. She's just Gwen.

But "Just Gwen" is pretty cool. Gwen and her first-person narration totally made the book for me. She's snarky, but not overly so. She doesn't have any friends, but she's not all pole-up-her-butt about it. She's actually kind of sad, like a puppy. Her dorky interests made her endearing and totally relatable. This made me instantly like her and even feel a little protective.

This is a boarding school book, and all of the familiar features of boarding school books are present here. There's the mean girl, the hot guy, the dorms, the library, the teachers who know more than they let on. But there's just enough of a twist to all of the major components to make Touch of Frost seem both comfortingly familiar and intriguingly different.

The mean girl is different from the typical mean girl. The very first scene opens with a confrontation between mean girl Daphne and Gwen and I had my eye-roll all ready to go, but Daphne turned out to be completely different than I had originally assumed. She has depth and I actually like her as much as I like Gwen. She reminded me of Alona Dare from Stacey Kade's Ghost and the Goth series--prickly popular girl, but with a sweet soft side.

The hot guy isn't the typical insta-love magnet at all. Their relationship is refreshingly real and doesn't really move beyond the very beginning stages of crush-but-maybe-more in this installment (and Gwen is so cute as she deals with her mixed feelings for him). I'm not totally on board with him yet because, well, he's pretty much a player. But there are hints at some Hidden Depths and that maybe all those rumors about his, ahem, conquests, aren't telling the whole truth? I can't wait to find out and see how their relationship develops in the sequel.

There are no epic battles in this book, but there is the set up to epic battles. Basically the pawns are moving out of formation and testing the waters. I know Something Big is going to happen down the line, but at this point the pieces are just starting to come into play.

The focus is instead on Gwen solving the murder of mean girl Jasmine. The pacing of the mystery was pretty good. I wasn't ever really OMG WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN??!?! but I had fun following Gwen as she put together clues and pretty much stumbled on the answer (which was as much a surprise to me as it was to Gwen).

So why not 5 stars? There were a few things I didn't love. The students at the school are way racy. They're frequently boozing it up and having lots of sex. It was all very naughty, which makes it a difficult book to recommend to younger YAs, even though I think they would love Gwen and the rest of the story. The "adult-ness" of this clashed with the fluffy lightness of everything else (think Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins).

My only other complaint is that a lot of things felt underdeveloped. I love the idea of a school full of the stores, Valkyries, Spartans, Ninjas, etc, but not much detail is really given about them. I want to geek out over descriptions, histories, famous people, etc of the different categories. That richness and detail sadly wasn't there, but it so easily could be given the premise. Maybe in the next book?

Oh, and some things felt a little repetitive. Like the flash Gwen had that set everything into motion. It was mentioned A LOT more than I thought it needed to be.

Still, even with those minor complaints I'm totally reading the rest of the series and I can't wait until Kiss of Frost comes out in November.

While there is the murder mystery and that part is solved in Touch of Frost, this really is very much a "setting up for the rest of the series" type of book. There's a LOT of stuff that isn't resolved and you might want to wait until the rest of the books are published before starting the series. Or at least just prepare yourself for this if you can't wait (and I don't blame you for not wanting to wait!)

And because I didn't know where else to stick it: Grandma Frost and Vic (the SWORD) are totally awesome! I cannot wait to see more of them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like the authors writing style from her other books, so I was pleased to find reading this book was easy and complete. It is a young adult book. Blatant teen sex issues, so be aware not for young teen.
The main charade is a terrific loser and need. How she was raised and the loss of her mom really helped develop her into a believable normal teen.
Enjoy the book, it is well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda hart
To be honest the sex references were most frequent in this book, but no sex scenes or any detailed descriptions of sexual things. There was a lot of "my gypsy gift" and "yucko" which kinda did get annoying, but aside from that it's a pretty interesting book as well as series.

Just for record the record I suggest this for perhaps 15 or 16 and up. (I myself am 18)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah mummert
This highly entertaining story is classified YA, but I think anyone who enjoys fantasy or paranormal stories, regardless of age, will enjoy this promising start of a new series. The fantasy world is creative and interesting, the heroine is compelling, and the other characters are as well developed as possible within the covers of a quick read. I look forward to more Mythos Academy adventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanya nalbantova
Was a freebie book from Goodreads. Kinda slow start off but eventually it got good an I started to piece things together..... awesome use of the mythology..... I too grew up with watching the princess bride an wrath of the titans.... still love them to this day an the newer versions..... definitely a book to get into.... about to start on the next in the series....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is in no way appropriate for YA readers. The references to sex, drugs, and alcohol use by teenagers is far to frequent and descriptive.

I realize that I am not the target audience, but this book was so poorly written. There was potential to be a good book, the underlying plot seemed interesting. Unfortunately, instead of developing the plot the book falls into needless repetition and reference to teenage sex, drug, and alcohol use. The reader does not need to be reminded of the name of the magic talent and how it works every time the main character used it. It has probably only been two pages since the last time, I can remember that long. I made it less than half way through the book, I was so grossed out by the assumptions that all teens were incapable of controlling themselves and bored with the main character having the same internal dialog that I had to call it quits.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I loved the concept, but the execution left a lot to be desired. The heroine was really whinny, even though she kept telling us she wasn't. The author was very, very repetitive. and her constant use of the phrase "psycometry magic" made me crazy. If psychometry were magic the adjectival form would be "psychometric magic," but it is like saying psychic magic, or telekenetic magic. It is a supposed power of the mind-a gift, yes, but not really magic.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
edith petrongolo
TOUCH OF FROST started out being a thrilling paranormal with a awesome mythology story attached to it, but by the time I finished I didn't find anything exciting and thrilling, which I hoped it would be. One thing is that I really wasn't attached to any of these characters. I didn't really care for them. Gwen, our heroine is very average and boring to me. She was just too normal.

One character in TOUCH OF FROST that I did like was the love interest, Logan Quinn. He's got this bad boy reputation that I love and I found it adorable little by little where he shows he's interested in Gwen. I found Logan quite charming.

I really didn't get into the mythology history and story all too much. It just wasn't exciting enough for me. This wasn't really a horrible book, but it just didn't capture my attention enough for me to be interested in the book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
stephen pellicer
Gwen Frost is being forced to attend Mythos Academy, an elite school set apart to train kids who just so happen to be descendants of various mythical warriors. Of course, Gwen doesn't believe in any of the supernatural skills her classmates supposedly possess. The only type of magic she actually accepts is her own and that of her own family. When the school's most popular girl, the icy Valkyrie princess Jasmine, is murdered right in the library next to a stolen mythical artifact called the Bowl of Tears, Gwen is determined to get to the bottom of the entire situation. It's never a good idea to poke your head into other people's business, though. So the results? Who else is to blame but yourself?

"Touch of Frost" belongs to the new batch of paranormal stories that all seem exactly the same, only with different character names and fantastical elements. This novel's back story is a mishmash of tons of various warriors -- from Norse gods to ninjas. While that is certainly a nice idea, it's never really delved into. Except for a few key warrior gods, all the others felt extraneous and were barely mentioned at all.

The characters aren't especially mind-blowing, either. You have the blonde mean girl clique, the quirky and unpopular heroine, and the hot bad boy who falls in love with the heroine anyways; just the same formula used over and over and over again. The character with an actual personality was Vic, the ancient magical sword, who has a grand total of about five lines in the entire novel. That is just sad. A sword beats out all those other full-fledged human characters? Sad, sad, sad.

"Touch of Frost" is quite a cliché, but lovers of stereotypical teen paranormal stories (I know there are a lot of you out there) will devour it with glee.
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