Psychology Applied to Modern Life - Adjustment in the 21st Century

ByWayne Weiten

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Am using the 8th edition of this textbook, although my college instructor specified the latest 9th edition. So far, after 4 weeks into the semester, I've been keeping up with the class with no problems. And, I paid 90% less for this book, and am not starving for the rest of the month, as my fellow students are.
Maybe I'll skip the economics courses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell duhon
The book description noted that there would be pencil/pen/highlighter marks but none were found, which is TERRIFIC! This book was extremely cheap but in wonderful condition. There seems to be a little bit of water damage on the bottom of a few pages but honestly, I only noticed them after staring intently at the book for ten minutes because I didn't want to read. Shipped fast.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir soleimani
This is a very well written book, considering it is college text. There is an abundance of useful information, but it's not just knowledge for graduate school. It also teaches everyday applications.
If you are a psychology junky like me and also read these kind of books for fun, I highly suggest it.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teddy g
This text is excellent to learn from especially since it's updated to modern times. When they discussed Chris Brown & Rihana during interpersonal abusive relationships, I was totally shocked and appreciated the "modern" example.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought this was going to be a BINDED paperback textbook. But it came with NO bind. I must've missed that information somewhere, I wonder why? So I had to use a binder to keep the book together. I was unpleased at first but the condition of the papers that came was new, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I'd still rather have a binded book. How am i going to sell this once I'm done with it?...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca edmonds
This book meets my requirement. it came on time as was purpose , new and neat. i will like to oder books again in future at the store and i will recommend it to someone who need help.
Rating, i give five stars
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa alsop
They literally sent me the WRONG book. The correct book was stated on the package and yet there was a different book inside. Considering I start school in 2 days and they still haven't gotten back to me I'm just returning it and buying it from another seller. Extremely irritating. I'm never buying from them again.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I ordered this book through the store from a seller called "Great Purchases For U!" and though they did meet my shipping time request, when I received the book it stated "international student edition". It also clearly states in bold print on the cover "Not For Sale in the United States". I have yet to compare this book with a book from my college's bookstore to see if they are identical in text but I am pretty dissatisfied that they did not mention these details in the posting.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
prince kumar
this book distorts facts. the first chapter made me really angry. It put John Grey the author of men are from venus and women are from Mars on the same level Dr phil which is like calling jesus a can tell you are being shaped and programmed in this first chapter this author says that following john greys book with take you down a bad path. i am not an 18 or 19 year old child that can be programmed i have read all of john greys books. and because of them i am not jealous or insecure i learned what it means to truely love another human being and understand them men are no longer a mystery i learned how to communicate difficult feelings without arguing and fighting. In this book this author says to look out for solutions that are vague and dont give detail on how to help yourself everything he says about what makes a self help book great john greys books are easily readable and solutions are not vague and the detail is impeccable you learn what you are doing wrong in a relationship and how to correct these problems Dr phil could learn from him. this author of this book does poor research and hasn't read john grey because his books fit all the criteria he says makes a good self help book so this author is an idiot. if you are using this book in a class take alot of what this author says says with a grain of salt and realize he is speaking about material he has never read i cant speak for other self help gurus because i didnt read there material but i can speak for john grey he is a man of honor and lived with Buddhist monks during his life and is a great man thatcan see men and woman in a non biased fashion with love and respect and uses methods of cognitive therapy in his books that all therapists agree with and implement Dr Phil Does not he has no training he labels hes dis respectful. you will never see or here john grey conduct himself this way. to the author of this book i will complain to my school about this and press this issue. i want to learn from books that are thoroughly researched nd not uninformed opinions.YOU OWE JOHN GREY AN APOLOGY anyone who read john grey would hate you nd disagree with your opinionated uninformed slander I have never met 1 professional psychologist that shares this this authors opinion about john grey as well a marriage counselor recommended john grey to me and this man has a PHD students please dont take this book seriously john grey will not lead you down the wrong path he will help you self correct and examine your behavior and learn from your mistakes
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
this was a text book for psychology at Baker College in Port Huron in Chonda Stimer's class. I found it to be the correct book. Beyond that, it has a lot of useful contemporary (post 9/11) information that is quite useful. Be sure to get the workbook as well. As a textbook, it is actually a very interesting book and no sleeper, as so many text's tend to be.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
william torrance
I only purchased the book for a college class, so it was a REQUIRED book. It took me almost a week to read chapter one BORING but required!! Go figure. The GOOD part was the book did arrive in the timeframe and condition as the store stated
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