And Redemption of Stonewall Jackson - The Violence

ByS. C. Gwynne

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kris bordessa
Excellent book, bringing Jackson's character to l ife. It should be required reading in schools because it presents perspectives of the North and South during the war. Jackson was well respected and admired by both sides. Youngsters are being taught half truths about the Civil War that tore our country apart. Great read that keeps one rivited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michele dennis
Pretty riveting book about an extraordinary Civil War figure. I knew very little about Stonewall Jackson before reading this book and am amazed at what a central figure he was in the Civil War. The other part of this book that I found compelling is that it brings into focus the huge tragedy that this war really was. The amount of suffering and loss on both sides was staggering. The book was a great read that I recommend wholeheartedly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
preeti chhibber
I just finished this much detailed and gripping biography of Jackson. This is definitely a book for the serious Civil War enthusiast. Gwynne does an expert job placing Jackson in the world of mid-19th century America and at the same time opens a fascinating window into the possible personality facets of this most complicated figure of the War. Jackson is less the 'hero' here in this book, rather a much richer image of the man emerges in Rebel Yell.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a consistent, if amateur, Civil War buff since taking "Civil War and reconstruction' from Prof. Frank Vandiver at Rice U. in the late 1950's. I have a Good Civil War library, including an original set of Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. I read most of the new books by established historians and skip the fluff written to capitalize on the market. Rebel Yell is a great biography of Stonewall Jackson and, equally important, is a truly excellent history of the war itself. I learned several significant new facts, all important to how campaigns and battles were won or lost, from this book. I'd read them before, but had not understood their importance until seeing them in the concise, but densely detailed, context provided by Sam Gwynne. His explanation not only of the Shenandoah Valley campaign, but of the Seven Days campaigns, is a major contribution. He is a very gifted writer.

Buy one copy of this to read and one to keep pristine. First editions of this book will be very valuable someday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Haven't finsished the book yet. However, S.C. Gwynne outdoes himself in this factual depiction of the war horse Stonewall Jackson. The facts are well researched and presented and Mr. Gwynne takes the reader into the grime, toil, fear, blood and misery of living the War of Northern Aggression. (Sorry, I'm a southerner.) I have learned more about the Civil War from this book than all the rest of my history classes and prior reading. Mr Gwynne makes the reading exciting all the while the reader understands he is reading history as it unfolded and the outcomes of battles are put in context of each General's perspective.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angi m
I began reading "Rebel Yell" a few weeks ago, spurred a bit by my heritage as a student at Jacksonville State University during the early '70's. He was a hero there, and the "Southerners", the wonderful marching band, looked like a brigade of grey-uniformed soldiers from Stonewall's army. One must enjoy explanations of strategic warfare from that era to warm up to the entire book, but I found the characterizations of this enigmatic, Presbyterian rebel who pulled off pretty amazing feats during the Civil war, an insightful look at a deeply, flawed, unexpectedly brilliant human being. Whatever I learned about the causes of the war, along with the divisions it created, I had to feel a sense of pride in the general's unflagging loyalty to his mission, against dreadful odds. I haven't finished the book, so I am intrigued by its promise of "Redemption". The "Violence" and the "Passion" have been impressive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel wescott
I'm pretty familiar with the CW having produced a couple war games about this period. Fully enjoyed the writing. This is not a straight chronology of his life, but a lovely interweaving of flashback with the "present" of the narrative. A quick read, exciting and fun. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best books I have read about Jackson. Buy this book. If you are into the Civil War you will like it. Learned a lot that I didn't know and found that Jackson was a slave owner. I had never heard that before. A lot of detail about his personal like. Very enjoyable. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great history, and a very interesting insight into the personality of one of the most famous and least understood of American warriors. He was an unusual man who flourished during unusual, tragic times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli boitnott
Another wonderfully written book which is insight into one of our great Southern heroes. Gwynne's command of the language and descriptive passages lend such interest. I have recommended it to several and purchased it for Christmas gifts this year with all reports being very positive. If you haven't read "Empire of the Summer Moon", you are in for another treat from this talented writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin bailey
I found this book to contain some factual information I had not seen this well presented. The book contains much of what most works of this type present, but, it does give information worth the effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amira al3iady
Lengthy book but worth the read. Especially good at describing how a battle plan shapes up and what unexpected forces influence the outcome. Stonewall Jackson remains a mysterious character, deeply religious (almost superstition) to delivering soldiers to their deaths in an (almost wasteful) battlefield sacrifice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben gruagach
It was very interesting to know how disorganized, bloody, and very lucky (at times) the Civil War was. I could definitely believe the incompetence of the commanders that killed off thousands of good men on both sides. All together I liked the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn lile
I never knew much about Jackson, other than that he was called Stpnewall. This book resents a fascinating picture of Jackson and his roll as a general; it also portrays the men who surrounded Jackson, such as Jefferson Davis and other Confeederate generals and leaders. I couldn't put to down and I am not a Civil War buff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris borowsky
The breakdown of the battles is amazing. The details and the storytelling are first rate. It helps that Stonewall Jackson is one of the most fascinating people of the 19th Century, but the writing is first rate.

I want to visit all of the these battlefields with this book as a guide.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the best book on Thomas Jackson. There is just enough about his pre Civil War years, and his time during a war which was very confusing and difficult to describe, is told in a way that is easy to understand and reads more like a novel than a boring history book. You don't have to be from Virginia to like this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
S.C. Gwynne has written a masterpiece which fully examines the enigma that was Stonewall Jackson. Many lengthy reviews have been written thus I will be brief. Excellent book, smooth flowing narrative, wonderful insights. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan scott
Mr. Gwynne has captured the Stonewall Jackson story 100 percent. From the flaws, anger, and of course the "Bugaboo" he was to Mr. LIncoln. Who knows what would have happened, he would and did change history. Isn't that why we all read these books ??? I have read literally hundreds of Civil War books, and this one is right at the top of my list if not the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sachin ravikumar
I really enjoyed this book. It is well written and well researched. No doubt told from a southern perspective but how else can you expect to get the truth! The Civil war may well have ended differently had we not lost Stonewall Jackson as we did. Sadly he was killed by "friendly fire". Yankees certainly couldn't have done it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must read for any civil war enthusiasts or historian! Extremely informative without being "stuffy". Very detailed look at the '62 valley campaign and offering some insights on Jackson I had never read before.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book! I love the way that Gwynne writes. His writing makes me feel as if I am almost there, in the moment. There are so many things I would like to say about Gwynne's work but I would be writing for days. I also enjoyed Empire of the Summer Moon. I just wish the movie would come out already!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well documented work which captures the essence of the times and of the growth of the man as the nation split and fought horrendous battles. His brilliance as a battlefield commander was unmatched. When he died, the Confederacy was doomed (if not already).
I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Civil War history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bakhtyari mehdi
One of the best biographies I've ever read. Almost as exciting as a novel. Gives the real insight to Jackson and his attitudes. The book is very detailed but doesn't get bogged down in minutia. A great read about one of the most important generals in US history. Any student of the Civil War or US military history should read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justyne menesini
Seller was great. The book is or highest quality of writing and anyone interested in military / civil war should read it. It is a thick book and took me a long time to read it as I focused on details etc . But worth the read. Outstanding writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel burke
One of the best biographies I've ever read. Almost as exciting as a novel. Gives the real insight to Jackson and his attitudes. The book is very detailed but doesn't get bogged down in minutia. A great read about one of the most important generals in US history. Any student of the Civil War or US military history should read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan moore
Seller was great. The book is or highest quality of writing and anyone interested in military / civil war should read it. It is a thick book and took me a long time to read it as I focused on details etc . But worth the read. Outstanding writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grigory ryzhakov
Still trying to decide whether it is the story or the story teller monopolizing my attention. The sidelights on the relationships between generals and the times in which they lived. My understanding of the Civil War expanded greatly. Maybe Mr. Gwynne will take Sherman next. The consummate General of modern warfare.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noel keener
AS a Southerner who's great grandfather served under him , it brought tears to my eyes......Politicians.......NOTHING has changed !!!!! Young men spill blood for coward silver spoon fed morons...NO soldier cared or wanted this war...North and South !! and NOTHING has changed !!! I served Our Nation 12 years......I saw some of the same incompetence in High ranking YES men.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well written biography of a complex human being in a chaotic time. The author makes a fascinating conjecture that Stonewall Jackson's prolonged the war to make the Immancipation Proclamation a strategic move by President Lincoln.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda owen
This is one of the most gripping renditions of the Civil War I have ever read. What a unique and captivating person Jackson was! It not only captures the pure genius, and endearing eccentricities of Jackson, but also displays the variety of generalship that opposed him. I came away with a greater appreciation of this national icon. I wondered is S.C. Gwynne could top "Empire of the Summer Moon". Now I know. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie olson
Excellent! Gwynne has a terrific writing style. Stonewall Jackson is the one name I recall from my youth regarding the Civil War. And while I'm no Civil War historian by any means, but I found this book hard to put down, and the character study quite engaging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn taylor
Outstanding read. If you thought you knew something about Stonewall Jackson - think again. As a civil war buff, I found this book to have that much sought after quality of being both entertaining and informative. Jackson's humanity is on full display throughout. We learn that in addition to being a natural master at the craft of making war, he is a loving and doting husband and father. We know that he is revered by his men, but we learn that he is always quick to pass all honor and glory to God. In short, we can hardly turn a page without smiling or shaking our heads over something new that is gleaned about the man they called Stonewall. This is history at its finest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric liddle
.......The sobriquet, 'Stonewall', remains the most famous nickname in American military history. Let me begin my review by stating that this is by far the best and most entertaining biography I have read of a historical figure, There is something almost magical about S.C.Gwynnes vivid storytelling that makes this book a true page turner and difficult to put down. The recounted battle scenes are masterfully described and marvels of kinetic action. Gwynne brings the battles to life, contrasting the beauty of the Virginia countryside and terrain with the brutality and horrors of her battlefields. I found myself transfixed by tales of the bloody, error-plagued and clumsy battles of the early war. As the painful details of each battle unfolded, I could not help but will the vastly outnumbered and out-gunned Jackson forward through several forced marches to another hard-fought victory. Some readers may not enjoy the recounting of Jacksons military campaigns as they are told from a Southern perspective and expose the incompetence, timidity, and faintheartedness that characterized the military leadership of the Union in the early campaigns of the war. Was it simply a general reluctance of the Union Generals to wage war against adversaries they believed to be their fellow countrymen? Perhaps. Nevertheless, the Confederate army won, time and time again, battles against numerically superior forces in the early stages of the war. The vast resources, industry, and manpower of the Union eventually wore down the resolve of the Confederate States, but in the beginning of the conflict it was a rallying cry (The Rebel Yell) and gallant leaders like Jackson who galvanized their resolve to fight their way to victory no matter what the cost.
......S.C.Gwynne has written a definitive biography of T.J.Jackson and gives the reader a thorough recounting of his life through numerous accounts of fellow soldiers, colleagues, family, and friends; it is also a chronological account of his military campaigns narrated from a distinctly Southern point of view. A hypochondriac by nature, an earnest man, and religious in the extreme. Jackson possessed an iron resolve and willpower that, while seemingly worthless to him in civilian life, would prove transformative with his battlefield successes and facilitate his meteoric promotion from Major to Lt. General within a short span of time. Jackson will always be remembered for his humility--always spurning the gifts, adulation, and other rewards that were heaped upon him as his fame and notoriety grew. He was at times magnanimous and others times petty, highly intelligent yet narrow minded in the extreme, insightful and yet closed minded. A fierce warrior on the battlefield, it is blatantly obvious that Americas most gifted tactician was a man of many contradictions. ....... ........The important role Thomas J. Jackson played in the history of the United States should never be underestimated or discounted. Had he not been accidentally shot at Chancellorsville in May of 1863, it is likely that his leadership would have caused the Confederate armies to prevail at Gettysburg. This, in turn, may have led to a string of several Confederate victories in Northern cities which might have forced Lincoln and the Union to sue for peace. Alas, it was not meant to be. Although the Confederate States of America continued their bold struggle for independence under Robert E Lee's capable leadership, Stonewall Jackson was irreplaceable and his loss had devastating effects on Southern prospects for victory in the conflict. After Gettysburg, it soon became apparent that the Confederates would never again recapture or replicate the victorious inertia they posessed in the beginning of the conflict. Thanks to S.C.Gwynne's 'Rebel Yell', I will forever be able to visualize Stonewall Jackson mounted on 'Little Sorrel', the light of battle shining in his fierce blue eyes, holding one gloved hand high as he gave thanks for Gods help in securing another Confederate victory--with bullets and artillery thudding all around him. I cannot recommend this book highly enough for any student of history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
my my
One of the most outstanding history/biography books I've ever read, and I've read alot of them. Gwynne always does an outstanding job humanizing his subjects, and in offering lots of highly original observations and insights. Plus his books are lots of fun to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie e
My husband is a Civil War expert and collects books whenever he can find something new. This was one he wanted, so I bought it for Christmas. He read it in just a couple of days and is really happy with the writing. Gwynne is a knowledgeable author. Great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A detailed and highly entertaining account of the life of Stonewall Jackson both before and during the Civil War. Extensively researched and documented, but in a way that will not detract from the reading experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike desmarais
Good read about trying times. Explaining down to minute details the southern life and times of a curious soul. Very nice touch in the display of pictures of many points of interest and even the opposition side.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fine work in every respect. Much scholarly research went into it, and the author's personal incites into Jackson's character are communicated in a fair and thorough manner so as to give a better understanding into the man's character and motivations. I highly recommend this book, and not only to Civil War buffs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenifer hanen
Incredibly well written historically factual book on the greatest strategic General our country has ever known that commanded the utmost respect and loyalty from all who served him and justifiably so. Patton is closest to being on par.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
destinee sutton
This is Gwynne's best-written book yet. His narrative style is stronger and his story more compelling, though I do not demean his earlier magnificent accomplishments. I read 100 pages a night, unable to put it down even to sleep.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
phillip brenneis
If you have any desire to learn about a magnificent general and with a humble background then look no further. I love civil war history and found this to be a nice review of the important events and figures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m kitabu
excellent book. I learned some things that I did not know about Thomas Jackson. I will read this book again. I liked how the author was precise and to the point with his chapters and did not drag them out which was great.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A glimpse into the complicated allegiances of a soldier. To dismiss him as a bigot is to miss the humanity of this remarkable and brave and selfless offficer. This book helps us understand the times and the context of Thomas Jackson, and doesn't let us take the cheap way out by judging him only by contemporary standards of righteousness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally epp
Probably the best book I have ever read about the great General Stonewall Jackson. I am amazed at the confidence and cunning he displayed. I wonder how things would have turned out if the war had been fought as he originally planned.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann marshall
I thoroughly enjoyed "Rebel Yell". Even tho I was familiar with most of the events in the book the detail and background info were most helpful in
understanding Gen. Jackson and the reasons for many of his actions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well written biography about a key player during the War of Aggression. All American's should understand our history and understand it from the perspective of the men and women who lived it...Gwynne is an excellent writer and historian. A must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A better understanding of the war, the concept of Confederacy as a nation from perspectives of south and Europe. I had some difficulty following military tactics and strategies, but that's my shortcoming...not the book's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle reid
Excellent Book. It discusses many of his campaigns, his intellect, his personality and drive. Bobbie Lee said at Gettysburg, "if only Stonewall were here...." After you read this book, you'll understand why he said that.
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