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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So thankful she stayed true to her characters in many trilogies book three is horrible filled with unnecessary plot twist. But they way she invited the new characters was seamless and truly integrated. Love the fact that Isis was able to get her power back and still manages to get the man, love the way Jack was able to release his demons and accept what his heart truly felt.

Beautiful book, series, and writing filled with true emotions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia doss
4.5/5 Stars

This review MAY contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

This series definitely ended out on a high note. I very much enjoyed the first two books in this series, and this one even more so. As with the first two books, I finished this book in one sitting.

This book had an entirely different vibe from the first two books. And if I'm honest, it felt like the last book was more New Adult than Young Adult. The main characters have moved on from high school and are all going to college in this final installment. While there were many friendships, there was not a lot of family involvement in the characters lives.

Another thing that was different about this book from the other two books was the pacing of the story. The second book jumped right back into the story from where it had left off. This book starts out months after the close of the second book. And we get a recap from the main character's point of view, which was more telling than showing. I am not usually a fan of this style, but it kind of works in the end. I honestly wasn't jamming with it in the beginning, but once the story picked up from there things got better. It just made the beginning of the book feel too slow and boring.

I enjoyed the plot. It definitely heats up a bit compared to the first two books. It did feel like something out of left field at first. Basically, just really unbelievable in most parts. I could still enjoy the story though. It isn't like these events couldn't happen in real life, just highly unlikely to happen and sync the way they do in the book. But the story was definitely full of suspense. I honestly did not know what was going to happen next.

Like the first two books of this series, this book is also character driven. There is not a lot of world-building, but the book does not suffer for it. This series is a contemporary and it's really about the characters. The setting could have been anywhere where there are traditional high schools and colleges. The characters are what drive the story and make it shine.

The character development for the two main characters really comes full circle. These characters have past traumas to confront, face, deal with, and then come back to feeling okay again. It's really one of the main points of the series. Learning how to deal with the horrors of life, not running away from your problems, and learning to be okay with yourself in the end. I really felt connected to these characters throughout the series, but even more so after finishing this final book. I have so many feels!

This book, and this series as a whole, deals with a lot of sensitive issues that some may find triggering. I applaud the author for including them. They are issues that are quite real and many do not see the light of day in Young Adult literature. Off the top of my head, some of the issues are rape, abuse, self-harm, suicide, PTSD, mental illness, anxiety, underage prostitution, violence, miscarriage, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, stalking, and more that I am probably forgetting at the moment.

Overall, this story is definitely one that will stick with me. I can see myself rereading it at some point in the future. This series is one the I would recommend to a mature Young Adult audience. I have no doubt that anyone that picks up these books will fall just as in love with the characters that I did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lance rubin
Review copy provided by EntangledTeen.

Remember Me Forever is the third and last book of Sara Wolf’s Lovely Vicious trilogy, when we are brought back to the world of Isis and Jack. It’s been over three years since Isis Blake has fallen in love, and with Jack having disappeared off the surface of the planet, she tries to get over it by living a normal life as possible until she comes across someone she would rather never see again.

Sara Wolf’s latest book is the darkest of the three books - the first book, Love Me Never, is very light-hearted: there is a lot of laugh out loud moments, snarky comments, and a great banter between Isis and Jack. The second, Forget Me Always, is a little darker than the first, but Isis still has her moments. Wolf gives us a few teasers from Jack’s and Isis’s past without fully revealing anything. Remember Me Forever brings both Jack’s and Isis’s past to light, and their confrontations towards it.

I adored Isis throughout the entire trilogy, and it’s no wonder Jack adores her as well. Isis has a quirky personality - despite all she’s gone through, she tries to find light of the situation. She takes the situations she’s in and spins them right back with a funny comeback, even if it may be well over the top. (I suppose this is because I cope the same way - I come back with an evil little comment.)

I also really liked how Isis takes what happens to her and tries to help others who are in a similar situation before anything bad actually happens to them. Isis, however, doesn’t do that by going to someone else entirely - she confronts the perpetrator herself. All of that is, in a way, helping her prepare for the final confrontation - her past.

It was an absolute joy to go through a part of Isis’s and Jack’s journey of life - the Lovely Vicious trilogy deals with a dark topic, but has a great balance of funny and serious.
Remember Me Like This: A Novel :: Remember Me :: Something to Remember: Prequel to Forget Me Not :: Remember Me This Way: A Novel :: METRO 2035. English language edition. (METRO by Dmitry Glukhovsky) (Volume 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine reinehr
Thank you to Entangled Teen and Sara Wolf for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for review! All opinions are my own.

I knew this book was going to destroy me the second I started it. I've been on an absolutely roller coaster of a journey with Isis and while I wanted to get to the conclusion of her story, I also never wanted to see it end. This series got to me in a way that I never imagined it would and it has stuck with me in the best possible way. Remember Me Forever is the conclusion that I had hoped for since finishing Forget Me Always last year.

Jack Hunter has dropped off the face of the planet, leaving a hole in Isis Blake that she definitely doesn't care about at all. After Sophia's funeral, he vanished, but she seriously doesn't care. Determined to move on and be happy, Isis puts on a smile and prepares for her new life in college at Ohio State University. She's got a great roommate and visits planned with her mom for every other weekend. What could possibly go wrong? Nameless, that's what could go wrong. He's attending OSU, too, which sends Isis spiraling into a terrified black hole because it's Nameless and what else can she do? He's taunting Isis with something she wants- something she needs to move on. Isis has always been good at pretending that she's okay, but not anymore. She may be good at piecing herself back together, but Jack Hunter is much better.

I can't handle all of the feelings that this book gave me, but I loved every second of it. I really enjoyed reading about Isis basically having to conquer her worst fear and seeing how she dealt with it in her own way. Of course, there was a ton of sass involved, but she eventually was able to stand up for herself and I can't lie, I cried. There was so much more to this book than just the insanely complicated sort-of romance between Isis and Jack. Isis had to finally take back her life from Nameless, Jack had to grow up (because seriously you can only pull the dark past brooding teenager act for so long but boy did he draw it out as long as possible) and realize that he does deserve happiness (seriously child get over yourself and just be happy please), and the two of them had to work together to realize that yes, they do belong together. I couldn't get enough of watching Isis and Jack grow even more, both as a couple and as individual people, and seeing their transformation was just fantastic. Yes, you will get a fabulous love story with this book series, but you'll also get to read about the characters tackling serious issues such as abuse, teenage pregnancy, first love, death, and so much more. One of the best parts of this trilogy is how unapologetically real and raw it can get while still having some incredibly funny situations thrown in there, especially when it comes to Isis. Contemporary has never been a genre that I get the grabby hands for, but when it comes to this series (and honestly, any of Sara Wolf's future work) I will dive headfirst into a pool of sharks for it.

Isis Blake is the queen of sass forever and ever and no one can convince me otherwise. She's still the same sassy, sarcastic, food-loving, Jack Hunter hate-loving character that I fell in love with from the first page of the first book. It's impossible not to love someone that you see so much of yourself in. Of course, I'm nowhere near as sassy as she is, but maybe one day! She's herself, with no apologies, and that's all I could ever want from a character that I'm reading about. I love how she doesn't let anything change her, even when she sees Nameless again. From the first book to this final one, Isis just continues to grow and surprise the reader with how fabulously real she is. I'm almost positive that everyone who reads this will be able to relate to Isis in one way or another.

Jack Hunter is still the brooding romantic-in-his-own-way weenie that we've become so familiar with and love to hate but probably love more than hate. In Remember Me Forever, you definitely get a heavy dose of "I don't deserve to be happy" immediately followed by "I love her so much" with a side of "But she deserves better than a monster like me." Honestly, there were multiple times when I just screamed at my Kindle because he was driving me crazy with his constant negativity towards himself and how he would frequently push and pull Isis around. Fortunately, it doesn't last forever! The last half was so satisfying for me as a reader and I definitely did more than one happy dance as I finished the book. Not only does Isis grow, but so does Jack, and I was so insanely proud to see how much these two characters that I've grown to love were able to turn into beautiful butterflies at last. Their development in this book alone was enough to make me cry and feel so proud of them!

I did enjoy the side characters, minus that butthead Nameless guy. The friendship between Isis and her roommate was one that I think was incredibly important to her in that she was able to help Isis when Nameless was threatening to ruin her completely and she stood by her no matter what. I also thought the relationship between the roommate and her "friend" was absolutely precious and was my second favorite relationship in the book. The first obviously being Isis and Jack. Also, I thought that Isis' grandmother was fantastic. I read the opening with a huge smile on my face thinking that she was an A+ grandmother and even made a note about how much I loved her. It was a small part, but it was one that left a lasting impression on me. All of the side characters you meet were so unique and well-written, even grumpy Charlie! I love that Sara Wolf has the ability to write about this intense relationship between two people and have the reader fall in love with those two people, but also writes these side characters that you can't help but like. They're just all so fabulous in their own way and they all fit into Isis' world almost effortlessly.

I can't brag enough about how much I adore the writing of Sara Wolf. She just has this way of writing that draws you in and makes you have to read more. It feels so real, like I could go to a college campus and see Isis running around knocking over trashcans and yelling about whatever she's currently focused on with Jack following behind picking them up and apologizing to people. These may be characters in a book, but they were so very real to me. I'm so passionate about them in a way that I never could have imagined and I will never forget them. That's why I enjoy her writing so much. It's so easy to lose yourself in the world she's created and the characters that she's writing about that you can easily picture it all being real. She writes about real issues that teenagers face, addressing them in a serious way (such as Isis confronting her abuser), but still manages to make you laugh in between the serious parts. Sara Wolf is incredibly talented at bringing her readers in to the world she's written about and making you want to stay. You'll laugh, cry, be angry, and so much more, but the most important thing is that you will enjoy every second of every emotion you experience while reading her books.

This trilogy is one that holds a special place in my heart and is one that I'm so grateful that I had an opportunity to read. With amazing characters, realistic writing, and a story line that is sure to stick with you long after you've finished, Remember Me Forever is a fantastic conclusion to an unforgettable trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 “Living is really weird.” Stars!

The Review:
I’m on the fence about this one, between really loving it or just really liking it. Whereas I absolutely LOVED the first two books, this one left me ... disappointed? That’s not really the right word, but it’s close. I still loved the story. I still loved Isis and Jack .. especially Isis. She never fails to impress me or make me laugh and she never fails to break my heart, but I was a little disappointed in the story itself. It just didn’t go the way I expected it to.

The beginning was great. Isis spends the summer contemplating her life choices after the horrific and sad ending in book two. She spends time with her estranged dad and goes to see her Gran, who I instantly connected with because now I understand where Isis get’s her wild streak and her endearing personality. She also spends time looking for Jack after his mom begs for her help in finding him. After her searches turn up nothing, she’s off to college to start living out her life as best she can, even with a broken heart. But her own painful past quickly catches up to her.

Jack is in the worse kind of self-torture. He blames himself for Sophia and he also thinks he let Isis down in the worse way possible. Drinking himself to death and fighting his way from town to town, he’s knocking on death's door when Gregory, from book two, finds him and persuades him to work for him. Now he’s on a mission to catch a bad guy and runs into Isis, who he never thought he’d see again.

Isis... she can’t be summed up with words. She’s too mythical. She’s my unicorn! I just loved her so freaking much. Her personality is a force of nature unlike any I’ve read before. You can’t help but love her and you can’t help but be drawn to her.

I enjoyed Jack in this book to, but his choices confused me. And it all comes from the direction the author took the book. Like I said, I enjoyed this story, but Jack goes from reluctant escort who needed money for Sophia, to a bodyguard/spy who needed the challenge to contain his inner demons. He takes a job that puts him directly in the path of Will, Isis’s tormentor, and he has every intention of making Will pay for everything he did to Isis. That part was realistic, considering how much he cared for Isis, but his bodyguard/spy career was kind of a stretch, for an eighteen year old. And then when this story unfolds, Jack spends a lot of time pushing Isis away and Isis spends most of the story finding herself. I loved that Isis was able to work through her self doubts and her issues. It was heartbreaking to watch, but I loved it. However, the author spent a great deal of time fleshing out her character when we already knew her so well, and she sacrificed the romance between Jack and Isis for inconsequential things in the story.

In other words, we spend a lot of time watching Isis go to parties, make friends, pulling pranks and ruminating over her feelings. We spend a lot of time watching Jack do his spy thing and pushing Isis away. We don’t see a lot in the way of romance or reconnecting between these two, until the last few chapters of the book. I wanted romance. I wanted reconnecting and I wanted to see them being happy together instead of Jack still sleeping with other women for his job and Isis mackin' on guys that weren’t Jack. There just wasn’t enough of Jack and Isis ... together ... to satisfy me.

I did enjoy Isis getting her her own in the end though! Oh how those scenes just made my day! But that ending... I both loved and disliked it. I loved it because it showed us a beautiful HEA, after all the heartbreak. But I also disliked it because it was short and didn’t make much sense. It felt rushed and the “where are they now” part just didn’t fulfill me the way I wanted.

Special Shout of for The writing...
Reading Isis’s hurt was so palatable! It was painful and totally made my insides burn, my eyes water and I felt like my heart was being pulled from my chest on so many occasions. This author did a phenomenal job sucking me into the “feels” of Isis, and the pain Jack was in, yanking deep, soul searing emotions out of me. I felt their pain down to my bones and I LOVE stories that can do that for me. Fantastic writing!

The Wrap Up:
Overall, I felt the romance was sacrificed for inconsequential scenes and unnecessary character development. This book didn’t go the way I thought it would. And after books one and two totally blew me away, I guess I was a bit disappointed. But I enjoyed it nonetheless and this is still going into my reread pile!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
By far my favorite book in the series!!! While some of the plot felt contrived in the second book and it took me a while to warm up to both Jack and Isis in the first book, this one got everything right as far as I'm concerned. Isis was spunkier, which made her witty humor come across as more lovable and less defensive.

Still reeling from Sophia's suicide, Isis leaves behind her mom and an opportunity at Stanford to got to Ohio State (THE Ohio State in case you're from that area) University. She feels like a child in an adult world, which is exactly what she needs to grow up. she quickly befriends a couple of quirky characters before running into not one, but two ghosts from her past. Both Nameless and Jack turn her world upside down in different ways -- ways that help her on her continued path to healing.

The main plot is the relationship between Jack and Isis, but Isis deals with her past with Nameless and her future. Jack has subplots involving his own demons as well as his employment with the mysterious Gregory. All of the loose ends from the previous two books are tied up neatly in a satisfying conclusion.

I love how much growth both characters experienced. They were so much easier to root for in this book. Isis is still snarky and Jack is still, well, Jack, but different. Isis's self-deprecating humor and penchant for thinking out loud were more lighthearted and endearing than weird and dark. Jack comes into his own, and instead of being more mysterious, his actions make sense. He, too, is less dark and twisty. The new characters, Isis roommate and her girlfriend, contribute to the softer tone of this this installation that is more lovely than vicious.

1. Isis. Right out of the blocks, she was hilariously eccentric in that way only Isis can be.

2. Jack. He finally has his sh*t together and has become the boy, or man, Isis deserves.

3. Revenge. Without giving anything away, there is a scene with Unnamed at the end that makes the build up through three books worth it.

4. Gregory. I didn't know what to make of him in the second book, but his personality is revealed in REMEMBER ME FOREVER in a way that makes all of his actions understandable.

5. The Ending. I love the way the author wrapped up this book and the series. It's completely satisfying, although I will miss Jack and Isis terribly.

Bottom Line
My favorite book in the series, it has a lighter tone and wraps up all the loose ends with characters I've grown to love.

I was provided with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy day
Book Talk 5/19/17
Traci Kenworth

Remember Me Forever by Sara Wolf. Entangled 2017. Netgalley.
Isis Blake hasn’t fallen in love in three years, forty-three weeks, and two days. Or so she thinks.
The boy she maybe-sort-of-definitely loved and sort-of-maybe-definitely hated has dropped off the face of the planet in the face of tragedy, leaving a Jack Hunter–shaped hole. Determined to be happy, Isis fills it in with lies and puts on a brave smile for her new life at Ohio State University.
But the smile lasts only until he shows up. The menace from her past―her darkest secret, Nameless―is attending OSU right alongside her. And he’s whispering that he has something Isis wants―something she needs to see to move forward. To move on.
Isis has always been able to pretend everything is okay. But not anymore.
Isis Blake might be good at putting herself back together.
But Jack Hunter is better.
The Lovely Vicious series is best enjoyed in order.

Reading Order:

Book #1 Love Me Never
Book #2 Forget Me Always
Book #3 Remember Me Forever

Spoiler Alert!
Isis has gone to college, trying her best to move on with Jack disappearing. The others are left to pick up the pieces. As her friends move off in different directions, Isis vows she won’t let circumstances break her. So, she goes about making new friends, going to class, but something is about to destroy her. She’s about to encounter Nameless, a boy who tortured her and more in her old high school. What she doesn’t know is: Jack has been working with a special organization that catches criminals and his assignment this time is Nameless.
When the three collide on campus, all chaos breaks out. Can Isis heal from her past? Will Jack be there for her? Does Nameless get what he deserves?

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book! It was a fantastic read and a fabulous end to the series! Isis and Jack are just a SUPER couple and they are not to be missed. The book is part mystery, part thriller, with a hot romance thrown in. There’s just steamy scenes, so no worries if you watch out for something more. What I love about these books is the deep relationships. Between frenemies. Between friends. I think Sara Wolf did a bang-up job getting the predator/prey relationship out there as well. As someone who has been there, I think these books go a long way to showing girls that life is not over. You can recover!
I’m giving it *****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy. Sweet. Mother. of. Literary. Gods.

Just give me a moment to recollect my thoughts because my brain is in a huge emotional mess.

I've been waiting on the third book FOREVER and I devoured it like a starved creature deprived of food for a freaking whole millennium. After the cliffhanger ending in Forget Me Always, I've been stalking the news for the release of Remember Me Forever like a vulture. When it landed on my kindle, I literally couldn't sleep and mentally prepare myself for the emotional roller coaster I'm about to embark on.

Without a doubt, Isis and Jack managed to reduce me to a sobbing mess.

The story continues with Jack's disappearance after Sophia's death, Isis decided to move on with her life by attending Ohio State University in hopes of leaving those memories behind - despite how painful they were - only to find out the subject of her torment, Nameless was also a student in OSU.

Sara Wolf has been my auto-buy author. With Isis Blake, she has created a character that I find myself relate to most. Her quirkiness, craziness and incessant rambling were a replica of my own self and I take pride of having the chance to get to know her. To be honest, Isis Blake is the first female heroine that I have a huge girl-crush for (not that I would ever neglect Jack, I need a Jack of my own!) and I love her strength in enduring the worst of her nightmares.

In Remember Me Forever, Isis once again proved how selfless she was by putting other people's needs before hers and turn awful situations into funny moments with her sarcasm. My heart bled for a girl who has been so brutally scarred and beat down and yet she still held on to the tiny shred of hope that she is deserving of love.

“I love you,” I blurt. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for saying it, but I love you.”

Jack, on the other hand, was consumed by his own anger and guilt that he felt undeserving of Isis' love.

“You are the sun, I try to say, You are the most important. You are the only light that's ever truly pierced my armor. You are the happiness and the spark and the one girl who never ran, who never cowered, who saw through my facade. I will never meet another girl like you, I will never want anyone as much as I want you. I don't deserve you.”

But the most heartbreaking part for me was where Isis kept spiraling down deeper into darkness. The feeling of being alone and helpless was so brutally raw, I wept my way through those moments.

“I'm crazy and going crazier, and I don't know how to stop it.
I don't know how to stop this horrible darkness from eating me alive, and no one in the world is going to help me.”

But despite it all, the ups and downs, the angst and drama, I was so happy that Jack and Isis found a way to each other. Their chemistry was explosive and it was so hard to believe that they hated each other at first! Isis and Jack are like Yin and Yang, both sides of the same coin, and it felt like they could take over the world by storm with each other by their sides.

Brutally raw, emotional and heartbreaking - with a twist of Isis humor-, Sara Wolf delivered a heartbreaking story of two broken souls who stumbled, fell and found each other in the end.

Utterly beautiful and profound, I'll reread the series a million times and it will still feel like the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matthew yapchaian
4 stars -- I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

Huh, I just read my review for book 2 and realized I'm feeling the exact same way! I really really enjoyed the book, but I don't have an immediate gut feeling for rating. I don't get it. It's so weird. This time I assumed it was just my mood, but maybe it's just something about these books. There's just so much to them, and they're kind of odd, and so they don't give you that immediate feeling for how to rate them. Or maybe it's just me.

So yes, babbling concluded, I really did enjoy the finale to this trilogy. Isis was still the Isis we fell in love with in the first two books. She is so wonderfully odd, like so odd you can't even describe her (b/c you know I totally tried to describe her to my husband), but she just enchants me with her wit mixed with horribly childish humour. I know, it's a terribly weird combination. And then you add in her vulnerability and totally skewed sense of self, and she just gets to me you know? She made me laugh laugh laugh, and then cry too...

And we got just a wee bit more of Jack than even in the second book. I shouldn't love that boy, he is his own realm of broken. Like he should have a whole planet to hold his broken. But maybe that's why he gets to me too, you know? Because you see how the choices he's made really have affected him too. And even though he kept making HORRIBLE choices, I still rooted for Jack and Isis. I still wanted the ending that I got. OK, I will admit there was a moment where I kind of wanted a super big twist ending with Kieran, but it was like a fraction of a second.

The plot type things that happen in this series can be a wee bit outside of believability, but they entertain me anyways. I had a bit of a hard time with the revenge aspect. Don't get me wrong, what happened totally fit with Jack's and Isis's personalities, it was VERY CONSISTENT with what we knew about both of them. But it doesn't make me feel good. I think that's what makes this book (and this series) so odd too. Isis and Jack aren't the most morally awesome characters. It makes it hard to cheer for everything they do, you know?

I enjoyed some of the new secondary characters, and I'm so glad we still saw Wren and Kayla a bit. Again, as with the rest of the series, the secondary characters play a role, but not as big as I sometimes like. It's like we get teased with them, but I'm always left wanting a bit more.

I found a few little things got dropped in the narrative. Like Isis's Mom. I needed more there. And the plane ticket. What was the point of that?

But yeah, I'm super satisfied. I'm so happy that it really lived up to what I was expecting of it, even if I had no idea where it would go. I'll definitely be looking for more by Ms. Wolf in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After finishing Love Me Never, I honestly didn't think any sequel would compare. Then came along Forget Me Always, and I realized how very wrong I had been. Now that I have finally had the honor of reading Remember Me Always, I realize that I was an idiot to ever doubt Sara Wolf.

The journey that we started in the beginning of this precious gem of a series ends with a bang. And explosive, uncontrollable outbursts of tears. Isis Blake has come so very far from that first book. She is still Isis Blake, full of snark and humor and pain, but she has grown exponentially throughout this emotional series. Jack is... Jack. A beautiful broken boy who doubts himself and scares himself sometimes. He is struggling to get control back. He is struggling to protect the ones he loves, even if it is from himself.

I can't and won't tell you much about the book. Mainly because pretty much everything I could say would be a spoiler. I will just tell you this... This book is painful and glorious and beautiful and funny and dark. It is the lives of two very different people who are struggling with very real issues, fighting to stay away from each other but always drawn back. It is about beautiful, lasting friendships, old and new, that hold Isis and Jack together when they can't hold themselves together.

This series is my favorite, I think. At least, my favorite in a long long time. I am hopelessly in love with these characters. This is a series that I will be thinking about for a long time to come. And a series that I will happily revisit over and over.

And it is a romance that will be etched in my memory, always.

If you haven't read this series yet, GO NOW! If you haven't read the finale, jump on it asap. It couldn't have been a better ending. Thanks Sara Wolf, for Isis, Jack, Wren, Kayla, Sophia, Tallie, and all of the new, awesome characters we got to meet. This was the best!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It feels like I was waiting forever for this book and I was so looking forward to reading the conclusion to Isis and Jack's story.

It opens several months after the funeral and Isis is trying to get on with her life in the wake of Jack's sudden departure. She moves to college, strikes up some new friendships and is trying to move forward when Nameless shows up on campus. Then Jack makes an appearance and her heart starts to hurt all over again. Jack is battling his feelings and he's determined to stay away from Isis before he ruins another girl that he loves.

I enjoyed that we got dual POV here and it helped because otherwise, I think I would have done a total U-turn on my feelings for Jack. He's in a whole world of pain and shutting Isis out from misguided protection, but at least I could understand where it was coming from.

Isis is her usual crazy, nutty self and I loved how she didn't apologize for that. I felt her fear with Nameless but she was strong and brave in the end confrontation.

When our couple finally admits their feelings the romance was everything I had been hoping for and more. This pair is so perfect together and I loved it!

I love my angst and drama and this book had enough of that to hold my attention. I also adore Sara's writing style and her prose is great. Without a shadow of a doubt, the best thing about this series are the two mains and the funny witty banter between them. Sometimes Isis behavior was downright cringey but I've got to give kudos to Sara for creating a unique, refreshingly different one a kind female heroine. She has her flaws and her strengths and she undergoes great development as the series progresses. Jack is an unlikely male hero in some ways but no less interesting and definitely swoon worthy. Characterization was superb.

However, there were a few issues that stopped me from rating this five stars. The first quarter of the book is very slow moving and not much happens. I've been waiting for three books for our couple to get together and they only did at the 77% mark on my kindle - I just didn't get enough of their romance or enough scenes of them together and the epilogue felt rushed and unsatisfactory. The other issue I have is with the Nameless subplot - it lacked depth and credibility as a result and I think more could've been done with it.

In summary, though, this was a stellar conclusion to a fabulous series and one I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

Thanks to Entangled Teen for providing an ARC of this book, which I have voluntarily reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Isis Blake in the third book of the Lovely Vicious series is off to college. Jack Hunter has blown town and his goodbye...a plane ticket! Isis bravely leaves for Ohio State University and determines to be happy even if she has to lie to convince herself. When Nameless, her darkest secret shows up she is shaken to the core, only more so by the fact Jack Hunter appears right behind him. Can she keep it together and save her college life?

I have not read book 1 or 2 of this series. As a result the start was really shaky to me. I thought seriously about DNFing this book after the talk with her grandmother about suicide. Her thoughts on how suicide is right if a person wants it and no one being to blame but the suicider felt wrong. Bullies can be to blame when a person suicides (not in this case) as well as chemical imbalances which are an irregularity of the body, not a choice! It is better to live, life gets better especially when you are at rock bottom. I understand her grandmother didn't want her to beat herself up but this kind of thinking doesn't get people with thoughts of suicide the help they need!

This wasn't my only problem with the first 25% of the book... Here were my thoughts at 17%:
"This is so hard to read...this girl doesn't feel real...I definitely can't envision some guy dominating her... she's just too much and on top of all the telling I'm choking on this story... I do like Jack and despite all of his telling his story and the hacker job is intriguing! I think I can keep reading due to him but these kids read like 25 year olds not teenagers..." Finally at 23% I felt like the story started for real... she sees Nameless and freaked out. The story definitely got a lot better once the recapping was over... she still felt high as a kite but it got good once she found some friends! So I took off 1 star for the really rough start. I know that this is partially due to it being a 3rd book but I felt like a lot of it was unnecessary. This story stood well on it's own laurels. This beginning did not help me to understand the later story and most of it is revealed again naturally in the course of events.

The other thing I got sick of was the portrayal of drinking, partying, sex and drugs in the story... So you are unhappy?! So what? Not every teenager who feels this way handles their feelings in such a juvenile manner. *Sigh* If any of these are turn offs to you I suggest not reading the book, its not in one spot where you can skip it, it's spread judiciously through the entire book...

I loved the dual POVS! Jack contrasted Isis nicely and if he had only broken up her rants more in the middle their narratives would have worked perfectly. I felt like besides the beginning the writing was so, so good! Here is Jack talking about Isis, it is restrained and yet emotional:

"She is fire and rage, all claws extended, her hair swirling around her in the gentle summer night wind and her cinnamon eyes ablaze with light from the hall. She shines in the velvet darkness, a little thinner than I remember, and a little sadder, but burning all the same. Always burning. I warm myself on her fury, embracing the searing hot-sweet feel of her wrath and all the vibrant life behind it."

Here is Isis on overdrive, all pop culture and crazy twisting thoughts that reflect Isis in the most perfectly iconic way possible:

"Just look at Hollywood—there’s drama around every corner. And kale. Hollywood really loves kale. And like, babies. God forbid science ever makes a baby out of kale within five hundred miles of Los Angeles, because then it will be war, with Gucci guns and heavily armed limo drivers and I would put all my betting money on Vin Diesel and the Rock, who would obviously team up and become the ultimate kale-baby rescue team, with me as their outfit coordinator–slash–witty sidekick."

I loved all the characters that Isis had rooting for her: Kayla and Wren, Yvette and Donna, Kieran and Charlie. They weren't perfect relationships but they were real...

There are so many great details in this book...
-a lesbian relationship and friendship
-the best long distance best friends forever relationship
-cute nicknames for people you don't like: Hemorrhoid with redemption at the end
-pranks on nasty professors
-a wonderful forgiving woman as an example to all
-an incredible handling of a delicate invasive situation
-sex with the conversation frank and cute and just how you'd hope your first time is
-a dash of spy danger and espionage

There you have it... a taste of all the good stuff! By the end I had forgotten the terrible beginning and was really rooting for Isis and Jack. I wanted them to be happy and actually the epilogue is spot on for them to me! If not for that start I would totally give this book 4 stars...Isis has been through so much and to come out the other side with her attitude and defense mechanisms is pretty incredible!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thank you to Entangled Teen and NetGalley for a copy of the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

Isis is back and it's been a few months since Sophia's suicide. She hasn't been handling it well, but what makes everything worse is that Jack just took off. He didn't say one word just completely disappeared.

So Isis is trying to be okay with everything and is doing the best that she can. After a summer vacation at her Dad's, she returns to Ohio to get ready to attend Ohio State. Once at Ohio State, she meets Yvette and after having a fabulous conversation they discover they are roommates.

As Isis continues to adjust to life at college and without Jack, she is thrown into a tailspin when she discovers that Nameless also attends the college and that Jack is here as well. Can Isis let go of the past? Can she leave Jack behind? Will Jack finally come to his senses and tell Isis's how he feels about her?

I have loved every single minute of this trilogy. I devoured all three books and reading this one today made me want to re-read them all. The only thing that made me a little sad was Isis was not herself in this book, and I know it was showing her that way because of everything that had happened, but I missed the girl who got in a game of wits and revenge with Jack in the first book. That is my only little complaint.

I did very much adore seeing her leave some of the pain behind, of finally becoming free from the past, that made it all worth it. I love her snark, and her friendships. How she has puked on more than one person's shoes, and that despite being broken she picks herself up and tries so hard to move forward.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
charlotte knaggs
*I received a complimentary copy of this book.*

This book was really unpredictable and it messed my feelings. It deals with some pretty heavy issues but they were handled sensitively and realistically. My heart completely broke for Isis, the strong and sassy girl I knew was trying to drown her feelings by drinking and partying. Jack, I don't know what to feel about this guy. I mean, I loved Jack but taking off all of a sudden, leaving your loved ones behind when they need you the most? He let me down.

And how can I forget about Nameless? That guy did a number on Isis. She was a master at hiding behind her facade but when face to face with Will, we got to see her vulnerable side.He got the perfect punishment in return but even that was less regarding what he actually did. But I was pleased how Isis handled everything. Yvette and Diana were the two characters I loved so much. They were perfect for each other and such great friends to Isis. They were the one along with Kayla who was really there for Isis when she was falling apart. I was so glad when Isis finally decided to get help.

I was glad Gregory knocked some sense into Jack.The plot was unpredictable and I enjoyed how it was executed and I couldn't put this book down. The writing was smooth and easy to read and the pace was even throughout the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
Thanks to Entangled Teen and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Remember Me Forever by Sara Wolf! The refreshing sense of humor of Isis Blake opens the story and I'm so happy to be with her again:). She's setting off fireworks at the top of a chimney with her beloved grandmother at four in the morning. We can see where Isis gets her interesting personality. The author recaps the past events of Isis' and Jack's lives smoothly and through alternating points of view. Their roller coaster relationship makes life difficult for both Isis and Jack. They are both trying to figure out their present plans and their futures. This book is the culmination of past relationships, struggles and secrets that have haunted their individual lives and the people they love. I love the snark and out loud ramblings from Isis and also her generous personality and the mystery of Jack and ALL that he encompasses. Remember Me Forever is romantic, suspenseful and fun and ends the series perfectly, 5 stars. Sara wolf knows how to bring her characters to life and have them grow and become part of her readers' hearts. At the end of this book, a new series by Sara Wolf is introduced- Bring Me Their Hearts which is planned for release in 2018! I'm interested!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bob crawshaw
In an Oyster Shell – A thrilling finale to the series.

The Pearls – The humor in this book is unprecedented. Isis makes a lot of jokes as joking is her defense mechanism. They are really funny. Jack see’s it for what it is. Yet, it still makes for a humorous read.

The POV is done from both Isis and Jacks side. That helps because if we didn’t have Jack’s POV it would be hard to tell what he is thinking. He is a hard character to read when seen from Isis’s POV. So both POVs are appreciated.

The romance has been teased all throughout the series and it finally comes to a conclusion. It’s satisfying and worth waiting for. The book should be read with the series I don’t think this would work as a standalone. There is too much information in the other books. I’m afraid the reader would get lost if they are just picking up this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbara powrie
This trilogy was highly disappointing. I thought it was going to get better because I sort of liked the second book. Nope. I was wrong.

If anything, it got worse. The stupid humor in this book was not funny. The characters are not likeable. And I couldn't stand the main characters at all.

I'm terribly mad that this series wasn't good. I've been hyping it up in my head for the longest time. And now, I'm just really disappointed and in a possible reading slump because of these books.

Nothing in this book really made sense. The scenes were all jumpy and it was hard to keep up with what was actually going on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The bantering between Isis and Jack was right back up there to the level I loved about book one. They're hilarious together. The supporting characters all play significant roles as well, as it was kind of a tragic spider web that connected them all. That makes it hard to say much without revealing a spoiler or two, so.. mums the word. This was not a typical romance at all, but it sure was intoxicating. I wasn't ready for this one to end.

Remember Me Forever by Sara Wolf was kindly provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley for review. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan cannon
Remember Me Forever took the Lovely Vicious series to a completely new level and I was taken by surprise with how much better this book was compared to the previous ones. Love Me Never and Forget Me Always were good, but this one was exceptionally better regarding the plot and the characters, which were so much more developed and strong.

Forget Me Always ended in another cliffhanger - not as bad as the cliffhanger from the first book, but also meaningful - and suddenly the story could go to completely different directions, and the direction that Sara Wolf took was probably the smartest choice.

This last book takes place in college, and I loved the different scenario because I'm also at college and we had already spent two books in High School, so it was the perfect time for a change in the background.

As I've said before, the characters that we get to see in Remember Me Forever are not the same that we met in Love Me Never, and I love that. People evolve, therefore so do characters.
Isis' character was probably the one that developed the most. In the first book, she's so scared and trying to hide her true feelings, and in this book she's honest to herself, strong and a complete badass. I had some problems with Isis in the first book - as you may have seen in my review - but in Remember Me Forever she's completely different and so much more concrete and reliable.

Jack was the one that got me worried the most. What happened in the end of Forget Me Always destroyed him, and I knew it would take its tool on him. However, I adored seeing this professional and protective side of him.
In this final book, he's a man and every action he does, show us exactly that.

And do I have to mention how happy I was to see Jack and Isis finally together?! It was what I've been wanting for the past two books, and it finally happened! Thank you Sara! It was as perfect and heartwarming as I imagined it would be.

And the addition of the new characters was on point! I feared that I wouldn't like them, since I adored Kayla and Wren - even though they don't stop existing in the series - but it wasn't like that, and they helped to complete the college picture that the author was building.

There was obviously one 'new' character that I didn't liked: Will. We heard so much of him from the previous books, and finally getting him in the present story line was both nerve-wracking and awesome, because it was finally time for Isis to get back at him and to break away from what he did to her. And, as anyone can imagine, I loved how things turned out in the end!

Regarding the ending, I just wanted more of it. I've been with this characters for a month and I attached myself to their lives and their minds. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to Isis' witty comebacks and Jack's strong and somehow icy persona.

Overall, Remember Me Forever was the best book of this trilogy. The characters made so much progress and this book showed why I loved them so much. The plot was also much more developed, which helped to tied up any lose ends and to give the ending that this characters needed.

Therefore, the Lovely Vicious trilogy proved to be a fast-paced and humorous series with many diversity and realistic elements, so I completely recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa mema perez
Just loved this series,an amazing read that will make you laugh have you crying and more than once had me screaming at my kindle.If you have not read them what are you waiting for go grab them you won't regret it.Full of amazing characters an amazing storyline and really well written i would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just loved this series,an amazing read that will make you laugh have you crying and more than once had me screaming at my kindle.If you have not read them what are you waiting for go grab them you won't regret it.Full of amazing characters an amazing storyline and really well written i would recommend it.
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