A Shade of Vampire 23: A Flight of Souls

ByBella Forrest

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really like this series because it's silly mind-numbing reading. The books are too short and really should be combined with others in the series as it can be read in less than 3 hours. The story line is entertaining and I'm left wanting to find out what happens in the story. I recommend it as teeny-bopper lit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A little boring at times, but the story is definitely leading somewhere. It brought back some old and unexpected characters and even some I thought where gone for good. I can't wait for the next. I'm still left wishing for some more Ben and River actually together time but hopefully that will be in the next book. I definitely loved the direction this book is leading to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rosann schwartz
A little boring at times, but the story is definitely leading somewhere. It brought back some old and unexpected characters and even some I thought where gone for good. I can't wait for the next. I'm still left wishing for some more Ben and River actually together time but hopefully that will be in the next book. I definitely loved the direction this book is leading to.
A Shade of Vampire 38: A Power of Old :: A Shade of Vampire 24: A Bridge of Stars :: A Shade of Vampire 18: A Trail of Echoes :: The Atrocity Archives (A Laundry Files Novel) :: A Shade of Vampire 17: A Wind of Change
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was definitely the buildup I was waiting for to what’s shaping up to be an epic finale for Ben and River’s story! My biggest gripe about the previous book was that Ben and River were not featured quite enough in it, well that was rectified in this one with Ben being the primary narrator throughout. There were a few chapters here and there from Derek and River but mainly this was Ben doing whatever he could to make his way back to River and his family. As always, I am in awe that after all this time the author can still find ways to surprise me. I was not expecting at all many of the things that happened in this book but it sucked me right in and kept me glued to the pages. I loved where this leg of the journey ended, I was even left with tears in my eyes at a few scenes. But there is still quite the uphill battle left for Ben and his friends before we can say this is a HEA and I am super excited to pick up the final book to see how it all ends up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally some relief. Although some agonizing events, the story kept its pace.. In forward motion for Ben & River. It still leaves me wondering how all this will turn out but I'm at least hopeful now. The suspense is killing me still. Thank you for some relief in this book instead of the slow pace of events that would bring more torture. So glad Derek is a vampire again... To feel the dark fire within him even though it was for revenge. At least it didn't last long. So great to find Lucas again & for his son to see the truth. Very sad for him. But I feel hopeful now finally for the end of the story. This book projected me into relief & a desire to keep reading. Otherwise I'd come up with my own ending in my head. This is definitely worth reading. Thank you Bella.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Title: A Flight of Souls
Series: A Shade of Vampire
Designation: Book Twenty Three of a Multi-Novel Serial, NOT a Standalone Read
Author: Bella Forrest
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Reading Platform: Kindle Unlimited
A Flight of Souls by Bella Forrest is the twenty third release in the spellbinding A Shade of Vampire Series and has totally left me breathless - again! Like thousands of my fellow Shaddicts, I've been hooked from the very first book of the series and now anxiously await each release. And it's no surprise that Bella has delivered another riveting adventure that curls our toes, makes our hearts pound and keeps us begging for more! This is a beautifully written supernatural/fantasy/adventure saga unlike anything I've ever read. The story is exceptionally well crafted, unique, imaginative, thrilling, fast paced, riveting, action packed, suspenseful, sweet, romantic and at times, deeply disturbing. Whew, what a mouthful, but these are only a few of the words that come to mind after reading this incredible chronicle of the Shade, its inhabitants and their enemies. Can you tell that I really love this story? The narrative is exceptionally well written in the first person with multiple points of view. Each chapter is told by one of the characters which I believe gives more depth, intensity and perspective to the story and adds understanding and insight into the motivations of the characters. The dialogue is smart, well executed and flows effortlessly. Although the story is compelling, it's truly the magnificent cast of larger than life characters that makes the biggest impact. They are well developed, captivating, intriguing, engaging, endearing and quite literally, out of this world! They explode from the pages, grab your imagination, capture your heart and hold you totally enthralled from beginning to end. Forrest skillfully combines these elements to craft a beautifully written paranormal romance filled to the brim with action, adventure, fantasy, mystery, suspense, magic, supernatural beings, love, passion, loyalty, heartbreak, angst, hope and plot twists that will blow your mind. After twenty three books in a series, some might think that the story has grown old and stale but nothing could be farther from the truth. In each book, Forrest takes her readers on a psychological roller coaster ride that keeps us on the edge of our seat and riveted to each page with our impassioned emotions alternating between heartbreaking and heartwarming. And the icing on the cake, Forrest's books are always well edited, perfectly formatted and have gorgeous covers! I'm not a professional reviewer but I know what I like, what I love and what I don't and I love this series! I've never experienced anything like it.

A Flight of Souls is the penultimate book in the story of Ben Novak, Prince of the Shade and the beautiful River Giovanni, the woman who captured his heart. Since this is the next to last book in Ben and River's story, I knew before I began reading that this release would be exceptional as Forrest prepares her readers for the long awaited conclusion of Ben's saga. And Forrest did not disappoint! Our story immediately picks up after Ben's miraculous rescue of River from the Hunters. Against all odds, he was able to save River and return her to her family at the Shade but sadly, his predicament has not changed. After Ben was faced with an impossible decision, he chose the ultimate sacrifice in order to free himself of the influence of the Elder, Basilius to save both the human and supernatural realms from the ominous threat of the resurrection of the Elders thereby preventing their return to power. Tragically, Ben has learned that sometimes, those perceived as friends should never be trusted and finds himself still trapped between life and death. At this point, Ben is weary and discouraged with very few choices and even less hope. With limited options, Ben decides to leave the Shade and return to the The Tavern in hopes that he can find someone who can help. But before he can cross through the portal back to the Supernatural Realm, Ben is pulled back to the cave of Hortencia the Oracle where he finds his mother Sophia, his sister Rose and his beloved River. Ben once again attempts to decipher the puzzling ramblings of the enigmatic Oracle. But are her statements meant to help or harm? Are they meant to inspire hope or do they warn of the future doom to come? As the prophecy comes to pass, Ben finds himself again and again with not only the weight of worlds upon his shoulders, but also the safety and wellbeing of River, his family and quite possibly both the human and supernatural realms. In Book 23, A Flight of Souls, we continue to follow Ben on his journey as he, once again, attempts the impossible in order to save himself and return to the lovely, kindhearted River and his loving family at the Shade. Startling pieces to the puzzle are slowly revealed only to be replaced by even more perplexing questions as we also revisit ghosts from the past. Will Ben discover the answers he so desperately needs before it's too late??? Will Ben ever be able to free himself from the life with which he has now been cursed to live??? Will he somehow find his way back to the woman he loves??? We'll see!!! No spoilers from me but I will say this......Handsome, guilt-stricken, newly turned vampire who can't control his bloodlust-check! Beautiful half-blood heroine who gets caught up in what she once thought to be only fantasy and fairy tales-check! A plethora of supernatural characters including vampires, werewolves, witches, dragons, harpies, ogres, hawks, jinn, mermaids, mermen, fae, ghouls and even a hellhound-you bet! Danger, drama, adventure, suspense, mind blowing plot twists, an unexpected betrayal, a heartbreaking loss, an old enemy returns, a dangerous new enemy emerges along with several unexpected and very surprising ghosts from the past-you bet! A confession of love between Ben and River-oh yes!!! That and a whole lot more! I love it! I never tire of visiting my friends of 'The Shade'. It always feels like returning home. If you love heart-wrenching young adult paranormal romance, heartbreaking angst, tantalizing magic, out of this world fantasy, spine-tingling suspense, heart-stopping action, malevolent enemies, evil machinations, unexpected plot twists and heart-pounding adventure, then you will surely enjoy A Shade of Vampire series. Buckle up my lovelies! It's another thrilling ride! Please keep in mind, this is a serial - not a stand alone story and the books should be read in order of their release - and it does contain nail biting cliffhangers that will leave you on the edge of your seat panting for more - which I love! Bella always keeps us on our toes but lovingly rewards our patience with each new release. This is one book you don't want to miss as Forrest expertly weaves the threads of the story together for what I can only guess will be an explosive conclusion. I can hardly wait to read what happens next with Derek, Sophia, Caleb, Rose, Ben, River, Claudia, Yuri, Vivienne, Xavier, Aiden, Corrine, Ibrahim and all the other wonderful residents of the Shade when Ben's adventure continues in Book 24! Completely captivating, seriously sexy, powerfully compelling and delightfully entertaining!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ashley berg
:::Spoilers:::: We are reintroduced to the ghouls and we see what their realm is like. If you read A Shade of Dragon it provides some insight into that realm. We are also introduced to new creatures The Fae. It did make me think of the series True Blood for a second but it didn't last because Bella has her own spin on them. The story dragged a bit as Ben tried to escape but Bella kept it fresh by brining Lucas and Kailyn back. Please don't be fooled by the 3 stars this is s great read and continuation of the story and I can't wait to return to The Shade to see how this all pans out. I knew Ben would find a way he always does.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
red kedi
First of all thank you Bella for once again blowing my mind. Now spoilers don't read anymore.
I laughed so hard at Sofia saying that she love her husband but he could be a weirdo that the people around me gave me weary looks since I was in a waiting room at my doctors office, just remembering brings a smile to my face. Claudia as always in all of her bluntness is always a breath of fresh air. I cried when Lucas embrace his son. And smile widely when Aisha said and I quote " Oh Karma, you and I should be friends" Like I said a hit in the series. Thank you Bella Forrest
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica white
As a spirit, Ben travels in between the human and supernatural realms searching for answers. His love for River drives him more than anything. In a series of great mishaps and unbelievable twists his story continues! We can't forget his friends who've helped him along the way. Their adventures are just as harrowing! If you haven't started reading this series, it's time you visited The Shade. Pick up your copy of book one and start your addiction! 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian hart
I originally started this series not even knowing what it was about. It showed up on my social media and I decided to check it. I am so glad I did. This series is by far one of my favorites. If your wanting something different, mysterious, exhilarating, and completely captivating this is it. With each new book I'm roped further into the shade. Great job Bella Forrest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am completely addicted to these books. I wish they would just keep going because I think I could read about the Shade and all of the characters for the rest of my life and be content!

This is an amazing series and the characters and the writing are perfect! There is never a dull moment! Once you start reading you just can't put it down and you yearn for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bella spins a web and keeps all the characters going. I have been reading her books for a long time now and love, love, love them. There is so much going on from love, mystery, chaos, gore, and humor. The plot continues through all the books and I find myself reading all day.

Looking forward to the next book. Bring on the fae!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bella delivered a wonderful, fantasy world yet again!! I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see how the end plays out for Ben and Lucas!! I am really glad she was able to breathe life back into him.
Makes me wonder who the next set of series will be about!! She has created a fantastic world a Shaddict loves to escape to!!
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