The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (Left Behind)

ByTim LaHaye

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen venable
While I know these are works of fiction, it gives a good look into what the coming our our Savior could be like. No one on earth knows the day or the hour, not even Christ when He will be told to have the horn sounded for His return to Rapture His 'bride' the church, the believers. Not all church goers are true believers, they just go through the motions. Good works alone will not get you into heaven. I am looking forward to adding and reading this issue and the next that will complete my set.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky ranks
From the very first letter of the alphabet that my eyes looked upon inside this series of books, until the very last period of the very last sentence, I was hooked. Each one of these books absorbed my attention like no other book has ever done in my life. Biblically sound, theatrically entertaining, and brilliantly written, the Left Behind books will inspire you to dig into God's word and take the pieces of news from your T.V. screen and match them right smack-dab up with the prophecies of the Bible. Your hair will stand up, your heart will race, and you will find yourself helplessly caught in the suspense. Once you finish one of these books, you will desperately race to your computer screen or your local library to pick up the next one!

Carrie Lynn Jones
Author of It All Began... When Jesus Gave Me Sneakers
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love this series and try to buy the books as soon as they come out. Armageddon was a little slow to get moving, but it picked up in the middle. I love the scripture references given as a foundation for the direction his story takes. If you actually take the time to look up the scripture reference as you read, you find that it backs up his interpretation very well. Especially the part of the hopeless Carpathians that have taken the mark of the beast and will not be excepted by Christ even if they regret the decision.
This wasn't the most exciting book in the series. I was disappointed in the way some of the characters lost a few of their qualities that made you want to root for them and yet the story still managed to make me wish the next book was already released. I will continue to read until the series is at an end.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura kinch
It seems that whole point of the Left Behind series was to portray in modern times how the Bible speaks of the last days. I thought the first few books of the series started out great. There was good character development that we could relate to. They were put in situations supported by scripture and fleshed out in exciting and innovative ways.
But with ARMAGEDDON, we see immature writing, silly...almost PAINFUL dialogue, numerous cut scenes to add spacing, long winded and rambling conversations that added absolutely nothing...just to fill up the pages. But most disturbing was the use of Biblical scripture as FILLER. The authors would transplant whole pages of scripture without offering a real context, transition, or explanation. They reduced God's word to nothing more than empty calories to fill up a 400 page book. Shame on them.
LaHaye and Jenkins have compromised their integrity and Christian witness by putting their name on such a poor product. There was an excellent opportunity to for Christians to use this series as a witnessing tool...but I would be embarrassed to us this. Too bad. I guess I'll just have to do it the old fashion way and pick up the Bible. (SMILE)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen fernbach
Most who like the Left Behind series will like this. That's not a good gauge of this book. I like the Left Behind series too, but let's face it... it's not the VERY BEST WRITING YOU'VE EVER READ. It's ok. It pleases us Christians. We love seeing sales of Christian fiction hit the New York Times lists where it must really steam those editors there.
But I would tell you straight if I didn't like it. Here's an example... Books 2 through 10 were s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g this series FAR too much. Admit it! This would be better as 3 or 4 books! And some books really felt like filler books. We have to admit that if we are going to be listened to as reviewers of books within this series.
Having said that...
This was BY FAR the best book. Best written and most compelling.
Many folks will downgrade these books because they are post-trib, post-mill non-rapture theology people. Yet, even if they read this book (they probably won't), they would say the story is the best-written to date and it is gripping... and let me tell you. So far, books 1 through 10 had cliffhanging endings that were not REALLY all that grabbing.... but this one... OH WOW I was stunned in the last few pages. Listen, THIS BOOK'S ENDING (and an incredible scene in the middle with a guillotine) WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!!! (Even Dr. Sock's sock for you Supergeddon fans! (Of which I'm also one.))
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sallyann van leeuwen
A lot of the reviews I have read of these books tend to put it down by comparing it to other end of the world books. And while I will admit that these are not as smart or engaging as some of the the better books that cover the same topic like Fire of Heaven or We All Fall Down, I still really enjoyed them. A friend introduced me to the first book and I cut through all 12 books over the past two months. In a way, it's not really fair to compare them to some of the other books because they are trying to do different things. Left Behind seems to me to try to simply tell a great story about the end of the world. It's light, but what's wrong with that? I really felt like I NEEDED to know what was going to happen next when I finished a book and the very next day would order the next one. I call that a success. A book like We All Fall Down is obviously much more intense and thoughtful, the characters seem much more like real people, and it gives you more to think about, but why does that make Left Behind bad? Can't The Ten Commandments and The Passion both be good movies?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erica bair
I will have to admit, it is a little upsetting seeing these people describe the Left Behind series as "Dragged out", "Padded", and "repetative". However, I have realized, that, in fact, they are. It's sad. I agree that this series should have been done in say 6 or even 9 books instead of 12.
However, this is the best novel in the series I have read since about the 6th book. This book has action, suspense, and people die for it. In this book you witness much more first hand how people are willing to die for God, and you also see the reality some people who already took the mark who realize they made the wrong choice and there is nothing they can do about it. And the ending is something you won't expect.
This book gave me a little bit of renewed faith for the final book. However, after 12 books, I'm glad that it's over.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kathleen halliday
As a Catholic Christian I like the Left Behind Series, and believe in the message these books are trying to get across.
BUT, I think that the series has dragged on too long with too many characters to follow, people who appear at on stage, we get involved with them. Then we're left waiting for three books to find out what happened to them. Also, for a world that is in such chaos and destruction, there is too much back and forth with super computers and cell phones, which I understand aren't supposed to be in operation. The early church spread quickly without the aid of these things, and I would like to see modern people survive in an eniviroment without these things we rely on so heavily today.It would be interesting to see if they would hold fast to faith as I hope they would with computers and cell phones..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Here it comes again: what I've previously referred to as the evangelical euphoria, wherein countless and ostensibly "crazed" evangelicals storm the bookstores for their copies of a recently-released Left Behind novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. In this case it's book number 11, Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages.
We all know the routine: the novel releases amongst much media fanfare, people everywhere buy the hardback and audiobooks, the book hits the the, USA Today and New York Times fiction bestseller lists for a few months, and eventually the hoopla disintegrates only to be revived by the release of the next volume.
Reviews of Armageddon will cover this approximate range:
- Yes-yes-it's-the-best-ever-can't-wait-for-the-next-volume! ...
- Just-okay-but-the authors are-really-really-pushing-it-with-this-twelve-book-thing ...
- I-used-to-really-like-these-books-but-after-book-number-X-I-started-setting-fire-to-my-autographed-copies ...
- This-is-horrible-theology,-just-horrible,-and-me-a-Christian-myself-and-all,-just-horrible ...
- Not to mention the good-natured grumblings from the occasional irritable Atheist who can't believe a "religious fiction" series is stomping everything else in the fiction market.
Armageddon resembles The Remnant more than any other series novel: unlike previous Left Behind installments, since Desecration plot has become more important than characters. Jenkins' aloof, severely journalistic obituary-like writing style hasn't changed. Some inappropriate humor is inserted in the most ridiculous places. And I fear I'm not the only one who can't get over a demon named "Cankerworm." Please, there should be a CBA-spearheaded petition to allow demon-naming rights to Frank Peretti alone. Clearly there are better ways to tribute the late C.S. Lewis ("The Screwtape Letters") than naming a demon "Cankerworm."
Armageddon starts up right about where we left off, one year from the end of the 7-year Tribulation period. The prophesied fifth Vial Judgment has struck, and the Global Community capital city of New Babylon is plagued in solid darkness. Only believers can see, which makes for a convenient escape for amazing Chinese techno-kid Chang Wong who has been surviving in there as the info-gathering "mole" for Christians for way too long.
Meanwhile the AntiChrist, who also keeps track of prophecy, is ready to amass armies for the final attack against Jews, Christ-followers, Muslims, and generally anybody else who doesn't exactly see eye-to-eye with him on issues.
Readers will be weeping more of this novel than others, for author Jenkins, having kept everyone's favorite characters alive for years, is now obligated to "find [many of] them dead" all in one book. He writes about these awful circumstances with the emotional impact of a FedEx mailing form, yet for those who have followed many of these characters since their inception in late 1995, the impact will be devastating.
What is also devastating is the "cliffhanger" -- which seems so notoriously contrived that after finishing the novel I set it down with a smirk rather than a gasp. But, Armageddon will do for now. Glorious Appearing should be good. But like the return of Christ ... well, I'm afraid the end of this series is truly only the beginning of what will follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis sievertsen
This book is the best of the Left Behind series. I have never read such a powerful and suspenseful book in my life. This book, even if you haven't read any others in this series, will keep you reading until you finish.
I was astounded by the way the authors quickly catches up with what's gone on before without rehashing such long material. I was impressed by the character's descriptions.
Some new characters in this series are added. In this book, no safe house is safe and everyone suspects everyone else of being a spy. The characters are scattered in different areas. The action in this book is the best.
I started reading this book after a long evening doing taxes. I didn't stop until I finished. Get this book; you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy dawson
Another winner in the Left Behind stable. It's awesome (and sobering) to read about these events going down, since the events are based on bible prophecy. The whole series reminds us of the seriousness of how important it is to accept Christ and live accordingly. Come Lord Jesus!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
alex lupp
The authors had an excellent idea, to write a novel about the Apocalypse, with true believers taken away into heaven and the rest 'Left Behind.' The characters were interesting, the action terse, and the story believeable if you accept the premise. This book was highly successful with a limited audience, primarily 'born again' Christians. The success, of course, inspired sequels, which have now stretched to 11 volumes.
Lacking good ideas for these sequels, the authors have proceeded to fictionalize the Revelation of St. John, the last book of the Protestant bible. This book is full of plagues and catastrophic events which befall earth in the period before the millenium, when the risen savior is to return to earth to claim his kingdom forever. Revelation has always struck me as wildly fantastic, and one wonders if the good saint may have been using some biblical mushrooms or other drugs.
Sadly, in most of the series the writing is quite flat. In this book, the narrative fails to convey the drama and emotion to be expected as the band of heroes faces war with the Anti-Christ and the end of our world. In addition, the story is loaded with extended quotations from the bible. This is a lazy way to put together a book, similar to the strategy many of us used in writing papers for undergraduate courses when we didn't have much to say.
Perhaps the authors expected the millenium to occur on December 1, 2000, and are now tap-dancing waiting for the actual event. Whether this is true or not, this entry is at best, disappointing.
The translators who developed the King James version of the bible all those centuries ago had a much better command of the language, and they kept the length to a small fraction of the wordiness of LaHaye and Jenkins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john feightner
Armageddon, eleventh book in the LEFT BEHIND SERIES has the Tribulation Force scattered through out the world, many hiding in safe houses that are no longer safe. As the antichrist escalates his efforts to ferret out TRUE BELIEVERES, he is hampered by the total darkness that has descended on his staff and closest followers. As with each book in the series the action in ARMAGADDON is riveting. It is the last year of the GREAT TRIBULATION and God's army of believers knows that the great battle between GOD and the antichrist is at hand. LeHaye and Jenkins have once again penned a captivating narrative of a best seller, sure to have you eager for book twelve.
Beverly J Scott author of "Righteous Revenge" and "Ruth Fever."...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine benson
LaHaye and Jenkins have done it again! This is one of the best books in the series. And what a clifhanger! I can't wait for the next release, which is the final chapter in the series. I definitely recommend this book, as well as the whole LB series. It's a great read which is not only entertaining, but gives you a whole new perspactive on prophecy. Read it! You won't be dissapointed!
CORRECTION: Just for all you LB fans, a small addition to this review. The LB website has announced that now there will be not 12, but 14 LB books in total. Wonderful news to fans; a dissapointment to those that want it over. Frankly, seeing where Armageddon left off, I could see where they needed more than one book to finish off the story (It took 11 books to cover the 7-year Tribulation, so 3 books for the final 1000 years is not bad), though I also wouldn't have minded No. 12 being the last. The situation is that the authors do cover a lot of detail. Bottom line, I like them, so I read them. Those who don't, should just get something else and stop criticizing the authors.
I just hope they stop making us wait sooooo loooong between the books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hales
The imagery in this book is what makes it so good. Just picturing seeing the horses of the Apocalypse riding by you - there would be no words. There will be no denying Christ in the end days. The bible references continue in this book and I feel the book enhances the scripture and stays with it. I love the writing because it makes it real and the situations are believeable. The characters are well developed by this time if you have read the series all the way through. I love the story line and it is worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jose m
A Review of "Armageddon" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
As a fan of the entire Left Behind series of books, I thought that "Armageddon," the eleventh book of the series was well written. The authors maintained the suspense level found in the other books of the series, which made it easy for the reader to stay interested. On the other hand, I must confess to a small degree of disappointment in the book. The authors seem to be a little uncertain where to take some of the characters as they prepare for the twelfth and final book of the series. It almost seems as if they have run out of ideas for individual characters, so they found that the easiest thing to do would be to kill them off.
For the characters, emotions are running very high as they anticipate the Battle of Armageddon, which will be the final event of human history before the return of Jesus to begin His reign on Earth. Many of the characters allow their emotions to get the best of them, which leads to quite a few intense situations during the course of the book. Chloe wanders away from the Tribulation Force's bunker, which becomes a cause for great concern, not only for her, but for the entire Tribulation Force. Albie finds himself dealing with an old acquaintance, hoping that his loyalties have not changed.
There was a very light moment towards the beginning of the book in which Rayford, taking advantage of the darkness, goes to New Babylon to retrieve Chang and, during a briefing being held by Potentate Nicolae Carpathia, is able to have a little bit of fun at the Potentate's expense. Nicolae did not enjoy it a bit, and it was fun to see the character portrayed as the Antichrist taken down a notch or two.
My favorite character is Rabbi Tsion Ben-Judah, who is the writers' tool to share the Biblical prophecies with their readers. Even though I have read these Scriptures many times myself, I find myself more excited as I picture the words being preached by Tsion. Not only have the writers made him an inspiration on a spiritual level. He is a man to be looked up to because he is not content to merely preach, but also wants to join in on the work, including taking up a weapon and participating in the final battle.
As the days for the battle draw near, the writers are able to hold the reader on the edge of his seat. There is very little imagery in this book. The writers instead choose to keep the action nonstop, using the descriptions of the action in the story to place the pictures in the reader's mind. They do this very well.
The writers inject humor at the right moments to help break some of the tension that is taking place in the action. At one point, with bullets flying all around, Tsion, passing the healing pool of Bethesda, says to Buck, "I was not hit, Cameron! No need for healing!" The only thing Buck can think at this point is "Millimeters from death and the rabbi jokes."
The book does a good job of clarifying the Biblical prophecies of the last days. Even if you think the language of the book of Revelation is figurative rather than literal, you will enjoy seeing these events unfold.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica schwartz
I have read all 11 books so far, but, I'm proud to say, have not spent a penny on any of them. All borrowed from friends or the library. It started out well enough, but as the series began to make money for the authors, the books began to get thinner and thinner and thinner.
Now we have book 11. This book is so full of misogynist (that's anti-woman) propaganda that it's a JOKE! Chloe, the only female original member of the Trib Force, is "supposed" to be at home with her baby. Instead, she stupidly leaves the house to go be part of the action. Bad, bad girl -- leaving the home! What happens then? She almost gets EVERYONE killed! See what happens when the women don't stay in their place?? Then she gets captured and is so weak that after not eating for about 24 hours --- ONE FREAKING DAY -- she takes food from the Carpathianites, despite knowing it was tainted -- because the lil' woman just can't be expected to be strong enough not to eat for a whole long day, can she???/
Jenkins and LaHaye are sad, sad, sad, pitiful excuses for writers, Christians, and men. I pity their wives and daughters -- what sexist [material] they must have to put up with!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
colleen s conclusions
Armageddon is good, but nothing better. "Good" about sums it up. The setting takes place a few years into the future, in which the Battle of Armageddon is approaching, and even begins at the end of the book.

Though I disagree with much of the "doctrine" in this book (I'm Mormon), I won't make that the point of my review, since I really doubt anybody is reading this book seeking spiritual truth.

When I read this book, I hadn't read any of the prequels to it in the series. The book was still relatively easy to follow. Some parts were good, and I found myself growing closer to the rather unbelievable characters. Yes, the characters are unbelievable. Even disciples of Christ have flaws, and it seemed most of the characters in this book did not, save "the Beast" and those with "the Mark".

If you can find a better book, read it instead. If you're that bored and this one is avaliable, go for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Book 11 in the Left Behind series.
When I began reading this book, I was a little hazy on what had happened in the previous books. I still remembered the major events, but some minor events of importance I was lost on. I didn't remember a couple of the characters (ones that had been recently introduced). After 50 pages I remembered what I needed to and the context filled me in on the rest and the story started to really get going.
I've noticed complaints about the actions of some characters. The only one who I think acted out of character was Chloe. Her actions at the beginning of the book were both stupid, and I think a little out of character. It served the plot, though, so we can gloss over it. There were some surprises in character action near the end, but these were explained well enough that I don't feel as if they were misplaced.
The usual complaints about the series apply to this book. The quality of writing is not that great, I still have problems with naming one of the primary characters "Buck", and much of the books seem to be heavy handed. However, when I'm reading the book I forget all about that and I can't put it down. There is something incredibly compelling about the Left Behind series. Maybe it is seeing God take such a prominent role in a popular novel. Maybe it is just how quickly and easily the series reads, but there is something about it that makes me want to keep reading and gets me involved in the story. Maybe it is God working through these books, if such a thing is possible.
The story begins late in the Tribulation. A plague of darkness and pain is on the city of New Babylon, the capitol of the Anti-Christ, Nicolae Carpathia. There are questions of whether or not the Safe House is still safe and Chloe Steele-Williams gets captured by the GC (Global Community) troops. Believers must get out of New Babylon as God's further judgment is coming. As the book progresses, the story jumps several months and the final judgments from Revelation are unleashed. More than one major character is killed in this book, so there is some shakeup going on in the cast of characters. Which ones and in what way I will leave for the reader to find out.
I am not blind to the flaws and faults of this series, but as I read the books, the flaws and faults simply do not matter. I won't pretend that these should win awards for the craft of writing, though. I think that one reason why the Left Behind books are so compelling (this one included) is that we get to see one possible interpretation of how the Book of Revelation may play out. I am a Christian, so I do believe that Revelation is true, but I don't claim to have any interpretation of it myself nor do I believe that this is necessarily the correct interpretation. It does help in imagining the End Times, though. The next book is to be the last book, and I am curious as to how Jenkins will write the second coming of Christ (LaHaye is the theologian, Jenkins the author).
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm a firm believer that the scriptures are actually sets of possibilities based on our choices and our spiritual connection to God and each other. The prophets recorded what they saw and always asked "Will you change it?"
Thus I was reading this series as a very well-written fiction filled with many great truths and possible events. But the good writing ended, the drama fell flat, the preaching became overbearing and shakily supported. So, although I'll regret not knowing how the characters fare in the end, I'm walking away. I'm also walking away because I realized the authors' true view (and the basic plot of the novels) of the Jewish/Israel nation--that either they "convert" or die. This is not the wonderful bmessage of my Master Jesus the Christ at all! You'll find if asked, He would that "we all GO!" And the Peacemakers are blessed above all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael gogel
Book number 11 in the Left Behind series. The writing, as in all the books, is simplistic and easy to follow, written at probably an 8th grade level.
This one brings us to the battle of Armageddon and closer to the Glorious Appearing.
If you're like me you read the last book last year and you probably have a fuzzy memory of where it left off. It took me a few chapters before I finally remembered what was going on with whom and where.
If you are a fan of the series you will enjoy it.
Now we just have to wait another year for the final book...
This book brings you right up to the day off or maybe the day before the second coming of Christ. As I read and I realized how close the action was to that point, I thought that maybe this was the last book. But no. ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the eleventh book of the Left Behind series, Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye created another literary artwork. The Tribulation Force is scattered throughout the world. New members emerge from the shadows, while some members are lost to the Anti-Christ. New love is sparked between members and other relationships dissolve when members of the Trib Force are forced to relocate to different areas because of the security breaches inside of the palace in New Babylon. As the world prepares for global war and the battle of the ages, the members at Petra gather and unite to defend themselves against the wrath of the Anti-Christ.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from page one. Throughout this series, I haven't been able to wait for the next book because of the cliffhangers that the authors throw in at the end of each book. Each cliffhanger forces the reader to pursue the story into the next book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I respectfully disagree with the author for the following reasons.

Jesus said four times the resurrection is on the last day. Dr. Lahaye and many others believe that the resurrection is not on the last day, but at the beginning of the tribulation with the rapture. Jesus taught the rapture or flight into the kingdom of God is before the tribulation and the resurrection after the tribulation when he comes in glory.

Jesus taught his followers must be accounted worthy to escape the tribulation and those followers who are not will go through the great tribulation. Dr. Lahaye does not believe that some Christians will be raptured and some will go through the tribulation because he believes the rapture includes the resurrection where all believers are changed, not just some.

Jesus taught a person must be a believer before the resurrection to be saved. Dr. Lahaye teaches that after the resurrection that many Jews will be saved.

Jesus taught only the Jews that received him before the resurrection would be saved. Dr. Lahaye believes that all Israel will be saved including many after the resurrection.

Most modern day preaching fails to warn as Jesus taught in his parables regarding his coming. Christ taught his followers that some would be ready and some would not and the consequences in each case. When was the last time you heard a preacher minister from the parables of Christ with respect to his return? When was the last time you heard a message on the coming of Christ? Have you been told what Christ said would happen to followers who are not ready for his coming? I finally became so annoyed at the preaching in the church that I was compelled to write a book to warn the church regarding spiritual negligence and the consequences as taught by Christ. It's called Ready or Not, Here I Come. The book explains what Christ taught with respect to his coming. I was afraid it would shock the church. Then I realized there was no other alternative when I considered what Jesus taught. Luke 12:47-48.Ready or Not, Here I Come
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn mottlow
This is such a wonderful book! Starts a bit slow, but by the end you are completely engaged and excited about the end. There's a cliffhanger at the end, and lots of sad parts in the middle, but I would recommend reading the whole series just to have the chance to read this book. IF you're a Christian and you believe that the endtimes will be something like this, you will not want to miss this book. I got to the point where I was so wrapped up in it and what the characters were feeling, I could feel their anticipation for Christ's return. I still have goose bumps!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
carrie gnauck
I was thoroughly disappointed with this book. What I thought was going to be the final apocolyptic battle between good and evil was never contained in this book. It's just more of the same: the Trib Force evades the GC and changes hiding places. They kill off three of the main characters and finish it right before the battle reaches its climax. This was done so that people have to buy the next (and final, thank God) installment of the series. Left Behind has gotten rather old and repetitive and when they pulled this stunt, it just plain ticked me off.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nina edward
It should read "Comic" Battle. This book reads like a comic book moving from frame to frame at a jagged pace with characters acting irrationally throughout. The problem is there's no pictures! I agree with another reviewer. If the writers ( I should say millionares) stretched this out about 50 more pages they could end this once and for all. But let's go for the even dozen and a few more dollars. Of course you have to read're hooked. But once you're finished you'll realize you're a few hours older and a lot less wiser. If you really want "the battle of the ages" watch the first Frazier vs. Ali fight.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
daphne alina
I've had many complaints about the plodding pace of the books, the one-dimensional characters, the missed opportunities for dramatic twists. Only the initial premise is keeping me hanging on until the bitter end. Each installment spends the first 100 pages reminding us what happened before, resolves one plot line, then spends the second half setting up the next cliffhanger. Christians are all goody two shoes with virtually no shortcomings or character flaws, despite being brand new believers. Apparently conversion changes your fundamental character and you no longer have moral dilemmas. The reader almost roots for the Antichrist because he's the only interesting character!
This book is even worse. Now the Antichrist is reduced to mere hand-wringing, like Mr. Burns on the Simpsons. Technology is used too conveniently - the Antichrist must have no firewalls in his entire computer network. Over and over Trib Force members have carried off too many impossible rescues of each other, so it was a relief to finally have someone die in this book (it's about time!). Too many characters have been introduced simply to serve a miraculous purpose for God's plan, and those who weren't quickly killed remain underutilized and underdeveloped in this book.
It was a relief to have Krystall the secretary in this book, the first non-Christian who had any redeeming qualities at all. Other than her, the authors again wrote non-believers with zero human qualities - don't you think the guillotine workers might have grumbled slightly about their disgusting jobs rather than reveling in all that blood and gore? Most characters are written as subliterate cowboys, and even the women are written as though they are men. Just one example: On page 180 when Chloe is drugged by her captors, it "reminded her of how she felt after giving birth to Kenny". Kenny was an unmedicated homebirth. No woman would compare natural childbirth to feeling groggy or drugged! The too-literal interpretation of the Bible is still consistently annoying. Revelation mentions frogs jumping from Antichrist's throat, so it literally has to happen? How unimaginative.
I'm suckered in for the final book, but it won't be a fond read. It'll be a relief just to get this series over with and move on to something else. Don't waste your money on this series. There are plenty of copies at the local library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought that Armageddon was an improvement over the last Left Behind book, The Remnant. I enjoyed that the authors are speeding things up(no, not with action, I mean time-wise)and I thought that the book had some of the spark from the first few Left Behind books. Overall, it was a quick and enjoyable read, and I think the series is ready to be over with the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike votta
I read this book in a was awesome! I think that Dr LeHaye and Mr Jenkins have done an excellent job relating the "End of the Ages" to us. While I may differ with some of the theology, I think it's an excellent account of St. John's Revelation of Jesus Christ. This not only tells the story but makes you really soul search yourself to make sure that you are where you need to be. Thank the Lord, I am!
I am anxiously awaiting the final book, "The Glorious Appearing" of Jesus Christ.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This series of books just keeps going on and on with no end in site. The story gets weaker and weaker with each book. When the authors started making money with the series they obviously decided to stretch the series out as long as possible to reap all the money they could. I've seen this happen to other series I've read, and they have taken what was a great start and instead of finishing it they put it on life support and let it turn into a vegetable. Do us all a favor and pull the plug!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mark long
Each time a book in this series has come out lately, I have renewed hope that it will grab me. The last 50 pages or so did get me, but generally this was a disappointment. The story lines are very forced. The characters do completely illogical and irrational things and then are surprised when something goes wrong.
With another 50 pages tacked on, this could have been the last book. Easily. I can't even imagine what they are going to cover in the last book! There'll be a bunch of reunions, no doubt, but not enough content to fill a 300-400 page book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane warren
Paper back came on time and in acceptable condition. I was happy that it came so quickly because I was anxious to continue reading the series! The Left Behind books are one of my most favorites to read. This is my 4th time reading this series! Somehow in my recent move I either missed placed, loaned out and didn't get back or lost 2 of the books in the set. I was really bummed but thankfully the store has what I needed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The eleventh book in the best-selling Left Behind series doesn't disappoint. Whit Christ's return eagerly awaited, Tribulation Force member face the greatest trials thus far in the tribulation. In this book, we see major changes in the main characters. It is difficult to say who will survive until the Glorious Appearing. As the Antichrist's armies mass on the plains of Meggido, the tension is as finger-biting level.
I enjoyed this book. It is easy to see that the end of the series approaches by how the characters are developed. I was sad to see some of my favorites not make it to the end. I did find at least one character, Leah, left hanging. Her story line has carried through the last few books, but disappeared early on in this one. The overall level of violence compels me to remind parents this is not a book for children or even younger teens. Some scenes are very graphic. Overall, I think "Armegeddon" is an excellent piece of fiction, with Biblical lessons we all can benfit from.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy ferguson
I don't agree with the people who say this series has dragged on too long. I wait eagerly for each book to come out. This book was so emotional, I found myself crying at certain parts. The writers have a talent for making the reader become attached to the characters. I have read these books through a few times and plan to do it again.
I recommend this book, but one should read the previous books in the series first to better understand the storyline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Armageddon" picks up the pace in the "Left Behind" series. The middle books tended to be slow, and this one is full of action. My reaction? To be honest, several parts of the book I had to just put down. As a loyal fan, it made me mad! How could they kill of people now, almost at the end? Then I realized that I was on the edge of my seat. Then, there was the cliffhanger ending. Now we have to wait until Glorious Appearing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faith loveless
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have done it again. I have read the entire series, and "Apollyon" was my favorite in the series. I found myself enjoying this book more than I did "Apollyon." I went out and bought "Armageddon" when the book stores opened on 4-8-2003, and literally could not put it down. As the time to the Glorious Appearing draws ever closer, Hell breaks lose, as the world goes to war against itself. Caracters we have grown to know and love die for the cause of Christ. The events spiral faster and faster towards the end, and the ending wil leave one both questioning "who?" and take one's breath away. Yet LaHaye and Jenkins end the novel in such a way, that one knows, "The end is only the beginning." Spring 2004 can not come fast enough to conclude this epic religious anthology. Because only then will we know who survives to witness the Glorious Appearing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
junjie huang
With "Armageddon," Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins continue to write better and better novels in their "Left Behind" series. This one is the most exciting and the most emotional of the books to date. Love and faith are tested as the forces of good and evil prepare for the climactic battle. At the end of this novel, the greatest battle of all time begins as everyone, both good and evil, await the return of THE King, Jesus the Christ! Fans and non-fans alike will not be disappointed! Grade: A+
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed the first Left Behind quite a bit. I didn't think that it was brilliant or anything, but it contained some decent writing and some interesting ideas. Unfortunately, as the scenerio continues to get dragged out, I can't help but think that this is an idea that should have been held back to two or three books. The authors just don't seem to have enough ideas to cover eleven books. As a result, plotlines are rehashed here, characters don't go anywhere, and there is nary an interesting idea in the whole novel. When you compare it to a masterpiece like We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell, it just seems way too flimsy and somewhat pointless. Caldwell's novel says something and gives you more to think about in two pages then Armageddon gives you in an entire novel. If you're looking for a Christian soap opera, I suppose that this isn't bad- I can't think of any other reason that I bought and read this- but if you're looking for a book to inspire and challenge you as a Christian, look elsewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I flew through the first 250 pages in I think about 3 days. LOVE the Left Behind series, this book has me excited about being a Christian again! This book was very hard for me to put down.

Non-Stop action like and good Clancy book, plenty of Biblical references for those that doubt God's love for them. Grateful I don't have to wait a year like other readers for the Glorious Appearing to come out, I picked up the series at the right time.

Do I sound like a Bible thumper yet, apologize if I do, but don't mind being called a Jesus Freak either...

Odd how this series grew on me, even from the beginning of the series I said to myself "Great I get to red Christian related stuff -like reading the bible without having to read the Bible." Enjoying the Word of God w/o having to REALLY read His Words... Now that I'm almost through with the series I almost look forward to reading the Bible...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I believe the rapture, tribulation, etc. will happen, so it was interesting to read this series. However, I didn't really care for most of the characters; they were arrogant and just plain not likeable. I did read the entire series because I am interested in the end times, but it was poorly written. Many times I wasn't sure what the author was trying to say; I had to read the sentence a few times and still was unsure. I've read some other posted reviews here and am going to try The Last Gentile soon; am reading Quo Vadis now.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marina skiles
Left Behind seems to be more of an introduction to the subject of the End Times, a series that is reaching out to all people of different ages. It's not particularly well written, but it is clear and straightforward. The characters are not particularly realistic or interesting, but these are not character studies, these are novels that are trying to give people an overview of this concept, and they do that quite well...
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As an example of uneven writing, this is one that would fit well on any creative writing course. The character development can best be described as shallow, and the action highly unrealistic given the premise. The Antichrist and False Prophet come across as buffoons, whilst many of their minions are far more nasty. And I find it hard to believe that the devil incarnate would be unable to prevent Christians from piloting aircraft all over the world undetected (just try taking a nail clipper through any airport nowadays). For all that, you do want to know what happens, if only to have the satisfaction of one particularly annoying character getting the chop.

Jenkins seems to take great pleasure in creating uneccessary secondary characters, whose task is merely to get in the way and make the main characters roll their eyes and press on with what they were doing anyway. Well, that's how the reader feels too! However, when something truly significant happens, Jenkins resorts to description in note form. The destruction of Babylon (literalised as the real Babylon in this series) covers all of an unconvincing half page.

More concerning about this Christian pulp series, are the dual facts of its staggering misinterpretation of Bibilical prophecy, and creation of a self-perpetuating book and church resources franchise. I greeted the Left Behind series with curiosity, only to find the latest addition to this money spinner is yet another book series detailing the Antichrist's early life! I guess that means twelve more volumes about Old Nick in Junior High?

This book series is potentially dangerous, since it encourages blithe belief in the doctrine of a rapture, and reorders prophecy to fit. A secret rapture was not preached by the early church, and only came into being as a doctrine in the late Nineteenth Century, through one prophecy given in a Brethren church. It then made its way into mainstream consciousness through the annotated Schofield Bible. Buttressed by this series of popular books, there could be many Christians who fail to recognise the Antichrist when he comes, simply because no rapture has yet taken place.

Best just to treat these books as pulp fiction, and then go and get some proper teaching.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tim and Jerry have done it again. I have read the entire series, and this is the best in the series bar none. I went out and bought "Armageddon" when the book stores opened on April 8, and started reading as soon as I left the store. As the bowl judgments are poured out upon the earth, punishment of the wicked becomes horrendous. Caracters we have grown to know and love die for the cause of Christ. The events come faster and faster building to the inescapable conclusion... inescapable yes, and yet the end of Armageddon will leave you wondering. Spring 2004 can not come soon enough for me, and yet I hate to think of this series ending. Having said all that, let me, in the strongest possible way, encourage anyone who has enjoyed the Left Behind series to try James BeauSeigneur's Christ Clone trilogy, starting with In His Image. As much as I love Left Behind, I may love the Christ Clone trilogy even more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ricky penick
I can't believe people are gripping about this book and this series. I love the series! This is one of the best spiritual fiction books out there and lot's of people are getting saved from it. I'm at a place right now were people have nothing else to do but read books and a lot of them are reading the Left Behind series. I would rather they read those than the Harry Potter novels.
Anywho, Armageddon kept me off the seat! Lots of action as the Trib Force members try to rendezvous at their new camp site. I can't wait till the next book when Christ comes back and battles off Carpathia. That man needs to go DOWN!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corkey sinks
This book is awesome! Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins put the themes together in ways that allows the reader to be there. Some people might think that Chloe's capture and subsequent treatment is spread out through too many chapters; however, by doing this, the authors demonstrate the great faith and strength it would take for people to endure the results of choosing Jesus during the tribulation or at anytime in life when there is persecution for faith in Christ.
The overall theme of the book of course, is the beginning of Armageddon in the Jehoshaphat Valley (Megiddo), and as the war begins, the reader feels the urgency of the main characters to have the ultimate return of Christ occur simultaneously with this event. But, since no one can pick the time of Christ's return, the author's demonstrate the characters doing their duty; instead of not being ready.
I can't wait for the next book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
shilpi gupta
Reading through other reviews, it strikes me how many of the disappointed people actually are Christians (or at least spiritual people). In other words, these critical comments are not only (or even mainly) coming from people who are skeptical about God and the Bible. The reason? This series had a big idea - that God is intimately involved in our world. It also had a small idea - that we can be excited because things are going down the drain - which is upside-down but very intriguing. Mixing a personal God with the mystery of impending doom is unbeatable. Many have exploited this end-times fascination in the last 2,000 years (recent entrants include Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, and Jack van Impe), but few if any have gotten as many empty words or dollars out of the exploitation. This series is LaHaye's "I'm sure I've got it all figured out" prognosticating mixed with Jenkin's "I have nothing figured out" writing. This is the real Desecration - the desecration of trees and bookstores and readers' time. If you want a Christian novel about the future that packs a real punch (and is a single book, not a part of any series), get James Lucas's "A Perfect Persecution." It shows you what all of us need to do while we are left behind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caleb seeling
This is a good overview of the Left Behind series. If I had not read all of the books, it would have been fantastic; however, I noticed so much that was missing. If you havent read the books, it would have been so much better but it was good anyways.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dr sara2
"Hail Carpathia, our lord and risen king;

Hail Carpathia, rules o'er everything.

We'll worship him until we die;

He's our beloved Nicholae.

Hail Carpathia, our lord and risen king".

Nicholae Jetty Carpathia is the most pathetic anti Christ I have ever come across. Not only has he to listen to puerile songs like the above but he seems to be a remarkably shallow character for one who is supposed to be the incarnation of evil. To give him his due, he can, however, glow in the dark like one of the side kicks in the Sky High movie. Not very much admittedly but he can emit rays of light which is helpful when God plunges his capital into darkness.

Nicholae's followers spend a considerable amount of time in this book groping around in the dark. This is because the authors of this very popular series take their lines almost literally from The Book of Revelations, which forms the last book in the New Testament. Because God plunged the anti Christ's headquarters into darkness, Nick has to suffer. And so do the readers of this awful book.

In Armageddon the eleventh book in the Left Behind series, Nick has taken over the world and, a few Jewish and Christian believers apart, everyone else is happy enough to pay homage to him even if it means eternal damnation in the fires of hell. These include Krystall, Nick's very polite personal secretary, who, even though she accepts her own eternal damnation for taking Nick's mark, feeds the Christian rebels information for her own peculiar reasons.

Although one would expect the anti Christ to take a very dim view of those who betray him, Nick is too preoccupied with crushing the rebels to bother himself with Krystall's treachery. As part of this process, and to foreshadow the apocalyptic fight ahead, Nick cobbles together the biggest army ever assembled in the history of the world and he equips it with the best weaponry available. As a result of these preparations, Nick feels confident he can defeat God's army. To this end, he rides a horse. And many of his soldiers also ride horses.

Although this might make bad military sense, it accords with the Book of Revelations where the anti Christ leads his forces into battle on a horse. The Book of Revelations, unfortunately, is not the only part of the Bible to permeate this boring book. God, for example, feeds the Christian rebels with manna from heaven, just as Exodus 16.31 informs us He fed Moses and his followers when they fled Egypt. When the believers are not gorging themselves on manna, they are using the Internet to read whatever battle tips the Bible has to offer as they attempt to defeat Nick.

Nick must be a technophobe. Not only does he ride a horse into battle but his forces, which control the world, cannot even close down a very popular underground Christian site. If the Christians in this book are anything to go by, one would almost have to wish him well. These Christians are a pompous myopic lot. They delight in telling Krystall and other unfortunates that God has prepared a very warm spot for them in Hell and they seem to be unable to string a handful of sentences together without throwing in a few biblical quotes as well.

Although Nicholae Carpathia may not sport a hoof, a trident and a cloven foot, yet he may as well: he is as much a caricature as Lucifer or Old Nick himself ever were. Unfortunately, he is not so scary. This is because his character, like all the other characters in this puffed up book, lacks any depth or subtlety at all. That is not his fault but the fault of the writers who feel compelled to churn out as much "Christian literature" as quickly as they can.

Jenkins even has a writing school to foster more Christian clones to help spread "the Word". But the Bible has some very beautiful writing in it and it does offer many words of wisdom to the wise. The same cannot be said of the Left Behind series of books. They are low grade propaganda: the mystery is why they sell so well. If Christian parents are forcing their children to read this drivel, our hearts have to go out to them. And to Nicholae Carpathia, the anti Christ, who thinks it is ok to ride into battle on a horse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cara mia
For all of you that have read the previous ten books, I'm sure you already have "Armageddon", if you don't, go ahead and order it, you'll love it. Personally, I think the original idea to stop with eight books in the series may have been a good one but unlike some titles before "Armageddon" this book does not drag too badly in any place. It's great, but if you haven't read any of them I highly recommend that you start with number one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The 11th book in the Left Behind series picks right up where The Remnant left off. Like all of the others in this series, I found it to be a page turner that I could not put down.
Fans of the series won't be disappointed, and the story takes some twists and turns along the way that I found unexpected.
I don't know if there is going to be another book in this series, because it really didn't state whether it would or not. If not, then they did a fine job ending the tale.
Recommend the entire series to anyone, especially any Christians who have not read the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carter van noy
I have enjoyed this last book, in the series as well as the first one. I had always wondered about the Last Days. These books have helped me a lot. It is very sound in letting us know as the Bible teaches us that a lot of people will lose their lives in the last days. This book is full of suprises. I did not want to see Richard Steel taken from the fight here on earth. But, no one person can not, not be replaced. Even Moses did not make it to the Promised Land.
I think that these writers are doing a great job. They keep it interesting and the readers undivided attention. I am looking forward to the next book in the series. I pray that they continue on and take us into the thousand year reign of Christ, and also give us their take on heaven itself.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have my say. Keep up the good work. I have read almost every book by these two great men of God. I am looking forward to the next issue.
Thank you....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Book 11 of the Left Behind Series (This is my 11th review -- aaaggghhhh):

It is difficult to come up with more than 20 words about this book as it is so... so... forgettable. One cliché on top of the other. At this point, the Reverend Mister (LaHay) and Alliterative Jerry (Jenkins) are coming up with bad sentences of their own. The best bad sentence, IMHO, is the understatement of the eternity. It is very short. And very funny. I think. It goes like this: "Don't mess with God."

This is on the par with a previous badness that went like this: "If you can work for the AntiChrist, you can pretty much work for anyone" (see prior reviews.)

I think that the Reverend Mister and Alliterative Jerry are running out of ideas. I mean the army of the AntiChrist is using... wait for it, wait for it... HORSES (!) to get around. The opposing army of the Believers is using.... are you ready?--- ATVs (four wheel ATVs !!). This is not fair to the AntiChrist. Not only the poor guy never got to read the Book of Revelations -- I mean if he did, he'd know how the whole thing ends and probably would not start that silliness at all, -- but he is getting to fight a 21st century war with 19th century cavalry and tactics. I mean is he stupid or something?

Plot suggestion: when fighting a physical war with the AntiChrist, may I suggest the Holy Grenade of Antioch. The weapon was developed by the British (M. Python Group). Its description can be easily found on the Net. But I shall spare you the trouble. Here it is:

....And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [At this point, the friar is urged by Brother Maynard to "skip a bit, brother"]... And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
erica franz
The authors have 'dragged' out the last couple of books and it's very discouraging. They should stick to their earlier trend. However, in spite of this, I am anticipating this new book and will have it in my hands the day it hits the stand. Also, for anybody iterested, The Christ Clone Trilogy series is fantastic and readers of the Left Behind series will love these three books. I had to order them special after I tripped over a old review . They were written over 10 years ago. However, I noticed in BN a few weeks ago, they have been re-released in hard back. I can't recommend them enough. Everybody I have lent them to loved them. Talk about the edge of your seat!!!!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
When I first started reading this series, I could not stop. I was literally addicted.. I went from one book to the next loving every moment. I just loved the feasible storyline and characters Jenkins and Lahaye created to go along with Revelations. From Book one to eight were wonderful! Then.. Desecration came out.. it was still fairly good.. but it was definitely a disappoitment compared to the previous books.. So. i anxiously awaited book #10. the remnant figuring it would be back up to par. Wrong! IT was horrible. the whole book was nearly pointless! but yet again since i had loved the series in the past I went right on hoping that Armageddon would be better. Yet again I am deprived. I think that Jenkins and Lahaye just lost hold of the masterpiece that they started because they ran out of ideas and imagination.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The LEFT BEHIND SERIES is one of the best series of Christian books I've ever read, and certainly, it's one of the best end times fiction series, although IN HIS IMAGE and THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY by James BeauSeigneur are also good. So far, the series has zoomed since book one, when the rapture occurred and those "left behind" were forced to grapple with the implications of missing friends and family members. I love this series, and I can't wait for the conclusion. Left Behind fans should also read CONQUEST OF PARADISE. It does in one book what Left Behind has taken many to do, and the book presents ideas for the possible rise to power of the antichrist that I've never heard before. If you even like the LEFT BEHIND SERIES just a little bit, then you'll love CONQUEST OF PARADISE! I'm looking forward to reading ARMAGEDDON. It should be one of the most exciting books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen paton
I absolutely love this series of books, I only have one more to read after this one..the writers, Lahaye and Jenkins have really taken me to what the end times will be like. I think they have helped me to understand the scriptures better, and the prophecies to come...God bless you both.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael menary
This series has been one of the biggest disappointments I have had for awhile. Fairly poorly written in general, it just went down hill so far with popularity. These guys stretched it out to make money...more and more money (I hope they have used it to do the Lord's will). I beleive this series was pushed heavily as an evangelism tool and became popular because it was more fun to read than the other books trying to "save" people.
If Christians or others would like to read quality books on fictional charachters and ideas with biblically inclined story lines, check out the Christ Clone series. These three books are so far beyond the Left Behind garbage. Left Behind may have gotten a 3 or 4 star rating it it were cut down to 3 books or so. How much can a story be tacked onto to extend for more $$?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
craig becker
I have really enjoyed the Left Behind series and this book is no exception. The one thing that bothers me most though is that the books make it seem like Tribulation Saints get pretty much a free pass on all of God's judgements. For example with the darkness (I think the 5th or 6th bowl judgement) the rest of the world is completely blinded while the Saints only have limited vision. The whole series makes it seem like waiting until the tribulation to get saved could be a lot of fun. I don't think that's a good idea to be giving people. Any way, thanks to the people who have suggested IN HIS IMAGE by James BeauSeigneur. I'm only about 100 pages in and I'm totally hooked! BeauSeigneur explanations around the Rapture are AWESOME!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary saige
As a minister, I am always enthusiastic when I recommend (from the pulpit or anywhere else) the wonderful series of "Left Behind" books, which of course focus on the last book of the Bible, Revelation as its text. For all of us who appreciate these books, I recommend an excellent book about the first book of the Old Testament.
Dennis Shulman's "Genius of Genesis" is a reverent and beautifully-written description of the glory of the Book of Genesis; and was an excellent text for our church's spring book discussion circle.
If you want to truly understand the Bible, from its last words to its first, read the "Left Behind" books and "The Genius of Genesis."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carlos villamil
Calling this latest in the Left Behind series a cliff hanger is like saying the Great Wall of China is long.
Two members of the Trib Force stumble into fatal traps while Antichrist's arrogance builds to the imminent extinction of those in Jerusalem and the defenders of Petra. A book that will leave readers alternating between laughter, tension, and shouts of "No!"
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
prayogi rahmad
I almost didn't buy this, but figured I might as well take it to the end. The first 2 and maybe 3 books of the series were great and I happily loaned them out to friends. My advice now is, "Don't get started!"
The writing style is obviously geared towards stretching out the story. The wide margins are a pitifull example of how the writers are milking the public for every last dime. This series should have been at most 6 books.
What started out with a bang is going out with a whimper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series just keeps getting better, it amazing how they show people the events in revalation. they tell the story in away that makes sense for today. it also helps to point out that Christian authors can be as succesful as non-christian authors. the important thing to remember is that the books are fiction, they are the way the authors chose to portrait events from the bible. so you can't be critical of every action in the books. if u want to read the writting its about read the book of revalations in the Bible.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carol murray
I'm not sure if the authors have tired now and wish they hadn't planned on a series of twelve books or not. The last two books seem as if the authors have taken a small premise and stretched it so very thin almost to the point of breaking. The pattern of chopping scenes is becoming very tiring and cliched. When taken for so long, you feel as if you deserve a better reward at the end than you are getting. The climax is so abrupt and has become more disappointing with each book. Major character defections are going to make the next book probably more interesting than the last few, but then it almost has to be. I've enjoyed the series overall, but have been greatly disappointed by each of the last three.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have to agree with several reviewers here who have pointed out that this story is begining to feel a bit padded. A good story needs to make the reader feel as though they are being pulled along with it, and this is rapidly causing me to loose that sensation. Still, I find myself enjoying the story and curious about what will happen next, so the authors are obviously succeeding on some levels with this series. It might not be as compelling as Caldwell's We All Fall Down or several other quality novels that explore the same teritory, but if you've read this far, I'd recomend picking this book up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have loved the whole series! So far Tim LaHaye and Jenkins do not disapoint. The reader is held in suspense from beginning to end of the book. How much destruction can the Anti-Christ cause before Christ arrives to save His people? How many will die? As a reader I have come to care for these characters and genuinely care what happens to them. LaHaye and Jenkins dont't take the easy way out and let all the characters succeed. They struggle and their very lives are at stake. This is a war. People die. Sometimes the other side scores a victory. Yes, we know the ending if we've read the bible, but do we know the ending for the individual characters. Suspense at its best! Another reason I love the series is that it makes Revelation real and understandable. Before, it was the one book of the bible I didnt read because it was too hard to understand. Thanks to the authors, I now can say I understand the bible a lot more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This entire plot of this book could have been written in about 20 pages. I am finding myself not liking characters that I initially loved. In this book, the authors turn Chloe into a complete idiot who jeopardizes herself along with everyone else in the San Diego underground. Ugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thank Mr. LaHaye and Mr. Jenkins for allowing God to use them in this series. Since it is fiction and we must realize that, it makes for some awesome reading, but it also gets the old brain to thinking. I don't want to be LEFT BEHIND! I pray that all who reads this review and read the Left Behind series, make Jesus their King. A wonderful series of books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best in the series, Armegeddon will leave you begging for more!
Armegeddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages is a thrilling novel that chronicles the continuing saga of the Tribulation Force as they hurtle toward the end of times and the Glorious Appearing.
As the Great Tribulation comes to a close, all of the members of the Tribulation Force are thrust into precarious positions.
Who will survive?
Read the eleventh installment of this cliffhanger (more so than Assassins!)by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins and find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linzi kelsey
I first picked up "Are we living in the End Times?". That was the most amazing book I ever read. I cross referenced it with the Bible. I have always been interested in Revelations. I am a Christian as of about a year ago and wanted to learn more about the Bible, I tried to read it but didn't understand that much of it. I picked up are we living in the end times and BAM. That helped so much. I then looked in the back of the book and saw that they had a Left Behind series and I have been hooked ever since. I am now on Armageddon. I read these so fast and I dont want this series to ever end...but I know the Lord is comming after these people so it has to end....but I love them all and it's so great to share this with them...I wonder if it's really going to be like the book...but I wont know...because I am going to be one of those that left others behind...I'm going in the rapture so I'll watch it from heaven.....I also sometimes get to hear Tim on my Christian radio station.Jerry and Tim keep up the great work...your books have helped me be a better Christian, Thank you so much for that!!! Pam... From Texas.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam peabody
Great price, fast shipping and plain ole gud reading. I gets excited bouts my books. I bought it used for $1.69, thumbs up to that. Shipping was $3.99, thumbs down to that. The book came in great condition. YEEHAWWW! There are 16 books in the series the best I can figure and the last 3 are really the first 3 (prequels). Get you a drank and a ham sammitch when you read this baby.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The day that Armageddon came out, I purchased this much anticipated 11th book in the "Left Behind" series. Two days and many tissues later, I am still in awe over the power that this book had on my life. It was like watching Daniel and Revelation come to life in my mind as I am reading. After finishing the book, I immediately opened my Bible and found the verses that described what I had just read. Out of this series, I would rate this book as if not the best, than one of the best. Be prepared for tears, anger and a hunger to yearn for the day of the Lord's Glorious Appearing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My oh my oh my, this as is the rest of this series is beautiful book. It paints a realistic view of what could happen in a world lost. I actually saw and heard the events and characters. This book fits into the storyline with ease and leaves one screaming for. This is part of a tale that will make you want to go back to the beging of the series if you missed any of it. However it can also sevive as a stand alone story. I recomend this book for any avid reader. It's the kind of book you may find hard to put down once you start reading it. You may also find yourself reading it again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought Armageddon was very good. For change, the book wasn't overly drawn out. For awhile there, it did seem that Chole, Buck, Tsion and Rayford were going to survive until the Glorious Appearance, but, lucky you will have to read it for yourself. I would rate this book as a MUST READ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole shaw
I couldnt put this book down. I dont care what any one says. If you believe in God and the bible you will love this book. To bad there are not more opened minded people in this world. That would except the truth. Because this will happen one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor lowery
I am a HUGE fan of Left Behind! I've been reading since December 1995 and even have first printings of all 11 Left Behind books in near mint condition -- my prized possessions! I've read the series all the way through 6 times and will do it again just before Glorious Appearing is released in March 2004. Anyway, I've been seing all the recommendations for In His Image by James BeauSeigneur and then I saw him on the Harvest Show on TV. Just to check it out, I bought the book and it really is a GREAT book. It's not at all like Left Behind even though it's about the end times. Instead you see things more from the perspective of non Christians who don't know what's hapening because things aren't as obvious as they are in Left Behind. Anyway, it looks like a really good series and all three books will be out before Glorious Appearing comes out in March, so it give me some exciting reading while I wait.
Also recommended: In His Image: Book 1 of The Christ Clone Trilogy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen donnelly
If you enjoy Left Behind, I would strongly second what so many other reveiwers have already said and suggest The
Christ Clone novels and We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell. Both are similar to Left Behind but vastly different in aproach. I read them while waiting for the eleventh Left Behind and, while I love that series, found them to be just as good, and possibly better.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
caitlin myers
It amazes me that two people who teach the Bible can produce this series. I expect the more educated among us to see the obvious, and even the not so obvious. The eschatology in this series has NO support in scripture when scripture is not eisegeted (that means when one doesn't insert their own ideas into the text). If these men claim the view of sola scriptura, or that all we teach must be based on the Bible as the only and final authority, then we would know that they didn't use the Bible to write this series, or they were deceiving us.
I have to wonder how they will present the so-called millennial kingdom. There are two main views in the dispensational camp. One is that during this 1000-year period, people will be saved by animal sacrifices. If they teach this, it will show that either they haven't read the Letter to the Hebrews and some other passages, or they don't believe all the Bible. The Bible teaches that anyone who reverts back to sacrifice crucifies the Son and God afresh and is sealed off from ever being saved. The other view is that people will be saved by works. No one in the Old or New Testaments was ever saved by works, save those perfect works of Christ credited to believing sinners (read Romans). And the Bible is clear that no one will ever be saved by the works of sinners; not even faith plus works. So if they teach that works will save people in this 1000-year period (a period the Bible never talks about), then they will be teaching a false Gospel. Then, Galatians 1:8, 9 will be true of them, these verses being the introduction to a heresy being taught about salvation by works and law.
As one once said, this is good reading if you enjoy stories like Buck Rogers. But from the standpoint of people's eternal souls and where they will be for eternity, these books are spiritually dangerous in the extreme.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue hobbs
Great price, fast shipping and plain ole gud reading. I gets excited bouts my books. I bought it used for $1.69, thumbs up to that. Shipping was $3.99, thumbs down to that. The book came in great condition. YEEHAWWW! There are 16 books in the series the best I can figure and the last 3 are really the first 3 (prequels). Get you a drank and a ham sammitch when you read this baby.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esther h lee
The day that Armageddon came out, I purchased this much anticipated 11th book in the "Left Behind" series. Two days and many tissues later, I am still in awe over the power that this book had on my life. It was like watching Daniel and Revelation come to life in my mind as I am reading. After finishing the book, I immediately opened my Bible and found the verses that described what I had just read. Out of this series, I would rate this book as if not the best, than one of the best. Be prepared for tears, anger and a hunger to yearn for the day of the Lord's Glorious Appearing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela thompson
My oh my oh my, this as is the rest of this series is beautiful book. It paints a realistic view of what could happen in a world lost. I actually saw and heard the events and characters. This book fits into the storyline with ease and leaves one screaming for. This is part of a tale that will make you want to go back to the beging of the series if you missed any of it. However it can also sevive as a stand alone story. I recomend this book for any avid reader. It's the kind of book you may find hard to put down once you start reading it. You may also find yourself reading it again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
austin book club
I thought Armageddon was very good. For change, the book wasn't overly drawn out. For awhile there, it did seem that Chole, Buck, Tsion and Rayford were going to survive until the Glorious Appearance, but, lucky you will have to read it for yourself. I would rate this book as a MUST READ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haitham alsawwaf
I couldnt put this book down. I dont care what any one says. If you believe in God and the bible you will love this book. To bad there are not more opened minded people in this world. That would except the truth. Because this will happen one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrey p
I am a HUGE fan of Left Behind! I've been reading since December 1995 and even have first printings of all 11 Left Behind books in near mint condition -- my prized possessions! I've read the series all the way through 6 times and will do it again just before Glorious Appearing is released in March 2004. Anyway, I've been seing all the recommendations for In His Image by James BeauSeigneur and then I saw him on the Harvest Show on TV. Just to check it out, I bought the book and it really is a GREAT book. It's not at all like Left Behind even though it's about the end times. Instead you see things more from the perspective of non Christians who don't know what's hapening because things aren't as obvious as they are in Left Behind. Anyway, it looks like a really good series and all three books will be out before Glorious Appearing comes out in March, so it give me some exciting reading while I wait.
Also recommended: In His Image: Book 1 of The Christ Clone Trilogy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa ambrose
If you enjoy Left Behind, I would strongly second what so many other reveiwers have already said and suggest The
Christ Clone novels and We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell. Both are similar to Left Behind but vastly different in aproach. I read them while waiting for the eleventh Left Behind and, while I love that series, found them to be just as good, and possibly better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael lander
Let me start first by saying I love this series. If it were possible I'd say I probably know it better than the authors, but as a writer myself I know there is little chance of that. The characters are alive, and the message is powerful. Though Glorious Appearing is my actual favorite book in the series (after all Jesus comes back in that one), this book stands tall at number two, and if for no other reason because of the Character Chloe Steele Williams. Her testimony during her incarceration had me praising the Lord. I am especially fond of when she sings in her cell with Caleb the angel. But the best part is when she gives her final testimony before she is executed. When Caleb kills Jock, it is sweet justice served, and when Chloe is killed (though she walks unescorted to her death) it was time to sing Victory in Jesus. Though Chloe is just a fictional character I often wonder if I would have such courage. It should be a question every Christian should ask themselves. This is an extraordinary book. Read it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tyler newton
This series of books should be read for fun and entertainment, not as a discourse in the theology of eschatology. I enjoyed reading the books myself, but would hesitate to recommend them to a new Christian or nonbeliever who might become confused.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
amy polk
I read all 12 of these things. Armageddon has it's moments but as with most of this series is sorely lacking. Nicolae and Leon are pretty lame as the incarnation of evil.. Nicolae acts more like a spoiled 11 yr old with the world's arsenal then the antichrist.

And Leon (was a buffoon and lacky) rather then "the False Prophet")

People either love or hate this series.. I for one do buy into the Dogma the series teaches. It is much different then the theology and spiritual beliefs I hold dear.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ok, I am a big fan of this series, but yet there was barelly any fighting or battle. Yes, the cliffhanger is awesome, but the authors are really strecthing it some. I give it 4 stars, because there was barelly any fighting or any wars. Wait until 12 comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just have to disagree entirely with someone named Luke who did a review and really lambasted LaHay and Jenkins for this recent book...."Armageddon". If this Luke guy and all other nay-sayer readers would read the books with an open mind, they wouldn't get themselves so shook up about them! Why can't people understand that these books are fiction with some biblical background prophecy! I think it's totally unfair to critize these two men for their writing.....ummm, aren't we still in the freedom of speech era here?....HELLO! Why can't readers just say they either liked the books or they didn't like them, period! Why must these two men be held in judgement as if they were heretics or something! Luke Weisgandon (or whatever his name is)should start looking at himself in the mirror...maybe he needs to take a good long look before he starts judging and accusing LaHay and Jenkins of preaching false doctrine! The book series of "Left Behind" are works of FICTION with biblical overtones.....that's it! Let the reader see or not see! Don't get so bent out of shape! If LaHay and Jenkins are attempting to give a message in their what! It's their speech....they have the right, and too bad if the reader can't handle it. Don't read the books if you can't stand them! Just get a life, why don't you! Quit thinking you are the only one with the truth! Other people see it differently you know!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris neal
I think Armageddon is a very good story, but not the best of the 11 books so far. The murder of some of the main characters was sad but was a great turn of events in this already fantastic series. I can't wait until Glorious Appearing. Until the 12th book is available, I also recommend Jacob's Trouble: A Story of the Tribulation ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee anne coombe
Although I knew things were going to get dicey in this chapter of the series I wasn't quite ready for what happened in this one. Sorry I'm not going to give it away, just know that the events will set you back in your seat.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave cheng
Having read all ten of the Left Behind series (all 5 stars!), book 11 - Armageddon was just as exciting. It was realistic having a couple key "believers" die in this book. I liked the was it ended without you knowing exactly which man died.
I wish I didn't have to wait until spring 2004 before reading book 12.
Keep up the good work, Tim and Jerry!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael heggemeyer
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara mutchler
Christian authors have different ideas on how Biblical prophecy will occur. Whether it's Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins' LEFT BEHIND series or James BeauSeigneur's CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY, the areas of agreement are much greater than where they disagree. Yes the focus is different - LEFT BEHIND looks at the end times through the eyes of believers and the CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY looks through the eyes of unbelievers - but where it's important, they're in agreement. The most exciting thing is that through these books (and other end times books) Christians are drawing close to Christ and nonChristians are hearing the Gospel and many are accepting Christ!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
random creativity
The last two books in this series have volumes of scripture in LaHayes and Jenkins attempt to use The Word as a way to create character development. They don't do a good job. I guess I am like the marathon runner. After spending so much time with the other books in the series, I felt forced to continue with the current edition.
This book's ending was very poorly conceived. It felt like the bell rang in an exam and everyone had to put down their pencils. Like most good things, there is time to call it a night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cara giovinazzo
The Left Behind series is an awesome toll to lead the unsaved to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. In a world full of cynical people, lost in despair, upon reading any part of this series, everyone will find someone to relate to. The Bible is still the Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth manual. However, while some may be reluctant to delve into the Bible, they may open their hearts and minds to Jesus Christ upon reading this series. Thank you Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins for allowing the Lord to lead you. God Bless you.
Joe and Deb Cannon
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is definitely one of my favorites of the series. I just love how Dr. LaHaye and Mr. Jenkins take so much scripture and turn it into a very fascinating fictional story that is highly based on truth. This book was a great and easy read much like the rest of the books I've read in the series so far.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
orquidea tropical
i haven't read the series yet and probably won't given that i now know that the anti-christ happens to be romanian. i too am romanian, born in the carpathian mountains and my middle name is nicolae. i'm sure the authors didn't mean that the actual anti-christ, when he does make himself known will be from romania, but just want all the readers out there to know that there are some good nicolaes born in the carpathian mountains in romania. that's all i have to say about that. enjoy reading the books though.
I do have to add, though, that I have browsed through the pages and actually found this series to be very plain and simple. For all those who like to use their brains, don't read these...however, if you want to vegitate, this is the perfect series for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grace lucas
I completely disagree with those who complain that the Left Behind series is too long. [I for one will be really bummed when Left Behind is over.] I completely agree with those who have recommended BeauSeigneur's In His Image, Birth of an Age, and Acts of God as a equally excellent end times series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda noble
I loved the first few books of the Left Behind series, as many did. However, there are only so many plots twists an author can come up with. Some of the books in the series have only reused old events and ideas, making them boring. While Armageddon is somewhat similar, there are a few new twists and turns. As always, LaHaye and Jenkins aren't afraid to kill off their characters, but this time they are not constantly replacing them by introducing new ones. The safe haven of Petra is also a nice touch: it takes away from the fear and hopelessness the reader feels for the characters because the characters are actually safe there. Also, the fact that the characters are so close to the Glorious Appearing gives the reader something new to anticipate and look forward to.
This book does have one major flaw in my mind. It often talks about how some people who have taken Carpathia's mark regret their decision. Yet, they have no hope and are constantly reminded that because of their mistake, Jesus will not take them back. This is not Christian. I understand that LaHaye's interpretation of Revelations is just one interpretation, but one of the basics of Christianity is that God is merciful. He forgives those who ask for forgiveness. Jesus died for our all of our sins, which in my mind would include taking the mark of the beast. Tsion Ben-Judah, the huge spiritual leader in this story, even announces to the world's non-Christians, "You pushed the patience of God past the breaking point." One of the beautiful things about Christian beliefs is that God's patience doesn't have a breaking point. He forgives us again and again because of His love for us.
Overall, this book is entertaining and pretty exciting. It's not a great work of literature or anything, but it's worth reading if you enjoy the Left Behind series. However, I wouldn't recommend it to be taken too seriously in its portrayal of Christianity or in its depiction of end times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
2004 Can't come quick enough! This was the best of the series so far...I have become so attached to these characters and to learn of some in their passing, I cried and was joyful to see they were in a better place. Don't pass this one up - It's great writing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin cook
I am an avid follower of the left behind series, I can say that this book is one of the best book i ever read. A must read, well, you have to start with book one. I can't wait for the next book ("Glorious Appearing").
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sandra e chow
That's it for me! I have been reading the series since its inception and have had enough of the EXTENDED version. This book has been dragged out to earn MONEY, not reach Christians. What a joke! Instead of being stupid and buying the book this time, I borrowed it from my aunt! I put it down after 70 pages...same old stuff and more new characters. When authors' start describing an Apple in detail, they lost the essence. You sold us Out Jenkins & LaHaye.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am finally coming to the end of this book that was to me one of the most difficult, yet suspenseful books of the whole series so far. I had to keep reminding myself that this was Christian fiction, as it was extremly violent and graphic. I was totally "stunned" to find towards the end of this book that one of the main, original characters of the beginning was killed in the manner that they were. I had cried during these difficult pages, and I am still saddened by the way it was handled. I didn't even see it coming until it was too late. Even then, I kept hoping that this person would be found and rescued by some of the other members of the Trib force, and not until an angel appeared, did I then realize that this person would indeed die. Whew! That over, I am now anxiously waiting to finish the last several pages so that I can begin the final book of the "Glorious Appearing". Gosh, if this book doesn't get you by the throat, then you need to check your pulse to see if you are still among the living.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph gagnon
What a wonderful series of books. I just wish they would write at least one each year instead of making us wait so long between books. Everyone should read these books, they will make you want to look to the bible for answers!!!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
h seyin
Everything! From the epic battle sequences to the explicit love scenes! I never felt so hot for religion. Tim LaHaye has made me consider straying from my marriage and having an affair with my best friend. He and I just love the whole Left Behind series. Christians Unite! And make love! All Night long!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Trying to relate some nonsense fiction to the fates and realities of real living people is ludicrous. Either all of you guys are at the far left on the bell curve or you are misfortunate enough to have been raised as a fundamentalist.
The bible was written by men and the koran was written by men. So please use your heads people and get in touch with reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristina white
I have adult ADD and am NOT a big reader, but this book and series keep my attention. Everyone should read this fictional account of how the 'End Days' may play out. It's theme is taken from the Book of Revelations, and at times is just riveting. Wonderful series!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mookarpa deeraksa
This series has dragged on long enough. The latest 400 page book is about 300 pages of preaching and about 50 pages where action does occur. Another book? Come on. End it. The real armageddon will occur before the series is finished. The time line also has gone haywire. The kid, Kenny was born in the series six years ago but he is only 4. If they had left out only 50 pages of preaching the series would be over. The story line is also very weak in this latest book of the series. Although there is action it is very predictable and for the most part foolish. BUT it points out that they needed to drag it out for yet another book. I would not be surprised if they even tried to drag it out longer than that.
I also have to agree with those who say that "The Christ Clone Trilogy" by James BeauSeigneur and "Conquest of Paradise" by Britt Gillette are better books and much more realistic end times scenarios.
Maybe just maybe the authors will get the end finsih the book before next year and end the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ms michaelis
i cannot wait for the next book to arrive, the book starts off with not much action but then the pace picks up with chloe being captured, will she survive, will she be killed? that had me sprinting through half of the book, then there came the wild scampering all over the world as new babylon was destroyed and if things could not get more exciting, we are left with a cliff hanger wondering if rayford or buck died. great book indeed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer zellinger
Wow! Just a simply amazing account of what the end might be like for Earth's inhabitants. Steeped in Biblical revelation, and seasoned with great literary character development, the entire series has been a joy to read - and impossible to put down!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer mueller
Trying to relate some nonsense fiction to the fates and realities of real living people is ludicrous. Either all of you guys are at the far left on the bell curve or you are misfortunate enough to have been raised as a fundamentalist.
The bible was written by men and the koran was written by men. So please use your heads people and get in touch with reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i cannot wait for the next book to arrive, the book starts off with not much action but then the pace picks up with chloe being captured, will she survive, will she be killed? that had me sprinting through half of the book, then there came the wild scampering all over the world as new babylon was destroyed and if things could not get more exciting, we are left with a cliff hanger wondering if rayford or buck died. great book indeed!
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