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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linnea crowther
I enjoyed the out of body experiences. The ending was superb as always, thanks Chuck.

Only 4 stars because I'm sure that this was an overeducated ghost writer that is more concerned with adjectives than keeping the reader interested. I would say keep the minor descriptions at one word, if that, and I'll move it to five stars.

All other books of Palahniuk, so far, are five stars, but this one...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie hager
I'm a huge Palahniuk fan, love his minimalist style of writing that makes the reader think....but this book just didn't do it for me. At times it's too wordy, dare I say too fluffy?

I give him props for writing from a thirteen year old girl's perspective, but having been a thirteen year old girl, I didn't really connect to his protagonist. At times her language and thoughts are juvenile, then at times she sounds like Einstein. I also didn't get, or enjoy, the whole plastic floating continent thing.....just doesn't seem plausible too me.

I did however read it through to the end and it kept me interested most nights, so it gets 3 stars for that.

Fight Club and Choked are still my faves......
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Chuck Palahniuk is one of favorite writers and thoroughly enjoyed the first installation, damned. The "Tweeter" mock style of story telling was interesting, but became tedious after a while and didn't quite make sense with the feel of the story especially toward the second quarter of the book. The story itself seemed to drag-on a bit. It was still a decent book and would suggest to hard-core Palahniuk fans, but perhaps you would have read it anyway!
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
katie jones
Palahniuk sticks to his tired formula of a hero(ine) with a bunch of personal and psychological issues encountering shockingly graphic and disgusting content. No new ground covered here, in fact, it feels like his writing has regressed. I actually did like Fight Club and Invisible Monsters. Where'd that Chuck go?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my third Chuck Palahniuk book that I have read, after Rant and Damned, and it was fantastic! Madison is such an interesting and deep character, I really enjoyed finally learning more about her backstory in this one after how exciting Damned was. There were some moments that made me laugh out loud, and also some moments that made me cringe because they were so gross, but hey, I guess thats just his style, I loved it over all. There are alot of developments and twists in this book that I enjoyed, they definitely kept me interested. If you enjoyed Damned then give this a try, can't wait for the final book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica whiting
The second book was a lot better than I expected. I really enjoyed every single chapter. Definitely a page-turner. I fell in love with the main character and cheered for her throughout the book. Palahniuk is an excellent writer and knows how to write an enticing, humorous work of literature.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachael wallis
Was definitely expecting better. When I first came across this title, I thought, "Wow, a sequel to Damned, should be a decent read." Although there were some decent spots, alot of the book was just a repeat from the first. The story doesn't really advance. The sequel was better off unwritten. Not the best Chuck book. His other titles, Rant, Invisible Monsters, Snuff, are a much better read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found this book much better than the previous, Damned, and overall a very good read. Although it doesn't quite match previous works like Choke, Survivor, Fight Club, and Rant in character development, it's incredibly fun.

Madison Desert Flower Rosa Parks Coyote Trickster Spencer's journey through Palahniuk's purgatory is interspersed with beautifully written chapters (like the first) and seminal scenes. I respect the author's choices stylistically, as they fit the character's voice perfectly, but I could see fans of his other books being disappointed. No, it doesn't read like Fight Club, and no, that's not a bad thing. It's a quick read but rewards multiple visits, and it has layers worth slowing down and savoring.

Buy it. It's awesome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful. Addictive. WHEN WILL THE THIRD DROP!!!
Madison is right up there with some of Chuck's best female narrators, and kicks the ass of some of the male ones. I love her nearly as much as Rant Casey. Graphic. Edgy. Creative. Fresh.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ewa wisniewska
Absolutely the worst! This talentless hack is so full of himself it is almost unbearable to read. I envisioned the author sitting with notes from a freshman (high school!) writing class trying to use all the devices and word lists he had been given. I would say almost half of the book talks about or references a ridiculous scene about a " pee pee" or "dingle" or whatever other term a 4 year year old... And this author...would use. He is obsessed and clearly needs some help. Flush your money down the will be more satisfying than reading this collection of verbal vomit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marie ventris
Having read "Damned" by Chuck Palahniuk, (this book "Doomed" is the sequel to it) I felt that this book was not quite as hilarious. However it was very good! The heroine Madison Spencer is blogging and tweeting as a departed soul, calling the reader "Gentle Tweeter" in parody of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre."
I think you would enjoy this book most if you had already read "Damned" but as the relevant parts of the first story are subtly retold, it isn't necessary for you to understand the plot.
Chuck Palahniuk proves yet again that some American authors can do black humour very well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tatiana kuznetsova
I enjoyed the out of body experiences. The ending was superb as always, thanks Chuck.

Only 4 stars because I'm sure that this was an overeducated ghost writer that is more concerned with adjectives than keeping the reader interested. I would say keep the minor descriptions at one word, if that, and I'll move it to five stars.

All other books of Palahniuk, so far, are five stars, but this one...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Having read every other one of his books, and quite enjoyed them all, I was looking forward to seeing what he would do with a sequel. I was disappointed.
This character was okay at best in the first book. Her interactions with the "breakfast club in hell" made Damned much better because they were infinitely more interesting than a Ctrl+Alt+Snarky little girl.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
manar radwan
I read Damned and Doomed back to back; that makes 10 books by Palahniuk over the years. Not sure I would read another. Certainly not another about the life and times, err, the afterlife and eternity, of Madison.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyle laporte
Great sequel to Damned. It picks up Madison right where we left her and doesn't stop running. The only bad thing is we need to wait for the final chapter of this modern Divine Comedy. If you like Palahniuk, it is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim king
Great book. Loved the 1st one. Wrote a indept review on Dammed. Doomed continues the amazing journey of Dear Maddison. With all the dark twist you come to expect from Chuch P. Sure hope he writes another! It is a mustt you read Dammed first! ENJOY!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Madison is my new all time favorite literary heroine. I looked forward to my nightly time with this book and found it to be funny in a challenging and thought provoking way. Great character development from the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess fantz
Thank you again for your excellent descriptive fiction. I cannot speak higher of any book Palanuik's written and cannot put them down once I've opened them. You won't be in the least bit unpleased. WONDERFUL AUTHOR!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vladimir kiperman
Ehh. Not his best work, for my taste. Honestly, I put it down half way through and only went back to it when I was fresh out of reading material. I found the plot, the characters, and especially the narration to be tiresome. If you're looking for an awesome Palahniuk book, I'd recommend Rant or Invisible Monsters!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Was definitely expecting better. When I first came across this title, I thought, "Wow, a sequel to Damned, should be a decent read." Although there were some decent spots, alot of the book was just a repeat from the first. The story doesn't really advance. The sequel was better off unwritten. Not the best Chuck book. His other titles, Rant, Invisible Monsters, Snuff, are a much better read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dj thompson
Another great book by Palahniuk. I really enjoyed seeing him revisit characters from a previous novel (Damned) and building them and the story more. Really hoping this does good and he decides to give us one more for a trilogy. If you like Palahniuk's writing at all get Damned and Doomed, you won't be disappointed!
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