Civil & Environmental

and the Firefighters Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice
and the Firefighters Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

Review:Terrific read. Our Forest Firefighters are a special kind of hero....A neighbor is a team leader who has fought in the west for decades....I am reading about events that he suggested....this year he retired... Read more

The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge
The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge

Review:This book, in my opinion, focuses too much on the politics involved and not about the actual people involved with the actual design and construction of the bridge. I was expecting more technical details and actual experiences of those with their hands on the bridge. Good reading, otherwise. Read more

and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process
and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process

Review:I was of the faction that wasnt really too concerned with global warming. At one time the world was covered with molten lava. I still believe that we are a species arent as important as we like to tell ourselves that we are. After reading this book my stance is altered. I believe that we should fulfill the promise to our children, i currently have none, to bring them into this world and give them a better life then we inherited. The facts and figures in this book are hard to deny. Even now i can... Read more


Review:Powerful book that gives the historical facts of how the arid west's water supply has been developed. The huge subsidies and significant impacts of these actions should make all of us question the sanity of continuing this madness. Read more

The American West and Its Disappearing Water - Revised Edition
The American West and Its Disappearing Water - Revised Edition

Review:An eye opening book about public investments in infrastructure projects, primarily water management. The book is quite thorough, well-researched and very readable. It makes your blood boil to see how decisions are made, how much money is wasted, the damage to our planet and its future, and the beneficiaries of government largess. Read more

How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World
How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World

Review:An eye opening perspective is delivered clearly by the author. There are some amazing facts and ideas which knowing the author's background and previous visions which have culminated in a great deal of progress on a number of fronts gives the reader much to think about. I loved it. Read more

Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World - Let There Be Water
Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World - Let There Be Water

Review:Seth Siegel has written a fascinating, engaging and highly readable book telling the story of how Israel went from chronic water shortages to being a water-exporting nation roughly between 2001 and 2013. Most people probably don't feel they need to know how this happened. But the story of Israel's struggles and ultimate triumph over the scourge of water scarcity is a drama so exciting, and it has such an exhilarating ending, that anyone who picks up this book will end up being very happy they d... Read more

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think

Review:Mr. Kotler's Abundance is a good, solid read - but nothing really earth shattering. There are better business books out there (Godin, Gladwell, etc) but it's ok. Didn't love the writing style, but that's just personal preference perhaps. Read more

Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats - Full Body Burden
Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats - Full Body Burden

Review:An important book about a significant event with long lasting impact on Colorado and America. In a very readable and personal fashion, the author relates her experience and the long lasting effects of America's experience with developing nuclear weapons on the residents and the land in Rocky Mountain Flats in Colorado. A very readable and ultimately heart breaking telling of a lack of government accountability. Read more

Dance Music Manual: Tools, Toys, and Techniques
Dance Music Manual: Tools, Toys, and Techniques

Review:If you are serious about making music & committed to spending the time to actually learning about the theory behind music then this is the book for you.
Where as other books with titles like 'Best ever secrets of dance music revealed' try to pretend they have information that no one else does, Rick tells it like it is.
Whether you are a beginner or have been making music for a while put cant just seem to get that polished sound, this book will help. Everything you could need to know is... Read more

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