And Then She Fell (Cynster Sisters Duo)

ByStephanie Laurens

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rebecca martin
Henrietta Cynster seems to be making herself comfortable with the cloak of spinster she has donned, until her younger sister Mary forces her to accept family tradition by wearing 'The Lady'( a necklace that by tradition is passed on through the female line of the Cynster clan on the day of their engagement to the next in line and is said to help in each Cynster lady in finding her hero).
Mary we suppose wants to see her sister happily wed, but she also wants to claim the necklace herself so that she may confirm that the man she has set her sights on, is her hero. The man she was meant to be with forever.
So, Henrietta agrees to wear the necklace,but never truly believes it will work for her.Enter James Glossup, friend to her brother Simon, who whether it be due to the power of the necklace or not, decides that Henrietta is the girl for him!
The relationship between James and Henrietta, is a very modern kind of union,and they are two very likeable characters. Throw in a murderer, and there's a little unexpected twist to the story.
Although I enjoy reading Ms. Laurens's works, I found this story a little slow going. It wasn't until the murderer was to be revealed that I found the story had picked up a notch. I also prefer my romances with a tad more passion. Although our hero and heroine find themselves in the throes of passion once or twice, our author prefers to rhapsodize about the stars and the moon,than describe a passionate scene between the two lovers. ( I believe you can do justice to a love scene even without making it graphic,but then, that's just my opinion). Still,it is a pleasant tale and something I think fans of Ms. Laurens and those who are new to her will enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy forster
Again another exciting and captivating story in the Cynster saga. Stephanie has an engaging style of writing and makes the story personal as well as taking the reader back to the age of Regency elegance and devilry. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel ward
Stephanie Laurens is my favorite author. I have read the entire Cynster novels and have already ordered the next book due out in June. As usual, she keeps you turning pages to discover what will happen to the characters. This particular book didn't have as much intrigue as some of her other works. The suspense didn't really develop until well into the story although the murderer was mentioned slightly at the beginning.
Lady Osbaldestone's Christmas Goose (Lady Osbaldestone's Christmas Chronicles) (Volume 1) :: A Rake's Vow (Cynster Book 2) :: A Rogue's Proposal (Cynster Novels, Book 4) :: The Greatest Challenge Of Them All (Cynster Next Generation Novels) (Volume 7) :: A Cynster Novel (Cynster Sisters Trilogy) - Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Many romance stories present either lead as unwise until their sweetheart brings them to their senses. Henrietta and James are both level headed and sensible all the way. Forging thru social events and danger together it is easy to see them as a team. And the romantic moments between them alone, are the wonderful prose of Stephanie Laurens.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
wan eng
I own every book Stephanie Laurens has written. I loved them all, except this one. It seemed liked she either rushed through it, or she wants to Chang her style. Her vocabulary was more difficult to read,I had to look up definitions to words a lot. I am not a college graduate. The story was through heroin s eye only, no behind the scene story plot that kept you on the edge of your seat. Instead of not wanting to put it down, I had a hard time picking it up. This is my first review ever! Face it anybody who is a Laurens fan loves the steamy , and detailed love scenes. This is another disappointment. If you are a true Stephanie Laurens fan you will buy this book. I would, maybe that's why I am so disappointed.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
randy lakeman
There was no sizzle, no chemistry and no earthly reason why the hero and the heroine need fall for each other. Stephanie Lauren's' hallmark is the alpha hero, the spirited heroine and hot steamy romance. I found this book insipid, half-hearted and indescribably boring. Stephanie has been on my auto-buy list and has given me some of my best moments of romantic diversion. This was a huge disappointment for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just love reading about a person who scoffs at romance meeting someone who sweeps her off her feet, much against her will. The mystery and suspense the couple has to deal with always satisifies, and I can hardly wait to see the next sister's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole torngren
I have to say, after the first three Cynster Sister books I was wondering if I would ever feel the same magic and excitement reading a Cynster book as I did with Amelia and Amanda's books. The first three books of the Cynster Sisters part of the Cynster series just didn't quite do it for me. I'm glad I read them, I enjoyed them, but I don't keep them on my Kindle for re-reads and I didn't fall in love with them the way I did so many of the other Cynster novels. The motivating factors behind the villain were just too ludicrous for me.

Well make way for Henrietta and James because the Cynsters are on the rise again. While I can't say that I loved this book as much as the twins' or any of the Bar Cynsters', it's definitely going to be staying on my Kindle for re-reads. I've been wanting to know more about James every since being introduced to him by Simon and Portia's story, and I was thrilled that he finally got his chance to have his own story - especially since his story intertwines with a Cynster.

Henrietta is known as the "Matchbreaker" among the ton, because young ladies are accustomed to checking with her to find out if their suitors have any underhanded motives or haven't been completely truthful about their intentions. She's the person who knows whether a man has truly fall in love or not - although not being in love isn't a deal breaker for all women. During the course of her duties she finds out that James has been courting her friend Melinda who desperately wants a love match and so asks Henrietta to find out if there's any reason other than love that he might be courting Melinda. Unfortunately there is, and when informed Melinda realized that she already knew deep down in her heart that James didn't love her and so ends their courtship.

James, on the other hand, has a pressing and honorable need to get married quickly and he's furious with Henrietta for interfering in his life and, even more so, for assuming that he wouldn't have explained things to Melinda or that he would have made her false promises. Realizing that James is an honorable gentleman, Henrietta decides to help him find a match. As they spend more time together they both begin to realize that they only match they want James to make is one with Henrietta!

Now, of course this wouldn't be a Cynster novel without some kind of danger/mystery... and I have to say, this is the first time that I didn't see it coming AT ALL. I missed the crucial detail at the beginning of the book completely and was almost surprised when the danger began. In fact, I was rather slow to realize the danger at all. I think that's probably the best thing about this particular book, because to me the love scenes seemed a little cliche and glossed over compared to Laurens' previous books (I would have liked more seduction on James' part... that was always my favorite part of the other books, but I can't blame Henrietta for giving in to him super quickly either).

The love story is well done, if not quite up to par of previous books, the mystery/danger element is fantastic, and can I just say how much I love the fact that the women get to really save the day in this one? Not only are they independent and brilliant, they also know when they DO need to ask for a man's help and yet they are unquestionably the ones in charge. I had silent conniptions laughing as I imagined Devil and Vane's faces when they realized that they were purposefully left out, even though Laurens never actually described their reactions.

The end of the book is a particularly fantastic set-up for Mary's book, which is due out this summer I believe? I have to say, it looks like she's going to be as much fun to read about as Amelia and Amanda... I have high hopes.

My only real complaint about this book is that I'm dying to know what the heck happened between Rafe Cunningham and Miss Fotherby! Sure it they were just very minor side characters, but I can't possibly be the only one who was hoping to find out what the conclusion to their story was. I guess I can only hope that Ms. Laurens decides to write a book for them as well? Unless I somehow missed the references to whether or not anything ever resolved between them...

Otherwise, 4 stars for a very enjoyable read and I'm so glad that the Cynster novels seem to be getting back to the things that I loved about them the most. I can't wait for Mary's book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica tholmer
My favorite day is Tuesday, because that's when the store Prime delivers my new books! As a Stephanie Laurens fan since the early regency days, I drop everything when one comes in the door. This story , like the other Cynster Sisters, was a truly wonderful read and I can hardly wait till Mary's story arrives. It is wonderful to see all the family gather around as well as other old friends from some of the other series. Truly my favorite author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stephanie Laurens' books are so filled with warmth and passion yet laced with unexpected mystery that reader is never bored. The attention to detail of the times is expertly woven. The portrayal of fears and emotions are so very human and realistic. A reader may recognize a character but there is no fear of reading out of order.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Cut to the Chase:
If you generally like Stephanie Laurens, this will be an enjoyable read. It won't be particularly memorable, but it will be reminiscent of her stronger Cynster novels in terms of both sensuality (lots of it), the main conflict (they just can't admit to love/give into something that could be dangerous), as well as the secondary conflict (a mystery in the form of a serial killer). The things that make this interesting also make it a slower read than usual. There's a little too much of her tried and true formula, and the tension between the main characters feels a) less interesting (they are more or less together by the end of the first half, they just haven't really admitted they truly, truly love one another) and b) less unique (there's so much referencing back to other Cynsters that you're constantly reminded that these two are a bit derivative). Still, it was fine, not at all memorable, far from her worst, and also... far from her best.

Greater Detail:
The starting conceit was actually a fun one. Henrietta Cynster is known as the "MatchBREAKer" of the ton. She's the woman of independent means who helps other women find out whether the man they're being pursued by might have ulterior motives (they're a fortune-hunter, etc). She inadvertently breaks the practical-perfectly-fine but unromantic match between our hero (James) and his initial-intended. When she realizes how desperately he needs this match (to protect his inheritence and the people who depend upon him), she agrees to help him.

They're attracted to one another immediately, and there's really nothing keeping them apart. There are a few moments of does-she-like-me? Is-he-interested? And a couple small misunderstandings where they're not sure of one another's attractions, but then that gets resolved, fairly quickly, and there's still a couple hundred pages to go!

Enter murder, mayhem, and a serial killer.

Which is fine... and would have been fine... except that the main characters become just shadows of other Cynster characters. James is fiercely protective and worried, Henrietta is... well, less realized of a character than you'd expect given that she's proudly lived up to the matchbreaker reputation up until now. we devolve into plots against Henrietta, the involvement of Cynster family members (nice reunions etc) but all of this just serves to highlight the fact that the main two leads aren't interesting enough (either their romance or their mystery) to keep us interested and invested.

I finished it, and it wasn't really a chore... but it wasn't as enjoyable as MOST of her other books. I still highly recommend A Secret Love and Scandal's Bride from the original Cynster series, or, if you want a less sensual/less-sex Laurens, I liked her earlier works Tangled Reins and Four in Hand.

Comparison to Other Authors:
Laurens is a very prolific writer, and if you like passionate historical romances that are well-written and articulate, especially if you like to have a dash of mystery along with your romance, Laurens is a top contender by any standard. But she’s so prolific that it sometimes feels as though she’s not necessarily taking the time to edit herself and really individuate her protagonists. She’s definitely more sensual and writes more intense lovemaking scenes than Lisa Kleypas (though Kleypas has better character development and layering) or Samantha James. She also writes longer love scenes than Kat Martin, and tends to spend a little more time on the ending feelings and consequences than Martin does.

The best direct comparisons I can think of are probably Amanda Quick (which is the pen name for Jayne Ann Krentz), who tends to be also quick prolific with slightly domineering male leads, and Virginia Henley. Of the three, I would probably pick Laurens – she’s got less sex than Virginia Henley (it’s hard for me to think of an author that has more scenes devoted to intercourse than Henley), but her characters are far more developed relative to Henley, and the plot proceeds at a less break-neck pace. Depending on the book, it’s a toss-up between Quick and Laurens for me, but overall, I think I’ve read and reread more Laurens than Quick.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zakir khan
It has been 8 years since their cousin Anjelica handed the magical pendant to Henrietta, but Henriette has not worn it in years. She doesn't think she is meant to find a love match, and the pendant is supposed to help her find her one and only hero, the one man who can make her happy in marriage. But Mary is 22 now, and she wants to start her own life, which means Henrietta has to find her husband first, and then she will be able to give Mary the pendant on the evening of her engagement ball, as tradition wants it.
She refuses to accept the pendant now, and Henrietta doesn't have much choice but to start wearing it again, as her little sister is relentless when she wants something. It is apparent that Mary already has her eyes set on a certain gentleman, but she does not want to reveal his name, she wants things done properly, and the pendants acknowledgement. Of course fate doesn't work that way, but Mary will find that out in her own book.

That evening Henrietta has to tell her best friend Melinda Wentworth and her parents what she has found out about Melinda's latest suitor, James Glossup. Which is not easy, as James is one of her brother Simon's best friends. But Melissa wants to marry for love, and James is not in love with her. She knows he has to marry to get his great aunts fortune. Which means he is not a fortune hunter, as he has money enough of his own, but he is not after Melinda for love. Melinda is disappointed, as James is a fine figure, but she also did suspect those facts already, or she would not have asked Henrietta to look into things.
James though is furious when he finds out that Henrietta meddled in his affairs. He needs to be married before the end of next month, or he will loose his great aunts money, and he needs that to keep up the properties he has inherited from her. Which means he will have to fire all the staff and servants, and he really does not want to do that. He is rich, but not nearly rich enough to pay for everything that is necessary. Of course Henrietta did not know that, and when he explains it to her, she promises to help him find a suitable bride.
With Henrietta's guidance, he quickly gets access to the right kind of ladies, and he won't be shunned when it gets known that the Wentworths have rejected him.

Henrietta and James have known each other for many years, as he is her brother's best friend. But they never spend much time together, so they don't really know the other. And now that they are planning and plotting and going out together to find him a suitable bride, there is this unsuspected attraction between them. To his own surprise, James enjoys her company, Henrietta is a smart and elegant young lady, and with 29 used to going her own way. She doesn't need to be chaperoned by her family anymore, and goes out into society on her own.

Dangerous accidents are happening to Henrietta, but luckily James is there to safe her. And when they find out that a dangerous murdered is after Henrietta, as he thinks she might recognize him, they need the whole family to keep her safe and find this killer.

I really enjoyed this story. It read much easier than her previous books, as though she has changed her writing style a little. Less difficult words, and less time spend just thinking. I like this change a lot.
I liked Henrietta, she is very sensible and 29 years, which is firmly on the shelf in that time, but she enjoys her life. Finding a man to love was not on her to-do list at all. I like reading about older heroines in my books, although the sassy debutantes are fun as well. But Henrietta knows what she wants from life, and how to get it. She knows her place in society and uses that to help others find a love match. She is known as the Match Breaker, but she also approves a lot of matches.
James was never in a hurry to marry, which is why his great aunt put that stipulation in her last will. So now he has to hurry and find himself a bride, and one who will agree to be married really soon. He though Melissa would suit him, but he did not know she was after a love match. Nor did he tell her the truth about his own reasons. And while Henrietta is busy making a short list of suitable brides for him, he just wants to put her name on it. But he doesn't want to scare her away by being too hasty. He will just invent reasons why those women won't suit him at all.

But when Henrietta is in danger, all his protective instincts come to the fore, and he just knows she is his. Now he will have to convince Henrietta of this fact.

I loved seeing the whole family including Barnaby and Inspector Stokes rally around them, tying to catch the killer. And he really is a cold blooded psychopath, who managed to surprise me in his cunning ways.

I am looking forward to the next book.

9 stars.

© 2013 Reviews by Aurian

Full review on my blog, [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is a Historical Romance set in England in 1837. The main character, Henrietta Cynster has no problems using her family connections to find out information about suitors for potential brides. When her friend solicits her help in finding out about James Glossup, Henrietta does. Known as the Matchbreaker, Henrietta warns young ladies about men who are after something other than love and affection. When she warns her friend away from James, she did not expect to be confronted by him. When she learns more of James' story and reasons for needing to marry, Henrietta feels responsible for helping him find a suitable bride. What she doesn't expect are the feelings that begin between them. Then strange, life threatening accidents start to happen to Henrietta and James is there to protect her. But can Henrietta protect her heart from James or is she destined to fall?

Another outstanding Cynster Novel by Stephanie Laurens! This book is filled with humor, mystery and of course romance! While this book is part of the Cynster Family of books, you do not have to have read any of the other books to follow the story line, though it will help with the backgrounds of some of the supporting characters. Henrietta's character had such strong opinions on her own love life, watching her redefine her thoughts was fun to read and quite engaging. James' fight to endear himself to her despite what Henrietta outwardly shows is heartwarming, as well, slightly frustrating at times. I enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to read the sequel, The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh, which is focused on Henrietta's little sister, Mary. This book was received from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

Rating: 4

Heat Rating: Mild

Reviewed by: AprilP

Review Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy benenson
Every time I get the opportunity to read another Cynster Book, I cross my fingers in hopes I wouldn't be disappointed. I mean, how can Stephanie Laurens keep on writing such really awesome stories time after time? Well, she did it again and I was not disappointed.

This time the Cynster being written about is Henrietta, sister to Simon. She is twenty-seven years old and a confirmed spinster. She has no desire at all to be married to the fops she meets who are prancing around looking for rich wives. Instead, she spends her time using all her many skills, breaking up couples who are not compatible. Such fun to read about how she does this.

Then she breaks up a potential marriage only to realize that the gentleman, a friend of her brother's, must marry in four weeks or lose his inheritance. Knowing that she is responsible for breaking up his almost nuptial, she offers to find him a suitable wife in that time.

As these two go on the hunt, they find that they have much in common. However, Henrietta is not about to give up her spinsterhood for any man, and he does not want to become involved with his best friend's sister.

There is much, much more to this story than just a romance. There is a magical necklace which Henrietta must wear at all times. You will have to read the story to find out why. There are murder attempts and these two must find out who the murderer is, and solve the mystery. Of course this will involve other Cynster wives and it's fun to revisit characters from previous stories.

I found that I could not put this book down, once I started. This is a wonderful Regency romance/mystery and another great Stephanie Lauren story. I just have to give this book 5 Stars.

Originally posted at Long and Short Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Bored with the paragraphs of descriptive words. Missed the older Cynsters and felt short changed that they weren't involved in protecting the family even watching over them to be backup if needed. Henrietta Cynsters and James Gloss up make a great couple. Hopefully, Mary Cynster and Ryder Cavenaugh's book will have more action and family.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
danielle york
Stephanie Laurens romances are always very well-crafted.
First of all, I love the family tree at the beginning of each novels that keeps track of all the characters imagined and experienced in her other works. Romantics adventures always spiced up with a bit of excitement, adventure and full of love.

Thus, even if the idea of a ​​spinster advising young girls of London's society on grabbing the right gentleman in their net, who eventually fell under the spell of a charming suitor is not original, the recipe is well cooked especially with the help of the collar.
A heroine with a spine made of steel. A hero with a big heart and the soul of a knight. A threat hanging over the couple, some murder attempts and a happy ending. Perfect to enjoy yourself!

Stephanie Laurens mastered her subject with her usual skills. A pleasant romance with an epilogue that makes me want to read Mary's love quest!

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The characters were not well developed, insipid to say the least and the story dragged on. She (Stephanie Laurens) is probably resting on her laurels and expecting her NY best selling author status to sell books. The book failed to engage my interest unlike her earlier novels.

I have read family series ..(the Bridgertons by Julia Quinn - most were a delight) -- this Cynster series should have been put to rest a long time ago or the author should take care not to rope in every member of the family and populate the pages. I was constantly referring to the family tree to figure out who was who, the relationships, try and recall prior Cynster stories and keep everyone straight. At that point, I decided I was struggling to enjoy the book, and set it aside. This is the worst of the historical romances I have read recently.

A complete waste of $7 dollar plus.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kyle clark
Lovely well written cynster book. Its not her best book, and all the sisters series falls in the same plot lines, but as a stephanie laurens fan I enjoyd it any way
feven her weekest books are better than other's
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
andrew gardner
The story was boring. Most of it was just talking about how the family was connected to each other, I don't care! I did not even finish it and personally I don't care to. Won't get anymore from this author again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew coltrin
Though this book is filled with the vibrant cast of Cynsters from Ms. Laurens' other novels, you need not read those to enjoy And Then She Fell. This story is actually a bit of a story within a story. Readers are treated to a lovely twist on the "friends as lovers" theme only to be swept into a murder mystery that ends in quite a spectacular climax. A must have for every fan of historical love stories.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Stephanie is terrific as she manipulates a storyline to engage your interest throughout. Set in London, the heroine may not leave an adventure, instead it comes to her! Love how she includes other people previously mentioned in her books yet still keeping the focus on the hero and heroine. Looking forward to reading Mary's book....
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bethany davidson
Laurens early books were great but her recent books are awful. The men are wimps and the women are boring. This book has two people that have know each other for years finally getting together. No tension or chemistry just get together. The murder mystery is typical and really who cares? Not a love story, just filled the pages. Get it from the need to rush to read this one at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every Cynster family member had a specific role to play and did so with grace. Henrietta was known for her ability to unmake the wrong match as love was in the air and needed to be in a marriage as well. When Henrietta thought a match for James Glossup was a mistake she stated her case and the young woman walked. However, James needs a timely match and Henrietta is going to make not break this man's heart.

However, the match that is made surprises everyone but Henrietta and James who may have freely spoken to others but held their affection for each other silently. The only problem now is Henrietta has to stay alive long enough to make both their dreams come true. Henrietta is not sure whom she saw one foggy night but that person is convinced she can identify them and whatever it takes to stop her will be done. Love is a rocky and bumpy road but it is not usually connected with actual rocks being hurled at you!

Stephanie Laurens fills the pages of her books with charming characters and fabulous love stories that bring a sigh to your lips
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elizabeth nguyen
I like reading books by Stephanie Laurens. Great characters. Interesting plots that hold your attention with unexpected twists. Romance with a bit of intrigue... I love how family and friends support Henrietta and James on their path to true love.
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