Science & Math

National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America
National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America

Review:I have written many reviews, in here, on tree field guides. I am a Certified Arborist who works in the field on a near-daily basis. I have been asked, in the "Comments" section after each review, what field guide I would recommend. I have always suggested Peterson and, I believe, Audubon. Now, I will add, and STRONGLY RECOMMEND, this guide. It simply is THE BEST guide out there, today. The photos are very clear, the descriptive passages informative. Measurements are given in inches and fe... Read more

Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants - Indigenous Wisdom
Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants - Indigenous Wisdom

Review:This is a beautifully written book, blending the science of botany with the spirituality of Native Americans. While that assessment may sound academic, the reading is far from that. A one with nature theme ties the concepts together, much as sweetgrass is braided as a Native American symbol. One will want to read this book over and over again, highlighting deeply meaningful passages. Read more

What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses
What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses

Review:The book offers cover-to-cover reading entertainment.
Every chapter unveiled something new, a surprise awaited as I turned the pages.
The style was straightforward and refreshing.
I did not know much about plants in general, and certainly not about "what plants know."
Now that I know what plants know,
it gives me an entirely new perspective as to how to treat them
and take care of them.
Perhaps we should treat them with a little respect and some degree of dignity.
Thanks ... Read more

and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man - a Fascinating Account of the Physical
and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man - a Fascinating Account of the Physical

Review:picture misrepresented book. book was hardcover with no jacket. one reason i chose this particular book for my daughter is because of the picture showed on site i chose. i had this book when it came out and wanted to share that cover picture especially. other than that book was in good condition. just not the one shown in picture. Read more

Revised and Updated (Golden Field Guide f/St. Martin's Press)
Revised and Updated (Golden Field Guide f/St. Martin's Press)

Review:No mention whatsoever of Poison Ivy. Not a tree, true. But there are several non-trees mentioned and described in this book. I would think Poison Ivy would be one of the very first plants anyone spending time in the outdoors would want to learn to identify. Read more

The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters

Review:I can't believe how interesting this book is. This book will not remind you of the science class that you hated all those years ago. In fact some of the things you were taught back then may have not been completely correct now that gene mapping has started revealing new knowledge!
Get this book! You probably will need to be educated about this stuff in the VERY near future. Read more

The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 - Under a Flaming Sky
The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 - Under a Flaming Sky

Review:Researched in great detail, this story is ... gripping, distressing, engrossing, relentlessly horrifying. It was like I couldn't look away from this awful thing, yet I could only deal with one chapter at a sitting; it was just heartbreaking. A "perfect storm" of fire conditions. And you can scarcely believe that anyone managed to survive. (The author's great-grandfather did not.) Along the way, you get an education in weather, late-1800s logging practices, fire physics, human behavior in crisis,... Read more

The House of the Scorpion
The House of the Scorpion

Review:I've read this book at least five times throughout my life. It has a lot of content and it makes you think and feel and it gets you excited. Now that the sequel is out as well, I've got both and couldn't be happier. Read more

and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work
and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

Review:Our company is rabidly enjoying coherence and flow state business coaching, and this is one of the books we read together. I read the hardcopy and listened to the audio book. Since then, I've also purchased two copies for friends and recommended it to others. Challenge your notions of what makes you tick and why you're on this planet. What will you do with your life? How will you do it, and what is the impact on those around you? This book has encouraged me to push my limits -and relish it- in... Read more

Free Will [Deckle Edge]
Free Will [Deckle Edge]

Review:Sam Harris makes a strong point in his book, which can basically be burned down to "We don't have free will because we don't know why we want chocolate vs vanilla ice cream on a particular day". And he stays on subject, hitting it from a sides before ending the book. However, its just a singular case he is making on a subject that has a lot of depth to it. At the end, I found myself very much wanting. There are so many directions to go from here. He is just touching on a subject which extend... Read more

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