Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy) - The Tenth Insight

ByJames Redfield

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was kinda disappointed with this book. The points made are great but the story line is not written that well. It took me a month to read this and to be honest with you, I had to force myself to finish it. I couldn't put the Celestine Prophesy down, this one I had to put some effort into choosing to continue. I feel compelled to move forward in the series and I already ordered my book... Hoping I don't end up wasting my time...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anu rajaraman
This book did not provide me with more answers to life. Instead, it left me with more questions. Personally, I've discovered it's the "questions" that I cherish most, more so than hoping for a discovery, a revelation. I don't expect I'll ever have those answers about life's journey even if I lived many lifetimes. That's okay. I remember back in my college days when one of my professors said, " when you graduate and discover that you have more questions than answers than when you first came here, then you will have had a great education." He was right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claire barner
By the time I had read The Celestine Prophecy and worked through the Experiential Guide, I was definitely on the roll. There was no way I was going to drop such massive source of growth and aid to understanding higher truths at the beginning of my spiritual path, there were so many energetic concepts that these books offered.

The 10th insight was a quantum leap in the understanding of what I had absorbed so far. Yes, I understood the 9 insights and their energetic parallels, and I was doing my best to raise my vibration and follow its cues in order to be able to see beauty everywhere I looked.

And I was succeeding quite well, when this Ten Insight propelled me into a further understanding of what the possibilities for the future would be with an unlimited source of power free for all.

The world we know today would definitely be not the same because, for starters, there would be no point of arguing or fighting to control such source. But the book describes very well how the major power players in the world would do anything they could to control it, regardless!

OK. These concepts are much more heard today, but one must think that this book was really well ahead of its time.

I definitely loved the fact that it put so many valuable seeds in my consciousness, which have matured 17 years later. I have fond memories and I still own all these books, which I don't lend anyone because they are as well-loved part of my library as my baby's photographs are part of my memories!
Will Grayson, will grayson (Dutch Edition) :: Will Grayson, Will Grayson (Spanish Edition) :: Grayson (ESPANOL) (Spanish Edition) :: Will Grayson (Paperback); 2011 Edition - Will Grayson :: The Hour of Decision (Celestine Series) - The Twelfth Insight
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a mystical or spiritual novel in the tradition of Bulwer-Lytton's Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale, Marie Corelli's A Romance of Two Worlds , Joan Grant's Far Memory (Joan Grant Autobiography),A Dweller on Two Planets Or, The Dividing of the Way (Cosimo Classics: Methphysics) or Brother of the Third Degree. As such, it does not compare all that well. It is quite metaphysical but also does not compare well to Stewart Edward Whites' "The Betty Book" let alone his masterful The Unobstructed Universe. Unfortunately, as opposed to its predecessor, Celestine Prophecy, the, it is skewed towards Western (esp. New Age) traditions--making it somewhat unbalanced. On the other hand, it does provide an introduction to some basic metaphysics and Redfield's personal vision of utopia. It is written at a low level--probably to appeal to the masses--so don't expect great literature here--or much of a plot either--I think C. S. Lewis did it better: The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics. Also, some of its reasoning, such as the Financial/Economic assertions (esp. lowering prices 10%) are inherently faulty & indefensible. Still, Redfield doesn't claim to be a professional in these areas--we must allow for some poetic license herein. It IS, however, better than most New Age feel-good books as it actually does contain valuable material--but the wheat is buried in the chaff. If you wish a more systematic, non-fiction, approach try Ken Wilbur's "A Brief History of Everything."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen hnatow
James Redfield continues his story from the Celestine Prophecy, which deals with human spirituality. He takes us on a journey where questions about who we are and where are we going are woven into the fabric of life. James gives us a history lesson which includes our individual missions here on earth.

He weaves several different themes of possibilities for us to consider, such as soul groups which we travel with throughout life. Another is of animal sightings and how they can provide a signpost for us to be aware of, which may signal a change or an opportunity. Some of the underlying messages within these pages are of hope, compassion and love. I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it takes us places which lift us up and provide a sense of belonging to a world larger than we might imagine today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kurt driessens
A continuation of the first book (the Celestine Prophecy) with an added dimension to the spiritual awakening: the after life. As well as delving into the complexities of the tenth insight: remembering the birth vision, overcoming the fear, taking responsibility to the future of humankind, environmental consciousness, promoting the eventual world vision. This time the adventure takes you to the Native American landscape in Southwestern U.S.

The author does not exclusively promote one religion as previously introduced in the prior book, but instead considers them all: Muslim, Jewish, Christianity, Eastern beliefs. While ingeniously intermingling science. And just like the prior, this book also breaks down the barriers set up by society/religion/environmental/cultural factors imposed on us since birth, sheds light on the purpose of our true selves and opens the portal to the realization of our fullest potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann saylor
What we have here is a theistic, optimistic, and spiritual book with a New Age coloring. This deals a lot with synchronicities, and has had a profound effect on my life since synchronicities are something that I experience first hand, frequently. I recommend this book whether or not you believe it as a whole. You don't need to, it still will be beneficial. ( I don't believe everything it advocates) To the stubborn skeptic, it might be a little to much to swallow, but as long as you have encountered synchronicity or serendipity... this book will be enjoyed. It will only be worthless to the nihilist. Why do I give it 5 stars though? Was it really that brilliant? No, but unlike some books that are merely valuable as food for thought, this is food for life. It can be directly applied to where you stand now. Perhaps 'soul food' is the proper term. You will not read this by accident, and you will learn that nothing is an accident. Without getting into its minor beliefs, I agree with the ultimate implied message that the book purports:
The meaning of life is simply, love
It emphasizes our need to generate loving energy unto all beings, and search for the genuine meaning in our lives, through prayer and synchronistic events. It speaks a bit about analyzing synchronicities and their context, similar to interpreting dreams. There is alot of fascinating info about things like dreams, and sacred sites. There is much writing about the Afterlife. The book teaches reincarnation, Birth Vision, and the idea that your Afterlife is created by what you believe it will be while on earth. (That concept continues to confuse me!) They deny literal existences of Hell, Devils, and Judgement. These are only to be viewed as metaphors. We can transform our negative side through our heart with positive light. It even contains a chapter about Work and Business, how we can use these as spiritual relationships and oppurtunities through changes. The chapters end with individual and group work, this will probably be where the book directly helps or influences you the greatest. The author has great methods of analyzing our life and the big picture.
The vision is here, we must realize it. As I said it doesn't really degrade this books value if you don't believe in NDE's, reincarnation, or whatever. I believe there is alot of good here for us all. I don't think I should get into more detail, if you are interested at all, open your mind to this work!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca nj
I love the 1/st book: "The Celestine Prophecy". Is one of my favorites books, ever. I was absolutely delighted while reading it. I found it very spiritual, motivational and inspiring, without being religious or else. After a few years later, I found it in my library, and need to read it once again, with more understanding than the first time. After so many years, I still recommend these meaningful book.

I also read the 2nd book: "Tenth Insight", from the same author, but liked the first book more than this. The author published another 3rd book in this serie: "The Secret of Shambala...". Maybe it has too long and hard to follow narratives, maybe it was written in another style, and I cannot really appreciated it and grasp the message the author was trying to deliver to us. The third one is the one that I really disliked.

The Celestine Prophecy - The Tenth Insight - The Secret of Shambala
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brooke moncrief
People who prefer a nice turn of phrase, elegance, and lots of profundity won't find it here. You will find some other ways to view the upcoming Apocalypse/big energy shift. Old views as well as new are simply explained.

I learned a lot from the Celestine Prophecy, so I got this book too. Yes, I picked up quite a bit from this book as well. The book talks at length about the Afterlife, Life Reviews, how each person chooses to be born, and the progression of life from the Big Bang. As far as engaging fiction, a few parts of the book are engaging. There are some longer sections involving a lot of explanation. Characters going over what they'd discovered about life and the purpose of life. Very helpful information. Rather long compared to the adventure parts.

So the pro of this book is that there's a lot of insight, simply explained, at a level that just about anyone can grasp.

The con is that the language lacks beauty and isn't very quotable. The action isn't what you'd call intense.

I think the pro outweighs the con by quite a bit. There are some big ideas in here that are very accessible. And at 236 pages you can get this information pretty quickly.

If the very long dialogue/explanation parts were put into a more elegant, well written non-adventure type book, that book would be a good deal longer. And probably not as accessible. This book gets 4 stars for the information I got from it. Otherwise, it'd get 2 for the writing style and not-so-adventurous adventure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The tenth insight is the follw up yo the Celestine Prohecy by James Redfield and follows again our unnamed adventurer on his coincidental quest to find the Tenth insight, however this Insight is not like the others, for it must come from within and is not written as the others were.

It follows our adventurer as he remebers his past lives and his "Birth Experiance" to rememember what his life( and humanities) purpose is.

I was mostly impressed with the chapter dealing with remembering our future" and what our future holds for us including the "end times prohacies" I am a practicing christian and I can believe "most" of what Redfield presents here, I do believe in Heaven on earth, in other realms and the fact of the Afterlife, and I believe that Redfield may have presented the best theory of the rapture I have ever read. well worth the time and money
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author has taken on a profound subject and the focus on death, after-life and karma gives this book a different direction from the Celestine Prophecy. After reading it one feels that at times the author has tried to justify having a separate novel for the Tenth Insight. Hence certain portions drag and make you want to flip over. James Redfield seems to have been inspired by 'Saved by the Light' and hence anyone who has read 'Saved ...' will easily spot the similarities. For anyone who is reading about death, after-life first time, this book covers all theories,experiences covered to date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Celestine Prophecy written about ten years ago had a profound effect on my spiritual understanding. Since then I have looked at relationships and energy dynamics in a whole new way. "The Tenth Insight" deepened my insights by allowing me to understand how many of the world's problems can be solved with new spiritual vision.

Lately I had been looking for current inspiration in a book that carried in a tradition similar to James Redfield. I found it in Nexus: A Neo Novel

"The Celestine Prophecy" started the trend in uncovering trends for a new age and crystallized it into a vision. That vision is carried on today in "Nexus" through the journey of people to a spiritual retreat. All of these books together show that we are reaching a greater awareness.

Like "The Celestine Prophecy," "Nexus is also growing among spiritual individuals ready for a message of transformation. Each one of us can share in the spiritual vision present in these books and also tell others about them.

Spiritually we are reaching a critical level and the message found in books by James Redfield and currently in Nexus: A Neo Novel is helping in our spiritual growth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael morgan
I started with the Celestine prophecy and then moved on to the tenth insight, both are good books. here is another book that some of you might enjoyalchemy and the green lion: the truth of the philosophers stone
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Celestine Prophecy was a very thought provoking book.
The Tenth Insight, however, has crossed the line between thought provoking and a bad movie.
While The Celestine Prophecy pushed the intellectual envelope when it got to the "Ninth Insight" (being able to physically disappear), the message and structure of the other eight insights expanded the understanding of how humans interact. The Tenth Insight takes the metamorphosis of humanity to a new level of idiocy--where people "centered" enough can actually cross over to the Afterlife, seeing what others are hoping to make of their lives before they are reincarnated, and how humanity will achieve this awakaning through love.
Somewhere between page one and the end, this book starts weak, and then collapses upon itself in a rather agonizingly slow process.
Save your money, stick to The Celestine Prophecey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky quinn
I loved this book. 'The Celestine Prophecy' was like a foundation that 'The Tenth Insight' expanded on. This book gave me some much needed hope in the face of all the fear and hate going on in the world today. Don't worry, it isn't about religion at all. You can be of any religion or a of no religion, and still get an inspiring message.
I highly recommend reading this book and look forward to reading the next book, 'The Secret of Shambhala'
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joyce ann underwood
The tenth insight is the follw up yo the Celestine Prohecy by James Redfield and follows again our unnamed adventurer on his coincidental quest to find the Tenth insight, however this Insight is not like the others, for it must come from within and is not written as the others were.

It follows our adventurer as he remebers his past lives and his "Birth Experiance" to rememember what his life( and humanities) purpose is.

I was mostly impressed with the chapter dealing with remembering our future" and what our future holds for us including the "end times prohacies" I am a practicing christian and I can believe "most" of what Redfield presents here, I do believe in Heaven on earth, in other realms and the fact of the Afterlife, and I believe that Redfield may have presented the best theory of the rapture I have ever read. well worth the time and money
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cathy graham
The author has taken on a profound subject and the focus on death, after-life and karma gives this book a different direction from the Celestine Prophecy. After reading it one feels that at times the author has tried to justify having a separate novel for the Tenth Insight. Hence certain portions drag and make you want to flip over. James Redfield seems to have been inspired by 'Saved by the Light' and hence anyone who has read 'Saved ...' will easily spot the similarities. For anyone who is reading about death, after-life first time, this book covers all theories,experiences covered to date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amr mahdy
The Celestine Prophecy written about ten years ago had a profound effect on my spiritual understanding. Since then I have looked at relationships and energy dynamics in a whole new way. "The Tenth Insight" deepened my insights by allowing me to understand how many of the world's problems can be solved with new spiritual vision.

Lately I had been looking for current inspiration in a book that carried in a tradition similar to James Redfield. I found it in Nexus: A Neo Novel

"The Celestine Prophecy" started the trend in uncovering trends for a new age and crystallized it into a vision. That vision is carried on today in "Nexus" through the journey of people to a spiritual retreat. All of these books together show that we are reaching a greater awareness.

Like "The Celestine Prophecy," "Nexus is also growing among spiritual individuals ready for a message of transformation. Each one of us can share in the spiritual vision present in these books and also tell others about them.

Spiritually we are reaching a critical level and the message found in books by James Redfield and currently in Nexus: A Neo Novel is helping in our spiritual growth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started with the Celestine prophecy and then moved on to the tenth insight, both are good books. here is another book that some of you might enjoyalchemy and the green lion: the truth of the philosophers stone
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Celestine Prophecy was a very thought provoking book.
The Tenth Insight, however, has crossed the line between thought provoking and a bad movie.
While The Celestine Prophecy pushed the intellectual envelope when it got to the "Ninth Insight" (being able to physically disappear), the message and structure of the other eight insights expanded the understanding of how humans interact. The Tenth Insight takes the metamorphosis of humanity to a new level of idiocy--where people "centered" enough can actually cross over to the Afterlife, seeing what others are hoping to make of their lives before they are reincarnated, and how humanity will achieve this awakaning through love.
Somewhere between page one and the end, this book starts weak, and then collapses upon itself in a rather agonizingly slow process.
Save your money, stick to The Celestine Prophecey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex grube
I loved this book. 'The Celestine Prophecy' was like a foundation that 'The Tenth Insight' expanded on. This book gave me some much needed hope in the face of all the fear and hate going on in the world today. Don't worry, it isn't about religion at all. You can be of any religion or a of no religion, and still get an inspiring message.
I highly recommend reading this book and look forward to reading the next book, 'The Secret of Shambhala'
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam jones
Could he be anymore genius? James Redfield is on of the most amazing authors yet! Those who have judged wrong of this book in the past should reconsider. I can honestly say, without praising this man too much, that I as a young reader have been inspired and touched by The Tenth Insight! When I first began to read this book, I was kind of sceptical, as it seemed to be a "religious book", but as I continued my search into the book, a whole new aspect of life had come into view. For a human being alone to have thought of this inspirational book, I find to be highly unlikely. But then again, the evidence has been placed right before me and I now see that it is possible. I remember at one point of the book, my jaw actually dropped in amazment. I had never taken any of this into thought before. I literally refused to stop reading the book and stayed up for hours, analizing every line of this fantastic masterpiece. I hope that anyone who may come across this comment, to take it to serious consideration because I know that I myself have never received so much aspect on life from one book. I too can say this has changed it dramatically and would definetly reccomend this to anyone who may be facing any difficulties in their lives, because if it has touched this many people, it will definetly affect you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Normally I only read non-ficition books because there are so many good non-ficitoin books that I am learning from. A few years ago I decided to read a fiction book because of a recommendation from a good friend. It was the Celestine Prophecy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. When I heard of The Tenth Insight I felt it was a good time to read a second fiction book. However I was truly disillusioned. I tried twice to read the book. I eventually got half way through the book. I could not understand the book. I tried it twice. I got nothing out of it! I read an average of 45 minutes every morning at 5 to 6am. I have read over 450 non-fiction books but only one book and a half of fiction.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
harriet malamut
I read the Celestine Prophecy and enjoyed it and felt I had received some new insights that could help me. But this book, The Tenth Insight, left me totally bewildered. It is probably the most confusing book I have ever read. If you want to understand `soul families', Ramon Stevens in his Alexander books, does a much better and clearer job. Even as an adventure novel, the premise was weak and very distracting to the simple message of `figuring out why we are all here'. I've read the same sermon hundreds of times, all spoken more eloquently, all easier to understand.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
juliet hougland
The Celestine Prophecy, while poorly written, had something to say, ideas worth thinking about and was intelligible. But Redfield's The Tenth Insight reveals him as the poorest of Casteneda clones. Only by the greatest perserverence was I able to finish this book, hoping that the mindless obscurities and their wraithlike shadows, the Birth Vision, feckless and nameless in the whitish swirl of moving amber souls would lead me out of Appalachia and into bliss.
Redfield, trying to capitalize on the wild success of TCP, has shown himself to be a totally incompetent hack. This is dreadful, unintelligible trash. Avoid it. Trust me
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As one of the previous reviewers have stated, I was a little confused about the reason for this book. Perhaps I am not spiritially developed or possibly this is a confusing book. I think the world that has not been fully discovered/developed is the spiritual aspect. So I believe the author is right in this respect. After that, the author starts rambling about original growth forest, reincarnation, and new family structures, etc. This confused me as well as other readers. I am sure there are better books out there about discovering you spiritual identity.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
spencer willardson
This was an obvious attempt by the author to cash in on the popularity of his previous works. The only use out of this book I have gotten is to swat flies as I watch TV from my recliner. If ever there was an argument for burning books, this is it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bobby reuter
James Redfield got greedy and took this to the publisher too soon. What a shame!! It could have been a good sequel to Celestine Prophecy. Writing quality deserved a "D" at best. Recall it and try again Mr. Redfield
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa jakub
This book describes a compelling and engaging, if imaginative picture of the very real concept of the "Communion of Saints". Reinforcing for those who will, the scriptural affirmation that we are all "surrounded by a cloud of witnesses", who are intensely and actively interested in our achievement of fulfilling and fruitful lives, evolving (author's word) right into eternity. It does have a few slow parts when compared with The Celestine Prophesy; but for it's imaginative description of mystical body of Christ including those who have lived in the past, I have never read its equal.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren rutledge
The ordering and shipping process was fluent as usual. I ordered an used book and I knew that it will have some markings, which gives a book personality! the cover has some marking, but the inside looks great. It is worth the low price. The subject matter is explained too much compare to the first book, Celectine Prophecy. it could be shorter, but maybe some need more explanation to grasp the subject. It is a good book to imagine the world and life from a different angle.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
debra gonzalez
There are soooo many things to say about this book - where can I start? I read the Celestine Prophesy (the prequel) because it was recommended by a friend. I was, by my nature, slightly suspicious of it but I suspended disbelief. In hindsight its hard not to notice the obvious symbolism in the first chapter (ie: the author representing the reader, reluctant to believe and building affinity with the reader, but trusting his friend - who represents the book - and who the author learns over time to trust and believe) and didnt even let in any cynicism with the overuse of repetition (aka Neuro-linguistic Reprogramming). Why did I do this? Well, I like my friend. Plus the "insights" are easy to believe if you <want> to believe them. It's easy to see how they are reflected in today's western society. OK so there's no proof that this is based on an ancient Peruvian manuscript, and I suppose Redfield <could> have written it a few years back just to make a bit of money and conveniently written the story to have all the evidence confiscated but ... well you have to give the benefit of the doubt every now and then, right?
So then I read the Tenth Insight. How obvious can you be? It's not so much his lack of writing ability that bothers me, he's not pretending to be a skilled author, but the fact that Redfield is exploiting people who need reassurance, people who are unhappy with their lives and need something to hope for.
Think about all of the flaws in his story... One small example: he says that animals are here to remind us of something we learned when we evolved through them. So tell me - when did humans ever evolve from hawks? from rabbits or cats? His "logic" is littered with gaping inaccuracies and holes.
If you aren't convinced yet, please ask yourself one question: if his purpose is to bring these "insights" into the world and raise human awareness, why does he make people pay for them? Why doesn't he put it on the internet and make it free to everyone?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paige mcgreevy
I really enjoyed the "Celestine Prophecy" so I went ahead and read this follow-up, "The Tenth Insight". I couldn't wait to finish it, because the story seemed to go dull, quick. Too much explainations on topics about the story. If it wern't for the little bit of sense the story made, I would tell anyone looking at this book to "run for the hills".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
averil braden
this book is amazing and a great compliment to the Celestine Prophecy.It make you wonder if this could be the new turth we are to learn about where the human race is destine to go. Must be read and re-read over and again. The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book brings all the first nine insights into complete perspective. It explains so much about how people are living now a days and how people "aren't" living.....Everyone needs a study class on this book...It has changed my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The item was perfect so keen to the description. This has been one of my favourite reading ever! I've red "The Celestine Prophecy" and reding this book made me satisfied of my purchased on the store. Thanks so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have loved every single book of this series. A great read that I did not want to put down. I have read it more than once. I keep it on my bookshelf and won't pass it on because I will read it again!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica evans
I bought the Tenth Insight as library discard for $1 -- I wish I could get my money back!
His philosopy is ridiculous in many ways. I believe in reincarnation, but nothing like he describes it. Frequently in the book the characters remember their past lives and the relationships they each had with each other, and problems of the past being acted upon today.
The one clincher that really got me was when one character suggests all suppliers reduce their prices 10%, and this would cure inflation. How simple minded do you have to be to think this is remotely possible?
I would rate The Celestine Prophecy about 6 or 7, and the tenth Insight a -1
thank you for listening.
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