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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william sutton
This book radically changed the way I relate to God. Since 1991, when I first came across this book, it had such a deep impact on my devotions and taught me how easy it is to practice God's presence. This book taught me how to love God and express this love to God in ways I have never known before. I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to grow closer in their walk with God. This simple yet profound book will prod you toward God's presence in a loving, joyful and practical manner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is an inspiring complication of conversations and letters between the author and Brother Lawrence. Though Brother Lawrence reveals the original encounter with God that changed his world, the book left me with a question of how do I connect with God in that way. He did give me hope that even me in the everyday him drum activities of life could experience and walk with God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really great book. But very challenging to anyone who has a shallow or not so intimate relationship with God. The main premise is to be fully surrendered to the Lord, while developing a lifestyle of constantly talking with God at all time, through all things. If you have any doubts about God always being good, always providing, and always protecting, then this book may push a lot of buttons for you.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura leone
Purchased this inspiration many times. This no longer a "pocket sized" book. (about twice the size/ and half as thin as regular sized "pocket" book). The CONTENT/CONCEPT is required for all seeking their creator.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie k
I am studying ways that assist me in strengthening my relationship with the Creator. This book was recommended by my teacher. I found The Practice of the Presence a practical aide in my journey.
Brother Lawrence explains his simple method of maintaining consistent communication with God. It is simple but it is also a challenge to tame my brain that seems to have an agenda of its own. Brother Lawrence's account of his life is an inspiration.,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey mcconnell
Outstanding book for anyone who want to deepen his or her faith. In my opinion, this little hardback is a better version than the common paperback version - a little nicer translation and the quality is good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding spiritual book by a true man of faith.

Brother Lawrence was a humble and devoted member of the Discalced(barefoot) Carmelitesin Paris during the late 17th century.

This collection of letters and interviews is worth examination by any believer but is especially relevant to those of the Roman Catholic faith.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This little book was an eye opener for me. Brother Lawrence clearly states how we as God's creatures should understand and relate to our Creator. And, how we relate to Him defines our earthly lives.

Brother Lawrence speaks from his own experience and his strong but simple faith in God.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a clear explanation of man's relationship to a God who is fully and really present to all of mankind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
astri irdiana
This was a truly wonderful guide for living. I am making good use of the instructions provided by the Brother and the letters and knowledge of his thinking written to The Mother. The freedom the practice gave him from the day to day living in the monestry(sic) was very interesting, especially since we seem to think this monastic life would be without difficulty. I highly recommend this book to anyone of whatever religious persuasion they may be. I received my recommendation from reading a book by Rick Warren.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brother Lawerences' message is so simple yet extremely sublime. God is omnipresent and always available to guide our life journey to Him. If only we would stop to feel His presence and hear His word. The short and inspirational messages contained in this book have already helped me to keep my focus on God. This is a book I will read more than once.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a very inspirational collection of Brother Lawrence's letters and personal notes of conversations. Reading this book helped me to realize that God is always present, and we only need to focus on His presence to be fully in His will. Highly recommended to those who thirst for spiritual formational materials, or for those who struggle with understanding the presence of God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
its a classic for a reason. Everyone wants to have the kind of relationship with God that brother lawrence had. What a neat guy with great wisdom to share. =)

its not a lengthy read. a thin book. some books are thick and tedious and you take nothing of worth away in the long term. This book is the opposite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The letters of Brother Lawrence have meaning and insight today....
willingness to be open and think of God's wlll and glory in everything
one matter how small. ..
These letters are worthwhile reading
and thinking about,
(and aiming to put into practice.)! +
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ayu musa
Brother Lawrence's concepts and experiences are awesome, but the book is really not written by brother Lawrence but one of his friends. It's content is very variable and not all on the same level. It is still a good purchase even despite what I just said.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stuart black
Brother Lawrence's concepts and experiences are awesome, but the book is really not written by brother Lawrence but one of his friends. It's content is very variable and not all on the same level. It is still a good purchase even despite what I just said.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazing book about an exceptional man! He actually did develop an awareness of God's wonderful Presence. This applies so much to our busy, worldly-cluttered, individual lives. A great and profitable read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For the spiritually-minded Christian, the principles in this book would be beneficial. I personally find them indispensable in my own devotional practices, as Brother Lawrence's habits were focused on practical methods to remain focused on and connected to God throughout the day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a wonderful book. I will highly recommend it. I have read it over and over again.
Brother Lawrence put God first in all he did. This book remains me that a person can walk so much closer with God also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda merkord
The example of brother Lawrence is both inspiring and uplifting. His devotion and love for God and humanity represent the true teaching of Jesus and all the masters that have come before and after Jesus. To love simply and humbly are the practices that every soul experiences on the path of Self Realization
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine podrasky
I this little book, it has been very inspiring and I found this copy to be as wonderful as one of the other the store reviewers said it was, this is the one you want to get. It is easy to read and I am pleased with it. I keep it at my bedside. a good translation I believe. I have been happy with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anchal manglik
Brother Lawrence put his attention on "God" rather than his thoughts, and kept coming back to that until the only thing left was God. How to put your attention on "God"? Look out on the created world for a short moment without thinking. In that brief moment before thought, before labeling or judging or analyzying with your mind, is God. So stop thinking for a moment, notice the peace. Notice the "intelligent silence" and come back to it as often as you can. You can only do it for brief moments before the mind comes in. But it is enough. Give it your faith, your total commitment and and some point, God...Peace...Love...will become continuous and your experience will be that of Brother Lawrence. Simple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate treatman clark
For a Catholic religious individual living in the time that he did, you would think that Brother Lawrence was instead - a Reformed Protestant. Raised in Catholicism myself yet having been touched by the Holy Spirit about four years ago, I'm now studying God's Word at a non-denominational church where practically every week is an exegetical line-by-line examination of the Bible. I find this book a great resource for both devotionals and my prayer life. As short as it is, it's taken me considerably longer to go through it than one would imagine, for the sole reason of my re-reading certain passages over-&-over again. I now use it as a helpful tool for prayer, and I see it as one of those easy to read / comprehend books (along with "My Utmost for His Highest") that I will keep forever on my 'must read again on an annual basis' list.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicola d ugo
Brother Lawrence formed a habit of always conversing with the Lord and ask for consultation or forgiveness right away. That's it! That is the entire content of the book, hashed and re-hashed again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I didn't realize until I actually opened this book that it was a collection of letters. Hearing from Brother Lawrence in this intimate way changed the way I received his words. There is nothing prescriptive in his writing. There is only his experience. The words are mine to take or leave and some of them I would rather leave, but all of them are worth listening to.
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