Discover the Hidden Keys to Success - Willpower Doesn't Work

ByBenjamin Hardy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is very powerful to have you engaged into a real life changing experience. Its unique value is that it is rooted in both academic / scientific research and real life experience. Benjamin Hardy experienced first hand the practice he is sharing in his book. His life change experience get him engaged in deep research that led him to this summary.
On top of that, it is nicely written, clearly and logically built, with challenging questions so that you can start your own journey. A very serious book that have changed my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ben Hardy writes to inspire people to be the type of person and have the life they've envisioned in their wildest dreams. Except, it's not about dreaming. Hardy takes us on a practical journey of consistent steps that we can take on a daily basis, that might seem small, but lead to really big things. Hardy isn't a pontificating guru. He walks his talk. If you've enjoyed reading Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, and Steven Covey, Hardy is your next read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cornelius shannon
This is a great book for those struggling to actually cause their resolutions to come to pass. Ben uses plenty of examples to illustrate his main points which gives the reader ideas for actions they cam take.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A really great read and drills down further into something I’ve practiced and preached for a while...the importance of starting with your environment and hacking it for success proactively.

Took a lot of great notes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Crystal clear, straightforward, written in a way anyone can instantly relate to and apply in their own personal or business life. This might be the most impactful and relevant book released in 2018. I’ve recommended this read to many. Thank you for putting this out to the world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoy reading this book! This Book has opened my mind to discover, what other implementations that I can do in order to have great success in my endeavors! This book is for people that are looking for Huge Success, Change, and Guidance. This book contains keys that would make your success inevitable. I would definitely recommend this book! This is a really good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome content that can be applied to your life if you are serious about changing it for the better! I am applying and seeing results immediately. Intelligently written and involved but yet an easy read due to the writing style. Thank you, for taking the time to research and write this book out of a desire to obviously help your fellow man, Benjamin Hardy. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
campbell macgillivray
This book is brilliant. It makes complete sense. I’ve already applied it to something simple like stopping daily coffee - and it works! I had been unsuccessfully trying to stop coffee for the past year. Now I will use these principles for bigger goals like creative projects and financial health. It has definitely changed the way I view the world and my life for the better. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin hutchison
Awesome content that can be applied to your life if you are serious about changing it for the better! I am applying and seeing results immediately. Intelligently written and involved but yet an easy read due to the writing style. Thank you, for taking the time to research and write this book out of a desire to obviously help your fellow man, Benjamin Hardy. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara veldhuizen stealy
Self-help books are only as good as the individual reading them. To paraphrase the main idea in Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s Willpower Doesn’t Work, our environments determine our success, and we can change our environment to either help or hinder our goals.

Thus, if you read this book and make the necessary changes as prescribed, you’re likely to make some positive changes in your life. If you read this book with a pessimistic attitude, or comprehend the lesson but fail to apply it, you’re going to end up right where you were before you read this book. And so it goes.

Hardy’s book is a relatively easy read, a big plus for self-help books, because it doesn’t get too bogged down in scientific theory or textbook verbiage. That’s not to say that a simple book is best when seeking to change one’s life, or that this book is superficial by any means. But, there is a level of advantage to keeping the reader interested. It takes some writing skill to make one’s research accessible to a broad audience, and Hardy has a conversational, smooth tone to his prose.

Additionally, the research appears to be sound, and it is a surprisingly simple refutation of the adage that all one needs is to “want” to change in order to achieve change. Even sheer hard work alone may not be enough if one constantly has to overcome the environmental obstacles that may be a bigger hindrance than one’s desire for reaching a goal. Packed with plenty of anecdotes that show how subtly we may be sabotaging our own best interest, Hardy demonstrates that merely wanting change, or even working toward it might not be enough. Moreover, he lays out comprehensive plan for getting you into your highest potential environment.

I’m not a big fan of self-help books because I tend to cynically think that, like fad diets, the only one’s benefiting are the people behind the product. Additionally, much of the writing is merely common sense. Then again, it’s common sense that we often ignore until we find our lives needing to adjust our thinking. This book came at such a time for me, and it hit me with a lot of impact and profundity. At a time in my life when my second divorce is happening, I have the perfect opportunity to make some changes in my life, and Willpower Doesn’t Work will serve as a good tool to have for the road ahead. Recommended for people seeking change that is achievable. It’s still early in 2018. Those New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be abandoned yet. Change your mind and read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This really is a breakthrough book for anyone stuck on the same loop of trying to improve themselves but always following up short. Self-improvement via willpower just doesn't work, because our environment deeply shapes us.

Although the concepts in this book aren't entirely new, I found it really helpful in finding ways to restructure my environment to drive the improvement I'm looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff ferry
Tells how the standard self-help advice of using willpower is wrong. Explains what works instead using examples and the science behind it. This book explains a lot about my struggles with the many self-help books I have read. Very helpful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This review is being written by Lewis Durrett. I purchased WILLPOWER DOESN'T WORK with my daughter Lindsey's the store account, so this post will show up under her name instead of my own. I was blessed enough to first read this book in PDF form, so the moment that i purchased it here i was already familiar with it. Benjamin's work in this volume has been a total life changer for me. when i read it i was in a downward spiral that began with a catastrophic career-ending injury in August of 2015. i am LIVING PROOF that willpower does not work, simply because of the fact that i had been trying to live on willpower for over 30 months. And my attempt was noble but fruitless. i had been at the end of my "willpower rope" for a good long while. I read through the book and applied Jonathon's wisdom and began to use his tactics and today, such a very short time later, i have gone from utter hopelessness and desperation to creating a thriving new company and heading toward creating another lucrative venture while enjoying energy and focus and passion that i never knew were possible for me to possess. WILLPOWER DOESN'T WORK is THAT powerful, THAT transformational and brings phenomenal results THAT quickly. i bought a copy of the book because i knew from reading the PDF that i was going to be holding a cutting edge classic in my hands when it got here. i now have a copy to keep and another one to pas forward. DON'T MISS THIS !!!!! Do not let this pass you by. it is too good---it leads you directly to the success and the satisfaction in life that you want. It will draw you right out of the worst situation you could ever find yourself facing. What blows me away is the fact that it IS literally FOOLPROOF. I feel so strongly about this work that if someone were to buy it, APPLY it, and not be thrilled beyond what they can imagine with the results, i would refund their investment MYSELF....Be blessed. order your copy NOW.....order at least TWO because you are going to be wanting one to keep and at least one to give away,if not more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william spear
The title of this book caught my attention. The contents therein showed me how to get unstuck and get to the next level in my life. I now know that "will power" can only take you so far. The ideals from this book will give you the push you need to be the person you want to become.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara liliana
I've following Benjamin's Hardy's work for sometime, and this book was everything I expected to be. He did a great job on articulating his message. I found the conclusions at the end of the chapter very useful in helping me to remember what the entire chapter was about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bonnie davis
I loved this book. It's easy to follow, engaging, and provides clear steps to help you set up a better life and environment. Unlike many books that write in theory, this actually provides concrete steps for you to implement. I highly suggest reading this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly hildebrand
This book is INCREDIBLE! I am not even finished with it and the things that I have implemented from this book have TOTALLY changed my cash flow, my,mindset and my projections! I CAN'T SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peg ward
Tesla Competition Entry:
Without any exaggeration for the sake of appealing to anyone, I’d like to make the following honest statement: Willpower Doesn’t Work drastically changed my life. I’ve read a number of inspirational, motivational, self-help books, and there is a common thread amongst most of them except now that has helped me up to a point and has begun to be a bit redundant. This was no easy read, but if one chooses to deeply understand what’s being taught and apply the techniques here and understand the terminology being used, your life will never be the same, truly.
Since I have been devotedly reading Benjamin Hardy’s blogs for two+ years, I was aware of the importance of "having skin in the game” and publicly offered to purchase copies of this book to 5 other people who promised to be committed to reading and applying the wisdom as well as relaying to me insights into how to apply the book’s knowledge.
As a professional dancer, I really yearned for a flexible, healthy body to develop more skills and agility within my art. I took the plunge and signed up for 3 months at a nearby Ashtanga yoga studio, one of the most rigorous styles. This served as a forcing function, where a high investment motivated me to gain my money’s worth and show up regularly. My body, dance, and art have thanked me deeply for that, and the improved strength in my movement is undeniable. It also had the incidental effect of creating an enriched environment by compelling me to wake up early and complete my work at home for the day before my 10AM class. I’ve been more productive now than I ever have been as a result.
Observing the all-pervading habitual changes committing to a yoga studio provided for my life, when my membership expires in August, I will invest for a few months into a cryptocurrency premium group to wisely use my investments and enhance knowledge in this field-constantly evolving.
While reading this book, not coincidentally, it brought up a compelling notion to face a fear of mine-street performing. There was so much resistance to this, but an intuitive voice led me out one day, where after a couple hours of little results from donations, I met another dancer/street performer. This happenstance meeting turned into a partnership with my new friend, Tavon. Until this moment, I’ve only been able to find consistent work outside of New York City. Hard to believe but true. While the money earned is 25% more than before, I expend less energy not being forced to dance by myself for the entirety of an act, and I’m really enjoying myself in a way I hadn’t before. This is thanks to one word-collaboration-which is exactly what I needed as I have been working alone for years. The whole of us is far greater than the sum of our parts.
Thank you, Benjamin Hardy, I am forever changed. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna ackerman
Consistently applying the principles in this book has been an eye-opening experience for me.

For most of my life, I have believed that if I just tried harder I could achieve my goals. When I failed, I felt lazy, unmotivated, and everything else a negative thought spiral could conjure.

Reading Willpower Doesn't Work has given me a new paradigm. The way the concepts are presented and explained with regards to psychology and behavior made them easy to apply. If you understand what is going on in your brain at a given time, you have a better chance of intervening and making a change to your default responses.

Each person will take something different from any book; my process is now as follows: set a goal -> reinforce it each morning -> identify where problems crop up (and do not go into a negative spiral) -> make changes to environment to interrupt the problematic behavior and support the goal -> test if it works -> look for the next problem -> learn from it.

I took so much more from the book than this, but this is the most valuable to me because it firmly addresses the poor coping mechanisms built up over years. Each time a problem serves as a positive contribution towards my goal rather than throwing me off, my determination is renewed rather than destroyed. It just makes life so much happier.

I would happily recommend or gift this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean golden
Received the book and looked at some of the contents chapters and I am very anxious to start reading rhe book. The title says Willpower Doesn't Work and yet the book shows you how to discover the hidden key to Success
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Though their are a few useful reminders here, I largely did not like this book.

My perception is that the author comes to the self help/recovery/personal growth field from a strong marketing (money generating) perspective, which has always rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not saying an author (or a therapist for that matter) doesn't deserve to be well paid. I am saying that I have a problem with a recovery/personal growth specialist making $'s their #1 motivator.

One example is much of a chapter plugging something called the "Genius Network", which per the author costs $25k to join. As the author admits to being a professional blogger & entrepreneur, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a significant referral fee.

He also talks about changing one's environment as being essential for success; but many (not all) of his suggestions require money. Some of us don't have a lot of that, & I wish the author's belief that all it takes to get money is to change your attitude was true; I don't find it that simple!

He takes the position that "Nature" (genetics) plays a much smaller role in mental health & self realization than "Nurture" which he renames "Environment", while totally ignoring the fact that in much psychology theory how our parents raised us does have a strong impact, which requires work to change; & is often considered part of Nurture/Environment.

I also find it ironic that many of his suggestions for changing one's environment (& I agree with some of his thoughts on that; especially removing unhealthy people from my life) require a ton of Willpower; which the book's main theme states doesn't work!

I'm aware that all other reviewers as of the time of this review hold this book in higher regard than I do, your mileage may vary. Though I have spent quite a bit more time thinking about what I read than this review may indicate; I really didn't find the book particularly useful to my journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric buffington
This book gives new insight into an old topic: Self Control. It gave me reason to rethink some of my presuppositions and explained why I have experienced a burst of creative energy associated with the new studio I'm building (better envroment=better productivity+mental health). While some of the tips and ideas were basically common sense it was good to cut through the clutter and remind myself what really works.

The best idea for me was the concept of Forcing Functions. You engineer your life so that you are more prone to comply with goals than defy your best interest. For example, if you rented a workspace within walking distance of your home you would be more prone to walk every day to work thus having a built-in compulsory exercise program. I really like the concept and have since built some very effective Forcing Functions into my life.

One bit of advice, that you have 5 people around you who are helping you be your best self was a tough one for me. My friends are currently all struggling–some of them are very difficult to be around. I'm going to be there for them no matter what (or until they self-destruct) but how do I find like-minded people to become friends with in this busy age? I sense that this is a great way to move forward with my life but this topic will take some more reflection to come up with a solution. Nevertheless, these tips, whether easy or hard to accomplish, are better known that ignored. Overall one of the best books on self-improvement I have read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa massaad
Ever made a New Year’s resolution you didn’t (couldn’t) keep? Ever joined a gym or weight loss program and failed to get the results you were looking for? Read a self-help book, attended a transformational workshop or seminar only to find the promised results were not forthcoming?
You probably were relying on willpower. According to Benjamin Hardy, PhD, author of Willpower Doesn’t Work, relying on willpower dooms you to failure.

“Social norms are more powerful at controlling your behavior than your deepest ideologies and desires. A person’s life is a product of the social norms around them.” What this means is that your environment is more powerful than your intentions. If you want to change, then you need to change your environment.

According to Dr. Hardy, “Environmental design is your greatest responsibility.”

If you are looking to make positive, permanent change in your life, this book will give you the tools and the framework for making those changes.
Dr. Hardy goes deep into the psychology of change and human behavior. He writes from personal experience and years of research and psychological training.

The book is written in a very conversational tone. Although it covers deep, complex subjects – human behavior is one of the most complex there is – his writing is clear and concise. He takes the complex and makes it straightforward. He provides plenty of real life examples to illustrate his points.

The writing is well research and he frequently quotes/references other authorities in the field.

The bottom line is this. “You can change. But you must change your environment.” The book is both educational, insightful and informative. It is inspirational. But achieving the desired results requires a different approach. Dr. Hardy gives the reader a blueprint. You still have to change your environment.
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