Constitutional Law

Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag - The Aquariums of Pyongyang
Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag - The Aquariums of Pyongyang

Review:Have never thought about life in North Korea . This story amazed and shocked me. The oppression and cruel lack of any freedom in this country is appalling. Brave and finally successful search for freedom. Read more

A Hope More Powerful than the Sea
A Hope More Powerful than the Sea

Review:This books is a heartbreaking insight into the plight of today’s refugees, as seen through the eyes of one Syrian woman. The author is certainly one who is deeply knowledgeable of the crisis at hand: Fleming is the chief spokesperson of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The book begins where we meet the young woman and hear about how he life went from one like any other, into the hell of a war torn country. In desperation and necessity, her and her fiancés life of flight begins, wi... Read more

Creating Opportunity - A Path Appears - Transforming Lives
Creating Opportunity - A Path Appears - Transforming Lives

Review:Amounts to a collection of anecdotes of different charitable causes. Provides a good summary of all the different areas you might contribute, and some interesting points about best bang for your buck. Also dispels some misconceptions about administrative costs and metrics by which to evaluate charity effectiveness. However, there was no theme or much analysis. Read more

Fatwa: Hunted in America
Fatwa: Hunted in America

Review:Superb book on what is actually happening, rather than turn a blind eye to the facts. We can't continue to justify barbaric acts that render us like sheep for the slaughter. I highly recommend this book and couldn't put it down as I read it cover to cover. Read more

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