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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Set in a future where a corporation has found that genetically you have a perfect match; if you meet this perfect match you'll likely fall head over heels in love instantly.

The novel shares the experience of several couples, showing how this technology affects their relationships in surprising ways. Many different ideas are encapsulated in these couples - what if you don't immediately gel with your perfect match? What if your match doesn't agree with your basic sexuality? What if your match has passed away, or is a fundamentally broken person?

The plot takes a number of turns, some of which felt obvious and others that took me completely by surprise. For me the hardest part was accepting society would handle this technology and what it would mean for people - and as the book progressed these concerns were raised and dealt with in the context of the protagonists.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tony jenner
This one will inevitably have you thinking…what if??? I was fully engaged in this, just the idea that there is a certain someone out there, who is our perfect match…according to our DNA, alone has you thinking hmmm…and then you start thinking about all the different scenario's that might play out with this. John Marrs delves into most of these what if's through the eyes of five different "couples", and I use the term couples loosely here.

The One is something completely different, contained within this audiobook are some serious OMG moments, that I didn't see coming at all. Overall, I highly recommend this, just for the sheer audacity and how completely different it is from almost anything else.

4.3/5 STARS - GRADE=A-

Plot~ 4.5/5
Main Characters~ 4/5
Secondary Characters~ 4/5
The Feels~ 4.5/5
Pacing~ 4.3/5
Addictiveness~ 4.2/5
Theme or Tone~ 4/5
Flow (Writing Style)~ 4/5
Backdrop (World Building)~ 4/5
Originality~ 5/5
Ending~ 4.5/5 Cliffhanger~ Nope.
Book Cover~ I love it…simplicity at its best.
Narration~ Clare Corbett, Vicky Hall, Simon ubb, Jot Davies, and Sophie Aldred. I had some issues with these 5 narrators (this is British Englis) but overall, not bad, at least there were separate narrators for each of the five stories.
Setting~ Mostly England…plus a bit of Australia
Source~ Audiobook (Library)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This DNA match test takes the guessing and luck out of finding your perfect mate...who wouldn't want to try it? Turns out that science doesn't have all the answers when humans are searching for their soulmates. Several matched couples find that the results aren't exactly what they had hoped for in this tale of love gone wrong.

I was so eager to read this as the premise was fresh and exciting and I ended up being very disasppointed by the outcomes of the stories. Mostly it was all a very depressing novel by the end. I couldn't believe how fast the story deteriorated into a series of NOT happily ever after matches even though I had to suspend disbelief in the concept to begin with. The idea that there was a gene that predicted a perfect match was a bit much, but even so, I went into this with a willingness to believe. What a muck up of possibilities to have made this story something that could have been amazing, but in the end, wasn't.

I found it difficult to like any of the characters in this sordid tale, but nonetheless, I rooted for them to make a go of things. Unfotunately, everyone seemed to have a game on, and I didn't like the way that some of them ended up. The fact that chapters flipped back and forth between the characters and their stories didn't provide much of a cohesive narrative and the lot was rather hard to keep track of until deep into it. I would guess there is meant to be some deep revelation to society about our dependence on science vs the human instinct to fall in love, but it fell short for me. In the end, I came away with the idea that if there really was a DNA test for me to find my perfect match, would I take the test? Yeah, no doubt. Don't we all want a sure thing in this life of unpredictablitiy?

I'm grateful to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the e-book ARC to review. I am sure that, as always, I'm in the minority because I can't say I really liked this book
AMP Messenger :: Mission One :: Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy Tale (Once Upon A Con) :: A Small Town Romance (Wardham Book 2) - What Once Was Perfect :: The Trilisk Ruins (Parker Interstellar Travels Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lesley bates
The One centers around multiple character's lives in a society where people are finding their soul mates through genetic DNA matching. The revolutionary science behind finding one's Match has resulted in countless marriages being torn apart, but is also responsible for countless passionate-beyond-explanation successful relationships. In a very Black Mirror style, John Marrs takes this concept as the basic ground working for 5 different characters, each with their own unique story of finding their Match, each with their own uniquely twisty surprises. Here is a quick synopsis of each of the characters' stories. There are only a couple twisty things that I consider to be very, verrryy minor spoilers.. but nothing that occurs past the first 10% of the novel, so these are all 'teaser previews' of each of their stories.

- - - Jade - - -
Jade lives on the other side of the world from her Match, Kevin, but that has not stopped them from engaging in a meaningful, passionate relationship. They text constantly and frequently talk on the phone. It's obvious that they have a deep connection and she considers herself very much in love with him. On a rebelliously impulsive decision, Jade hops on a plane to finally meet him and live out the fairytale they have always imagined. But when she arrives at his farm and drops the surprising news, Kevin breaks her heart by telling her that she should not have come. Has Jade fallen into a stereotypical 'catfishing' ploy--Or is this something even more twisted?

Jade's story has some heartbreak, but it will not be in the way that you expect. I admire her as a person and was very satisfied with her ending.

- - - Ellie - - -
Ellie is a woman of wealth and power-- a CEO of a controversial, yet highly successful company. Many, many years have passed since she initially applied to be Matched, but the time has finally come for her. After her investigative team completes some background-digging for her, she decides to contact her match, Timothy. These two quickly hit it off, but both have some hidden cards up their sleeve that could throw this relationship for a loop.

Ellie's story was one of my least favorite in the beginning (but still very entertaining), but picks up toward the end and blindsides you. This girl is a powerhouse.

- - - Christopher - - -
I'm a sucker for a quirky psychopath, so I tended to favor Christopher's story. Right as you are introduced to Christopher, you learn that he has recently been Matched and is curious to find out more about this woman. You then also learn (in the same short chapter), that he is a serial killer. Can a psychopath genuinely fall in love with another person and engage in an altruistic relationship? Christopher also has to learn how to balance his love life with his time consuming hobby.

I loved Christopher's character and it's always interesting when the main character is serial killer because you find yourself empathizing with someone that has committed heinous crimes. The conclusion of his story is so bitter sweet, yet so satisfying and thought-provoking..

- - - Mandy - - -
After multiple lost pregnancies and a failing marriage, Mandy lost her husband to his Match, who he secretly contacted and fell in love with. When she discovers that she too has been Matched with the person she is destined to be with, she does some classic internet stalking and then sets out to visit his home town in order to attend his... memorial service?!? I could almost hear Alanis Morrisette's "Ironic" playing in the background. While it may seem like that would be the obvious end to her story with her Match, Mandy still has quite a few surprises that are coming her way.

I really enjoyed Mandy's journey. While there were many areas that were highly predictable, it was a very unique story line and I was still surprised by a few twists.

- - - Nick - - -
Nick and his fiance Sally are in love and perfectly content, until she decides (thanks to some classic peer pressure) for both of them to complete the DNA matching test to see if they are indeed a Match. She hopes that this will provide further confirmation and assurance to them before they make the giant leap into marriage. While Sally's results come back with no match at all, Nick has the ultimate shock when he discovers that he has been matched to a man named Alexander. Standing firm in his knowledge that he has never been attracted to a man before and that he is in love with Sally, Nick shrugs the results off and chalks them up to a technical mistake. But when Sally insists that he take this a step further and meet his Match, Nick ventures out into this uncharted territory to find out if anything is truly there between him and this unknown man.

Nick was also a favorite for me. I loved his character and the unique things that he experienced.

I highly recommend this read. I enjoyed every single character's story and I could not stop reading. This would have been a fantastic choice for a buddy read, because I constantly just wanted to TALK to someone about the constant twists and turns of this novel. Marrs drops a mini-bomb at the end of almost every chapter, right before he switches to another character's story line, making for a fast-paced, can't-put-down read. I went through so many emotions in the conclusion(s) of this novel... I had my heart broken, I was enraged, I shook my head and smiled with satisfaction, I fist pumped the air with an audible 'yes!', and, simply put, I became a huge fan of John Marrs

Thank you to Harlequin/Hanover Square Press, John Marrs, and NetGalley for providing me with a DRC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. This did not influence my judgement in any way and all opinions expressed in this review are my own. Thank you for the opportunity!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Modern tech meets online dating, with a psychopath thrown in for fun-what's not to like? There's a modern thriller buried in here, but a stilted writing style spoiled the reading experience for me.

Writing is hard. The writer has to engage you with his story without his words getting in the way. Personally, I've struggled to achieve this, and that may be why I notice it so clearly in this book. Here's an example.

"Until Tim had arrived in Ellie's life, she hadn't been so much aloof as she had been wary of people, and she very rarely attended events like this. She found it awkward to relax in public--speeches or lectures were a different matter as she attended those with a purpose--but mingling with small talk made her feel self-conscious."

This feels like a character description jotted down in a writer's notebook, not self-talk in Ellie's head. Is it bad writing? No, but that distant, stilted style kept me from enjoying the book. I never got "hooked."

Advice: Click the "Look Inside" link at the top of the the store page. Read the sample pages there. The writing style that I had trouble with is apparent in that sample. If you like the writing style and are curious about the plot, buy the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josianne fitzgerald
This is almost like a group of short stories united by a common situation. Very short chapters alternate between five characters who have 'found their Match'. In a very near future it's possible to send in a saliva swab and be matched to your ONE true soul mate. It's an interesting premise, if implausible, that might result in soulmates who are decades apart in age, live across the world, are already married, in jail, etc. -- there are MANY possible stories and the author gives us five -- three of which feature death as a major component.

This book was immediately intriguing and the author did a great job of ending chapters on little cliffhangers that made you want to keep reading. I couldn't put it down! Some stories were more compelling than others, or more unpredictable, but all were worthwhile, with interesting characters and situations.

My only complaint is that I, personally, did not care for the character who is a killer. Some of those scenes were unnecessarily brutal for a book like this -- a fun and thought provoking set of stories linked by a Twilight Zone-y premise -- would have been quite happy without the explicit sadistic behavior. A cover blurb likens the book to Black Mirror, a series I really enjoy -- and I'd say it was better than BM's third season!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
genevieve angelique
THE ONE is a psychological, thrilling drama with great personality, a science fiction edge to the plot that feels scarily real, and a unique quality that I so appreciated. Twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat while the narrative toggled between five different scenarios, each affected in some way by the discovery of a gene matching test in this fictional world.

The author presents an engaging story told in the third person narrative with a plethora of characters who each play their role brilliantly, showcasing the good and bad in a world that has the reading power to provoke thoughts of, what if gene matching was actually a reality? How would it affect you? What would it mean to your existing relationships? Could it help you find a partner? What if that person lived on the other side of the world? What if evil people got involved? The exploration of this premise is absolutely fascinating with endless possibilities providing a thrilling quality to the story arc all superbly depicted through the five contrasting scenarios. I found myself completely invested in the individual stories and literally on the edge of my seat during certain moments.

In terms of the characters although the characterisation felt authentic, I can’t say I hugely warmed to any of them but, on a personal level, I find this is often the case when I read thrillers. Indeed, this story is perhaps more plot driven than anything and I certainly didn’t need to love the characters to enjoy this page turner of a novel. The afore mentioned did not detract from my investment and sheer addiction to the story. Overall a fascinating insightful read with an ending that was unexpected but totally believable within the context of this dramatic psychological thriller.

This advanced copy was provided in exchange for an unbiased opinion. No type of compensation was made. There is no relationship/affiliation between the reviewer and the author/publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adel amidi
This book was amazing in how easily you can imagine this happening. A strand of DNA has been found that enables users to find their biological match, their true love with all the bells and whistles, the one that completes them. A company will allow you to send in a swab of your DNA, but once it finds your match, you only need to pay a token amount to find out who that is.

For many couples convinced they are perfect matches, this has been the death knell of their relationship, when Match DNA, thought otherwise. Matches also transcend age, race and genders and have not surprisingly have caused race, culture and homophobic tensions to quell. Who can fight DNA destiny? Marriages however that once were stable have been rocked, but those paired with their match seem steady, even so much as affecting societies treatment of people who are paired with their matches. They are considered the ideal and treated accordingly.

This books tells the story, through several people who have been affected by finding their matches.
**** Sade a no-nonsense British girl has found her Match in Australia. Kevin is a world away, but their phone calls have been lifeline to her as she has felt her life draining away in mediocrity.
**** Nick & Sally are headed to the altar soon, but their best friends who are a matched pair urge them to verify they are a true match before they continue. Nick is content not to but Sally says, what can it hurt? A lot apparently.
**** Christopher, a prolific serial killer finds his own match. He being a psychopath, is curious how this relationship could change him and is surprised to find that it does.
**** Ellie, a highly successful career women, resigned to be single, has found her match after 10 years of being in the database. She is leery and yet decides to pursue it.
**** Mandy a divorced and childless young women, saddened to be only an aunt to her sister’s children, finds her own match and looking at his pictures on facebook, he seems too good to be true, so she silently stalks him, waiting for him to contact her.

The story is told oscillating through all of these people’s stories above and like most mysteries, each chapter ends on a crux. You want to know more. I really struggled to put this book down. The characters were well developed and believable. The magic of the Matches well documented. But, while the science of the matches, aren’t flawed, but people are, so life can throw in some twists. The decisions each person makes seems quite believable and the ending is, well, it’s a beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher medjber
The One is unlike anything I've ever read before, and it blew me away. John Marrs takes us through the ups and downs of five very different individuals who have just been DNA Matched with their soulmates:

- Jade, who has just traveled halfway across the world to meet her Match and soon realizes their online relationship may have skirted over some crucial details.
- Nick, who is quite comfortable and secure with his long-time girlfriend, only to be blindsided to find out she's not his soulmate ... his soulmate is a man named Alexander.
- Ellie, who has built up walls around her heart and strict rules about dating as a byproduct of her busy life as a CEO, but she just might be willing to take the leap for true love.
- Mandy, who feels like she's watching everyone else find love and happiness while they elude her ... especially when she tracks down her Match only to be just in time to attend his memorial service.
- Christopher, who revels in being a psychopath and serial killer and is thrilled to up the stakes on his double life when his Match comes into the picture, but he isn't quite expecting the impact she ends up having on him.

Nick's journey was by far my favorite, but I became so invested in all of the characters' storylines, even the ones I didn't particularly care for at the beginning or the ones who made decisions along the way that I didn't agree with. Ellie, in particular, truly grew on me, and with Christopher, I couldn't believe Marrs had me nodding in sympathy for a *serial killer* at certain points. We cycle between perspectives each chapter, with plenty of those chapters ending in bombshells that made me eager to get back to a certain character's point of view ... only to be distracted by someone else's compelling arc in between. Marrs did an excellent job of caging all of his characters into impossible situations that I don't envy one bit, and it really makes you empathize with their struggles.

The One has all the hallmarks that draw me to thrillers in the first place: short, impactful chapters, characters with secrets and hidden motives, and *plenty* of twists and turns, but it's not a thriller in the traditional sense; in fact, I'd be hard-pressed to call it anything more than a light thriller overall. But I couldn't put the book down by the end, and I was blindsided so many times that I eventually stopped trying to guess what was going to happen and just let it sweep me along for a wild ride.

Marrs makes you *think* by highlighting so many uniquely problematic scenarios that could arise if DNA-Matched soulmates were actually the norm. As I mentioned before, each character is faced with decisions that range from difficult to impossible ... what would *you* do for true love?

This was such a creative novel about the nuances of the concept of soulmates, and I'm so glad I picked it up. I can't wait to read more from John Marrs in the future!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After reading the blurb for The One, I knew I had to read it. The whole idea of being able to find your "perfect match", your "perfect soul mate" by simply sending in a sample of your DNA had me thinking that with all the dating apps continually being brought out, exactly how far away can this scenario be?

I wasn't totally sure whether I liked the cover or not. I think the cover it has appeals to a general fiction and thriller audience but I think it maybe won't appeal as much to Sci-fi, and Dystopian readers. The title of the book that has the O in, which appears as a blood splat with a thumbprint in it, is a good representation of the killer in the book as well as being a subtle nod to the DNA needed for the Your DNA Match service. Everyone that has read my reviews know that I love a good byline and I really like the use of "Have you met your match?" as it can have more than one meaning which you will uncover as you read the book.

The genres I have seen listed for this book are Sci-Fi and Thriller which I agree with both those, though I would also add dystopian and futuristic too.

How can I describe this book? It's sort of one large story split into five different individual character's stories of what happens to them, their matches and the people around them when they use the "Match Your DNA" service. After watching TV programs such as Married At First Sight, Blind Date, and Take Me Out the type of app/service called Match Your DNA featured in this book, seems like a viable, and believable prospect in the not too distant future!

So, there are many different people that choose to be matched to their soul mate via the Match Your DNA service. I reckon most people would admit to having and withholding have a few secrets they don't reveal straight away when meeting new people or potential soul mates but wow! some of the characters in this book take "secrets' and withholding information to a whole new level!

As a reader we meet the five main characters that are the basis of the whole book. The five characters cover a whole range of people from diverse backgrounds and are using Match Your DNA service for their own individual reasons. But can an app really match you to your soulmate?

There's Mandy who desperately wants to have the fairy-tale wedding and family that her sisters appear to have, but she hasn't met her Mr Right yet. So she sees "Match Your DNA" as the ultimate answer. Mandy receives her matche's name and of course immediately checks him out on facebook. Mandy is quite literally drooling over Richard Taylor and cannot wait to meet him in person. Without giving too much away things don't really go as straight forward as she hoped. After a massive disappointment when she turns up to meet her DNA match. When another opportunity arises that may give Mandy part of her dream, as you'd expect she doesn't ask very many questions. Will Mandy's fantasy family be realised or in her effort to achieve her dream could she end up being taken advantage of by other members of the Taylor Family that she meets.

Christopher is another one of the people that uses the Match Your DNA service as he is socially awkward and only really knows what he should do, say and interact with people by reading books. Christopher receives the notification of his match as he sits looking around his latest victim's home! Christopher is a perfectionist, perhaps a little OCD. He plans his murder meticulously but soon becomes distracted by the thoughts of his perfect soul mate and who that could be. When he meets her and learns more about her it makes his secret killing even more of a thrill for him.

Jade has been messaging her match Kevin for quite a while whilst continuing to work what some would call a dead end job at a hotel near to her parents home with very few prospects. The job Jade had really wanted to do was in travel & tourism but after taking a temporary job at the hotel she had just never moved on. Though Jade had always kept her dream of wanting to travel but whilst her friends had gap years she was too busy working hard to pay off her student loan. It is her colleagues at the hotel that give her the final encouragement needed to take her fate in her own hands and buy herself a ticket on her credit card and turn up on the doorstep or rather at the farm where her true match lives and works in Australia. Once again Jade finds things are not always what they seem and has some tough decisions to make.

I won't go into detail on the other two characters as I think that would be going into too much detail and could spoil the individual reading experience. I did enjoy reading Nick's story, how he was supposedly so happy yet a doubt was put in his mind, by, in my opinion a kind of peer pressure so much he took the DNA Match test which caused him so many problems until fate took over. In Ellie's story once again everything seemed to be a fairy-tale but it just wasn't as it seemed. I adored the character of Andrei from Ellie's circle of friends/colleagues and wished he had featured more within her tale. Perhaps had she listened to him a little more things would have been different. To be honest I thought he would have been as near a perfect match for her as possible. I was surprised when Andrei just left before the "end" of Ellie's story. I didn't think that was something he would have done so easily.

I did love how the different characters had their own chapters. It also kept you hooked into the book as usually each chapter had a little bit of a cliffhanger too. There are lots of clues and a few red herrings as to what is happening to the individual characters within their own chapters. It really was like reading five different stories centered around the five main characters, but at the same time they all had the Your DNA Match in common and that theme was running through the whole book too.

My favourite characters were Jade, Kevin and his family, including his brother Mark, and their mother Susan. I love the way Jade follows her dream and even when she arrives to a situation nothing like the one she expected, she is determined to stay around even when it seems there can be no real happy ending for her and her true match.

I also enjoyed disliking Tim who deceives his perfect match Ellie. It's really quite ironic when it is revealed exactly who Ellie is.

Wow! Full of twists and turns. The complexities of a DNA system that can match you with 'The One' you are meant to be with. That one person you meet that you immediately just know you are meant to be with.

What an interesting and amazingly different read. From the individual fascinating characters and their stories to the details and behind the scenes view of the Match Your DNA group. This book is like a jigsaw of individual tales that fit together to form part of a larger picture of peoples' ideologies on love and their one true match.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love when stories start out in one direction and veer suddenly in the opposite direction to take you on a wild ride. The One by John Marrs does just that with its story of five different people who decide to be matched to their one true love. Just when you think you have it all figured out, the floor drops and the story really begins.

The characters drive the story and make it truly special. Coming from all walks of life, their reasons for choosing to be matched is as diverse as they are. As you learn more about the five of them and follow along with the upheaval to their lives being matched causes, they become something more than flat characters. They become the kind of friend you want to see happy in whatever guise that comes. You hope they get their “happily ever after” because that is what we are taught to consider the epitome of success. With that friendship though comes emotional tension as each relationship deepens and matures into something special, and you worry that the happily ever after was all a bit too easy.

The One plays with the idea that being in a committed relationship is necessary for happiness. The assumption that nature trumps nurture when it comes to long-lasting relationships runs counter to everything sociologists understand about forming relationships. Yes, there is something biological about compatibility but there is an element of shared belief systems and ideas and experiences that only come through experience, i.e. nurture. Moreover, being matched ignores the dating rituals that allow individuals to learn more about each other and determine compatibility. It reduces partnering with someone down to a cheek swab. While not totally clinical, romance loses something by this process, no matter how romantic a couple is after they meet. The premise though is absolutely fascinating, and Mr. Marrs explores every avenue of such a life-changing discovery throughout the novel.

To say more about The One would be to give away everything which makes it an outstanding story. It is best if you go into it as blind as possible with no real expectations or understanding of the story. Mr. Marrs does a fabulous job building his world and developing his characters. Let the story sweep you away and force you to question your own ideal relationship or what would happen were you to find out your perfect match is not someone with whom you are currently partnered. Fall in love with the characters and their stories, and ride the roller coaster of romance with them. You will enjoy the story that much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
monica lillya
The One by John Marrs is an absolutely brilliant novel that combines elements of mystery, science fiction and romance. The premise that people can find their soul mates through DNA is quite fascinating but will this prove to be truth for the five people featured in this adroit tale?

Thirty-seven year old Mandy Griffiths’s sisters convince her to submit her DNA to Match Your DNA to find her soulmate after her now ex-husband divorces her after taking the test. Although her match, Richard Taylor, is younger than she is and they do not have many interests in common, their match is supposed to be infallible. Despite being old-fashioned enough to want Richard to make the first move, Mandy’s curiosity about her handsome match leads her to a shocking discovery.

Thirty-three year old Christopher’s Match Your DNA test pairs him up with Amy Brookbanks. While Amy is pretty much an open book, Christopher is quite secretive. Surprisingly, dating Amy is life-altering for Christopher, but what will Amy do when she uncovers the secret he has been keeping?

Jade Sewell lives in Britain but her match Kevin lives in Australia. They have gotten to know each extremely well through texts and phone calls, but Jade yearns for more. When challenged by her workmates to take a chance on love, she decides it is time to meet Kevin face to face. It is not until Jade arrives in Australia that doubts set in but she overcomes her fears and unexpectedly shows up at Kevin’s family farm where many surprises await.

Nick Wallsworth and his fiancée Sally are months away from marrying when Sally convinces him they need to take the test. He reluctantly agrees although he is certain that the results will not change their future together if they are not DNA matched. However, Nick’s match is an absolutely stunner which could lead to life-altering changes for him and Sally.

Ellie Stanford is a workaholic who makes no time for romance or family. So when she receives a DNA Match, she is leery about meeting her match, Tim Hunt. After thoroughly vetting him, she decides to give him a chance. Although there are not immediate sparks, Ellie and Tim have enough in common that they continue dating. Their relationship is running along a predictable course when Ellie is blindsided by shocking information about Tim.

The chapters alternate between the various characters but it is quite easy to keep track of who is currently narrating. There are plenty of surprises as each person makes their decision about what to do about their perfect match. Some of the chapters end on cliffhangers that keep the pages turning at a blistering pace to find out what is going to happen next. A few of the characters are more likable than others but it is impossible not to become invested on how their situation and/or relationship is ultimately going to play out.

The One is a clever novel that is absolutely spellbinding and quite innovative. The characters are fairly well developed and their choices and relationships are certainly interesting. While the beginning of the story is mostly light and optimistic, things begin to take a bit of a dark turn as the months go by. With plenty of unexpected twists and breathtaking turns, John Marrs brings this gripping novel to an exciting and somewhat unexpected conclusion. I absolutely loved and highly recommend this outstanding thriller.

I received a complimentary copy for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our society is filled with formal and informal methods and systems for the introduction of two people looking for someone to love and spend their lives with. These include special interest clubs, on line setups via filling out a background form, family groups and match makers. John Marrs postulates a near term future when DNA testing will find one's perfect mate including all permutations and combinations of individuals. One company, whose founder developed the system of a quick swab in the mouth, will become one of the largest businesses in the world when they corner the market on this method.

Five couples are followed when their swab indicates that they are destined for each other. In addition Mr Marrs points out the very probable human reactions to the testing when couples married or together for many years begin to doubt their union when each of the two involved take the test and find that they are compatible with someone else.

Presented are a couple who are thousands of miles apart, another where after the test one partner dies, still another where a female police officer is matched with a serial killer who continues his murders while professing love for the cop. In addition, the question of a couple taking the test and finding that the male member has another male as his perfect love, and finally when the founder of the company that perfected the test finds a match via the system.

The author uses a method of going from one set of partners to another throughout the book allowing the reader to relate to the situations faced in this new world. What type of world would such a system create? Can matches crossing international boundaries bring the earth to a point where international conflict is passe? Would there be mass divorces due to being found by the test for the couple to be incompatible?

My reaction to this novel was simply that I couldn't put it down getting totally immersed from the git go. I do believe that most readers will have the same reaction and finish knowing that they have just read something completely different and completely well handled.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raymond j
Holy.... Crap…. Words cannot begin to describe The One by John Marrs. This is Science Fiction that could possibly one day become science fact. (But, isn’t that what all Science Fiction is?: Fiction until the time comes where it is reality?????) John Marrs, where did you come up with this idea? You are brilliant and I loved this novel!

This book has been released in the United Kingdom for some time and it is FINALLY released here in the States! It seems like I have been anticipating this novel forever; So much so I began to worry that it would fail my high expectations, but Marrs exceeded them. The One had been previously titled as A Thousand Small Explosions and there are references to the former title in the novel. I prefer the title of The One to the previous title.

The One makes you think and will cause debate… Could this become a reality and would you take the test? What could be the results of taking the test? We experience the stories of five extremely different individuals who take the test and the positive and negative consequences they all face. These stories all have very different results in their relationships as the test only takes into account DNA, and not race, religion, gender, or even location in the world.

This is a very compelling and addictive novel and you just want to keep turning those pages! Marrs is brilliant with his short chapters that have you in disbelief as you reach each conclusion. The stories go back and forth between each of the five persons and you don’t know what is going to happen next. (Or you think you know and you are wrong!) I found myself saying, “I must keep reading!” The short chapters make The One a quick and compulsive read.

The question still remains: Would YOU take the test?????

***Many thanks to the publisher for granting me an e-arc via NetGalley and also John Marrs as I won a signed copy via GoodReads. I really enjoyed this novel and will treasure my signed copy. I voluntarily read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I repeat- I do NOT like thrillers.... that much. But after reading the synopsis for `The One` from author John Marrs, I just couldn't pass this read.

When book bloggers refer to a book having the „whole package“ then we're not only referring to what's inside a book... Having the whole package also means that the cover image, the title and the tagline fit with the story.

If I had to use one word to describe this book I'd say: Awesome!

What an idea! What a story! Does any author care about my heart rate?

`The One` belongs to those books that make you think hard. The famous „What if...“ question pops up alot during this read and funnily enough, that question sticks with a reader long after the book's been finished. If that doesn't say how good this book it then I don't know what does.

Interesting. Entertaining. Gripping. Thrilling. Intense. Unpredictable.

I cannot remember the last time I was so invested in a story.

And I certainly cannot remember the last time I drove by my best friends house and shoved a book under her nose and begged her to read it. Turned out, she was just as flashed and impressed by the idea and even bought her own copy of `The One`.

There isn't much I can say about this story because enough is already in the synopsis so I'll stick to the love gushing...

I've read quite a few thrillers before and none have had such an impact on me like `The One` had because the story in general feels like it's not too far fetched. And that's also another aspect that plays with a reader's mind.

Would I recommend this book? Most definitely.

Would I re-read this book? Absolutely! Once I've recovered.

The Cover – 5 stars ( Perfect cover for a perfect thrilling story.)

The Characters 5 stars ( Interesting individuals dealing with interesting consequences = Even more interesting characters)

My emotional state after finishing this read - I still haven't fully recovered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really wanted to dislike this book but found myself racing through the text and you know what I enjoyed! The plot is absurd and reads as follows; It has been discovered that within each one of us there a "match" gene. The secret of a successful relationship is to find your future partner who will have exactly the same "match" gene, and once you find each other future happiness is assured. To do this all that is required is a simple DNA swab which will be entered into an online database and then wait patiently for a confirmation email that you future partner has been found...hurrah! The entrepreneurial founder Ellie (also chasing a life partner) is fast becoming a very rich lady. It is not difficult to berate this premise, for in order for this "imatch" to be successful every human being on the planet must donate their DNA working on the assumption that there is only "one" life partner.

We follow the story through four main characters; Ellie, Jade, Mandy and Nick nicely presented in alternate and clear chapters. The reader never loses interest as the separate adventures for all four is quite different but as will be discovered not everyone's intentions are honourable. Now if you add to this mix a deranged serial killer then we have all the ingredients for an additive read or a tale of nonsense depending on your viewpoint. John Marrs is the kind of author I like to delve into periodically when I simply want some entertainment. He doesn't take himself too seriously, presenting a fun read with little concentration needed. I'm not saying I am about to dash out and acquire his latest book but just like a cup of hot chocolate, nice to drink occasionally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
veronica voerg
I couldn’t get enough of this fabulous book!

The One is kind of like a warped online Blind Date meets Black Mirror, where you are provided with contact details for your one and only perfect love match based on your DNA. What could possibly go wrong?

There were numerous ‘gasp, omg, jaw on floor, noooo!’ moments throughout this twisty turny thriller. This book had my heart pounding at times!

I really liked the way it was written in short chapters, each one focusing on a different couple, so that each time I came to the end of a chapter I was dying to know more about that couple, not wanting to read about the next character, but then dying to find out about that couple when I got to the end of the next chapter. This kept me gripped to the same intensity throughout the whole story, as there were no couples I wasn’t interested in. Their situations were all different, but just as intriguing, addictive and at times shocking.

I loved The One and it has left me on a bit of a high. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to finally read a book by John Marrs. I’ve had friends trying to get me to read his books for at least a couple of years. Oh well, I got there eventually.

I highly recommend this book to pretty much anyone, as it’s a mix of romance, thriller and slightly futuristic science fiction ‘it could really happen’ thought provoking stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Couples use the "Match Your DNA" service to find their one and only soulmate.

First released in The United Kingdom, The One follows six couples as they use the "Match Your DNA" service to determine their soulmate. The science has been in place for 10 years and has changed countless lives, so what could go wrong?

"How far would you go to find The One?"

The premise was so intriguing and unique that I couldn't turn the pages fast enough... yet I didn't want it to end either! There were more twists and turns in this story than any other book I've read, making The One one of my top 3 favorite thrillers EVER, joining the ranks of The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle and The Vanishing Year by Kate Moretti! I will be recommending this one to everyone who loves a great dark and twisty, yet thought-provoking, read. Can't wait to get my hands on more from this author!

* Mandy & Richard
* Amy (police officer) & Christopher
* Jade & Kevin
* Sally & Nick
* Sumaira & Deepak
* Ellie (scientist who found the gene) & Timothy

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book! All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this one. Flew through it. Original, engaging and thoroughly satisfying.

The premise of the book is that it has been discovered that everybody shares a gene with one person in the world and this person is your perfect match. The woman who discovered this sets up a company which is more or less the worlds biggest dating agency. With a simple swab of the mouth you can be entered into the database and if and when your genetic match is found you will be notified and you can pay a fee to find out the details of your match and pursue it yourself.

The story is five stories in one as we follow five different relationships as a result of the match, all unrelated, told in short chapter form, jumping from one to the other on chapter to chapter. At first I found this quite confusing as I was(what felt like)bombarded with characters in the first few chapters. As said they are unrelated so I did find it confusing at the start(I'm hopeless with remembering a lot of characters) but it was short lived. After a couple of chapters of each character,I could easily remember who is who. The characters were very clearly written and well rounded and it made it easy to slip from one story to another in each and every chapter. In fact I loved the format. Th book zipped along. The short chapters were great and suited the format of five concurrent stories perfectly.

The book is brilliant. It's a mix of thriller, sci fi, romance, drama! It poses some pertinent questions while never being anything but entertaining. Of course the perfect match is never as straight forward as we think and even here with what should be a copperfast "happy ever after" tool, the genetic match, nothing is straight forward.

An absolute pleasure to read, I haven't read a novel quite like it. I kept thinking this has a movie or tv show written all over it. It would be perfect. All the characters are still vivid in my head hours after finishing the book. I would really recommend grabbing a copy of this and going on the five journeys the author brings you on and enjoy every one of them.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Penguin Random House UK and John Marrs for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ellle, Nick, Jade, Christopher, and Mandy never meet. It’s the theme of the book meeting your DNA soul mate, the chronological unfolding of their stories, and England that is shared. Each of the five stories would have made a perfect Black Mirror episode.

Each chapter alternates between character, so you must read through four chapters to get to then next installment of your most interesting story. The author does an excellent job at setting us up and leaving us at cliffhangers till you arrive at the next installment. A few times I wanted to skip ahead.

The dialogue with Elle, the founder about the premise is fascinating. Would marriage or divorce become a thing of the past, would peace and happiness be more predominate in the world? Then there is the dark side. What if your match was dead, a killer, or addict? The book does an excellent job of exploring the premise. Not everyone has a happy ever after.

The British flavor comes across, here’s one line I stumbled on, “She had a student loan the size of the Tyne to pay off while her housemates from the uni had all left to live their dream and travel to America.”

Great read, page turner, thought provoking, and entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz laurin
Very entertaining read. The book takes a unbelievable premise: that you have one other person in the world who is your one perfect mate and that this is detectable in DNA and runs with it.

The book is a collection of (non-intersecting) story lines that examine the many nuances that could occur with this as well as the side issues. What if your perfect mate isn't so perfect? What if they are abusive, manipulative, or a criminal? What if they are seriously injured or have died?

Also, what if the result is wrong, but you want to believe in it anyway?

There are a lot of twists and turns and they are not all guessable! A warning that not all of the stories come to a good closure or are happy, but the read is a fascinating and highly entertaining examination of the concept.

Well written, easy to engage characters and multiple engrossing plotlines.

I found this was one of those books you keep wanting to try read ahead and are very loathe to put down.

Once you suspend disbelief enough to go with the premise, it's very enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jake donham
This book will really get you thinking! I'm always intrigued by genetics and this book shines a light, albeit fictional, on the whole new world that DNA databases are opening. People are interested in their ancestry and their dispositions toward health risks but there are some aspects to this industry that are currently being overlooked. But, I digress...which is what my mind kept doing as I was reading this--in a good way! In John Marrs' The One you can find your true soul mate, the one other person in the world that matches with you. So what happens if you are already married to someone else, or your mate is decades older than you, or a myriad of other situations? Would you leave your spouse for the chance at a life with your one true love? This book follows a handful of people who have been matched and some crazy stuff happens. I really liked the Christopher and Ellie storylines, but the storylines were all so complex and fascinating. I'm definitely recommending this to anyone who loves reading about the dark and misunderstood aspects of human nature and in a strange, twisted way--love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will hines
An absolute cracker of a read! Original, gripping and totally absorbing. By choosing to write about a number of different couples, all 'matched' as perfect partners via DNA, John Marrs covers a range of fascinating themes including terminal illness, sexual orientation, mental illness and grief. And then of course there’s also murder, mayhem, mischief and revenge…. I was fascinated by each couple, and loved that Marrs kept me on a knife edge with each of them. Just as I was desperate to know what happens next, he switched to another, equally compelling, couple. It was actually akin to reading five riveting novels all at once – but without the confusion! How he came up with so many simultaneous plots – each one enthralling - is beyond me. I simply couldn't put this book down and recommend it highly for lovers of psychological thrillers, romance or simply a bloody good yarn. Read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie lindsay hagen
I’m absolutely buzzing about this book and I’m sure this one will create a whole lot more buzz in the next few months. How come I’d never heard of this author before? I can put it down in three words: he’s brilliant! The One is such a different read than what I’m used to but it’s still entirely my genre. I had already heard great things about this book, which made me even more sceptical really, but I readily agree that this book will most probably be hyped, if it’s not already. This is my first 5 star rating in 2017 because I’ve actually binge-read this one.

It’s no wonder I devoured these pages because the chapters were kept very short, only a few pages before alternating to one of the other timelines of the 5 different people featured in this novel. This clever approach made me feel I had to keep turning these pages to know more.

So 5 people in this book signed up and found their match and all of their stories were diverse but equally interesting. From the start in chapter 1 I was – quite blithely – thinking I’d have a bit of a laugh with the whole concept but by chapter 3 I was already entirely captured by the events. There’s the eternal singleton, the career woman who never stays in a relationship because men focus on her wealth or status more than her after a while, there’s even a couple who tries it out to see if they really are a match. They all receive an answer who their match is and believe me when I tell you that the people they are matched with turn out to be very different than expected. Every single one of these stories take very surprising turns. That’s the understatement of the year! I almost have to bite my tongue here not to share more because nobody knows how much I want to!

Oh yes and then there’s also, as one of the people followed throughout this novel, Christopher. He’s actually a ruthless serial killer and out of sheer curiosity he also seeks out his match. His match is not a weak woman he can simply toy with just as long as he likes before killing her if you’re thinking that. His match is also his equal so this will prove quite a challenge.

You might think that the serial killer thread would be the most interesting one, sticking out among the other threads but I can assure you that the other storylines were just as engaging and not a single one of the different endings was predictable.

The end of this book proved to be quite thought-provoking too. After you’ve finished this book you are bound to think about the question: would you take the test? Do you want to know who your match is?

I don’t know how but this book just worked its magic on me. Highly recommended read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan evans
Every so often a book comes along that simply blows my mind. This was one of those books. I read so many thrillers that I am starting to see a lot of repetition story-wise so, when I see something as unique (for me anyway) as this, I know I have to read it cos, as long as it is delivered right, I just know I am going to love it.
So, a DNA test can find your perfect partner. Yay for singletons, that'll make the dating game relatively easier for sure. Not so good I'd imagine for those already coupled up / married / whatever... That would throw up all manner of questions. Am I with the right person? Is there someone better than him/her out there for me? Am I happy with what I already have? Do I need change? How accurate is it anyway, I've done OK so far? What if this person is incompatible to me physically, mentally, morally? So many questions...
This book follows five people as they embark on this journey of discovery. Five very different stories all putting a unique spin on this little DNA test. There were a lot of characters to get to grips with quickly but, although I am usually rubbish at following a big cast and tend to get confused, I wasn't here. I would put that down to the skill of the author's characterisation. I also think that short punchy chapters helped as we were never away from any of the threads for very long, revisiting in rotation as their storylines weaved about the book. Cliff hanger endings didn't hurt either although they are not my favourite thing in the world. Write good stories well and you don't have to blackmail me into reading on! And, as already mentioned, this story IS good and it IS well written. Plotting is tight, pacing is good, characters feel real. It's also a book that can be read on different levels. You can read it merely at face value or you can take the time to sit back and think about some of the moral/ethical/ etc things raised within it - obviously after you finish reading cos it's too good to put down for thinkie things and anyway, you may find your questions answered by the end!
I think that there is so much else going on in this book that less is more with this review. I also don't think there is a need to sell it to other reader with anything other than - "Read this book, it's brilliant!"
I have already read and enjoyed The Wronged Sons, also by this author, I do have Welcome To Wherever You Are on my TBR. I can see that being bumped up and read soon.

My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley smith
Imagine what would happen if merged with 23 and Me and was able to locate not long lost relatives, or potential bone marrow donors but instead could pair you with your perfect soul mate, the one person that you were meant to be with.

The possibilities of what such a development would make on the world is explores through five individuals, three women and two men, who have been matched. The five stories are told in short chapters of two or three pages that alternate through the book. The reader is introduced to a bewildering number of secondary characters and situations as these five stories unfold, which does make the first hundred or so pages of the book go a bit slowly but it is well worth the effort to push through the slow beginning as the stories all build to their various conclusions.

Fans of Michael Crichton or Dan Brown will probably enjoy this novel that is concept rather than character driven.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa powell
Women getting murdered. Baby-obsessed women. Marriage-obsessed women. One woman we're meant to think is more enlightened than the others (because she's the lone one who doesn't starve herself to get into a bikini, of course) says that women are responsible for the bad treatment we receive from men. None of this exactly endeared me to Marrs's voice or his book.

potential spoiler:
I did keep reading to see it all go to the toilet like Theranos (which is also telling...of all the screwed-up companies to skewer he picked one from the under 5% led by a woman), but I really didn't like any of the characters by then, as you can imagine.
Don't write women if you're just going to make us stock Lifetime Movie Network characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly mclaughlin
This is a novel about 5 different people and their journey to find the One. Each person is very different and has very different outcomes. I spent an afternoon lost in this book. Each chapter is short and jumps from character to character. As a reader, you quickly jump into the rhythm of the book. I loved the different stories. Each of them remains independent but yet they are all are linked. One of the characters is a killer so if this is something that you are not comfortable with. If you are looking for a nice romance that ties everything up with a bow this is not the book for you but if you like a page-turner that wants to keep wondering how it is all going to end this is it. There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guess. Just when you think you know the truth you get a new twist. Overall this is a great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine reilly
NOTE: The author graciously gave me a copy of the book and asked me to write a review.

The uniqueness of DNA has become such an accepted part of our understanding that hardly a day goes by without the police on some TV show proving a culprit's guilt by means of a DNA test. John Marrs takes this concept one step further in "A Thousand Small Explosions," a novel that contains elements of mystery, suspense, science fiction, and good old-fashioned melodrama blended together into something as unique as a person's DNA.

Marrs's basic premise in "Explosions" is simple. It seems that everyone has a unique genetic partner, a person whose DNA is the yin to the other's yang, and who thus will be the perfect companion. If and when the two meet, the sparks will be there, and it will very likely be a case of love at first sight. A company called Match Your DNA discovered this matching gene and offers to test people and let them know (for a fee) who their match is, if that person has been tested. The possibilities that could arise from that premise are virtually endless, but Marrs tells the story of five such people. The stories are told in alternating chapters in the book, so Marrs returns to each person’s tale once every five chapters.

The first genetic matchee is Amanda, whose Mr. Perfect is a perfect hunk. Unfortunately, when Amanda goes to meet him, she learns that he died recently in an auto accident. The protagonist of the next story is Christopher, a man with a peculiar hobby. He's a serial killer with a very precise routine for disposing of his victims and a fairly tight timetable. He is understandably quite surprised when his match turns out to be Amy, a cop, and, to make things worse, he winds up falling for her. The next story is about Bethany, who travels halfway around the world to Australia to meet her match. She also gets some bad news, when she learns her match is a farmer dying of cancer. The next protagonist, Nick, already has a steady girlfriend and seemingly a happy home life. But his girlfriend insists he take the test to make sure they are "right" for each other. To his surprise, his perfect match turns out to be another man, Alex, to whom the straight Nick finds himself inexplicably attracted. Finally, the last story is about Ellie, a highly successful business executive with seemingly no time for romance, but who winds up taking the test anyway and getting matched with a man who's considerably lower on the social stature totem pole than she is.

The above descriptions are fairly general because I didn't want to spoil the book in any way. Marrs throws in a lot of plot twists and complications, often ending chapters with a surprise. This device makes “Explosions” a literal page turner, since readers anxious to find out more after they get a shocker have to get through four more chapters (and often get another surprise in one of those chapters). Of course, it’s manipulative, but Marrs handles it quite well, and, in the best soap opera fashion, he keeps readers interested in trying to figure out what’s going to happen next.

Obviously, a book like “A Thousand Small Explosions” requires a massive suspension of disbelief, and readers are likely to think of a lot of reasons why the this type of DNA matching can’t work in the real world. Marrs offers a pseudo-scientific explanation of sorts, but that’s not really his strength. The best way to look at this book is to compare it to other impossible science fiction themes like time travel and simply to accept the premise and go along for the ride.

And, it proves to be a heck of a ride. I thought all the individual stories ranged from very good to excellent (the best being the Hithcockian tale of the serial killer and the cop, which could easily have been made into a movie of its own). Marrs has created realistic characters and put the readers inside their minds as they experience some pretty intense emotions. And, throughout it all, although the scientific background might have been sketchy, the emotions were real. Some of the plot twists are a bit melodramatic, but, for readers willing to go along with the author, Marrs never lets them down. “A Thousand Small Explosions” produce one big bang of a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen ruth
This was my first John Marrs book and after hearing all the hype about this book I just had to read it. I loved the concept of a DNA match to find your soulmate, I also loved all the different characters even Christopher I could understand although I did not like all his choices. Even though I liked the concept of finding your soulmate with a DNA test I don't think I will try this if something like this would become available. We are responsible for our own happiness and every relationship is not moonshine and roses and needs a lot of work for it to succeed. Great writing with a lot of strange characters that would go to great lengths to get what they want.
I love it when a male writes about females and get the thought and emotional processes of females just right.
I'm looking forward to reading more of John Marrs in the future. I think The Match would also have been a great name for this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've heard nothing but great things about this book (both under its current title and its previous one) and I'll be honest I was a little wary about all the hype surrounding it. I needn't have worried. I initially picked this book to keep me occupied on a car journey, but when I reached my destination I found I was completely hooked, so much so that I read 'just one more chapter' and when I looked at the clock 2 hours had passed. In the end I just couldn't bear to put my kindle down so I did the only logical thing and I finished the book.

The One follows several couples as they learn about their Match, and follows them over the course of several months as their relationships develop. But none of these relationships are quite what they initially seem and they will all have you second guessing everyone.

This is the first time i have read anything by Marrs, but if this is his standard of work I will definitely be looking at his other works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny challagundla
What a fantastic book. I highly recommend it for readers of both the SciFi & Thriller genres. This could easily be a 5 episodes of the Twilight Zone or Black Mirror with its twisted romance stories. Also if you love Joe ? [Caroline Kepnes' character in "You" & "Hidden Bodies"], you're gonna love more than one of the guys & gals in this brilliant novel.

I decided to post my thoughts and chose leave a review after reading the advance ecopy of this book I received via Net Galley courtesy of Del Rey / Ebury Books / Penguin Random House the Publisher.

Thank you DelRay, Ebury & John Marrs for sending this book to me and giving me an opportunity to read it before the UK publication date of May 4, 2017. I also purchased the Audible since it's perfectly suited to listening with its multiple narrators!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
NOTE: The author graciously gave me a copy of the book and asked me to write a review.

The uniqueness of DNA has become such an accepted part of our understanding that hardly a day goes by without the police on some TV show proving a culprit's guilt by means of a DNA test. John Marrs takes this concept one step further in "A Thousand Small Explosions," a novel that contains elements of mystery, suspense, science fiction, and good old-fashioned melodrama blended together into something as unique as a person's DNA.

Marrs's basic premise in "Explosions" is simple. It seems that everyone has a unique genetic partner, a person whose DNA is the yin to the other's yang, and who thus will be the perfect companion. If and when the two meet, the sparks will be there, and it will very likely be a case of love at first sight. A company called Match Your DNA discovered this matching gene and offers to test people and let them know (for a fee) who their match is, if that person has been tested. The possibilities that could arise from that premise are virtually endless, but Marrs tells the story of five such people. The stories are told in alternating chapters in the book, so Marrs returns to each person’s tale once every five chapters.

The first genetic matchee is Amanda, whose Mr. Perfect is a perfect hunk. Unfortunately, when Amanda goes to meet him, she learns that he died recently in an auto accident. The protagonist of the next story is Christopher, a man with a peculiar hobby. He's a serial killer with a very precise routine for disposing of his victims and a fairly tight timetable. He is understandably quite surprised when his match turns out to be Amy, a cop, and, to make things worse, he winds up falling for her. The next story is about Bethany, who travels halfway around the world to Australia to meet her match. She also gets some bad news, when she learns her match is a farmer dying of cancer. The next protagonist, Nick, already has a steady girlfriend and seemingly a happy home life. But his girlfriend insists he take the test to make sure they are "right" for each other. To his surprise, his perfect match turns out to be another man, Alex, to whom the straight Nick finds himself inexplicably attracted. Finally, the last story is about Ellie, a highly successful business executive with seemingly no time for romance, but who winds up taking the test anyway and getting matched with a man who's considerably lower on the social stature totem pole than she is.

The above descriptions are fairly general because I didn't want to spoil the book in any way. Marrs throws in a lot of plot twists and complications, often ending chapters with a surprise. This device makes “Explosions” a literal page turner, since readers anxious to find out more after they get a shocker have to get through four more chapters (and often get another surprise in one of those chapters). Of course, it’s manipulative, but Marrs handles it quite well, and, in the best soap opera fashion, he keeps readers interested in trying to figure out what’s going to happen next.

Obviously, a book like “A Thousand Small Explosions” requires a massive suspension of disbelief, and readers are likely to think of a lot of reasons why the this type of DNA matching can’t work in the real world. Marrs offers a pseudo-scientific explanation of sorts, but that’s not really his strength. The best way to look at this book is to compare it to other impossible science fiction themes like time travel and simply to accept the premise and go along for the ride.

And, it proves to be a heck of a ride. I thought all the individual stories ranged from very good to excellent (the best being the Hithcockian tale of the serial killer and the cop, which could easily have been made into a movie of its own). Marrs has created realistic characters and put the readers inside their minds as they experience some pretty intense emotions. And, throughout it all, although the scientific background might have been sketchy, the emotions were real. Some of the plot twists are a bit melodramatic, but, for readers willing to go along with the author, Marrs never lets them down. “A Thousand Small Explosions” produce one big bang of a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zolliker j s
The concept appealed to me and scared at the same time. Wouldn’t it be nice to have science on your side, to find you that perfect ONE. The One you are destined to be with. There is no game, no broken hearts, only You and Him.

On the other hand, what would happen to the romance? to the mystery of first dates? to overwhelming thoughts “will he call? when will he call?” that we love and hate at the same time?

The story is told from 5 points of view. Five different people living different lives, the only thing they have in common is that MatchYourDNA website changed their lives. Five different stories provide you with enough perspectives to help you formulate your own opinion about the science behind love.

These were both positive, because of the element of surprise and all the reasons above, but they also made me feel very overwhelmed by the amount and development of different stories. Each of them could be a separate book on their own, and maybe I’d enjoy each and every one of them a little bit more.

But that is the only complain I have about this book! It was a super fast paced read, short chapters, crazy events and interesting characters definitely made it stand out before the other books in the genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was my first John Marrs book and after hearing all the hype about this book I just had to read it. I loved the concept of a DNA match to find your soulmate, I also loved all the different characters even Christopher I could understand although I did not like all his choices. Even though I liked the concept of finding your soulmate with a DNA test I don't think I will try this if something like this would become available. We are responsible for our own happiness and every relationship is not moonshine and roses and needs a lot of work for it to succeed. Great writing with a lot of strange characters that would go to great lengths to get what they want.
I love it when a male writes about females and get the thought and emotional processes of females just right.
I'm looking forward to reading more of John Marrs in the future. I think The Match would also have been a great name for this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've heard nothing but great things about this book (both under its current title and its previous one) and I'll be honest I was a little wary about all the hype surrounding it. I needn't have worried. I initially picked this book to keep me occupied on a car journey, but when I reached my destination I found I was completely hooked, so much so that I read 'just one more chapter' and when I looked at the clock 2 hours had passed. In the end I just couldn't bear to put my kindle down so I did the only logical thing and I finished the book.

The One follows several couples as they learn about their Match, and follows them over the course of several months as their relationships develop. But none of these relationships are quite what they initially seem and they will all have you second guessing everyone.

This is the first time i have read anything by Marrs, but if this is his standard of work I will definitely be looking at his other works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic book. I highly recommend it for readers of both the SciFi & Thriller genres. This could easily be a 5 episodes of the Twilight Zone or Black Mirror with its twisted romance stories. Also if you love Joe ? [Caroline Kepnes' character in "You" & "Hidden Bodies"], you're gonna love more than one of the guys & gals in this brilliant novel.

I decided to post my thoughts and chose leave a review after reading the advance ecopy of this book I received via Net Galley courtesy of Del Rey / Ebury Books / Penguin Random House the Publisher.

Thank you DelRay, Ebury & John Marrs for sending this book to me and giving me an opportunity to read it before the UK publication date of May 4, 2017. I also purchased the Audible since it's perfectly suited to listening with its multiple narrators!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ahmed el
An interesting premise, that each person only has one soul mate, that DNA will match those two people, and that it can happen given a worldwide service that can arrange the DNA test and contact. It's social media taken to its ultimate, and this novel explores some of the complications: your soul-mate may not be the gender or age you'd expect, or s/he might be already married, have health issues or be a serial killer -- indeed, one of the five main characters is that (no spoiler). The book follows five main characters, lively and well-drawn, as they confront a strange and dangerous new life. The choice to take the test, it seems, is fateful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been holding off reading this until near the publication date but itching to get it read whilst trying to avoid other reviews (which I did). I now know why! 4 lives, 4 stories, 4 matches. Each one told alternating with the others and every short chapter so well written you just want to know more. A book you can’t put down, a book you want to devour. Characters that you love, or dislike but each with that “je ne sais quoi” that you “need” to know what happens. Brilliantly put together with imaginative plots for each character that are wildly differing. Every chapter ending with that hook so you turn and turn again. One stunning read. John you have a talent. I can’t wait to read more.
I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am always slightly hesitant to read a book that so many people have raved about. However, in this instance I was not disappointed. A really good read.

The concept of the storyline was certainly thought provoking and possibly an insight into the future of online dating. The characters were varied but interesting and different. Each character's story was well plotted and I liked the style of writing which kept me hooked and eager to see how each storyline panned out. Although with the twists and turns there was no predictability. The only thing that stopped me giving this was 5 stars was that I found some of the book a bit implausible.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for an honest and independent review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris keup
One word to describe this story... Disturbing. It was disturbing, but very interesting. The many different points of view at first was a bit difficult to keep up with, but once the character's stories within this book got going, I just couldn't stop reading. There were a few twists and turns that I did not see coming which made the book even more interesting to read. It is disturbing to think how much society relies on technology, to the point that some people will change the course of their lives based on an online app using DNA data. Even after finishing this book, I was left thinking about how all these characters lives were drastically changed because of a DNA program. A scary, but interesting read!
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