The Resurrection of the Christ Within You 2 Volume Set

ByParamahansa Yogananda

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda lepz
These books are profound and what I was hoping they would dive into. If you're looking to deepen your understanding of The Christ Consciousness and where it originates from in pure form, then you have discovered it in here. Enjoy the journey!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie bliss
This book has completely changed my life. Every question that I had growing up as a child in church has been answered. I recommend this book for any walk of life. It's pretty like a Bible for me, but makes way more sense! He emphasizes meditation ALOT and things become repetitive, but I will say that it was needed. You have to take your time reading it and let the material digest. I'm so inspired to be starting a new & improved spiritual journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aida ramirez
My first Yogananda book. It's awesome! A Hindu interpretation of the Christian Gospels. Gems of insight and some Hindu concepts fully explained. I'm studying world religions and find this to be a most valuable text to refer to and meditate on.
Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga :: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels (Self-Realization Fellowship) :: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake :: Blood's Fury (Deadly Beauties #1) :: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health - and Happiness
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased these books for our "Discussion Group". We investigated many sources and found the store prices at the right level that we could afford to purchase a set of books for each of our members. We would not have been able to do this at any other book seller.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Was really looking forward to reading this. I've read a number of his other books and have found them to be thought provoking. Sadly, my wife ordered this set for me for the holidays and in the box set, I received 2 of the same books... 2 sets of Volume 1. This review is only for the stores quality control. Who ever packaged it up must have over looked that they packed 2 of the same books. So for now I will return and wait for the new set to arrive. However, I am very excited to read this series and to expand my mind once again. Cheers.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I've been following Yogananda's teachings for over 20 years and have owned the printed version of this book since shortly after it came out, perhaps 14 years ago. The printed book is a valuable contribution to humanity and all those who want to understand the teachings of Jesus.

I've LONG been wanting a kindle edition of this book. As with all my e-books, I want this partly to make it easier to carry while traveling, but also so that I can do electronic searches for topics not adequately covered in the index. As a disciple attempting to live my beliefs, being able to find teachings as questions arise is a fundamental need.

It was with hope mixed with caution that I downloaded a kindle sample of this ebook, but unfortunately the preview confirmed my suspicions, which arose when I saw that the ebook was only 157 pages long. Anyone considering the Kindle edition should be warned that as of this writing (Feb 2018), the full e-book apparently has only 15 chapters, whereas the voluminous printed edition covers 75 chapters and almost ten times as much content, at 1565 pages - over 1600 pages if you count the glossary, map and 4 indices. The 15 ebook chapters appear to be a brief sampling of only a few of the topics from the full book, and of course the sample preview includes only a much smaller sampling from that small sampling.

The content is still good - I just wish there were a LOY more of it! I applaud the publishers for finally taking this long-overdue step in the direction of making Yogananda's books available as ebooks, but I'm still waiting for the full and unabridged content.

I would also humbly suggest that if the publishers insist on trimming a book's contents to such a drastic extent, they should be more honest and straightforward about it, and not confuse people by using the exact same title for both editions of the book. Whether readers of the ebook are new to Yogananda's writings or are very familiar with them, all should be aware that there's about 90% more content available if they buy the printed version. Deceiving others is not a practice either Yogananda nor Jesus would recommend, especially if it results in people getting much less than they were led to believe they would be getting.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris williams
"The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ in You" is a take-your-breath-away masterwork published by the SRF (only in paper). This KINDLE version is brief, minimal and offers none of contents from the authentic print version. It should not be offered on the same the store webpage as the print version.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lynne freitas lynch
BEWARE - there were several pages that were missing print in the first book. Unfortunately, I was unable to return it as this was not noticed until my husband started reading it a few months after it was purchased.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Reader beware, this Kindle version does not have the same content as the original, authorized print version from SRF publishers. Having read parts of the original print version, I bought this Kindle version to read while travelling. I found it to be quite different, not written in Yogananda's style, and with some questionable content. For example, it states that John the Baptist who was Jesus Christ's guru in this incarnation had a diminished degree of spirituality because of his karma compared to his previous incarnation as the prophet Elijah.
I then went back to the printed version and nothing outrageous like that is there. I realized that this is not the real version so I feel cheated. Granted, it does make an interesting read, but knowing at least many parts of it are not Yogananda's words or ideas makes it not worth the time or money.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
robin woodcock
Reader beware, this Kindle version does not have the same content as the original, authorized print version from SRF publishers. Having read parts of the original print version, I bought this Kindle version to read while travelling. I found it to be quite different, not written in Yogananda's style, and with some questionable content. For example, it states that John the Baptist who was Jesus Christ's guru in this incarnation had a diminished degree of spirituality because of his karma compared to his previous incarnation as the prophet Elijah.
I then went back to the printed version and nothing outrageous like that is there. I realized that this is not the real version so I feel cheated. Granted, it does make an interesting read, but knowing at least many parts of it are not Yogananda's words or ideas makes it not worth the time or money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna jolley
These volumes are not to be approached lightly. I would recommend reading "The Yoga of Jesus" first to see if you are ready to dive into this massive work. I actually became interested in "Christ-Consciousness" by reading Chopra's "The Third Jesus" which lead me to the writings of Yogananda. As a Christian, I have found remarkable peace in Yogananda's analysis of the second coming of Christ. I can feel God's influence without having to adhere to a dogma or as he puts it, "churchianity vs Christianity." This is a work to be studied and considered. I have read these volumes completely twice. I have no doubt that I will begin the third journey through them again soon.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
synthia pullum
this book was very difficult to get through and hard to understand. i am an avid reader and am not going to recommend reading this in order to grasp and understanding of Yogananda's thoughts on Christ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy chavez
I was very turned off about religion & Christ & the Bible until I read this. Yogananda's commentary on the Bible answered so many unanswered questions I had about God & religion. Especially about death & dying & why bad things happen to good people. Completely renewed my faith. I asked many pastors questions they could not answer but Yogananda does answer and in such a beautiful way. The Second Coming of Christ by Yogananda really brought Christ & the Bible to life for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy formanski duffy
What an experience this has been!!! You won't hear most of this on Sunday. I had seen his picture from time to time during the '60 and '70s. Probably because of the Beatles breakup and the Hari Krishna movements when I learned yoga for use in my athletic training. Because of my christian faith, I was afraid to dig deeper into anything that didn't "look" like Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Reverend Ike or Martin Luther King, Jr. I must say, as a man who was raised in the Pentecostal church and has been surrounded by many wise and spiritual men and women my entire life, there is something so sincerely sweet and divine coming forth within the pages of Paramahansa Yogananda's "The Second Coming of Christ". I found the 2 volume set by accident when I had found someone's wallet in a bookstore on the floor. As I stood up, it was as if I'd been struck by the large burgundy cover case on the head. I froze and tilted my head questioning "What on earth is this?" I took it from the shelf and went to turn the wallet in to the service desk, then rushed to the coffee shop area to take a seat as fast as I could without running. I must tell you, it did not take long for me to fall in love with the work I held in my hand. One random page after another, my eyes welled up until I could contain myself no more. It is the "beauty of holiness" inscribed here as it has been written on Yogananda's heart. Find a copy. Find a chair or a park bench. Find an hour. Find peace that surpasses all the religious understandings...Find God through the "Christ-Consciousness" Yogananda desires to implant in us all 60+ years after his body decade and his spirit has moved onward. Do not let his Hindu-American background or best selling "Autobiography of a Yogi" discourage you from reading.There are many references to spiritual things that are not described in the familiar KJV, Strong's concordance, sunday school vernacular. Take the good juice and squeeze what you can from this fruit of the spirit within this man. I like the breakdown of Biblical text and the parrallel referenced translations before his explanations of the texts as he believes Jesus' messages were meant to be absorbed in commandment and parable form. I thank him for this gift which is very much like a much grander volume of today's "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. You will breath a new freedom,Chritianity and spiritual awakening. Trust me; it won't take long for your soul to be blessed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristy john
Yogananda's interpretation of the teachings of Jesus directly coincide with that of the Christian modern day prophet Edgar Cayce. Check out Edgar Cayce's books on his readings about Jesus. I think that if two mystical teachers who lived at the same time with no knowledge of each other say exactly the same thing, it has to be truth. Yogananda's teachings are easier to understand than that of Cayce's and are more poetic and beautifully said. Yogananda can immediately put me in what I call "God state" since my perceptions of the world and myself immediately change when I read his books. There is no one who can do that to me but Yogananda. Cayce's books are interesting because they talk about the people who came to him for help and how he was able to help them change their lives and heal their minds, and metaphysical interpretations of Bible passages. I highly recommend this book and any book by Yogananda. You should buy them all! Especially the Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life Vols 1-3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany nelson
lovely to see that there exist books telling the truth. if this is Jesus The Book or The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You (2 Volume Set). all tell us about a truth which is there ready to come alive again. also books like The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East or The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ are fundamental to break through what tried to hold us back for centuries... but the truth is there and out. and thanks to this book of yogananda it comes to live again! a fanatstic book that re-connects you with what truly makes you happy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian santee
I cannot add to what others have said, suffice to say I fully endorse all those comments in support and awe of this fabulous work and 'gift' to humanity. It sheds light on what the real message of The Master Jesus' teachings is. I also love how Yogananda's commentaries are in complete harmony with the accepted teachings of the Gnostic gospels (i.e Thomas and Mary)...those gospels thrown out it is presumed at the Council of Nicea. The historical implications and ties just blow my mind and all should contemplate long has truth in its pure form been witheld?

I also recommend "The Twelve Blessings" which is a stupendous book to read in conjunction with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bridget mcguire
This new scripture, along withYogananda's interpretation of the Gita previously published will be looked upon by future generations as scriptures that changed the history of man. Just as history is viewed as BC and AD so will history be chronicled and will serve as a guidepost after the publication of these sublime scriptures. Yogananda has stated that an Avatar teaches by his example and if he also expounds truth then that is generous redundancy. With these two scriptures Yogananda has made it redundant to have Avatars reincarnate in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
soheil ghassemi
"The Second Coming of Christ; The Ressurection of the Christ Within You" once again testifies as proof that Paramahansa Yogananda IS an Avatar sent from our Father to communicate in modern language His on-going revelation and illumination to his potential-filled creation of humanity.
All TRUE Christians will find these volumes to be the priceless and invaluable gems that they are intended to be.
Yogananda's Divine style and literary beauty shine forth as a beacon on the pathway to eternal life found in the Word. It is apparent that this work is composed through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as two Divine Gurus combine to teach the TRUTH of God's Holiness found within us all.
Come quench your thirst for true Spirituality as you drink of the life-giving waters found as you turn every page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A loving, positive, wisdom full book honoring the teachings of Christ. Meditative oriented, deep in understanding, it unfolds the inner realization behind Christ's life and teachings. A must read for any Christian.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany davidson
i wish more people were aware or more open minded in the west of a long haired hindus experience with God...he is best i have ever come across at explaining God and the mysteries of life in a way that is reasonable to me...i would encourage everyone to read his wonderfully written books and come away inspired as i have been
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather miederhoff
The author has some very interesting ideas about what Jesus and the Bible were really trying to teach us. This book is very thick, with thin pages, but I think it could have been edited down more. The author has a tendency to repeat himself very often, apparently to drive home a point, but it ends up making this book overly verbose.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Poor Jesus, first words were put in his mouth making him a pro-Roman traitor to Israel and now words are interpreted from the NT that make him a pro-Hindu traitor to Rome. Yogananda claims to have had many past lives as a military man including William the Conquerer, so that should make you wary. He wants power in your life, and he is as cunning as the NT authors. Like Paul, his goal is to win you. Like Paul, he interprets Jewish scripture for a non-Jewish purpose. I suggest learning about the actual history of the Roman take-over of Israel and then read the New Testament. If you read Josephus and read the Dead Sea Scrolls, then you can see that the New Testament is Roman propaganda written to faciliate the military takeover of Israel by the Romans. There is a Ceasar's Messiah video on Youtube that can help you see the "wolves in sheep's clothing." The NT Jesus is a compilation of Jewish messianic figures laced with a pro-Roman perspective and some mysticism. When religion gets separated from history, then it becomes a tool for mind control. Isaiah 14:12-14 personifies Lucifer as confusion of the ego with God. Genesis identifies the same theme as the sourse of the fall. God-realization is a narcissistic complex in the psyche, and that is unhealthy imbalance. Yogis should be avoided because they have god-complexes and they disrespect personal boundaries and free will. Life can be hard for people, but it won't help you to open the door of your life to the Trojan Horse of yoga. What many people reading Yogananda are often looking for is self-actualized connection with their own souls, but you won't find that in any religion.
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