The Daredevil Snared (The Adventurers Quartet)

ByStephanie Laurens

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark rayner
The Adventurers Quartet is a complete series of stand alone romance. I'm sure Stephanie Laurens has the final book well in hand to keep readers thrilled. As for me, um, I can hardly wait. This one made my day.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
caroline gagliardi
This is not a complete story!! Over 400 pages that just drag on and on and..........and then you have to buy another book to find the conclusion! What a sneaky way to sell more books. Well, I wont be buying ANY more of her books. And I used to like some of her books.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stephanie o hanlon
enjoyed first two should just have done three and put the few relevant paragraphs with the next one....... except i guess she did get paid by those like me who bought it expecting a good read. this is quite possibly the most boring book i ever read which wasnt assigned reading no plot no action Not sure if i will bother with the last one
Lord of the Privateers (The Adventurers Quartet) :: The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh (Cynster Sisters Duo) :: An Irresistible Alliance (Cynsters Next Generation) (Volume 5) :: The Curious Case of Lady Latimer's Shoes :: The General's Daughter by Nelson DeMille (1999-01-03)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tony dollars
The Daredevil Snared is the third book in Stephanie Laurens’ The Adventurers Quartet. Going in, I knew I was starting the book mid series; but what I didn’t know is that the books are not self-contained. I was able to catch on pretty quickly; but interested readers may want to start with The Lady’s Command. It’s not impossible to enjoy The Daredevil Snared on its own, but you will get a lot more out of it if you read this series in order.

The central plot of The Adventurers Quartet revolves around an illegal diamond mining operation in West Africa. The Frobisher brothers – Robert, Declan, Caleb, and Royd – are the owners of the Frobisher Shipping Company and occasional agents for the Crown. From what I can gather, without having read the previous books, the brothers have been tasked with investigating the diamond mining operation, and they have assigned one leg of the mission to each brother. Why one brother cannot be involved with the entire investigation is unclear; but by the time The Daredevil Snared opens, we already know the following:

There is an illegal diamond mine somewhere in West Africa near Freetown, but the exact location of the mine is unknown.
A slaver has been kidnapping residents from Freetown to supply the diamond mine with free labor. Some of the people kidnapped are relatives (and fiancée) of characters who appeared in the previous books.
The Daredevil Snared starts with Captain Caleb Frobisher leading his men through a dense West African jungle in search of the slaver and his camp. After a short trek and a skirmish, Caleb and his men are able to dispatch the slaver and his associates with relative ease. The goupr then trudges on, trying to find the mine with only clues from Robert’s journal as guidance. Luckily, they soon came upon Diccon, a seven-year-old abductee who is forced to work in the mine. Diccon is then able to lead Caleb’s party to the mine as well as give them a detailed layout of the mining compound.

I really enjoyed the first half of the book and thought that I would be giving it at least a B+. After Caleb made contact with Diccon, he sends a dispatch to London so that his brothers can organize a rescue party. Meanwhile, he has his men set up camp in a clearing nearby so they can provide assistance to the hostages should the need arise. One of these hostages is Katherine Fortescue, a former governess from Freetown. Being the only hostage besides Diccon who is allowed to leave the mining camp, Katherine is soon meeting with Caleb clandestinely to plot how they can keep all the hostages alive until the rescue party arrives.

Both Katherine and Caleb are smart, capable leaders and it’s easy to see why the others in the circle look up to them. Upon meeting, their attraction is immediate and before long, they have declared their feelings for each other. I thought that the first stages of their courtship are handled very well and it is refreshing to see a couple who actually talk to each other, instead of leaving each other to guess at the other’s feelings. During this part of the book, we are also introduced to a bevy of other interesting characters who could all easily be heroes or heroines of their own stories. Caleb’s friend Phillipe, in particular, had me searching through Ms. Laurens’ backlist to see if he has his own book. Another thing I liked is how the author avoids the pitfall of using mistrust between the hostages and their rescuers as a plot device. These people trust each other and know that the only way they are going to get out of the jungle alive is to work together. Dubois, the leader of the mercenaries running the mining camp, may think that he’s in charge. But the hostages do plenty to ensure their own survival.

Up until about the midway point, The Daredevil Snared is a fast and breezy read. But then it stalls. I don’t want to give too many plot points away, but basically, the entire second half of the book deals with one dilemma faced by the hostages, which got really boring, really fast. It was also at this point that the hostages’ stoicism starts to take on a tinge of implausibility. Am I to believe that in a camp with almost 40 hostages, no one will inadvertently let something slip and rouse Dubois’ suspicion that they are plotting something? This is especially hard for me to believe given that about half of those captured are children between the ages of 6 and 14. But then again, none of these children act a bit like any of the kids I’ve ever known.

This is one of those books in which the romance takes a backseat to the adventure. There are plenty of pages devoted to Caleb and Katherine’s courtship; but without any tangible obstacle to keep them apart, many of the later scenes feel superfluous. The love scenes, in particular, feel tacked on and unnecessary. Stephanie Laurens is famous for writing long and detailed love scenes, and she is true to form here. But in this case, I found the writing style – just like the title of the book – dated and uninteresting. Of the two love scenes, one is an extended make-out session that lasts five pages. After yet another kiss and we were told for the fifth time how desire bloomed between Caleb and Katherine, I skipped to the end of the chapter.

Ultimately, this book is comprised of two halves – one half that I liked a lot, and one that I had to slog through. The novel ends very abruptly with many questions stilled unanswered; and there is an attempt to introduce Royd, the hero of the next book, that doesn’t feel quite right. Still, I would say that the positives of this book outweighed the negatives and I would definitely be interested in reading the next book when it comes out. Here’s hoping that Lord of the Privateers will effectively tie up all the loose ends and bring the series to a satisfying close.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer bernard
3 stars---THE DAREDEVIL SNARED is the third installment in Stephanie Laurens’s Regency-era historical romantic adventure series THE ADVENTURERS QUARTET focusing on the Frobisher brothers and their search for several missing women, children and military personnel in Freetown, South Africa. This is youngest brother Captain Caleb Frobisher, and governess Katherine Fortescue’s story line. THE DAREDEVIL SNARED can be read as a stand alone although I recommend reading the series in order as each installment builds upon the events of the previous story lines, and the ongoing ARC throughout.

Told from several third person perspectives THE DAREDEVIL SNARED continues the search for a number of missing children, women and British military officers in Freetown, South Africa presumed to have been kidnapped by a band of European slavers. Captain Caleb Frobisher and his men including best friend Captain Phillip Lascelle have been commissioned by the British Crown for the third leg of the search and rescue to locate the ‘mining camp’ and report back their findings but an unexpected encounter finds the Captain exposing his men to the enemy they seek. Caleb and his crew are imprisoned and forced to work the mines along with the men and women they are seeking but not before our hero is able to send off his report to the people back home. What ensues is the building relationship between Caleb and Katherine Fortescue, and the struggle to slow down the mining operation before their would-be rescuers arrive.

THE DAREDEVIL SNARED is an infinitely detailed story line with a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including men, women and children, as well as the captors and the revelation of the people in charge. The slow building story line becomes lost in the numerous, small details about mining for diamonds and the dangerous working conditions of which the prisoners have been exposed. Although their captor is not one to be crossed he does allow the prisoners some freedom and personal expression.

Liked many middle books in trilogies THE DAREDEVIL SNARED loses itself in a lack of real story line and series build up ; too much repetition, detail and focus on the mining for diamonds; and the slow building romance is more of an afterthought due to their circumstances and the potential for rescue from abroad.

THE DAREDEVIL SNARED is a story of adventure, greed, struggle and love. The premise is somewhat tedious and I lost interest very early due to the lack of any true drama or conflict. Hopefully the final installment LORD OF THE PRIVATEERS featuring eldest brother Royd Frobisher brings some much needed action and intrigue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Daredevil Snared grabbed me from the very first page and didn't want to let me go! I was swept right away into Caleb and Kate's story, sitting on the very edge of my seat and hoping against hope that the captives would be able to stretch out their work in the mines until their rescue arrived. It all felt so gritty and real that it was as if I was right there with them--hiding on the rock ledge and watching over the camp with Caleb, going down into the mines and plotting ways to delay the inevitable with the men, painstakingly separating the rock from the raw diamonds with Kate--I experienced it all.

The romance is lovely--Kate and Caleb have awesome chemistry--though at the same time just knowing that Dubois, a truly scary villain and the leader of the mining camp, wouldn't hesitate to use one of them to get to the other almost makes you want to encourage them to keep everything on the down-low. Because, yeah. I shudder just thinking about that guy. It pains me that he's still around for book 4--he needs to get his in a major way in the final book, or I shall be very put out.

This is book 3 in the series, and though I hadn't read the first two--yet!--I had no problem picking the story up here. It definitely helped that Ms. Laurens gives us a "who's who" at the beginning--there's a lot of people involved, and it was easy to forget who all of them are and how they're connected--I turned to it quite a bit as I read. was an okay place to start the series, but since the resolution of the overall mining-camp-with-English-captives plot won't be until book 4, (this one isn't a "cliffhanger" per se, but we definitely haven't gotten to the true HEA yet--geographically our hero and heroine haven't moved much from where they started at the book's beginning) I'd recommend starting with book 1 since there's time. The Daredevil Snared definitely won't be a "this is the only book in the series I'll read" book.

But...we have to wait until December for the final book ( Lord of the Privateers )? Inconceivable! Though at least it does give me time to get caught up and read books 1 and 2, ( The Lady's Command and A Buccaneer at Heart ) so there is that...

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I wanted to read The Daredevil Snare, because the cover was pretty and unique. As I started to read this particular book, I felt like I probably should have read the previous book. I will never learning. It wasn't so bad that I was completely lost, but I probably could have benefited from reading the previous books. However, we are pressing forward.

The Daredevil Snare wasn't a bad read, but I felt I was missing something. Yet at the same time we got to see Captain Caleb Frobisher in action. In someways he wanted to prove to his older brothers that he was more than the younger son, so he went on this super secretive scouting mission. However, the mission doesn't go according to plan. He eventually meets Katherine Fortescue who is in charge of a group that is being held captive by Dubois. In the dyer circumstances Caleb and Katherine are able to find one another.

Like I said, I probably should have read the previous books, because the ending leads to believe that the dramatic conclusion of the series would be in next book. Yes, there is one more brother who needs his own book, and looks like he's going to rescue them all. Overall, not a bad read and I need to go back to previous books. I might be able to catch up on the others brothers.

Copy provided by Harlequin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber faille
The Daredevil Snared is a much slower-paced novel than the one that precedes it though no less necessary. Think of it as more of a chess match than a sword fight. There are several new characters introduced and, in some ways, it feels like the introduction to a new series rather than the third installment. However, it does move the overall series arc forward and more information is revealed surrounding the mystery of those who are behind the kidnappings and the mine. In Caleb and Katherine, as well as their fellow prisoners, Laurens has created characters that intrigued me and for whom I came to care as I began to know them. And while the action is not as fast-paced nor the tension as "in your face" as the previous book in the series, the more subtle evil of their captor and the certainty of what awaits when there are no more diamonds to mine brings a chilling effect to this third story in The Adventurers Quartet.

The books in this series do not stand well on their own. Each book builds upon the previous one and I strongly recommend reading them in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The third in the Adventurers series, it focuses on the youngest brother, Caleb Frobisher, and the governess of the trapped children, Katherine Fortescue. She harbors hope that, somehow, the men and women trapped with her and forced to mine diamonds for some nasty characters, will be rescued. That's where Caleb comes in. Although he wasn't supposed to be captured as well, it happens, and turns out to be a good thing, when the lack of additional miners (because of the actions of Caleb and his crew) tends to threaten the progress in the mine.

Key questions that arise: can the information Caleb has obtained be received by his brothers in time to effect a rescue before the mine plays out? What will happen to the workers, including the children if rescue doesn't occur soon? Who will effect the rescue? And, who are the other bad guys, presumably high up in English political levels who are part of the group stealing the diamonds?

We have to wait for the fourth and final book to find out. I can hardly wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sylvia nash
The plot and characters are very interesting, but as has been the case with most of Ms. Laurens's last several books, it badly needs to be edited down. A third of the book could have been cut out. It feels as if it has been padded to stretch it. But instead of increasing the tension over a longer read, it dulls it.

As a example, each time the hero and heroine meet and deepen their romance, we have to hear each of them marvel in their thoughts at how right this romance seems despite the short time they've known each other. And each time the group of captives strategies, we learn once more how much is at stake and why they are trying to delay the mining. We get it already!

So many of Ms. Laurens's books are so dear to me that it is hard to write a review that isn't a rave. I'm glad I read this, and I will read the finale, but I'll get it from the library rather than buy it, because her books are not "must-have"s for me any longer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe odran doran
The Daredevil Snared is the third book in the series. Stephanie Laurens continues to amaze, entertain and make you feel like you are part of the story. This is Caleb and Kate's story. Caleb is the youngest of the Frobisher brothers and takes on the third leg of the mission to prove that he is responsible and can be trusted. Kate is one of the captives at the diamond mine. When they meet in the jungle, sparks fly. This is a great story and I cannot wait for the fourth and final segment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Daredevil Snared is the third book in The Adventurers Quartet Series. I loved this series along with all of the other Stephanie Laurens books. I guess I will have to wait until the end of December for the last book of this series, but I sure don't want to wait that long.. These books are certainly a five star book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barb novak
Much better than the first two books in the series The Adventurers Quartet.
The first book of The Lady's Command was very boring and the second A Buccaneer at Heart just terrible because of what was not explained the nature of the heroine and her past.
Here and the characters are registered and about the past of the heroine we know, there is an interaction with other people, so that in comparison with the last books of 2016-2014 years of Stephanie Laurens this best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Definitely enjoy Stephanie Laurens books. Characters come to life. Situations seem believable. The situations in this installment are day to day struggles that effect all the captives. Hope & ingenuity are their life source. Can't wait for December 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
greta schmidt
A very long book that could have been better with only half the length. There is so much repetition, lots of pages full of boring sex, lack of real romance and also lack of suspense. The abrupt ending was very disappointing. I didn't get invested in the characters - I can't explain what was missing. I will read the next book due to be published in December; however, that will be the last Laurens book I read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hojjat sedaqat p
I love reading Stephanie Laurens books!! Each book in this new series build on each other and each brother has their own task to do. Any time the name Wolverstone's name is in a book you know that the book will have a mystery!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess dang
Caleb, youngest of the 4 Frobisher brothers, stole his older brother's notebook and has sailed to Africa to discover what has happened to the missing people. Along with his friend, Captain Phillipe Lascelle, they find the slaver's camp and mine in the jungle. After sending his ship home with detailed maps, he has to wait for help before being able to free the prisoners.

They meet a young boy, Diccon, who is allowed out of the camp to pick fruit and nuts. He tells them how the camp is run and who is there. Then one of the women, Kate, is allowed out to help Diccon. But Dubois, who runs the camp, becomes suspicious and finds the sailors. Caleb allows them to be taken as he can learn more inside the camp. He is also very attracted to Kate and wants to help her.

The prisoners work the mine and clean the diamonds knowing that when the mysterious backers have enough they will be killed. Their goal is to drag out the mining until help comes from England. The story does slow some as they wait for help. That allows time for Caleb and Kate to fall in love.

There is a lot more going on but I hate to ruin the story. I am looking forward to the final book in this series. Stephanie Laurens writes wonderful books. I hope, in the future, she writes one for Captain Lascelle. He is very interesting.
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