Book 3), Iron Crowned (Dark Swan

ByRichelle Mead

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm really enjoying this series. Richelle Mead has done a great job creating this urban fantasy series, with complex characters, great plots, surprising plot twists, and of course, a love triangle. My only complaint is that I have to wait for each book to come out. I really love it when I can read an entire series back to back!

Comparisons between the Dark Swan series and Vampire Academy are inevitable, at least for me. How can I not compare Adrian the royal Moroi and Dorian the fairy king? Even their names are similar! One huge difference between the two series is that Dark Swan is adult while Vampire Academy is YA. Richelle Mead's adult novels have some pretty hot and heavy scenes in them, and Iron Crowned was no exception. I find that too much of that cheapens a book for me. I prefer reading about love and the depth of a connection. I love when characters take most of a book to finally get together. It makes the relationship mean more to me.

Even though I really like this series, I don't like Eugenie. Something about her doesn't sit well with me, and it's hard to put my finger on exactly what it is. I think it's the mark of a great author to make me like a book when I don't like the main character.

I think that Iron Crowned was the best Dark Swan book so far. There were a lot of plot twists that I didn't see coming, and Mead has thickened the plot, which makes me think that book four will be even better.

At the end of the day, though, reading any of Richelle Mead's other novels besides the Vampire Academy series is like eating an apple when I really want chocolate: just not enough. I can't pick up a book by Richelle Mead without getting "hungry" for Vampire Academy. I have to really talk to myself to make myself give her other books a fair chance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
az books
Having herd Richelle Mead highly praised for her `Vampire Academy' novels, I was thus intrigued to discover her work and delve into a paranormal Young Adult creation. Cleverly combining dry humor and wit, with a cast of colorful characters amid deliciously dark worlds here is something truly phenomenal and a cracking read. Sharp prose and meaningful narrative beautifully blend urban fantasy with a fresh `twist' that is simply stunning, and which professes the author's uniquely identifiable flair for this genre. Combining exquisite historical ambience which surrounds an enchanting romance, within a mystical world I was totally captivated by this wonderfully wicked creation of sheer enlightenment! As an avid reader of the Young Adult genre (YA Romance), fantasy and historical fiction I just adored how each element was entwined to form a deeply complex, interwoven saga.

Take an attractive, sassy immortal character and place them in an unusually tangible, believable story and you have a concoction for a gripping page-turner and the foundations of an exciting adventure...Lost within an otherworld and an embattled realm mystically entwined with our own, all sense of time is forgotten as darkness and magic take hold. Shaman-for-hire, Eugene Markham's task is simply to banish those Earthreal beings who try to trespass into the mortal realm. As Thorn Land's Queen she is in the midst of a great war that threatens to destroy her Kingdom, and so seeks out a powerful entity to aid her. With the aid of Kiyo (her shape-shifter ex-boyfriend) and Fairy King Dorian, to control the Crown's all-consuming potent powers Eugene has to confront unimaginable that puts her own soul in the firing line alongside the fate of both worlds.

Stirring and intoxicating excitement, the electric tension radiates off the pages as you loose yourself within an addictive magical read. I was SO impressed by this fantastic book that took me on an acutely dreamlike journey into a world that was shrouded in sinister secrets, looming danger and which harbored great magical entities. If you are looking for an entertaining page-turner that oozes fluidity and which is highly readable, then I would recommend this as a fantastical feast for the imagination in which dreams turn into reality! Character-driven and well-constructed, I felt that this (although not breathtakingly overwhelming as to render me awestruck) was nevertheless a brilliant book and one that deserves high acclaim. I look forward to reading more of Richelle Mead's books including Dark Swan novels and Succubus series.

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura perelman
The writing and description is good quality, but the plot is bad. No worse than you are thinking. That Bad! Eugenie is fighting in the elven realm against her enemies from book two with Dorian strongly on her side. She traipses over to the human world and attempts to lead her double life, but it is more and more apparent Eugenie is a fairy princess. She can no longer be 'normal' and pretend she isn't.

So meanwhile Dorian manipulates Eugenie regarding the artifact known as the 'Iron Crown' because he wants to make her more powerful, thereby increasing his own power. Throughout the *entire* series, Dorian has unapologetically and openly acted this way. Eugenie has a mental breakdown over this, and basically ruins her entire life and relationship. Runs to Kiyo. Sordid details with consequences. Saw it coming -- why I really disliked the book, though I also disliked every time the plot got somewhat interesting, a minor character stepped up and Eugenie toddled off.

Anwyay, as good as the writing is (why it's two stars and not one), this Eugenie is too stupid. She's got cool Storm Queen Elf powers, but that don't mean anything if you don't know how to think yourself out of a wet paper bag. Unsure if I'll continue with this series, even though I like practically every character who isn't the Queen of Irrationality, Eugenie.
The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall :: Deep and Dark and Dangerous :: Took: A Ghost Story :: Wait Till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story :: Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna Dressed in Blood Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirk gipson
Third in the Dark Swan urban fantasy series revolving around Eugenie, the new fae Queen of Thorn and the Oak King's lover. When in the mortal world, she has a house in Tuscon.

My Take
I do love how Mead starts this off! Too funny!! It just gets funnier when Dorian and Rurik play off on Ysabel's sighs about remarrying suggesting all sorts of possibilities. Just not the one she's "hinting" at so blatantly.

Oh man, Dorian is such a manipulative bugger! Poor Eugenie doesn't have a minute to herself in this story what with all the pushing and pulling by forces beyond her control. Mead really does marvelous work with all the bombshells she drops and the tension she builds into this story. Her characters are fascinating and edgy and Mead has you wondering which way they'll jump next. A different take on the fae. I am just panting to read the next in the series, Shadow Heir (Dark Swan, 4).

The Story
The Thorn and the Oak are at war with the Rowan. Queen Katrice doesn't want Eugenie alive or in the fae world. The prophecy about her firstborn is too damaging. In the meantime, Eugenie's mortal world business is suffering from her spending so much time in the Otherworld fighting against the Rowan. If she doesn't take on a few more jobs, Lara won't get paid. It's this need that finds Eugenie up against a nasty fetch that results in Eugenie needing those antibiotics. Nasty interfering things.

Then there's the subtle manipulation pushing and pulling at Eugenie to go after the Iron Crown. The incentive is that Eugenie's possession of the Crown will intimidate Katrice into ending the war and putting an end to the casualties. It's what Eugenie discovers afterwards that breaks her heart into so many pieces.

One of those pieces is Katrice's kidnapping of Jasmine. A bold move, but one that will cost that stubborn fae queen. It also forces Eugenie to apologize to Imanuelle! Call Guinness!! Other pieces are the betrayals by her friends and the hectic pace of her life.

Oh, yeah, life is just getting even more interesting for Eugenie Markham, Dark Swan.

The Characters
Eugenie Markham is half-human, half-fae and all kick-ass. Even before she became Queen of Thorn Land. She's been the bogeyman the fae frighten their children with as she comes with bindings and banishings to keep our world free of bad things that go bump in our night. Roland Markham is her stepfather and a retired shaman. He taught Eugenie everything he knows but no longer acknowledges her--he (and her mother) hate the fae. And they hate that Eugenie is canoodling with them.

Lara is Eugenie's secretary and sets up her banishing and binding appointments in our world. Right now, she's really annoyed because Eugenie is spending most of her time in the Otherworld. Tim is her housemate--he gets free room and board in exchange for household chores and cooking. He prefers to recite his poetry and schmooze people into thinking he's Native American. He and Lara are mortal phone enemies. Dr. Moore is Eugenie's personal doctor.

The fae who aid Eugenie in governing Thorn Land include Rurik and Shaya. They also maintain the guard on Jasmine Delaney, Eugenie's half-sister through their father, the Storm King. Hey, she tried to kill her sister so she could be the one to make the prophecy come true! Wil Delaney is Jasmine's half-brother. Nia is Eugenie's handmaiden in the Otherworld. In other words, she takes care of personal matters for her, beautifying her. Girard is a fae metalsmith. Imanuelle is his assassin sister.

Volusian is a cursed spirit whom Eugenie has bound. As long as she can control him, he won't torture her slowly into a miserable death.

Dorian, King of Oak Land, is Eugenie's "bondage-loving Otheworldly boyfriend". Ysabel is a former lover of Dorian's and definitely interested in reprising that role. Her mother Edria is another fae interested in wresting Eugenie from Dorian's side. Masthera is a seeress who goads Eugenie into going after the Iron Crown.

Kiyo is a kitsune--half-demon, half-human--who works as a veterinarian in Phoenix when he isn't visiting Maiwenn, Queen of the Willow Land, to see their daughter and take his queen's orders as to how to handle Eugenie. He was Eugenie's lover before losing her to Dorian.

Queen Katrice of the Rowan Land has started the war over a personal slight (I screwed up the reading order and have no idea what this is). Ranelle is an ambassador from the Honeysuckle Land. Dorian and Eugenie need allies as badly as Katrice and they're putting on a united front for Ranelle. Deanna is a ghost who agrees to a bargain with Eugenie in exchange for finding her murderer.

The Cover
The cover is all purples blending up into reds with a lit-up downtown nestled into mountains while Eugenie holds a fighting stance in her jeans and lattice-worked tank top. Festooned with weapons dangling from her belt, an athame in one hand, and the iron crown in the other, our tatttooed, short-haired Dark Swan is ready for action.

The title is all about Eugenie's objective and her intentions. If she can just become Iron Crowned.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris mckay
I liked the two previous Dark Swain novels and eagerly awaited this release. I am so disappointed in this third installment. Instead of the kick-butt shaman we saw in the prior two novels, in this installment Eugenie is spineless and borders on the too stupid to live stereotype. After the events at the end of book two, there is no way any sane women would do what Eugenie did in this book with Kiyo. No way. I understand an author wanting to put up roadblocks for her characters, but I feel like Eugenie had a lobotomy in this book. She was too way out of character for me.

SPOILER Line Don't Cross

I am infuriated with how easily Eugenie went back to Kiyo and slept with him. He totally betrayed her in book two, but because Dorian (who has always been a liar and power hungry schemer) stayed true to form and set up Eugenie she walks away from him without a backwards glance and sleeps with Kiyo (a guy hung up on his ex and so political as to not want to take action against Eugenie's rapist). No way. The pregnancy plot made me want to vomit. I felt violated by having her carry Kiyo's kids. No self respecting woman would let him get away with the way he treats Eugenie (the animal way he takes her, the relationship with his ex, the way he is always betraying her), let alone the powerful queen shaman that she is supposed to be. I felt this installment really went in a wrong direction.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris clark
I followed Vampire Academy and Georgina Kincaid in addition to this series, so I expected the third book to deliver a ~dramatic devastating blow~ for Eugenie. Rose had it on VA's third book. Georgina had in on the Succubus series' third book. I expected it to happen to Eugenie, too.

What I didn't expect was the... utter WTF-ness of this.

Dorian has never hidden that he has an agenda for Eugenie from the very beginning, but Eugenie flips her lid and has disgusting nasty sex with Kiyo to "get back" at him when she finds out that (SURPRISE! SURPRISE!) Dorian had an agenda all along when he sent her after the Iron Crown.

I liked Eugenie from the very beginning because she was a smart, strong heroine who wasn't whiny or waited for big strong men to come rescue her. She helped herself and was practical. I loved that she finally opened her eyes to how shady Kiyo was in Thorn Queen, and how (despite always having an agenda) up-front Dorian was. I was extremely surprised at how Eugenie was easily tricked by Kiyo every single time and just how easily she fell into bed with him. Again. And again.

A kitsune. A highly sexual fae, even among the fae, sleeps with you the first night they meet. He marks her. He's suddenly tagging along everywhere with her. Moved in with her. Is still hung up on his ex. Has an extreme bias against her father or this prophecy. Is so concerned about political ramifications than the welfare of the alleged woman he loves... just to name a few... and she never notices how shady he is?

She's supposed to be a smart, strong, confident woman. But when her libido takes over, her IQ drops and she loses all reason.

At this point, I hope Eugenie ends up with Kiyo in the end, because she certainly doesn't deserve Dorian. But poor Dorian's going to be saddled with Kiyo's children and dealing with the shrew that Eugenie has turned into.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn wolz
Richelle Mead did a good job of including enough background information for a newcomer to the Dark Swan series to follow along; my attention was captivated from start to finish. The downside of not reading the previous books was that Kiyo did absolutely nothing for me. In fact, I hated him and spent every subsequent chapter waiting for him to slip up (and he does, in a BIG way). I just feel Eugenie's relationship with Dorian ended too quickly while the one she rekindled with Kiyo just kept going on and on . . . I was thankful when the sex scenes between the latter eventually stopped.

Speaking of the main character, I felt so sorry for Eugenie. Her double-life (and ex-lovers always being present when she is the most vulnerable) interferes with her decision-making. I love how sarcastic her thought process is and how frequently she uses profanity. She's in serious denial over not wanting power though.

I liked all of the regular supporting characters, with Dorian, Jasmine, and Volusian being my favorites. It's interesting that Eugenie basically has the same dynamic in the Otherworld that she does in the human world. I suppose Kiyo is now the equivalent of Volusian (but without the humor).

I was expecting the quest for the Iron Crown to span for the majority of the chapters and be more challenging, but that would've been predictable. The plot does become a little predictable anyway, seeing as how the worst scenario is the one that always comes true, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining; when I wasn't gripped by the suspense, I was cracking up.

My only pet peeve is the spelling errors at the end. I noticed this with Thorn Queen as well.

Dorian is initially described as Eugenie's "bondage-loving Otherworldly boyfriend" -- which is true -- though not worth mentioning since the only person in chains was Jasmine (and not for erotic purposes). Perhaps I'm just bitter. Thorn Queen was a similar tease.

There's still a chance that Dorian could be the father -- a small, SMALL chance -- because Eugenie did NOT just have "kinky oral sex" with him. Even Kiyo suspects there could be a possibility. I wish Eugenie did have intercourse with Dorian so her "paternity talk show dispute" scenario would come true. A herald would, of course, announce Dorian's appearance complete with all of his titles, and the Oak King would swagger in to a standing ovation. Everyone would in turn boo Kiyo -- which is why Maiwenn would be installed in the audience to vouch for him. After Dorian is declared the father to tumultuous applause (and much bowing from his part) he makes some sly remark about kitsune-sperm being defective. I hope I didn't just spoil the first chapter of Shadow Heir.

After reading Thorn Queen, I no longer despise Kiyo: anyone who names his cats after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is awesome . . . until they try to kill you for not getting an abortion. So I'm now just neutral about him.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
**Contains Spoilers**

I could not wait until this book came out, and now that I read it I wish I could erase it from my memory. I was really disappointed with the turn that this book took. Eugenie started of as a strong and intelligent woman in the first two books and I don't know what happened to her in this book. It started off good, being the queen was working out well for her, her relationship with Dorian was coming along nicely (the way she talked about him you could tell she was in love),then it all went downhill from there. Eugenie knew what Dorian was made of (personality wise) when she decided to become involved with him, so when it comes out that he was possibly deceiving her again what does she do before finding out the truth, jump back into "bed" with Kiyo. The same Kiyo who betrayed her by not standing up for he, the same Kiyo who still has a thing his ex. Yes that Kiyo. Like a lot of other reviewers have mentioned it was hard for me to continue reading the book after that and for the first time in my life I started skipping pages in a book. The pregnancy was no surprise, figured that it would happen but I still had a little hope that Dorian could be the father. As much as I looked forward to this book coming out, I don't know if I will be so quick to buy the next book in the series. So disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I CANT EVEN..... this series held so much promise and while it was no kincaid it was really interesting. This book frustrated me to no end and when i finished it i wanted to throw it away and burn the rest. I had to keep reminding myself that it is after all just a book. I love this author's books and i know that halfway through a series she would make it seem like things are over then the redeem herself but this plot seems abosolutely hopeless. First she's with kiyo because he's hot and exotic then she sleeps with dorian because of kiyo's baby mama drama then she goes back to kiyo because apparantly she simply cant live wihout him then dumps him when he fails to kill leith and hops right back to dorian( i was ok albeit dizzy up untill this point) it goes downhill from here.... she then sleeps with kiyo in a damn grotto for pete's sake(really?) because, the wind blew west and dorian lied to her so she can end a war. She promptly gets pregnant after two entire books of trying to avoid the situation ( she seems rather busy fo someone who DOESNT want to get pregnant).Then when she hears "heartbeats" she cant abort the devils spawn who will eventualy take over the world? Wasnt that her whole purpose in the first two books?protect humans? why the sudden change in morals? what so world domination is ok once its your son. I am dissapointed by this author's inability to keep her character's morals straight ( still love her) speaking of morals ....guess what E does next ?hmmm? goes grovelling to dorian ( who had every right to kick her butt out his kingdom in the first place) when she realises kiyo wants to kill her babies. Honestly im torn i want to know what happens in the fourth book ( i read some reviews they said she made a cop out move) but i really don't see how the author is going to redeem eugenie(really?i had a problem with georgina too i just renemd her georgia in my head smh) after this book it just seems all so hopeless . I have lost alot of respect for E, i think she's a ,sorry to say , whore who got exactly what she was looking for and for soemone who's supposed to be so strong and independant and badass why is it she hasn't been alone once for the entire series? is she only strong when a man is by her side?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britton jenner
All this hate for twists and turns that are consistent with this author and this story. Eugenie is terrible with relationships. She waffles. She loves easily and big and wrong. That's the girl I fell in love with the first two books. She's just as messed up in Iron Crowned. I don't see her wising up any time soon. Do we want her cozy and giddy in love? That's not what the Dark Swan series is about, maybe that's what we're striving for, but we don't get it so easily. Richelle Mead has a history of holding out on the happily ever after and even then, we have to endure some loss along the way. Read the book. Enjoy it. Why take it so seriously?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Alot of the reviews, I have to disagree with. There are mixed reviews that I believe are based off who do you like. Kiyo or Dorain. And also, if you like the 100% bad ass chick who is never changing.


When I read the first two books, I was fully expecting a ton of books of hot sex without anyone getting caught with a baby. The fact that Eugenie became pregnant was a HUGE surpise to me and that Kiyo, the very last person anyone expected, turned on them all.

Most books are written with the main character being a bad ass without a heart. Eugenie maybe tough, but she's not a killer and even in the first book, she made that very clear.

I enjoyed this book because it was so unpredictable towards the end.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eilish hawes fraser
Although the main character acts like a badass, independent woman, I felt the way she was acting was anything but.


My impression of Eugenie, the main character, with this third book was annoying. She doesn't seem to resolve her feelings at all, repeats the same things over and over, and basically is connected by the crotch to Dorian and Kiyo and simply bounces back and forth like a ping pong ball once one makes a mistake. These were the only things that I took away from this book after finishing. What did win me over was the progression of the storyline was fairly smooth although Eugenie still has issues, she's still a badass. Queen or not, she doesn't let that change how and who she is.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ms Mead writes a fairly interesting and captivating book despite that her main character is quite unsophisticated - a dilettante - and suffers from a general lack of empathy. Her problems are compounded by the fact that she is surrounded by people with similar character flaws, which prevents her from breaking away from petty ideas and getting on with life. Perhaps this reflects on the author but I chose to think that the main character was designed like this with a purpose :)
I mean, the silly little girl could just sell one of her many jeweled crowns in Tuscon for a pretty penny and stop her continual complaining about how she is short on cash and therefore must take on mundane banishing jobs. One also finds it plain that a light armor made of iron chain-mail would protect her from 90% of the injuries she keeps getting in battle. I prefer to think of Eugenie as into S&M and liking to get constantly banged up because otherwise it doesn't add up. Get an Uzi girl! Why constantly risk your life by not having enough fire power.
I distanced myself from Eug already at the beginning of book 1 because she was so willing to send things, who were obviously alive and intelligent, to hell. This is not a good sign for a true hero even if she later on, once in a while, mourns the faceless soldiers that die because of her lack of thinking.
This brings up the real issue with poor Eugenie; she seems to consider herself so street smart but it does not take a genius to figure out that those daily pills are not going to do the trick for a whole lifetime for a girl that likes the sack as much as she does. There isn't a doctor that will claim birth control pills provide 100% protection. If you get it on as often as she does with all these hot guys, even a 1/10 of a % chance of pregnancy will eventually result in a pregnancy. She wouldn't be the first one it happened to. On top of that she knows she has all these guys trying to get into her pants against her will. In total, she is delusional..... and should really have a hysterectomy done if she is true about repeating how much she doesn't want to get pregnant.
This constant self deception and lying to oneself is a human condition and normally should be her own business, if it was not for the prophecy. The prophecy may not come true but even with a 10% chance of being real one must factor in she has the potential to give birth to Hitler's grandchild who has the potential to make a concentration camp of the whole world. A basic risk calculation - multiplying likelihood of event happening (low) by the magnitude of the outcome (extremely high) - reveals our heroine is a huge risk the world would be better without. She keeps convincing herself everything must be her decision and that all these people want to decide things for her and so she shuts it all out, gets laid and makes her own decisions. The tough reality is she is deciding for everyone else, as she brings the world closer and closer to mayhem. It is amusing to see how difficult this is for her to comprehend. But not all is her own fault. Her parents are so loving but it is understandable they reject her because they must be blaming themselves for creating all these problems themselves and she is a constant reminder. Also they should, of course, have made this simple risk calculation and have had her go through a hysterectomy as early as possible. This is a cruel thing to do to a person but, hey, remember we are talking about Hitlers grandson here. Eugenie would surely have been happier as she is now constantly complaining about her situation and how much she doesn't want to be the center of attention.
Speaking of center of attention....she has the iron crown so why doesn't she liberate herself from her two kingdoms and give them to someone else who is capable and willing? Two kingdoms would be hard for anyone to give up, but at least it would be uplifting to have her think more about good strategies to govern than the relentless self pity.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
stacy castiglione
I really had been enjoying this series until making it up to the third installment, and I have become a huge Richelle Mead fan after reading several of her books. However, I'm not sure what Richelle Mead was thinking when she wrote this book


In this book Eugenie becomes little more than a sperm bucket who jumps from one boyfriend to the next in about two pages, and allows both men to "come inside her" continuously. HELLO even on birth control any twenty something year old girl would know this isn't a smart idea. Especially not a twenty something year old who is firmly set on not having any children!!!! Let alone the fact that she switches partners at the drop of a hat and doesn't use protection with either, I don't know about anyone else but the whole thing grossed me out.

Also am I the only one that notices that Eugenie is constantly cheating on Kiyo and Dorian? Not only that, but she doesn't seem to go back to Kiyo because she loves him, she goes back because he was the only one left.

I do like how the book ended which is the only reason I am giving the book even two stars, I think the last book will be interesting now that she is in fact pregnant (with crazy Kyo's babies nonetheless). So hopefully the next book will be better and bring back the Eugenie bad ass we all know and love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy o
Eugenie Markham is a girl torn between two worlds, two men, and the two halves of herself. While she has stepped up in her duties as the Thorn Lands queen, she is beginning to neglect her shaman duties in the mortal realm. War is brewing, and Eugenie is smack dab in the middle of it. Who can she trust? Who has will have her back? And will it be the King or the Kitsune, to fully capture her heart?

The Dark Swan series and I have a iffy relationship in the past. I love Richelle Mead and her Vampire Academy and Georgina Kincaid series, so I picked-up this series. I've enjoyed this series, but not I didn't fall in-love like I did with her other two series. I am very fond of Eugenie, Kiyo, and Dorian in their best moments, but sometimes I just want to chuck the book at the wall.

This book is the best in this series so far. It's the obligatory book #3 in the series, so I knew it would be an emotional rollercoaster. I love how Dorian has stepped up to back Eugenie and the Thorn Land. I love how easy things can be between Eugenie and Kiyo in the real world. This series is fast paced and keeps me thinking three steps ahead of myself. I was so happy that Eugenie and her sister were finally able to come to understanding. It's like Jasmine is being able to claim what little childhood she has left.

This story does have some small issue for me. I didn't like that Eugenie was able to jump from Dorian to Kiyo so quickly. Eugenie gets angry at Dorian for doing exactly what you expect him to do. She was shocked and appalled at his behavior. Come on Eugenie, use the brain I know Richelle Mead gave you. I also saw the pregnancy coming a mile away!!! I mean what self-respecting 20-something female, doesn't know antibiotics and birth control do not mix. That along with not having `actual sex' with Dorian the last time they were together. I kind-of expect more of Richelle Mead's writing.

One thing I find very interesting about this series, is that I am never sure whether Eugenie should pick Dorian or Kiyo. Usually, I gravitate to one romantic lead, and don't change teams. As soon as I think I have absolutely mind made up that she should be with Dorian, he does something to screw it up and vise-versa. I can't say that I have ever felt this strongly about a love triangle. I mean previous to this book I felt that both characters filled a part in Eugenie's life: Dorian filled the fey part of her heart and Kiyo filled the human part of her heart. That being said, I was never sure either character could make her completely happy. I think that with Eugenie's choice to embrace more of one side of herself, she may be drawing closer to one guy more then the other.

This is the first book in the Dark Swan series that can be help up the same emotional caliber, as her two other series. This book kept me on my toes all the time. You never knew who Eugenie should really trust, and who would end up stabbing her in the back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Richelle Mead does it again with IRON CROWNED. You can tell this book was actually formulated correctly and not just thrown together like recent books in some other series of hers (*coughcoughVAcough*).

Third books in Mead's series are often known as the oh-my-God-Richelle-Mead-why-did-you-do-this-to-us books, and this one doesn't fall short in that aspect at all. What happens near the end of this book is INSANE . . . but I LOVE IT. It's blatantly obvious I'll be buying the last book.

Eugenie's still caught in the middle of the infamous love triangle, and to me, neither side really stands out as the one she should pick. They're both just kind of there, vying for her attention, with no real traits that stand out to me or to anyone else. I guess the love interests' qualities, or lack thereof, are kind of the weak point in this book.

The plotting is tight. The thing about this book and some other of Mead's books is that the main plot point that the characters strive to reach, the main event of the book, happens around halfway through the book, and the second half is just aftermath and build-up for the next book. I guess it's good that Mead gets right to the point, but it makes me feel like she could've just written half of this book and we would've been fine.

As far as the actual plot goes, it's really fast-paced and action-packed, and there's the usual amount of Mead-drama. It's the best book in the Dark Swan series so far.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book should probably have taken me longer to read, but I found myself skimming through vast amounts of text, either due to lackluster characters or because I was so eager to get back to Dorian. The truth is, the best redeeming quality is still Dorian, who I adore, but gets the short end of the stick in this book.


I agree with some of the readers and reviewers that Eugeine's behavior was tiresome and troublesome. HOWEVER, I do think at times we may be being a bit too harsh on the character. Although Dorian has always remained true to his character in that he is manipulative and power-seeking, it is these qualities that Eugeine has always disliked about him. No doubt she, like us the reader, thought Dorian's love for her would change his ways, or at least temper his ambitions. When it doesn't, Eugeine is just as upset as I was. I wasn't surprised that Dorian manipulated her, but a bit disappointed. Eugeine does have every right to question ALL his motives, at that point, and although she is a handful for him, manipulation is never a good quality in a relationship. So should she have been furious? Felt betrayed? Of course.

That does NOT excuse a sex-fest with Kiyo before she even has the opportunity to talk it out with Dorian. She may have been broken up in HER mind, but real relationships don't work like that, and I'm glad she was finally able to admit that sleeping with Kiyo had been a mistake (at least that one time). I agree that Kiyo is a dull, paper-thin, and totally uninteresting character. I fail to see his appeal or even sexual pull. He has no real levels or depth, and as both a character and love interest, he's just BORING.

Which leads to my issue with the "quest." Despite being far too easy and way too cliche, I just couldn't get into Kiyo being there. I understand what the author was trying to do, but I think she fails to realize that her readers don't share her love or infatuation with Kiyo (as a character). Frankly, most of us don't give a damn about him, and going on a short, boring quest with him isn't going to intrigue us.

Finally, I can't STAND that the children are Kiyo's. I, too, feel violated and betrayed that she's carrying his pups, when Dorian, faithful, if a bit power-hungry, Dorian wants to have even just daughters with her. I think Dorian excels in this book, showing multiple layers and emotions, though if he had ever exhibited disappointment towards Eugeine, I may have liked that more.

I DO look forward to her and Dorian working it out and getting back together--which is my hope in the next book. But she does need to get over her aversions to gentry and accept parts of herself--such as her life as a queen, and get over her life in the human world. That world has rejected her anyway, including her step-father and much of her mother. Time to move on, Eugeine.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eileen peacock
From a brief overview of the reviews, the negative reviews of this book seem to come from two motivations: those who hated Eugenie's choices and thus hated the book and there are those who hated the development of plot and characters and thus hated the book.

I'm in the latter camp. I wasn't thrilled by the choices Eugenie made, but they are Richelle Mead's prerogative as a writer who is building a series.

Where had a lot of trouble was that in this book Eugenie isn't anything like the previous books in the series and nothing else really picked up the slack. Everything that could have made for an interesting plotline was either handed off to some minor character or resolved in a few pages and with very little apparent effort from Eugenie. The supposed ultimate quest for gentry ruler was ridiculous, and Eugenie's supposed magical powers are verging dangerously into Mary Sue territory. Instead of any sort of challenge, we get Eugenie ditching her responsibilities in the Otherworld for Tuscon at every possible chance, passing off ruling to Dorian/etc, and then throwing fits when other people treat her as the pawn she made herself into. Where the plot should be, we get sometimes awkwardly written sex scenes. As another commenter noted, if you want irresponsible fairy queens, lots of graphically described sex scenes, and a general obsession with making - or not making- babies... then read LKH's Merry Gentry series. Similarly, if you want graphic sex with multiple men, absurd levels of power, and a somewhat uncomfortable physical similarly between the protagonist and author, read the second half of LKH's Anita Blake series. As for me, well, there was a reason I stopped reading LKH several years ago.

This is the first book in the series where I got the sense that Mead ditched the character development in favor of series development: you can almost see the outline. Sadly, she did so in a very direct way, that entailed ditching all of the traits that made Eugenie into a compelling person to read and turned her into a weak victim. Frankly, the Eugenie at the end of Thorn Queen would have kicked Iron Crowned Eugenie's ass up and down the street.

[Note: some edits for spelling/typo corrections]
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
So many of the other reviewers have described what is terrible about the book so I'll just add a general point about the author's male characters - they are b@astards. I wonder if the author knows any decent men and if so why she refuses to create even one in her novels. I hate all the love interests in both her Dark Swan and Succubus novels. Her heroines supposedly are strong females but they get screwed over by these b@astards (okay everyone makes mistakes) but then they go back for more! I don't expect perfection in her characters that would be boring, however the lack of self esteem in her female characters is unpalatable to me and I'm not going to waste any more of my time and money reading about them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly fitz
The first two books in the series were great. This one wasn't in sync with the other two, but I still enjoyed it. We couldn't have the same story told again and again with Eugenie and I think this demonstrated just how human she really can be. I like a heroine who seems impervious, yet, at times, falters like everyone else.


We knew the love triangle hadn't righted itself in the last book, and that Eugenie was torn between Kiyo and Dorian. Regardless of whom she is with, she has the other man's voice echoing through her. I love it. Ultimately, I know who I want her to be with, but I know if I wait patiently through the back-and-forth, she will likely make the same decision. She has to, right!? ;]

The battle for the crown came sooner in the plot than I expected, so I had no idea what the novels ending conflict would be. I wasn't surprised. As soon as I saw the word 'antibiotics' I knew she could get into a little trouble. I just did not realize the lengths Kiyo would go to rectify the "problem".
Overall, I liked the book. I hope the next one brings Eugenie back into her kick-ass self once a few things progress.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amrit mehra

I liked it just as much as the others. I didn't like how quick she switched lovers, and I didn't like at the end where she actually had to beg for hospitality. Made her seem cowardly to me. As for switching lovers,the author wants to keep us entertained, and that she does. The pregnacy suprised me and I loved it but wish the other was the father.
This and VA series rocks, while the Kincaid series lacks imo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book was actually a really great book for the most part. It started off amazing and I loved it. Then suddenly a little more than half way through it she just started making some really stupid and unbelievable decisions. These disappointed me because I lost a lot of respect for Eugene and wanted to slap the stupid out of her. I just could not believe that what happened actually was happening. I had to page through a lot of those parts. The end was good and made it so that I will read the next book in the serious. I still have much love for Dorian,although I think, sneaky man that he is, he deserves better than her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
grace mullen
War. Mystical quests to leave the gentry shaking in their shining ones boots. Love. Betrayal. Infidelity... and antibiotics? Oh what deliciously intriguing story lines are weaved, yet all in a days work for the Dark Swan. Eugenie Markham is kicking butt and forgetting names in the third thrilling edition of the Dark Swan series Iron Crowned. Nothing much has changed for the Thorn Queen. Katrice aka the Rowan Queen is making life difficult waging war against her and the thorn people. Eug is allied with the Oak King both in bed and on the battle field. But an end to the blood shed could be near with the acquisition of the Iron Crown. And Eug is the probably the only one capable of the task, but she's going to have to enlist help from some unusual places, namely Kiyo and a ghost with a request of her own.

Surprisingly the Iron Crown is only half of the story. Relationships are heating up as well. Eug's family life is fractured, but her sisterly bond with Jasmine is on the mend. Eugenie will find herself between her two very opposite leading men Kiyo and Dorian. While both Kiyo and Dorian haven't changed their personalities seem to have become amplified. Markham can't help but be pulled in two directions, this world and the other. Eugenie's quest will strain her relationship with Dorian adding tension to their increasingly difficult alliance. Katrice is making moves that could cost her her kingdom. And Kiyo is nudging Eug to spend more time in the human world. Events will arise to cause him to make the ultimate sacrifice. Eug will have some difficult choices to make. Loyalties and motives will be questioned. Betrayals abundant. And it seems like the only people Eug can truly trust are family. Oh did I mention the cliffhanger at the end? Eugenie will have us all diving over that edge with us screaming for details on the next installment.

Richelle Mead shows there's more to the literary world than the tried and true standards of vampires and weres. Fairytales can be sexy too. I'm not really into shamans or fairies, but Mead puts her own unique spin on traditional folklore. This series is a real treat. She's truly built a complex world and characters, while not being shy about the storyline. There is quite a bit happening in Iron Crowned and Mead handles it like the seasoned writer she's become.

Read this book. You'll want more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
so to start off i am completely disappointed in any of the reviews that is four stars or below. this book was def. the best book in the series yet. the ONLY critisism is that Eug. couldnt make her mind up about which guy she wanted to love at the moment....but even that i thought was cute and well written because richelle kept it interesting. the ending of his book was amazing and as she used in the book when it rained it poured. once one thing happened it lead to another then to another. my heart has never beat as fast as it did with this book as it had with any other book before. i loved this book and once i am done writting this review i am going to start the next one!! btw.....i recomend this book to EvErYoNe!! ;]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
j j rodeo
A ton happens in IRON CROWNED, good, bad, shocking and I'm so happy I picked up the first book in the series a while ago and started reading it. There might be some mild spoilers to come so read with caution as I'm not sure if I will giving anything away or not. I LOVE that Jasmine and Eugenie get closer in book 3, They are both in a tough situation and Jasmine has really grown up and out of some of her ways and I'm so glad they can now support each other. I knew Eugenie would be in the situation she is in from the beginning but I was shocked at how it actually happened. I really like Dorian and Eugenie together, I was sad at a lot of what happened in IRON CROWNED and their relationship. I can not stand Kiyo. I haven't liked him since the last book though so it isn't much of a surprise to see how much of a douche he is. I can not believe there is only one more book "planned" for the Dark Swan series. I can honestly say I have no clue what is going to happen, but I'm super excited to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara escher
OK, if anyone out there knows Richelle Mead's writing style they should know that book 3 of any of her series is totally traumatic. Forget any relationship stability between characters or where you think the series is going. I have to say that is what makes me love this author! I read so many books and get so tired of figuring out what is going to happen before I even finish the book! I have NEVER figured out any of Richelle Mead's books! I have been tempted to throw a book across the room or cry in frustration, but hey that is why I keep reading. It is her world and she lets me read about it. Keep that in mind when reading this installment of the series. I would also say start with books 1 and 2 before you read this one. Can't wait to see what happens in book 4!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"Spoiler"...Okay...iam normally a Richelle Mead fan...i love her Succubus Series and have enjoyed her Dark Swan series so far...but the latest installment of her Dark Swan left me wondering why she strayed to far from her usual formula...the last couple chapters made me want to scream and tear my hair out...How could you do that to our heroine??? ughhhh..I was screaming for a miscarriage the whole last chapter..please..please.. I hope the next book cleans this one up and gets back to the bad ass heroine we all love..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am torn. Ripped apart and splattered with what has just happened to me. It would seem that Ms. Mead has been taking notes for Karen Marie Moning on how to give her readers heart palpitations. All I can say is that I have never wanted to choke a fictional character so badly as I now want to choke and shake and slap Eugenie. But, I can't tell you why because it would be a total spoiler. So, here is some fluff. This is a great series. Urban Fantasy in it's finest. You must read it...and if you are a fan of the series already, you should be running to your local book store and buying this one today. Don't even let them put it on the shelf...just grab it out of the shipping box.

REVIEW: THORN QUEEN left us with Eugenie and Dorian on the brink of war. Katrice, ruler of the Rowan land did not liken to the fact that her son was murdered by Dorian and in retribution declared war on the Thorn Land and Eugenie. IRON CROWNED begins and the Otherworld is still in war. Dorian and Eugenie are fighting back Kartrice's forces and trying to minimize casualties at the same time. Most of Eugenie's time is spent in the Otherworld, she is showing acceptance of her life as Storm King's daughter and a fae ruler. She is also in love with Dorian and content in their relationship.

Eugenie is desperate to end the war though, and when an old seer approaches her with a quick way to accomplish this she is hard pressed to dismiss the idea. When Dorian backs it and suggest that she brings none other than Kiyo with her to accomplish this task...well she has to do this if it means and end to the war. Yet, it is dangerous and she doesn't even know if Kiyo will help her...can she talk him into going with her and if they succeed does it mean the end of the war?

Yes, I know Kiyo is back! I can't get into it because of spoilers, but overall the book was well done. There were a lot of turns that I didn't expect and the whole thing left me with a sort of out-of-body experience. I didn't agree with Eugenie most of the time, and the stuff she did throughout the novel was a little off the wall but I think this is what makes the series so great. This is a person that is very different from me and my usual UF heroine and here I am all about her. It makes it great and frustrating and enjoyable because it is not the norm. Now, I'm desperately in need of book #4.

RECOMMENDATIONS: This is a mature novel, there are explicit sex scenes that are only suitable for adult audiences. Recommended for fans of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rose limke
** spoiler alert ** 5 stars!!! was soooooo fantastic! Mead didn't let us down, and she did exactly what she is known to do for each of the 3rd books in all of her series...left the reader w/ a dropped jaw! And not only did I have a dropped jaw at the end of the book, but from the middle of the book onward! Iron Crowned was so full of twists and turns, and what an incredible windy path Mead created for her readers! Even when my favorite man in the book (that sexy hot Oak King, Dorian) wasn't so grand, and Kiyo took center stage in Eugenie's life once again, I still just loved every minute of the book!

The beginning of the book was fabulous...we got to see glimpses of Eugenie's everyday life and struggles, and her relationship with Dorian. We got to see quite a bit of sexy time between the two of them as well, and while Dorian's dominance was a little startling for me, it worked for them, and admittedly, it was pretty hot!!

Then shock of all shockers, Dorian suggests that Kiyo accompany Eugenie on her quest for the Iron Crown, and once she passes the tests to earn the Iron Crown, it becomes known to Eugenie and the readers that Dorian had deceived Eugenie by withholding information about the Iron Crown. ~sigh~ oh, Dorian...why?!?!?! So, predictably, but jaw dropping nonetheless, this pushes Eugenie into Kiyo's arms, where they reignite their feelings for each other and then continue to move forward with that relationship. All the while, Eugenie is trying for peace talks w/ Katrice and Dorian, and then ends up claiming Katrice's Rowan land after Katrice kidnaps Eugenie's sister, and she is yet again becoming even more powerful than she had intended.

The the whooper of all whoopers....Eugenie becomes pregnant!!! makes sense that things would happen like this since it was prophecized, and even when she talked about taking her antibiotics, I never even thought about how they diminish the integrity of "the pill." So, yep, I was shocked! And then Eugenie figures the math and determines that the bab(ies) (yep - she's gonna have twins!) are Kiyo's based on the timing of everything. But even more jaw dropping than that is when Kiyo basically attacks Eugenie to force her into an abortion or then admits that he will see to her death to eliminate the possibility of her babes being born!!!! In an attempt to escape Kiyo, she and her sister then land in Dorian's castle, where he grants Eugenie and her sister hospitality and throws Kiyo out.

And now the question is...with Dorian so easily accepting Eugenie back into his kingdom, is it out of love for her, or just the thought of the prophecy surrounding Eugenie's unborn son? It definitely seems like the latter, but I'm keeping my hopes up for the former. Can't wait to find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal hacker
Despite what everone is saying i actually enjoyed this book almost as much as the other books in the series.
I can see why people found it annoying and how some of Eugenie choises were completly stupid as well as the twists in the book being quite obvious, I still found it interesting and the dramatic ending will leave you kicking yourself for days. I cant belive we have to wait 9 mounths till the next book. So all in all i enjoyed this book and thought it was a welcome addition to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheri seale
You get surprised all through out the book. Really wish it could have ended up differently because I think she should be with a certain person, but makes me look forward to reading the last book and hope things take a turn once again! Looking forward to it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Spoiler line, don't cross

I am so discusted by the way she lets Dorian and Kiyo walk all over her. It is just not right. She did a bad thing for a bad reason. I can't believe she got pregnant!!! With Kiyo!!!! What a horrible turn in directions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
theresa cyr
Ms Mead writes a fairly interesting and captivating book despite that her main character is quite unsophisticated - a dilettante - and suffers from a general lack of empathy. Her problems are compounded by the fact that she is surrounded by people with similar character flaws, which prevents her from breaking away from petty ideas and getting on with life. Perhaps this reflects on the author but I chose to think that the main character was designed like this with a purpose :)
I mean, the silly little girl could just sell one of her many jeweled crowns in Tuscon for a pretty penny and stop her continual complaining about how she is short on cash and therefore must take on mundane banishing jobs. One also finds it plain that a light armor made of iron chain-mail would protect her from 90% of the injuries she keeps getting in battle. I prefer to think of Eugenie as into S&M and liking to get constantly banged up because otherwise it doesn't add up. Get an Uzi girl! Why constantly risk your life by not having enough fire power.
I distanced myself from Eug already at the beginning of book 1 because she was so willing to send things, who were obviously alive and intelligent, to hell. This is not a good sign for a true hero even if she later on, once in a while, mourns the faceless soldiers that die because of her lack of thinking.
This brings up the real issue with poor Eugenie; she seems to consider herself so street smart but it does not take a genius to figure out that those daily pills are not going to do the trick for a whole lifetime for a girl that likes the sack as much as she does. There isn't a doctor that will claim birth control pills provide 100% protection. If you get it on as often as she does with all these hot guys, even a 1/10 of a % chance of pregnancy will eventually result in a pregnancy. She wouldn't be the first one it happened to. On top of that she knows she has all these guys trying to get into her pants against her will. In total, she is delusional..... and should really have a hysterectomy done if she is true about repeating how much she doesn't want to get pregnant.
This constant self deception and lying to oneself is a human condition and normally should be her own business, if it was not for the prophecy. The prophecy may not come true but even with a 10% chance of being real one must factor in she has the potential to give birth to Hitler's grandchild who has the potential to make a concentration camp of the whole world. A basic risk calculation - multiplying likelihood of event happening (low) by the magnitude of the outcome (extremely high) - reveals our heroine is a huge risk the world would be better without. She keeps convincing herself everything must be her decision and that all these people want to decide things for her and so she shuts it all out, gets laid and makes her own decisions. The tough reality is she is deciding for everyone else, as she brings the world closer and closer to mayhem. It is amusing to see how difficult this is for her to comprehend. But not all is her own fault. Her parents are so loving but it is understandable they reject her because they must be blaming themselves for creating all these problems themselves and she is a constant reminder. Also they should, of course, have made this simple risk calculation and have had her go through a hysterectomy as early as possible. This is a cruel thing to do to a person but, hey, remember we are talking about Hitlers grandson here. Eugenie would surely have been happier as she is now constantly complaining about her situation and how much she doesn't want to be the center of attention.
Speaking of center of attention....she has the iron crown so why doesn't she liberate herself from her two kingdoms and give them to someone else who is capable and willing? Two kingdoms would be hard for anyone to give up, but at least it would be uplifting to have her think more about good strategies to govern than the relentless self pity.
Please RateBook 3), Iron Crowned (Dark Swan
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