Civil War

Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism - The Half Has Never Been Told
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism - The Half Has Never Been Told

Review:This is a book that every American should read. Mr. Baptist provides a platform that enables a reader to come to a certain truth about our Nation. It should be mandatory reading in History courses. This book will change your life! Read more

Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era

Review:The civil war was a pivotal moment in american history and in the making of the country. McPherson's work esposes in a readable way the decisives facts of the ephoc and gives a fundamented account of its meaning. The author made an impressive research about the matter, telling the story with a slightly sympathy for the Union cause. A great book that leads to a great reading. Read more


Review:Having always been a history buff found this book easier to follow than many of the books written about Lincoln. He was a brilliant man who proved to be aa great leader using common sense in solving problems. Read more

The Words that Remade America (Simon & Schuster Lincoln Library)
The Words that Remade America (Simon & Schuster Lincoln Library)

Review:As usual, when Garry Wills takes a closer look, American myths get debunked.

In “Lincolh at Gettysburg” we learn that our most eloquent president did not scratch out his Gettysburg address on an envelope on the train ride to the battlefield but (of course) labored over it for some time. That it was received well at the North and was not disparaged or belittled. That Edward Everett’s centerpiece address, though long, was not windy or tedious and was welcomed also as summation of the confl... Read more

Jack Hinson's One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper
Jack Hinson's One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper

Review:Simply put, I really enjoyed this book. The author had done a ton of research and I was glad he brought this story to life. He was a little heavy on the foreshadowing but I'm willing to forgive him because the story was so fantastic. I also admit, that as a Southern boy it was nice to have the South (during the Civil War) painted in a kinder light than I have been used to reading or seeing. Read more

Facts the Historians Leave Out - A Confederate Primer
Facts the Historians Leave Out - A Confederate Primer

Review:Excellent book. There is an entire "American" history out there that hasn't been told. The struggle for Southern Independence was born out of the Declaration of Independence. "When in the course of human events..." How is it that Lee and Davis are "traitors and criminals" when they did the exact same thing that Washington and Jefferson did while they are proclaimed as patriots? Read the book. You won't be taught these things in government schools. They would much rather teach us the commonly acc... Read more

and Redemption of Stonewall Jackson - The Violence
and Redemption of Stonewall Jackson - The Violence

Review:Excellent book, bringing Jackson's character to l ife. It should be required reading in schools because it presents perspectives of the North and South during the war. Jackson was well respected and admired by both sides. Youngsters are being taught half truths about the Civil War that tore our country apart. Great read that keeps one rivited! Read more

Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves - Master of the Mountain
Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves - Master of the Mountain

Review:It is amazing to me that this book is controversial. And, yet, that explains so much. The reality of slavery is that human beings are treated like property that can be well taken care of or not, sold or not...etc...according to the whim of the owner. A person is not an old towel or a prized jewel.

Anyhow, I found the book well-written, well-researched and truthful. The author sees the slavery under Jefferson for exactly what it is -- human beings held in bondage with no rights of their ow... Read more

Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South - Our Man in Charleston
Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South - Our Man in Charleston

Review:Great book. Interesting for its telling of a little-known story. It enlarged my understanding of the Civil War and the attitudes of South Carolinians at the time. Wonderful to see an outsider's view into pre-war Charleston. It also gave me a better insight into Great Britain's position on slave trading and the war. Most of all, this is an excellent book for the narrative style that makes it as readable as a novel, while being a well documented historical work. Read more

The Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency
The Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency

Review:I was very disappointed in this book. It cam with great hype and being a Lincoln buff I bought it. I have a rule with books. Very simple. If it moves and easy to read it's great. This did neither. I struggled to finish it . It was too verbose and went into different tangents all the time. Definitely not up to the standards of Ron Chernow and Grant which was a breeze to read. Read more

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