Politics & Social Sciences
Review:I'm still in the process of reading the book. It is an occasional reader for me,picking it up when I have a few minutes to burn. I find some of the techniques outlined in the book difficult to duplicate. Yes, I am physically trying to learn the physical skills mentioned. I do have some skills related to survival from past employment, even so, many of these skills/results are difficult to achieve. If the level of information continues to evolve in future chapters as it has to this point I wil... Read more
Review:this is a good book on the subject of disaster preparedness but I would also read Arthur Bradleys book on disaster preparedness (neither book is about wilderness survival) they are more geared to hunkering down in a home situation and the needs you will have and how to fill those needs without all the modern conveniences we enjoy today. Read more
Review:The first few chapters were interesting but after a while it became apparent that this was a 350-page book that was stretched to 700 pages by means of jargon, lack of focus, and way too much detail. I can understand that many people who work in this field might give it 5 stars. But for everyone else, it is definitely not a five star book and was not worthy of all the praise it received by certain book reviews, such as Kirkus. I remember reading an interview with a writer who said it was hard to ... Read more
Review:An incredible book. Very well researched and written. Having lived through this I find it incredible how many lies were being told in the upper levels of government and to the American people. I see too many parallels to what is happening in Iraq. A must read. Read more
Review:Dennis Prager applies an unbiased approach to asses each of the 3 reigning ideologies in today's world. Any serious person will conclude easily that there is but one choice if America and the world is to survive. Read more
Review:An important book for its message. Powerfully shows the reader the horrors faced by refugees and immigrants. Particularly important in face of the cruelty of current US administration. Could it have been better written? Yes. Does it matter? Not really. Everyone sitting in their comfortable home needs to know what it's like to be thrown out of that comfortable home. Read more
Review:Clarke's portrait of Truman was spellbinding. The descriptions of what he was like in his youth and in the early years of his successful career were amazingly vivid. I fell in love with Truman just as everyone did in those days. I was enchanted and then so very sad. Read more
Review:The book is an informative special slice of history for the predecessor organization of NSA. It is an accurate reflection of the gender prejudices of the times and the lives of the young women who answered the call to Washington early in WWII. The book pays tribute to a set of very talented women that have been overlooked by history books. I know from my work on the history of the Pacific War how important the code breaking was to the success of the war effort. The first part of the book mov... Read more
Review:i am impressed with the level of detail Professor Omarosa included in this book. I can ramble on about how proud she has made me, a fellow Howardite. She took Trump to task on everything that is true to the communities and has the receipts to prove it. She is a modern day Biblical Esther and was serving her people (black, poor, and her fellow Americans) while in the White House. Omarosa thank you for everything. You are an inspiration. I wish you nothing but continued success. If you are consid... Read more
Review:I couldn't wait to get it! My husband had it on his "talking book"machine, and I overheard it and tore off to order 2 copies -- one for me and one for our daughter who is not only a longtime LeGuin fan but also a classics scholar.The evocation of alien worlds , which is such a specialty of hers , is as pitch-perfect as ever. All I can say is, read it! Read more